The love of God is not based on what we have, what we do, or what we achieve in life. His immense love is not determined by our behavior, our attitude or our conduct. The love of God is not dependent on our personal background, our birth status, or our social standing. God's love is not influenced by anything that we do in and of ourselves.
In all of creation His love is like no other.
Romans 8:35-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Wow, what a comfort, what a blessing, what joy there is in the love from our Lord to know that no hardships, troubles, lack of finances, nothing we can ever experience no matter how hard, trying or terrible things get, nothing can separate us from the love of God.
No hardship or distress we might encounter in life can be so overwhelming that Gods love for you does not increase as what you are going through intensifies.
At these moments His love grows strong. Such is not the human condition. There is no pain in life so powerful that Gods love does not bring you comfort.
In life there may be times when you are hungry, but you will never hunger for lack of the Father's love.
In life sometimes we are abandoned by those we love as financial dire circumstances beset us. But poverty or lack of finances cannot rob you of God's compassion, just as even death itself is not capable of robbing us of our Father's infinite love
Proverbs 3:11-1
My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent his rebuke,
Because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father, we are the children he delights in. As our heavenly Father the love He gives and demonstrates for us is 100% unconditional.
Even if we are disobedient, get angry with God, follow our own will, He still loves us, even when we do not love Him in return. John tells us 1 John 4:19 we love because He first loved us.
His love for us as "Abba" our heavenly Father is so vast and wide that he has made us heirs and has built a home for us in heaven and awaits the day when our flesh no longer remains, and we are as Paul wrote, absent from the body, and present with the Lord. So these are the thing and definitions of our heavenly Father in the Bible.
He has adopted us and made us his children through the blood of his Son Ephesians 1:5....he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will-God, "Abba" our heavenly father desires an intimate relationship with us, his children.
He is our comfort, and our strength. There are no arms bigger to hold you, and there is no love greater than His.
He alone is "Abba", dad, daddy, papa, and Father in every sense of the word.
What a glorious blessing we have to have Him as our parent, and how precious and wonderful it is to be His child.
Romans 8:15 Instead, you received God's Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, "Abba, Father."
The adopted child's past from their natural-born family is removed, legally forgotten and sealed as if it did not ever exist once they were adopted. The child then gained all the rights of a legitimate child in their new family. They got a new father, and they became an heir to the father's estate.
The adopted child became equal co-heirs with the other children. In the eyes of the law their old life was completely wiped out. All debts were completely cancelled. That child was absolutely the child of their new father. We are that child; our debt of sin has been cancelled by the blood of Jesus.
We are a new child in God, by the Blood of the Lamb. Paul tells us in Corinthians that once we are in Christ we have become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! In that new life we are the sons and daughters of God, part of the inheritance of a royal priesthood, receivers of eternal life.
Now that is a heritage to remember. That is a heritage to be proud of. That is a heritage to be thankful for. What a glorious privilege we have to be the absolute possession of God our Father! As his children we take on the name of God-we are His children, His heirs, and His ambassadors.
God chose you and me to be His child.
What an amazing, incredible gift. We were taken from a situation which would not have turned out well and in Christ Jesus we are given the opportunity to be adopted and live as God's own children, and become a member of His family.
We have been given a new identity, a new name, a new life, and a new inheritance.
Isaiah 30:18
But the Lord wants to show you kindness. He greatly desires to show you compassion.
The Lord is the God who makes everything right again. So those people who trust Him are truly happy.
You are God's people. Do not weep anymore. The Lord hears your cry for help. And when He hears, He will answer. He will come to your aid.
You have suffered much in the past. But the Lord is your Teacher. He will not hide Himself from you. You will see with your own eyes what He will do to save you.
In Isaiah 30:18, we read about the real desire and heart that God has for us.
In his Word, we read of His promises to us. It is His desire to give us this and more, if we put Him first and foremost in our lives and lay aside all other things.
Know that you can see the hand of God in your life and experience His kindness. Your life will turn around and everything that has gone wrong will begin to go right.
You will find happiness as your worries, stress and fears, vanish. God will reveal Himself to you and you will know Him.
Know that no matter how bad your situation is, whether you are in debt or trouble, God promises to rescue you.
It is in His is possible, probable, and His desire for you.
We need to realize the honor we have in the love of God, and we need to understand the strength and depth of His love. His love working in us is to every believer as motherhood, apple pie and baseball is to the American way.
When we are troubled, as we all are from time to time, He is our place of refuge; a place where our spirit feels at home. In Him is where the longing of our soul finds rest and peace. When in our own flesh all avenues are blocked, we can always connect with God and be comforted.
If you are troubled, in doubt, confused, needing guidance, direction, correction or instruction, just turn to God. He will feed your soul until you hunger and thirst no more. When you cannot find the words, He will speak for you. When you cannot find the answer with all your human logic, He will enlighten you.
He will bring tears of joy to your soul that wash away all the stress and sorrow from your entire being. There is an unseen language spoken by God to your heart that your spirit comprehends, even though we cannot explain it with our human tongue, it is spoken and imprinted upon our hearts by the Spirit of the living God within us.
In that unseen language His word transcends my human knowledge and opens a line of communicate between us and God in all of its glory and wonder. We will find ourselves lost in the depth of His love, as a child nursing at its mother's breast. We will be compelled by His Spirit, and amazed as we encounter what the flesh cannot comprehend.
The Lord invites you to expand your spirit and see things beyond what your human eyes can behold and you begin to see things through your spirit. This is where the fullness and richness of life lies and awaits you, in God's love.
He pours out his love upon each one of us every second every day. His love is our everything.
Even when we are unaware He is working in love, behind the scenes protecting us from danger and saving us from you from catastrophe. His love gives us strength, energy and the will to go on when we desperately needed it. If we will but look closely at all those many very wonderful and unexpected things that occur in our lives, you will see the deep love of God at the center of all our joy, happiness and success.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
That is a lot of love, the life-giving love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord who redeems us all from sin.
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