Christians for years have been trying to figure out ways to strengthen their faith and I've compiled a small list of things that you can do. Each one of these five of these steps will help you, while you're climbing your ladder to heaven.

1. Research your Christian origins. Try to find out, where your beliefs came from. A good place to start would be, asking your parents, if they raised you inside of a Christian family and community.

2. You're going to need to read at least some of the Bible. It would be nice if you could actually read most of the Bible, but let's start somewhere and that somewhere will start with reading sections of the Bible.

3. You're going to need to understand, what you're actually reading in the Bible. This will require learning more about the Bible and acquiring different points of views, until you can make good decisions on your own.

4. You're going to have to accept the fact that there are contradictions in the Bible and the more that you study the Bible, the easier it will be for you to accept these problems.

5. Last but not least, you're going to need to start asking the tough questions about Christianity. Some of these questions are going to be hard for most Christians of answer, but it's going to have to be done,

I hope this helps. We've all got to start somewhere and some times, actually spending some time in learning about your religion, is a good place to start.

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Did Jesus Get Mad

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library [] filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

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Christian faith has been the cornerstone for many believers' lives for more than 2,000 years. In the days of the Roman Empire, and even later in the lives of Joan of Arc and John Hus, people have been willing to die for what they believe. Through all of the religion's ups and downs, it has endured, not because of mighty armies or secular rule, but because of the belief that this world is not the final reward. However, Christians believe they can make the earth a better place by living lives with their eternal reward in mind. Defining faith is a tad more complicated than simple belief.

Belief is knowing something to be true. The word of God admits that even demons are capable of this. God's people, as Christians strive to be known, requires a deeper commitment. Unlike belief, faith goes one step further and instills hope in the person who has it. Hope for a better life, a world of possibilities, an end to suffering, a discovery of world peace, a chance to see those loved ones who've gone before us, and a chance to escape the evils of this world. Quite simply, without faith, there is no hope.

But in order for Christian faith to be functional, it must go beyond even hope. It must become trust. Trust that God will do what He says, that He will work through you to fulfill His purpose, that He will enact a positive and lasting change for those who put their faith in Him and are called according to His ways. Hope is passive; trust is active. With trust, you can control the attitudes and the temptations that too often plague your life. You can overcome the walls of adversity that stand in your way every day. You can truly be called a child of God, because like a good father, He is always there watching over you, and you have the ability to either place things in His hands or struggle desperately against the tides.

Belief, hope, and trust, are all necessary components to have Christian faith, and they show themselves through the relationship you have with Jesus Christ. Many non-believers will admit that Christ was a great man. 2,000 years after his crucifixion, he remains the most influential character in world history. How could he not have been great? But not as many believe that Christ died for the world and rose from the grave three days later to abolish the hold sin had over the world. It takes that belief, that hope, and that trust, to walk in the Christian faith. Essentially, all you have to "do" is let go, and let God's grace do the rest.

Jesus Christ has been a savior to billions for more than 2,000 years. If you believe that Faith in Him can move mountains, visit our site today!

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You could live for years in church and never hear this preached. You could go for years and years and never know what a pure and undefiled religion really is before God. You could even read the scripture verse we use here and still not understand what it means. If you want to know what God wants from you this is for you.

So what is a pure Christian life?

James puts it this way:

James 1:27 (New King James Version)

27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

Do you know that single mothers would be considered widows these days? Do you know that there are many hundreds of single mothers that suffer from a lack of money to buy good things for their children in your community. There are probably a few single mothers in your church. James says taking those mothers out shopping and buying them a few things for their children, things the mother cannot afford, makes you a great Christian in the eyes of God.

In the West up to 40% of children from divorced homes or broken relationships do not see their father. You don't have to go to Africa to see orphans, so many children in our society do not have a good stable father figure in their life and so many of the mothers could do with a couple befriending them. There is so much good a mature well established husband and wife could do in a single mothers life.

James says that to visit them is the right sort of religion.

James goes on to say that we are to keep ourself from being spotted by the world. If you do not know what that means you are in good company. I didn't know for years. It means we are not to be lusting and chasing after the things of the world. James gives the idea that the world with all its lusts makes us dirty and we need to be cleaned up.

Are you a person that has to have all the latest gadgets and things that come onto the market? Are you a person with all the brand name clothes, the best cars, a nice house, and all manner of things? All these things James is talking about. We need to have things with the right attitude. We have to serve God more and serve things less.

Matthew Robert Payne was raised a Baptist, Baptized in a Pentecostal church and now worships at the Salvation Army.

To request a free Christian dream interpretation or free personal prophecy visit

Matthew also has done extensive teaching on the prophetic on video and in articles and this teaching can be found at


It is almost impossible to envisage what this means given the world we live in today. The harsh realities of the different circumstances that we find ourselves in turn to define the level of faith we have within us. Not only do they shape the person we become but they also direct us to an understanding of what we should feel we are capable of. The truth remains that we have an option of walking by what we see or believing that we are capable of more. Below are five simple steps that teach us how to walk by faith and not by sight.

1. Temporal and Permanent things
It is important before proceeding on this journey to know what is considered as temporal and permanent. Temporal things come and go in our lives, temporal things wither and die. Permanent things last forever despite whatever circumstance may arise. In this step we should not be deceived by our world when it flashes us things that won't last. We should not be deceived by our world when it pretends to come to our aid when there is a prize to pay for it. It is important to note here that in these circumstances we may think we are winning but eventually lose as we cannot meet up to payments and expectations. Permanent things are harder to achieve but last forever. They are surrounded by peace of mind and without the worry of loss. If we walk by faith rather than sight then in this step we should know that things of the spirit are permanent. The true aid, support and direction comes from God and only by him do we know that there is no debt to pay. His goodness works in our interest to come to him.

2. Sacrifices
In this step it is important to be willing to endure, have patience and the correct temperament to see the journey to the end. Sacrifice does not mean giving up those things that we do not care to lose. We give up everything for what we believe in and receive in abundance. Sacrifice also comes with the knowledge that God would not let us face anything beyond our capabilities. We walk by faith and not by sight here knowing that those who have gone before us endured to the end and have a place reserved for them in heaven. Sacrifice makes us believe that as we have worked hard so shall we reap great rewards. If we know what is permanent in step one above, then we should be willing to sacrifice for it.

3. Ask and Receive
There are two critical aspects of asking from God. The first is making sure that we ask and the second is believing that we shall receive what we asked for. No one sees a beggar in the street and asks him for money. We know deep down within us that he hasn't any to spare. On the other hand we would see a rich man and ask a favor because we know he has the capabilities to help us. What God desires of us is to recognize that he can make the impossible possible. He desires that we see him above anything we can comprehend and in turn we shall receive what we desire. If we know and believe that this is the case then when we ask we would believe that we would receive and in turn God would answer our prayers.

4. Tools of the trade
So far we know that we desire the permanent things, we know they require sacrifice and we also know that we have to ask to receive. What follows next is how do we go about receiving what we have asked for. These are the tools of the trade. In this step we come to understand that God can direct us to anyone and any place to seek what we desire. We also learn that God would provide us with whoever and whatever we need to accomplish our hearts desires. The tools of the trade can be people, our intelligence, machines or anything that is available to us to fulfill the dream that we desire. Knowing that these are out there for us to seek help from allows us to know that God works with us in achieving our hearts desire.

5. Miracles of God
The final step in this journey is to fully comprehend that with God anything is possible. In scripture David did not defeat Goliath because he mastered the art of stone throwing. David defeated Goliath because he believed in miracles. God had shown him examples of this when he fought the lions. This was enough evidence for him to believe that he was capable of defeating Goliath. This story applies to many of the prophets and does apply to us when we walk by faith and not sight. We should know that if God is more powerful than anything or any one we know of then he is capable of making the impossible possible.

I am the author of the novels Divinity Dawns and Eli. My most recent book Eli is a spiritual novel that serves as an invaluable guide for anyone conflicted in spirit. It is the second installment of a trilogy that takes the reader deep into the mind and heart of a devout Christian struggling to reconcile his faith with the often hostile reality that surrounds him. Three words that describe Eli are introspective, philosophical and epic.
My hope on completion of Eli was that it offers its readers a greater sense of spiritual awareness in their surroundings.


The distinction between preaching and teaching is crucial to spiritual development. Much of the sterility we have in our churches can be reduced-and thus we would have more fruitful churches-if we have a clear knowledge of the distinction between preaching and Christian teaching.

Why is this so? Why do we need to know the distinction?

Because these two activities have different goals and have different ways of attaining those goals. It is like feeding infants and adults. You do not feed them with the same food and in the same way. Infants are usually fed with milk which they suck from their mother's breast or from a bottle. Adults are fed with solid food which they take by their own hands.

But in most of our churches those who are not yet even spiritual infants, because they have not yet actualized their faith given in baptism (as in most Catholic churches), or because they have not yet accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior (as in Evangelical churches), are most of the time given solid food by Christian teaching. What these not-yet-spiritual infants need is preaching, not Christian teaching.

On the other hand we have many churches where the pastor keeps on preaching to a congregation of long time Christians already, spiritual Christians. And he still preaches to these Christians. What these Christians need is not preaching, but Christian teaching. They have already grown as Christians. What they need is spiritual nutrients, not the seed of God so that they can be born again. In some of these churches they have even called their main service as Preaching Service.

The goal of preaching is transformation, while that of Christian teaching is conformation. The purpose of preaching is to transform the listener so that he or she becomes a child of God from being just a human being. He or she is transformed from a life of sin to a life of holiness from God's point of view. He or she becomes a new creature. He or she leaves his or her old life and burns the bridge leading from it in such a way that even if he or she wants, he or she can no longer go back to that old life.

The goal of Christian teaching is conformation to the image of Jesus. The new creature now becomes more and more conformed or configured to the image of God as revealed in Jesus. The listener to Christian teaching is already a child of God. He or she now grows as a child of God and Christian teaching makes him or her more like his or her parent God. This is the purpose of Christian teaching.

And the means to achieve these two different goals also differ although they both use words and images.

In preaching the means is by announcing the good news of Jesus Christ, what Jesus did for the listener, especially in his suffering, death, burial and resurrection. By listening to this announcement the person is convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit of his or her sin and turns to Christ as the only one who can solve his or her problem of sin.

In Christian teaching the means is by showing the person of Jesus to the listener so that he or she gazes upon him and becomes more and more conformed to the image of Jesus. Moralizing is not basic to Christian teaching and yet most of our Christian teaching is a discourse on morality, how the Christian is to behave in himself/herself and in the world.

In preaching we experience the power of God, ushering us to eternal life. In Christian teaching we experience his wisdom, enabling us to think, speak and act like Jesus. And the Apostle Paul tells us that Christ is the power and wisdom of God. It is all the work of Christ. The preacher and the teacher are only ministers of Christ.

Let preaching be done for those who have not actualized their Christian life, those who have not yet really accepted Jesus as the Lord and Savior of their life. But let Christian teaching be done for those who are already actualized or professed Christians. In this way lives are transformed and transformed lives are more and more conformed to the life of God in Jesus, thus turning our world upside down as the Apostles did during their time.

About the Author:
Jose Bulao, a lay Carmelite, wants to help you in your spiritual development. He is a Carmelite formator, helping other Carmelites in their spiritual growth. Prior to this work he taught philosophy, theology or religious studies at Notre Dame University and Ignatian College in Cotabato City, Philippines. To learn about the process of your spiritual development click this site