What Is Spiritual Warfare?

Spiritual warfare is the fight of faith engaged by Christians against super mundane entities in the spirit realm. This may sound like a coded language that is why many people ask, what's spiritual warfare? Too many Christians have no knowledge about the seriousness of spiritual warfare. The battle for the control of human soul started in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned against God. It's a battle between God and Satan, between good and evil, it's a kingdom battle, the kingdom of God with all the angels and Satan with fallen angels.
Millions of Christians have no clue how this battle is staged and engaged. Satan rebelliousness and pride brought a great indictment against him by the Almighty God. We read in scriptures, "How art thou fallen from heaven, o Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!... I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high" (Isaiah 14:12&14, KJV). This move by Satan triggered expulsion from the throne of God and all the fallen angels which now are demons suffered the same wrath of God.
You must understand that the realm of the spirit is as real as the natural realm. Actually, things start in and exist in the spirit realm before the manifestation in the natural realm. I've been at the center of spiritual warfare ministry since the seventies. Many encounters had taken place and hundreds of people who were oppressed and possessed by demons, have been set free.
Are you wondering what is spiritual warfare and who are the principal players? Let me address this fact. God is omnipotent and omnipresent, Satan isn't. He operates through the chain command of his demons (the fallen angels under his command). In practice this warfare involves God, angels, Satan, demons (fallen angels) and people. Spiritual warfare is an on- going daily battle. Through the fight of faith and your stand on the word of God by the authority in Jesus name; you will be victorious in this battle.
Demons are of higher wisdom then men, but we've power and authority over them in the name of Jesus through the blood sacrifice. They're non-corporal spirits, meaning that they have no channel of expression except through human bodies or persons. As you continue to ponder on what is spiritual warfare, you must understand the medium of entry. These are varied, they can express themselves through sickness, diseases, jealousy, anger, hatred, self-pity, murder, suicidal tendencies, smoking, drinking, un-lawful sex, drug use, spiritism (use of Ouija barls, horoscope, witch games horror movies, etc.)
To overcome this vicious attacks from Satan's kingdom requires (a) prayer (b) bibles study, reading, meditation (c) fasting-as you're led by the Holy Spirit (d ) powerful Christian Testimony and witness.
You must renew your mind through these mentioned steps because Satan seeks to oppress his victims. See Ephesians 4:17-27 and Romans 12:2. He can alter the communication of a Christian by putting thoughts into your mind.
How to resist the demonic influences that surrounds you.
1. Submission to the lordship of Jesus Christ
2. Be filled with power of the Holy Ghost
3. Walk in humility-Peter 5:6-9
4. Abstain from appearance of evil, see 1 Thessalonians 5:22
5. Cut short angry and bitter situations see Ephesians 4:26,27
Once you understand what spiritual warfare is and guard yourself appropriately you'll win over Satan devices. Truth be told, demons will wait patiently for you to become careless and weakened, then they will launch attack. Jesus commanded us to watch and pray.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6977415

Predestination Is Created by Us, Not God

Predestination to my own understanding means our lives from birth to dead has been fixed, preordained or determined by an unseen God, without inputs whatsoever from us.
Therefore, all our efforts in thought, words or deeds cannot change the roadmap God created even while we were in our mother's womb.
Honestly, I do not think this is right. Please, feel free to convince me to change my mind based on sound, superior arguments, as opposed to blackmail and propaganda.
The Bible says what we sow today, we reap tomorrow. Therefore, in life, there is a sowing and reaping process, which we determine, through the choices we make daily.
Instead of predestination, I know from personal experience that our destiny is in our hands, created by us from our past thought, words and deeds.
God exists, man also exists and there is a definite relationship between God and man. This statement from AMORC is true and acceptable by me.
Our dominant thought, words and deeds, negative or positive have definite effects on our lives tomorrow, the year to come and after this present life. Karma and reincarnation in action.
So, whether we are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, noble or criminal, loving or cruel, kind or brutal, we are sowing a seed today in our individual lives that will come to manifestation either in this life or the next. We will pay for the seeds sown.
This is destiny in action, created by us not by an unknown God. It is not predestination that some pastors, imams and spiritualists out there will want to force down our throats, just like the concept of heaven and hell.
Yes, some of us have the power, wealth, connection and the means to cut corners, suppress and intimidate others and run others down in desperate moves to achieve our selfish desires.
We may think we can buy the judiciary and the law enforcement agents. But, none of us can manipulate the laws of karma that is closely tied to destiny, instead of predestination.
God is a spirit and those that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth, so says the Bible.
Therefore, none of us can hide under the umbrella of predestination to escape facing the consequences of our thought, words and deeds in this life time and the next.
Your preacher may want to use predestination as another plot to place you under his or her control for life. Please, get this message here and now, nobody, not even God has the right to determine your life.
God only gives you what you sincerely ask for. God will work with you, not for you. The journey of life is a personal one and your preacher cannot determine the roadmap of your life. He is she is also a human being like you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9567286

Jesus Believed In The Devil

As a young Christian - over 35 years ago - I heard a statistic from a poll stating that approximately 90% of the people in America profess to believe in God, but only about 30% believed in the devil. I remember being shocked by that disparity. More recently, a George Barna survey reported that only 27% of adults in America believe that Satan is a real being; and perhaps more shocking in Barna's survey was the fact that only 40% of those who classified themselves as "born again Christians" believed in a real devil (2008 Barna Worldview Survey, barna.org). Those who do not believe that the biblical words "devil" or "Satan" refer to a real being assume that those terms are only symbolic and merely refer to the principle of evil in the world.
That evil is present in our world is indisputable, whether there is a being behind the evil is obviously disputed. Perhaps you are among those who don't believe that Satan is a real being. You would obviously have a lot of company; but I must tell you, Jesus would not be in your company. The writings of the Apostles of Jesus are quite clear: They believed the devil was real, and Jesus believed in the devil.
An Important Point of Clarification:
When I speak of "believing in the devil", that is qualitatively different from believing in God or believing in Jesus as a matter of personal faith. Biblically, to believe in God or to believe in Jesus entails trust in the same. In other words, biblical believing is more than mere mental assent to a theoretical assertion. It is not merely to say you believe; it is to actually believe that which is asserted. To believe in God - the Bible's God - is different from believing in gods, or some higher powers. It is to believe in an Awesome Being with both the wisdom and power to create the Universe, to create nature and infuse it with power, to create us with the ability to see and hear and know Him. To truly believe in this Being is to respond in humility, and to utilize our varied communication abilities to express our growing awe and appreciation of Him.
Likewise, to believe in Jesus is more than to have fond feelings about a historic figure by that name who was merely a good teacher or philosopher with a good reputation. It is more than to merely believe He was a nice guy who was misunderstood and murdered. To believe in Jesus - as Scripture encourages us to do - is to believe He was who He claimed to be - the Son of God, the Messiah (or Christ) of God, the Savior of lost humanity.
To believe in the devil is to believe in his being. It is to believe that Satan, first seen as a serpent in the Garden of Eden, is a real creature. It is to believe that he is not, however, a creature limited to physical life such that he should die like all animals eventually do. Satan is a spiritual being endowed with eternal life. To believe in him is to respect him as a creature with great intellect and great power. The Bible first calls him "crafty" (Genesis 3:1). To believe in the devil is to recognize him as the ultimate source of evil, the inspiration of all rebellion against the Creator and His rule. Not only is the devil the source of all that we would readily recognize as "evil," he is the source of all the precursors to evil which we often fail to recognize.
Jesus not only believed in the devil in this manner, He did more to make Satan known than anyone had before Him. Evidently, Jesus wanted us to recognize the devil as the enemy that he is and respond with appropriate resistance.
Jesus certainly did believe in the devil.
This fact is woven throughout the Gospels and the rest of the writings of the Apostles. One of Jesus' closest disciples, the Apostle John, expressed the mission statement of the Messiah like this: "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work" (1 John 3:8). And John preceded that statement with this one: "He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning." Notice friend, Satan is the original sinner. Read Genesis, Chapter three, and you will see how this "original sinner" inspired the original sin in humanity. Simply put, to sin is to violate the will of our Maker. Sin can be a seemingly slight violation like eating fruit from a tree that was plainly forbidden - the sin of Adam and Eve, or it can be as horrifying as the murder of a sibling - the sin of Cain against Abel.
Both explicit and implicit acts of the devil are recorded in the Gospels. When Jesus was very young, within two years of age, the devil inspired a deadly plan through Herod, the evil Roman King. Magi (wise men) had come from the east to find and honor the newborn king because they had seen His star. In Jerusalem they told people about their journey. One of those who heard was Herod. He asked the wise men to return when they had found this child, saying he also wanted to worship the baby king. But he was operating in deceit. His real intent was to kill the child. When the Magi did not return (because they had been warned not to in a dream), Herod sent a detail of soldiers to Bethlehem with these horrific orders: "Kill every child under the age of two." Jesus would have been among them except that Joseph was warned in a dream to flee to Egypt with his little family. The Scriptures do not explicitly state that Satan was involved in this terrible atrocity; here his involvement, though certain, is only implied.
At the launching of Jesus' ministry, shortly after He was baptized in the Jordan River, Scripture records a profound personal encounter with the devil. Jesus was led into a desert where He fasted for 40 days. This circumstance was a test of the Son of God as He prepared to launch His public ministry. There in the desert, Satan directly confronted Jesus (see Matthew and Luke, chapters four). The devil approached Jesus with three temptations or tests. The essence of the accounts is that Satan spoke to Jesus and Jesus spoke to Satan. Satan suggested specific actions for Jesus to take and offered specific incentives for Him to act. What is obvious in the accounts is that the interaction is between two "persons," the person of Jesus and the person of the devil. The devil tried to lead, to influence or control Jesus; Jesus resolutely resisted him.
Consider just the third and final test of Satan in these accounts. Here is Matthew's record of the experience: "The devil took [Jesus] to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor" (Matthew 4:8). As Jesus looked at all these kingdoms and their glory, Satan made this offer: "All this I will give you, if you will bow down and worship me" (Matthew 4:9). Jesus would have nothing to do with the devil's deal. Instead, He quoted Deuteronomy 6:13 which says, "Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only;" then He ordered Satan to leave. And Satan left. Nothing about this account should leave you thinking Jesus was interacting with a mere symbol of evil. To the contrary, Jesus was interacting with the author of evil, the Evil One - the very being behind all evil.
The Devil and the Demons
The Bible leads us to believe that angels were created before mankind. It tells us that the devil was one of those angels, a high-ranking one who rebelled against the Creator. For his rebellion, God cast him out of heaven along with one-third of the angels who were sympathetic to this rebel. The devil was the ringleader of the rebellion; his angelic followers, evil like their leader, are known as demons. Jesus once told His followers that He was an eyewitness to this heavenly eviction. His disciples had begun to get "big heads" over the fact that demons submitted to them in His name. His response to them cooled them down; He said, "I saw Satan fall like lightening from the sky" (Luke 10:18). Thus Jesus testified that He was present when Satan was originally cast out of heaven by the power of God. Having put their experience in perspective, he told them not to rejoice that spirits submitted to them; rather, they should "rejoice that [their] names are written in heaven" (Luke 10:20). Spiritual pride was at the root of that rebellion in heaven; it cost Satan his place there. Thus, Jesus confronted His followers' first step in that prideful direction and reinforced the crucial point of required humility - by faith in God and by the grace of God we can claim our place in heaven.
As one reads the Gospels, you discover that some of the first ones to recognize Jesus as the Son of God are demons - the cohorts of the devil, other fallen angels. Matthew tells of an encounter of Jesus and a couple of demon-possessed men early in His ministry. The influence of the demons on these men was manifest in extreme violence and aggression towards others. Most people took pains to avoid them out of fear. Jesus did not avoid them. As He approached, the demons addressed Him. They shouted, "What do you want with us, Son of God? Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?" (Matthew 8:29). While people - impressed as they were with Jesus - were still trying to figure out who He was, these demons recognized Him as "Son of God." If Jesus was there when Satan was cast out of heaven, as He claimed, then He would have been there when these were cast out, too. This was not their first meeting.
Please see that Jesus believed in the devil and the demons. They are real beings, evil beings, beings to be resisted and overcome. If we listen to Jesus speak about the devil, we hear Him describe the character of an evil person. Some of the most powerful material is in John's Gospel. There Jesus called the devil a "murderer from the beginning" and "a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44). Please notice, this was no mere symbol of which Jesus spoke; the devil is a real being.
The Apostles of Jesus, men who taught what He taught them to teach, were not shy about addressing this evil being. They spoke of possessing spiritual awareness of the devil's diabolical "schemes" (2 Corinthians 2:11). They described him as being like a "lion prowling around in search of someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8). The Apostle James provided an interesting two-point formula for living the Christian life effectively. It says, "Submit to God and resist the devil" (James 4:8). The Apostle Paul reminded believers to "put on the whole armor of God so that [we] can take [our] stand against the devil's schemes" (Ephesians 6:11). Again, none of this language sounds like the Apostles were speaking of a mere symbol for evil, but rather the embodiment of evil in a real being.
In the final book of the New Testament, where the Apostle John relates a great vision he experienced, he speaks about this evil foe of God and man with astounding clarity. He reveals a bit of the story which Jesus told His followers He had personally witnessed. All of this John does primarily to identify the "dragon" in his vision. Listen: "And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him" (Revelation 12:7-9).
Surely you can see that Jesus believed in the devil. The call of God on our lives is to believe in His Son, Jesus. That is, we are called to believe that Jesus is who and what He claimed to be. That is not, however, the only belief we are called to; we are to believe the things Jesus taught. Among those is this: there is a devil - a real enemy to be overcome. Jesus would invite, "Follow me;" but He would also have us know that opposition is to be expected.
Does that seem scary? We do not have to be afraid as people who have received Jesus and His gifts via the Holy Spirit. The Apostle John, writing to the born-again, spirit-filled, followers of Jesus, stated clearly the basis for our fearless stance in this world. He said: "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome [all the evil spirits aligned against Christ], because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world" (1 John 4:4 emphasis mine).
Why is this important? James tells us. There are two core tasks of the Christian life. First, we must submit to God. Second, we must resist the devil. And this is not multiple choice. Both steps of faith must be taken to ensure victory in Jesus. We cannot have a genuinely productive spiritual life otherwise. We can submit to God in prayer by asking as Moses did, "teach me your ways so I may know You and find favor with You" (Exodus 33:13). We can resist the devil by judging the thoughts that come to our mind, rejecting those that contradict the word of God and the ways of God. That would be to learn from the mistake of Adam and Eve. Instead of resisting the devil, they submitted to him. They entertained his ideas until they seemed reasonable. Then they sinned. Please take this battle seriously. Jesus did. And He wants you to, too!
(All documented Scripture is from the New International Version)

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9565618

The Spirit Of Dominion

THE SPIRIT OF DOMINION: is the Holy Spirit that empowers the totality of man to rule over the earth and life circumstances.
DOMINION: is the authority to rule, take charge, manage or control what is placed in your care.
The earth is the solid part of the planet with everything within it. The animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and aquatic kingdom where subjected to mankind. The earth is God's property given to man to manage and explore. The secondary assignment of God for man was to rule the earth from the Garden of Eden. This was demonstrated by Adam in naming the animals and watering the plants, ensuring that everything made by God fulfills its purpose. God has put man in charge to manage the earth from the beginning. But when he fell from God's standards for righteous compliance the devil took over the mandate of dominion of the earth from him. Man who was a legal occupant became a mere slave to the devil and all his manipulations when he surrendered this right rulership. Frankly, the Spirit of dominion which gives man power over God's property and Satan's strategy left him when fell. He was disconnected from the life of God (Spirit of dominion) and chased out of the place of fellowship with Him, but it was not yet over for him. Therefore, the fall of man was a fall from dominion mandate.
The devil and his cohorts are bodiless illegal beings on earth. Though were cast out by God from heaven to the earth as a result of their willful plot to ascend the place of God Almighty. As the devil didn't succeed in his carefully laid down plan to overthrow God in heaven; he automatically plotted this evil against man. God made man like Himself to be in charge over the earth knowing fully well that devil has come down here on earth to stay for a while. Man was created to have dominion over Satan and his systematic influence in this world. But the devil took over the place of man by deception. However, when Jesus died on the cross and was buried and resurrected, He came up with a new kind of life and was raised by the Spirit of dominion that conquers the devil and the worldly system. Therefore, whosoever, believes in the finished work of grace by Christ Jesus on the cross; receives the Spirit of dominion will execute his original mandate by God.
The kind of life that Adam inherited from God in the beginning; was a life that knew no sin and was not made subject to sickness and death; until Adam was disconnected from the Spirit of dominion. But thank God for the coming of the last Adam- Christ Jesus who has restored man to the place of dominion by the Holy Spirit. The power of sin is broken; sickness has been taken care by the stripes of Jesus. The death of Jesus on the cross has deprived death of its power and reveals its futility over humanity. The problem of man is longer sin but ignorance of their redemptive rights in Christ Jesus.
1. YOU MUST BE BORN OF GOD 1John 5:1-5
The life of God is a supernatural life possessed by the natural man who has received Him. Being born of God is when the Holy Spirit has recreated the human spirit by the word of God. This rebirth is a spiritual phenomenon that is obtained by faith via the impartation of the Holy Spirit. It is also known as eternal life, being born again or regeneration. This kind of life helps you to live and walk in dominion in this world of sin. There is no natural man that can live above the law of sin and death that controls his actions and gives sin dominion over his life; except he submits to the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
2. YOU MUST LIVE AND WALK BY FAITH 2Cor. 5:7, Heb. 2:4, 10:36, 11:6, Rom. 1:17, Gal. 3:11
The Christian life is impossible without the operation of faith in the human spirit and the help of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that the victory by which we overcome the world is our faith. Our faith is a spiritual requirement to excel in our Christian walk. To live by faith means that everything you do is an act of faith by being conscious of your spiritual state. And to walk by faith means to demonstrate your invisible believe in God in the visible world. In other words, living out your convictions and confessions in this world of confusion.
Prayer is one the ways to exercise and maintain your dominion over the earth. The mission of Jesus didn't start until He took time to pray and to overcome He continued in prayers. The life of prayer is a life that empowers and emboldens your human spirit to soar above Satan and life circumstances. When we pray we commit God into the scene of our faced situations of life. Nothing changes until we decide to change it on our knees. Sometimes, the most careless aspect of many Christians is usually their prayer life and devil seeks such an opening to launch an attack or reinforce against us.
4. RULE YOUR WORLD WITH GOD'S WORD. Pro. 18:4; 20-21
The world from the beginning of creation was framed and still upheld by the word of God. It is with God's word that you can recreate your future and maintain your dominion over the world. There is no situation that God's word cannot change if only you can believe in the efficacy of His word and also confess it. Everything in life responds to what you say. The greatest power of humans lies in their thoughts and on their tongues. You are either saved, safe or enslaved by what you say.

The Spirit in Us

There's a spirit in everyone. If you don't give over this space to the Holy Spirit, an evil spirit will come and live there. This scares some people, because they're not sure whether or not the Spirit lives in them. Paul says it's easy to know which spirit is in people: 3For instance, by using your heads, you know perfectly well that the Spirit of God would never prompt anyone to say "Jesus be damned!"
This is a very simple test. Listen to what comes from someone's mouth. People who mock things of Jesus do not have the Spirit of God in them. You see, the Spirit cannot ever mock anything about God. When someone makes a mockery, it is a sign that an evil spirit of some sort is talking through that person.
3... Nor would anyone be inclined to say "Jesus is Master!" without the insight of the Holy Spirit. When someone acknowledges God as Creator or says that Jesus had died for our sin, it is a sign that the Holy Spirit is living in that person. The Holy Spirit helps us to "see" God and to acknowledge Him as God. The Spirit walks with us step-by-step and helps us to walk the right road. The question is whether or not we listen to his voice.
A woman told me this story of the day when she obeyed the voice of the Spirit:
We tend to look for big breakthroughs for what and where the Lord can use us. But it's not the size that's important; it's about whether you are obedient when the Spirit puts a desire in your heart. Not a desire for something for myself, but for something that may tell someone else about his love. This is a testimony about a desire that the Holy Spirit planted in me that resulted in something big.
We know a man and his son who were both involved with drugs. Both father and son often came to our house and I started to love them. I really wanted to get the son something for his birthday, but what do you get a boy of 15?
The desire came into my heart and I bought him his own Bible, something he was not familiar with or grew up with.
Now, a year later, he is in rehab. When my daughter visited him over the weekend, he said to her: I remembered to pack my Bible and I am reading it now.
How great is our God! I am sure this is the first step towards healing and maybe he can then also help his dad find his way to Jesus.
It's as clear as daylight. The Holy Spirit is in control. This woman's actions tell stories of a living, saving Lord. It's the Spirit in her telling the stories. It's the Holy Spirit that makes her get to work and buy gifts that result in many being saved. Yes, only the Spirit God can make such things happen in people.
Know that if you say Jesus is Lord, it is actually the Spirit of God speaking through you. You can relax about that. God's Spirit lives in you. The only question is how much you listen to Him and whether you give Him space to take control of your life.
What spirit lives in you?
Is the Holy Spirit in control of your words and actions?
How much of the Spirit is visible in your deeds?
Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
O Spirit of God, thank you for living inside me. Thank you that I can call out with total honesty that Jesus is the Son of God. Now I must give more control to You and start doing what You want me to do. My works will be so different. Lives can be saved! Amen
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Worship: A Meeting With God

During the 1980's, and well into the 90's the Church experienced a worship explosion that some called a Worship Revival, a Worship Renewal, and others just referred to it as new thing. It was in fact a large part of an overall restoration movement that was taking place during this time period, which also included the restoration of the prophets ministry. The prophet was the voice of God to the people of God. A large part of the Prophets Ministry, particularly when we study the old testament, was to make sure the people worshipped properly and to call them back to proper worship when they got off.
David the sweet psalmist of Israel who was also a prophet instructed Gods people to: Ascribe to the Lord,O sons of the Mighty,Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to his name;Worship the Lord in holy array(Psalms 29:1-2).
The Prophet Hosea calls Gods people back to the worship if the true and living God with the following
instructions: Return,O Israel, to the lord your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity.
Take words with you and return to the Lord. Say to Him, Take away all iniquity, And receive us graciously, That we may present the fruit of our lips(Hosea 14:1-2).

With the restoration of the Prophets Ministry and a new emphasis on the prophetic realm, it became necessary to change the way the church was worshipping - and make no mistake it changed powerfully as the spirit of the Tabernacle of David (Amos 9:11) began to manifest among those who were open to receive what God was doing. Many congregations abandoned the hymn books and opted for a fresh Holy Spirit inspired approach to Worshipping God with new songs and new sounds. The traditional organ and piano sound was upgraded with the sounds of guitars, synthesizers, drums and various percussion instruments and even horn sections. Many began to experience the manifested presence of God like they never had before in the corporate gathering. Several major record companies and worship publishing entities emerged whose mission was to fuel and resource the church in its new commitment to worship God in a fresh new biblical way. But was all of this a true visitation of God? Was it a true restoration movement in worship? Absolutely!
Are We Worshipping our Expressions or Worshipping God?
As it has happens so often in the history of the church we can very easily lose sight of the pure and simple essence of why we do what we do, particularly as it pertains to worship. Too often we get caught up in the mechanics of what God is restoring and miss the essence of what he is restoring. In my own personal walk I have discovered how easy it is to miss the point.
One of the the most obvious mistakes we made in the worship Movement of the 80's and 90's was when we began to call the expressions: singing, clapping, playing our instruments, dancing etc. worship. Certainly I am not saying that these expressions are not important that would be going to an extreme because there are to many biblical instructions in the word of God that encourage and even command us to express our worship in these ways. I am simply pointing out that the expressions in and of themselves are not true worship and when we fail to understand this what started as a fresh wind of worship can easily become just another lifeless religious form. In the words of one modern Psalmist of our day we must return to the Heart of Worship. One of the most powerful examples of a worshipper in the bible was Abraham. I never read where Abraham sang to God or played an instrument yet he understood the essence of what it meant to Worship God. In Genesis 22:2 God calls Abraham to a meeting and God is very clear that the purpose of this gathering is to offer a sacrifice and God is very specific that the sacrifice is to be his only son Isaac. What a request! This text is pregnant with so much revelation; however, for our purposes lets focus on one specific point. In Genesis 22:5 Abraham makes a powerful statement, And Abraham said to his young men,Stay here with the donkey,and I and the lad will go yonder; and we will Worship and return to you. Wow! Abraham understood that what God was asking him to do was to come and Worship Him even though the offering of worship involved the sacrifice of his only son. The word Worship appears in the scriptures for the first time in this verse it means, to prostrate ones self in homage to royalty or to God in humility and in reverence. The emphasis of this basic definition for worship is not on any external expressions; rather it defines the heart attitude and the heart position of the worshipper before God. So then acceptable worship is not determined by the songs we sing, but rather by the condition and position of our hearts as we sing.
Worship is giving God what he wants
What did God really want from Abraham? Did God really want him to sacrifice his son? Was there something more profound in Gods request of his servant? In Genesis 22:10-12 we read, And Abraham stretched out his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, and said Abraham, Abraham! And he said Hear I am. And he said, do not stretch out your hand against the lad, and do nothing to him; for now I know you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son from Me. Right as Abraham (the willing worshipper) was about to carry out what he understood to be his worship requirement, God stops him, why? He had already given God what he wanted, which was a willing heart. Through Abraham we see three aspects of a worshipping heart.
1. Reverence - his heart bowed in respect and homage to God and his request.
2. Obedience -his heart was willing to do what God requested and required.
3. Faith -his heart believed God he trusted the integrity of God and he believed that God had a plan in what he was asking. He believed that God was able to even raise Isaac from the the dead after the sacrifice and his heart was settled and at peace concerning this (Hebrews 11:17-19).
Abraham certainly was not a Perfect man but his willing heart of worship earned him the title
the Friend of God (James 2:23). Worship has nothing to do with what we want it has all to do with what God wants.
The psalmist David discovered that more then religious forms and rituals God desires a broken(humble) spirit and a contrite heart (Psalms 51:16-17).
Getting back to the Heart of the Matter
Our Lord Jesus Christ who is the object of the Churches affections sums up the meaning of acceptable worship when he said, You Shall LOVE The Lord Your God With All Your Heart, And With
All Your Soul, And With All Your Mind (Matthew 22:37).

I have discovered that God more than my songs or my music, wants my heart. Jesus died to have My heart, My whole heart not just on a sunday during a worship service. True acceptable Worship is the daily pursuit of God. It is a deep spiritual and intimate connection with the God of heaven and earth and this is the reason why we were created. It has been aptly stated that The Chief end of man is to Glorify God and to enjoy Him Forever; this speaks of relationship not religious ritual. I am grateful for all of the advances that we now enjoy in our corporate worship experience. It is all relevant and all needful to support and enhance the atmosphere of our corporate gatherings, but what is more needful for us as Worshippers and facilitators of Worship is a fresh revelation of God and his desires. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will give all of us a renewed understanding of the words of Christ when he said, But an hour is coming and now is,when the True Worshippers shall Worship the Father in spirit and in truth;for such people the Father seeks to be his worshippers. God is a spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.
God is raising up an army of passionate lovers burning with desire to Worship Him acceptably and intimately, those who are zealous for the advancement of his Kingdom in the earth. He has instructed me to invite you to come to a meeting with Him. The Spirit says come and renew your passion to Worship God.
Charles M. Smith is a psalmist, worship leader, songwriter, author and full time Minister. He is the founder of CMS Ministries and Clearzone Music Inc. In addition he serves as the National Director of Worship for the Liberty Temple International Network of Churches.
for more info visit [http://www.cmsministries.org]

Questions That Most People Ask About the Second Coming of Christ

In this article and the next few following, I will offer a general compilation of the most often asked questions asked of me over the years, and hopefully some sensible answers. Some answers will have solid scriptural support while others my just appeal to reason and good sense.
You could get some answers by punching up your questions on the internet, perhaps on Ask Jeeves. You might want to confer with a Harvard University theological professor if you thought you would be getting a more valid answer. You may also just take a more casual approach, by just waiting for the next TV special on the subject and listen to the whole heavily opinionated body of experts. They might range from scoffers and doubters to liberals and conservatives and maybe a few crackpots and fanatics to spice the pot. You may, or may not learn anything, and you may escape sinking further into the swirling pool of confusion and uncertainty you already feel is prevailing, more likely than not you will be no more prepared than you were before.
The answers offered here are not infallible but they have a backing of over thirty five years of study, examination, revelation and hopefully a good smattering of common sense. The only other thing I can offer is my assurance that God has given me this particular calling and ministry. Whether any reader accepts the weight of these things is a matter of choice for them alone.
My choice has already been decided. First I would not dare to call God a liar. Secondly I have nothing to prove and last, but not least, it has clearly been required of me, and I must do this as sure as I must take my next breath. I hear ever so clearly these words every time I approach this subject... For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. Luke 12:48
What is the single worst belief or false doctrine of all, concerning the second coming of Christ?
The single worst thing that works against sound second coming doctrine isn't a doctrine at all. It is indifference. The business as usual lifestyle will be the chief reason millions are not fully prepared for His return, not some controversial doctrine. No one has made that clearer than Jesus. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coining of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking. marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came and took them all away: so shall also the coming of the Son of man he. Matthew 24: 37-39
In America the idea of preparedness is being replaced with the idea of prosperity. Those in the continued hot pursuit of more material goods, securities and life as usual will be shocked and surprised at the sudden return of the Lord. Those who are students of the second coming message and who are prayerfully watching, will he surprised by nothing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/150076

Christ, Our Firm Foundation

Every house has a firm foundation. Without it, the house would quickly fall down. Similarly, our faith has a firm foundation-Jesus Christ. That foundation can never be shaken.
The word "Shaken" is sometimes used to describe what happens to a home's foundations in an earthquake. It can also describe what happens to weak faith when trouble comes. Believers in Thessalonica were alarmed because they mistakenly believed they had missed the rapture and were living in the Tribulation-a rumour they were more prone to believe because they were being persecuted. This false teaching had come to them either by a fraudulent revelation, a false report, or a forged letter bearing Paul's name. Paul spent some time correcting this error.
The Day of the Lord doesn't describe a literal 24-hour period but was prophesied by the Old Testament prophets as a time when God would visit the earth to judge the wicked and to save His people. In the New Testament, this event includes the Tribulation, the Second Coming, the millennium and the final judgment. Paul assumed that the arrival of the Day of the Lord and the Second Coming would occur at the same time as part of a single event. Paul wanted to help the Thessalonians gain a long-term perspective on their suffering. He assured them of God's eternal plan, that he loved them, chose them, saved them, sanctified them, called them and has invited them to share in Christ's glory.
Paul wanted to encourage the Thessalonians to stand firm in their faith. Paul assured them that the Day of the Lord and the Tribulation have not yet come. As proof, he mentioned certain things that must precede these events following the Rapture of the church. First, the truth of God's word will be rejected. There will be a specific walking away from the truth people once believed. Second, just before Christ returns the Antichrist will be released and revealed. The Greek word for "revealed" also means "uncovered" or "unveiled." It is the same word that described the revelation of Jesus. The Antichrist will in some ways imitate Christ, even as he opposes Him. The Antichrist doesn't want any rivals. He will insist that he is God. The man of sin will sit as God in the temple of God and falsely declare himself to be the only one worthy of the world's worship. This is another event that will happen before the Great Tribulation.
The "falling away" from God's Word has started already. Church attendance is dwindling. There is increased opposition to Christianity in the world. Terrorism and wars are on the rise. At times like these, we need to look not to the world and its solutions but to Christ. These are signs that Christ's return is near. We don't know the exact date, but we can take comfort in the knowledge that Christ will soon make things right.
The Greek word for "chose" is used nowhere else in the New Testament. It means "to select for oneself" with the intent to enjoy it after it becomes yours. God chose His people before the foundation of the world; they could not possibly choose him unless he had chosen them first.
Being chosen by God is a call to responsibility. God has chosen us as his first fruits so that we can tell everyone we know about His love and saving grace. We will face ridicule, rejection and opposition like Jesus did, but we are to stand fast. We can do this because God will support, strengthen and encourage us. He loves us, consoles us and gives us hope because of His grace.
Christians don't have to be worried about the Second Coming. We can be confident and encouraged because we have been sanctified and chosen to be saved by the Holy Spirit. There is no room for pride in our efforts to improve the world, and there's also no room for despair at the state of the world around us. It's important that we hold on to Christ's teachings. They have been tried and tested and found to be true. Just like these teachings have withstood the test of time, God's love has stood the test of time. Just like these teachings have transcended history, God's love is infinite and eternal.
Because God has done so much for them, His people are urged to stand fast and hold tightly to the truth that they have been taught. They might not understand everything that is happening, but they can be confident in the resources God as provided from eternity past to eternity future. The word "traditions" does not refer to human institutions such as worship styles or musical preferences which will change with the times but the doctrinal teachings that originated with God and were taught by Paul and the other apostles. These must never change. Everything we do must be based on the lordship of Christ and the authority of the Bible. His standards must be our standards.
Paul's prayer for the Thessalonians in verses 16 and 17 provided them with an eternal perspective on the persecution they were facing. These verses focus on God's love and grace in Christ. He wants then not just to know and protect the truth but to practice it, comforted, stabilized and ethical in every good word and work. Knowing and practicing the Word of God strengthens our Christian walk and spirit. God's grace and love encourage and strengthen us in every good deed and word. If we want to grow close to God, we have to forgive our enemies, encourage others and pray daily. This is hard work, and at times we will be discouraged, but it will be worth it in the end.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9567397

Worship: A Meeting With God

During the 1980's, and well into the 90's the Church experienced a worship explosion that some called a Worship Revival, a Worship Renewal, and others just referred to it as new thing. It was in fact a large part of an overall restoration movement that was taking place during this time period, which also included the restoration of the prophets ministry. The prophet was the voice of God to the people of God. A large part of the Prophets Ministry, particularly when we study the old testament, was to make sure the people worshipped properly and to call them back to proper worship when they got off.
David the sweet psalmist of Israel who was also a prophet instructed Gods people to: Ascribe to the Lord,O sons of the Mighty,Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to his name;Worship the Lord in holy array(Psalms 29:1-2).
The Prophet Hosea calls Gods people back to the worship if the true and living God with the following
instructions: Return,O Israel, to the lord your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity.
Take words with you and return to the Lord. Say to Him, Take away all iniquity, And receive us graciously, That we may present the fruit of our lips(Hosea 14:1-2).

With the restoration of the Prophets Ministry and a new emphasis on the prophetic realm, it became necessary to change the way the church was worshipping - and make no mistake it changed powerfully as the spirit of the Tabernacle of David (Amos 9:11) began to manifest among those who were open to receive what God was doing. Many congregations abandoned the hymn books and opted for a fresh Holy Spirit inspired approach to Worshipping God with new songs and new sounds. The traditional organ and piano sound was upgraded with the sounds of guitars, synthesizers, drums and various percussion instruments and even horn sections. Many began to experience the manifested presence of God like they never had before in the corporate gathering. Several major record companies and worship publishing entities emerged whose mission was to fuel and resource the church in its new commitment to worship God in a fresh new biblical way. But was all of this a true visitation of God? Was it a true restoration movement in worship? Absolutely!
Are We Worshipping our Expressions or Worshipping God?
As it has happens so often in the history of the church we can very easily lose sight of the pure and simple essence of why we do what we do, particularly as it pertains to worship. Too often we get caught up in the mechanics of what God is restoring and miss the essence of what he is restoring. In my own personal walk I have discovered how easy it is to miss the point.
One of the the most obvious mistakes we made in the worship Movement of the 80's and 90's was when we began to call the expressions: singing, clapping, playing our instruments, dancing etc. worship. Certainly I am not saying that these expressions are not important that would be going to an extreme because there are to many biblical instructions in the word of God that encourage and even command us to express our worship in these ways. I am simply pointing out that the expressions in and of themselves are not true worship and when we fail to understand this what started as a fresh wind of worship can easily become just another lifeless religious form. In the words of one modern Psalmist of our day we must return to the Heart of Worship. One of the most powerful examples of a worshipper in the bible was Abraham. I never read where Abraham sang to God or played an instrument yet he understood the essence of what it meant to Worship God. In Genesis 22:2 God calls Abraham to a meeting and God is very clear that the purpose of this gathering is to offer a sacrifice and God is very specific that the sacrifice is to be his only son Isaac. What a request! This text is pregnant with so much revelation; however, for our purposes lets focus on one specific point. In Genesis 22:5 Abraham makes a powerful statement, And Abraham said to his young men,Stay here with the donkey,and I and the lad will go yonder; and we will Worship and return to you. Wow! Abraham understood that what God was asking him to do was to come and Worship Him even though the offering of worship involved the sacrifice of his only son. The word Worship appears in the scriptures for the first time in this verse it means, to prostrate ones self in homage to royalty or to God in humility and in reverence. The emphasis of this basic definition for worship is not on any external expressions; rather it defines the heart attitude and the heart position of the worshipper before God. So then acceptable worship is not determined by the songs we sing, but rather by the condition and position of our hearts as we sing.
Worship is giving God what he wants
What did God really want from Abraham? Did God really want him to sacrifice his son? Was there something more profound in Gods request of his servant? In Genesis 22:10-12 we read, And Abraham stretched out his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, and said Abraham, Abraham! And he said Hear I am. And he said, do not stretch out your hand against the lad, and do nothing to him; for now I know you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son from Me. Right as Abraham (the willing worshipper) was about to carry out what he understood to be his worship requirement, God stops him, why? He had already given God what he wanted, which was a willing heart. Through Abraham we see three aspects of a worshipping heart.
1. Reverence - his heart bowed in respect and homage to God and his request.
2. Obedience -his heart was willing to do what God requested and required.
3. Faith -his heart believed God he trusted the integrity of God and he believed that God had a plan in what he was asking. He believed that God was able to even raise Isaac from the the dead after the sacrifice and his heart was settled and at peace concerning this (Hebrews 11:17-19).
Abraham certainly was not a Perfect man but his willing heart of worship earned him the title
the Friend of God (James 2:23). Worship has nothing to do with what we want it has all to do with what God wants.
The psalmist David discovered that more then religious forms and rituals God desires a broken(humble) spirit and a contrite heart (Psalms 51:16-17).
Getting back to the Heart of the Matter
Our Lord Jesus Christ who is the object of the Churches affections sums up the meaning of acceptable worship when he said, You Shall LOVE The Lord Your God With All Your Heart, And With
All Your Soul, And With All Your Mind (Matthew 22:37).

I have discovered that God more than my songs or my music, wants my heart. Jesus died to have My heart, My whole heart not just on a sunday during a worship service. True acceptable Worship is the daily pursuit of God. It is a deep spiritual and intimate connection with the God of heaven and earth and this is the reason why we were created. It has been aptly stated that The Chief end of man is to Glorify God and to enjoy Him Forever; this speaks of relationship not religious ritual. I am grateful for all of the advances that we now enjoy in our corporate worship experience. It is all relevant and all needful to support and enhance the atmosphere of our corporate gatherings, but what is more needful for us as Worshippers and facilitators of Worship is a fresh revelation of God and his desires. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will give all of us a renewed understanding of the words of Christ when he said, But an hour is coming and now is,when the True Worshippers shall Worship the Father in spirit and in truth;for such people the Father seeks to be his worshippers. God is a spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.
God is raising up an army of passionate lovers burning with desire to Worship Him acceptably and intimately, those who are zealous for the advancement of his Kingdom in the earth. He has instructed me to invite you to come to a meeting with Him. The Spirit says come and renew your passion to Worship God.
Charles M. Smith is a psalmist, worship leader, songwriter, author and full time Minister. He is the founder of CMS Ministries and Clearzone Music Inc. In addition he serves as the National Director of Worship for the Liberty Temple International Network of Churches.
for more info visit [http://www.cmsministries.org]

Lives Can Be Changed Through Free Bible Study Lessons!

You come into contact with a stranger. He is very friendly, kind, and seems to demonstrate many of the characteristics of a good person. But He doesn't have what you have, and doesn't know that he desperately needs it, and you may not realize that he needs it. Hopefully before long in the conversation you'll realize his need and begin to help him see it for himself.
But what is it that you have, and he needs? It's the Gospel-- the realization of sin and death, turning from it in repentance and turning to God, understanding that only through Jesus' shed blood can one be forgiven and accepted.
Think about the importance of the Gospel. It's a matter of life and death! The Bible shows us very clearly just how important it is to be sharing this Gospel, "And he said to them, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.'" (Mark 16:15) "Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time." (Colossians 4:5) How are you doing with that "making the best use of the time" command? In your average day how many people do you strike up conversations with about God and the Bible? You may talk about a variety of things, but before you walk away, have they heard at least something small about the God you love?
Since sharing God with people is definitely the best possible use of time, what is there that could help you share?
o Growth in your relationship with God occurs when you spend time in His Word and meditate on Him, and the results of growth will overflow into every area of your life, including your everyday conversations! There is always a danger for those who have placed their trust in Jesus to slack in their growth as a believer, most often because of the time it takes (as with any relationship). But it must be done in order to experience the incomparable joy of God's presence, and will also benefit others. One particular study that would be beneficial to you and in your outreach to others would be a chronological Bible study. You will better be able to understand how the Bible is one continuing story about God's work, and that bigger picture will allow you to clearly share with those who need what you have. There are free chronological studies out there, so don't give up on the search!
o As you establish a consistent time of personal growth in your own relationship with God, take those Bible studies and share them with others. Some might be excellent to share with friends who also believe, and there may be some that you can give to an unbelieving friend. As an unbeliever watches your life and sees the joy and peace you have, he or she may be accepting of a study that helps him see what gives you that spirit. The chronological Bible study is a good, solid foundation to build on, and will help unbelievers see the big picture from the beginning. And offering these studies free-of-charge might just be a step in changing the attitude of a stubborn person.
You never know how a life might be changed for eternity by your faithfulness in studying and sharing. One individual who had received a free chronological Bible study declared that his life would never be the same because of what he'd learned, and he was eager to pass the study along to others. Such stories aren't uncommon, unless you never take the time to pass along free Bible study lessons. What's hindering you?
Aleena Denison has a heart for seeing the message of the Bible presented in a clear way so that anyone who hears can see, understand, and believe the sacrifice Jesus made for the sins of mankind. She is dedicated to sharing Jesus with the lost, and helping believers see their responsibilities in evangelism, discipleship, and Bible study. For more information and free downloadable resources, visit http://www.goodseed.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3176947