5 Ways to Enjoy Better Christian Sex Immediately

We're scared to talk to our spouse about what we really want and need sexually. What does the Bible say about Christian Sex, and why don't most Christians enjoy good fulfilling sex lives? It's a good question to ask because false ideas about sex and sexuality tend to have debilitating effects on the sanctity of Christian marriage.
Intimacy started with Adam and Eve. Look at Genesis 4:1 where it says "And Adam knew his wife, and she conceived." Adam and Eve showed no indication of shame or hesitation regarding sex or their sexuality. In Genesis 1:22 the bible says "And God blessed them, saying, be fruitful, and multiply."
Exploring each other's body is wonderful and nothing to be ashamed of.

More Christian Sex facts that you need to know are located in Genesis 2:25 where the bible says "They were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."

You can also read Proverbs 5:18-19 - "Let your fountain be blessed, and the wife of your youth...let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and always be enraptured with her love."

There are many more scriptures that support the idea that Christian Sex was created for your enjoyment and pleasure in marriage. But there are some hidden reasons why you may not be able to enjoy frequency, and variety the way you might expect. According to Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs, we have basic needs that must be met in order for us to live and survive in our world:
1. Physiological
2. Safety
3. Love
4. Esteem
5. Self-Actualization
These five basic needs tie in to our daily lives every second, every minute, every hour and have no respect of persons. But they certainly affect your Christian sex life in ways you may not have realized. The fact is, it would be great if you could devote all your time to your lover and enjoy Christian Sex with each other as you whisk off into the sunlight at the drop of a hat. But...that's unlikely.

Statistics show that Americans worked 1,978 hours -- up from 1,942 hours in 1990. That represents an increase of almost a week of work. It means Americans as working longer hours than Canadians, Germans, Japanese and other workers. So as long as you have to deal with life and the increase in responsibilities, there are some days were enjoying hot romantic sexual encounters in your Christian marriage just won't be possible.

Some days you'll have to wait to enjoy sex in your Christian marriage. Some days you may be waiting to have Christian Sex - waiting and ready to have a fun filled night - but you won't get to enjoy a night of lovemaking because your spouse is pre-occupied with the quarter reports that are due at work in a few days. The issues we deal in our lives as Christians on a daily basis create interpersonal issues that get in the way of our Christian Sex.

It's not something you are aware of normally but it can keep you from truly enjoying a full night of romance, pleasure, and sexual satisfaction. You have been joined together by God to enjoy Christian Sex and sexual happiness together. Take the time to work on living a well balanced life and you'll have a sex life that stays exciting, interesting and powerful.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5184754

Tips to Become Debt Free Christians

A lot of people today are aiming towards becoming debt free Christians. While some people always seem to be trying hard to make their ends meet, there are various others who always seem to be in total control of their life and their finances. Read on to know what these people do differently and how you can have a life that is free from debt and worry.

Tips for Becoming Debt Free Christians

Learn from the Successful People

Several successful people around the world have proven themselves to be worth Christians by leading a life of selflessness, ingenuity, salesmanship and leadership. There are several books that you can find by these people that explain how to achieve ultimate wealth and be debt free by following Biblical principles and proverbs. Learn more about these people and get inspired by them.

Make Changes in Your Life

In order to become debt free Christians you will first have to notice where you currently stand in terms of finances. You will then have to set up your goals for short term as well as long term and then decide the steps that you will have to take in order to achieve those goals. You may be able to achieve your goals by making various small changes in your life. Whether your goals are about cutting back your expenses or increasing your income, you will only be able to achieve them by taking small but necessary action steps.

Get Advice

Family and friends may be able to help you if they are good at finances. However, it is advisable that you seek professional advice for handling your expenses and for getting rid of your debt. Find yourself a mentor or a professional consultant and listen to their advice. You should seek someone who will provide you sound and effective tips on how you can get rid of your debt for life and stay away from it.

Spend Less and Earn More

This is the basic guideline that you will have to follow in order to stay away from debt. A good Christian would cut down on his/her expenses and will spend less than the income. Start eating at home more often, check your electricity usage and take up a part time job. There are several different ways in which you can cut down your expenses. Come up with at least 6 to 7 ways in which you can cut back your expenses and increase your income.

Lastly, you must start repaying the existing debts. If you follow all the tips given above you would have more money left over from your income each month that you can use for paying off your debts. Become debt free Christians using the tips given above.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5729737

Christian Rock, Worship, and the Church

Actual History of the Rise of Contemporary Christian Music

The hippie Summer of Peace took place in 1967. By 1968 the drug branch of hippie culture had separated from the peace and love branch and that branch itself split into secular and Jesus people wings.

Church kids had been singing "camp songs" since the 1940s, either acapella or accompanied by acoustic guitar. With the rise of new folk music in the early 1960s, leaders of church youth and camp programs capitalized on this cultural phenomenon by structuring youth programs that included 20-30 minutes of singing of Christian choruses. The most effective youth ministers started services with fast songs and gradually slowed down the rhythm as the song lyrics moved, in relationship to Christ, from praise to devotion and holy living. But what went on in the youth services was not typical of the "adult" worship services. At successful churches, the adult service began with an organ prelude, continued with a 40-60 voice choir singing a hymnal "praise" composition, continued with 20 minutes of congregational singing of doctrinally-rich Christian hymns from the 1700-1800s, and ended with a stirring Bible message preached by a good pulpiteer. The doxology was often sung and usually some song of recession was played after the pastor pronounced the benediction and dismissed the adult congregation.

The Cultural Position of the Evangelical Church in 1970

At a typical evangelical mid-western church in the late 1960s, if a kid with long-hair responded to the message invitation, the first thing the deacons did was cut off his offending locks. What was it about long hair on a man which so offended? The church and conservative American politics were blended together in a cultural message that equated Christian holiness in dress and culture with early 1950's American clothing and grooming style. Furthermore, I Corinthians 11:14 stated, "Doth not even nature itself teach you that, if a man have long hair, it is a dishonor to him.?" Seizing on apparent New Testament support for conservative American dress, church leaders initially denounced hippie dress, style, and music, even that of the sincere, but un-churched, Jesus people.

But this backfired. By 1969 evangelical church pastors realized that the youth ministries of their churches had been impacted by the Jesus movement outside the church. Church teenagers saw what appeared to be more love and acceptance among long-haired iconoclasts outside the church than among staid congregants within the church. Church emphasis on maintaining the superficial values of dress, style, and traditional Christian hymnal music seemed at odds with the emphasis of Jesus people on sincerity and devotion of the heart as the primary Christian concern.

The Evangelical Solution

The most thoughtful pastors and Christian leaders knew something had to be done. The static Christian church was in crisis. The less thoughtful pounded the pulpit and shouted, "'As for me and my house...' we will remain where Jesus stood," confusing status quo American culture with Biblical principles.

What did the evangelical church do to stop the flight of Christian youth and evangelize the un-churched in the early 1970's? They took the historic Christian youth program and moved it from the church camp and an audience of teenagers to the 11:00 am Sunday adult worship service. The choir was disbanded, vocal soloists were condemned as self-glorifying, the organ and grand piano were pushed to the side and teenage musical guitar players replaced the classically trained pianist. The adult congregation began singing youth choruses all the time! The 11:00 am Sunday adult worship service began to resemble a service at a teenage Christian youth camp in the early 1960s. That's what happened!

The Place of Contemporary Worship Music in the Church

If your church has a contemporary worship service using a rock band singing rock anthems and choruses as worship staples, where do we go from here? Consider the following:
  1. Over 30 years have pasted since the church adopted contemporary Christian music as standard Sunday adult music. At least three new generations of children have been introduced into the church since then. These new generations know nothing of the cultural struggles of the 60s-70s. Most of today's young adults who attend church have never heard a traditional hymn sung by a 60 voice choir (except at Christmas) and they've never seen a hymnal. Just as fashion style-setters and Disney movie producers re-release something from the past every 7-10 years, the evangelical Christian church is now justified in deviating from a musical standard set 30 years ago in response to a specific cultural challenge that is long gone.
  2.  The original use of Christian choruses in church was based on an evangelical program for church and un-churched youth. Like the 11:00 am adult church service, if the church offered an AM Sunday youth service, the attending kids sang the upbeat songs from the hymnal. Choruses were used primarily at evangelistic children's services outside the church. Why not move the Christian rock band from supporting adult worship at 11:00 am to outside the church, as a way to gather a crowd in public parks or at evangelistic events? This use of rock music would be consistent with historic Christian missionary activities and would actually make the thin Christian messages supplied by the lyrics serve as an introductory theological thought to a non-christian audience. Of course, evangelism means giving the audience gathered for the music a brief message from the Bible designed to speak to the hearts of those seeking forgiveness of sin and a new life in Christ. The fact that a church sponsored the concert would not be lost on those looking for community.
  3. Two music legalisms have afflicted the church for the last 30 years: contemporary versus traditional Christian music. Some felt that anything that was not contemporary was unchristian. Why? Because it had a formalistic scent tinged with the dusty flavor of history. Contemporary meant unconnected to church history. Traditionalists either railed against compromise or ignored non-traditional musical trends. Both streams are no longer convincing. The Sunday AM service is free to use any music, played well by accomplished musicians who want to glorify God (not themselves) on any instrument, sung by individuals, choirs, quartets, or congregation in any musical style. It's music, not theology! It's about style and taste, it's not about supralapsarianism.
If every doctrinal argument raised in the past to condemn Christian rock were proved true, it doesn't matter. The church either embraced youth culture and made it the central program of church worship or rejected it. That is a fact of history!
Don't congratulate yourself if your church never brought the rock band onto the Sunday morning platform and you are still singing out of hymnals, as your denomination did in 1960. If the contemporary evangelical church reaches into the back of its closet and retrieves a piece of antique culture (a hymn) for modern use, traditionalists should not rejoice that hymnal music has returned to vogue..

The Way Forward

The evangel of the Christian faith remains the same in any age. However, in our post-modern, post-christian culture, churches need a new path forward in the twin goals of making disciples and growing Christians in the New Testament life. The key questions to answer are as follows:
  1. How do we present a post-christian world culture with the always relevant call of Jesus Christ? This is evangelism.
  2. How do we teach those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour to live for Him as their Lord and Master? This is holiness.
Both evangelical and holy living messages must be a part of the total Christian word spoken to the modern world. Every local church has a personality. Every church has a pastor and Christian leadership who should connect with the twin goals listed above and find means to accomplish them in their own Jerusalem, Samaria, and to uttermost parts of the earth. Those who share similar philosophies of ministry can associate in denominations. The key ingredient in musical choice is motive, not style and taste. Any style of music can glorify God, what matters is the hearts of the players and the listening audience.

Why not use various music styles evangelistically? The old joke applies here: What do you call ten banjos at the bottom of the ocean? Answer: A good start! Every church music director has seen that style and taste in music varies greatly among church people. So, have a "Country and Western" Sunday, a "Classical" Sunday or a "Choir" Sunday and use style and musical taste as a way to get folk under the sound of Gospel preaching. Why exclude people by banishing their musical taste and style from your church's music program? Why drive people away or silence their praise by insisting that the same rock choruses be sung every other week played by a 3-guitar electric band? Why not have some Sundays when there is no music at all! Or some Sundays when all music is vocal and musical instruments of any kind are not played?

This is the essence of a post-christian presentation of the Gospel message. Christianity should no longer be identified by anything as superficial as musical style. We play every kind of music on every instrument, only asking that it glorify God. We can dress in any color using any fabric, we only ask it be modest. We do not have to attend church dressed in our "Sunday Best", we can come as we are. If your church encougrages casual dress, why not have a Sunday where everyone is encouraged to dress in suits and ties as a special way, that day, to honor God?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5952842

6 Rules for New Christians

Much of the focus in churches is filling the pews. That's good; one of the church's primary duties is to reach the lost. The church is here to spread its message and to save souls. To evangelize.

The next step, often neglected, is discipleship. After we get them in the pews, we don't teach them what it means to be a Christian. Fortunately, almost two centuries ago, Brownlow North, a bishop of the Anglican Church from 1770-1821, wrote down six steps for new Christians to help them grow in the faith. I think that every Christian, be he on milk or meat, can benefit from applying the steps on this list.

1. Never neglect daily private prayer; and when you pray, remember that God is present, and that he hears your prayers (Heb 11:6).

Being omnipresent in our reality, God is present during your prayers and he hears your request. This doesn't obligate him to answer affirmatively, but he is present and he does hear you. That's simple, yet very deep. I've heard it said that it is impossible to stumble while on your knees.

2. Never neglect daily private Bible reading; and when you read remember that God is speaking to you, and that you are to believe and act upon what he says. I believe all backsliding begins with the neglect of these two rules (Jn 5:39).

Daily prayer and daily Bible reading are the most important factors of becoming a Christian. The necessity of God for the universe is an awesome, if abstract, idea to think of and discuss. However, the necessity of God for one's own life is more interesting, making the discussion less abstract and much more personal.

We're called "friends of God." In biblical society, serfs probably never saw the sovereign. But, through the power of prayer, we get to talk to the sovereign, confess our deepest fears and desires, and God hears them!

In Genesis 18:22-33, Abraham is able to strike a conditional bargain with God -- if 10 righteous people can be found in the city of Sodom, then God will spare it. God took into consideration what Abraham had said, and did as was befitting a truly righteous judge.

Remember, neglecting the first two rules will cause more backsliding in your life than anything else. So get to praying and reading that Bible!

3. Never let a day pass without trying to do something for Jesus. Every night reflect on what Jesus has done for you, and then ask yourself, "What am I going to do for him?" (Mt 5:13-16).

I once told an atheist, "God created the universe, you, gives you life and sustains your existence, and sent his Son to die for your sins."

He responded by asking what else has God done, really?

God has done a lot for humanity, even though we don't deserve it. Most of the time, we're just not grateful. We never pause to think that this wondrous universe, beautiful planet, and the next breath we will take all come from God. So, let's ask what we can do for God instead of always the other way around. He's done plenty already.

4. If you are in doubt as to a thing being right or wrong, go to your room and kneel down and ask God's blessing on it (Col 3:17). If you cannot do this, it is wrong.

This touches on the instinctual nature of moral duties. Normal people know the difference between right and wrong. My three-year-old, for example, knows that she has to listen to mommy and daddy when we tell her to do things. When she doesn't, she admits that she knows and understands that it was wrong.

But this instinct alone (call it conscience) isn't enough. It's a great start, and this "prayer test" is simple and awesome. It presupposes a generally good nature, and since we are made in the image of God we have enough goodness to know the difference between right and wrong.

5. Never take your Christianity from Christians, or argue that because such and such people do so and so, therefore, you may (2 Cor 10:12). You are to ask yourself, "How would Christ act in my place?" and strive to follow him (Jn 10:27).

Because other people do it, that doesn't make it okay. As a manager for over a decade and a half in the fast food industry, every single time I dealt with someone's tardiness the first thing I always got to hear was an angry litany of names of other people who are "always late."

That's what North is talking about. Using another's behavior to justify your own is not acceptable. Take responsibility for yourself.

We cannot justify our actions by comparing them to what others do. The yardstick for comparison is the instinctual moral standard (see rule #4). It doesn't matter what our peers do.

North might be the first to ask, "What Would Jesus Do?" If we follow rule #1 and rule #2, we're on our way to having a good sense of the correct answer.

6. Never believe what you feel, if it contradicts God's Word. Ask yourself, "Can what I feel be true if God's Word is true?" And if both cannot be true, believe God's Word and make your own heart the liar (Rom 3:4; 1 Jn 5:10-11).

Susan B. Anthony once said, "I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." She's right, and we need an objective measure of truth -- not our "feelings."

Knowing and doing are totally different. Everyone knows it's wrong to steal, yet people are in jail for everything from petty theft to the Enron scandal. Everyone knows its wrong to cheat on your spouse, yet that is one of the main reason couples divorce.

While the conscience is effective at blowing the whistle, we are equally as effective at ignoring the noise. More troubling, we can often delude ourselves into believing that God is on our side.

Look at liberal theologians like Rob Bell. They are very good at redefining God, rendering eternal judgment unnecessary or evil. Suddenly, our choices lose eternal significance. Now, people can be comfortable as they are instead of embracing the life-changing effects of the gospel. Instead of "Go, and sin no more" we are being told "Sin boldly, all will be forgiven." That's quite different than what Jesus would say, and the total opposite of Paul's salvation by grace through faith.
No wonder Susan B. made the statement she did.

The Bible states "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" (Jer 17:9). Though the conscience can be an excellent guide, we can ignore it in favor of pursuing our own passions. Let Scripture stand as the objective measure by which we know what is right and wrong. Don't trust your gut.
Applying North's six short rules to our walk with Christ, every day, will ensure that the gospel message changes us. God, if he is really God, won't conform to our expectations. He will, however, give us the strength and tools to conform to his expectations -- the image of his Son, Jesus Christ.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6676404

Be an Effective Christian Parent

Being a loving and a fair parent is the goal of anyone who has a child or children but a Christian parent wants to do more; they want to share the love of their savior Jesus with their kids. Doing that is natural and often successful but being a Christian parent in many ways is the same as being any type of caring parent.

You need to establish rules and apply them fairly and consistently. It is most important that no one child is given preferential treatment and that the house rules are clearly explained and understood.

Christian parents can be like other parents in that they can fall into the same old trap of thinking that raising your voice gives them authority. It usually has the opposite effect. While Jesus was keen to invite children to hear his message, the bible also advises youngsters to obey their parents and to honor their mother and their father.

So we have a balancing act here within a Christian family. If a reprimand is required, as mentioned, raising one's voice does not give power. What the child requires is the appropriate response. If the punishment means the child is grounded or loses a privilege, then so be it. But the Christian parent must enforce the reprimand and follow through. To not do so means the child sees any threat from the parent as an empty threat.

It should be fairly easy for a Christian parent to establish guidelines and rules for the behavior of their children. The bible has some simple and clear rules such as the ten commandments. Using the bible as a basis for your house rules is a real benefit for Christian parents. Respect for your parents is an essential part of a Christian home.

Christian parents may have some excellent rules but they will do even better if they can teach their children about self-discipline. Knowing right from wrong is important for every child and being able to control their behavior is the best result possible. A young child who is brought up to exercise self-control will have that excellent quality for life.

Another essential concept which a child must understand is that of reward and punishment. Once the rules for the child's behavior have been agreed upon by both parents and clearly explained to the child, responses from the parents must be accurate. When the child abides by the rules they are rewarded. When they break the rules they are punished. Children learn quickly and respond well to doing well. It should not long for them to understand there are consequences if they fail to follow the rules set by their folks.

One of the possible traps for Christian parents is allowing God to control and educate their children. The responsibility lies with the parents. Using God as the head of their household, the Christian parents must work hard and sensibly to lovingly raise their children. As the old saying goes, "God helps those who help themselves".

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3214351

8 Steps to Effective Christian Leadership

As a Christian leader, you are held to high moral, ethical, and social standards. As a leader, you are held to high standards, but as a Christian leader, that bar is raised even higher. Why? Because both the Christian and non-Christian social environment has tended to expect that Christians measure up to their self-proclaimed moral and ethical standards, as they rightly should. What can you do to be sure you 'stand up to the test' in the area of Christian leadership?

1) Probably the most important thing you can do as a Christian leader is to clean up your act---if there is anything in your life, moral or ethical, which would not stand up to scrutiny if the entire world found out---you must eliminate it immediately. Do not give anyone an occasion to think that you are a hypocrite.

2) Be sure that every decision you make is honest and ethical. You cannot effectively lead, as a Christian or not, when your decisions and actions are not above-board, fair, and honest.

3) As a Christian leader, commit to telling the truth no matter what. As a Christian leader, when you lie or tell half-truths, people tend to feel that your entire faith is a sham. In fact, if you are habitually lying and telling half-truths, your faith may indeed be a sham.

4) Learn everything you can about the tasks at hand, even if it means working in the trenches for awhile. No one likes to be led by someone who has never done what they are doing. This doesn't mean you have to become an expert, just participate in the menial work long enough to understand the frustrating aspects of the work. Another benefit to this is, when you have actually done the work, you can more effectively brainstorm solutions to challenges when they arise.

5) Lead by example. Do you expect your employees or secretaries to arrive on time for work, and dressed well? Then you must do the same. Sometimes it is so easy to think that you have earned the right to come in whenever you feel like it, or to return from lunch whenever you wish. Sure, you may have earned the right, but you gain far more by setting the example for performance. Do you expect others to work overtime when a project is behind projections? Then you must be willing to do the same.

6) Although you may feel you have earned the right to delegate away all the work, continue to be involved in productive tasks. By doing some of the work, not only do you gain the respect of your employees, but also you keep in touch with the flow of things. As a leader, it is easy to become disengaged from the actual productive segment of your business, and resultantly make decisions that look good on paper and sound good around the boardroom table, but are actually worthless when the rubber hits the road.

7) Constantly reevaluate your own performance. Often, you may spend so much time correcting the actions of others and solving crises you didn't create, that you develop a sense that others aren't as capable as you. Consequently, you may not recognize when you are falling into bad habits that also need to be corrected. Be the first to recognize and correct your own short-fallings.

8) Avoid pride. Once in a position of leadership, especially if you are good at what you do, it is easy to begin to feel that you are invincible. Once that occurs, you become vulnerable to pride, and may make decisions you would frown on if your subordinates made the same decisions. Maintain full responsibility for your actions, and keep them above-board at all times.
Bonus Step:

9) Learn to manage your time. When you are in a position of leadership and find yourself delegating away most of the time-consuming tasks, it is easy to lose control of your time. Again, when your employees see you wasting your time, they will tend to do the same.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/162418

How to Pray Christian Prayers

We live in a time of a plethora of communications. Never before has it been possible to talk to so many people so fast, all over the world. 24 -7 - 365 people are sending and receiving information. Unfortunately, much of this mass of communication is worthless; we wading through it like a flood of junk. At times the whole process seems impossible, we spend hours deleting messages that are of no value, just to find what we need or want.

This is not always the case. There are emails we love to receive. They are from friends or an important source and we look forward to seeing that they have to say. We skip over message after message and open what we want. These messages are special. This is how prayer should be as well. It should be special communication from and to God.

Prayer has been of great value to people for thousands of years and yet it is still fresh and helpful today. Throughout the history of man, people have longed to know God, and communicate with Him. People may try to discount prayer, but this hunger for interaction continues today. People have a wide range of ideas and schemes as to the ways and means of talking with God, but only one way has been accepted by God. He responds to Christian prayer.

Christian prayer is a part of God's salvation package. Salvation is by faith; it is belief in Jesus as the Son of God. This salvation provides us with an opportunity to communicate with God. It opens the way for a special relationship, where God is our Father and interested and actively involved in our life. In this relationship God communicates with His children. This is prayer. We can come to God as our Father and present our needs and desires and He promises to listen and answer.

Some people struggle with this, they have lots of questions and thoughts, but prayer is presented like this in the Bible. And this has been the consistent practice of Christian for centuries. Prayer is first and foremost the communication part of a relationship with our Heavenly Father. It is available to His children and is for their blessing. God loves us and longs to have communication with us. He enjoys blessing us and being involved in our life and work.

So the question for you today, is simple but very important, is prayer a part of your life?

If your answer is yes, then you are able to enjoy God's blessings in a special way. His answers over come the seemingly impossible and bring amazing blessings. There is much to learn to grow and mature in prayer. Like learning to play the piano, even the novice can play, but there is much to learn to be a master. It will be helpful for you to visit my Voice of Thanksgiving website to learn more. This website is filled with information and teaching on effective, fervent prayer that avails much.

If your answer to the question, is prayer a part of your life, is a little shaky, now would be a good time to learn about and grown in prayer. There are some simple steps you can take to make prayer a more important part of your life. The steps are simple and God is willing and able, to help.

First step is to be a Christian. Are a Christian? If not today is the day to become one. This is not about church membership it is about right relationship to and confession about Jesus Christ. What you do with and say about Jesus makes all the difference in the world. Read these verses from the letter to the Romans found in the Bible.

If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9-10 (NKJV)

If you believe in your heart, as these verses say, you can be saved. Read them again, think about this, and then trust God to do what He says He will do. If you want to trust God, then say this prayer that follows, trusting He will make a change in your life and make you a Christian.

Dear God in Heaven, I recognize that I am a sinner, and I need help. I come to you in the name of Jesus to receive salvation and eternal life. I believe that Jesus is your Son. I believe that He died on the cross for my sins and that you raised Him from the dead. I receive Jesus now into my heart and make Him the Lord of my life. Jesus come into my heart, I welcome you as my Lord and Savior. Father, I believe Your Word says, that I am now saved. I confess with my mouth that I am saved and born again. I am now a child of God.

If you said this prayer and believe it, then congratulations, you are now a Christian!

There are some things you should do to follow-up on this and begin to enjoy your new life and prayer. Be active as a Christian, start by tell someone of your decision (you could email me). Get a Bible and read it and find a Christian church that believes the Bible, be an active and faithful participant at meetings. And get baptized.

You have now opened the door for prayer. It is important that you begin to pray. Finding a regular time, you can call out to God anytime and anywhere, but you need to build a habit of prayer and having a set time is very helpful. When you pray remember what Jesus taught about prayer, we should begin by praying to our Father. Talk to God has you would a good earthly father. Tell Him of your love for Him and of your daily needs and desires. Also spend time listening, as you practice prayer, you will come to know His voice.

It is that simple, we can all pray, but there is much we can learn to be mature and effective in prayer. God would like for us to become experts, skillful in the use of prayer. This comes from building a close relationship with Him and spending time praying.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3578629

Where Can Christians Get Good Sex Tips?

As Christians it can be challenging to find tasteful avenues for researching ways to improve intimacy. Even within the church, the subject of how to improve your Christian sex life is naturally not a common sermon or even side topic to discuss elsewhere.

Yet improving your sex life as a Christian is indeed very important.

So where can Christians go for good sex tips? There are actually a few good outlets for learning better intimacy skills and techniques.

1. Seminars. Yes, there are actual seminars specifically focusing on Christian sex. They have actually become very big, and very well attended. Having travelled across the country a few times in recent years, I have even seen large billboards advertising these events. Usually such events will be a one or two day weekend gathering with various speakers who will discuss why sex is so important in a Christian marriage and how to improve your lovemaking. As said, these have been very popular so look out for them coming through your town, or a neighboring large city.

2. Christian Wives or Christian Husbands Party. If you have any gatherings within your church community which are specifically for Christian wives to get together, or Christian husbands, then this can be an excellent way to network into something more specific as far as relationship intimacy goes. You already have your target audience, and during such gatherings you can mention that you are forming a group to discuss ways to improve intimacy in your relationships. This is a great way to share Christian safe literature, discuss ways to get your spouse interested in sex, and share all other kinds of Christian healthy tips and techniques which can prove useful for better bedroom intimacy.

3. Christian Sex Books. You may be surprised as I first was, that there are a decent number of books focusing specifically on Christian sex issues. These can be extremely helpful, and they provide more privacy than the previous options. I believe that learning from others in a live setting is indeed very important and useful, but many times, especially regarding the issue of sex, it's nice to do your research in private. Look for Christian authors who place focus on what can and cannot be allowed in Christian intimacy, as well as actual tips, techniques, and positions that not only are Christian safe, but are highly effective for arousal, which in turn will satisfy and sustain a healthy, long term sex life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8647867

Become a Better Christian Husband by Improving Your Sex Life!

There is an easy, effective, and very enjoyable way to become a better Christian husband. It has to do with better Christian sex!

Think about it. Showing more affection towards your Christian wife is a huge step in becoming a better Christian husband. And there isn't a more affectionate place than the bedroom.

Improving your Christian sex life achieves a number of objectives. It shows your wife that you are taking steps to improve intimacy. You are also placing primary focus on her needs and desires! This is huge. You are paying attention to her needs in the bedroom rather than your own (of course you will benefit as well though).

It also brings you closer together as a couple. Better intimacy in the bedroom always leads to more natural affection outside the bedroom. Holding hands, kissing, and staring lovingly at one another will all naturally increase.

As a Christian husband, your job should be to always seek new and exciting ways to please your wife. Unfortunately many husbands neglect improving intimacy in the bedroom as a way to please their wives. Instead they may lavish them with gifts, or going out, or even doing extra chores around the house thinking this is going to make them great husbands!

While many wives certainly appreciate extra chores around the house, what many women really want is extra intimacy in the bedroom. This can often be a touchy subject, one that neither husband nor wife will bring up. As a husband you should take initiative and create a more exciting bedroom life before things turn stale.
How to improve your sex life:There are many ways to improve Christian sex. First I would seek answers to any questions you have on what is allowable and what is frowned upon within the Christian religion. Often this is a big roadblock for many couples. They hit a wall and fear that adding a new position or new intimacy technique could be sinful. These worries are often misguided. Many Christians learn that much is allowed within sexual practice as Christians. And what is not allowed is usually obvious matters, such as anything that can be harmful or uncomfortable for the wife or the husband. There are different opinions on certain acts or positions, and if concerned the both of you should research the varying opinions, pray and decide what you should go with.

More sex. For many couples, it may be a simple matter of frequency. Sometimes having more sex is the magic bullet needed for improving your love life. Couples often get into a set routine with work, children, church, school and errands. Before they know it, they find themselves only becoming intimate once every month or so at best. This should NOT be acceptable. Couples should always share moments of intimacy every week that goes by. It doesn't always have to be sex either. But seeing as sexual practice is a very high level display of celebrating the union between husband and wife, as well as celebrating the great gift of pleasure that God has given the both of you, it definitely should be practiced regularly, and as often as each spouse feels comfortable with.

New positions are always an easy way to break the ice for improving Christian intimacy. Many couples get into a set routine in the bedroom, which includes the standard one or two different positions. There are over a dozen different positions available for Christians to practice. If you are not continually rotating and experiencing pleasure through variety, then you are definitely missing out on some exciting and fulfilling sex! A Christian intimacy guide or even Christian based sex counselors and seminars can help with learning new positions, as well as new intimacy techniques.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6835889

The Reality the Christians Need

Facing reality is a must for the Christians. I guess every religious person wouldn't back away from it. It is what it is, not as they think it should be or as they would wish it was. The Prodigal son, later in his sojourn, saw this need and embraced it. He was to discover that every rule to which he objected at home was fixed if he wanted happiness.

He had thought that every stuff in life was fun, but when he sought to go after life in that wrong conception he came away with a mirage. Thank Goodness for he realized, early enough, that he was mistaken; he retraced his steps in order to get his entire Christian life back right on track. "Let men cast off their wicked deeds; let them banish from their minds the very thought of doing wrong! Let them turn to the Lord... and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon! (Isaiah 55: 7 TLB).
The prodigal son was stuck. His life was at a standstill until it became clear to him that he desired to admit that he had sinned against his father. "Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and am no longer worthy of being called your son..." (Luke 15: 18-19 TLB).

The decision to take charge of matters that affect your life must be taken swiftly, or else other prevailing circumstances and people take advantage of you. The steps to the solution start with you. Sudden changes in your fortunes will last for a while and fail to bring about permanent remedies for causes that live within your actions.
Your excuses for the turn of events in your life as of right now may look tenable to you, but the more important concern to address is whether you are ready to do something to change them. For the Prodigal son to be seen and perhaps be accepted back into his father's household, he did his journey back over, all by himself.

Time, they say, is of the essence. Waste no time in your actions. Do all you can to put things right while you yet can. Sometimes, we are deluded into the belief that once a problem is discovered it is as good as half solved. No, if it is without further actions. What happens if cancer is found to be in a human organ and no measures are put in place to have it removed in good time? It spreads! And what results precludes it from easy and effective cure.

As a Christian, you cannot sit back in the hope that your relationship with God, health-related issues, marriage, child-care and finances will improve when they are left unattended. If you do so, they will take a turn for the worse, period. So, be you a Christian, or you follow some other religion, or you are even an atheist, you are implored to allow reality to dovetail your actions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3815320