10 Ways to Love Like Jesus Does

What would Jesus do? It's a perennial question regarding life. Jesus would love. It is as basic and as simple as that. But what are the nuances of Jesus' love? Grace is so far from the concept of sin that grace covers over every blot in the book of life for the sinner who runs home to God.
Jesus paid humanity's price,
He took full penalty for our sin,
The fullness of grace to suffice,
All because of Him.
1. Listen without interrupting (Proverbs 18:2, 13) - it is such a shame to the one who answers before listening. Their self-interest is exposed in their opinion. We must know that Jesus always sought to understand situations prior to speaking, and his understanding was remarkable in his responding through parables.
2. Speak without accusing (James 1:19) - when we are "quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry" life always works out better. But our sinful nature rages in pride at the very time God is trying to show us a new thing. For the amount of haranguing and constant jostling Jesus was subject to he gave a great account of testimony for being "quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry," per the character of God.
3. Give without sparing (Proverbs 21:26) - the only real satisfaction in life is to give away what we cannot keep in order to keep what we cannot ever lose. As we give up our rights, possession and association to material things we receive spiritual things in abundance. Jesus taught this in Mark 8:35; 9:35; and, 10:44-45.
4. Pray without ceasing (Colossians 1:9) - similar in effect to 1 Thessalonians 5:17 ("pray continually"). Jesus was in constant communion with the Father, and this is exactly what we are to aspire to.
5. Answer without arguing (Proverbs 17:1) - how peaceful a home can be when we just let vicious comments sit; to not react, but to come back to them, in the cool light of day is wisdom. Sometimes no verbal answer is the best answer at all - especially when emotions are rapidly trending south. Jesus was always able to consider carefully his responses to all relational situations.
6. Speak truth without hurting others (Ephesians 4:15) - every word Jesus ever uttered was truth spoken through grace, even if some of what he said was hard to hear. We have the same opportunity - to find the balance between reality and emotion, catering to both, equally, at the same time.
7. Enjoy without complaint (Philippians 2:14) - as a friend once posted, "Complaint is evidence of blessing." Everything we complain about is something that was once given to us. But Jesus had nothing and became nothing so we could be reunited to the Father.
8. Trust without wavering (1 Corinthians 13:7) - love protects, it trusts, it hopes, and it perseveres. Love never fails. Trust is based in love. Jesus never gave up on the hope of love and it endures today as much as ever in history.
9. Forgive without punishing (Colossians 3:13) - though we will occasionally want to punish those who transgress us, we are reminded of the example of Jesus who forgave those who killed him when he said, "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing."
10. Promise without forgetting (Proverbs 13:12) - I've been guilty, even in this present stage of life, of promising more than I could fulfil. Missing the mark like this, as I've found out, makes the heart of the person I've missed 'sick'. They felt disrespected, even disregarded. I had to repent. Jesus, however, not only kept all his promises, he made better from some of those promises than people expected. That's our task. To surprise people by how well we follow through.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8727461

The Key to Happiness and Eternal Life

The scene in Mark 8:27-38 is the climax of the first half of Mark's Gospel. This first half focuses on miracles and gradually reveals Jesus as the Messiah. The second half explains the nature of that Messiahship and has far more teaching and far fewer miracles.
Caesarea Philippi was located well into the heart of Gentile Territory. Why would Jesus choose this location instead of Jerusalem to reveal himself as Israel's Messiah? The most likely reason was to state that his followers were not to remain in Jerusalem, but were to go to the ends of the earth and proclaim the Good News of the Gospel.
Jesus did not want the disciples to reveal his identity right away because they did not completely understand what that meant, as Peter demonstrated when he rebuked Jesus. Peter's reasoning was demonic. He was influenced by Satan, hence Jesus' demand to "Get behind me, Satan."
Three times Jesus mentioned that his death and resurrection were part of God's plan, and each time the disciples misunderstood his meaning. They thought that the kingdom meant Israel's return to power and the end of Roman rule. Christ's way meant suffering and sacrifice, not political maneuvering. Jesus knew that the freedom people need the most is spiritual freedom from sin and God's wrath, not freedom from political oppression.
Christ's death represents atonement for sin, and the beginning of God's eternal, messianic rule. Nothing can make up for the loss of our soul, but there are many times when we exchange our souls and our lives for worldly things instead of spiritual things. Worldly things do not lead to eternal life. Those who give up their lives for the sake of Christ and the Gospel will find eternal life. This concept was very evident to the readers of Mark's Gospel because they faced persecution and conflict. They saw this as a challenge to be faithful. We have the same challenge today. The world is still hateful to both Christians and the Good News of the Gospel.
I read a news story some time ago about a group of young people who were arrested for trespassing and attempted burglary. They drove to a car lot late at night and removed a set of tires from one of the cars on the lot. Unfortunately for them, the lot's owner saw them on closed-circuit television. While they were busy trying to steal his tires, he picked up their vehicle with his forklift and hid it inside a building. When they finished their dirty work and were ready to leave, they had no transportation.
Many people today are the same. They spend all of their time trying to get material goods that they think will make them happy, when what they really need for happiness is a personal relationship with God. That relationship will provide us with the transportation we need to get to heaven when we die.
We must not let anything or anyone worldly take control of our lives. Self-control is the fruit of the Spirit that the apostle Paul refers to in Galatians 5:22-23. When we have self-control, we can stand up to people and things who try to tell us what we should be and what we should do.
Jesus taught that being great in God's kingdom means self-denial and sacrificial service. These values are opposite to the world's values. Self-denial means letting go of self-determination and becoming obedient to and depending on Jesus. Happiness comes from service, and we need to practice service and generosity today. These two things will bring more happiness to our lives than anything else, and they also define what it means to be a Christian. Jesus is calling us to carry the cross of sacrificial living. Words come easy and living the life is more of a challenge, but in today's world people need to see that sacrificial living leads to fulfillment and real life.
Sacrifice does not necessarily mean martyrdom. It also means doing small tasks such as giving food to a hungry person or a cup of cold water to someone who is thirsty. It also means doing things in the church such as teaching a Sunday school class or singing in the choir. Our willingness to do the small tasks as they are needed is more important than our willingness to die for Christ when that is not needed.
We do not have to do this alone, and we can't do this alone. We need strength, and Jesus will give us that strength. This strength will allow us to live a life that will bring us blessing and fulfillment beyond our wildest dreams.
If we become suffering servants like Christ was, there is a danger that we might assume that the saving work of Christ is automatic. Mark's Gospel reminds us that this assumption is false. Christ's suffering servanthood teaches us about the Incarnation, but the passion of his suffering teaches us about his redemption. Too much emphasis today is placed on the healing of human hurts, which reflects Christ loving care for us when we hurt. More emphasis needs to be placed on righting of human wrongs, also known as sin.
This might makes us uncomfortable in the short term. We like our worship to be comforting and uplifting, and while this is a necessary part of worship, it must not be the most important part. The main emphasis must be on redirecting our lives, our values and our priorities. This disruption in our lives is necessary if we truly believe that the heart of Jesus's message is change or repentance. If we accept this, we have to let go of the lives we have now, no matter how painful the process will be.
Jesus' message of self-sacrifice won't always fit neatly into our earthly lives. Words like "Come die with us," or "Follow Jesus no matter what the cost," or "Called to sacrifice for the world" aren't heard very often in churches today. These words are the heart of what Jesus taught. He wants us to follow him by giving of ourselves so that others may know his grace. Believers have resisted this call since it was first made over 2,000 years ago, so it isn't surprising that the same call is resisted today. How do we as Christians see it?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9164554

Losing Your Life For Jesus Christ

Many people would not willingly give their life up for Jesus. Though many profess to love Jesus and their Savior, few want to serve him as a slave and He be their Master. When it comes down to it most Christians want blessing from Jesus AND blessing form all the world has to offer. They want to serve God and Mammon alike. If you want to serve God alone, I hope that this little article will inspire you.
What would you give up for Jesus?
Would you give up your relationship with your mother and father, your sisters and brothers, your spouse and your children? Would you sell what you own and leave your country and leave all those people behind to serve God? Do you know that Jesus said, a person that is not willing to do that is not worthy of serving Him?
Do you think Jesus said things for a joke?
Do you think Jesus said things just for us to think about but did not have a meaning behind what He said and a reason for saying it?
Jesus said another hard saying.
Jesus said that any person that puts his hand to the plow and then later takes his hand off the plow is not worthy of Him.
Do you know what that means?
It means that you cannot serve God by only doing what you want to do. It means when you want to follow Jesus you need to take up your cross, deny your own life and walk in the vest steps of Jesus.
Losing your life for Jesus is found in self denial.
Denying yourself possessions, clothes, things, entertainments and giving the money instead to the Lord's work. Denying time with friends, in front of the TV, time spent reading papers and magazines and spending that time in your relationship getting stronger with Jesus. Denying your time with other things like relaxing after work and spending that time serving God in a soup kitchen in your city or helping serve God 3 nights a week.
Yes self denial can be talked about but it is not often practiced.
I can only speak about it as I do it really well. You will never live up to God's will in your life without self denial and though that taking up your cross each day. And you may say you love Jesus and worship Him but you will never be LIKE HIM unless you FOLLOW HIM in a life of self denial. With self denial and obedience to the Holy Spirits directions there is nothing you cannot do!
Be blessed

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4129671

Salvation - Why Is Jesus Christ the Only Way to Heaven?

Many religions might say confidently that through their spiritual program their followers can work their way to heaven. However, these religions never successfully address the most important spiritual issue, sin. For no amount of good works can cleanse people of sin and give them a righteous nature acceptable to God.
Everyone born on this earth, except Jesus Christ, has come short of God's glory because they have inherited the fallen sinful nature of Adam. Each person is born spiritually dead, a sinner. So, what is the answer to the sin problem?
Because God is just, there must be punishment for sin. God the Father laid the sins of all mankind upon Jesus Christ and allowed Him to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins on the cross, receiving unto Himself the punishment we deserved. His bloody death, burial and resurrection redeemed mankind from the power and bondage of sin, providing salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. So, you cannot work your way to heaven, but you can put your trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ to take away your sins and receive a new righteous nature pleasing to God. Sin problem solved.
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" (Romans 10:9 KJV).
The main purpose of Christ's sacrifice was to reconcile man to God. God the Father longed for mankind to be redeemed and adopted into His family. He wanted to once again have intimacy with His children, showing them His great love by blessing and giving them a glorious inheritance, "which is Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27 KJV).
Once a person receives Jesus Christ into their life by faith (trusting Him), their sins are cleansed by His shed blood on the cross and they receive a new nature, born of God. Their first birth was a natural birth of their mother and father. Their second birth is of God and is spiritual, for God is a spirit. Therefore, the person becomes a new spiritual creature, born again, capable of having intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and God the Father.
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV).
Once saved, the Christian is to live a holy life, no longer dominated by sin.
"Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin" (Romans 6:6,7 KJV).
How do you live a holy life free from sin? Not in your own strength. You must trust in God's grace, which is His unmerited favor giving you His power and ability to live a holy life. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Grace. He is to be your guide, helper and comforter as you walk in love toward God and your fellowman.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3:5,6 KJV).
But what if you do sin? Simply ask God the Father in Jesus' name to forgive you of your sin. If you have a problem overcoming that sin, ask God the Father in Jesus' name to give you the grace to overcome that sin.
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9 KJV).
If you try to get into heaven through any other way other than by receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, Jesus says you are a thief and a robber.
"Verily, verily,I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber" (John 10:1 KJV).
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6 KJV).
Although reliable testimonies have been left by witnesses to Christ's mighty miracles, death, burial and resurrection, still many people have rejected Him as their Lord and Savior, refusing to worship Him and call Him God. Why? There is an enemy who blinds the minds of the people to the glorious gospel of Christ. His name is Satan.
"But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them" (2 Cor. 4:3,4 KJV).
Receive Jesus Christ into your heart today and become part of God's family, learning who God really is, who you are in Christ, what you've inherited in Christ and what your unique assignment is on earth. Begin now to enjoy your journey of faith as you trust in the finished work of Christ for your salvation. Yes, Jesus Christ is your only way to heaven.
Do you want to know God's purpose for your life on earth? Click "God's Purpose for Me on Earth" and begin fulfilling your glorious destiny.
Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." We are commanded by Him in Mark 16:15 to witness to the lost. Please don't be a disobedient Christian and lose your soul winner's crown awaiting you in heaven. Click "Soul Winner's Crown" below to receive free online teaching on how to be a successful soul winner for God.
God's Purpose for Me on Earth
Soul Winner's Crown

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6058277

How to Walk Each Day in the Anointing of the Holy Spirit

It is such a pleasure to wake each day and "feel" the anointing of the Holy Spirit on yourself. It's such a refreshing change to "feel" the presence of the Lord in your life and to know that your day is going to be ordered by the Holy Spirit. Do you want to be able to wake each day and walk in the manifest presence of God, read on...
It's only been happening very strongly for last month as I can fall the anointing of the Lord Jesus on me from the time I wake till the time that I go to bed. Any form of temptations are squashed under the power of the Holy Spirit and each day seems to move with its own brand of perfection.
So what would get my life into this state?
I feel it is all to do with how much of my life is crucified for Christ. The only joy I used to have in the world was to go to a movie once a fortnight and within the last six weeks I haven't even gone to the movies. The Lord in 1 John warns us not to be involved with the lusts of the flesh.
1 John 2:15-17
15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
Do not love the world or the things in the world
What sort of person reaches a stage where the things of the world hold no more appeal for them? Do you think you could live in this world and not love the things of this world?
The sad fact of the matter is that most Christians are having so much fun in the world and the things of the world that they never reach a stage where the world holds no joy. The only thing that gives me pleasure is to do the will of God. That is teaching the flock of God, that is rebuking the flock of God, that is encouraging the flock of God, and that is sharing the hope of Jesus with people who are not saved in this world.
When that is all that turns you on, you are not boring, but your whole life is looking for that next sermon, that next inspiration, that next song that you can take apart and use as a witness for the unsaved.
At present the Lord has given me a young friend who has been saved for two years. The Lord has given me the task of mentoring that young man into a prophet so that he can teach and encourage the body of Christ like I do, but in his own words and his own style.
As an author on EzineArticles.com Jimmy Massa is a joy to know and as a young prophet he looks at the Bible and sees the church falling way short. He has a very good sense of discernment and can "feel" the anointing in any church and the anointing on any person's sermon. He wonders why he even needs to go to church as he says most of them aren't even close to Jesus.
We were talking about our future the other day, a future the Lord has prophesied over each of us and angels like Michael and Gabriel have confirmed in personal visits to us and Jimmy said, the only thing he wants as a possession is a few clothes, a laptop so he can write and a place to live with his own room. For a man that is destined to have a huge ministry in the future as the Lord has told him and confirmed in prophecy, this is an excellent example of how he wants to live this group of verses out in his own life.
If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
This is a bold statement of scripture. This says that the many people who claim Christ as their Saviour but are still in love with the world the real love of the Father is not within them.
Many people confess that they cannot feel the peace and presence of the Holy Spirit in their life from day to day. Having one foot in the world and one foot with God is most likely the reason for this.
It's a hard choice to come out of the world. It's a choice that might make you think life is going to get really boring for you. How could you get excited about only doing the will of God? It seems so foreign to most people.
But I have to confess as I wake up and have a shower that the presence of the Lord is thick within my life and in the shower the Lord gives me the inspiration and the subject to write on, that is the way the anointing drops on me each day.
I am on a disability pension which allows me to live my life without going to work each day and I know that helps. The fact that I don't have to get up and rush off to work each day makes it easier. It is also hard to as it's hard to fill in your days if you are not walking in the Spirit.
Do you love the things of the world?
Do you like buying things?
Do you like things that look good?
Do you like good clothes, the latest fashions?
Do you like the best MP3 players and the best phones and the best computers?
Have you got a good house your paying off and the best furniture in it?
Have you got the best money can buy? Have you got a good reputation at work and among other people? Have you got a good name for yourself among men?
John speaks about how this is all folly.
16 For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world.
Our natural man wants the best clothes, the best possessions, the best seat at a concert, the best reputation, the best job at work, the best best best. We all strive for the very best and John calls this lust.
Don't get me wrong Paul was one of the best apostles. He had one of the best ministries. But Paul was often without food, often without sleep, often lacked clothes, was beaten with rods and whipped 39 lashes about three times. Paul had his name maligned among all brethren and false apostles and false prophets brought his name into disrepute by preaching a foreign gospel to Paul. With all Paul's suffering Paul on more then occasion exhorted his readers to imitate him.
How many modern leaders in the West go without food, without clothes and have their names dragged through the mud? How many preachers in the West are as mighty as Paul? And Paul was the one we are to imitate.
When you live for Christ you find things to spend your money on to better the kingdom of God. This week I ordered five copies of my book from America so that people I know can read the book. That took quite a bit of money. Next fortnight I am paying for 500 two sided business cards so that all the strangers I meet on trains and buses and in shipping centres that I talk to can find my homepage on EzineArticles.com.
I have a new book that I have to pay for in coming months and another project that is going to cost $2,000 to do in the future. Every spare cent for the next year has got a purpose for it and I eat very cheaply.
I have plenty of projects that I could have "partners" in and if I had a ministry site I might ask the public if they wanted to partner me. But my point is, when you are spending so much money on things that the Lord has put on your heart you haven't got the money to be buying the best fashions and the best of clothes and the best goods and services. You can't even have the best reputation. The Apostle Paul comes to your house and says to write a message for your readers and you have to post it and suddenly half of your readers think you are nuts.
Serving the Lord can take a lot from you. The more you serve him the more you do not serve the world. And the more you divorce yourself from the lusts of this world, the more the Holy Spirit comes to visit you and send his presence and direct your steps each day and bring you comforting words from heaven.
Do you want the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in your life? Do you want to feel peace surrounding you, running thick like oil all over your body? You need to turn your back on the world, get busy for God and start to put your time and resources into the things of God.
17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
You see he that does the will of the Father abides forever. The abiding presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit's anointing is a part of your life forever. Whenever you are doing the will of the Father, the Lord will direct you, and keep you.
That does not mean things will be easy for you. That does not mean that you won't suffer. In fact scripture declares if you bear fruit for God that you will suffer and be pruned so that you will bear more fruit.
John 15
1 "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
The pruning process is hard. Testings and afflictions are hard. For the past six months I have had a sort of sleeping sickness where sometimes I can't get out of bed for up to five days. This is very hard and gets me very depressed. My medication can't fix it and it seems I just have to suffer that way. I was talking to the Father the other day on thee way home and he told me he was very happy with how I was bearing up under the suffering and told me he was proud of me.
When I have this sickness the anointing all but leaves me, but I still have the Lord to speak to and I still have the promises and each day I still get up to see at least 200 people read my articles and I stay happy in a way. Then there are weeks like this one where every single day I have been well and the anointing has been thick in my life and I have been able to produce some good articles.
The ways of the Lord are hard for us to search out. I am bearing much good fruit and God has seen fit to prune me. The process he is using is making me have more patience and building in me a better character. I also am able to relate to people who suffer depression as a daily part of their life easier now as once every two weeks I fall into it.
But even with the suffering, when I have been well, the anointing has never been so strong in my life. I feel it has a lot to do with my friend Jimmy Massa and whenever we are together the presence of the Lord increases. I wrote an article that spoke about how to live like the early church of Acts and in that article I suggested the people contact someone they love and try and see them most every day. As I was suggesting that I was thinking it was with Jimmy that I would like to spend every second day and within a week that was happening. The Lord heard my prayer.
Do you know the will of God for your life? Are your prayers effective?
John 15
7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.
If you come out of the world and you start to walk with God you will abide with Jesus and when you do that you will ask what you desire to better fulfill the will of God in your life and it will be done for you. It will be done as the Lord wants His will done. The Lords will is done in your life through you abiding, doing His will and through having your prayers answered. When Jesus' will is done then the Father in heaven will be glorified and you will have borne much fruit.
The Father is ever willing that you would abide in His Son. The Father wants you to abide and to be walking each day in the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit. Jesus longs each day to speak into your spirit man and to direct your steps. In fact the whole trinity, the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit wait earnestly to let go of the world, to ask the for their will in your life, and for you to get started in a very big way.
The Holy Spirit longs to walk with you and to talk to you and to show you things and to open up the Bible to you and to show you the depths of the Kingdom of God and the mysteries contained in scripture. Jesus longs to speak to you through the conduit of the Holy Spirit and Jesus longs to show you His heart and show you His plans for you and to lead you and guide you to bigger and better things. Jesus longs to manifest himself to you and show you more and more of Himself and the way He operates. The Father longs for you to know His Son on a personal basis, on a day to day conversational basis with each of your days being directed by the Holy Spirit. The Father longs that you would move and get so close to Jesus so that one day Jesus might introduce you to Him.
The Father loves you. The Father wants you to leave the world behind and to run after His will. The whole Bible is there to encourage you to try a new way, a powerful way, a fulfilling way, and enduring way, a way of blessing where you bear much fruit.
Won't you make a step today?
Let me pray for you.
You know the cry of this reader's heart. You know where they are and you know how hard it is to do your will. You have all the answers for this person and the steps they need to take to come closer to you. You know your will and you know how this person needs to walk to come and follow it. Father I ask that you show this person your will. I pray that you give them the desire and the know how to turn their back on the world and its lusts. I pray that you send your Holy Spirit to touch each of the readers today and begin to direct them. I ask that you lead them into a richer and fuller relationship with your Son and the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus name I ask all these things
God bless you readers

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/534110

Running the Race For God

On your mark!
Get Set!
Go on, start running.
Oh, I didn't tell you where you are going?
Just go, you will figure it out.
Have you ever felt as if your life was like the situation above? You were born and just expected to get up and go, not really knowing where exactly it was you were going or why. But you knew you had to go. You knew there was a reason, and you definitely had the determination to get there; where ever there is.
But we still haven't answered where you are going? Or even better, why are you running in the first place?
Sit down, put your feet up and continue reading as you are about to enter the greatest adventure even known to man. The "Amazing Race" we will call it; like the race on TV, just a lot bigger and longer and harder and... oh you get the picture.
The race I am going to describe is no ordinary race. This race involves many obstacles, challenges and skills that can be compared to no other race. There isn't a set starting line, nor is there a single winner; but we are all in the race till the end.
This study that I am going to be sharing with you is about running the race for God.
This main focus of this study is going to be based out of Philippians 3; and specifically verse 14, that is "pressing on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus."
So to begin, imagine that when we were first brought into this world, we were all released randomly in a large, expansive jungle and we were all given the same task; to get ourselves to the finish line. Some of us had a longer ways to go than others but the goal remained the same.
When we first entered the jungle, none of us really had any idea where to go, or what to do and we became scared. Many obstacles and dangers surrounded us, creating a sense of urgency to find safety. Some of us gave up quickly and settled for whatever circumstances we ended up with, but others persisted and started wandering around looking for things that would guide us, things that would give us the answers we sought.
At the same time, we began to get used to the dangers that surrounded us and started noticing that the jungle is not only a big scary place, but also a very beautiful place to live. Everywhere we looked we became mystified by the beauty of the creations before us. We begin to wonder what this is all for? Is it mine? How'd it get here?
While wandering around, many of us were able to find others who are also wandering around and teamed up with them to work together to find a way out of the jungle, and search for answers. The bond formed with these people often would give us the strength to continue.
In Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 this point is illustrated when it says
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: 10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! 11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? 12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
This verse is an indicator of how important it is for us to develop lasting friendships and communities with the right people who will help lead us in the right direction to the finish line ahead.
Unfortunately, there are many who aren't so lucky to have those friendships that will lead them in the right direction. Instead they end up in the company of people who have already given up the race and try to distract them from the finish line. When this happens, it becomes the responsibility of the people who have found the finish line to go back out in search of the lost so they may finish the race as well.
The weird thing about this race though is that even though we may find the finish, we aren't encouraged to just sit back and relax while we wait for everyone else to finish. We become recognized for having found the finish line, but then we get sent back out into the jungle so that we may find others and bring them to the finish line as well.
When God gives us the direction to "go" as found in Matthew 10: 6-7, he is encouraging us to go out in search of other runners so that everyone has a chance to finish the race. He understands that there will be a lot of people who have gotten so lost that without help, they would never find the finish.
(Matthew 10: 6-7 -- "6Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.'" )
When Paul started out in his race for the finish, he wasn't even aware he was running it. He actually was an enemy to the people searching for the lost sheep, persecuting them for their faith without any mercy, but God had different plans for Paul and called out to him and led him to the truth. Then he was also sent back out into the dangerous jungle to find lost sheep of his own to bring to Christ. And as you can tell from reading the bible, he was rather successful at it.
So what makes the jungle so dangerous?
Lions, tigers and bears of course.
OK seriously, I came up with four things that make the jungle a dangerous place to be. These things are, Thorns and thickets that make it hard to get through; sinkholes or pits that you could potentially fall in and get stuck; the wild life that can harm you if not approached carefully; and also the natives to the land that aren't seeking the same goals as you.
So how do these compare with the real life struggles we all face?
Thorns and Thickets
I'll start with the thorns and thickets that make it hard to move through the jungle. In real life, these are the things in our lives that kind of prevent us from moving on as quickly as we would like. They could be such things as money, health, family troubles, or general circumstances. We all run into these thorns but none of them should prevent us from continuing the race.
Isaiah 7:24 says "Men will go there with bow and arrow, for the land will be covered with briers and thorns."
Now I don't think that this passage directly has to deal with what I'm talking about but I think that we still need to be armed to handle the thorns in our lives. Accepting God in our lives allows us to tackle the thorns with authority. The bible becomes our machete, allowing us to slice through the problems we face so that we may continue on toward the goal. These things may slow us down and even cause us some pain, but God is able to pull us through even the thickest of thorns.
Sink Holes
The sink holes in our lives are those things that occur when everything seems to be going just fine in our lives. Then seemingly out of nowhere something bad happens and we fall into a hole that is often difficult to climb back out of. These holes are often things like, a death of a loved one, losing a job, breaking up from a relationship, or finding out you are failing a class. Sometimes these holes could even be traps set up by those who don't want you to succeed. They may try to sabotage an aspect of your life including your faith, relationships or well being.
Psalm 140:5 says "Proud men have hidden a snare for me; they have spread out the cords of their net and have set traps for me along my path."
But God has a way of protecting you from these traps if you simply pray to him for protection and help.
This is shown in Psalm 57:6 and Psalm 40:1-2.
Psalm 57:6: "They spread a net for my feet- I was bowed down in distress. They dug a pit in my path- but they have fallen into it themselves."
Psalm 40:1-2 (NLV): 1 I waited patiently for the Lord to help me and he turned to me and heard my cry.2 He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.
The first verses shows how if we depend on God and pray, that when we are faced with those traps people set for us, God will protect us and often make the enemy a victim of his own trap instead. The second verse demonstrates that when we do fall into one of those holes, we are to be patient and wait for the Lord's hand to lift us out. He will be there to brush us off and send us on our way again.
Wild Life
This is going to be pushing it a bit, but I describe wild life as the idols in your life that may seem really cool and that provide some sort of satisfaction, but if you would to hold onto them, they would more than likely cause more harm than good in your life. To stick with the jungle theme, this is like if I wanted a pet tiger. Sure they might be beautiful animals and might be fun to have as a cub, but when they get bigger, they would get more dangerous and unwise to have as a pet. These idols could also be like finding an oasis in the jungle, complete with a crystal clear lake fed by a gorgeous waterfall. We end up becoming drawn to this illusion of peace and happiness and then forget to continue on to the real source of happiness which is at the finish line. Many people get trapped into settling for what they think will make them happy or just what makes them look good, but we can't do that.
The "wildlife" or idols in our lives could range from the relationships we have with certain people, to the fancy home or car we own, or even our own selfishness and pride. Anything that distracts from the end goal, our place in the kingdom of heaven, is something that we need to be careful with when it becomes a part of our lives. Not all wildlife has to be bad, but when it starts distracting us from the finish line, that's when we have to regain focus and keep on moving.
The following verses illustrate this point:
1 Samuel 12:21 says "Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless."
Zechariah 10:2 -"The idols speak deceit, diviners see visions that lie; they tell dreams that are false, they give comfort in vain. Therefore the people wander like sheep oppressed for lack of a shepherd."Jonah 2:8 "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.
This last verse is especially worth noticing. How often do we get caught up in our own lives and the stuff we have that we forget that God has given us so much more and that we are still in a race to bring others to the finish.
Other People
The final thing I listed that makes the jungle a dangerous place is all the other people who have not yet found the finish line. Some are simply just lost and that's why we get sent back, but others have given up the search and have become enemies to the lost as well as too you.
Some of these people may not be violent or directly trying to harm you, but they have simply given up and have got caught up in the very "wild life" I just wrote about. But these people are still dangerous to you because they often have a habit of influencing the lost and the ones seeking the lost into habits that distract from the ultimate goal. Some of these groups of people may seem like they have found the right answer but in reality they have simply found a system that works good for them and stuck to it, failing to realize the truth in God.
This is what Paul was talking about in the first half of Philippians 3. He says" Watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh." He was referring mostly to the Jewish Christians at the time who wrongly believed that it was essential for Gentiles to follow all of the Old Testament Jewish laws in order to receive salvation. He criticized them because they looked at Christianity backwards; thinking that what they did made them believers rather than the free gift of grace given by God.
We must be careful of this thought because it is easy to think that we are generally good people and start comparing ourselves to others. We are all sinners in the eyes of the Lord and we are all susceptible to the same traps and obstacles that others face. Even when we have found the finish line and have already been rewarded with God's grace, it doesn't mean we are safe from the trouble that the jungle throws out.
1 Corinthian 9: 19-27 gives a good explanation of how we are supposed to handle those we come across.
"1 Corinthian 9: 19-27 - 19Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. 22To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. 23I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.
24Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. 27No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
Make sure to note the last verse as well because even though we are out to reach as many people as possible and God is backing us up, we are still going face the same obstacles of the jungle that everyone else is facing. We have to remain strong and continue training our body and minds so that we are able to tackle those obstacles and not get trapped by them ourselves.
To close this study, I would like to offer several steps and supporting verses that may help you in your race to the final finish line, which is a home in the kingdom of heaven.
The first step is to pray for the path to be revealed to you.
Psalm 16:11 says "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."
When you pray, God will lead you to the finish just as he did with Paul. When you reach the finish line, a joy you have never experienced will enter you and you will know that God is with you.
You must stick to the path God has set for you.
Psalm 119:32-I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.

Psalm 119:101-I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word.
When God reveals the path of your life, you have to try your best to follow it. There are going be many other paths that look good but will lead to things that are against God's will for you. God knows the entire jungle, and won't guide you astray if you trust in Him and just stick to the path he set for you. Unfortunately these paths aren't always clear of the dangers that were mentioned before, but if you remember that God will be there to help you overcome those obstacles, your reward will be great and you will avoid many other obstacles that are far greater than the ones you would deal with otherwise.
Occasionally God may lead you down a path that may seem wrong at first, but remember your task is also to find the lost sheep and lead them to the finish, so just continue to pray and listen to Gods response, and He will protect you from any dangers that may be there.
Be wary of those who are out to harm you and stand firm in your faith.
Proverbs 2: 7-15
7 He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, 8 for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones.
9 Then you will understand what is right and just and fair-every good path.
10 For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
11 Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.
12 Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse,
13 who leave the straight paths to walk in dark ways,
14 who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil,
15 whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways.
1 Peter 5:8-9Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
Temptations and dangers are going to be lurking around every corner in your race for salvation, but remember that you are never alone in your struggles as you are part of a greater body in Christ. God will protect your path and teach you how to fight in the case of opposition. He will show you how to avoid those who only want to lead you astray.
Be willing to lead and give your all to God
Isaiah 42:16 I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.

1 Corinthians 15:58- Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.2 Timothy 4:2-5 Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction. 3For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.
The first two of these verses are pretty straight forward in their meaning; we must lead the lost and let everything we do be for the glory of God. When we go out sharing, we must not get discouraged if no one seems to be accepting God right then and there, because we may only be a part of God's plan for that person. But nonetheless we are still a part and we must realize that without that part, some of the other parts may not come together either, so never give up in the work God has set for you.
The last verse is important in that we can't waste our time once we find the finish assuming that the lost will still be willing to listen when we get around to sharing with them. The more we wait to go out and communicate with those that are lost, the more lost they may get, and eventually they may be approached by the enemy who will lead them to a life not worthy of God's grace.
And finally, I'd like to give you one of the passages that has stood out to me over the years. It is in Matthew 7: 13-14
13″Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
My challenge to you while you are running your race in search of the lost, is to reverse those verses. Let's blaze a trail so that all who are lost may find the gate to salvation and enter the kingdom of heaven. Let's be the friend to those in need, breaking them out of the thorns that hold them back, pulling them out of the holes they've managed to get themselves in, and steer them clear of all the wild life and people who stand in their way. The more who are able to find the gate into heaven, the greater the chance others will find the path they followed and also find the finish.
At the end we should be able to repeat what Paul says in
Acts 20:24; "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."
And in
2 Tim 4: 7-8 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing."
God did not waste any part of Paul- his background, his training, his citizenship, his mind, or even his weaknesses. Are you willing to let God do the same for you? You will never know all he can do with you until you allow him to have all that you are.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6095161

God The Father, The Son And The Holy Spirit - The Holy Trinity

There is ONLY one God - the Almighty Father, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, the Creator of the entire Universe, the Heavens, the Earth and all that is in them. He is the One Who was, Who is and Who is to come.
He is the One to Whom all glory and honour must be given. He is the One Who is to be praised, worshipped, adored and glorified. We must give thanks to Him always. We must love Him above everything else and with all our hearts, our minds, our strength and our soul.
There is ONLY one way of worshipping God the Father Almighty. Anyone who claims otherwise is engaged in idolatry and God detests idolatry. I will expound more on this later.
In Christianity, we talk of the Holy Trinity, that is, God being in three distinct persons yet the same ONE God. It is a mystery that cannot be fully understood but we believe it by faith as a revelation from God. Please note that we are not talking of 3 Gods but one God in 3 distinct persons, which is why I started by stating that there is only one God.
God the Father is the first person of the Holy Trinity.
There is ONLY one Lord Jesus Christ, who is also God and the second person of the Holy Trinity. Jesus Christ is the Word of God. When God created the heavens and the earth at the beginning, He spoke His Word and all He said came into being. In the same manner at the appointed time His Word became a human being and dwelt amongst men in the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (John 1:14).
Jesus as God and the Word of God always existed before anything was created. Through Him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without Him (John 1:1-3). Jesus came into this world as a human being for one purpose, which was to die for our sins to reconcile mankind with God (Romans 3:23-26).
Jesus told His Apostles that He would die and rise again on the third day. The basis for Christianity is the fact that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again from death on the third day in confirmation of His promise to the Apostles. If this did not happen, Christianity would not exist today.
Some people say Jesus never died on the cross, not to talk of rising from death. This view challenges Christianity. However, anyone who cares to study history will confirm that 12 men or Apostles (including Saul and later Paul) were willing to die for this very fact that Jesus rose from death and appeared to them in person to confirm the truth about Christianity.
And indeed all of them were killed at various times and places for this very belief except John the Evangelist who escaped death unhurt when he was thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil and later went on exile to an Island called Patmos where he wrote by Divine inspiration the bible book of Revelation around 97AD and where he later died a natural death around 100AD.
We thank God for the lives of the Apostles and the lives of all those who continue to witness to the Lord in word and deeds.
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit is also known as the Paraclete, the Comforter, the Helper who stays with Christians forever and reveals the truth about God as Jesus promised His Apostles (John 14: 15-17).
It is ONLY those who believe in God the Father and in Jesus Christ as the Son of God that receive the Holy Spirit to guide them through this world. Without the Holy Spirit, a person cannot successfully live in this world without engaging in unrighteous acts all the time.
That is why every human being needs the Holy Spirit and the starting point is to believe in God, believe in Jesus, love Him and obey His commandments wholeheartedly.
The Holy Trinity is a mystery that humans cannot fully comprehend but Christians accept by faith as God's revelation. What I have done here is to provide proof from Scriptures on the existence and reality of three distinct persons in one God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
There are some who claim to be Christians and yet do not believe in the Holy Trinity. Even a human being created by God Almighty is composed of body, soul and spirit. That should tell them something. If the same God gives a revelation about Him being three distinct persons in the ONE same God, why the doubt and disbelief by these group of Christians?
John 4:24 says God is Spirit, and only by the power of His Spirit (Holy Spirit) can people worship Him as He really is. Jesus Christ is the Word of God and became a human being (John 1:14)to save the world from perishing by His sacrificial death on the Cross of Calvary.
Just as a human being's word is the person, so is God's Word God Himself.
As I mentioned earlier, there is ONLY one way to worship God and that is through His Son our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Acts 4:11-12 - Jesus is the One of whom the scripture says, "The stone that you the builders despised turned out to be the most important of all." Salvation is to be found through Him ALONE; in all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us."
There are some who believe there are several ways to worship or several ways to reach God. Jesus says "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one goes to the Father except by me" (John 14:6).
What this means is that except THROUGH Jesus, any other claim as being the way to God is simply idolatry and God detests idolatry.
Jesus says "If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31-32).
Dear reader, since you have read and known the truth today about the Holy Trinity and about Jesus the Son of God being the ONLY way to God, I invite you to think deeply about these words and give your life to Christ today.
God bless you as you hear His voice today and obey and also share this message with others in Jesus' mighty name, Amen.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8324024

The Blessing Of God Of The Kingdom Will Make You Rich

Some Christians may not know for sure God wants them to be rich but the Bible leaves no question about whether or not Christians are supposed to be rich. The Bible tells us we are not only to be spiritual rich but we are to be rich financially, experience financial wealth and have abundance of prosperity with plenty of money, plenty of gold and silver and plenty of the wealth of this earth.
I could list scripture after scripture that confirm without a doubt that God wants Christians rich. Here are just a few:
Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord - it makes [truly] rich, and He adds no sorrow with it [neither does toiling increase it]. AMP
Proverbs 8:18 Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness (uprightness in every area and relation, and right standing with God). AMP
Psalms 112:1-3 Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments. 2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. 3 Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever. KJV
2 Corinthians 8:9 For you are becoming progressively acquainted with and recognizing more strongly and clearly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (His kindness, His gracious generosity, His undeserved favor and spiritual blessing), [in] that though He was [so very] rich, yet for your sakes He became [so
very] poor, in order that by His poverty you might become enriched (abundantly supplied). AMP
The promises in these verses are even for those in third-world countries, those with no training and even those who can't even earn a minimum wage. It can be done by THE BLESSING of the Lord.
Notice above in the scripture, Proverbs 10:22, it doesn't tell us a good job or a good economy makes a person rich, it doesn't tell us a degree from an exclusive university can make us rich, nor does it tell us even a résumé full of worldly credentials makes a person rich. No, the Bible tells us it is THE BLESSING that makes a person rich.
What I am saying is, Christians have to realize what THE BLESSING of the Lord is and the power contained in THE BLESSING that makes rich them rich. You begin to see the power of THE BLESSING when you look at Genesis 1:28,
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion KJV
God speaking THE BLESSING over Adam and Eve gave to mankind enough of His creative glory and power to sustain, uphold and prosper all creation forever. With THE BLESSING He released all the divine resources needed for Adam to expand the Garden of Eden until it filled up the whole earth.
God even rested on the seventh day and not because he was tired but because He was finished. After He released THE BLESSING He didn't have to come back to the Garden every day and bless Adam and Eve's every endeavor. With THE BLESSING given to them He could just rest and enjoy their fellowship, watch them exercise their dominion and THE BLESSING would do what He designed it to do for them.
Of course all of us know Adam sinned and messed up THE BLESSING plan of God. When Adam sinned he bowed his knee to the devil and instead of THE BLESSING working for him he had to start working under the curse of toiling for his living. But Adam's sin didn't stop God from starting over again with his plan to get THE BLESSING back on all mankind where it always was supposed to be and where God so desired it to be.
I want this article to cause you to realize from now on that God's will from the very beginning of His creation was that His children would be BLESSED and He hasn't changed His mind nor His will since then.
After the Flood, recorded in Genesis 6:17-22; 9:1, God started over once again with His plan to bless mankind through Noah's family. God releasing THE BLESSING on Noah's family said the same thing He said to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,
Genesis 9:1 AND GOD pronounced a blessing upon Noah and his sons and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. AMP
Since Noah's sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth represented all races, all peoples, and all nations that would live on this earth, that would include us since we came from these sons; all mankind was once again BLESSED.
But the two sons Ham and Japheth departed from God's ways just like Adam. Instead of obeying Him and trusting in THE BLESSING to prosper them; they started their own system of commerce which we see in the world's system today of working and toiling for a living and looking out for old number one. It has to be that way because in that kind of system of working and toiling a person has to try whatever they can do to meet their own needs without God. In that system people try to satisfy their spiritual needs with material things which is materialism, but they call it prosperity. The person working out of the world's system believes that in order for them to be blessed they must be rich and so they have to spend their time struggling under a failing system to make money. Here is a scripture revealing this very truth,
Psalms 73:12 Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches. KJV
Notice in this verse, "they increase in riches". This means it is all up to them if they are going to prosper and increase in riches. So in this Ham and Japheth's system of world economics; instead of trusting God they have to devise ways to increase themselves. That means if they have to come up with ways to increase that scam others; they have to do what they have to do. In other words, it is a dog eats dog system.
Shem, Noah's other son, stayed with THE BLESSING which is in the Kingdom of God's economy and with THE BLESSING we can operate in it as well.
According to Jewish history Shem became the king of Jerusalem; the man the Bible refers to as Melchizedek. He served as a priest of the Most High God. In Genesis 14:18-19 we read where he served Abraham covenant elements and transferred THE BLESSING Adam and Eve and Noah's family had received to Abraham..
Genesis 14:18-19 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. 19 And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: KJV
Melchizedek giving this blessing to Abraham, God was simply working to get THE BLESSING back on all mankind. THE BLESSING Abraham received included you and me so we too could live under the same BLESSING as you will see clearly in the following scriptures.
Genesis 12:3 .....and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. KJV
Galatians 3:13,14,29 gives us even more proof THE BLESSING of Abraham has come to Christians today in order to make us rich so we like Abraham could live in financial wealth in any place, at any time on this earth where God desires and needs us. Get this clear in your thinking, God gives each one of us an assignment and THE BLESSING goes with the assignment to provide for us no where we live and no matter the economy. So look at this scripture in Galatians as a guarantee that with your faith in THE BLESSING your prosperity has changed to rich, abundance, overflow, opulence or extreme best.
Galatians 3:13,14,29 Christ purchased our freedom [redeeming us] from the curse (doom) of the Law [and its condemnation] by [Himself] becoming a curse for us, for it is written [in the Scriptures], Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified); 14 To the end that through [their receiving] Christ Jesus, the blessing [promised] to Abraham might come upon the Gentiles, so that we through faith might [all] receive [the realization of] the promise of the [Holy] Spirit. 29 And if you belong to Christ [are in Him Who is Abraham's Seed], then you are Abraham's offspring and [spiritual] heirs according to promise. AMP
Galatians 3:14 plainly tells Christians in every nation today they now have the same BLESSING that was on Adam, Noah, Melchizedek and Abraham! THE BLESSING, as a result of what Jesus did on the cross, has come on us all no matter our economic situation, level of education or employment opportunities. It is THE BLESSING that makes each and every Christian rich and THE BLESSING adds no sorrow with the riches! Notice it is the grace of God through what Jesus did on His cross that delivered THE BLESSING into your life and delivered you out of the cursed based, toiling, failing world system where you are on your own to make a living. You are released today, if you will place your faith in THE BLESSING, by the grace of God into THE BLESSING Adam, Noah, Melchizedek and Abraham and their families lived in and became very rich.
Isn't that the best news you have heard in a long time? I am ready to hear some good economic news, how about you? We are only going to hear this good economic news out of the Kingdom of God that operates with THE BLESSING. This Kingdom operates in any nation of the world today for any person who will receive Jesus as their Savior and make Him the Lord of their lives.
If you haven't done so, just pray this simple prayer,
Jesus I confess I am a sinner but I believe that You died on the cross in order to pay the penalty for my sins and that You arose from the dead so that I could live a brand new life in You. Come into my life, Lord Jesus Christ. I give you complete control of my life.
If you prayed that simple prayer please let me know. I would like to send you some materials to help you further in your new life in Christ Jesus.
What I just shared with you from Galatians 3:13,14 is the good news every Christian needs to hear today so they are not struggling financially along with the rest of the world. Because THE BLESSING is now in operation in our lives we are released from that failing system of commerce the son's of Noah, Ham and Japheth originated. We don't have to come up with ways to get financial increase. We have, by Jesus Christ, been born again to live in a new Kingdom that has a prosperous, unfailing economy. Every Christian in any nation facing any bad economy, having received the promise of the Holy Spirit and possessing the very nature of God and God's abilities by THE BLESSING is freed from working and sweating for a living like those still under the cursed world's system. Christians living in the Kingdom of God have THE BLESSING making them rich. And instead of working for a living they can now spend their time daily doing their God given assignments.
I want to repeat over and over, THE BLESSING will operate for any Christian in any economy, anytime and anywhere they are. Christians cooperating with THE BLESSING, walking in faith and love will experience the New Testament prosperity no matter the circumstances around them. Here is the guarantee,
2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation]. AMP
Do you still have doubts about all of this? Then you need to know what the BLESSING did for Abraham. God sent Abraham to a foreign land with no family, no established business connections and with nothing to depend on but THE BLESSING; and here is what happened to him,
Genesis 13:2 Now Abram was extremely rich in livestock and in silver and in gold. AMP
THE BLESSING worked the same way for Abraham's son, Isaac. God having released THE BLESSING on Isaac; he sowed in a land experiencing famine and received a hundredfold return on the crop he sowed for and then it didn't stop there,
Genesis 26:12-13 Then Isaac sowed seed in that land and received in the same year a hundred times as much as he had planted, and the Lord favored him with blessings. 13 And the man became great and gained more and more until he became very wealthy and distinguished; AMP
This scripture ought to be an encouraging word for those of you who live in an impoverished nation. Famine may be in your land but if you do what God tells you to do THE BLESSING will kick in. And no matter what is going on around you with God and with THE BLESSING working in your behalf what happened for Isaac in the next scripture can happen for you. You have the same BLESSING working for you!
He got so wealthy the king asked him to leave his country,
Genesis 26:16 And Abimelech asked Isaac to leave the country. "Go somewhere else," he said, "for you have become too rich and powerful for us." NLT
Did you notice in this scripture that this man, Abimelech, living out of the world's system of finances had to ask a covenant man with THE BLESSING to leave his town because this covenant man was too rich and too powerful to stay there?
With this same BLESSING on us, people around us should take notice of the wealth and the power of THE BLESSING in our lives. That's when we can do some real evangelism. For that's the purpose of THE BLESSING in our lives that people ask us, "Who is your God?" Then we don't have to try and get them to receive a track or try and get them to go to church with us. They will volunteer to go to church with us or anywhere else, simply to be around us and see THE BLESSING making us rich. Every person on the face of the earth is looking for this kind of BLESSING in their lives because God created every person to want to prosper and be reliant on Him so He could bless them.
Isaac's son Jacob experienced the same kind of prosperity under THE BLESSING. Having left home at a young age with just the clothes on his back (Sounds like what people experience today a lot of times.), he worked for 14 years for his father-in-law who always was cheating him financially. But in spite of this man's thievery, with THE BLESSING operating in his life he continued to increase until he experienced financially just what his father and grandfather had experienced with the same BLESSING and became exceedingly prosperous.
Genesis 30:43 Thus the man increased and became exceedingly rich, and had many sheep and goats, and maidservants, menservants, camels, and donkeys. AMP
If what I have already shared with you doesn't convince you that THE BLESSING makes any person rich just look at Jacob's son, Joseph. He's next in line for THE BLESSING to work for him and hopefully if you will believe in THE BLESSING for you, you will be next in line.
Joseph was the only son of Jacob who truly believed in THE BLESSING, received THE BLESSING and operated in THE BLESSING. THE BLESSING got Joseph out of many situations including a time his brothers tried to kill him. Instead of killing him his brothers sold him as a slave and he ended up in the house of an Egyptian, Potiphar.
This man recognized THE BLESSING of the Lord on Joseph's life and saw that whatever Joseph did prospered so he put him in charge of his estate. He hadn't been trained to do this job but THE BLESSING taught him how to do it so well Potiphar didn't even supervise his work.
Potiphar's wife accused Joseph of wrong doing and so Joseph ended up in prison. But even in prison THE BLESSING worked for Joseph and the Holy Spirit trained him how to operate the prison and before long the keeper of the prison turned the whole prison over to Joseph.
You may be in jail today and reading this article, but with God and THE BLESSING in operation for you; if you are willing like Joseph, it will deliver you into your assignment for God and the prosperity of God. Just have some hope today in THE BLESSING and in your God given assignment to promote you.
The same thing is true for anyone no matter where God places you on your assignment. THE BLESSING will teach you how to do a job better than anyone else can do in the business and cause promotions you wouldn't normally get and so readily.
Let's read about THE BLESSING showing up in prison,
Genesis 39:21-23 But the Lord was with Joseph, and showed him mercy and loving-kindness and gave him favor in the sight of the warden of the prison. 22 And the warden of the prison committed to Joseph's care all the prisoners who were in the prison; and whatsoever was done there, he was in charge of it. 23 The prison warden paid no attention to anything that was in [Joseph's] charge, for the Lord was with him and made whatever he did to prosper. AMP
Are you getting a good picture of what THE BLESSING can do in your life as well? Get excited about THE BLESSING working in your life too!
We're not even finished with what THE BLESSING did in Joseph's life.
Years later when Pharaoh had a dream, THE BLESSING reminded Pharaoh's cupbearer, who was a former prison mate of Joseph; that Joseph could interpret dreams. Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream.
The interpretation of the dream revealed to Pharaoh there was a great famine coming to his nation and the interpretation also gave Pharaoh a plan for provision for his nation that would take them through the famine.
So THE BLESSING brought promotion to Joseph again. He became the next most powerful man in the nation. With THE BLESSING Joseph wound up with the world's greatest storehouse of wealth under his command.
I want to remind you again that all of the wealth that came to these men Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph came because of THE BLESSING operating in their lives.
Galatians 3:14 tells every Christian that the same BLESSING has now come on them! THE BLESSING has come on everyone who has received Jesus Christ as the Lord of their lives!
Galatians 3:14 To the end that through [their receiving] Christ Jesus, the blessing [promised] to Abraham might come upon the Gentiles,....AMP
Can you now see why, if you never believed it before, every single Christian no matter where they are in the world is supposed to be rich; because every single Christian no matter where they are in the world is BLESSED with THE BLESSING and it's THE BLESSING that is making them rich!
This is so different from the world's way of thinking that they are blessed because they are rich and then they have to work so hard to make it happen.
God is telling Christians in this earth today, "No matter where you find yourself, you are rich because you are BLESSED with THE BLESSING! And as a result of THE BLESSING making you rich, you are not to seek after riches like the world does but instead you are to act like God did on the seventh day of Creation and simply entered into "the rest" of faith and let THE BLESSING go to work for you! Find your assignment and don't work there for a living but work for a giving and let THE BLESSING go to work for you there and increase you and increase the ministry, the business, etc."
Christians need to hear good news like this every day but they won't hear it outside of God's Word.
We are not to labor for a living for this is the only labor we are to do in this earth, for we which have believed do enter into rest....
Hebrews 4:9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest.... KJV
God never intended for Christians to spend their time and efforts gathering up riches for themselves but rather He intended for them to labor in the Word, developing their faith to the point that they enter into His rest and just let THE BLESSING increase them.
By saying that I don't mean Christians don't have to work. Instead of Christians working "for a living", we will be working on assignments from God and doing what He tells us to do. And if He sends us to a job that pays minimum wage we must not complain. We must realize God has sent us there to bring THE BLESSING and the Kingdom operation through us to that place of business.
All we need to do is obey God and do our assignment and THE BLESSING will see to our prosperity. We could even end up owning the business. So we should start thanking God instead of complaining that He has sent us there. This is not a theory. It really works.
You may be so financially challenged today, but if you will recognize THE BLESSING of Abraham has come on you through Christ; just like Abraham and his descendents it will make you rich. The financial lack will only be temporary with THE BLESSING of Abraham working for you.
Realize that living by faith in THE BLESSING will do the same for you it did for Abraham when he put his faith in it.
Let's allow God through THE BLESSING to give us a testimony just like Abraham and his descendents of THE BLESSING making us rich.
So now is the time for us to put our faith in THE BLESSING so that it can go to work for us and make us rich immediately!
Let's make this confession: I am blessed coming in and I am blessed going out. THE BLESSING of the Lord makes me rich! I am not blessed because I am rich but I am rich because I am blessed.
Here are some confessions to help with your faith in THE BLESSING and see it operate in your life:
The Bible leaves no question in my mind God wants me as a Christian to be rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9; 9:8 AMP Galatians 3:13,14,29)
The scriptures leave me no doubt that I can and will prosper no matter if I am in a third-world country, have no training or can't even earn a minimum wage for it will be done by THE BLESSING of the Lord. (Proverbs 10:22 AMP; 2 Corinthians 8:9; 9:8 AMP)
Proverbs 10:22 tells me having a good job in a good economy, having a degree from an exclusive university nor even having a résumé full of worldly credentials can make me rich but it is THE BLESSING that makes a person rich.
I realize what THE BLESSING of the Lord is and the powerful contained in THE BLESSING. (Genesis 1:28)
I was included when God spoke THE BLESSING over Adam and Eve in the Garden; giving them enough of His creative glory and power to sustain, uphold and prosper all creation. (Genesis 1:28)
With THE BLESSING God has released to me all the divine resources I need to expand the Kingdom in the earth. (Genesis 1:28; 2 Corinthians 9:8 AMP)
God's will is that I be BLESSED and He will never change His mind about it. (Galatians 3:13,14,29)
Instead of working and toiling to get ahead financially, I mediate the Word, developing my faith in THE BLESSING and into God's rest, allow THE BLESSING go to work and increase me. (Hebrews 4:3-11; 2 Corinthians 8:9, 9:8AMP)
I operate in the Kingdom of God with THE BLESSING making me rich instead of working out of that toil based system to meet my needs. (Matthew 6:33, 2 Corinthians 9:8 AMP, Philippians 4:19)
I no longer think like those operating in the world's system, that I am blessed because I am rich and then have to struggle under that failing system to make money; but it is THE BLESSING that is making me rich and there is no sorrow added to it. (Psalms 73:12; Proverbs 10:22 AMP)
I know for sure I have THE BLESSING of Abraham operating in my life wherever I live in the world because Galatians 3:13,14, 29 tells me THE BLESSING of Abraham came on me when Jesus on His cross purchased my freedom from the curse of working for a living. (Galatians 3:13,14,29)
No matter the economic situation, no matter my level of education and no matter my employment opportunities; the BLESSING is making me rich right now! (Genesis 26:12-13; 2 Corinthians 8:9; 9:8 AMP)
THE BLESSING has released me from the failing system of commerce the son's of Noah, Ham and Japeth originated and continues on today. (Psalms 73:12; Psalms 112:1-3; Galatians 3:13,14,29)
I have a God guarantee, being in my God given assignment and walking in love and faith in THE BLESSING, THE BLESSING is working for me. (Matthew 6:33; 2 Corinthians 9:8 AMP; Galatians 5:6)
I have the same guarantee of wealth that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph possessed because the same BLESSING is working for me that worked for them. (Genesis 13:2; 26:12-13,16; 30:43; 39:2-4,21-23; 41:1-43; Galatians 3:13,14,29)
Financial lack is only temporary with THE BLESSING of Abraham working for me. (2 Corinthians 8:9; 9:8 AMP)
I am expecting a greater testimony than Abraham and his descendents with the same BLESSING working for me. (Genesis 12:3; Genesis 13:2; Genesis 26:12-13; Genesis 26:16; Galatians 3:13,14,29)
I am blessed not because I am rich but I am rich because I am blessed! (Proverbs 10:22)

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1775528

Step Into Christian Ministry

Love the Lord your God through Christian ministry. Ministry is work; this is my pastor's message for all people who want to participate in a ministry of any kind. Ministry comes from the Greek word "diakoneo," meaning, "to serve." Ministry, as a service to God, can be thought of as a deliberate form of worship. We worship Jesus by praising Him, obeying His commands, and doing what pleases Him. In Matthew 20:28, "even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Jesus came to serve; we are to strive to be like Jesus; therefore we are here to serve. Men in ministry let us have a wake up call!
There is clearly an expectation for each one of us in Christian Service. Jesus was obedient to death, even death on the cross. Critical to ministry is obedience: obedience to Jesus Christ and obedience to the leaders of the Church-primarily the senior pastor or his designate-are essential to ministry.
The action elements of Christian ministry are meeting people's needs in love and humility, placing emphasis on sharing the Gospel. The commands from Jesus-Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and strength, and Love your neighbor as yourself-are the measuring stick for everything the Christian does.
Reading these few paragraphs, it becomes apparent that participation in Christian ministry is a requirement for every Christian. All the excuses of time and talent or liking or disliking the people in a ministry have no place in the ministry selection process. The decision must be based on obedience, humility, meeting a need, and sharing the Gospel.
How does one go about finding a ministry to serve? The first place to look is the senior pastor. The question you should ask yourself is, what does my pastor need in the area of ministry? Find a ministry need. Normally the ministry needs are obvious and frequently announced.
Next, step into the ministry. The pastor's direction into a ministry defines the ministry that is yours. Step in: it does not make any difference if the knowledge base for the ministry is unfamiliar to you. Think of Abraham or Moses or Gideon or Nehemiah, to name a few. In the New Testament, look at the apostles. None of the apostles or the Old Testament characters had the knowledge base or the background for the ministry into which they were placed.
It's time now to step into ministry and trust in the Lord with all your heart. Get to work and pray for the assistance of the Holy Spirit. He is there and waiting to help you. If the ministry is easy for you, you do not need God; therefore it is not the right ministry for you. God has got to be in it, and be needed in it, for the ministry work to be successful! Always remember: signs and wonders follow an action; they do not lead. If you're in the ministry that God wants for you, signs and wonders will follow; don't wait for signs to lead you into the ministry that God wants you to do.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7495173

Responding to the Call

Matthew 9:9 - 13. Matthew was a tax collector by profession, an occupation that Jews strongly despised because tax collectors were agents of the Roman government. The Jews, for the most part, hated being under Roman subjection. According to the NIV Study Bible, the tax collector's booth was likely a toll booth on the major international road that went from Damascus through Capernaum to the Mediterranean coast and to Egypt. Matthew was not only called to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, but to be an apostle (a minister of the gospel). God is still calling men and women into full time ministry. He is still raising up apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, what persons refer to as the fivefold ministry.
Considerations of the Call
Ephesians 4:7 - 13: Based on this text there is either a fourfold or a fivefold ministry, since pastor/teacher may be one office. However, we will stick with the designation fivefold ministry. The offices are those of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. Let's take a closer look at these offices and some of their responsibilities. An apostle is literally, one who is sent. He could be an individual sent out by the local church as its representative, or most importantly, he can be an individual sent by God. In this capacity, an apostle may be a missionary who takes the gospel to new territories, crossing geographical, cultural and linguistic borders to ensure that persons hear the good news. His role is not merely evangelistic as he must disciple the saints, plant and establish churches. An important function of the apostolic is to raise up other fivefold ministers to ensure the continuity of the church. An apostle may provide pastoral "covering" to various leaders and their churches. This responsibility must involve providing tangible help to edify and strengthen the leaders and the churches.
The prophet is a person who hears from God and who speaks for God. This includes forth-telling and foretelling. Forth-telling is simply speaking a message that is given by God. It is a timely message that an individual or the church needs to hear; it is a "now" word that prompts the church to take action or that encourages the church in the season that it is going through. Foretelling is predicting the future. In this regard, what the prophet says must happen, or else he can be deemed a false prophet, or at the least, he did not accurately hear the voice of God. The prophet helps to maintain the purity of the church and helps to keep the church focused on its mission. He exposes sin, proclaims righteousness, warns of pending judgment and challenges worldliness and lukewarmness in the church. The ministry of the prophet includes warning, exhorting, comforting and edifying.
The evangelist is responsible for preaching the gospel with the goal of leading people to Christ. He has a powerful anointing for the salvation of souls. In other words, his ministry is productive in seeing people saved and delivered. In this light, the evangelist's sphere of ministry is chiefly outside the "four walls" of the church. It is in the community where the lost are largely found. The evangelist also has a responsibility to train and mobilize the church in evangelism. The only healthy way for the church to grow is through the ministry of evangelism. Saints transferring from one church to another is not growth of the universal church. Once churches recognize and mobilize its evangelists they will experience exponential growth.
I want to spend some time dealing with the office as pastor, since this office is largely accepted as the primary leadership of the local church. The pastor has the responsibility to oversee and care for the needs of a local congregation. This is a challenging task! The pastor has to preach which involves such things as prayer, doing research, studying passages (consulting commentaries and other resources), putting thoughts together in an outline and finding fitting illustrations. The pastor must teach, which uses some of the same steps as preaching but often involves more time in studying. The pastor must counsel: this involves making time to meet with individuals, understanding various problems, preparing assignments and following up. In some situations, counseling may take weeks: for example, pre-marital counseling can be 6 - 8 weeks of 2 hour sessions.
The pastor is also responsible for leadership and administration. Honestly, some pastors are good preachers, but they are not necessarily good leaders and/or administrators. A simple solution for this would be to partner with someone who has those gifts. While this is kingdom thinking (strategic partnerships), some pastors are insecure and afraid to delegate. Leadership and administration involve such things as casting vision: the church must know where it is heading as ordained by God; so the pastor must know the vision and communicate the vision. It involves planning: many persons have no idea the amount of time that must be invested in planning; there are many components of church life that involve planning if a church is to achieve excellence. Leadership involves assessing the whole picture: the pastor must be able to manage and collate various data such as finances, Board, department heads, departments, evangelism and the building up of the saints. Juggling these things is not as easy as it seems.
As part of his duties, the pastor must make hospital and home visits. These could be minutes or could be hours depending on the extent of the need. Pastors must demonstrate compassion, and cannot necessarily run off because they have other responsibilities. Ultimately, the pastor must invest much time in ensuring that the needs of the congregation are met: the bigger the church, the greater those needs are. A pastor may have denominational, societal and national responsibilities. For examples, he may be a district official, he must attend and participate in district meetings or he could serve on a school board or on the board of a civic or charitable organization.
The final office that is mentioned in Ephesians 4 is that of the teacher. The teacher must teach the Word, explaining it so that believers can understand it. The teacher may also lecture in Bible schools and other forums. Teachers must be knowledgeable and therefore should be well trained. I would encourage any person with this call to qualify themselves academically even going as far as getting a PhD if that is possible. I will also encourage teachers to keep on reading in various areas. Many churches are struggling because they lack good, biblically based teaching that is also relevant to the life situations that believers are facing. The Bible is replete with many principles that affect and cover all major areas of life. The teacher has the tools to extract these truths and communicate them in an anointed and exciting way. There is some overlapping of the fivefold ministry roles; the church needs to be connected to all five gifts if it is to function effectively.
For many people a vital question is "How do you know that you are called?" I will share some of the principles that come to mind. There is the inner conviction of the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit has spoken to you and you simply know that you have been called. In fact, this voice has been speaking to you repeatedly over a period of days, months or even years. There is a burning desire or passion to be involved in full time ministry. You cannot see yourself being satisfied in life unless you are in full time ministry. The call may be reinforced and confirmed by a prophecy, often by someone who doesn't know you, or someone who doesn't know what God has been saying to you. The call to ministry may be evident in the demonstration of certain gifts such as the ability to teach, preach, administrate and counsel. One of the greatest confirmations is when others recognize the call of God on your life - family, friends, ministry leaders, pastors and denominational officials.
Another vital question is "How do you respond to the call?" One of the things that you can and should do is to talk to your pastor and get his guidance and input. He or she can encourage you, share important personal experiences with you, and provide mentoring. Another important step is to prepare by attending a reputable Bible School. Jesus trained the disciples for approximately three years before really releasing them to do the work of the ministry. Bible School will train you in Bible, theology, leadership and other subjects needed for ministry. It will also allow you to develop yourself by interacting with other students and ministers: iron sharpens iron. One of the most critical things that must be done in responding to the call is to develop your spiritual life. Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem where they would be endued with power when the Holy Spirit comes on them. Spiritual maturity and intimacy are needed for effective fivefold ministry. Ministers must be aglow and fervent in spirit: the fires of Pentecost must burn in them if they are to have the quality of impact that God wants them to have.
Ministers of the gospel must not only be spiritually healthy, they must also be emotionally healthy. The truth is that hurting people hurt other people and ministers who are hurting can hurt many people because of their position of influence and leadership. Ensure that any unresolved issues in your life are dealt with. This is not the time to live in denial, but to objectively look at yourself through the eyes of the Holy Spirit and deal with anything in your heart. You cannot heal others if you need healing yourself, if you are broken and dysfunctional. The reality is we reproduce what we are. Another massive area is working on your family life, particularly if you are married with children. The minister's first church is his or her family. In fact, Paul makes it clear that if a man cannot manage his family he will not be able to manage the church of Jesus Christ: if you can't manage the small things, how will you be able to manage the bigger things. There are too many broken ministerial families; don't add to the statistics. Other things that you ought to do are to apply for ministerial credentials and find an area where God wants you to serve.
Characteristics of the Calling
I wish the following scenarios were fiction, but sadly they are true. Minister 1 died of a drug overdose; Minister 2 divorced at least three times; Minister 3 was guilty of adultery with multiple women; Minister 3 misappropriated church funds for personal use; Minister 4 gambled out church money; Minister 5 was arrested for assaulting his wife. Any leader can have a moral failure, but an essential part of our call is living in a manner that brings glory to God. Three Scriptural passages that every minister should focus on are 1 Timothy 3:1 - 7; Titus 1:5 - 9 and 1 Corinthians 13.
Here are just some of the principles that leaders need to apply. Leaders must be above reproach. In other words, no one can rightly accuse them of doing anything wrong. There is always the possibility of false accusation, but this must be baseless. Further, leaders are to be the husband of one wife. Leaders are not to be adulterers in thought, speech or action. Things such as pornography, flirting, inappropriate touching or thinking about another woman are anathema to leaders. Leaders must be temperate and self-controlled: leaders must be able to discipline and manage themselves so that they do not fall into sin or are imbalanced in any area of their lives. According to Gene Getz, "A leader should be wise, discerning and experienced; the kind of Christian who reflects true humility and is disciplined by God's grace to live a godly life and to be a person of prayer."
A leader must be a respectable Christian. There are some Christians and pastors that people have no respect for. These individuals do not demonstrate godly, visionary and capable leadership. Leadership is more than having a position; some people will not respect you because of your position, but they will respect you because of your character, your compassion, your commitment, your competence. In other words, some people will respect you as a leader because you clearly demonstrate the qualities of a good leader. A leader must be hospitable opening his home and his life to others. Leaders exist to bless others. We are God's representatives who demonstrate His benevolence to others by our generosity. Unfortunately, there are some ministers who are arrogant and treat others as pawns to facilitate their selfish promotion and benefit.
Again quoting from Gene Getz, "A leader should be able to communicate in a nonargumentative, nondefensive and nonthreatening way-demonstrating gentleness, patience and teachability without compromising the message of the Word of God: a leader must be able to teach." The leader really does not accomplish God's vision by arguing people into submission. He is not a slave master, but a person who must be able to empower others so that they personally develop and contribute to the mission of the organization. A leader must not emphasize defending himself; this is not to say that there aren't times that he must speak out against false accusations. Usually when leaders become defensive it is because they are insecure, incompetent and unable to handle progressive thinkers or people who think differently from the status quo. Further, a godly leader is not a bully, threatening people to do his bidding. Such constructs of leadership - argumentative, defensive, threatening - are ungodly constructs borrowed from secular models of leadership. When leaders genuinely care about people, they will be gentle and patient. They will also be teachable, learning from (not simply teaching) those that they lead.
Your character as a leader is more important than your doing for God. Godly character will produce godly action. Action without character is really legalism and it bears the fruit of legalism: pride, harshness, hypocrisy, traditionalism, deception, competition, jealousy and frustration. The five crucial characteristics that leaders need and that I pray for regularly are humility, love, purity, wisdom and anointing; these must be linked by faith. Leaders who have godly character will make an indelible and lasting impact on others.
Challenges of the Calling
"This scene is played out in different ways in different churches: Pastor Ames had been the spiritual shepherd of Fellowship Assembly for ten years. He unlocked the double glass doors and proceeded into the church lobby. It was Saturday morning and he knew that he would be alone. His face showed the agony of deep thinking. As if carrying a great weight, he slumped heavily into one of the couches in the lobby. He tried to cry but no tears came. He tried to pray but only mumbled a few monosyllabic words. After ten years he could take it no longer. His heart filled with anguish, his thoughts filled with bitterness, his body filled with weariness, he was ready to resign." This is excerpted from my book "The Church on the Edge of Destiny."
One of the challenges that leaders have to deal with is burnout. Ministers often love to work for God and typically work hard to meet the needs and expectations of the congregation. They may not have adequate times of rest and relaxation. Burnout has many results including spiritual coldness, bitterness, depression and anger. Another challenge is balancing family and ministry. Too often, ministers neglect their families for the ministry. Leaders need to set up proper boundaries: there must be time set apart for family that is not to be interrupted by church activities or requests. Spouses need to have date nights so that they are able to refresh their marriage. The Bible is clear: if a man cannot manage his family, he cannot manage the church of God.
Some ministers are underpaid and either underappreciated or unappreciated. Most people do not realize the amount of work that good pastors do. Some pastors do their work so effortlessly that it appears to be simple. For example, a gymnast may perform a beautiful routine, but it is done so gracefully that the observer has no concept of the weeks of intense work the gymnast had to undergo. Pastors are not volunteers; ministry is a serious career and must be properly compensated.
Leaders will encounter relationship challenges. They have to deal with multiple personalities in the church including antagonists who like to get their own way. Antagonists are a serious challenge not only to leaders but to the health and vitality of the church. They oppose leaders, not because the leaders are doing anything wrong, but because they have a different perspective, a false sense of grandeur and superiority and the feeling that they know what is best for the church. Antagonists tend to challenge decisions and undermine authority. In extreme cases, they can stir up dissension that results in factions or that can ultimately split the church. Leaders will need wisdom, but will also need to be courageous to confront this carnal and demonic spirit, even if that means removing the offending individual from fellowship. They will need faith to trust God to vindicate their leadership, exercising tremendous grace, patience, love and gentleness.
Perhaps the biggest threat to Christian ministers is the failure to maintain spiritual intimacy with God. Pastors may get too busy to spend quality time with God. When you study the history of denominations, you find that many of them started with a real passion for God. They started with fervor, with a strong sense of purpose and divine call. However, as they aged, they became increasingly institutionalized until they became a shell of their former spiritual selves. Ministers face the same problem: starting with the vitality of the Spirit then dying a slow death. Ministry becomes dry, predictable, monotonous. Efficiency (doing things right) may replace effectiveness (doing the right things). Ministers may coast by on experience that to the uninitiated may seem like the anointing but is a rather sterile substitute. The apostles were called first to be with Jesus, to be in His presence. The Holy Spirit was sent so that our lives would be saturated with the fullness of God. Spiritual intimacy is essential to powerful, life-transforming ministry.
There are many challenges that ministers face, but I will just mention one more: loneliness. Pastors are expected to minister and be available to others, but often don't know who to turn to or have no one to turn to for counsel. They may talk to their spouses and in some instances to their children. However, they will not want to burden them and may want to protect them from being worried, afraid or angry. In any case, the constant discussion of church problems may put a tremendous burden on a marriage and on the family. Children can begin to despise the ministry, can become rebellious and even backslide. Turning to other ministers for counsel can also have its challenges. Some of them are malicious and competitive and may be secretly glad that the minister is going through some challenges. Others may not be confidential or may not be equipped to adequately deal with what the minister is facing.
Most of you will not be called to the fivefold ministry, so what can you do for the men or women of God? The first thing I will ask you to do is to pray regularly for them. Perhaps nothing is more powerful than Spirit led and empowered prayer for your leaders. They need God's anointing, wisdom, humility, grace, strength, courage, love, vision. Pray for their marriage, their children, their emotions and for their relationship with God. Really cry out to God on behalf of your leaders because their task is a tremendous one. The next thing that I will ask you to do is to support and submit to their leadership. Leaders are not perfect, but they cannot function effectively in an unsupportive environment. Your cooperation is needed if they are to succeed in doing what God has called them to do. To resist God-ordained leadership is really to rebel against God. Humble yourself and come alongside of your leader to hold his hands up so that God's mission can be accomplished.
Do offer to carry some of the load. Some pastors want to delegate, but cannot always find people who are committed and reliable. There is a strong spirit of unfaithfulness in churches today. Some people are committed to their job, but they are not committed to the mission of the church. Leaders often struggle to find people that they can empower and mobilize in ministry. Let your pastor know that you are available to help in whatever area he may need help. Another thing that I would ask you to do is to be reasonable: the pastor, for example, has to manage all aspects and departments of the church. This means that he cannot just be concerned about you and your personal problems, or your ministry or department alone. In any one month, a minister may have to juggle a hundred responsibilities excluding his family and personal life. Finally, make sure that they are properly compensated. There is the mistaken belief that pastors do nothing and that their work is volunteer work. It is not; it is integral to the growth and health of the church, and the Bible is clear that ministers are to be properly supported.
I teach in a Bible school and most of the students do not sense any call to the fivefold ministry. They simply come to receive theological training, in some instances so that they may be more equipped in their ministry in the local church. Many of the students are middle aged or older, which means that we are not attracting the younger generation, particularly those that feel any sense of call to the fivefold ministry. The Bible tells us to pray for laborers, but sometimes the people who pray are the ones whom God will call.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8424293