Keys To Effective Christian Living - Read The Bible

The Holy Bible is not a book to be taken lightly.
The reality that after all of these years, it is still the best-selling Book in history is a testament to fact that it is not a common book. Actually, it is the holy and inspired Word of the Living God, the Creator of us all. God's Word is a revelation of Himself, from Himself.
Granted that men wrote it down for us to read, it should also be noted that they were moved upon by the blessed Holy Spirit to write what they wrote, similar to a secretary writing a dictation for her boss. God gave each writer what He wanted them to write and what He wanted us to know.
The Holy Bible is God speaking to us, revealing His heart, plan and purpose for His creation. It has been proven time and again that those who adhered to it's teachings profited and benefited from the promises of God's Word, while those who refused to submit to it's authority lived to regret their decision.
To live close to God, you and I must spend time in God's Word, for He and His Word are one.
It is sad, but true that many of us do not spend time reading and studying the Bible consistently. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we should always make time to feed upon what He has to say. His Word, if we dare to give it our undivided attention, will even bring peace to our souls, in the midst of all of the trouble and calamity that is happening in the world. The Holy Bible actually told us that these things would happen, and this prediction was given thousands of years ago. Only God could have given the future with such accuracy.
If we are going to grow and develop spiritually, we will have to make time for the reading of God's Word. If we desire to live close to God, we will have to use some of our time daily, to feed upon the written Word of God.
Here are a few tips for fellowshipping with God through His Holy Word:
1. Realize that God and His Word are one.
To spend time reading and studying the Holy Bible, is to spend time with God. He cannot be separated from His Word. You and your Word are one and the same. God and His Word are one and the same. So if you want to make time for God, you will have to make time for God's Word. How close do you want to be to God? Make that kind of time for God's Word.
2. Realize that God's written Word is God speaking to you.
Seeing that you and your word are one and the same, and that what you say is you speaking, and that God and His Word, the Holy Bible, are One, what the Bible says is God speaking to us. So read and study His Word knowing that He is talking to you whenever you open His precious Word.
3. Realize that the Bible is God revealing Himself, yourself, and other people to you.
The Bible is about God, about us and about life. His Word are full of answers that we need and solutions to our situations, circumstances and relationships. The Bible is full of revelation concerning the past, the present and the future. So read and study His Word and learn from God Himself how to handle life's challenges and WIN.
4. Be consistent.
Read and study your Bible daily. Make reading the Bible a consistent part of your life. Show God you want to be close to Him, by dwelling in His Holy Word, daily. You will experience the life-transforming power of His Word and your life will be the better for it.
Understand that you cannot know God intimately apart from His Word. His Word is He Himself sharing with us Who He is and His will and purpose for our lives and for this world. So make the time to read and study His Word today, and everyday from now on.

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Baptism - Entering The Christian Life On Our Conversion Journey

Beginning with the Apostles' Evangelization (hearing the "Good News" about Jesus), Conversion (coming to a belief in this person, Jesus, as the Savior) led persons to ask to be Baptized which they had heard was the way one became a Christian. These adults were baptized, received first Eucharist and became full members of the Church. As the first centuries passed, Christian adults began to ask that their children also be baptized soon after birth and before they had reached the "age of reason" when they were capable of making their own decision after evangelization and conversion.
This is the custom today in most Christian churches. It has led to minimizing the power of Baptism and the impact it should have in our lives. We have thousands of Baptized but uncatechized (never evangelized or converted to a personal relationship with Jesus, if they even know who he is!)
I was baptized as an infant but the evangelization and conversion part of my faith journey were not missing. I attended parochial schools from Grades one through twelve taught by dedicated Sisters of St. Joseph. During my elementary (grades l - 8) years the evangelization was by way of daily catechism classes while every part of the school day contributed to conversion and establishing a living personal relationship with Jesus. We "blessed" each hour of the school day by saying a brief prayer at the beginning of the hour. We were taught formal prayers like the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be as well as to pray quietly and spontaneously when we needed help or just to praise the Lord. We were taken to Church for special weekly feast days and for developing devotions like the Rosary and Stations of the Cross.
Finally, and most importantly, my parents and their children worshiped together weekly. Staying out late on Saturday night in High School was not accepted as an excuse to miss Mass on Sunday morning.
The Effects of Baptism
When we were baptized as infants, original sin (the sin of Adam and Eve) was forgiven as it is for adults. In Addition Baptism for Adults also forgives all personal sins which infants are incapable of committing.
Born Again
Baptism by immersion is the clearest sign of being united with Christ in his death - buried with him when the water covers us and rising to new life, born again as we emerge from the font. However, Baptism by the sprinkling or pouring water over the head is equally valid.
We are baptized with the words given to us by Jesus himself when he instructed his apostles to go forth baptizing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
We are born again as adopted children of the Father who immerses us in his own Son's death and resurrection. He washes us clean and gives us his Holy Spirit to empower us to live in righteousness, free from sin and death.
At Baptism our relationship with Jesus becomes a bond of love that is strengthened by daily prayer, seeking the Lord and unwrapping the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that keep our lives focused on Jesus as we continue our Conversion Journey.

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How to Live A Christian Life

I Thessalonians 5: 14-22
This is the duty we as Christians are called to. How many of us are going to stand up for Christ and the sake of the Gospel? It is time we take out our Bibles the Word of God and dig into it as fervently as we do the idols we have set before us. I am speaking of those who clamour over this time of year with football starting. Then it will soon be basketball and we also have soccer going on now. How many of these great sports have been idolized in our lives? There is nothing wrong with loving sports, I love 'em nearly all of them.
Any image or thing we put before God. ANYTHING PUT BEFORE GOD! I hope that is plain enough!
I will get opinionated on the select programs for kids. I hope that each child participating in their chosen sport may achieve at his or her expectations each day. I hope for them that come time for college they excel enough for scholarships that will put them through college. But enough of the select programs, especially with such young kids. They are starting and having to commit way too early to sports for their own good.What qualifications do I have to expound on such matters? Seventeen years of umpiring high school and college baseball. Ten years of high school football and basketball officiating. When I started officiating there were no select programs and the kids still learned the sport in which they were participating. The directors of select programs do not care they are starting games during church time on Sundays, they think if the kid wants to be great they should sacrifice church. This is putting an idol before GOD. This is putting an idol before the cross of Calvary on which the Lord Jesus Christ died on for our sins. They have made the cross of none effect for their greedy programs.
-Rejoice evermore
-Pray without ceasing
-In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ concerning you.
-Quench not the Spirit
-Despise not prophesyings
-Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
-Abstain from all appearance of evil.
Give your all to Him, give God all you have. We are truly in the last days and times are such we need our hearts and minds on Christ. I am not suggesting to abandon things we like such as sports. I love them to as I said, but I am saying get in check. Find out what is right and good and true. Do not put anything whether it is sports or whatever in front of worshiping God. Give Him all the glory and honor in and for your life.


The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, Amen.

17 Tips For Effective Christian Courtship

If properly executed, courtship would greatly reduce the chances of divorce occurring in a marriage. Christian courtship is different from any other kind of courtship, and if properly executed, would take care of over 75 per cent of the causes of divorce. This therefore makes a good courtship important to the survival of any christian marriage. This article will outline 17 important tips that will make your courtship a good foundation for marriage.
1. Consider courtship only at a time when you are ready to get married. It is no child's play.
2. Enter into courtship only with someone you would consider marrying. You must only go into courtship with someone God has approved for you for a life partner.
3. You are in courtship to confirm that God has really ordained you getting married to this fellow. In courtship you have to authenticate and be sure that God really ordained the relationship.
4. Take time through prayer to discern God's will for the new family you are about to start.
5. Base your courtship in the family. Family member must be involve. As much as possible, spend time with each other's families. You need need them in the marriage.
6. Emotional Intimacy; Guard your heart and do not allow your emotions to drive you to sin during your courtship. Give yourself time to know each other.
7. Choose the right time in the relationship to reveal intimate secrets. This might save you regrets if the relationship does not work.
8. Physical Intimacy; Mutually decide what your limits would be. Write them down and make them clear from day one.
9. Save the first kiss; save the first kiss till after you have said. "I do". Kissing can ignite romance and could mean danger.
10. Hugging; Decide whether you should hug and in what context. Hugging is an acceptable and beautiful expression of affection, support and love. However when prolonged, it can ignite erotic feelings.
11. Choose where and when to spend time alone together. This should not be late at night and or in lonely places.
12. Resolve with your courting partner never to give in to sin.
13. Don't give rise to scandal. Don't give people a reason to suspect you are having a sexual relationship with your spouse-to-be, even though you might not.
14. Be accountable; Make a list together of resolutions and guidelines for your courtship so you can use it to watch your actions.
15. Get a mentor. The mentor should be married and well acquainted with the Word of God so he/she can guide and advice you appropriately.
16. Create time to pray individually and together with your partner.
17. Be active in your local assembly. Together, participate in church activities. This would help you understand how your partner behaves in a group.

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Is The Christian Life About Ethics And Morals?

The reason I ask this question is because there are millions and millions and millions of people out there, both secular and 'Christian', who do. They do think that to live the Christian life you have to live your life to a set of ethical and moralistic ideals. Now are they right to believe this, or are they just plain deceived? Just plain deceived is the answer to that question, and all of them, both secular and 'Christian' alike. In fairness, though, the secular element is deceived only, but the so called Christian element is deluded as well. Is there a difference? Oh yes, most definitely.
How are they deceived and deluded? They are deceived and deluded because they think Christianity i.e. following Yashua Anointed, is a religion and they listen to what those men of the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion say instead of reading The Holy Scriptures for themselves and listening to Yashua Anointed alone:
1 John 2:27 (KJV) But the anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is Truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him.
This means that their faith is in men of religion, the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion, and not in Yashua Anointed, so their belief is in vain. It also means that the secular world is fooled into thinking that these men of religion are, who they say they are, i.e. God's representatives on earth, but nothing could be further from the Truth, so they are deceived. How do I know all this? Easy, and I will return to this topic later.
In the meantime, let's expose these silly non-Christian words "ethics and morals" first. The Concise Oxford Dictionary definition states that the English word "moral" is etymologically derived from the Latin word moralis, which is a combination of two other Latin words, mos meaning "custom, tradition or habit," and alis which means "people." 'Moralis' or Morals, therefore, means the "customs of the people." Straight away we can see that this word has nothing to do with the Father and Son Godhead nor anything to do with what is taught in The Holy Scriptures. "Customs of the people" means exactly that - customs or standards as laid down by men, not laid down by The Father and The Son. This also means that one man's morals could easily be another man's immorality, so it's all down to personal or societal interpretation and choices - one man's meat is another man's poison.
In turn, the word "ethic" etymologically originates from the Greek word 'ethos' which also became the root of the Latin word 'ethice'. In the 'Koine' Greek; otherwise known as Biblical Greek, the word 'ethos' referred to social custom or habit. So here we have, in their original forms, their true meanings and both words refer to man and his customs or his own vain traditions, or mankind just doing what HE thinks is just, right and proper. This, in effect, is man replacing God - idolatry.
As we know, in modern English, the usages of the words ethics and morality have changed somewhat i.e. referring to the determination of what is good or right behaviour, with the inherent social approval or disapproval of such activities but, at the end of the day, both words are dependent upon what man deems his customs to be, or wants them to mean. The Father God and Yashua Anointed are not involved in this arrangement at all. They are not in the picture. They do not feature in man's ethics nor do They feature in man's morals either.
What if we add another word into this equation? What if we refer to religious morals? Does this now bring The Godhead into the picture? No, never, nor can it? How is that I hear you say? Well this brings us back to the point I mentioned earlier where I said: "It also means that the secular world is fooled into thinking that these men are, who they say they are i.e. God's representatives on earth, but nothing could be further from the Truth. How do I know all this? Easy" I said easy because the simple answer is that Yashua Anointed was not religious, He did NOT come to this earth in order to start a religion, nor did He come with a religious message. This being the case, and it is, how could adding the word religious to morals make it a Godly or even a Christian concept? The bottom line here is this: morals, religious or otherwise are always of men, not of God.
The Gospel message is The Good News of Salvation under His Glorious Grace and Eternal Life in The Kingdom of God, nothing else. This is an undeserved free gift from The Father God to those whom He is calling to His Son - Yashua Anointed - those called and chosen:
John 6:44 (KJV) No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
If this miraculous act or event is not taking place within a man's or woman's life then the Gospel message is of no consequence and of no value to those that it does not apply i.e. it is completely irrelevant. This means, they will continue to live their lives oblivious to what The Father God is giving to the called and chosen - giving to those predestined to become Born of God (Born Again). Now this is all very straight forward, unless of course some of these others get hold of the wrong end of the stick and after having been called, go astray. Now this going astray business is all tied up and explained in the Parable of The Sower and I will be writing an article on this crucially misunderstood parable. It also happened here:
John 6:65-66 (KJV) And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. 66 From that many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him.
Suffice it to say, today, we now have a large group of people who have been called by The Father, but because they have gone astray, they turn to something other than The Father and The Son. In fact, they turn to lots of other things other than The Father and The Son, and all these things can be encapsulated under the all embracing umbrella of the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion.
Moreover, with this religion comes demonically inspired man made customs, traditions (Biblically known as the traditions of men), form, rituals, fancy robes, funny hats, and loads of rules and regulations from Synods and Papal bulls i.e. what could be called religious morals and ethics. Within the Cainite-Judeo-Christian Religion they even incorporate the Ten Commandments and endeavour to keep them just as the Jews did in Old Covenant times and by doing so trample all over Yashua Anointed's Sacrifice. In their self-righteousness they also try to stamp this religious form on those outside their enclave and the best example of this occurs in the USA.
There, these people are referred to as the Pro Zionist "Religious Right" and they carry great clout with the Republican Party. The issue is, are they of God; are they doing what Yashua Anointed would have been doing if He were here, now? Would Yashua Anointed be trying to influence the Republican Party? I will leave you all to have a little chuckle to yourselves on this point.
Now many people in the USA consider these religious people, otherwise known as Christian Zealots, to be dangerous people, so dangerous, as to be a potential catalyst in bringing about their national destruction. Is this true, and could it be true? At one point I was of the opinion that it was not true, but now, because of their misplaced support of the Zionists and the unlawful State of Israel, I now consider them to be a great danger to the USA. They are what are known as 'useful idiots' in conspiracy circles. However, there is only one thing that will destroy the USA and Britain and that is sin, idolatry and Godlessness, combined with treachery, especially in high places or in high government circles including the White House and Whitehall.
Furthermore, if you listen to many of those on the Religious Right they will say we should be calling on all Americans and Brits to repent in order to stem the swelling tidal flow of sliding into the dark abyss of national destruction and oblivion. The thing is, are they right? No. Why is that, because the people of Britain and America are not listening. Why are they not listening? Simple, because The Father God is not calling them right now and as long as He continues to not call them the Religious Right might as well save their breath. They teach the wrong message anyway, so it's just as well the American people cannot hear them and just ignore them.
The question now is will the American and British people ever listen? Oh yes, most definitely. When? Why, when we get closer to the return of Yashua Anointed, but even then many will still not be listening. Will there be another time when they listen? Oh yes, but that won't be in this age. All mankind will eventually be saved. How do I know this? Through knowing and understanding The Holy Scriptures and not listening to men of the Christian Religion, nor the men of the moralistic Religious Right. Stay with it folks for all will be revealed - Yashua Anointed has promised.

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Meditation Results - What Are the 3 Most Effective Christian Meditation Techniques?

Christian meditation is vital for every believer. Meditation can take on many forms and techniques. This means there is no excuse not to meditate on God's Word.
The following three keys will help you find the most effective Christian meditation techniques:
A Method of Meditation that Fits You
Remember there are many different ways and techniques to meditate God's Word. Pondering, thinking deeply, affirming, contemplating, musing, and reflecting are some of the options. Speculating, memorizing, confessing, praying, reciting, singing, speaking, and focused study are also techniques that can be used to meditate on the Word of God.
Our goal? To make our meditation time effective. In order to do that, we should start with a method that fits our personality. This will provide the best results in the short-term and long-term.
So, let's say for example, you are someone who likes to read; then get alone and put your face in the Bible. Dig in and read, study, and take notes.
Or for example, if you are someone who learns best with audio; then listen to the Bible or scripture affirmations on CD. Or record your own.
There are so many resources and tools at our disposal today, including free and paid, that believers are truly without excuse when it comes to daily meditation. There are Christian meditation books, CDs, podcasts, etcetera.
Confess With Your Mouth
Regardless of the techniques chosen, it is extremely important to speak the Word of God out loud. We need to hear our self speaking and confessing Bible truths. This is how we get them planted into our heart and soul.
Hearing our self speak divine, scriptural truths is empowering to our spirit, mind, and body.
It also builds our faith. Faith increases when we hear others speak the Word of God, but it is even more effective when it is the confession of our own mouth.

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God."-- Romans 10:17

The Power of Repetition
The final key point to make here about effective meditation techniques is repetition, repetition, repetition.
Look again at the above quote from Romans. Notice it does not say faith comes by hearing one time. It tells us we need to hear the Word of God over and over to build our faith.
No doubt about it: It is with daily confession and repetition that we unleash the power of the living Word of God in our lives. When the negative lies of the world are squeezed out, our lives will be transformed as we begin to speak the truths of God's Word from the abundance of our heart.
Let me ask you this: What is stopping you from putting the power of Christian meditation to work in your life?

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Christianity and Marriage

Married life is a sacred and blissful union in the Christian community. However, life is not only about the sweetness, it has to go through troubled times also. Growing craze for materialism has made it's adverse effect over this pious and everlasting bond. Young couples are falling prey to this sin, and serious problems are forming over petty issues. If you are involved in this kind of relationship and feel that your married life is witnessing trouble then you need to seek Christian Marriage Advice which will be able to guide you to tread on the right path. In fact, rebuilding a Christian marriage requires loads of hard work. This marriage advice can be a light of hope and can guide you to overcome your worries and restore beautiful piece!
Loving your wife or husband and being in happy married life does not require much effort. If you begin with some of the basic, but effective principles, then it will not be very difficult or complicated for you to rebuild your relationship. In order to make your marriage life healthy and strong you have to follow some easy steps:
1. Remember what the Bible says about a Christian Marriage: Marriage is one of the precious and the vital issues of Christian life. Nowadays there are numerous marriage counseling, magazines, and books helping most of the people overcome marital problems and help to improve the communiqué in marriage life.
2. Look into some effective books about Christian marriage: There are numerous books out there from where you can look to rebuild your marriage life. There are about 20,000 marriage building books available in market, I highly recommend this book, you can also go to amazon.
3. Prayers for Christian Couples: One of the most powerful steps that you can take in order to rebuild your marriage is Prayer. Whether you pray together with your partner, or if you pray individually FOR your partner, prayer can prove to be the most powerful of weapons that you can use in order to build confidence in your marriage, and this weapon can also be used against divorce.
4. Always respect your partner: It is very essential to have an understanding between couples and respect in order to keep their marriage life healthy and uncomplicated. The partners should share some space and should give some time to each. They should remind themselves about their commitments, vows, and sacrifices which they promised to each other on the day of their marriage. This will help to rebuild your Christian marriage.
Ultimately, if you really desire to rebuild your marriage life then you both have to work to try to communicate with each other as much as possible, listen to what your partner says carefully. If you follow this Christian Marriage Advice then your bitter relationship will change into a happy, peaceful, loving and pleasant relationship forever.

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Understanding The Meaning Of The Love Of God

What is the love of God all about? How will you know if you are actually walking in the love of the Lord? The expression of God's love in you defines your level of Christianity, but you can only express what you understand. This article is to help you with your understanding of the meaning of the love of God.

Love is the spiritual fulfilment! Love is the light of the Kingdom! Love is the breath of the Holy Spirit inspired into the human spirit! Love is the cause of the manifestation of the Truth (God) in the phenomenal world!. Love is the necessary tie proceeding from the realities of things through divine creation!"
The Bible says that love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do. Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil. Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting. Love never fails! (1 Corinthians 13:4-7, CEV)

It should not take a slap in the face for us to recognize GOD'S true and unselfish love towards humanity. GOD is the very essence love and love is the powerful force that creates the good things in life. There are love promises in the Bible that people can hold on to while navigating through every situation or circumstance that he or she encounters.

God is love (1 John 4:8) and so love is God. If you know God, then you will love with the love of God. To know God is to walk in love. The closer your relationship with God, the more you'll live a life of unconditional love.

When you study the scriptures, you will discover that every action of God is driven by love. For example, God created woman for man out of love. God watched Adam and saw how lonely he was, the animals and birds could not fill the emptiness around and in him. God saw that it was not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18) and so He made Eve for Adam.

 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NKJV)

God crowned His love for man by giving His only son for mankind, (John 3:16). Christ went to the cross because of His love for God the father and mankind. On the cross, God forsook His only son because of His desire to restore to man all that he lost at the fall of man, fully driven by His affection. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

If you have the love of God operating your life, you will obey His words, (John 14:15-30). He who does not love God will not obey His commands. Many people know what God's word says concerning many issues but the question is "how good are they in keeping them?"

Jesus said, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word... " (John 14:23, NKJV). So, do you love Jesus? Now, surely you and God know the correct answer.

You may ask me now, what were the words Jesus was talking about? Jesus was talking about all that God had written in the bible and every command He gives you personally. This calls for a diligent study of the scriptures to know the will of God. Remember ignorance is no more an excuse, Acts 17:30-31

Walking in love is living the life of Christ. It pays to love with the love of God. God has commanded His children to love even as He had loved them. And God will never ask you to do what He wouldn't do. So make up your mind to make walking in love your quest. I have done that and I hope you will do so too, today if you haven't.

Christians and Debt: What Does The Bible Say?

Should Christians owe people money? There are quite a few verses both in the Old and New Testament that talks about debt. Let's start by quoting Paul's letter to the Romans. Romans 13:8 reads: 8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellow man has fulfilled the law.
"Let no debt remain outstanding"; this verse clearly states that Christians have the responsibility to live a financially stable and debt free life. "Except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellow man has fulfilled the law", and that the only thing we should owe to one another is love.
Debt itself may not be a sin nor does it state that anywhere in the bible. However, it does warn against the problems that are associated with why and how people get into debt in the first place. There are many cautions about debt becoming a source of conflict and the complications thereof. For example, debt can become a problem if the source of the need is envy from a neighbor's possessions or even greed. The bible teaches us in 1 Timothy 6:10: "10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many grieves." This passage clearly shows us to live within our means. It is very easy to want a bigger house or a nice car and when we start coveting what others have and why we don't have the same, trouble begins.
Let us take a look at another bible passage found in Hebrews 13:5 It states that: "5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'" This is another verse that clearly indicates that the cause of most debt is oftentimes from envy of the possessions of others, the love of wealth, and a lack of faith in God providing for our needs.
When we owe money, we are also obligated to repay it. In Romans 13:7, Christian should: "7 Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor". We may not always be able to avoid getting into debt but the bible does teach us that our debt should be a temporary state of affairs.
Our last bible verse found in Deuteronomy 15: 1 reads: "1 At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. This means we should actively find a way to resolve our debt so that we may have a clean slate, free of owing money to others and having others owe us." Debt may not necessarily be a sin in itself but the causes of debt; the reckless borrowing of money can lead to sinful actions. Christian is to make every effort to live responsibly and within our budgets.

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Christians and Depression - Scientifically Proven Activities to Elevate Your Mood

Each year more than 21 million Americans, many of them Christians, are diagnosed with depression. If depression runs in your family tree, you have a greater tendency to experience depression at some time in your life. Depression is generally triggered by a crisis or loss in our lives. Everyone gets down sometimes, but prolonged sadden begins to alter the functioning of our minds and may also create a chemical unbalance in our brains.
When we experience depression, healthy thoughts are replaced by negative and debilitating thoughts which start to affect our moods. These destructive thoughts become so embedded in our thinking that they cripple us. The longer depression goes untreated the more debilitating our lives become. One key to overcoming depression is reprogramming your thinking (renewing your mind), but that can be difficult to do when you can hardly get yourself out of the bed.
How can Biblical meditation help? Christian meditation is like the wheel chair that picks you up off the floor and gets you moving in the direction of recovery. Consistent Christian meditation will help you to control your thoughts and renew your mind with God's word. Worry is fear and comes from not trusting God to meet your needs.
Most therapists agree that a combination of counseling and medication is needed to treat depression. The medication plays the same role as the wheel chair. It picks you up off the ground and assists you in moving in the direction of recovery. Without the medication, patients often aren't able to elevate their mood enough to start the healing process. The counseling aspect of treatment helps patients to alter or reprogram their thinking. Christian meditation can assist in the healing process and reinforce your therapist's treatment plan or it may replace the need for anti-depressants, counseling or both. It's a natural way to recovery and worth a try.
Plagued with Depression? 
The activities below, selected from the book The How of Happiness, have been scientifically proven to elevate our moods and create more happiness when practiced consistently.  Read the selections and begin incorporating those that interest you.
Practice Gratitude and Positive Thinking- Investigations showed that expressions of gratitude are linked to mental and physical well-being. By keeping a gratitude journal and writing down and contemplating 5 things for which you are grateful each day, both large and small, produced higher levels of thankfulness and appreciation.  Those who count their blessings on a regular basis, even for things as simple as "hot cocoa" became happier as a result.
Cultivate Optimism- Optimism is expecting the best out of every situation. One way to create a positive attitude is to spend twenty minutes writing a narrative about your "best possible future self."  This would be writing down what your life would look like 5 or 10 years from now if all your desires and dreams were realized. For example, you may imagine yourself in your dream job, living in your dream home, and spending time everyday doing what you love. Researchers reported that those who wrote about their visions for 20 minutes over a several day period were more likely to immediately feel happier even several weeks later and to have less physical ailments in the months that followed.
Don't Think Too Much- Overthinking is when we spend too much needless time pondering meanings, causes, feelings, problems or consequences. For example, "Why am I so depressed?", "What did she mean by that comment?" or "I hate my hair."  Many of us believe that we should evaluate and focus inwardly about why we feel the way we do; however, studies over the past few decades proved that  incessant negative thinking tends to lead to greater negativity, pessimism, and unhappiness.
One strategy to quell overthinking is to distract yourself with engrossing activities: read or watch something entertaining, funny, or suspenseful, listen to music, visit with a friend, or engage in physical activity.  Another activity is to say "Stop," each time you catch your mind wandering off in thought.  Third, set aside 30 minutes a day to get all your worrying or thinking in.  When you find yourself beginning to worry or become obsessed with specific thoughts, you can tell yourself, "I can't stop and worry now, I'll put it off until my worrying time." Fourth, talk to a trusted friend about your troubles, get it all out, and cry if you feel like it. A good cry can do wonders for making you feel better.  Lastly, write how you are feeling in a journal. Getting your thoughts on paper can help you to make sense of and work through them. Also, consider listening to positive affirmations.
Practice Acts of Kindness- A study was conducted asking two groups to do random acts of kindness. Group one was asked to do 5 acts of kindness all in one day within a week; the other group spread their 5 acts of kindness over the entire week. Participant's kind acts included behaviors like "washing someone else's dishes," "visiting a nursing home," "giving money to homeless person," and "buying a friend ice cream."  The results showed that the first group, those who performed all 5 acts of kindness within a day's period of time experienced a significant boost in happiness. Researchers found that timing was also important and that it was important to pick a strategy for how much, how often, and what you intended to do in order not to feel overburdened or fatigued.
Nurture Your Relationships- Friends, relationships, marriage, and social connections make people happy.  Research shows that when we're happy, we attract more and better quality relationships which then tends to make us even happier. The most successful couples spent at least 5 hours per week being with and talking to each other.  Therefore, if you are in an intimate relationship find new ways to spend time together and creating activities and rituals that nurture your union. Also be generous with expressing admiration, appreciation, and affection.  Also, schedule regular time to spend with friends: weekly outings, monthly dinner club, joint vacations, sending emails back and forth.  Communication, support, and loyalty help to build successful relationships and ultimately more happiness.
Start Meditating- An avalanche of studies have shown meditation to have "multiple positive effects" on a persons mood, happiness, emotions, physical health, stress, cognitive abilities, moral maturity, and self actualization.  In an eight week study, participants who practiced daily meditation had greater left brain activation associated with greater happiness and that regular meditation was consistent with greater happiness and less depression and anxiety. In addition, the same participants had stronger immunity to the influenza (all had been injected). Another six week study proved that a six week meditation workshop made the adults happier by increasing their positive emotions, helping them to live in the present moment, enhancing the quality of their relationships, creating more social support, and reducing illness symptoms.  The author stated, "These studies make meditation look like a panacea. If the evidence were only anecdotal, I'd be skeptical, but it's based on years of empirical work."
These are just a few activities (there are many more great activities) that researchers have identified to help create happiness, eliminate depression, and elevate positive emotions. To read more about happiness producing activities, get a copy of The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want by Sonja Lyubomirisky.
Please note: If you suffer from chronic depression or suicidal thoughts please contact a mental health professional. Christian meditation can be a great supplement to your therapist's treatment plan.

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