What is the key priority when it comes to children and God, and why are they so important and precious to Him? How should we go about raising our children according to God so as to give them true understanding and become wise and knowledgeable in God's ways? What are God's principles when it comes to children and how should we apply them? Jesus answers many of these questions in Mark 10 and shows us how precious children are to God.
As we examine Mark 10:13-15, we can see how precious our children are to Him though taking a close look at this passage. "Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it."
Let us take a little time and examine Ephesians 6:1-4 and see if we can find the key priority when it comes to children and God through this passage. "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth. And you fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord." Now, let us see what Proverbs 22:6 has to offer. "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
So, how do we raise our children and when do we start training them? We know that going to Church with our children and doing Bible study and spending quality time with them is our main priority and in turn is a great thing that is leading them to the Kingdom of Heaven. How do we get them to trust us and when do we start training them?
When it comes to training our children and gaining trust it all starts from the day they were born and the first time you held that precious little infant in your arms and close to your heart. When they felt the warmth of your body and saw the affection and kindness that came in abundance for them, they knew it was true love from the start. Then in turn they put their full trust in you with the knowledge that you would always be there and always be true.
When they take their first steps with those little wobbling legs not knowing what would happen, they began to experience their first faith knowing that you would be there. Every time they fell down you were there to give them the encouragement that they needed to get back up and continue on.
Now that they are walking big and strong, you'll find that they have problems distinguishing right from wrong. They come to you with all their problems even though small, they know they can count on you to lead them straight to God's law. They find His ways very attractive because now you are keeping God's laws all so active.
As they continue to keep vigorously seeking God's law, you get the privilege of watching them grow wise and tall. Because you took the time to put down what you were doing no matter if it was important if even at all, you knew it was up to you to teach them the law. You had the understanding that their foundation had to be strong so you worked on their character to help them along. Even though their problems were small, look what you accomplished through Gods law. Your children are now healthy and strong. Give thanks to God for helping you to lead them along.
Your children now have the understanding and were loved from the start, so you now know this world won't get hold of their heart. They will love God with full strength and all their heart and from God's word they will never depart. All that they learned from their youth down through they will keep it in their heart whenever it is due.
The moral of this article is, when it comes to children and God is that we are all Gods children and when it comes to raising our children we should stick to God's principles. As long as we stick to God's principles, we know that as true Christians you can't go wrong.
Through us teaching our children Gods ways, when bad influences come upon them it will automatically set off an alarm sending them a signal that something is not right. They will say in their heart, "This does not correspond to what my mother and father taught me according to God's ways." And because you were always there for them who are they going to trust, you or the bad influence?
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To find high-quality, Christian, home based business opportunities and ideas AND to spread the Word of God while working from home, check out our free educational tutorials at http://www.christianideas.net for Legitimate home based business.
How to spread God's word is a question that can be difficult sometimes if we don"t have the true understanding of how we as Christians should go about it. Keep in mind what Paul said, "I will not ...speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me." Paul didn't place glory in what Christ had done for him, but in what Christ was doing through him. Now did you get the understanding of that?
Matthew 17:2-3 tells the story of the day that Jesus took his disciples to the top of the mountain where he was transfigured before them: "His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him." Peter was so caught up in this spectacular event that he wanted them all to stay there. In verse 4 of the same chapter he says "Lord it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."
As you read further into the chapter, you can see that Jesus thought it more important to continue ministering and spreading His Word. Verse 14 begins the story of the demon possessed boy who suffered severe seizures that Jesus healed. The message we can take from this story is that there are definitely rewarding experiences when following Jesus' teachings but you'll never reap those rewards if you don't put the work in and focus on the goal at hand, which is spreading the Word of God to everyone.
Now we all know, as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ that it is a great thing to have such a spectacular experience with our God and Father; but we also know that as followers of our Lord we can't stay there. We have a lot of work to do if we are going to follow in his footsteps, and we as Christians have been called to do it.
Now that we know our Lord works through us, we have become God's vessels by means of Paul's statement and it's time for us to open up our hearts and start spreading the word to others as those who approach us with God's word. Now that our lives were saved through Jesus Christ through the use of God's vessels we have become God's vessels. Now that we are God's vessels, is it not our duty to spread the word as those who approach us?
Take notice how Jesus' disciples followed him throughout his ministry and they all had a different point of view yet at the same time leading to God's message. Their story varied a little bit, but when you read all their stories, you'll discover that one story will help you to better understand the other. It is the same as when your reading passages in the Bible, one passage will help you to understand the other.
You see brothers and sisters, we are all unique individuals and we all have our own way of relating God's message. Since we are all unique in our own way, we are given a different point of view on scriptures. Now, because of our uniqueness, one individual will find passages that will lead to the understanding of another passage where another individual may be having a difficult time with that passage and that is where you come in.
The point I am trying to get across is this, we all have a knowledge of certain scriptures that can help others and at the same time others have knowledge of scriptures that can help us. Why is it like that? You will find that a lot of us have our special books in the Bible that we keep going back to over and over again and after a wile you start to specialize in that book. Because now you start focusing whenever you hear someone giving their point of view of scriptures that relate to that book, then in turn , you go back and check it out, therefore giving you a better understanding. Therefore, by us all working together this will lead us to the true understanding of Gods knowledge and help us to grow stronger in God's word and at the same time we are showing others how to spread God's word.
Now that we are doing our part in spreading the word and giving people a better understanding of Gods knowledge, we are helping them to grow stronger. This is because they can now see all the great and true benefits as a result of following our Lord Jesus Christ. As they keep growing stronger in God's knowledge by Christ working through us (God's vessels) it won't be long before they to will start spreading God's word (and this would be a good thing in God's eyes.)
Now let us look at this to get the full understanding of what we are accomplishing by taking our part in spreading the word.
1. By us doing our part in spreading the word and opening up our hearts and allowing Jesus Christ our lord and Savoir to work through us, there are a lot of lives being saved just as we have been saved.
2. Through us spreading out our knowledge that we specialize in, you never know who will come across it and cause them to do a farther investigation and at the same time the Holy Spirit is pressing down on them.
3. Doing what we are supposed to be doing through passing along what we have learned so that others may also have this golden opportunity.
4. By us doing our part in spreading the word, we are not only doing our part, we are also showing others how to spread Gods word. Now stop and think for a moment and give this some serious thought. By us doing our part through showing others how to spread Gods word, if you use your imagination you will see how far this will branch out and it started from you.
What is imagination? Ability to visualize: the ability to form images and ideas in the mind, especially of things never seen or experienced directly. Does that sound familiar to you?
If it is in your heart to spread the word and you don't know how to spread God's word and want to reach out to many, than give the internet some serious thought by using it as your vehicle. Blogging ,writing articles, start an email newsletter, build a Christian website, these are all good ways to get the word out. And the best part about using these tools is that you can find them on the internet for free to low cost.
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To find high-quality Christian home based business opportunities and ideas. To spread the Word of God and work at home, check out our free educational tutorials at http://www.christianideas.net for Legitimate home based business.
Matthew 17:2-3 tells the story of the day that Jesus took his disciples to the top of the mountain where he was transfigured before them: "His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him." Peter was so caught up in this spectacular event that he wanted them all to stay there. In verse 4 of the same chapter he says "Lord it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."
As you read further into the chapter, you can see that Jesus thought it more important to continue ministering and spreading His Word. Verse 14 begins the story of the demon possessed boy who suffered severe seizures that Jesus healed. The message we can take from this story is that there are definitely rewarding experiences when following Jesus' teachings but you'll never reap those rewards if you don't put the work in and focus on the goal at hand, which is spreading the Word of God to everyone.
Now we all know, as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ that it is a great thing to have such a spectacular experience with our God and Father; but we also know that as followers of our Lord we can't stay there. We have a lot of work to do if we are going to follow in his footsteps, and we as Christians have been called to do it.
Now that we know our Lord works through us, we have become God's vessels by means of Paul's statement and it's time for us to open up our hearts and start spreading the word to others as those who approach us with God's word. Now that our lives were saved through Jesus Christ through the use of God's vessels we have become God's vessels. Now that we are God's vessels, is it not our duty to spread the word as those who approach us?
Take notice how Jesus' disciples followed him throughout his ministry and they all had a different point of view yet at the same time leading to God's message. Their story varied a little bit, but when you read all their stories, you'll discover that one story will help you to better understand the other. It is the same as when your reading passages in the Bible, one passage will help you to understand the other.
You see brothers and sisters, we are all unique individuals and we all have our own way of relating God's message. Since we are all unique in our own way, we are given a different point of view on scriptures. Now, because of our uniqueness, one individual will find passages that will lead to the understanding of another passage where another individual may be having a difficult time with that passage and that is where you come in.
The point I am trying to get across is this, we all have a knowledge of certain scriptures that can help others and at the same time others have knowledge of scriptures that can help us. Why is it like that? You will find that a lot of us have our special books in the Bible that we keep going back to over and over again and after a wile you start to specialize in that book. Because now you start focusing whenever you hear someone giving their point of view of scriptures that relate to that book, then in turn , you go back and check it out, therefore giving you a better understanding. Therefore, by us all working together this will lead us to the true understanding of Gods knowledge and help us to grow stronger in God's word and at the same time we are showing others how to spread God's word.
Now that we are doing our part in spreading the word and giving people a better understanding of Gods knowledge, we are helping them to grow stronger. This is because they can now see all the great and true benefits as a result of following our Lord Jesus Christ. As they keep growing stronger in God's knowledge by Christ working through us (God's vessels) it won't be long before they to will start spreading God's word (and this would be a good thing in God's eyes.)
Now let us look at this to get the full understanding of what we are accomplishing by taking our part in spreading the word.
1. By us doing our part in spreading the word and opening up our hearts and allowing Jesus Christ our lord and Savoir to work through us, there are a lot of lives being saved just as we have been saved.
2. Through us spreading out our knowledge that we specialize in, you never know who will come across it and cause them to do a farther investigation and at the same time the Holy Spirit is pressing down on them.
3. Doing what we are supposed to be doing through passing along what we have learned so that others may also have this golden opportunity.
4. By us doing our part in spreading the word, we are not only doing our part, we are also showing others how to spread Gods word. Now stop and think for a moment and give this some serious thought. By us doing our part through showing others how to spread Gods word, if you use your imagination you will see how far this will branch out and it started from you.
What is imagination? Ability to visualize: the ability to form images and ideas in the mind, especially of things never seen or experienced directly. Does that sound familiar to you?
If it is in your heart to spread the word and you don't know how to spread God's word and want to reach out to many, than give the internet some serious thought by using it as your vehicle. Blogging ,writing articles, start an email newsletter, build a Christian website, these are all good ways to get the word out. And the best part about using these tools is that you can find them on the internet for free to low cost.
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To find high-quality Christian home based business opportunities and ideas. To spread the Word of God and work at home, check out our free educational tutorials at http://www.christianideas.net for Legitimate home based business.
Somewhere along the line I picked up the belief that the world revolves around me and my happiness. The world does not revolve around me. It is about time, hey!? I seem to have a tendency to make my decisions and plans both consciously and subconsciously (when it comes right down to it) based on what seems most convenient and comfortable, not simply in obedience to God.
Most of you probably wouldn't advertise that you hold fast to the opinion that the world revolves around you, but what is in your heart? Isn't it true that we really like to believe God or obey Him when His instructions seem to fit into our ideals of comfort and happiness and health? And isn't it true that when what God tells us to do doesn't match up to out ideals that we often try to ignore Him or rationalize Him away?
Read Matthew 22:37-40, and John 14:15
When I am living like this, patterns of failure in those areas of my life keep repeating themselves over and over and I am not happy or fulfilled until I finally concede to obey Him and break the pattern of failure. I seem to forget this, though, every time He instructs me in something else. Every time I've obeyed, He has been faithful and I've had peace. We cannot succeed without Him and in obedience to Him we cannot fail. In human terms, the worst thing God could have for us or require of us is better than the best thing we could plan for ourselves in self interest. He knows the big picture and is in control. Why do we elevate ourselves to that status?
1) Who does my world revolve around today? Only God knows the heart, but my words and actions will give a good indication, and my conscience will tell me if I want to know.
-Are you at peace with you and God?
- Do you trust God? Enough to obey Him in that one thing that you know He has been talking to you about?
2) In that light, it is my prayer for all of us today that God would allow us by His strength to know what it is that He is speaking to us about and to obey Him in whatever it is, so that we would not prolong failure and dissatisfaction, but begin to experience peace and fulfillment in those things.
3) He is trustworthy because He is faithful and more than able. He is Life and He calls us to himself so we can experience life in abundance.
Like the song says, "Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey."
So if you are in Him, quit kidding yourself, just obey Him and save yourself some agony.
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Charlie Fordham is the Founder and Director of Capernwray Bible School in Thetis Island, BC, Canada. Charlie has lectured and led the one-year bible study program at Capernwray since 1979. As Director of Torchbearers Capernwray Canada, Charlie Fordham provides pastoral leadership, training people for full time Christian service through teaching and preaching locally and abroad.
Article Source : http://www.article-content-king.com
Most of you probably wouldn't advertise that you hold fast to the opinion that the world revolves around you, but what is in your heart? Isn't it true that we really like to believe God or obey Him when His instructions seem to fit into our ideals of comfort and happiness and health? And isn't it true that when what God tells us to do doesn't match up to out ideals that we often try to ignore Him or rationalize Him away?
Read Matthew 22:37-40, and John 14:15
When I am living like this, patterns of failure in those areas of my life keep repeating themselves over and over and I am not happy or fulfilled until I finally concede to obey Him and break the pattern of failure. I seem to forget this, though, every time He instructs me in something else. Every time I've obeyed, He has been faithful and I've had peace. We cannot succeed without Him and in obedience to Him we cannot fail. In human terms, the worst thing God could have for us or require of us is better than the best thing we could plan for ourselves in self interest. He knows the big picture and is in control. Why do we elevate ourselves to that status?
1) Who does my world revolve around today? Only God knows the heart, but my words and actions will give a good indication, and my conscience will tell me if I want to know.
-Are you at peace with you and God?
- Do you trust God? Enough to obey Him in that one thing that you know He has been talking to you about?
2) In that light, it is my prayer for all of us today that God would allow us by His strength to know what it is that He is speaking to us about and to obey Him in whatever it is, so that we would not prolong failure and dissatisfaction, but begin to experience peace and fulfillment in those things.
3) He is trustworthy because He is faithful and more than able. He is Life and He calls us to himself so we can experience life in abundance.
Like the song says, "Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey."
So if you are in Him, quit kidding yourself, just obey Him and save yourself some agony.
See All articles From Author
Charlie Fordham is the Founder and Director of Capernwray Bible School in Thetis Island, BC, Canada. Charlie has lectured and led the one-year bible study program at Capernwray since 1979. As Director of Torchbearers Capernwray Canada, Charlie Fordham provides pastoral leadership, training people for full time Christian service through teaching and preaching locally and abroad.
Article Source : http://www.article-content-king.com
What is our journey of faith and how do we get the true understanding of how faith works in our lives? How do we structure and build upon faith as we take our journey through life to where we become strong to the point of maturity?
Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. It coveys the idea of something that underlies visible conditions and guarantees a future possession. Faith is, therefore, the basis for hope and the evidence for conviction concerning unseen realities. The entire body of truths delivered by Jesus Christ and his inspired disciples constitutes the true Christian "faith."
As we go through our journey of faith to get true understanding, let us examine the farmer's faith. The farmer prepares his soil and sows his seed, excepting, as in previous years, that the seed will sprout and that the plants will grow as they receive the needed moisture and sunshine. Likewise, the scientist has faith in the principles of his branch of science. He bases new experiments on past discoveries and looks for new discoveries on the basis of those things already established as true. Therefore, faith in the stability of the natural laws governing the universe actually constitutes a foundation for man's plans and activities.
In many ways, "faith follows the thing heard." Rom 10:17 says, ( So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.) John 4:39,41, says ( And many of the Samaritans had come to Him because of the word of the woman who testified, "He told me all that I ever did." 41, And many more believed because of His word.)
Let us examine Abraham's faith. When told to offer up Isaac, Abraham had strong faith that God would resurrect his son. He based such faith on God's promise that it was by means of Isaac that "what will be called "your seed' will be." Gen. 21:12; says (But God said to Abraham, "Do not let it be displeasing in your sight because of the lad or because of your bondwoman. Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called.)
Jesus, on occasions, said to those who were healed, "Your faith has made you well." Had those persons not exercised faith in Jesus, they would not have received healing for themselves. Likewise, the great faith of the army officer who entreated Jesus in behalf of his manservant rested on evidence, on the basis of which he concluded that Jesus' merely "saying the word' would result in the healing of his manservant.
Therefore, evidence for genuine conviction was also involved in the case of those who came to or who were brought to Jesus to be healed. Even if not eyewitnesses personally, they at least had heard about Jesus' powerful works. Then, on the basis of what they saw or heard, they concluded that Jesus could heal them also. Moreover, they were acquainted with God's Word and thus were familiar with the miracles performed by the prophets in times past.
However, we note that Jesus healed all who came to him, not requiring faith greater or less according to their disease, nor failing to heal any of these with the excuse that he could not do it because their faith was not strong enough, as so-called "faith healers" have done. Jesus performed these healings as a witness to establish faith. In his home territory, where much unfaithfulness was expressed, he chose not to perform many powerful works, not because of inability, but because the people refused to listen and were unworthy. Matt. 13:58 says, (Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.)
Christian Faith: As we continue in our journey of faith we discover that faith is not the possession of all people, as it is a fruitage of God's spirit. 2 Thess 3:2 says,( and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith.) Gal 5:22 says ( But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.) Those lacking faith are rejected by God. Heb 11:6 says, (But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.)
For faith to be acceptable to God, it is necessary to accept Jesus Christ, and this makes possible a righteous standing with God. Gal 2:16 says, ( Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.)
A Christian's faith is not static, but grows strong. 2 Thess 1:3 says, ( We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other.) Hence, the request of Jesus' disciples, in Luke 17:5 "Give us more faith." was very appropriate, and he did provide them the foundation for increased faith. He supplied them with greater evidence and understanding on which to base their faith.
The entire life course of a Christian is actually governed by faith, enabling them to overcome mountain like obstacles in their journey of faith that would hinder their services to God. 2 Cor 5:7 says, (For "we walk by faith, not by sight. Matt 21:21-22 says, So Jesus answered and said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, "Be removed and be cast into the sea, "It will be done. "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." )
We now, have the true understanding of faith through God's Words, and how it works, and how it will work in our lives. In ever thing we do, let us exercise our faith as to grow and become strong. James 2:26 says, ( For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.) As we walk through our journey of faith, let us apply the works needed to mature, and let us conquer all life's obstacles through prayer so that we may acquire God's guidance.
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To find high-quality, Christian, home based business opportunities and ideas AND to spread the Word of God while working from home, check out our free educational tutorials at http://www.christianideas.net for Legitimate home based business. Faith, Interrupted: A Spiritual Journey Hymns of Peace for the Journey of Faith Sterling Silver "A Journey Of Faith Is A Journey Of Love" Mobius Circle with Cross Pendant, 18"
Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. It coveys the idea of something that underlies visible conditions and guarantees a future possession. Faith is, therefore, the basis for hope and the evidence for conviction concerning unseen realities. The entire body of truths delivered by Jesus Christ and his inspired disciples constitutes the true Christian "faith."
As we go through our journey of faith to get true understanding, let us examine the farmer's faith. The farmer prepares his soil and sows his seed, excepting, as in previous years, that the seed will sprout and that the plants will grow as they receive the needed moisture and sunshine. Likewise, the scientist has faith in the principles of his branch of science. He bases new experiments on past discoveries and looks for new discoveries on the basis of those things already established as true. Therefore, faith in the stability of the natural laws governing the universe actually constitutes a foundation for man's plans and activities.
In many ways, "faith follows the thing heard." Rom 10:17 says, ( So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.) John 4:39,41, says ( And many of the Samaritans had come to Him because of the word of the woman who testified, "He told me all that I ever did." 41, And many more believed because of His word.)
Let us examine Abraham's faith. When told to offer up Isaac, Abraham had strong faith that God would resurrect his son. He based such faith on God's promise that it was by means of Isaac that "what will be called "your seed' will be." Gen. 21:12; says (But God said to Abraham, "Do not let it be displeasing in your sight because of the lad or because of your bondwoman. Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called.)
Jesus, on occasions, said to those who were healed, "Your faith has made you well." Had those persons not exercised faith in Jesus, they would not have received healing for themselves. Likewise, the great faith of the army officer who entreated Jesus in behalf of his manservant rested on evidence, on the basis of which he concluded that Jesus' merely "saying the word' would result in the healing of his manservant.
Therefore, evidence for genuine conviction was also involved in the case of those who came to or who were brought to Jesus to be healed. Even if not eyewitnesses personally, they at least had heard about Jesus' powerful works. Then, on the basis of what they saw or heard, they concluded that Jesus could heal them also. Moreover, they were acquainted with God's Word and thus were familiar with the miracles performed by the prophets in times past.
However, we note that Jesus healed all who came to him, not requiring faith greater or less according to their disease, nor failing to heal any of these with the excuse that he could not do it because their faith was not strong enough, as so-called "faith healers" have done. Jesus performed these healings as a witness to establish faith. In his home territory, where much unfaithfulness was expressed, he chose not to perform many powerful works, not because of inability, but because the people refused to listen and were unworthy. Matt. 13:58 says, (Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.)
Christian Faith: As we continue in our journey of faith we discover that faith is not the possession of all people, as it is a fruitage of God's spirit. 2 Thess 3:2 says,( and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith.) Gal 5:22 says ( But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.) Those lacking faith are rejected by God. Heb 11:6 says, (But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.)
For faith to be acceptable to God, it is necessary to accept Jesus Christ, and this makes possible a righteous standing with God. Gal 2:16 says, ( Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.)
A Christian's faith is not static, but grows strong. 2 Thess 1:3 says, ( We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other.) Hence, the request of Jesus' disciples, in Luke 17:5 "Give us more faith." was very appropriate, and he did provide them the foundation for increased faith. He supplied them with greater evidence and understanding on which to base their faith.
The entire life course of a Christian is actually governed by faith, enabling them to overcome mountain like obstacles in their journey of faith that would hinder their services to God. 2 Cor 5:7 says, (For "we walk by faith, not by sight. Matt 21:21-22 says, So Jesus answered and said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, "Be removed and be cast into the sea, "It will be done. "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." )
We now, have the true understanding of faith through God's Words, and how it works, and how it will work in our lives. In ever thing we do, let us exercise our faith as to grow and become strong. James 2:26 says, ( For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.) As we walk through our journey of faith, let us apply the works needed to mature, and let us conquer all life's obstacles through prayer so that we may acquire God's guidance.
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To find high-quality, Christian, home based business opportunities and ideas AND to spread the Word of God while working from home, check out our free educational tutorials at http://www.christianideas.net for Legitimate home based business. Faith, Interrupted: A Spiritual Journey Hymns of Peace for the Journey of Faith Sterling Silver "A Journey Of Faith Is A Journey Of Love" Mobius Circle with Cross Pendant, 18"
Bible School and Academics
Bible school curricula will cover about 75 percent or more of the books of the bible. At many schools, emphasis is more on personal discovery, becoming a good disciple, and creating a personal relationship with the Lord, instead of academic achievement. If Christ is working in your heart, how can that be graded?
Students in Bible School discover so much in class that, pretty soon, they realize: how can they remember it all? Journal assignments help students to work through what they are learning, reflect on it, and provide a valuable reminder of what they have learned.
Journals are basically two to four page summaries of the most important principles taught in any Bible School class. Once completed, the journals are reviewed by staff members...but since God stresses relationships over religious achievement, these journals are not graded. The student gains valuable encouragement in growing their relationship with Christ. Emphasis is on personal discipleship and the practical application of this growth.
Study Projects
Anyone can sit in a class and listen to a wise or learned teacher...now what about teaching others! Study projects allow Bible School students to do that. Each student in the Study project will receive training personally from a senior student or staff member in how to study the Bible in a proper way. That means finding out how to hear God's instructions in His words...and then how to teach others. Once completed, the project is presented in a Bible Study group, hosted by a staff member, and reviewed by about a dozen classmates. The humility of the student is most important for God's revelation through the student...you just need to be humble enough to listen to Him. Again, in these assignments, academic abilities are secondary!
Bible School Seminars
Seminar discussions are a great way for students to process the truth about Christ. A staff member will host the seminar group, and a senior student and a dozen others will attend. The discussion is based on a Gospel, and each person is allowed to ask questions that come up out of the text. In this workshop, we seek a deeper understanding of the Lord Jesus so that each student can grow in their own personal relationship with Him. Mere knowledge is not the primary goal here.
Field Trips
Bible school creates many memories, and none are stronger than a first hand experience and a travel excursion related to the school curriculum. Once example is attendance at Missions Festivals. Missions Festivals such as MissionsFest draw hundreds of mission organizations from around the world, as well as tens and tens of thousands of participants who congregate at the conference for a full weekend. Bible School students often serve behind the scenes at such conferences, and they also take the time to talk to the missionaries and learn better how they can become involved in missions.
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Capernwray Harbour leads bible study programs on Thetis Island, in British Columbia, Canada. Capernwray trains people for full time Christian service through teaching and preaching, locally and abroad, 'regardless of occupation'.
Article Source : http://www.article-content-king.com Amazing Poster Bible. Christian Bible Study Guide in a Christian Artwork Display. Manual de exploracion para el estudiante #2: Bible School Materials-Student #2 (Spanish Edition)
Bible school curricula will cover about 75 percent or more of the books of the bible. At many schools, emphasis is more on personal discovery, becoming a good disciple, and creating a personal relationship with the Lord, instead of academic achievement. If Christ is working in your heart, how can that be graded?
Students in Bible School discover so much in class that, pretty soon, they realize: how can they remember it all? Journal assignments help students to work through what they are learning, reflect on it, and provide a valuable reminder of what they have learned.
Journals are basically two to four page summaries of the most important principles taught in any Bible School class. Once completed, the journals are reviewed by staff members...but since God stresses relationships over religious achievement, these journals are not graded. The student gains valuable encouragement in growing their relationship with Christ. Emphasis is on personal discipleship and the practical application of this growth.
Study Projects
Anyone can sit in a class and listen to a wise or learned teacher...now what about teaching others! Study projects allow Bible School students to do that. Each student in the Study project will receive training personally from a senior student or staff member in how to study the Bible in a proper way. That means finding out how to hear God's instructions in His words...and then how to teach others. Once completed, the project is presented in a Bible Study group, hosted by a staff member, and reviewed by about a dozen classmates. The humility of the student is most important for God's revelation through the student...you just need to be humble enough to listen to Him. Again, in these assignments, academic abilities are secondary!
Bible School Seminars
Seminar discussions are a great way for students to process the truth about Christ. A staff member will host the seminar group, and a senior student and a dozen others will attend. The discussion is based on a Gospel, and each person is allowed to ask questions that come up out of the text. In this workshop, we seek a deeper understanding of the Lord Jesus so that each student can grow in their own personal relationship with Him. Mere knowledge is not the primary goal here.
Field Trips
Bible school creates many memories, and none are stronger than a first hand experience and a travel excursion related to the school curriculum. Once example is attendance at Missions Festivals. Missions Festivals such as MissionsFest draw hundreds of mission organizations from around the world, as well as tens and tens of thousands of participants who congregate at the conference for a full weekend. Bible School students often serve behind the scenes at such conferences, and they also take the time to talk to the missionaries and learn better how they can become involved in missions.
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Capernwray Harbour leads bible study programs on Thetis Island, in British Columbia, Canada. Capernwray trains people for full time Christian service through teaching and preaching, locally and abroad, 'regardless of occupation'.
Article Source : http://www.article-content-king.com Amazing Poster Bible. Christian Bible Study Guide in a Christian Artwork Display. Manual de exploracion para el estudiante #2: Bible School Materials-Student #2 (Spanish Edition)
The human has been created in the just centre of the values in the Universe. He is one of the most honourable of the creatures. He is a precious and respected creature. If we can understand the human in a correct way, it becomes possible to understand a lot of things in a correct way.
There are five existence dimensions of the human.
Substance Dimension: The human in this dimension isn't different from a wood, stone or soil
The first of these is his "substance" dimension. The human is not a ware consisting of the meat, bone and blood pochette as supposed by some materialists. The part consisting of the meat, bone and blood of the human is his matter. He is not different from other substances when he is evaluated within the scope of this dimension. He can be measured, weighed, and analyzed physically and chemically such as all the other matters. The human is similar to wood, stone or soil, in this dimension. (Please remember our corpse being entombed)
Physiological Dimension: The whole liveliness events begin in this dimension
The liveliness of the human begins with the physiological dimension. Namely the second dimension of the human is "the physiological events" dimension. This dimension is a dinamic structure as been in all living creatures. There are the energy producing mechanisms on the one hand, and there are the biosentesis mechanisms using this produced energy on the other hand. The transfer of energy is provided by means of the coenzyme ATP (Adenosin tri phosphate) between these two systems. The thousands of various chemicals such as enzymes, coenzymes, chemical group transferors, electron transporters etc. take part in this physiological system. In addition, there is an electrical and hormonal mechamism which controls this physiological structure forward and backward. The human in this dimension is similar to the plants except the nervous system. (Remember the status of a person in coma.)
Psychological Dimension: This dimension is a dimension that it is established the reciprocal relationship with ecosystem
The third of the existence dimensions of the human is "the psychological events" dimension. This is a dimension that the psychic events begin in the human body. All the psychical phenomena such as attention, perception, memory, association, consciousness, intelligence, sense and excitements, passions take place in this dimension. The human in this dimension is a creature who possesses consciousness. He is aware of his environment. He is in a reciprocal relationship with his periphery. He perceives the effects coming through the sense organs. He processes and interprets these knowledges being obtained. He constitutes concepts from them. He saves and uses them in case of need. The human in this dimension is similar to the animals in many respects. (Remember the case of a man devoid of reason)
Reason Dimension: This dimension is a dimension that the human gains personality
The human is separated from the other animals by the "reason" dimension. This is the fourth dimension of the human. "Reason" is a thinking and deciding mechanism. Only human has reason, animals have not. It is used to form more complicated decisions and judgements from simple premises. Thus, the human doesn't confine himself only to perceive and identify his periphery, but at the same time, he does some analysis, synthesis and commentaries owing to his mind, which these are used for estimating the things to be in future. And he decides and judges based on these. These are the specialities belonging only to the human, not present at the other animals.
An important changing is observed at both inside and outside of the human existence, after the "reason" becomes a part of the activity, at the fourth dimension. The appearance of this new constitution is named as "ego" when it is observed from the inside, and is named as "personality" when it is observed from the outside.
This is a phenomenon that is similar to becoming a "state" of an ethnic people. An ethnic group has got some decision-maker mechanisms after becoming "the state". These organizations take some decisions, establish some rules, legislate some laws in their opinion. And they meet with the positive and negative reactions of the other states by reason of these decisions taken by them. Like this, a human becoming a seperate personality by oneself also lives the same things because of the decisions taken by him. He is a creature that produces ideas, puts forward proposals, and possesses some demands, now. Namely, he possesses volition, opinion and vote; shortly he possesses a "personality". (Remember a man who analyses, synthesises, plans, manages, puts forward some opinions.)
But, at the human who hasn't yet passed through a divine education in this dimension, the commentaries, decisions and judgments occur always under the control of ego, and in the direction of ego's demands, desires and greeds. Because, the human in this dimension is a man that he couldn't know his ego, he couldn't go beyond his ego, he couldn't evade from his ego and egoism yet. He is an egocentric person yet. The "good" and "bad" concepts are also taken shape according to the ego's desires in this dimension. In other saying, everything being suitable for his private benefit is "good", but everything being adverse to his private benefit is "bad". For this reason, the human in this dimension can never be rid of having a double standard.
Moral Dimension: This dimension is a dimension that the human becomes a perfect human with the divine education
Ego is the most important cause of every evil and trouble which has befallen. Furthermore, it is exceedingly power. The human can be rid of the hegemony of his ego only by help of the Creator, by passing through a divine education. The beginning of this divine education is "the faith". The fifth dimension of the human starts with "the faith". The essential dimension of the human is the fifth dimension that makes the human "a true human" in real meaning of the word. The fifth dimension is the "moral" dimension.
By this divine education, the egoistical humanistic personality obtained at the "reason" dimension disappears, and a new heavenly personality, which decides and judges in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator, takes it's place. The man in this new personality always holds the consent of God in front of everything and makes every thing for the sake of God. With this new divine personality, the human is also borne away the peaks of the spiritual maturenesses, which has been vouchsafed to no other living creature at this wold. At this dimension, the "scale" using by the mind also changes. "The divine consent" or "the God's sake" scale takes the place of the "individual benefit" scale. In this way, the human possesses a good, altruistic and selfless moral character being directed by the Creator, in place of a bad and egoistic moral character being directed by ego. (Remember a mature, gracious, well-mannered human, having a good morale.)
Every thing changes in the life of the human in consequence of passing to the fifth "moral" dimension. The human becomes fine, graceful, decent, truthful, serious, mellow, ripe, tolerant, uncomplaining, helpful, merciful, righteous, gracious, generous, resigned, not hurry and confusion in his works, in such a way that wholly distinct from the previous dimension. Briefly he becomes "a true human". This is a situation that appears on the human in consequence of getting moral values which belonging to God and His prophets, by passing through the divine education. Such a human rising to the fifth dimension is a precious and respected creature, now. The human in this status is the khalif of His God on the world.
The human rises to the fifth dimension only with "faith"
My Dear Brother,
Of course, to be reached the high character and morality at the fifth dimension by a human is not so much easy. This is a long way, with seesaws. To be slowly or quickly of the travelling is not important here. A man reachs to the destination early or late when he has gone into this way. The most important matter here is to consent to be educated by his God at first, by abandoning hıs arrogance and keeping his modesty.
Of course, for this, primarily it is needed to believe to the almighty Creator and to recognize the existence of Him. Most of the humans say: "We believe in God". But the majority is not sincere herein. Whereas there are so much reasons for believing a God who created all the universe and manages it as He wishes...
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Article Source : http://www.article-content-king.com
There are five existence dimensions of the human.
Substance Dimension: The human in this dimension isn't different from a wood, stone or soil
The first of these is his "substance" dimension. The human is not a ware consisting of the meat, bone and blood pochette as supposed by some materialists. The part consisting of the meat, bone and blood of the human is his matter. He is not different from other substances when he is evaluated within the scope of this dimension. He can be measured, weighed, and analyzed physically and chemically such as all the other matters. The human is similar to wood, stone or soil, in this dimension. (Please remember our corpse being entombed)
Physiological Dimension: The whole liveliness events begin in this dimension
The liveliness of the human begins with the physiological dimension. Namely the second dimension of the human is "the physiological events" dimension. This dimension is a dinamic structure as been in all living creatures. There are the energy producing mechanisms on the one hand, and there are the biosentesis mechanisms using this produced energy on the other hand. The transfer of energy is provided by means of the coenzyme ATP (Adenosin tri phosphate) between these two systems. The thousands of various chemicals such as enzymes, coenzymes, chemical group transferors, electron transporters etc. take part in this physiological system. In addition, there is an electrical and hormonal mechamism which controls this physiological structure forward and backward. The human in this dimension is similar to the plants except the nervous system. (Remember the status of a person in coma.)
Psychological Dimension: This dimension is a dimension that it is established the reciprocal relationship with ecosystem
The third of the existence dimensions of the human is "the psychological events" dimension. This is a dimension that the psychic events begin in the human body. All the psychical phenomena such as attention, perception, memory, association, consciousness, intelligence, sense and excitements, passions take place in this dimension. The human in this dimension is a creature who possesses consciousness. He is aware of his environment. He is in a reciprocal relationship with his periphery. He perceives the effects coming through the sense organs. He processes and interprets these knowledges being obtained. He constitutes concepts from them. He saves and uses them in case of need. The human in this dimension is similar to the animals in many respects. (Remember the case of a man devoid of reason)
Reason Dimension: This dimension is a dimension that the human gains personality
The human is separated from the other animals by the "reason" dimension. This is the fourth dimension of the human. "Reason" is a thinking and deciding mechanism. Only human has reason, animals have not. It is used to form more complicated decisions and judgements from simple premises. Thus, the human doesn't confine himself only to perceive and identify his periphery, but at the same time, he does some analysis, synthesis and commentaries owing to his mind, which these are used for estimating the things to be in future. And he decides and judges based on these. These are the specialities belonging only to the human, not present at the other animals.
An important changing is observed at both inside and outside of the human existence, after the "reason" becomes a part of the activity, at the fourth dimension. The appearance of this new constitution is named as "ego" when it is observed from the inside, and is named as "personality" when it is observed from the outside.
This is a phenomenon that is similar to becoming a "state" of an ethnic people. An ethnic group has got some decision-maker mechanisms after becoming "the state". These organizations take some decisions, establish some rules, legislate some laws in their opinion. And they meet with the positive and negative reactions of the other states by reason of these decisions taken by them. Like this, a human becoming a seperate personality by oneself also lives the same things because of the decisions taken by him. He is a creature that produces ideas, puts forward proposals, and possesses some demands, now. Namely, he possesses volition, opinion and vote; shortly he possesses a "personality". (Remember a man who analyses, synthesises, plans, manages, puts forward some opinions.)
But, at the human who hasn't yet passed through a divine education in this dimension, the commentaries, decisions and judgments occur always under the control of ego, and in the direction of ego's demands, desires and greeds. Because, the human in this dimension is a man that he couldn't know his ego, he couldn't go beyond his ego, he couldn't evade from his ego and egoism yet. He is an egocentric person yet. The "good" and "bad" concepts are also taken shape according to the ego's desires in this dimension. In other saying, everything being suitable for his private benefit is "good", but everything being adverse to his private benefit is "bad". For this reason, the human in this dimension can never be rid of having a double standard.
Moral Dimension: This dimension is a dimension that the human becomes a perfect human with the divine education
Ego is the most important cause of every evil and trouble which has befallen. Furthermore, it is exceedingly power. The human can be rid of the hegemony of his ego only by help of the Creator, by passing through a divine education. The beginning of this divine education is "the faith". The fifth dimension of the human starts with "the faith". The essential dimension of the human is the fifth dimension that makes the human "a true human" in real meaning of the word. The fifth dimension is the "moral" dimension.
By this divine education, the egoistical humanistic personality obtained at the "reason" dimension disappears, and a new heavenly personality, which decides and judges in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator, takes it's place. The man in this new personality always holds the consent of God in front of everything and makes every thing for the sake of God. With this new divine personality, the human is also borne away the peaks of the spiritual maturenesses, which has been vouchsafed to no other living creature at this wold. At this dimension, the "scale" using by the mind also changes. "The divine consent" or "the God's sake" scale takes the place of the "individual benefit" scale. In this way, the human possesses a good, altruistic and selfless moral character being directed by the Creator, in place of a bad and egoistic moral character being directed by ego. (Remember a mature, gracious, well-mannered human, having a good morale.)
Every thing changes in the life of the human in consequence of passing to the fifth "moral" dimension. The human becomes fine, graceful, decent, truthful, serious, mellow, ripe, tolerant, uncomplaining, helpful, merciful, righteous, gracious, generous, resigned, not hurry and confusion in his works, in such a way that wholly distinct from the previous dimension. Briefly he becomes "a true human". This is a situation that appears on the human in consequence of getting moral values which belonging to God and His prophets, by passing through the divine education. Such a human rising to the fifth dimension is a precious and respected creature, now. The human in this status is the khalif of His God on the world.
The human rises to the fifth dimension only with "faith"
My Dear Brother,
Of course, to be reached the high character and morality at the fifth dimension by a human is not so much easy. This is a long way, with seesaws. To be slowly or quickly of the travelling is not important here. A man reachs to the destination early or late when he has gone into this way. The most important matter here is to consent to be educated by his God at first, by abandoning hıs arrogance and keeping his modesty.
Of course, for this, primarily it is needed to believe to the almighty Creator and to recognize the existence of Him. Most of the humans say: "We believe in God". But the majority is not sincere herein. Whereas there are so much reasons for believing a God who created all the universe and manages it as He wishes...
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Article Source : http://www.article-content-king.com
OGUN: The name Ogun originated from one ethnic tribe in West Africa. Ogun is the god of iron and also one of the deities that people worshipped. However, they acknowledge the existence of the Almighty GOD, but they believed that the easiest way to reach GOD is through the lesser deities like Ogun, which act as an intermediary between man and GOD. Priest: The Priest of Ogun is also known as native doctor. He is the intermediary between individual and the gods. The Priest has a shrine where he consult the gods for himself, the people that come to him for one form of spiritual problem and the society in general. He can invoke the wrath of ogun spirit on any offender brought before him. Shrine: Ogun shrine is easy to set up. The material is usually made up of pieces of iron/s collected either from the trash or mechanic workshop. And in most cases an iron bronze designed in human being form is also used to erect the altar. The Priest is the only sole authority who has the power to erect an alter for Ogun which is usually accompanied by some rituals. The iron has no power of its own, but the spirit behind those irons is the real Ogun. However, to invoke the spirit of Ogun, the Priest has to perform some sacrifice by slaughtering some animals like: goats, dogs or chickens. While the blood of these animals is poured on the shrine and other libations are also done after which the Priest will consult the oracle to find out if the sacrifice has been accepted. Libation: This is the process where the living honor ancestors by pouring libation - paying homage- on the ground before the living consume it. Libation is performed with alcohol. At times, the Priest needs to offer libation first to both the ancestors and the spirit of Ogun before consulting the oracle. Divination: This is the consultation of the oracular deity, or divination. It is an attempt to obtain or ascertain information by interpretation of omens. Divination is carried out by the oracle Priest with the aid of cowries, colanuts, white powder or other devices acceptable to the Priest. For example, if two people have a quarrel in the community, say they are quarrelling over some missing money. They can consult an oracle through the Priest to help them find out who stole or how the money got missing. However, both of them need to swear before the shrine that they are not responsible for the missing money. They might both eat a colanut before the shrine. Then anyone of them who took the oath falsely might die through accident cause by the deity- Ogun. Christianity: This is the most popular and dominant religion. About eighty percent of idols worshippers have given their lives to Christ. These people have tasted both powers and discovered that there is no other power other than the power of Almighty GOD through his only son Jesus Christ. All the deities bowed to the power and name of our Lord Jesus Christ anytime Jesus name is mention. It is a well known fact that the idols/ deities Priests cannot stand the power or the name of Jesus. Whenever the Christians are praising or worshipping GOD in the same community where these shrines are, the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ always rendered the power of the idol priests powerless to the extend that some of these deities Priests experience spiritual burning on their bodies. Many of them have also giving their lives to Jesus after seeing that their deities bowed to even a little boy-Christian- who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. About the author: Clement Idahosa is a writer: http://religionstar.blogspot.com The Normal Christian Life The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life (Abridged Christian Classics) The Doctrine of the Christian Life (A Theology of Lordship) The Christian Life: A Doctrinal Introduction
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