The Bible is Essential For the Christian Way of Life

The Bible is the most absorbing and interesting book on earth, and the most profitable to read and study. Those that take pleasure in God's Word are gaining a clear insight into the way of life. Our Bible is a guide for solving everyday problems in our life and for making right decisions in times of crisis. Above all, we are greatly interested in God's promise of everlasting life through knowing his requirements. ( John 17:3 ) All the information we need on His requirements is in our Bible and a guide for the way of life, but we need to understand what we read. ( Prov 4:7-9 )

Apart from God and His spiritual provisions, there can be no indefinite continuance of life. As to living forever, Jesus said: This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. ( John 17:3 )

The Bible's teachings, examples and doctrines are most practical for modern man. The righteous principles and high moral standards contained in this book set it apart and above all other books. Not only does the Bible answer important questions, it also provides many practical suggestions which, if followed, will do much to raise our physical and mental health.

Among the blessings God bestowed on all mankind is the regenerative power of our physical organisms, the ability our body has to heal itself when we get wounded. A physician may recommend certain measures to speed up our recovery, but in reality it is the God given recuperative powers within our body that accomplish the healing. Hence, the psalmist David acknowledged that, though he was born imperfect his Creator was able to sustain him during illness and heal all his maladies. ( Ps 51:5; 41:1-3; 103:2-4 ) God also restored the bodily health afflicted on Job. (Job 42:10)

The whole tenor Scriptures, including the teachings of God's Son is to the effect that the gaining of understanding of God's purposes, the doing of His will, and the attaining of salvation to life, are dependent primarily upon the heart. ( 1 Sam 16:7; 1 Chron 28:9) The Bible is unique in its ability to "discern thoughts and intentions of the heart," revealing what the person really is. ( Heb 4:12-13) As David said to his son Solomon: "Know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts."

The Bible Truth concerning our true God and Father: Our Father is the "God of truth." ( Ps 31:5 ) He is faithful in all his dealings. His promises are sure, for he cannot lie. ( Num 23:19; 1 Sam 15:29; Ps 89:35; Titus 1:2; Heb 6:17-18 ) He judges according to truth, that is, according to the way things really are, and not on the basis of outward appearance. ( Rom 2:2 compare John 7:24 )

God enlightens the 'eyes of the heart of His servants to the hope ahead. ( Eph 1:18 ) Thereby they see the hope in its full breadth and depth and love it. ( Eph 3:16-19 ) As to the hope of God's promise, that He would bring about a "new heavens" and a "new earth" and said the former things would not 'come up into the heart,' to cause distress, hurt or sorrow. ( Isa 65:17-19 ) This is the true way of life that Christian long hoped for, peace love and security.

It is evident throughout the Bible that the hope of servants of God has been to receive everlasting life at God's hands. This hope has encouraged them in maintaining faithfulness. And it is not a selfish hope. The apostle writes: Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. ( Heb 11:6 ) He is that kind of God; it is one of the qualities for which He deserves full devotion from His creatures.

Throughout the Holy Bible we find that there are great benefits for the righteous. God loves the righteous and cares for them. David wrote: I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging for bread. ( Ps 37:25 ) Solomon said: The Lord will not allow the righteous soul to famish, But He cast away the desire of the wicked. ( Prov 10:3 ) The Bible also said God is to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by Jesus Christ, and will create "new heavens and a new earth" in which righteousness is to dwell. ( Acts !7:31; 2 Pet 3:13 )

Jesus' parable at Luke 19:11-27 shows what the 'coming of the Kingdom' means: its coming to execute judgment, destroying all opposes, and bringing relief and reward to those hoping in it. ( Compare Rev 16:14-16; 19:11-21.) The following express "let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth," thus refers primarily, not to the doing of God's will by us, but, rather, to God's own acting in fulfillment of His will toward the earth and its inhabitants, manifesting His power to realize the declared purpose. The one praying, of course, also expresses thereby his own preference for, and submission to, that will. ( Compare Matt 26:39 ) The request for daily bread, forgiveness, protection against temptation and deliverance from the wicked one, all relate to the petitioner's desire to continue living in God's favor. He expresses this desire for all others of like faith, not for himself alone. ( Compare Colossians 4:12)

To get the true understanding of the Bible for the Christian way of life, we must pray to God: "Make me understand, that I may observe your law and that I may keep it with my whole heart that I may keep living." ( Ps 119:34, 73, 144 ) This is the right motive with regard to a way of life that will lead to eternal life. The apostle prayed for the Colossian Christians that they might be "filled with knowledge of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding that you may walk worthy of the Lord." ( Col 1:9-10)

As to prayer for the Christian way of life, Jesus said to "keep on asking, seeking and knocking,' not giving up. ( Luke 11:5-10 ) Jesus told his disciples: "If two of you on earth agree concerning anything of importance that they should request, it will take place for them due to my Father in heaven." ( Matt 18:19 ) John states: The confidence that we should have toward Him, "that no matter what it is that we ask according to His will , He hears us." So let us ask in prayer with confidence for the true understanding of the Bible teachings for the way of life that will guide us into everlasting life.

Everlasting life is a good reason for why we should make it our interest to read the Holy Bible, not only should we read the Bible, but we should make it our main interest to do a Bible study on a daily bases. For eventual possession of the earth is promised to the righteous; the wicked are to be cleared out of the earth as a "ransom" for the righteous, for as long as the wicked are in control the righteous cannot have peace. And the possessions of the wicked will go to the righteous, as the proverb states: The wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous." ( Prov 13:22; 21:18 )

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Family Well Being Promised To Christians

There are too many Scriptures to cite here which show that we can pray in faith for our family. Over and over again, we are told that it will go well with our children. These many Scriptures demonstrate the great fact that our families are included in the promises from God to Abraham.

The Abrahamic covenant included four great blessings. They were healing, prosperity, and family well being in addition to salvation.

Over four hundred years later, God added the Mosaic Law to the blessing promises in the Abrahamic covenant to deal with their sin problem. Here is how this worked.

When a Jew sinned in the Old Testament period, he was required to make the proper sacrifice for his particular sin. When he did, he maintained the blessings he was born with in the Abrahamic covenant. As we showed above, they were healing, prosperity and family well being in addition to salvation.

Now, the Jew who sins no longer makes animal sacrifices because God no longer accepts them. Now, He only accepts the blood of his son, Jesus. You see, Jesus is now God’s final sacrifice for sin.

Therefore, the Jew who sins must now accept Jesus as God’s final sacrifice for his sins. When he accepts Jesus as the final sacrifice for sin, the sinning Jew maintains what he was born with in the Abrahamic covenant, namely, healing, prosperity and family well being in addition to his salvation.

When you see Scriptures, like the ones we list in this article, that say there are commandments that must be kept to receive well being for our families, this is exactly right. But right how?

You see, part of the commandments in the Mosaic Law were the commands to sacrifice properly when anyone sinned. These commands to sacrifice were, indeed, an inconvenience. Nevertheless, any one could obey these commands to sacrifice properly.

Now that Jesus is the final sacrifice for sin, when a Jew who has accepted Jesus sins, rather than make the animal sacrifice to maintain his blessing of family well being, he tells Jesus what he did and requests cleansing for it. In other words, he claims the blood of Christ as his cleansing. He claims it by faith as having been his once for all sacrifice.

I Jn 1:9

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (KJV)

Furthermore, we Gentile Christians are grafted into this blessing promise of family well being right along with Abraham. Here is just a few of these building scriptures for your family well being. We look at the actual grafting Scripture later but now look at some specific promises of family well being.

Deut 4:40

Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes, and his commandments, which I command thee this day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the earth, which the LORD thy God giveth thee, forever. (KJV)

Above is the classic Abrahamic promise: God promises to make sure that all goes well with us (including prolonged days) and with our children. Remember that in the Old Testament, the commandments they had to keep included the animal sacrifices when they sinned by breaking any of the other commandments. Remember also that God no longer accepts the blood of bulls and goats. He only accepts the blood of Jesus.

Isa 44:3-4

3 For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring:

4 And they shall spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water courses. (KJV)

Here, both God’s Spirit and his blessings are poured upon his offspring. (These are our children.) In addition, they spring up where it is fertile and safe, as among the grass and the watercourses. These are precious promises and they belong to us Christians today by grafting.

When we Gentiles receive Christ as our savior, we are grafted into every one of the above promises. Our roots go back to Genesis 12 and so do the roots of our children.

Rom 11:17

And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; (KJV)

This is an amazing thing. Our children are right there with us. What benefits there are for Gentile grafted Christians. As a member of the Abrahamic Seed Group, not only us but also our children are promised the very same things that God promised Abraham, namely, healing, prosperity, family being and salvation.

We were and are important to God. He wants us to feel and know the level of importance he has placed upon us beginning in Genesis 12. God has so much in store for our children as the following scriptures plainly state.

Isa 54:13

And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children. (KJV)

Is there any Christian parent today who does not pray and long for peace for their children? Ever since my children were born, one of my main prayers for them has been the prayer for peace. Furthermore, I have wanted them to be taught of God. Here, however, God goes way past being taught about God, he says he will teach my children himself.

Ps 103:17

But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children; (KJV)

The children’s children mentioned here are our children. God says that his righteousness will not only be upon us but also upon our children and our grandchildren. This is almost too good to be true. But it is true!

You see there are sixty promises in the Abrahamic covenant and thirteen of these sixty promises include us Gentile Christians.

We Gentile Christians are grafted into the Abrahamic covenant right along with the Jews. These promises concerning the children include our children also.

Isa 49:25

25 But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. (KJV)

God is a God of War for the Abrahamic Seed Group. Those of our children who might be taken captive by the devil and his strongholds will be delivered. Thank God that the battle is the Lord’s and not ours.

He said above that he will contend with him that contends against us. This is a real encouragement for me. I have had to face some battles in my life. Yet, God always comes through for me.

There is even more. He also says above that He will save out children. Get this well! “I will save thy children.” Do you get this? God will save our children.

He promised over and over in his covenant with Abraham that all would go well with us and with our children. Therefore, God must deliver. He must save our children. He must come through for our little ones. We are grafted into the promises of Abraham.

Start acting on these Scriptures. Speak them out loud. Quit saying how bad things are for your children. Speak over them these promises listed here. God will perform what He has said when you speak them.

Defense Of Christianity Using The Resurrection

Why is the death, burial, and subsequent resurrection of Jesus Christ such a big deal? Why didn’t Jesus just die like everyone else and go to Heaven and wait for us there? Why did it have to be so gruesome and public, His death, His burial, and His resurrection? Because it validates everything Jesus said while He was on earth, it validates everything he taught and shared for three years.

You see, if Jesus Christ hadn’t come back from the dead after three days, there would be no Christianity, no followers of Christ, no hope. But He has. And because Jesus Christ came to earth, we can have life and have life everlasting.

When He was on earth, He talked a lot about His Kingdom and how He was going to create a new temple in 3 days.

The people of His time did not understand, thinking that He was referring to an earthly kingdom.

If He had left earth, been buried, and didn’t resurrect, He would have been the purveyor of another false religion. Today, He would be the prophet or god of just another dead religion.

But because he came back from the dead, rose from a sealed, guarded tomb and appeared to over 500 people before He ascended to the Father to prepare a place for us in Heaven, we have proof that He was, is, and always will be, Who He said He is.

Who did He say He is? He said He is the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father but through Him.

What do we know about the details of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ? “More than we know about the death of any other man in all the ancient world.” (Wilbur Smith)

But just to focus on His burial for a moment, Matthew, one of Jesus disciples, tells us:

At the end of the day that Jesus died, a rich man of Arimathaea, Joseph, went to Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus. So Pilate commanded the body to be delivered to Joseph. So Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth.

He laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher, and he left. The next day the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate, Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver (meaning Christ) said, while he was alive, After three days I will rise again.

Command therefore that the sepulcher be made sure until the third day, in case His disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first. So Pilate said unto them, You have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as you can. So they went, and made the sepulcher sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch. (Matt 27: 57-66)

What do you think? How sure was, ‘as sure as you can’? My guess is, not only did the chief priests and the Pharisees make sure that the stone that had been rolled over the mouth of the stone cave, where the body was buried, was extra heavy and unmovable, but they stood watch over the tomb. They had Roman soldiers guarding the tomb. Nobody was going to come take the body of Jesus! He would remain in that tomb forever!

But what do we know now that really happened?

Matthew tells us this:

At the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the sepulchre. And there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers shook, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said to the women, Do not fear: for I know that you seek Jesus, Who was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall you see him: lo, I have told you. And they departed quickly from the sepulcher with fear and great joy; and ran to bring his disciples word. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me. (Matt. 28: 1-10)

After this time, Jesus Christ appeared repeatedly to the apostles and was seen by as many as 500 people at one time, during a period of 40 days after His resurrection. He repeatedly offered proofs of His resurrected life.

If Jesus the Christ had not risen from the dead, then He had done nothing any other prophet or god had ever done. He would have simply died. But He didn’t just die. He died and rose again, from the dead. Broke out of His tombclothes, escaped from a cave that was sealed with a great and heavy stone, and guarded by brutal Roman soldiers.

Why? So that we would be without excuse. So that we would have the infallible proofs, the historical evidence, 2000 years later and counting, that Jesus Christ was not just a man, not just a prophet, but God Himself in living flesh.

What does that mean to you and me? For me it means that He really is Who He says He is. He said He is the Way the Truth and the Life and that no one comes to the Father but through Him.

That is serious. That means that there is no other religion, god, or prophet who can offer genuine life, redemption from the fallen state of this earth, no matter what they claim. You see, Jesus the Christ is the only one who has died and risen again with witnesses. Mohammed is dead, Buddha sleeps, no tribal gods ever visited the earth, and no man becomes god through his own goodness as many religions claim.

Do the math, look at the evidence. For 400 years, Jesus Christ was predicted to come to earth. He came to earth as he said he would. He died and rose again from death, with proof. Either He is who He says He is or He is a fraud, and all the witnesses, on multiple occasions, over 40 days, were deceived, hallucinogenic, and willing to die horrible, bloody deaths via public stonings and hangings and beheadings over something they didn’t really see, over a person they didn’t really talk to, in whom they did not really believe.

One of the greatest incredulities of history would be that over 500 hundred people who claimed to have seen Jesus resurrected would be willing to die for the belief that He really rose again, and not one of them would have been willing to expose the lie, that Jesus wasn’t who He said He was, to escape death.

What does this mean to us, today? For those of you who have never been presented a logical proof that Jesus was Who He said He was, and have never accepted the life Jesus offers, you have no excuse. You now know the facts, what really happened and why. You have seen a logical explanation for why we can believe today what others have believed for two centuries. You see, truth never changes. The truth never lies. And you can see today that the truth is that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. You have but one option.

Finding The Living Among The Dead

Finding The Living Among The Dead. God is the God of the Living and not the God of the Dead. Speaking of Christ return and reign on this earth is sometimes difficult to get thru to people. Many want to denigh that the end is close, many want to denigh that God will destroy what He has created and many still yet want to denigh God all together. City after city from the east to west from north to south has had some kind of destruction based on the revelations of Jesus Christ. For He said when you see these things come to pass know that the end is near, even at the door. Luke 9:59-60; And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.

Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God. As the morality of mankind becomes farther from the Word of God, its hard to find the living among the dead, spiritually speaking. Are there times that we must walk away from people or even city’s that refuse to hear the truth of the Scriptures? Yes. Jesus gave us examples of everything that we, as ambasitors, would encounter. “Let the dead bury their dead:” Even as New Orleans was reeling from death and destruction, many yet in that city were trying to open up their bars and clubs, homosexuals were dancing in the streets hafe naked and stating that,”Life goes on” Sodom and Gomorrha will rise up to testify against such people. The govermential system has become corrupt, legislators are willing to denigh Gods word and pass laws, legislating sin and debotchery and all manner of filth, we cant even trust what our government says any more. Here are some headlines that I thought were interesting.

1. As in Massachusetts, civil unions in Vermont were granted through court rulings.

2. Assembly-man had called bans on gay marriage “the last frontier of bigotry and discrimination.” 3. “Yet, the truth is that nudity in the home, when handled in a respectful, matter-of-fact way, is perfectly natural and certainly not harmful.” In fact, research suggests that children who have seen their parents nude do not grow up to be emotionally scarred, but instead are more likely to be accepting of their own bodies and comfortable with their own sexuality. 4. Officials braced Thursday for what could be a staggering death toll by readying 25,000 body bags. 5. U.N. corruption cited in Iraq Oil for Food Program. . 6. Burma Military Closes Down Evangelical Church, Group Says

7. Eritrea Police Raid Christian Wedding Party Detaining Couple and Guests

8. Uzbekistan Destroys Christian Leaflets for Children. 9. Christian Activists Killed In Philippines

10. Palestinians poison girl for dating Christian, then burn out his relatives

11. Indonesia Christian Women Receive Jail Sentence For Converting Muslim Children.

Luke 10:11 Even the very dust of your city, which cleaveth on us, we do wipe off against you: notwithstanding be ye sure of this, that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. The Kingdom of God is closer each day to becoming a reality. Man-kinds in-humanity to man will be judged, mans rejection of the truth will be judged, mans whoredoms will be judged. Mar 6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. [Mat_12:36; Rom_2:5, Rom_2:16; 2Pe_2:9, 2Pe_3:7; 1Jo_4:17] We must learn how to find the Living Among The Dead. We grieve over the loss of loved ones but this is not what we are speaking of. We must remember that we cant turn back the pages of time and change what has happened in the past. We are looking at today and tomorrow, if Jesus hasn’t returned. Finding the living{Those that are willing to hear the truth} from among those that are dead{those that refuse to hear the truth.} And what is the truth? The truth is that this world will not last much longer. The mortality of man is getting shorter and shorter. Many are dieing today of heart attacks, as the scripture predicted. Rom 1:28-32; And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;[(Barnes)Rom 1:28 – And even as they did not like … – This was the true source of their crimes. They did not choose to acknowledge God. It was not because they could not, but because they were displeased with God, and chose to forsake him, and follow their own passions and lusts.

To retain God … – To think of him, or to serve and adore him. This was the first step in their sin. It was not that God compelled them; or that he did not give them knowledge; nor even is it said that he arbitrarily abandoned them as the first step; but they forsook him, and as a consequence he gave them up to a reprobate mind.

To a reprobate mind – A mind destitute of judgment. In the Greek the same word is used here, which, in another form, occurs in the previous part of the verse, and which is translated “like.” The apostle meant doubtless to retain a reference to that in this place. “As they did not approve, edokimasan, or choose to retain God, etc. he gave them up to a mind disapproved, rejected, reprobate,” adokimon, and he means that the state of their minds was such that God could not approve it. It does not mean that they were reprobate by any arbitrary decree; but that as a consequence of their headstrong passions, their determination to forget him, he left them to a state of mind which was evil, and which he could not approve. Which are not convenient – Which are not fit or proper; which are disgraceful and shameful.]

Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. The dead that we speak of are those that use the scripture for their own lust and gain, those that use tragedy to gain unlawfully and those that are without understanding of human needs and desires to build a better life for themselves and their familys thru Jesus Christ. Many are seeking the truth, many are seeking their way in this world of dispare and destruction. All mankind has a knowledge of God, there is no excuse, but the dead are deigning their knowledge, not retaining what they know is right and have turned themselves into the walking dead of spirit and do the best they can to turn others away from the knowledge that they’ve rejected, of these people we can do nothing. So we seek the living among the dead. Seeking those that are searching for truth, searching for answers. Many are falling away because of difficulties in their Christian walk, but Jesus never stated that it would be an easy life. Many of the good things in life are difficult to obtain and to hold on to. The same way with being a Christian. We are hated and despised by many, especially in these last day. Christians are being tormented and beaten for their belief in Christ. Persecution and hatred are abounding around the world over Christianity. Jesus said unto him, “Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.” You have a testimony to deliver, deliver it, you have a ministry to perform, perform it, you have a life to live for Christ, live it. Don’t worry about what people think, don’t worry about what people do, don’t worry about your physical life, go and preach the Gospel. So ; Let the dead bury their dead, go and Find The Living Among The Dead.

Yes, Good Christians Get Depressed

We live in a fallen world, and the pain and struggles of this life effect us all, mentally and physically. Depression is a common experience, effecting many of us at some point in our lives.

But for some, the dark pain of depression is worsened by the shame and guilt that can come when a Christian gets depressed.

Depression is a complex, multi-faceted condition, with many causes. Some become depressed in response to loss, or rejection, or battles that can never be won. Others experience growing depression as they fight a physical illness, or deal with a painful health condition. Still others have no idea why or how they became depressed. They only know that there is no joy in their life. The nights do nothing to renew their energy, and the burdens of the day drag on, with no hope for relief.

If this is you, take heart. You are not alone. Your depression is not a punishment. It's not sign you are refusing to live in God's will. And you CAN feel better.

Christians have physical illnesses and emotional hurts. Some show-some don't. But we all struggle with our fallen-ness, and we all live in a world where sin has consequences. Our bodies are not the perfect homes they were created to be, and our minds both believe, and refuse to accept what we believe. We know we're loved, and safe, and forgiven-but very often, we have difficulty experiencing those very truths. Instead, we experience anger, hurt and pain, and find little comfort in our relationship with the Lord.

Of course we want to do better, and feel better-no one who has ever been depressed would think it was an experience to be chosen! But how? How do we live in the joy of our salvation, in the comfort of His love, instead of tossing and turning in the dark night of the soul?

There are medications, to be sure, and they can help depression, just like they can help diabetes. But just like with diabetes, unless your life choices change, the medicine will soon be overpowered.

So what choices will help?

There are 2 main areas you need to address in order to heal your depression-physical choices, and mental choices. And you need to work with both. The physical choices include exercise, loving touch and healthy sleep, and the mental choices involve developing healthy rational thoughts.

Interestingly, there is one area that yields both mental and physical effects. And choosing to work in this area is the most powerful choice of all. It's the choice to rest in Him, to meditate on His word, to trust in His love and experience His joy.
But when you feel no joy at all, when your life feels dark and you feel alone, helpful meditation can be difficult to choose!

In fact, it may feel impossible, even hurtful. Just one more demand you can't meet. One more example of how stuck you are, and how you can't do whatever it will take to get out of this depression.

But you can choose to experience His love, and let it heal you, mind and body, heart and soul. With guided meditations, you can begin to rest in His healing. You can touch the joy, release the cascades of healing biochemicals, and begin to live in the pathways He created just for you.

Because He loves you. Even when you don't love Him. And His love is there, waiting for you. Right now.
Just like praying with a friend when your heart is too broken to speak, a healing Christian meditation can open your heart to His loving presence, and guide you into the joy He offers.

And once you begin to experience that joy, that love and protection, that peace and renewal, the path becomes more and more clear, and your mind and body begin to heal.

And you can live in the light of His love, in every area of your world.

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Christian Marriage Advice to Save Your Marriage

Saving your marriage and preventing it from divorce will require some patience, effort and time. At times, the efforts will be from your side alone. It is true, that for you it may be frustrating to make all the efforts alone in order to save your marriage, but in cases, the single partner alone can make positive changes on marriage and influence it so that your marriage is back on the right track. When marriages become constant agony, it is very common for you to get and feel frustrated, annoyed, anxious, nervous and also loose sleep over this crippled relationship. Divorce is one of the most serious thing and a crucial decision of life as it is one factor that kills or is considered as the death of a relationship. It is a final step which has no other way or option around.

If you are looking for help and advices on saving your drowning marriage, there are numerous ways by which you can find what you actually need. One of the best things that you can do for saving your Christian marriage is by taking Christian marriage counseling from marriage counselors. These counselors will help you with your marriage problems and give you appropriate Christian marriage advices and Christian marriage help so that you can start living a happy married life with your spouse.

Below are few common tips and advices that will help you save your marriage and avoiding serious issues such as divorce in your married life. These tips and advices will provide you with some encouragement to step forward and save your relationship.

Try to communicate effectively with your spouse. The best advice for those interested in saving their marriage is to give emphasis on communication skills and improve them. Effective communication will help in improving understanding between you both, clarify various issues and further increase intimacy.

Spend quality time together. Give proper importance to quality time and not quantity of time that you spend together with each other. Most of the couples usually find themselves going in opposite direction of each other. It is advised that in order to save your marriage, try and learn to spend good quality time together. With passage of time and couples getting older, life's pressure can be 

overwhelming and spending quality time in such cases gets difficult. However, it is recommended to schedule night dates where you both are alone, no cell phones ringing, and no children around you. Be together alone and enjoy it like you used to do.

Have a consultation to a marriage counselor. If the issues related to your married life are getting tough despite of all your efforts, then it is advisable to consult a marriage counselor. These counselors are trained in such a way that they are able to analyze the issues and their patterns and accordingly offer the solution to save your marriage. When it comes to tips and advices on saving your marriage, there are numerous of them that you can try, depending upon the issues and situation that prevail in your relationship.

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Are You Worthy Enough For Salvation?

In the following Scripture, Paul said he did not frustrate the grace of God.

Gal 2:21

21I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. (KJV)

“Righteousness,” in the above verse, translates a Greek legal term and means “cleared of all guilt.” Furthermore, the words “righteousness, righteous, just, justify, justified and/or justification,” when used in your English Bible, are translations of the same Greek root above and still means, “cleared of all guilt.”

“Frustrate” means “to make void.” That is, Paul did not “make void” the grace of God. For him, Jesus’ blood took care of the guilt and penalty for all his sins or it did not. If it did, then they were taken away by the grace of God.

For Paul, to add any other thing would frustrate the grace of God. Likewise, for him, to take away any thing from the blood of Jesus would also frustrate the grace of God.

In other words, Paul was completely satisfied that the grace of God, utilizing the blood of Jesus, had completely dealt with the guilt and unworthiness he may have had because of his sins. Paul spent his Christian life combating the peddlers of unworthiness.

He saw that our worthiness is based on the worth of Jesus’ blood. His teaching on this great subject inspired the lines to the old song, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” For Paul, salvation was based on the merits of Jesus blood plus nothing and minus nothing.

If God’s grace, however, did not take care of Paul’s guilt and unworthiness, then any hope he had of clearing his guilt and unworthiness must be based upon his own works of righteousness. In other words, he must keep Moses’ law to obtain enough righteousness to be saved and blessed.

If this was true, however, Paul plainly reasoned that Christ died for nothing. His death was useless. There was absolutely no point to it or in it.

“Vain,” in the preceding verse, is an unusual word. It is a form of the Greek word for “gift.” The form of the word used here, however, does not mean gift. It means “uselessly.” It means “without a cause.”

In other words, if Jesus’ blood alone did not take away all Paul’s guilt and unworthiness, Jesus died “for no cause at all.” His death was “useless.” There was “no point” to it. It “availed nothing.” It “accomplished nothing.”

Thank God, though, Jesus’ blood did accomplish something. It did avail something. There was a point to it. It took care of the guilt and unworthiness produced by our sins.

We can still be healed and prospered. Jesus’ blood paid it all. We are now as worthy as his blood. We are washed in it.

A Believer's New Life in Christ

When we become Christians we enter a New Life. Some people believe this New Life comes about by obtaining a new character. This is far from being true. A new character can be a change in moral or legal correctness brought about by one's own efforts. A person can change his/her moral character by treating others differently and getting rid of bad habits. A person can change his/her legal character by obeying the laws when they have been negligent in obeying them in the past. The New Life the Apostle Paul writes about in Galatians chapter five does not come about by self-efforts, but is produced by the Holy Spirit. This New Life comes about because the believer has done to his old nature the same thing that was done to Jesus Christ on the cross, Gal 5:24, "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts". In other words, every one is born into sin and remain dead in trespasses and sin until they express faith in Jesus Christ. At that time we are crucified with our sins and trespasses and made alive in Christ. Ephesians 2:1 says "We were dead in trespasses and sins but Christ has quickened us" (made us alive).

As a Christian, since we have chosen this New Life we need not just hold it as an idea in our heads, or a sentiment in our hearts. We must work out the implications of the New Life in every detail in our lives.

We must first work out the implications of the New Life in our body.

The New Life has been produced by the Holy Spirit and must be carried out in the Spirit. Gal 5:25 says, "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit". The Holy Spirit must direct our steps as we move toward Christian maturity. If we are living and walking in the Spirit our lives will show it. Gal 5:26 says, "Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another". Christians living the New Life will no longer seek the glory of men. The glory of men is vain glory because it will not profit the Christian anything. Christians living the New Life will not provoke others. They will not look upon others with contempt, or cause hatred to produce a desire for them to take revenge. Christians living the New Life will not envy others. They will not compare themselves with others as if they were better or worse.

The New Life calls for cooperative attitudes and actions with all people. In Galatians chapter 6 the Apostle Paul puts all Christians in one of three classes.
The Case of the Sinning Brother: Gal 6:1, "if a man be overtaken by a fault". In these words, Paul recognizes that even one whose life is guided by the Spirit may stumble and fall into wrong doing. One who is born again does not deliberately plan to sin, but may be tempted by Satan and yield to the temptations because of head strong passions or lack of thought. The idea of Paul's message here is the picture of one who is a victim of sudden temptation which has produced an unexpected lapse in the brother's spiritual growth.

The cooperative action and attitude called for regarding the sinning brother is described in the next words of Gal 6:1, "restore such a one in the spirit of meekness". Restore means to repair and to bring back into a useful condition. Paul was meaning here to set the sinning brother to rights; to bring him back into line; to put him back on the road of right living. The restoring must be done in the spirit of meekness. The quality most needed to be a restorer is meekness. Religious zeal need not be harsh and overbearing. We must always consider Jesus' treatment of sinners when helping a sinning brother. Many useful reproofs loose their effectiveness if given in wrath. When reproof is managed with calmness and appear to come from sincere affection and concern for the welfare of those whom the reproof is given, it is likely to make a good impression. Another reason for restoring in the spirit of meekness is also given in Gal 6:1, "lest thou also be tempted". We need to deal tenderly with brothers who have been overtaken in sin, because we don't know that sometime it might be our own case.

The Case of the Burdened Brother: Gal 6:2-5. Paul not only recognizes that even one whose life is guided by the Spirit may stumble and fall into wrong doing, Paul also recognizes he will also find himself burdened down from time to time.

The cooperative action and attitude called for regarding the burdened brother is described in Gal 6:2, "Bear ye one another's burdens". In dealing with the sinning brother Paul's emphasis was on tolerance. In dealing with the burdened brother Paul's emphasis shifts to action. Christians must do more than set a fallen brother on his feet. We should lend a helping hand so the brother won't fall again. There are many burdens which press a person down. A person is often pressed down under the weight of disappointment, anxiety, tension, weariness, and the plain pressures of every day living. If we leave our brother to stagger alone and eventually sink under his load when we could have helped him by shouldering part of his burden we are doing less than is expected of us, and we deserve reproach. The result of our 0utworking here when helping a burdened brother is found in the next words of Gal 6:2, "and so fulfill the law of Christ".

Paul was not speaking in legalistic terms. He is referring to a life-principle of a much greater and deeper meaning than merely following a set of rules. The law of Christ is to love, help, and give comfort. We can only satisfy the requirements of Christ-likeness by showing concern for all those who face the ravages of a cold and heartless world. The greatest hindrance to this cooperative action is self-importance based on self-ignorance. Gal 6:3, "For when a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself." If a person imagines himself free of burdens or so above weakness, sorrow, or short-comings that he shall never need help, he will completely be disinterested in helping others bear their burdens. Paul does not mean we should belittle ourselves or that our attitude should be that we are unfit to perform any work for the burdened brother. We must maintain a worthy opinion of ourselves, yet we must also realize that any ability we possess has been given by God and conveyed to us through Jesus who infuses strength within us.

The Case of the Teaching Brother: Gal 6:6, "Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things".

The cooperative action and attitude called for regarding the teaching brother applies to our treatment of teachers. Paul had been speaking about our attitude toward inferiors, those who had fallen, whom we are tempted to despise. Then he spoke about those who had fallen under the burdens of this world, those whom we are expected to help. He is now speaking about our attitude toward superiors whom we are tempted to neglect. If a person is harsh in treating the weak, he is likely to show rudeness and insubordination toward the strong. When a person is self-centered and self-sufficient, he is likely to show a cold contempt toward his inferiors and a jealous independence of those above him. A proper realization of our weaknesses will make us treat our inferiors correctly, and a proper realization of our obligation to God will make us deal properly with those who teach us. It is proper duty of those who are taught in the Word to support those who are appointed to teach them.

Questions to challenge us. How are we working out the implications of our New Life in Jesus Christ? Are we living and walking in the Spirit? Do we have a cooperative attitude toward all our brothers and sisters in Christ? To the sinning brother - an attitude of meekness that will help restore him and bring him back into a useful condition for God. To the burdened brother - an attitude to help him bear his burdens in order to fulfill the law of Christ. To the teaching brother - an attitude of support to those appointed to teach and to communicate to them in all good things. Remember, the New Life is much more than self-efforts to change our character. The New Life is just what it says it is: A New Life because the old life if gone.

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Christianity and the Law - Living by Faith, Avoiding the Curse

The law of Christianity is faith, not obedience. The blessings of Christianity come through grace, not works. The law is a teacher, not a master. Obedience is not the means of establishing God's favor, for in that form it is but a descendant of the law; and the law due to our consistent disobedience brings forth only curses. The very concept that obedience commands God's favor is the product of human pride, for the moment a man thinks himself to be something he is nothing.

Do you feel a tension in your gut? Is anger now in your heart? If you are a servant to obedience, what I have to say will likely cause you some stress. That's ok. Stress helps us grow.

Swallow one or two times, and then come on.

Faith is the only form of obedience that God recognizes. All other forms of obedience are but the works of a dead flesh, and Jehovah is the God of the living. It is from faith to faith that the righteousness of God is made manifest, and it is by faith that just men live before a holy God. If you have set out to establish a personal righteousness before Almighty God, you lack true understanding of who you are and who He is.

"By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh. By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him," (Hebrews 11:4-6).

Now these men, and all the many others who are listed in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, had works that followed their faith. They also had failures, great moments of disobedience, selfishness, and hardheadedness. Yet God's favor remained upon them and all that they touched: not because of their perfect behavior, neither for their sorrow over getting it wrong, but rather because the promises and purposes of God will not be altered.

There are many men like this, men who lived before the time of law and men who came during the time of law: Joshua, Caleb, David, and more. To look at these leaders, and the life they lived; to see the strength in their heart makes clear their walk as one of faith.

Yes. We know that they fell short, sometimes exceedingly. We know also that they sometimes professed great deeds and labors. But we also know that their walk was based upon faith in God not in themselves. Not a faith that God would honor their personal goodness and obedience, but rather that God would be merciful to those he has chosen.

The apostle Paul called those who lived by the rule of righteousness through law "Foolish," (Gal. 3:1). "The law is not of faith:" he wrote, in quoting from the Book of the Law, "but, The man that doeth them shall live in them," (Gal. 3:12). The law is not established as a three strikes type situation, nor even as a million strikes arrangement. It is a one strike and you are out deal.

Many Christians understand the purpose and intend of Paul's words on this matter. They also grasp the points made in the book of Romans when he wrote that it was either law or faith, never both. Yet most fail to perceive the full power of faith, so they end up going back to the law in some other form, rebuilding, as Paul further wrote, those things that have been torn down and disposed of.

Indeed, a very special problem has developed in modern Christianity. For sake of understanding, I will call it the concept of opinion as identified as an obedience to an inner voice.

Now do not take me wrong. God often speaks to his children through the inner voice of reason and truth. But this is not what has happened in today's world. You see, rather than practicing obedience to the written words of scripture, we have turned to a freedom of the inner witness, so called. By this I mean that we now count ourselves right before God based upon how well we follow a perceived inner voice. So even as we walk in known sins, we proclaim rightness with God that is based upon how well we follow our vain imaginations. In effect, we make the truth of known scripture to no effect when we say that God can only bless us if we are fully obedient to that supposed inner speaking.

We are taught opinion rather than scripture, man's doctrine rather than truth. We end up either fully bound to the law, or fully bound to our own self-works. Yet righteous is by Christ and Him alone. So to is justification. God looks not at the heart of self-works, but rather at the heart of faith.

Save through this one single act of obedience, that of believing in Jesus Christ as our sole source of righteousness, can a man stand before God without fear of rejection. When an honest man comes face to face with Almighty God, there is no proclamation of right standing through works and obedience. There is only a humble acceptance of grace and mercy. Here is the proper response of man before God:

"Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts," (Isaiah 6:5).

When I was lost, and completely ignorant to the grace and goodness of God through Jesus Christ our redeemer, he came to me. Now, as weak and feeble as are my best efforts, I seek to know the God that liberated me from myself. Day by day, I live in his blessings, never once being so foolish as to believe that I have merited his love.

Now understand: I strive to be submission to God's will. I seek always to follow his directions and instructions. But before I count myself right because of obedience to the inner voice, I look at the known truths of scripture. When I do this, I see that I am never in God's favor due to my own right ways of living and doing. Indeed, but for the sacrifice of Jesus, I am cursed as is any sinner.

Those who think they earn God's grace are self-deceived, or perhaps deliberately wicked. The bible says that none are good save God. Who can count themselves in the center of God's will while thinking they got there themselves? Such viewpoints lead into three sins: that of pride, frustration, or self-deception.

There are works, and there are right ways that a Christian should live. There is an ongoing moving toward full sanctification. There are rules of harvest, sometimes bearing out in this life, and sometimes bearing out in the next life. There are bible truths that work, for the most part, even for unbelievers. Yet good works, right living, obedience to the inner voice, and a goal of holiness are but the expected behaviors of a servant. Before boasting of obedience, one must stop and honestly examine the points of disobedience that ever remain in their life.

As for me, I stand with Paul when he writes: "I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain," (Gal. 2:21).

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Getting the Right Help Through Christian Counseling

These days we could all use a little bit of help and faith here and there. Many people turn to Christian counseling for a number of reasons. If you are looking for some more help with your life and inner issues, take a look here and find out how this type of counseling can help you!

The greatest aspect about these counseling services is the fact that they will work with the whole family. If one person is having trouble, the family will usually pull together in order to help that individual out. These problems can even include long term drug issues as well as couple and adolescent issues.

When you get married, you feel that you are on top of the world and in love. As time goes by, a couple may run into some obstacles that they need guidance for. A Christian counseling center can surely help you and your spouse with any troubles that you might have. These counselors are usually very easy to talk to and will help with all sorts of issues.

Families with teenagers often face difficult times in the adolescent years. If you are having trouble with your teen, a counselor may be able to help. Rather than using a forceful hand, counselors will try to get to the root of the problem as well as find an effective remedy to help everyone in the family.

The Bible, the Word of God is usually incorporated in with Christian counseling. The counselor that you choose to work with should have the knowledge and resolve needed to show you the right faith once again. Make sure to sit down with an individual that can do this effectively.

When you are looking for a counselor or for a counseling center make certain that you check their credentials. You want to make sure that you have found a person with the right reputation that can handle your case with professionalism as well as care. Look around for someone within your local area as well. Most families will meet with a counselor once a week, so everyone should also choose a date and time each week that works.

When you need some help, a Christian counselor or center can surely help you out. Take the time to sit down with the whole family in order to find out the best solution. Look for someone that works with your family entirely so that you all can get back on track!

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How to Have Great Christian Sex

Having great Christian sex should be a staple of every Christian marriage. If your intimacy is lacking at all, you definitely need to take action to improve it. Here are some very effective tips to have great Christian sex.

1. Communicate your desires. Many problems in intimacy can be squashed simply through communicating the fact that you desire more sexual intimacy! Many times your spouse will be pleasantly surprised to hear this. In any event you will set the stage for not only more intimacy, but improved intimacy as well. The hardest part is always the communication part. Tell your spouse that you deeply desire a more exciting and intimate life.

2. Don't let the rules control you. A very common problem that holds back great Christian sex are couples getting caught up in the rules. After a while the obsession with what is allowable and what isn't controls the couple to the point where intimacy is hardly ever practiced. The only two things you should focus heavily on with Christian intimacy is safety and agreement. Make sure your sexual practice is safe and free from causing obvious harm, and be sure you both agree on your positions and technique. You can decide on details as you go along, but do not allow rules to hold back your intimacy to the point where sex is non-existent in your relationship.

3. Learn new Christian acceptable positions and technique. Very important! The lack of variety is a major problem which halts great Christian sex from occurring. There are so many pleasurable, exciting, and Christian safe positions and techniques available that you owe it to yourself and your spouse to learn, practice, and enjoy sex to the fullest using as many techniques as possible. You can easily learn accepted practices through Christian intimacy guides which are specifically written for Christian couples.

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How to Improve a Christian Marriage

Here are 3 things that are essential for improving a Christian marriage:

1. Going to Church more often (or Church events). Many times there is a correlation between a lack of attending church and problems occurring in a couples personal life, such as marriage problems. Get your church life back on track in order for your marriage to improve. If church attendance is not a problem, focus more on church events. This is an easy and effective way to spend additional time with one another in a caring and meaningful environment.

2. Respect your Husband - Show Love to your Wife. Very important, and chances are if your marriage is having problems, these elements are lacking. As a wife, you need to show your husband the respect that he yearns for and appreciates receiving. This is what a husband needs - the feeling of respect.

Now as a husband, you need to show your wife how loved she really is. This is what the Christian wife yearns for, a showing of love. Give her the love she desires and you will see a big improvement in your relationship.

3. Improve your intimacy (sex life). This is extremely important so don't gloss over it. Sex is very important in a Christian marriage and should be practiced often, and practiced right. Learn ways to improve your sex life with new techniques and variety tips that are both extremely pleasuring and allowable for Christian sex. Intimacy should be practiced as often as is comfortable for the couple, and should be highly pleasurable the way God intended for it to be.

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Is The Seventh Day Really The Sabbath?

The Bible tells us that God implemented the Sabbath day, at the time of creation as a memorial to his wondrous work. It says, Gen 2:2-3 “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made”.

This shows clearly that at the beginning of time the seventh day was the day set apart by God as His Sabbath. This was later reiterated on Mount Sinai when He wrote the Ten Commandments in stone and gave them to Moses. The fourth commandment plainly states Exo 20:8-11 “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it”.

This means that in Moses time the Sabbath day was still the seventh day, but did it change after the cross?

Undoubtedly a lot of things changed when Christ died and was resurrected. All of the old Jewish ordinances, with their feasts, fast days, sacrifices and ceremonies (which had been written by Moses in his handwriting and placed in the side of the Ark of the covenant) were abolished. They were no longer necessary as they had all been pointing to the coming of the Messiah, and with His one perfect sacrifice that allowed forgiveness of sins for all time through grace, they were no longer needed. However Jesus never said anything to in any way even imply that the Sabbath day would be changed or altered, and in fact if He had, He would have been contradicting what he had previously said about the Law of God, which included the Sabbath commandment, and that was Mat 5:18 “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”.

Why does God want us to keep the Sabbath, and how do we do it?

The biblical Sabbath begins at sunset on Friday night and ends at sunset on Saturday. The Bible describes how to keep it as follows. Isaiah 58:13-14 “If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight…not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words, then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth…” This means we are not to do any kind of real work on the Sabbath like our normal occupation, personal business, housework or any laborious activity. Of course, preparing or cleaning up after a light meal would be all right as we find a number of occasions when Jesus enjoyed a Sabbath meal with others. He never condemned acts of hospitality on the Sabbath (see Luke 14:1-6). Since Jesus said in Matthew 12:10-12 “…it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath”, such as healing the sick or rescuing an animal, obviously performing medical services is fine.

The point of the Sabbath is that, whatever we do, God must be an intrinsic part of it. Taking a walk with your family through a natural setting is a wonderful way to get in touch with God who made the beautiful creations we see. To keep the Sabbath in the true spirit, we have to focus our minds on God and those things He wants us to be concerned with during His holy time. Then, as God promised, we will be truly blessed. As it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath, it is a great time to make encouraging phone calls or visit the sick. The Sabbath is also a Leviticus 23:3 “…sabbath of rest, an holy convocation” and is an ideal time for worship services. When we fellowship with others in whom God dwells, we are also fellowshipping with Him (see 1 John 1:3, 7). We should view the Sabbath as a very special day, a period when we can take time to deeply study and thoughtfully analyse the scriptures. It is a time when we can sit quietly, meditating over and contemplating the truly big issues of life and eternity. In addition, the Sabbath is the perfect time for heartfelt prayer to our Father in heaven to commune with and worship Him, to get to know Him intimately. This is why we can call God’s Sabbath a delight.

All Bible references are from the King James Version.

The Christian in the Last Day

In the Last Day, the Christian will be hated of all nation for their loyalty to Jesus of Nazareth. In the last day, they will have their furniture thrown into the streets and their houses burned to the ground. But the Christian will count it all joy, to suffer and be persecuted for the glorious name of Jesus of Nazareth. The unbeliever, on the other hand, while standing on the precipice of the eternal destruction, will be overcome with fear and wail on account of at the dreadful signs of the last day. Terrifying and frightful signs will make grown men will break and run down with water, and wail as a women in child birth. The dreadful and fearful signs in the last day will induce strokes and coronary problems as the unbeliever see the earth reeling and wobbling as a drunken man. The unbeliever will quake with fear in the face of a dark and gloomy future. In the last day, the unbelievers will quiver with dread and be terrified on account of the reality of desolation.

In the last day the Christian, will not be perplexed or troubled as they see the galaxy in cast into a vortex and vomits on the earth. The Christian, instead of spending his or her blessing of living on the earth in lascivious and licentious style of life; use his or her time wisely. They seek to behave themselves in accordance with the revelation of Jesus Christ. Instead of abusing life, they used the blessings of life on earth to worship and glorify Jesus of Nazareth. Now it is time for reward which Jesus promised the patriarch Abraham, and David King of Israel. The LORD promised the Christian, a blessed life on earth, and immortal life upon the dissolution of the universe.

In the last day, the Christian is prepared to ride out the days of vengeance when Jesus pours out His anger in the earth. We have had ample time to make out calling and election sure. We have heard the gospel narrative. We have heard or read the Book of revelation, yet many act like a horse looking at a street car. They cannot seem to make sense of the Revelation of Jesus Christ; hence they ridicule it as nonsense. Now it is the literally, the last day and the end of all things. And when they shall say peace and safety, then, sudden destruction shall come upon them as child birth upon a woman, and many shall not escape tribulation of the last day.

The Christian, in the last day, is exhorted to put away sin and stand fast in the power of God. Jesus of Nazareth, before he left the earth, and again, in a special vision to John the writer of the Book of the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ, told the Christian all things that would occur in the last day, and how to be victorious in difficult times. So the Christian is unafraid to meet the signs of the last day. The Christian is not afraid of the man neither of lawlessness nor of the convulsion of the heavenly bodies. Jesus of Nazareth has explained to the Christian that these are the events that will grip the world with terror; and that these are the days of divine vengeance.

This is the time when Jesus of Nazareth, will appear to subjugate the powers that be in heaven; and upon the earth; in the sea; and under the earth. This is the time of the last day; the time when time shall be no more. No more wars. No more hunger. No more sickness, disease and death. No more oppression of the poor and the righteous upon the earth. This is the last day.

The Christian in the last day did not abuse life on the earth, and is conscious on the meaning of the signs of the lasts days. The unbelievers is unconscious of the meaning of the signs of the last day, so they abused the signs of the last day to accumulate to themselves things that rust and decay; and things that a thief can break in and steal. The unbeliever abused rapid transportation; Rapid development in science and technology; Rapid communication. They abused rapid means of banking and manufacturing; to plunder and abuse of the treasures of the earth.

In the last day, the meek shall inherit the earth; and the plunders shall be dispossessed. In the last day, Jesus is fixed at the door. In the last Day, Jesus has stood up to effect vengeance. He has opened the book of judgment and wrath, and who shall be able to stand? The last day is when a voice can be heard saying: "time shall be no more". On this the last day at the end of time, the Christian can see clearly the meaning of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. On this the last day, the Christian can see clearly the benefit of having live a life of self control. The Christian can hear a voice that says: "You have run a good race! You have fought a good fight! You have kept the faith! Therefore, a crown of eternal is laid up for you!

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Christians, Awake From Your Slumber

This is a call to all Christians all over the world to wake up from their spiritual slumber, unite once again, and win this world for Christ. There is the need for revival; and the revival should start from within individual Christian. The world cannot have peace until Christians go out there to let the world know the will of God, through our speech and conduct, a displayed sincerity of our faith.

Christians are not living up to the God's standard expected of them. This does not encourage unbelievers to follow our way of life. Christians need to live an example to people of the world; this is the only way Christians can influence them. The Bible says that Christians are the light and salt of the world; however, we are not shining, neither can we season.

Are there more virgin lands to discover on earth? Are there new places to preach the gospel anew? What we need is to exhibit what we professed if it has to be meaningful to the unbelievers. If Christianity must grow, laid down apostolic doctrine must be followed. Though certain things may have changed because the world is changing every day; however, the core principles of Christianity has not change. Truth will always be truth and Sin will always be sin.

Early revivals focused on enlightenment about the Bible, the cross, conversion and activism; another focused on bridging the gap between the rich and the poor, men and women, and so forth.

What we need now is revival for the resurgence and regeneration of moral and spiritual values, which had deteriorated and causing many social ills. Christianity is more of ideology than spiritual today, this is having a negative effect on Christian's way of life.

The need for revival is not new; it is a recurrent event from ages to ages. It is a reminder for us to come nearer or back to God. When children of God are going astray or in apostasy state, revival is heralded to either relieve burden of sin or cause to suffer complete nervous breakdown. The word of Isaiah to the children of Judah and Jerusalem is applicable to this day, "Come now, and let us reason together..." (Is. 1:18). The time is ripe for another revival.

The truth of the word of God has the solution to the problem of the world. It starts from the church. Christians need to return to their God. If Christianity continues in this sluggish manner where their core principles are neglected, then they are losing the world to the opposition.

There is the need for another "Great Revival" like that of the early centuries. There is the need to spark for more power from above and a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Every Christian should be emotionally involved in their faith. Every Christian needs to study the Bible more than to listen only to Ministers preaching. This is not to say we should neglect the congregation of the children of God, but in order not to be deceived by some false teachers, which dominate the Ministers in today's churches.

The type of revival we need should promote nondenominational and nonsectarian Christianity. A house divided cannot stand. Many believers are tired of this segregation. Are we not one in Christ, a branch of the one Olive tree? If we so hate ourselves within, how do we want the world to feel about our way of life. Our way of life should depict the fruits of the spirit (Gal. 5:22).

Together in Christ, we shall shake and revive the world from moral and spiritual decadence.

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