Losing Your Life For Jesus Christ

Many people would not willingly give their life up for Jesus. Though many profess to love Jesus and their Savior, few want to serve him as a slave and He be their Master. When it comes down to it most Christians want blessing from Jesus AND blessing form all the world has to offer. They want to serve God and Mammon alike. If you want to serve God alone, I hope that this little article will inspire you.
What would you give up for Jesus?
Would you give up your relationship with your mother and father, your sisters and brothers, your spouse and your children? Would you sell what you own and leave your country and leave all those people behind to serve God? Do you know that Jesus said, a person that is not willing to do that is not worthy of serving Him?
Do you think Jesus said things for a joke?
Do you think Jesus said things just for us to think about but did not have a meaning behind what He said and a reason for saying it?
Jesus said another hard saying.
Jesus said that any person that puts his hand to the plow and then later takes his hand off the plow is not worthy of Him.
Do you know what that means?
It means that you cannot serve God by only doing what you want to do. It means when you want to follow Jesus you need to take up your cross, deny your own life and walk in the vest steps of Jesus.
Losing your life for Jesus is found in self denial.
Denying yourself possessions, clothes, things, entertainments and giving the money instead to the Lord's work. Denying time with friends, in front of the TV, time spent reading papers and magazines and spending that time in your relationship getting stronger with Jesus. Denying your time with other things like relaxing after work and spending that time serving God in a soup kitchen in your city or helping serve God 3 nights a week.
Yes self denial can be talked about but it is not often practiced.
I can only speak about it as I do it really well. You will never live up to God's will in your life without self denial and though that taking up your cross each day. And you may say you love Jesus and worship Him but you will never be LIKE HIM unless you FOLLOW HIM in a life of self denial. With self denial and obedience to the Holy Spirits directions there is nothing you cannot do!
Be blessed

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4129671

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