10 Realities Christians Don't Like About Being Christian

Selling the Christian faith has come to be one of the core competencies of evangelicals. This has its roots in extending Jesus' Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) within the circles of our influence.
But, there are parts of the faith-life that don't always sit well. These are some of the realities that Christians can struggle with:
  1. Prayers aren't always answered to our satisfaction. I don't know any faith-followers of God who enjoy having their prayers answered contrary to what they desire. But God is sovereign, and though we are commanded to pray, none of us can control God through our prayers. This is why prayer involves such supreme faith. It reminds us to pray more holistically, like using the Jesus Prayer,[1] or to pray prayers of praise and thanksgiving, or to pray for the knowledge of God's will and the power to carry it out. Prayer isn't just about us pleading our 'shopping lists' before Him. It is also God's language to us.
  2. Non-believers often cannot be 'influenced'. We don't need to be Christians very long to come face-to-face with the fact that we peddle an unpopular message. It is only those that the Spirit has already been working in who are ripe for the gospel. This is a reality we're both forced to accept as well as accept that we cannot force anyone to come to faith.
  3. Christians can seem to suffer more than those who don't believe. Christians do suffer: John Wesley said, "One of the greatest evidences of God's love to those that love him is to send them afflictions, with grace to bear them." So, there are two parts to this one evidence; the fact of afflictions that often come as persecutions, and the grace Christians receive with which to bear them. Being a Jesus follower doesn't mean that we thrive in our suffering. Nobody does. But it is a biblical idea to consider it pure joy when we suffer trials of many kinds (James 1:2-4).
  4. Christians can't sin and be happy in their sinning. Yes, this is correct. For those who have the Holy Spirit, there is the conviction of the Spirit. A Christian's conscience won't allow them to revel in wickedness. This leaves the believer in the unenviable position that they feel guilty for what others may deem as fun. The conscience is piqued.
  5. Christians can't stop sinning. It must bemuse the world when it imagines Christians being 'perfect' in God, yet as they watch on there are so many Christians that seem hypocritical. As followers of Jesus we sit on a knife's edge straddling two opposed truths: we are sinners, but we are called beyond our sin. The only difference is the Christian accepts they're a sinner, whilst the world either doesn't accept this fact (as a truth about self) and/or doesn't care.
  6. Christians are often frustrated with the church. But just as much are we frustrated by how the church is perceived in the world. We know that the church is precious to God, and that it grieves God's Spirit when the church is defamed. But Christians know full well that the church is corruptible, because it is run by a humanity under the direction of God but not always in submission to Him. If power gets to a person's head, that power is wielded sinfully. It's misused and abused. The only hope for the church is that it truly operates with Christ as its head.
  7. Christians are usually unable to answer non-believers' questions. Most Christians will struggle to answer theological questions to the satisfaction of those who ask them. It is easy to miss the mark or to miss the timing or to not get our words right. But the point of living the authentic Christlike life is not in what we say, but in what we do and how we do it; in how we live our lives.
  8. Christians cannot seem to prove God to those who insist He is not real. This really irks some in the faith. They love their doctrines but cannot seem to make some people budge. These same people will only be convinced by God Himself.
  9. Christians are just as prone to addictions, despair, disappointments, and failure as anyone is. Perhaps more so in many cases. When we place our hope in God it's easy to lose sight that we face the same temptations that are common to life. We all face the same kinds of enticements. We're all tempted into envy and greed and lust and pride. And we all fall for these traps, Christian or not.
  10. Christians don't have any excuse to lash out at people. This doesn't stop some Christians. But people who follow Christ absorb the hurts cast toward them and they attempt to process their hurts in positive ways. There are times, like for anyone made of feelings and flesh, when we'd like to have our revenge. But we're told that it's God's prerogative to avenge.
Christian faith can be as much about truly accepting the inconvenient and uncomfortable realities of life as enjoying the favour of God's grace. But it is not without cost. Indeed, new Christians ought to know that the genuine life in Jesus is costly, but of course the rewards far outweigh the costs.And please don't get me wrong, most Christians wouldn't have their lives any other way.
These realities that Christians don't like about being Christian are paradoxically and precisely what mature them in the faith.

How Hard for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom (Mark 10:17-31)

"Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!"" (Mark 10:23)
Last week I wasn't at my post at Holy Trinity. I was out in the bush, leading a small but courageous troop of wilderness warriors in a series of death-defying challenges, aimed at conquering their harsh environment. One of the unexpected side-effects of that experience was that I lost track of the proper sequence in the preaching roster and spent much of the week preparing a sermon on Jesus' teachings on divorce.
I really felt that I'd drawn the short straw, but I came up with something, which I faithfully abandoned yesterday when I realised I had to deal with the rich young ruler instead! And I must say that I didn't find much that I could carry over from one sermon to the other, except that both passages make me rather uncomfortable because I feel targeted in both cases, being both divorced and rich!
This wasn't always the case, of course. I wasn't always divorced, and I don't think I was always rich, though it's hard to define exactly what rich is, isn't it?
I had a friend who pastored a church on the North Shore once, in an area that most of us would consider a rich area. He said he often preached on Jesus' warnings to the rich, but his sermons never seemed to get much traction with the congregation. He eventually realised that they always assumed Jesus was talking about the next tier up in terms of wealth!
Perhaps that's the way it always works? When we hear these warnings against the rich, we think of those persons who live on the North Shore. When congregations on the North Shore hear these words, they figure Jesus is specifically targeting people who live in St Ives. When the congregation of St Ives hears these words, they figure Jesus is talking about Dulwich Hill (or they soon may, the way we are going). We always assume it's not us.
That's certainly the way I felt when I was a young Christian and a university student - full of zeal and deeply troubled by the levels of global poverty. I looked at the wealthy churches and I looked at the wealthy people in my own church, and I looked at them with disdain! Then something happened. At the age of thirty, I finally got a job, and then dad died and left me an inheritance. All of a sudden, I had to give my attention to things like superannuation and tax returns and BAS statements, and then I got a mortgage! And then I realised that the people Jesus was targeting weren't people like me at all, but one tier higher!
How do we define 'rich'? It is an important question, and an important question for people who want to follow Jesus most especially, for Jesus had a lot to say about the danger of riches and worldly wealth, and none of it was good. But who is to say who is rich? Are we rich? Well... compared to a lot of people around the world and compared to most of the people Jesus lived and moved with we probably are, but compared to the upper echelons of our own society we are probably not.
I think a decent working definition of being rich would be if you don't need anybody else'shelp to get by. If you don't need anybody else, biblically speaking, you're rich - too rich.
"How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!" (Mark 10:23)
As you may know, I've done a fair bit of reading in recent years about human pre-history - that is, that period in human history when we lived in hunter-gatherer communities - and I get the feeling that a lot of Biblical ethics is about transposing the value of the hunter- gatherer lifestyle into the contemporary context.
Hunter-gatherers lived a subsistence lifestyle, living off the land, gathering fruits and nuts, hunting and eating game, etc. There are still some such communities in the world today, but they are few and far between. Once upon a time we were apparently all like that, as is captured in the story of the garden of Eden - the Biblical story of our origins.
The key point I want to make here is that people in hunter-gatherer communities depend on each other for everything. Every member of the community has an inter-dependent relationship with everybody else. We live together, work together and eat together, and there's no such thing as competition, only cooperation.
I remember reading a story retold by some English missionaries who had been working with hunter-gatherer communities in the highlands in New Guinea, and they made the mistake of trying to teach some of the locals to play croquet. I've never played croquet, but I understand that it can be a very aggressive game, where you not only knock your balls through hoops, but where you also try to smash your opponent's ball to the other end of the croquet field, thus depriving him or her of their chance to make any hoops.
Apparently, once the highlanders got the idea of how to play, they started working together, making sure all their balls got through all the hoops, and when they got the last ball through they jumped up and down together and shouted, "we won"!
That's a very different sort of game, isn't it, reflecting a very different sort of culture. In hunter-gatherer societies, you can't afford to have one person win at the expense of others. The emphasis is on cooperation rather than competition. And, of course, there is no private property in these communities, and where there is no private property, there is no theft, no rich and poor, and no wars!
You'll have to forgive me if that sounds as if I'm idealizing these communities, and certainly Thomas Hobbes and Charles Darwin didn't depict this period of our history this way, but it's generally acknowledged by scholars nowadays that Hobbes' description of the life of 'primitive' men and women as being 'solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short' was entirely a product of him reading back into the past the miseries experienced by the landless poor in his own time (in 16th century Europe).
In contrast to Hobbes and Darwin, the Bible speaks of our early days in the garden in idyllic terms, and the Bible likewise points us towards a city - the new Jerusalem - which embodies much of the beauty of the garden and is also a place of peace.
Between the garden and the city, the people of God, it seems to me, are called upon to live out the values of caring and sharing, and, when they fail, they are sent back to the wilderness for testing - a place where once again they are forced to live as hunter-gatherers and depend on God and upon one another for survival.
"How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!" (Mark 10:23)
We know the story of the rich young ruler well (even if we don't know the man's name). Jesus, we are told, was busy getting ready for a journey when "a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"" (Mark 10:17)
It seems to me that this man is a bit like a guy wanting to win at croquet. He's not asking Jesus about the salvation of humanity or the restoration of the created order. He wants to win! "What must I do to inherit eternal life?"
I don't want to suggest that we have full knowledge of the psychology of this young man, but he seems doomed from the outset to me by virtue of the way he asks the question. This guy wants to win. Does it surprise us that he has great wealth? Of course he has great wealth! He is a winner in the game of life and now he wants to be a winner in the afterlife!
Perhaps the key issue here is not so much the amount of money he has, nor simply theattitude he has towards money (which is often how us preacher-types interpret the issue) but simply the fact that the man seems to be living in a world that's all about him!
One of the best books I read last year was one by American journalist and anthropologist, Sebastian Junger, called 'Tribe'. The book is an analysis of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) which is a condition most commonly associated with soldiers returning from war. Junger gives particular attention to the American Indian Wars that spanned the early 17th to the early 20th centuries.
Junger notes that during those wars there were a number of white settlers were kidnapped by native tribes and later returned to their communities. Interestingly, a disturbingly large number of those 'returned' persons later tried to sneak back to rejoin the tribes where they had originally been held as captives. Junger's analysis is that these people wanted to get back to a tribal community based on cooperation rather than competition, where people lived interdependently with one another.
Junger suggests that most of us 'civilised' types never get to experience real community, except during war. In wartime, men and women have to depend on each other, and so we band together and cooperate sacrificially in ways that we never do in peacetime. Junger's analysis of PTSD is that returning soldiers suffer this, not because they've come out of a horribly traumatic war-time situation, but rather because they can't adjust back from their war context to this dysfunctional society, based on competition and self-seeking profit!
Interestingly, I finished reading that book on my way to Manus Island last year where I had the privilege of sneaking into the Australian government detention centre for asylum- seekers, and meeting so many wonderful men.
What I discovered there was exactly what Junger had been talking about in the book. They were a tribe, living with and for one another. They worked together for their daily survival. They shared their medications as well as their food. They lived by cooperation rather thancompetition. There were no winners and losers, no private property. They were (and they continue to be) a band of brothers, who might indeed struggle with PTSD if they ever do have to adjust to living in an individualistic and dysfunctional society like ours.
"Jesus said to them again, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:24-25)
The problem with riches is more than a problem with riches. It's a problem with culture and values and with the way we related to one another. At the same time though, I don't want to dilute Jesus' words. We do have a very serious problem with riches.
I remember listening to a savvy commentator after Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States. He warned us not to expect too much change. As he explained, if you're elected CEO of Apple Corp., you might make a few changes, expand one market and shrink another, but your job is basically to sell iPhones. That's what you do. And if you're elected President of USA Inc., whatever else you do, you've still got to make war because your economy depends on it. If you want wealth, you sell weapons. It's the ultimate economy of death, though, of course, it's never presented that way.
We are in Syria because Bashar al Asaad is waging a religious war against the Sunni majority, just like we were in Libya because Muammar Gaddafi was busy butchering his own people, just like we were in Iraq because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. All lies, and we all know that they are all lies! And we know full well why we are really in Syria, and it's the same reason why we were in Libya and Iraq. It is fundamentally economic.
There was a protest song in the 1970's that said that war was good for absolutely nothing,
"cause it means destruction of innocent lives... [and] tears to thousands of mothers' eyes".
In truth though, while war might do nothing for humanity, it does a great deal for Boeing, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, and their shareholders.
Even if you do the maths on the relatively minor missile strike against Damascus on April 14th of this year, the Americans fired 66 Tomahawk missiles and 19 other missiles, with the Tomahawks retailing at 1.87 million each. Do the maths and you realise quickly that death is a very profitable industry.
The love of money is indeed at the root of all kinds of evil, though the thrust of today's passage is not so much on the death and destruction caused by the love of money, but rather simply on the way the love of money blocks the path to the kingdom of God.
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." (Mark 10:24-25)
We have a problem with money but the suggestion I want to make today is that the solution to our problem with money isn't to simply dig deeper. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with digging deeper, but I am suggesting that the reason we often find it so hard to dig deep is because we are part of a culture that values competition more than cooperation, makes private ownership a sacred right, and makes life all about me and not about us.
We need to build a less dysfunctional community - one where people can learn to live againin interdependence with one another, where cooperation is valued above competition, andwhere ultimately our question will not be "what must I do to inherit eternal life?", but rather'what must we do to bring about the Kingdom of God for all of us?'

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10036037

How Can You Know If You Are Pleasing God (John 8:21-30)?

"I'm cleaning up my room," says Joseph, 5. "People need room to walk so they don't trip. I'm not hurting anyone and that makes God happy!"
Whether you're 5 years old or 50, cleaning your room is always a challenge. It reminds me of what Phyllis Diller said, "Housework can't kill you, but why take a chance?"
"You need to be kind to your neighbors who are anyone you see, or also your enemies," says Sammy, 8.
Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God, but the second greatest (love your neighbor as yourself) is like the first (Mark 12:29-31). Did you ever wonder how loving your neighbor is like loving God? Also, does this include the neighbor who plays his stereo too loud or revs his motorcycle at 1:00 a.m?
Loving your neighbor and liking your neighbor are two different things. God never commands us to like our neighbor. I don't have to like my neighbor, his loud music or inconsiderate behavior to love him. All I have to know is that God loves my neighbor.
I know from the Bible that my neighbors are created in God's image even though that image is tarnished because of sin. Nevertheless, Christ suffered and died for all my neighbors, even the ones who openly rebel and shake their fists in his face.
Do I in myself have the capacity to love my neighbor as myself? I do not.
As a Christian, there is someone living in me who knows exactly how to love my neighbors. The Apostle Paul referred to this heavenly inhabitant as "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27). Not only is the indwelling Christ the hope of future glory for every Christian, he's also that hope of sanity in this present life.
Let's face it. There are some people who don't like you, and there's not a lot you can do to change their opinion. In some situations, loving your neighbor might mean you refrain from retaliating against a neighbor's intentional behavior to get under your skin.
It pleases God when you allow him to love people through you that you don't even like. It's easy to love people you like. It's the stinkers that will push you to rely on God's power and resources.
Only God can love stinkers. After all, he loves you and me. Before God, we're all stinkers. Our area of stink may differ, but that doesn't make the stink any less offensive to a holy God.
"I know I am pleasing God when I set the table for dinner, when I help my mom with her shopping and when I do my chores," says Avery, 7.
Yes, even the mundane become opportunities to please God when you're living life empowered by the Lord. Here's how the Apostle Paul described living under an open heaven: "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men," (Colossians 3:23).
Think about this: Sometimes people think of pleasing God only as something huge like hearing God's call to serve him on a distant mission field. Most of the time, pleasing God comes in the form of the ordinary. If you live life before an open heaven, the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary. You're living to please God, not trying to just get through the day.
Memorize this truth: Colossians 3:23 previously quoted.
Ask this question: As a Christian, have you allowed Christ's indwelling presence to transform your ordinary world into a wonderland full of opportunities to please God?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9671052

Looking Unto Jesus: Our Hope, Power and Victory

Love paid a price so hope could become a reality. ~ Susan Gaddis

The resurrection of Jesus is both the end... and the beginning of our Christian faith. Jesus' death ended the Old Covenant with all its rules, symbolized by the veil in the temple being rent in two (Mark 15:38). His death ratified a New Covenant, a better covenant, which was established upon better promises (Heb. 8:6). Then God raised Him from the dead and anointed Him as our High Priest to minister those promises to us.
Easter symbolizes all that we hold dear in our Christian faith. Jesus' demonstration of love, obedience and sacrifice established a new relationship between God and His people. But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down at the right hand of God from henceforth to wait until His enemies be made His footstool (Heb. 10:12-13).
When God made covenant with Abraham, He ratified it with the blood of animals and birds (see Gen. 15). Our New Covenant, however, was ratified with Jesus' own blood (see John 20:17).
Blood covenants are rooted deeply in human experience. American Indians become blood brothers. Husbands and wives become one with the shedding of blood. In ancient times, families, tribes and villages created blood covenants for protection, loyalty, support and profit.
A blood covenant is a form of adoption. Neither party is singular; they are now one. It is the strongest relationship bond known to humanity. Two parties exchange everything that they are or have for the benefit of the other. In our case, the New Covenant sealed forever our access to all of heaven's riches and power. That's why the ceremony of communion is so powerful; it reaffirms our Covenant with God Almighty and His Son, Jesus, our Savior, Lord and High Priest.
God declared "I will be their God, and they shall be my people" (2 Cor. 6:16). Why?... that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:5-7).
Can you imagine? God wants to show us His exceeding riches and kindness! He wants to bless us exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us (Eph. 3:20). Here are just three of our promises in the Resurrection.
Jesus, Our Hope
By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God (Rom. 5:2)
Hope means expectant anticipation. No matter what is happening in your life, hope grabs hold of God's promises, expecting things to turn around. As born-again believers, we expect to spend eternity in heaven because of Jesus. Why? Because God said so! But God wants us to have a good life here on earth too. He wants us to hope in ALL of His promises. Peter explained that we were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ... that your faith and hope might be in God (I Peter 1:19,21).
Covenant hope comes from The Word. David said, "Thou art my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Thy word" (Ps. 119:114). Paul explained in Romans that we have access by faith into the grace and favor of God. Faith - putting our absolute trust in God's Word alone - is the substance of things we hope for. Hope, partnered with faith, declares God's promises of health, prosperity, peace, joy and deliverance out loud, believing that they will come to pass.
Jesus, Our Power
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need(Heb. 4:16).
The power of God is demonstrated throughout the Bible. From creation and the parting of the Red Sea to the miracles of Jesus and the acts of the Apostles, we see physical circumstances overpowered by the voice of Almighty God. The greatest demonstration of His power was Jesus' resurrection from the pit of hell. How did He do all His mighty works? By speaking words out of His mouth. Whatever He says has the power within itself to come to pass. And He transferred that power to us through Jesus!
As joint-heirs with Him, we are empowered to speak His Word. Jesus, as our High Priest, is ready to ratify our words spoken in faith. The God of Israel is He that giveth strength and power unto His people (Ps. 68:35). That power is inherent in the Word of God, but we also need strength to stand patiently until the manifestation. Faith grabs hold of The Word, knowing He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might He increaseth strength (Is. 40:29).
Jesus, Our Victory
But thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15:57).
Hope and power lead to victory. Born-again believers have an advantage the rest of the world lacks. For whosoever is born of God overcometh the world. And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith (I John 5:4).
Think about Jesus' mission on earth. The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the Gospel [good news] to the poor. He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them at are bruised (Luke 4:18). The Amplified says those who are 'downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity'.
Healing, deliverance, restoration and liberty are part of our Covenant. Jesus never refused anyone who asked for healing or restoration. He brought victory wherever He went. He never said, "You don't deserve it." In fact, The Bible says He only said and did what the Father told Him to say and do, so everything He did was an example of the Father's will. God wants to do you good and bring you victory wherever you need it.
Yea an Amen
Sometimes, we feel like God is telling us no, not now, or simply ignoring us, but that's not true. For all the promises of God in Him are 'yea'; and in Him 'amen' unto the glory of God by us (2 Cor. 1:20). It's a covenant partnership. Jesus is the Mediator, but the power works 'by us' as His representatives on this earth. God's promises are always 'yeah and amen', but it takes our faith to make the connection to Divine provision. It takes both parties to make a strong covenant.
God called us to be His family, to receive all the bounty and blessing He can bestow. We are not only His covenant partners, we are His sons and daughters. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise (Gal. 3:29).
If you were named as an heir, I'm willing to bet you'd be ready and waiting to receive whatever you were promised. You'd call the attorney and tell him, "Hey, that's me. I'm entitled to that and I want it. What do I have to do to get it?" Then you'd do whatever it took to get what you were promised.
The same is true with the New Covenant of grace. God's grace has made everything available to you through the blood of Christ and the Word of promise. Look unto Jesus, grab hold of His promises and take your stand. You've got the supernatural hope, power and victory you need to bring them to pass, all because of the Resurrection.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8984273

7 Secret Ways a Christian Lady Can Attract a Godly Man for Marriage

Marriage is honorable. Everyone desires a peaceful and love-filled relationship or marriage. Many ladies have a lot of misconceptions about attracting the right man into their lives. Some think it's by dressing half-naked or by easily getting laid that attracts men to them. This way, however, you will certainly earn some attention, but the question is: who are they? Are they men you would like to spend the rest of your life with?
Today, we want to look at how a christian lady can attract a Godly man for marriage. As mentioned earlier, worldly people employ all-kinds of unwholesome style but christians MUST stand-out in the following ways:
Decency. There is a saying that the way you dress is the way you're addressed. Christian ladies must make sure that they dress and present themselves well. Let me tell you: men are visual and no man, including christian men, who will not recognize when he sees a lady he likes. And how do you as a christian lady attract his attention? By dressing decently viz: covering every part of your body appropriately with outfits that complement your figure; nice shoes; good hair-do and well-manicured/pedicured nails. You may not wear make-up or perfume but if you must wear make-up, it must be moderate, not shouting, so as not to create an impression of who you are not.
Confidence. Confidence is very attractive. As a christian lady, are you always confident in yourself? Do you know your worth and value? Do you love yourself for who you are, and the way you look? Don't forget: these things show in your personality and carriage. Men get easily attracted to women of confidence. That you're a christian is not an excuse but you must be careful not to misconstrue confidence as pride or arrogance.
Friendly Disposition. They say: to be a friend, you need to be a friend. Relationships are founded on friendships. So, you have to learn to be friendly. You need to be approachable. Make it possible for people to get along with you easily; always show love, caring and kindness. Learn to wear smiles on your face. This way you would be attracting Godly attention to yourself.
Respect for People. Respect for others is yet another key for attracting Godly men. The truth is: beauty is not the ultimate in marriage but character and personality are. Beauty can attract a man to you but it's your character that determines whether he stays or not. People normally, especially in the church, observe your character from afar. They want to see if you're that kind of a christian lady who respects and honors other people. If you are, I would not be surprised to see a Godly man making moves towards getting to know you.
Love God. When you love God with all your heart, mind and soul, HE will make HIS abode in you, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, HE will continually direct your affairs including that of attracting a Godly husband. This love of God will show in everything you do and in the way you relate with people. God says: you are the light of the world. It will become true in your life. People will quickly discern that you would not find it difficult to respect and submit to your husband.
Kingdom Service. There is always an opportunity for you to serve in the church. By genuinely working in God's vineyard, HE will work in your own vineyard. That is HIS promise! By serving in the choir; being a church warden; or being a member of any other pious society in the church, you showcase yourself for the congregation to evaluate your character and personality. But don't you ever enter into Kingdom Service because you want to attract a man. Let it be instead, because you love God and you love to serve HIM. That way HE will meet you at the points of your needs.
Mistreatment of Men. As a christian lady who wants to contract a Godly marriage, how do you handle men who approach you? It's like customer service! Most customers when they are mishandled, they tell as many prospective customers as come their way, how they were mistreated. And this impacts on the company's sales margin. It is the same when a lady turns down a man rudely. He will spread the 'gospel' amongst other faithfuls in the church. You will be portrayed as unapproachable and that will scare other men that were eyeing you and were just waiting for an opportunity to let you know about it. If you're to turn down a guy you don't quite like, you've got to do it politely with love. God bless you!
The love and fear of God should be the salient guiding principles for christian ladies seeking to attract Godly men for marriage. If everything is done beginning with God, it will surely end with God taking centre-stage of the relationship and eventual marriage.

You Have Value and You Have a Calling

At one time or another every one of us is confronted by the question: What am I actually doing here? What is my purpose on earth? And often the answer gets lost in the mist as we drown in feelings of inferiority. Man, that's not a good place to be.
But then I remember a verse about God who thought about me even before I was born.
Listen to the lovely lyrics of David's song of praise in Psalm 139:13-15: "Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. I thank you, High God-you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration-what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something."
Wow! How wonderful to know that God has been connected to me even before I was born. Before I was made in my mother's womb, He had a perfect picture of me in his mind. He was excited about my arrival. Day by day He formed in my mother's womb with a very specific purpose. Each day He checked to see what has grown and what has been added. In amazement He watched my development and growth.
I imagine He couldn't wait for me to take my first breath and when He heard that first cry, He couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud. Filled with joy, excitement and satisfaction. Forgive me if this sounds disrespectful, but I can just imagine God giving Jesus a high five.
Then I jump out of the dumps of inferiority. I was made by the living God. It was his idea for me to be on earth and that gives me value. Therefore, my value does not lie in who I am or what I do, my value comes from God. The One who made me and gave me life.
And because God has made me, I also know there is a plan for my life. I'm not here where I am by accident. No, God has given me and all of us a specific task that we have to perform here on earth.
Jeremiah confirmed it in chapter 1 verses 4 and 5: "This is what God said: Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you."
And Paul prays for this too in 2 Thessalonians 1: 11"... we pray for you all the time - pray that our God will make you fit for what He's called you to be... "
God designed each of us to do something. He has a picture in his head of what we need to do for Him here on earth and we have to understand that very well. I suspect our country and our world are looking like they do because many people do not get to God's picture of their lives.
Let's stop struggling and fighting with our self-esteem and say out loud: I was in God's thoughts even before my parents started planning to have children - or as in my case: God had plans for me despite my parents' decision not to have any more children.
Now it is your and my responsibility to ask God what that plan is. And then we must take steps to live God's plan for our lives to the full, without any uncertainty about our value in God's eyes.
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
To think about
Do you realise how much value you have in God's eyes?
What is your calling?
Where can you live it?
Our Father in heaven, thank you that I can know that You already thought about us even before our parents thought about it. Thank you that I have value. Thank you that I have a calling, a plan that You have for my life. Please help me to go and live it out there. Amen.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10027931

How To Build Lasting Love In Your Marriage

Do you desire to have lasting love in your marriage? This is surely the wish of many Christian couples, however many of their relationships are either struggling or collapsing. This is not God's desire for any of His children. This article aims at enlightening you on how to build lasting love in your marriage.
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail... - I Corinthians 13:4-8 (NKJV).
Marriage is a spiritual institution and so should not be entered into or followed in the flesh, you need the help of God. Marriage is more than mere "I DO" though it's part of the beginning. It is the bonding of a woman and a man spirit, soul and body. That's why if you have sex, which is of marriage, with a harlot you become one with her and reap the consequences of it, the wrath of God.
For one to have lasting love in marriage you must know LOVE Himself. God is love (I John 4:8)! How much you know Him determines how lasting your love for your spouse will be. Your love for God determines how much you will love your spouse. I'm not talking about Eros (Love of the body or sexual desire) or Philia (Brotherly love), though you need them in marriage. I am talking about Agape love if lasting love is what you desire to have in your marriage. You need to love your spouse with the love of God. It will always pass the test of time. Others may fail but not Agape love.
God's kind of love
The scriptures in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 give a description of what God's love is. This is how to love your spouse, no conditions attached. That was how Jesus loved us that while we were yet sinners He died for us. God expects us to love our spouses like Jesus loves us. You are to love him or her, not because he or she loves you but essentially because you love God and you want to please Him. Otherwise, if you ever think that your spouse doesn't love you again, you may quit loving him.
What next?
In marriage, it's not about what you can get from your spouse or what he or she can give you; it is about what you can give him or her. Marriage is about what you can contribute into his or her life. God thought about marriage and instituted it because He felt something was missing in Adam and He made a helpmeet for Him. So, in marriage you are to supply whatever may be lacking in your spouse. You are not to get him or her to supply what is lacking in you; that shouldn't be your focus. For you to have lasting love, you need to mind your own part of responsibility and believe God to help your spouse do his or her own part.
The truth is that if you are depending on your spouse to make you happy you will be in trouble. He or she doesn't have the capacity to do that. Your happiness and joy lie in God. If He fulfills it through your husband or wife, that's great. But you must choose to solely depend on God for everything in your marriage. Choose to please God all the time and you will always please your spouse, and he or she will reciprocate same to you. Jesus, desiring to please God, the Father, always was a blessing to the people.
Furthermore, you can't love and not give. You may give without loving, but there is no way you will love and not give: your time, energy, and resources. Giving is living. God showed what it means to love by giving His only Son and there is nothing else He won't give you. Therefore, learn to give your best and all to your spouse.
In conclusion, do you desire to have a lasting love in marriage, then first know God (who is Love) and obey His instructions, choose to please your spouse, putting him or her first before you and make giving a lifestyle in your relationship and you will be building a lasting love in your relationship.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10080352

The Power Of Blessing Your Loved Ones

What do you desire to see in the lives of your family and loved ones? You have the power to orchestrate them to a great extent through your blessings. God has given you a mouth with which you decide what happens in your life and lives of your loved ones, especially your family. Wisdom demands that you use it consciously and wisely. This article explains the power of blessing your family.
Then Isaac trembled exceedingly, and said, "Who? Where is the one who hunted game and brought it to me? I ate all of it before you came, and I have blessed him- and indeed he shall be blessed" - Genesis 27:33 (NKJV).
By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come - Hebrews 11:20 (NKJV).
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit - Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV).
Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and wise people use it to enjoy the life in it. You are to a great extent product of words spoken over your life yesteryears by you and your loved ones who had authority over your life, mostly your physical and spiritual parents. At the same time, your tomorrow will be determined by the words spoken over your life today. Therefore, there is need for you to consciously choose your words and refute negative words spoken over your life. When you have an understanding of this, you will need to also apply it over your loved ones.
Many Christians by the grace of God are now consciously keeping their mouth from speaking death over their families, but are yet to consciously speak life over them. Those who love it will eat the fruit of it. Choose to consciously bless your loved ones. Take a few minutes to bless them in line with the Lord's words daily, speaking into their future. You shall have what you say.
We are co-creators with God. As you say in the Creator's ears so shall He do unto you. God created the universe with His words and you are to enforce the Lord's will for your life with your words too. God's thoughts for you are not of evil but good, to give you a future and an expected end, so speak His thoughts concerning you into existence. The power of the tongue cannot be over emphasized.
Isaac blessed Jacob and he told Esau that Jacob shall indeed be blessed. When he was blessing Esau, he still pronounced him a servant to Jacob just as he had told Jacob that his brethren will serve him (Genesis 27: 37, 40). Isaac blessed his children concerning things to come (Hebrews 11:20). Israel is still enjoying this blessing up till today. They are masters in whatever they are doing. As their father had said in the ears of God so has He done unto them.
What are you saying in the ears of the Father concerning your children or your loved ones? If you say good things over their lives, you reap good things as well and if you say evil so you get. Also, if you say nothing you get nothing. I charge you today, to search out God's promises for His children and consciously declare them over your loved ones daily and you will see what becomes of them in the future. There is power in your tongue, use it to your advantage and eat the fruit thereof.
Therefore, what do you want to see manifested in your family, start today to declare it and it shall be established unto you. Even, if it seems delayed in materializing, don't stop blessing them, don't get tired, for you'll surely reap the fruits of your lips if you faint not.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10087654

Why You Must Love Praying To God Always

Do you have the passion and time to pray? Many Christians want so many great things but don't have the time to pray them into manifestation. For some Christians, it is hard work and time-consuming. However, it is the main source of a victorious Christian living on earth. This article states why you must love praying to God Always.
Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know - Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV).
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls - Matthew 11:28-29 ([NKJV).
Why should it be a difficult thing to pray to God Almighty if He is your Father? If you are His son or daughter you will look forward to your conversations with Him, if not your relationship with the Lord is questionable. Relationships are built on communications, and that is prayer when it is with God. Prayer is the act of communicating with God. It is dwelling in the Lord's presence, and you can't be in His presence and remain the same.
1. Prayer grows your relationship with the Father
Prayer gives you the opportunity to build up your relationship with the Lord. Communication is the cement for relationships and that goes for your relationship with God too. The more you talk with God in prayer the more you know and love Him, the stronger your faith in Him and the more of Him you want in your life. This is a fellowship if you experience once you would love to return for more. All the people God used mightily in the scriptures were people who had a great relationship with Him. Abraham was called his friend, David a man after God's heart and many others whose exploits emanated from their relationship with the Father.
2. You become like the Almighty God
Dwelling in the Lord's presence always helps you to become more like Him. As iron sharpens iron so does God sharpen the countenance of whosoever dwells with Him, just as when you dwell around fire for long, you end up smelling of smoke. For instance, Moses' face shone brightly after dwelling with the Father and his brethren saw it (Genesis 34:29-35). Furthermore, he who walks with the wise will be wise, as such walking with the only wise God will make you very wise.
3. Prayer altar is a place of rest and peace.
Jesus invited everyone that is heavy laden to come to Him so that they can have rest. Christ, the Prince of peace, has the power to give peace to all who come to Him. In prayer, His nature of peace rubs off on you and as you talk with Him, what you learn from Him will help you find rest for your soul. A troubled soul never leaves the Lord's presence still sorrowful. Therefore, anytime you are troubled choose to pray and you will see how restful you will be at the end.
4. God's plan for your life is discovered
Through prayers you discover the path the Lord has mapped out for you per time. You will not only discover His ordained purpose for your life, but every step towards its realization will also be revealed to you as you seek His face in prayer. Ezra and the Israelites sought from the Lord the right way for them, their little ones and all their possessions as they returned to Jerusalem and He answered their prayer (Ezra 8:21-23). You can't make mistake in your decisions if you will always inquire of God before acting. David never lost a battle because he would always inquire of God of what steps to take before engaging in a battle.
5. Prayer secures your victory over all oppressions of the devil
If God be for you who can be against you. You secure divine intervention, and deliverance from all oppressions of the enemy. Every force of darkness bows at the name of Jesus. Prayer keeps you on fire for Jesus which in turn keeps the enemy far from you. The hotter you become, the farther the enemy will be to you, just like a house fly will keep away from hot foods and perch on cold ones.
6. Prayer guarantees success and exploits
Through prayers, you secure the ideas and strategies by which you do exploits and enjoy all round success. The "all-knowing" God through prayers reveals great and mighty things to those who care to ask Him. There is nothing impossible or hard for our God. He has the answers to all questions and solutions to all challenges, and is ever willing to make them known to you if you will engage your heart in prayer.
7. Prayer changes people and things
When you ask God in faith to change people or things in line with His word, He does it. So, no matter the issue bring it to the Lord in prayer, believing, and you will receive your answered prayer. Elijah prayed that there be no rain and it was so, and he prayed again and the Lord sent rain (James 5:17). That challenge before you may still be there because you have not sought for its change in effectual and fervent prayer. Pray and you will see a change.
In conclusion, your success in life as a Christian depends greatly on your prayer life. If you love your life and want success then you should love praying to God. God is your creator and has the manual for your life, talking to Him in prayer reveals the manual to you. Those who love praying to God are those who do exploits and have great testimonies to share. Start praying without ceasing today and join them in experiencing the supremacy of God Almighty.

Dominion Over Marital Challenges

Are you having marital problems? Marital challenges are real but what is more real is the truth that you have dominion over these challenges. God will never allow any challenge more than you to come your way. The issue is how you tackle the problems that come your way. This article gives you the ground on which to stand to exercise your dominion over all marital issues.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you - Matthew 6:33 (NKJV).
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God - Philippians 4:6 (NKJV).
Many people are going through a lot of marital challenges and they are allowing them to drown them, when they should be dominating them. Dominion has been given to you by God right from the beginning. All you need to do is to position yourself well and take your dominion.
What position should you take?
1. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness
2. Make your request known unto God with thanksgiving
3. Be anxiety free
God knows you have need of those things you are anxious about. He knows you want to be married or to have children, and He has made provisions for you to have them in His word, so it is settled, a done deal.
Focus on God and everything He is interested in, while you make your request known unto Him. Believe that He has answered you there and then and start thanking Him for the answer. Keep serving God in all kingdom work that you are opportune to do like praying for the Lord's will to be done on earth, preaching the gospel, giving your resources, time and energy for the spread of the gospel. Soon, your answered prayer will become a reality.
God has a plan for every individual and it's made up of certain number of phases or chapters. Some people may have more phases than others just like some books have more chapters than others. When you stick to God's plan for your life, He will never mismanage it. When it's time to change to a new phase, the Lord will help you to do so effortlessly and without sweat.
The Creator of the universe doesn't have a stereotyped pattern for everyone. Your phase one may be different from my phase one. For some people, God may have planned that they should get married immediately after their first degree while others will be programmed for 5 to 10 years later. For some people, children come within the first year of marriage while others will start having children some years after. However, at the end, both sets of people will be married with children, but all at different phases. God's plan for every individual is in the best interest of the person concerned and it's directed towards helping him or her to fulfill his or her destiny.
When you are walking according to God's plan, don't try to insist on when each phase should be. Trust God, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love Him. God is a master planner. He knows the end from the beginning, so allow Him to bring about the best in your life. Don't lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
When you try to force a phase to come to pass at a wrong time, you go off the Lord's plan for you. You will encounter so many challenges you could have avoided following the Father's plan. When you finally decide to return to His original plan, you will make it longer than it should have been and the scars of the wrong step will be there too. However, it is better than not returning at all because you will still get to the desired destination even though it will take longer time to achieve it.
For instance the Israelites spent extra 40 years in the wilderness because they went outside God's plan for them. In the process they lost all the adults that came out of Egypt except Joshua and Caleb (Numbers 32:10-13). But, the survivors made it to the Promised Land as the Lord designed.
Again, God promised Abraham that He would give him a child, but along the line Sarah tried to help God by giving her maid to Abraham to have a child through her (Numbers 16:1-4). She did get a child from Hagar, but she only started off what if she knew the future she wouldn't have done so. She even ended up not taking care of the child herself. However, as they continued serving God, Sarah finally gave birth to Isaac, 25 years after God promised them.
It's like a Google map, when you miss the direction it was giving you and you consult it again, it will reprogram your direction from where you are to your desired destination, though in all it may take you a longer time to get there.
Therefore, to take and remain in dominion over marital challenges, keep serving God and the interest of His kingdom, let your requests be made known unto the Lord with thanksgiving and ensure that you are not anxious at all over that situation. Leave your heavenly Father to execute His plan for you and at the end, you will be glad that you did.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10066565

Jesus Christ And Easter

The Easter Story is at the heart of Christianity, its message proclaims Jesus Christ as our Savior and the Light of the World. The Resurrection proclaimed victory over death and opens our eyes to spiritual reality giving us confident hope for an eternal future in the Heavenly Kingdom Of God. This is the heart of Christian faith and belief that truly, becomes a living expression of the hope that God has brought into the world through Jesus.
Religious Significance Of Easter
The essential inspiration of Jesus Christ, from his Birth, His Life, His Death and His Resurrection to eternal life and glory has remained a tremendous influence on mankind. His Message about God, of love and hope, of mercy, repentance and forgiveness is still and will be a guide and a comfort to people seeking salvation.
His Crucifixion and Resurrection occurred about two thousand years ago and is recorded in the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and documented by Roman, Jewish and Greek historians. From that foundation, Christianity grew sending off branches in many directions from ancient Jerusalem. The Christian church appeared after much suffering and martyrdom as many of those early Christians were beaten, stoned to death, thrown to the lions, tortured and crucified to stop them talking. Yet, they laid down their lives for their faith as the ultimate proof of their complete confidence in the truth of their message. Christian missionaries bearing the Word of God went on to carry the Cross of Christ to all continents and all peoples.
That Special Sunday
Palm Sunday is celebrated on the Sunday before Easter. Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey on a Sunday. He came as the humble Messiah as prophesied by Zachariah but, the people greeted Him as the King of Israel with palm branches. Jesus Christ rose from the dead early on a Sunday morning so, the Christian faithful dedicate this day by going to church to hear the Voice of God and to find Jesus the Savior.
Cross of Christ
Every year, on Good Friday, the bells of every Christian church throughout the world slowly begin to toll, lamenting the Death of Jesus Christ. The Christian faithful will once more, walk in His Footsteps with great devoutness, on this day, our dear Lord, Jesus Christ closed His Eyes in Death on the Cross. Good Friday marks His Crucifixion and Easter Sunday His Resurrection to everlasting life and glory. Throughout history, countless millions of people have walked this path to follow Jesus Christ in a spirit of sincere reverence and faith carrying the Cross of Christ.
The Last Supper
Jesus knew His Destiny and was committed to His Father's Will. The Last Supper depicts Jesus with His Disciples where He instituted the Holy Eucharist. Eucharist comes from the Greek word "eukaristos" which means grateful or, thanksgiving and has essentially become synonymous with Holy Communion. Bread and wine represent the Lord's Supper. Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it and shared it among His Disciples saying "This is my Body given to you; do this in remembrance of Me" (Luke 22:19). He then shared wine (His Blood of the New Covenant) and gave to each of His Disciples.
Holy Communion is the Body and Blood of our Lord, given in the form of bread and wine and, instituted by Jesus Himself for us to receive throughout life in His remembrance. It is a visible reminder of His Body which was nailed to the Cross at Golgotha and His Blood which was shed there. When we participate in the Eucharist, we receive the gift of forgiveness that purifies the soul and opens the pathway to the promise of eternal life in the Heavenly Kingdom of God.
Easter Celebrations
Every devout Christian treasures Easter and the wonderful traditions that surround it. It is a grand festival that is celebrated as a public holiday in many countries throughout the Christian world. Like all festivals, it is celebrated in a surprising variety of ways according to people's beliefs and their religious denominations. As the excitement of Easter fills the air, churches once again prepare to celebrate and to honor the power and glory of the Resurrection of our dear Lord, Jesus Christ. And, there is a certain joy in the heart as every family will gather around their festive Easter table to celebrate their rich Easter traditions.
Along with its special religious significance, many other popular celebratory customs such as Easter eggs and the Easter bunny have also become synonymous with this great festival while, many traditional foods served during Holy Week have become symbolic staples of the Easter feast. Among popular symbols, the Easter Lamb is by far the most significant of this great feast representing Christ. ("Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!) This was John the Baptist's declaration in John 1:29 upon seeing Jesus for the first time. People also bake or buy special sweet Easter breads and hot cross buns, popular in the English-speaking countries like the United Kingdom and Australia. And, like Father Christmas, the Easter bunny brings gifts for children on Easter Sunday as they wake up to find baskets filled with chocolate and candy and hidden eggs around the house for them to seek and find.
The Holy Land
Thousands of pilgrims will also travel from across the world to the Holy Land to celebrate the Festival of Easter. They gather for an Easter sunrise service at the Garden tomb in Jerusalem and take part in one of the many processions that travel the route of Jesus Christs' journey to Golgotha referred to as the "Twelve Stations Of The Cross."