Are There Christians in Hell?

"God would never send a Christian to hell." This is what most people believe. Let us see what the Bible has to say about this fiery subject and see if there are Christians in hell.
Works of the Flesh: "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery (Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust, you have committed adultery with her in your heart), fornication (illicit sexual intercourse), uncleanness, lasciviousness (sexually unchaste), idolatry (putting anything or anyone ahead of God), witchcraft (horoscopes, Ouija boards, tarot cards etc.), hatred (the Bible says if you hate your brother you are a murderer), variance (strife), emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God" (Galatians 5:19-21 KJV).
Are you a Christian and guilty of any of these "works of the flesh?" I encourage you to repent of such things and stop doing them because they will send you to hell. Don't be another one of the Christians in hell.
Lukewarm: "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth" (The Book of Revelation 3:15-16 KJV).
It is very easy to be lukewarm. Just put other things ahead of God. Do not seek Him diligently. Do not love Him more than anyone or anything. Do not obey His Word. Have little or no desire to know Him intimately. Will you go to hell if you are lukewarm? What do you think your chances are of entering heaven if God spues you out of His mouth?
Disobedient: "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 7:21 KJV). Are you doing the will of God? The Word of God is His Will.
Unforgiveness: Jesus states in Mark 11:26, "But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses."
If your sins are not forgiven by God, then you will not inherit the kingdom of God. Walk in God's love and forgive those who have wronged you. Ask God to bless those who have hurt you. Do not let the sin of unforgiveness send you to hell.
Lying "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death" (Revelation 21:8).
Can't keep from lying? Repent of this evil, it will surely send you to hell. God is not the God of liars. Do you lie to your relatives? Do you lie to friends? Do you lie to strangers? Do you lie to the government? Is lying worth spending eternity in the lake of fire? Immediately repent of lying and live holy.
Unrepentant: Let me share with you a testimony. A pastor relates in his vision of hell how an angel explained to him, "There are two kinds of people in hell. One kind is those who did not believe in Jesus. Those who did not believe in Jesus come to hell 100 percent. The other kind is the people who went to church but died without repenting."
Charles Spurgeon said, "There is no going to heaven with one sin ruling within us."
Do not continue to live with even one sin in your life. Repent of it. Turn away from it. Is one sin worth missing heaven and spending eternity in the lake of fire?
Will You be One of the Few? "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Matthew 7:13-14 KJV).
I have not written this article to condemn you but to warn you to turn from sin and walk holy and obediently before God. Seek His presence and desire to know Him intimately.
Love Him more than anyone or anything. If you do this He will unfold the perfect plan He has for your life which goes beyond anything you could formally think or imagine. God loves you and He wants you to spend eternity with Him in glory and not in the lake of fire. Not a Christian yet? Receive God's free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ now and begin fulfilling God's glorious destiny for your life. I don't want you to be another Christian in hell.
Remember to always walk in love and forgiveness towards everyone, always obeying God's Word so you don't hinder His perfect will for your life. But if you don't read His Word how will you know what to obey? Please read His Word daily so you will know what to obey, thus fulfilling His will for your life.
Do you want to know God's purpose for your life on earth? Click "God's Purpose for Me on Earth" and begin fulfilling your glorious destiny.
Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." We are commanded by Him in Mark 16:15 to witness to the lost. Please don't be a disobedient Christian and lose your soul winner's crown awaiting you in heaven. Click "Soul Winner's Crown" below to receive free online teaching on how to be a successful soul winner for God.
God's Purpose for Me on Earth

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What Will Heaven Be Like?

What will heaven be like? Using Bible scriptures let's take a look at the kingdom of heaven and let's try to get as much of a picture of heaven as we can. Keep in mind the first part of heaven we want to look at is heaven during the thousand year reign of Christ which is referred to as the "millennium" after the millennium the New Jerusalem which is a fifteen hundred mile cube will come down from heaven and reside where Jerusalem currently sits.
Zechariah 14:17
And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, on them there will be no rain.
The fact that the above verse states "on them there will be no rain" tells us first of all that in heaven there will still be rain. We will still have weather pretty much the same as we do now and secondly this verse implies that the people who survived the tribulation will be dependent on rain for their crops.
Isaiah 2:4
He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.
They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. That statement definitely implies that many of the human beings during the millennium will be farmers. We know that all human beings can't be farmers because the New Testament says we are to rule over the cities.
Neither shall they learn war anymore. If we could have just done this today think of the billions of dollars yearly we could apply to everybody's standard of living. We could eliminate the middle class as well as the lower class of people. Everybody would be wealthy living the way God originally intended. It's has been said that if the world's wealth was divided equally among every inhabitant on the planet earth there would be enough wealth for everybody on the planet to be wealthy. It has been said that three percent of the population controls all the worlds' wealth. God gave man enough wealth on this earth for everyone to live a rich life but because of a greedy few this planet currently suffers needlessly.
We can now take the information that we have just learned and start a list titled "Heavenly Attributes" and we will begin with the following attributes:
Heaven will be on earth
We will reign with Christ as kings and priests
There will still be rain in heaven
No more wars
No more military
Farms and farmers will play an important role in heaven
Isaiah 65:19-20
19 I will rejoice in Jerusalem,
And joy in My people;
The voice of weeping shall no longer be heard in her,
Nor the voice of crying.
20 "No more shall an infant from there live but a few days,
Nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days;
For the child shall die one hundred years old,
But the sinner being one hundred years old shall be accursed.
"I will rejoice in Jerusalem and joy in My people": This shows that Jesus will reside in Jerusalem. I also know by reading Micah 4:1 that the Lord's house will be established on the mountain tops of Jerusalem above the hills and many peoples of all nations will all flow to it. The elevation of the Mount of Olives is 2,683 ft. I believe the elevation will be greatly increased when Jesus returns and His feet touch down at the Mount of Olives.
The Mount of Olives has been used as a Jewish cemetery for thousands of years entombing such greats as Zechariah and Absalom. Currently there are over 150,000 Jews buried or entombed there. Many Jews today want to be buried or entombed in the Mount of Olives because they believe that man's first resurrection will occur there when the Messiah touches down.
Micah 4:1
[The LORD's Reign in Zion] Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and peoples shall flow to it.
Zechariah 14:4
And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, from east to west, making a very large valley; half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south
The voice of weeping and crying shall no longer be heard in her. The "her" is referring to Jerusalem probably currently one of the most violent cities in the world today.
Verse 20 is saying a person who dies at the age of one hundred will still be considered a "child" so it appears that human beings will live throughout the millennium. "But the sinner being one hundred years old shall be accursed." This verse is telling us two things. The first thing that catches my eye is sinners will still be living during the millennium and the second is that death will still be present during the millennium. Let's take what we have just learn and add to our list of heavenly attributes.
Jesus will rule from Jerusalem
Jerusalem and all cities will be at peace
No more weeping or crying
Sinners will still be living in the millennium
The death penalty will be present for human beings who commit crimes
The life expectancy for people will greatly increase
Isaiah 65:21-23
New King James Version (NKJV)
They shall build houses and inhabit them;
They shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
They shall not build and another inhabit;
They shall not plant and another eat;
For as the days of a tree, so shall be the days of My people,
And My elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
They shall not labor in vain,
Nor bring forth children for trouble;
For they shall be the descendants of the blessed of the LORD,
And their offspring with them.
"They shall build houses and inhabit them." Finally everyone on planet earth will have a house to live in. No more homeless people, no more bank mortgages, no more bad upside down loans that are sold to foreign countries. Everybody will have a piece of property of their own and they will have a thousand years to make it nice. I could never understand the reasoning behind the people who scrape their way to the top and amass a huge fortune and then die in eighty or so years just to leave their fortunes to a bunch of ungrateful children.
When I was growing up I was told that "you can't take it with you when you go" so I said, If I can't take it with me when I go then I don't want it! That's like playing Monopoly knowing that it is all fake money and when the game is finished you'll have to give it all back. Why do people cheat and kill to get their way only to give it all back in the end. God isn't concerned with who won the game as much as He is concerned with how the game was played.
When these wealthy people die and stand before God, God will say to them "I blessed you with enormous wealth to help mankind, what did you do with all the wealth that I entrusted to you?" and they will reply "I own one of the biggest companies in the world, I bought three houses, I have two Rolls Royces, a Lear jet, I traveled the world extensively and I still died with 30 billion leftover. Do you think God will be impressed? What a waste! All the education they had and all the planning for their future. How shortsighted! Now they have no future! It obviously wasn't a very good plan was it?
"They shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit." This verse indicates that all the people will be prosperous. This world's current system will be a thing of the past. No more will the people have to fight over the crumbs that are left over. Finally there will be enough of everything for everyone on the planet. No longer will there be "the wealthy few" all men will have plenty.
"For as the days of a tree are the days of my people," I know redwood trees live for thousands of years and I believe the people living in the millennium will live throughout the whole 1000 years unless they commit a crime worthy of the death penalty.
Psalm 2:9
You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel.
Revelation 19:15
Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God
Jesus will rule the nations with a rod of iron which implies that judgment will be swift. When a person commits a crime deserving of the death penalty he won't have to wait ten years for the trial to start costing the tax payers millions of dollars. Criminals telling lies won't work because we as kings and priests will already know the whole truth. Lawyers will be a thing of the past. Justice and sentencing will be instantaneous.
"And my elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain." No longer will man struggle to make ends meet. He will prosper by the work of his hands. Today most of us work to make other people wealthy in the millennium we will work to our own good.
"Nor bring forth children for trouble: For they shall be descendants of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them." This verse shows us that children will be born throughout the millennium. Let's go back and see what attributes we can now add to our list.
Everybody will own their own house and property
All people will be prosperous and considered wealthy
There will be a new world system
Justice will be swift
Children will be born during the millennium
People will work to their own good
People will enjoy the fruit of their labor
Isaiah 65:24
"It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.
This verse proves that prayer is still going to be the preferred mode of communication in the millennium. However it appears the service will greatly improve. Instead of waiting for an answer we will have the answer before we pray and while we are still in prayer. How's that for service! As it happens now when we pray the prayers with the answer of "yes" we find out most of the time immediately, however when we have a request with a response of "no" we will end up waiting for months and sometimes years before we get smart enough to figure out that the answer was no.
Isaiah 65:25
New King James Version (NKJV)
25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together,
The lion shall eat straw like the ox,
And dust shall be the serpent's food.
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,"
Says the LORD.
"The wolf and the lamb shall feed together; the lion shall eat straw like the ox." I think most people have heard this verse. It does paint a beautiful picture of heaven. I believe heaven will be inhabited by all vegetarians from the animals to the human beings. That would be the only way that every person and every animal could peacefully co-exist. This verse shows us that no longer will animals hunt other animals for food.
"And dust shall be the serpent's food." What can I say; it looks like the serpent drew the short straw again. The curse of the serpent is alive and well in the kingdom of heaven. One thing I did observed is the serpent's food is now dust instead of rodents. It appears that the snake is also going meatless, not by choice but because his fangs no longer exist.
"They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain," Says the LORD. To get a better idea of what Isaiah the prophet is saying we need to look at the verses in Isaiah 11:6-9
Isaiah 11:6-9
"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, The leopard shall lie down with the young goat, The calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little child shall lead them.
The cow and the bear shall graze; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
The nursing child shall play by the cobra's hole, and the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper's den.
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD As the waters cover the sea.
Currently there is segregation in the animal kingdom. All animals prefer to stay with their own kind. You don't see lions living with zebras or elephants living with hippos. In heaven that will all change. You will see mixtures and assortments of all different types of animals mixing together, feeding together, migrating together and sleeping together. In Isaiah 11:6 says "and a little child shall lead them". If you are like me you have probably heard this verse misquoted quite a few times. We can now see that this verse is referring to a child leading various types of animals all living in peace.
Let's now take what we have learned from the preceding verses and add them to our list of "heavenly attributes"
Heaven will be on earth
We will rule and reign with Christ as kings and priests for 1000 years
There will still be weather in heaven
No more war
No more military
Farms and farmers will play an important role in heaven
Jesus will rule and reign from Jerusalem
Jerusalem and all cities will be at peace
No more weeping or crying
Sinners will still be living in the millennium
The death penalty will exist for people who commit crimes
People will live much longer in the millennium
Everybody will own their own house and property
All people will be prosperous and wealthy
Justice will be swift
Children will be born during the millennium
People will work to their own good
People will enjoy the fruit of their labor
We will still pray in heaven
Prayers will be answered before we pray or during our prayers
Animals will be vegetarians
Animals will mix together with different types of animals
Animals will no longer be afraid of people
Animals and people will co-exist together
This concludes our study of the kingdom of heaven. I hope by me listing everything in one place like this that it will help you to have a more complete understanding of what heaven will be like.
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Do All Good People Go to Heaven?

How attractive the prospect of going to heaven can sound! The hope of life after death is held in various forms by Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, members of Christendom's churches, and even many who are not interested in religion. Heaven is usually imagined as a place of beauty and pleasure where people gain relief from suffering and are reunited with "departed loved ones." And yet, for most of mankind, the old adage is true: Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die to get there. Why is that so?
If we were designed to die and go to heaven, would not more people look forward to it as much as a child looks forward to growing up or a youth looks forward to getting married? But most people do not want to die.
Even so, preachers claim that our short sojourn on earth, heaven is where we intended to live. For example, Theodore Edgar Cardinal McCarrick, archbishop emeritus of Washington D.C., was quoted as saying: "This life is not what we're made for. We're made for heaven." Similarly, a former president of the U.S. National Association of Evangelicals was quoted as saying: "The purpose of life is to glorify God and go to heaven...'cause heaven is our home."
Those who believe in an afterlife in heaven commonly base their faith on scant information. George Barna, president of a company that researches religious opinions, found that many people adopt "views of life and the afterlife based upon ideas drawn from disparate sources, such as movies, music and novels." An Episcopalian pastor in Florida was quoted as saying: "We don't know anything about heaven except that heaven is where God is."
Heaven, however, is an important topic discussed in the Bible. According to God's word, what is heaven like? Was man made to live in heaven? If people do go to heaven, what will they do there?
What is Heaven like?
Some people think that it is impossible to know about heaven because no one has ever come down from there to tell us about it. Perhaps they have forgotten that Jesus said: "I have come down from heaven." (John 6:38) To some religious leaders, he also said: "You are from the realms below; I am from the realms above." (John 8:23) What did Jesus say about heaven?
Jesus confirmed that heaven is where Jehovah resides. He called God "my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 12:50) But Jesus used the word "heaven" in more than one sense. For example, he referred to the earth's atmosphere as "heaven" when he said: "Observe intently the birds of heaven." (Matthew 6:26) Nevertheless, Jehovah lives beyond the atmosphere. The Bible says: "There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth." -Isaiah 40:22
Does the "Father who is in heaven" live among the stars? The physical universe is also called "heaven" in the Holy Scriptures. For example, one psalmist wrote: "When I see your heavens, the works of of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, what is mortal man that you keep him in mind?" --Psalm 8:3,4.
No, Jehovah God does not have to live inside the physical universe that he created any more than a carpenter has to live inside a cupboard that he makes. Thus, when King Soloman dedicated the temple in Jerusalem to Jehovah, he said: "Will God truly dwell upon the earth? Look! The heavens, cannot contain you; how much less, then, this house that I have built!" (1 Kings 8:27) If Jehovah does not dwell in the physical heaven, where is the heaven where he does dwell?
Although men have studied the physical heavens with powerful telescopes and some have traveled to outer space, what the Bible says remains true: "No man has seen God at any time." (John 1:18) Jesus explained why when he said: "God is a spirit." -John 4:24
A spirit is a form of life higher than a human. A spirit is not composed of physical material, such as flesh and blood, that can be seen and felt by human senses. So when Jesus said he used to dwell alongside his Father in "heaven," he meant that he used to have a form of life that is more glorious than any physical form of life. (John 17:5; Philippians 3:20,21) The spirit realm where Jesus used to live with his Father is what the Bible calls "heaven." What is it like? What happens there?
A Place of Happy Activity
The Bible describes heaven as a hive of activity. It mentions hundreds of millions of faithful spirit creatures who live there. (Daniel 7:9,10) Each of these spirit creatures has his own distinct personality. How do we know that? In all observable creation, no two living things are exactly alike, so we can be sure that in heaven. there is a great diversity as well. Remarkably, all these heavenly personalities work together in unity, thus providing an admirable contrast to the earth today, where people rarely cooperate well.
Notice how the Bible describes activity in heaven. "Bless Jehovah, O you angels of his, mighty in power, carrying out his word, by listening to the voice of his word. Bless Jehovah, all you armies of his, you ministers of his, doing his will." (Psalm 103:20,21) So a lot of work is being done in heaven. We can be sure that it is satisfying work.
Angels have a long history of happy service that goes back to a time even before the earth was created. According to the Scriptures, when Jehovah founded the earth, the sons of God "joyfully cried out together" and "began shouting in applause." (Job 38:4,7) One of God's heavenly sons was even privileged to work along with God in the creation of all other things. (Colossians 1:15-17) This appealing description of happy activity in heaven may raise questions in your mind about heaven and mankind.
Were Humans intended to go to Heaven?
Since angels were serving God in heaven before the founding of the earth, the first man and woman were evidently not created to populate the heavens. Rather, God said to that first human pair: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth." (Genesis 1:28; Acts 17:26) Adam was the first of a new form of earthly life, and to know God and able to serve him faithfully. He was to father a race of humans whose home would be the earth. "As regards the heavens, to Jehovah the heavens belong, but the earth he has given to the sons of men." --Psalm 115:16
People do not normally want to die; death is not natural for humans. God mentioned death to Adam only as the punishment for disobedience. Had Adam obeyed, he would have never died.--Genesis 2:17; Romans 5:12
Not surprisingly, then, God said nothing to Adam about going to heaven. So the earth was not going to be a proving ground where people would be tested to see if they were fit for heaven. Man was created to live forever on earth, and that purpose of God will yet be fulfilled. The Bible promises that "the righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it." (Psalm 37:29) Clearly, humans were not originally meant to go to heaven. Why, then, did Jesus promise heavenly life to his apostles? Did Jesus mean that all good people will go to heaven?
Do all good people go to Heaven?
After Jesus' final meal with his apostles on the evening before his execution, Jesus promised to reward them with a place in heaven. He said: "In the house of my father there are many abodes. Otherwise, I would have told you, because I am going my way to prepare a place for you." (John 14:2) Why would Jesus provide them a place in heaven? What will they do there?
Jesus had in mind a special assignment for his disciples. During that same evening, he said: "You are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials; and I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom." (Luke 22:28,29) God had promised Jesus that he would be the King who would provide for one of mankind's greatest needs-good government. Jesus will save people from affliction and will crush those defrauding them. Although Jesus will have subjects extending "to the ends of the earth," his throne will be in heaven.--Psalm 72:4,8; Daniel 7:13,14
However, Jesus will not rule alone. Hence, he promised his apostles a place in heaven. They were the first ones chosen to "rule as kings over the earth." --Revelation 5:10.
How many go to heaven? As in any government, the rulers in God's heavenly Kingdom are few in comparison with all the people who live under its authority. To those who rule with him, Jesus said: "Have no fear, little flock, because your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom." (Luke 12:32) That "little flock" will finally number 144,000. (Revelation 14:1) That number is small in comparison with the millions who will enjoy endless life on earth as loyal subjects of the kingdom. --Revelation 21:4.
Thus, not all good people go to heaven. About good King David, the apostle Peter plainly said: "David did not ascend to the heavens." (Acts 2:34) John the Baptist was a good man. Yet, Jesus indicated that he would not be exalted to rule as a king in heaven. "Among those born of women," Jesus said, "there has not been raised up a greater than John the Baptist; but a person that is a lesser one in the kingdom of the heavens is greater than he is."--Matthew 11:11.
Will you receive the reward of good people?
To receive the reward of living forever on earth, what must a person do? Jesus said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) Notice that God's love for the world leads him to make everlasting life available to all, but only those "exercising faith" actually receive that reward.
Faith needs to be based on accurate knowledge. (John 17:3) You can demonstrate that you are a good person by learning more about Jehovah's purpose for man. Respond in faith to what you learn. And be assured that the opportunity of life without end is really open to you.
- We must obey God as ruler rather than men - Acts 5:29

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Reasons Why The Heavenly Kingdom Is The Best For Humans

Every successful government must be fully able to address the problems faced by its subjects. It is, however, regrettable to know that the various forms of government have failed as humans in their attempt to arrest their maladies. Humans have tried autocracy, democracy and other forms of governance, but all of them have not been able to hit the needy spot of mankind. Thus, clearly outspoken, humans cannot govern themselves because we were not given that responsibility by our creator. Humans back then in the Garden of Eden were assigned the task of taking care of the somehow lesser agents, the animal kingdom. As for governance, it was entrusted to the mighty and able hands of our creator.
It is true that human governments over the years have tried in their quest to improve the livelihood of their subjects. For example, some governments to some degree provide food security, quality health care, employment, road networks and other sensitive needs for its people. Yet, human governments have failed in its attempt to rid our earth completely of war, famine, sickness, unemployment, corruption, violence, and the fearful end of man, death. Thus, many people believe are beyond the capabilities of humans and it is perfectly right. Imperfect as we are, we have limitations in connection with what we can do.
However, God is all-powerful, loving and ever ready to address the ills of humans very soon. Through the Messianic kingdom of His son, Jesus Christ, He has made plans to reverse things as they were before our first parents, Adam and Eve trashed humans into the cold arms and slavery of sin and death. Why is this heavenly kingdom that will soon govern the entire world the best government for humans? Every good government must have charismatic and trustworthy leaders. Jesus Christ being the king of the heavenly kingdom is loving, kind and truthful in all his ways. In fact, we can vouch his remarkable traits by his dealings while he walked the earth in the Holy book, the Bible. The team or members of parliament who rules with him are loyal worshippers with integrity and understand the pains of humans!
Moreover, due to the surpassing power of Jesus Christ, he will put to rest the challenging woes of humans like famine, sicknesses, and even death! While on earth, he carried out these tasks with ease and love. Wicked people who are corrupt and make our world a difficult place to live in will be destroyed forever and humans will not need to quake with fear at night or when walking in an isolated region. God's heavenly kingdom promises a land of peace, good citizenry, satisfying employment and personal shelter for all.
These and many other reasons underscore why the heavenly kingdom surpasses all forms of human governments and is the best antidote for satisfying every desire of mankind. Thus, we need to lead good moral lives according to the principles and laws of our loving creator as spelled out in His word that gives the greatest comfort, the Bible. As we await this glamorous kingdom, let us vigorously campaign for it to others through the work of preaching to enlighten all and sundry about the marvelous heavenly kingdom and what it will do for mankind. Doing this has a stake in our own survival. In fact, there is no form of government that can ever come close to the heavenly kingdom that man awaits!

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God's Mentoring Mandate for Women

God established the Mentoring Mandate for Women! The bible says the elder women are to teach the younger ones to love their families, keep their houses, and make a profit. Profitable women helping other women! And it's not just isn't a Biblical suggestion, it's an order!
Welcome to the 21st Century! Women are moving to the forefront as business owners and mentoring is the new hot thing. Right?
Women business owners and the principles of mentoring are as old humanity on planet Earth. We need reconcile Century 21 culture with Proverbs 31 principle. We need to settle that God's divine plan is that women own profitable businesses; that women are to be encouraged by those who go before them; and teach those that follow behind.
21st Century America still struggles with the proper place of women in society. The women's fight for equality often confuses the concept of equitable with the concept of sameness. Men and women were created as equals but we were not created to be the same. We not only look different but God also "wired" us differently. We have the same status but we have different purpose.
There is a principle of Bible study called the "law of first mention." This principle states that the first time a thing is mentioned in the scripture is significant and defines or provides foundational structure for that concept throughout scripture. God's mentoring mandate for women is first mentioned and established in Genesis 1.
In Genesis 1:26, (creation day 6), the Bible records "And God said, Let us make man in our image....." The word translated "man" is adam. The word, adam, is not a name. It is a Hebrew word which means human being or person. The next verse makes this point even more clear. Substituting the phrase "human being" for man, we read Genesis 1:27 as:
"So God created a human being in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."
That understanding of the word- adam, allows the verse to make more sense. God created humans as males and females. He did not make a male-man and a female-man.
Man and woman were created on the sixth day- the male first and then, the female. God created adam-male. He showed him the garden; he had the adam-male name all the creatures. But then, God says something interesting. God says, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him." Gen 2:18 NKJV
The first part- "It is not good that the man should be alone;" can be more accurately translated, "This human being is not sufficient or complete alone;" The second part is critical to God's plan for women and our understanding that plan. "...I will make him a help meet [helper] for him." The phrase translated "help meet" is the Hebrew term, ezer cenegdo.
If you will bear with me for a bit, we need to take a short side trip. We need to pick up a concept we are going to need to fully understand this topic.
The words we use and the words we choose can limit how we think and what we are able to think about.In Scotland, they have a word, "smirr." Smirr refers to tiny droplets of moisture found in a brisk wind- similar to frozen mist. These droplets are enough to dampen without making you wet. And while it's not truly ice, it stings as it hits your skin. There is no English word for smirr. The lack of this word limits your ability to think about it. If I had tried to explain the weather condition to you on English, I would have to call it rain or mist. You could never have a complete understanding of smirr because neither of those words fully explains the event.
The Bible is like that sometimes. Smirr is not the same as rain. Ezer cenegdo is the not same as "help meet." The word translated help is ezer. Ezer means to aid and surround with help and protection. The word, ezer, is used 22 times in the Old Testament. Twice it is used in this story about the creation of woman and the other twenty times it refers to "help from the Lord." The word ezer comes from a combination of two ancient root words. One means "power"; the other means "strength." The word cenegdo is commonly translated as "mate." The fullest understanding of cenegdo is "a face to face, completing counterpart."
The English word- "helper" doesn't begin to touch this term, ezer cenegdo! Woman was created to be a counterpart of equal stature, an all-surrounding, strong, and powerful aid from the Lord.
Women were not created to be diminutive or lesser "helpers." We were created "in the image of God" as ezer cenegdo. God created woman as adam-female. He calls her to be ezer cenegdo to adam-male. Woman was not created to be inferior assistants to the male. Woman was created in order to complete the male with her sufficiency. Woman is different from man but neither less than nor greater to.
Oxford University Dictionary defines the word, mentor as "a wise and trusted advisor and helper" A mentor is a helper and, therefore, women are by definition uniquely and powerfully equipped to be mentors!
The Old is in the New contained...
There is an aphorism if Biblical study that says, "The Old is in the New contained; the New is by the Old explained." It simply means that the Old Testament and the New Testament are absolutely connected and the principles found in one Testament are reflected and explained in the other.
The woman's role as an ezer cenegdo is contained is Titus 2:3-5. While we were created to complete and powerful aid men, Titus 2:3-5 makes very clear that the elder women are also supposed to help the younger ones become strong and powerful counterparts to the male.
Titus 2:3-5 LITV Aged [more experienced] women likewise in reverent behavior, not slanderers, not being enslaved by much wine, teachers of good, that they might train the young [less experienced] women to be lovers of husbands, lovers of children, discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, subject to their own husbands, so that the Word of God may not be blasphemed.
These verses have been used for years to foist a cultural mold upon women. Culture teaches that "keepers at home" or "homemaker" is a position of weakness. Culture is responding to a mistranslation of "homemaker" or "keeper at home." The word translated as "homemakers" is the Greek word, oikouros. The word comes from two root words. The first word- oikos, means dwelling or by implication, family. The second word- ouros means to guard or protect. Titus is the only place in the New Testament that this word appears. Just like an ezer cenegdo isn't a minor assistant; the Titus 2 oikouros is no wimpy Susie Homemaker. She watches over her household to guard and protect it.
The Titus 2 woman is a force to be reckoned with- both young and old!
Titus 2 encompasses every area of a women's life. The more experienced women are directed to help the less experienced one manage all the areas for which women have responsibility. The elder are teach the young that all areas are supposed to work together to make one life. Life was never intended to be lived in isolated segments. God, husband, children, and work responsibilities are supposed to flow together and work together.
....the New is by the Old explained.
The fullest Old Testament explanation of the Titus 2 woman is the Proverbs 31 woman. God's perfect plan for women is found in Proverbs 31:10-31.
In verses 11-12, and 23, the Proverbs 31 woman is truly an ezer cenegdo to her husband. He is aided, surrounded, completed, and protected by her love. Her husband is a better man because of her support.[i]
Verses 13-16, 18-19 and 24 present her as a successful businesswoman. She is a manufacturer of high quality goods. She is a shrewd realtor. She is involved in import. God's ideal woman operates retail operation and wholesales her merchandise to the merchants. She manages her employees for maximum productivity but always with kindness and pays them well.[ii] In her prosperity, she does not forget the poor and gives generously to the needy.[iii]
The Proverbs 31 woman attends closely not only to the physical needs of her family but also to their spiritual and moral needs.[iv] God's ideal woman is not afflicted with a phony unhealthy "Self-sacrificing" attitude of false humility. She cares for her husband, her family, her household and business BUT does not forget to take proper care of herself.[v]
The Old is in the New contained; The New is in the Old explained.
The Proverbs 31/Titus 2 woman is certainly a woman worthy of praise. She is a capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman. "...for her price is far above rubies."[vi]
God's ultimate plan and design for woman is that she be an ezer cenegdo: An all-surrounding, strong, and powerful aid from the Lord. She is divinely created to be a dynamic guider, example, and helper. Woman was created as a mentor.
God's mentoring mandate for women is the fulfillment of His creative purpose for women. God established the Mentoring Mandate- particularly for women! The Titus 2 says the elder women are to teach the younger ones. Elder women are suppose to teach younger women to love their families, keep their houses, buy/sell, and make a profit.
Profitable women helping other women! And it's not just isn't a Biblical suggestion, it's the ordained order of creation!
Be Blessed
[i] New King James Version, Proverbs 31:11) The heart of her husband does safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. 12) She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. 23) Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land.
[ii] New King James Version, Proverbs 31:13) She seeks wool, and flax, and works willingly with her hands. 14) She is like the merchants' ships; she brings her food from afar. 15) She rises also while it is yet night, and gives meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. 16) She considers a field, and buys it: with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard. 18) She perceives that her merchandise is good: her candle goes not out by night. 19) She lays her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. 24) She makes fine linen, and sells it; and delivers girdles unto the merchant.
[iii] New King James Version, Proverbs 31:20 She stretches out her hand to the poor; yea, she reaches forth her hands to the needy.
[iv] New King James Version, Proverbs 31:21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. 25) Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. 26) She opens her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. 27) She looks well to the ways of her household, and eats not the bread of idleness.
[v] New King James Version, Proverbs 31:17 She girds her loins with strength, and strengthens her arms. 31:22) She makes herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple
[vi] New King James Version, Proverbs 31:10
Yvonne Reeves-Chong is speaker, writer, evangelist and witness for "The Defense." As a divorced, single parent, she spent most of her early adult life fully focused on earning enough money to support and raise her son. She spent twenty-five years as a salesperson, administrator, and finance manager. Yvonne understood harvest principles and had one measure of success. The bottom-line. She understood profit- “get it; then get more.”
But, the Holy Spirit kept prompting her with this question, “What is My bottom-line?” In study, it was clear. God’s bottom-line is Salvation. He expects us to “get saved and then go get more saved. “ Yvonne discovered the profitability of sowing. “The Seed is the Word of God.”
She re-focused her life from the financial bottom-line to God’s evangelistic bottom-line. Now her sole determination is to sow God’s Word- until she leaves the earth by translation, rapture, or at 120 years of age with her eyes not dimmed and her natural force not abated.
You can reach Yvonne at []

Biblical Foundation For Christian Morality

The term 'morality' has been defined in an explanatory way under two broad classifications in this article: (a) general description, (b) biblical description. The main reason for this classification is to be able to compare biblical system of morality, which is the focus of the study with other systems of morality. Scott B. Rae observed, 'most people use the term morality and ethics interchangeably. Technically, morality refers to the actual content of right and wrong. Morality is the end result of ethical deliberations, the substance of right and wrong'.1 While noting this difference, the terms would be discussed as an inseparable pair in this paper.
General Definition of Morality
According to the New Bible Dictionary, the words 'ethics' and 'morals' according to the Greek and Latin books mean 'customs'.2 The idea is to discover the things that are usually done and conclude that these are the things one ought to do. Logically, it follows that these are the things that will seem right to the individual and also to society. Scott B. Rae goes a bit further in stating what morality is primarily concerned about. He said that morality is primarily concerned about questions of right and wrong, the ability of distinguishing between the two, and the justification of the distinction.3 There may be norms in society, with reference to what is right and wrong. However, society faces so many new and challenging issues, that people are forced into ethical deliberations. Samuel Enoch Stumpf, in his book, 'Elements of Philosophy', possesses the following questions: Why can't we do just what we want to do? What difference does it make to anyone how we behave? Why does the question of ethics arise in the first place? Why should we think that one way of behaving is better than the other? That telling the truth is better than trying to get ourselves out of trouble by telling a falsehood? And who has the authority to tell us what to do? He concludes by saying that one should study ethics in order to find answers to the questions, what should I do? And why should I do it?4 From Stumpf's statement it can be seen that the main issue that divides people in their moral views is that of the ultimate source of moral authority.
Norman L. Geisler in the first seven chapters of his book, 'Ethics: Options and Issues' shows this division among people as he discussed the basic approaches to ethics. He states that ethical systems could be broadly divided into two main categories: deontological (duty centered) and teleological (end-centered). Deontological systems are systems that are based on principles in which actions (or character or even intentions) are inherently right or wrong. Teleological systems, on the other hand are system that are based on end result produced by an action.5 Scott B. Rae, in his discussion on ethical systems included one more division - relativism, to that already stated by Geisler. According to him 'relativism' refers to an ethical system in which rights and wrongs are not absolutes and unchanging, but relative to one's culture (cultural relativism) or one's own personal preferences (moral subjectivism).6 However, this third category can still fit under Geisler's two divisions. Further, Geisler stated that there are six major ethical viewpoints: (i) Antinomianism - says there are no moral norms; (ii) Situationism - affirms that there is one absolute law (the law of love); (iii) Generalism - claims that there are some general laws but no ones; (iv) unqualified absolute laws that never conflicts; (v) conflicting absolutism - contends that there are many absolute norms that sometimes conflicts and one is obligated to do lesser evil; and (vi) graded absolutism - holds that many absolute laws sometimes conflict, but one is responsible to obey the higher law. Geisler pointed out these six sub-categories are based on a view of ethical approach, which revolves around norms - deontological.7 In contrast the other approach does not stress norms but ends - teleological, and is described as non-normative or utilitarian approach.
Biblical Definition
1. General Observations
D. H. Field observed that, 'biblical ethics are God centered, instead of following majority opinion, or conforming to customary behaviour, the scripture encourages us to start with God and his requirement - not with man and his habits - when we look for moral guidelines'.8 In order to understand the Bible's definition of morality, one needs to examine the scripture, as Field observed, to see what God says and requires. He points out five things from the Bible about biblical morality points us to the person of God to discover that nature of goodness. God alone is good and it is his will that expresses what is good and acceptable and perfect; ii) the source of moral knowledge is revelation. According to the Bible, Knowledge of right and wrong are not so much an object of philosophical inquiry as an acceptance of divine revelation; iii) moral teaching is phrase as commend not statements. With the exception of the OT wisdom literature, moral judgements are laid down flatly, not argued out reasonably. The philosophers on the other hand had to reason their moral judgment in order to convince people that they are good; iv) The basic ethical demand in biblical ethics is to imitate God. God sums up goodness in his own person. Man's supreme ideal according to the Bible is to imitate him; v) Religion and ethics is theocentric. The moral teachings of scripture loose its credibility once the religious undergirding is removed. Religion and ethics are related as foundation to building. Biblical ethics spring from biblical doctrine and the two are inseparable. 9
2. Morality in the Old Testament
From a amore general overview of biblical morality, it is but proper to understand the concept as presented in the two testaments. In the OT a close understanding of the covenant, the Law and the Prophets can give one a clearer understanding of morality. These three aspects will now be examined individually examined.
a) The Covenant
The covenant God made with Israel through Moses (Exod. 24) had direct and far-reaching significance. God's grace as seen in his actions of love and concern in delivering Israel from Egypt, supplies the chief motive for obedience to his commandments. The Israelites as God's partners were united to respond gracefully to God's prior acts of underserved love. They were called to his will in gratitude for his grace, rather than submit in terror to threats of punishment. For this reason, for example, slaves were to be treated generously because God treated the Hebrew slaves with generosity in Egypt.
The covenant also encourages an intense awareness of corporate solidarity in Israel. Its effect was not only to unite the individual to God, but also to bind all covenant members into a single community. A man's transgression therefore can affect the whole community (josh 7), and everyone is under obligation to help a needy person. The strong emphasis on OT ethics hinges on social ethics.
b) The Law
The covenant provided the context for God's law giving. A distinctive feature of the OT law was its stress on the maintenance of right relationships between people and between people and God. It can be noted that the most serious sequence of the law breaking was not any material punishment, but the resulting breakdown in relationships. (Ho 1:2). The Ten Commandments, which should be seen as the heart of the law, are concerned with the most fundamental of relationships. They set out the basic sanctity governing belief, worship and life.
c) The Prophets
Social conditions in Israel changed dramatically since Moses' time, and the Israelites failed to see how the law required obedience in their daily dealings in society, which also affected their relationship with God. The Prophets made it their business to interpret the law by digging down to its basic principle and applying these to the concrete moral problems of their day.
2. Morality in the New Testament
Norman L. Geisler made the following observations about New Testament
1) That Christian ethics is based on God's will. It is, as she puts it, a form of
divine command position; an ethical duty, which is something we ought to
do. It is prescriptive;
2) that Christian ethics is absolute. The fact that God's moral character does
not change (Mal 3:16) means those moral obligations that flow from his nature are absolute. Geisler points out that whatever is traceable to God's unchanging moral character is a moral absolute e.g. holiness, justice, love, truthfulness and mercy. Other commands flow from God's will, but they are not absolute. That is, they must be obeyed because God prescribed them, but he did not prescribe them for all people, times and places. Absolute moral duties, on the contrary are binding on all people at all times and in all places;
3) That Christian ethics is based on God's revelation. What God commands
has been revealed both generally (Rom. 1:19-20;2:12-15) in nature, and
specifically (Rom. 2:2-18;3:2) in scripture. God's general revelation
contains his command for all people. His special revelation declares his
will for believer;
4) That Christian ethics is prescriptive since moral rightness is prescribed by
a Moral God. Geisler pointed out that there is no moral law without a
moral Lawgiver, or a moral legislation without a moral legislator. Therefore
Christian ethics is prescriptive not descriptive. Christians do not have their
ethics in the standard of Christians but in the standard for Christians - The
Bible; and
5) Christian ethics is deontological. That is, based on principles in which
actions (or character or even intentions) are inherently right or wrong.10
Morality, as defined in this paper is the actual content of right and wrong. The major issue however is how to determine it. The main question that arises out of this issue is: Where lies the ultimate source of moral authority? One group of people believes that authority is immanent, human beings have the authority to create their own moral rules and systems - they fall under the category of teleological ethics. The other group believes that moral authority is transcendent, that is, authority exists outside of ordinary human experience. In biblical morality, that authority is God, who has revealed himself to human beings through his special and general revelation. That makes biblical ethics unique. It is deontological. In both the old and New Testament it is seen that morality is grounded in the nature and character of God.
As was pointed out, ethics and morality are inseparable. For Christians, ethics is not so much of determining the good but of choosing it. For non-Christians it is more of determining the good. Whether one is a Christian or not as human being, one will certainly engage in ethical deliberations.

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The Christian Ethics - Grounded in the Character of God

Christian ethics is in harmony with theology. A Christian places ethics in a moral order revealed by the divine creator though both general and special revelation. And he knows that this order is the only true source of morality. For a Christian, the moral order is as real as the physical order, some would say more real. (2nd Corinthians 4:18).
Relativism and our common Moral Heritage
Christian ethics in one sense is simply an expansion in a moral order that is generally revealed to all men. The general view of the ethical sense itself and the similarities within the norms of diverse cultures suggests a common moral heritage for all mankind which materialism or naturalism cannot explain.
Without a standard, there could be no justice, without an ethical absolute, there could be no morality, therefore one can conclude that some moral absolute exist outside of man.
This absolute standard outside of man is apparent throughout mankind's entire attitude toward morality. And even the secular man who believes in relative morality will agree that justice; love and courage are always moral hence suggesting that certain values of judgments are universal to all mankind.
Christian morality flows from the nature of the creator through the nature of created things. It is not meant to create difficulties for mankind. But the simple formula is this, God does not tolerate evil and since He is holy, we must act the same way in order to be connect to Him. Remember, we do need Him and the Christian ethics relies on God and His word for the full explanation of the moral order.
The Christian Response to secular ethics
For the Christian, morality is a lifestyle for glorifying God. So the now created "new morality" by some thoughts, beliefs, and ethical theories is just an excuse to do as one pleases under the cover of morality and man should have learned that the repercussion of such is death. Schaeffer insists that there must be an absolute if there is to be a moral order and real values. For the Christian, God is the Ultimate and only source of morality, anything asides that is blasphemy. So therefore, the Christian should be aware of all the false beliefs of secular ethics so that he can avoid the inconsistencies of unfounded ethical ideas. All secular ethical codes are deviations of God's code and should be recognized as such.
Christian ethics and special relativism
Absolutes are revealed to Man in the Bible, giving adequate specific values and guidelines to have a sense of what is right and what is wrong on all situations. In which the Ten Commandments is the most obvious, it also gives us every details of Jesus Christ so as to give us a better understanding of the implications of this order.
The combinations of the ethical exhortations in the Sermon on the Mount and the ethical pronouncements of the Old Testament create a very specific ethical order. And most of all, Christians have the perfect role model to dictate the proper moral course of action: Jesus Christ, as revealed to mankind in the Bible. From all these, man can never excuse himself for doing wrong because he has not been told what is morally correct.
Responsibility in Christian Ethics
"Love the Lord your God with all your Heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with your entire mind, and love your neighbor as yourself (Luke10:27). Thus, in a broad sense, the responsibility of a Christian is to love God and Love his brother. This should include spiritual, physical, social, mental, psychological care and any other possible way; thereby solving all ethical debates on morality. Nothing more explains best.

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Teaching Children To Pray With Christian Prayers

Discussing spiritual matters with young ones can be a trying task. If you have ever attempted it, you know that their insatiable curiosity will lead them to ask many questions which might end up stumping you. So when you are teaching your children to pray, you will have to be very strategic about it.
To start with, you should pray with your child on a nightly basis. He or she will be able to learn by example, and in seeing you bring yourself before the Lord, a good example will be set. But this isn't limited to nightly kneeling sessions by the bed. Teaching prayer is something that should happen in your day-to-day life.
Whenever even the smallest blessing occurs, point it out to your children and thank God for it. This will establish with the child that for everything precious in the world, God is to be thanked.
Be extremely aware of whenever the prayer of your child is answered. It is too easy to pray for something, and then when it happens think something along the lines of "wow, that was lucky!" If you notice that some prayer of your child has come true, make a huge deal of it and show the child the importance of looking for God in daily life.
From the beginning of your child's life, teach him or her to enjoy the creation that God has given us. Point out the sheer natural beauty of the world we live in, and point out how God has given us the gifts to enjoy.
Just as you appreciate beauty and miracles through prayer with your children, teach them to use prayer to cope with unpleasant situations. For example, if you pass a car crash, say a quick family prayer. This will teach your child that prayer is multi-faceted, and an outlet for showing gratefulness as well as appealing to God's good will.
Every evening, bless and pray over your children. Use the classic blessing before bedtime: "May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." This will help your children to realize that God is always present and protective.
Prayer, like anything taught to a child, is better taught through actions than by trying to explain. Show your child what it is like to pray on a regular basis. Bring prayer up whenever possible, and relate it to the current situation. If you can truly impress the importance and the significance of prayer on your child, you will have accomplished a truly great feat as a parent.

Teaching Children About God Through Christian Meditation

As Christian adults we may have come to embrace the practice of Christian meditation into our daily lives but lets not forget the impact this practice can have on children of all ages.
Christian meditation and learning to be still before God can teach children patience, how to experience God, how to quiet their minds, and how to control the types of thoughts they think. It can empower them to take more control over their lives by teaching them that their thoughts become their realities and if they want to attract good and positive outcomes it begins with what is going on in their heads.
Through Christian meditation, as well as positive scripture affirmations, we can teach our children about God's love, power, and purpose in for their lives. We can also build up and keep their self esteem high when they hear messages like, I am important to God, I am created in God's image, I have a purpose in life, or With faith and patience I can do anything.
My grandson is only 2 years old but each time he sleeps or naps at my house I play the Christian meditation Cd titled Bedtime Blessings and Affirmations for Young Children. He may only be 2 years old but if he listens to these regularly each time he falls off to sleep before long they will be subplanted in his mind and he will hear them over and over while he sits in school or when he is facing a difficult task.
Studies show that it is the first 4-5 years of a child's life that shapes his development and outlook of the world around him. I can attest to this as a teacher but even on a more personal level. At about 1 years old I purchased the Your Baby Can Read for my grandson. Everyday we played the fun and interactive videos. Sometimes he would look at the video, sometimes he wouldn't. Now my grandson Tyler is 26 months old and he can read dozens of words off flash cards, yet he can barely talk.
Tyler is so excited about reading. He loves playing with his flash cards and telling everyone the words. By the time he is in school he will be reading real books. I can't be more overjoyed and I expect him to excel in school.
Now just imagine the word of God and positive spiritual messages being played over and over our children's minds. Just like Your Baby Can Read, these messages will also be subplanted, take root, and grow.
But in additional to hearing positive messages, I believe that teaching our children to be still before God will have a profound effect on their relationship with Christ if we teach them to get quiet before God and to listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. I want to reinforce to my grandson that God spirit lives in Him and if he follows the still small voice God, He will lead him through life, navigate through problems, and find his purpose.

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Family - Core Values and Christian Character

Following Jesus' teachings should be at the heart of every action a Christian takes and every choice he or she makes. It is important that we regularly examine our values based on what Jesus taught and practiced. These foundational values are important as they affect our personal decisions and moral choices. Christian values help us establish our priorities and result in spiritual grown as they draw us closer to God.
The simplest definition of values is: something that is important to me something which is important enough to find consistent expression in the choices I make or that which is translated into lifestyle and actions.
Christian values are something which are important to God. As Christians we want these two feelings and idea to match. These values deal with the basics of our relationship with other people, our family and our community.
The Federal government has identified values education as essential in the fight against drugs and crime. Business now recognizes that a responsible labor force requires workers who have character traits of honesty, dependability, pride in their work, and the capacity to cooperate with others.
As a result of these and other social practices parent and teacher, the family and the church provide an example of and an opportunity for involvement, interaction, and internalization of assuming community responsibility. Character is nurtured, taught by instruction, not indoctrination.
Life stages, identity groups, cultural trends, and socialization experiences are all forces that shape our children's values. We need to explore available resources for areas of application that will help build values and character from a moral perspective.
We must examine curriculum for teaching Christian ethics, multicultural and civic education. Preventative programs for drug and alcohol abuse need to be initiated. We need to provide a religious moral perspective with Biblical concepts to influence society with moral principles that will replace the emptiness of norms and ideals so common today.
As parents, Christian leaders, and educators we need to remember that our personal integrity determines our impact on the lives we are molding.

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