How to Improve a Christian Marriage

Here are 3 things that are essential for improving a Christian marriage:

1. Going to Church more often (or Church events). Many times there is a correlation between a lack of attending church and problems occurring in a couples personal life, such as marriage problems. Get your church life back on track in order for your marriage to improve. If church attendance is not a problem, focus more on church events. This is an easy and effective way to spend additional time with one another in a caring and meaningful environment.

2. Respect your Husband - Show Love to your Wife. Very important, and chances are if your marriage is having problems, these elements are lacking. As a wife, you need to show your husband the respect that he yearns for and appreciates receiving. This is what a husband needs - the feeling of respect.

Now as a husband, you need to show your wife how loved she really is. This is what the Christian wife yearns for, a showing of love. Give her the love she desires and you will see a big improvement in your relationship.

3. Improve your intimacy (sex life). This is extremely important so don't gloss over it. Sex is very important in a Christian marriage and should be practiced often, and practiced right. Learn ways to improve your sex life with new techniques and variety tips that are both extremely pleasuring and allowable for Christian sex. Intimacy should be practiced as often as is comfortable for the couple, and should be highly pleasurable the way God intended for it to be.

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