This is the duty we as Christians are called to. How many of us are going to stand up for Christ and the sake of the Gospel? It is time we take out our Bibles the Word of God and dig into it as fervently as we do the idols we have set before us. I am speaking of those who clamour over this time of year with football starting. Then it will soon be basketball and we also have soccer going on now. How many of these great sports have been idolized in our lives? There is nothing wrong with loving sports, I love 'em nearly all of them.
Any image or thing we put before God. ANYTHING PUT BEFORE GOD! I hope that is plain enough!
I will get opinionated on the select programs for kids. I hope that each child participating in their chosen sport may achieve at his or her expectations each day. I hope for them that come time for college they excel enough for scholarships that will put them through college. But enough of the select programs, especially with such young kids. They are starting and having to commit way too early to sports for their own good.What qualifications do I have to expound on such matters? Seventeen years of umpiring high school and college baseball. Ten years of high school football and basketball officiating. When I started officiating there were no select programs and the kids still learned the sport in which they were participating. The directors of select programs do not care they are starting games during church time on Sundays, they think if the kid wants to be great they should sacrifice church. This is putting an idol before GOD. This is putting an idol before the cross of Calvary on which the Lord Jesus Christ died on for our sins. They have made the cross of none effect for their greedy programs.
-Rejoice evermore
-Pray without ceasing
-In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ concerning you.
-Quench not the Spirit
-Despise not prophesyings
-Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
-Abstain from all appearance of evil.
Give your all to Him, give God all you have. We are truly in the last days and times are such we need our hearts and minds on Christ. I am not suggesting to abandon things we like such as sports. I love them to as I said, but I am saying get in check. Find out what is right and good and true. Do not put anything whether it is sports or whatever in front of worshiping God. Give Him all the glory and honor in and for your life.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, Amen.
Isaiah Michael Ministries and Michael I. Adams invite you to visit our website,
The Christian life is portrayed as a race by the writer of Hebrews. "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1,2. Many Bible Scholars feel that the Apostle Paul was probably the writer of Hebrews because verses like these are closely related to many of his other writings. In other cases, Paul compares himself with the racers and competitors in the Isthmian games which were celebrated in the city of Corinth. This comparison made an allusion which was well known to the people of Paul's day and therefore was a great teaching metaphor.
The competitors who ran in these games were duly qualified both by character and ability. The distance and width of the course were clearly marked out. The prize that was to be won was set forth. Judges were chosen and sworn to judge impartially. The starting signal was given and the race was run. The winner was carried to the judge, the prize was given and a crown placed on the winner's head. The name of the winner was proclaimed to the great assembly of people.
The Christian race is so compared. The Christian must be qualified both by character and ability. The Christian must pursue the course with patience and perseverance. After completing the race the successful Christian is brought before the Judge where he/she is rewarded and crowned with glory.
The Christian race is not any race, but a particular race. It is, "The race set before us". The course of the race is the road of life. The length of it is a lifetime. The width of it is the size of the world. This course has many challenges and many temptations to turn the runner aside. The riches and cares, the company and amusements, the pleasures and influence of the world are all dead weights which must be "laid aside" so they don't hinder the Christian runner.
The progress of the Christian in this race depends on several things. The Christian must keep to the course and not turn out of the way. Some run the race well for a while and then turn aside. The Christian must stay on course. The middle of the course is the safest place to run. Constant progress must be made and the runner must continue patiently under all difficulties. The prize must be kept in view.
The nature of the prize in the Christian race is different from worldly races. Scripture represents this prize as rewards under the figure of a trophy or crown. There are various crowns that may be rewarded to Christians when they complete this race of life.
The Incorruptible Crown - I Corinthians 9:24-25. "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishible crown. " In the Christian's duty, all run that they might obtain this crown. All that finish get the prize, not just the winner. The Christian runner is described as being "temperate in all things". Much self-denial was practiced by the Olympic runners Paul mentioned. They kept to a strict diet and discipline. Should not the Christian much more curtail themselves of their liberty for the glorious prize set before them? Christians must deny self and keep the body under "bringing it into subjection", (I Corinthians 9:27). The Christian runner faces hardship and is always in close combat just as any competitor. Paul mentions one enemy of the Christian runner (the body) which must be brought under subjection. Paul is referring to those fleshly appetites and inclinations.
The Crown of Life - James 1:12, "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the "crown of life" which the Lord has promised to those who love Him". This reward is given to the Christian who endures and who with patience and constancy goes through all trials and difficulties in the way of his duty. It seems that in the duties of Christians they sometimes run across difficulties and disappointments so much that they begin to lose interest and hope of their duty. They may even wonder if it is worth it all to continue the race. The enduring of temptations and trials must be from a principle of love to God and Jesus Christ, otherwise there is no interest in the Crown. This reward should enforce the idea that Christians will eventually be approved by God for all their trails. It will be the Christian's blessedness to finally receive the Crown of Life.
The Crown of Glory - I Peter 5:1-4, "The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the Crown of Glory that does not fade away". This reward is specifically given to pastors, elders, presbyters, spiritual leaders of the Church. It is promised to those who "feed the flock" by preaching and teaching God's Word. It is for Christians who "take oversight thereof"; who take time to minister personal care over the flock committed to their charge. It is for Christians who are "examples to the flock"; those who practice holiness, self-denial, and all other Christian duties. It is for those who share in Christ's sufferings. Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd of the flock. He bought them, rules them, defends them, and saves them. Jesus is also Chief Shepherd over all other shepherds who obtain their authority from Him, act in His name, and are accountable to Him. Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, shall appear to judge all ministers and under-shepherds, to call them to account, whether they have faithfully discharged their duty both publicly and privately according to His directions. To those that are found to have done their duty shall receive what is infinitely better than temporal gain. They shall receive from the Chief Shepherd a high degree of everlasting glory - A Crown of Glory that will never fade away.
The Crown of Rejoicing - I Thessalonians 2:19,20. "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For you are our glory and joy". This Crown of Rejoicing is won through soul-winning. Christians must take time in their race to listen to the Holy Spirit and share with others what they have in Jesus. What a glory and honor it is go be used of the Holy Spirit to lead others into a saving knowledge of the Son of God.
The Crown of Righteousness - 2 Timothy 4:7,8. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing". This crown will be the recompense of all the services Christians have offered, which God is not unrighteous to forget. This crown will be given "at that day", at the time when the Christian's holiness and righteousness will be perfected. It is the day Christ returns. It will be given by the righteous Judge and not only to apostles and prominent ministers, but to all those that love His appearing. It should be the character of all Christians to look forward to the appearing of Jesus Christ with love and to long for it. This Crown is laid up for all believers. It is given to those who have finished their course by fighting a good fight. In a good fight one may lose a few rounds, but is is how hard one fights that makes a good fight. It is given to those who have kept the faith. It is given to Christians who never allowed their faith to falter, but have always looked to their faith for their final victory.
Christ will come again to judge the works of believers and to give these rewards that they are entitled. The Christian will be judged as to the use of his talents and opportunities that have been given to him. The Christian will be judged on how he has used these talents while running the Christian race.
Paul says that while Christians are saved by grace, they are saved unto good works, Ephesians 2:8-10. In other words, the Lord has given His people an opportunity to lay up treasures in heaven now. This should help Christians overcome discouragements.
Submitted by Stephen Stillman owner of
The competitors who ran in these games were duly qualified both by character and ability. The distance and width of the course were clearly marked out. The prize that was to be won was set forth. Judges were chosen and sworn to judge impartially. The starting signal was given and the race was run. The winner was carried to the judge, the prize was given and a crown placed on the winner's head. The name of the winner was proclaimed to the great assembly of people.
The Christian race is so compared. The Christian must be qualified both by character and ability. The Christian must pursue the course with patience and perseverance. After completing the race the successful Christian is brought before the Judge where he/she is rewarded and crowned with glory.
The Christian race is not any race, but a particular race. It is, "The race set before us". The course of the race is the road of life. The length of it is a lifetime. The width of it is the size of the world. This course has many challenges and many temptations to turn the runner aside. The riches and cares, the company and amusements, the pleasures and influence of the world are all dead weights which must be "laid aside" so they don't hinder the Christian runner.
The progress of the Christian in this race depends on several things. The Christian must keep to the course and not turn out of the way. Some run the race well for a while and then turn aside. The Christian must stay on course. The middle of the course is the safest place to run. Constant progress must be made and the runner must continue patiently under all difficulties. The prize must be kept in view.
The nature of the prize in the Christian race is different from worldly races. Scripture represents this prize as rewards under the figure of a trophy or crown. There are various crowns that may be rewarded to Christians when they complete this race of life.
The Incorruptible Crown - I Corinthians 9:24-25. "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishible crown. " In the Christian's duty, all run that they might obtain this crown. All that finish get the prize, not just the winner. The Christian runner is described as being "temperate in all things". Much self-denial was practiced by the Olympic runners Paul mentioned. They kept to a strict diet and discipline. Should not the Christian much more curtail themselves of their liberty for the glorious prize set before them? Christians must deny self and keep the body under "bringing it into subjection", (I Corinthians 9:27). The Christian runner faces hardship and is always in close combat just as any competitor. Paul mentions one enemy of the Christian runner (the body) which must be brought under subjection. Paul is referring to those fleshly appetites and inclinations.
The Crown of Life - James 1:12, "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the "crown of life" which the Lord has promised to those who love Him". This reward is given to the Christian who endures and who with patience and constancy goes through all trials and difficulties in the way of his duty. It seems that in the duties of Christians they sometimes run across difficulties and disappointments so much that they begin to lose interest and hope of their duty. They may even wonder if it is worth it all to continue the race. The enduring of temptations and trials must be from a principle of love to God and Jesus Christ, otherwise there is no interest in the Crown. This reward should enforce the idea that Christians will eventually be approved by God for all their trails. It will be the Christian's blessedness to finally receive the Crown of Life.
The Crown of Glory - I Peter 5:1-4, "The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the Crown of Glory that does not fade away". This reward is specifically given to pastors, elders, presbyters, spiritual leaders of the Church. It is promised to those who "feed the flock" by preaching and teaching God's Word. It is for Christians who "take oversight thereof"; who take time to minister personal care over the flock committed to their charge. It is for Christians who are "examples to the flock"; those who practice holiness, self-denial, and all other Christian duties. It is for those who share in Christ's sufferings. Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd of the flock. He bought them, rules them, defends them, and saves them. Jesus is also Chief Shepherd over all other shepherds who obtain their authority from Him, act in His name, and are accountable to Him. Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, shall appear to judge all ministers and under-shepherds, to call them to account, whether they have faithfully discharged their duty both publicly and privately according to His directions. To those that are found to have done their duty shall receive what is infinitely better than temporal gain. They shall receive from the Chief Shepherd a high degree of everlasting glory - A Crown of Glory that will never fade away.
The Crown of Rejoicing - I Thessalonians 2:19,20. "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For you are our glory and joy". This Crown of Rejoicing is won through soul-winning. Christians must take time in their race to listen to the Holy Spirit and share with others what they have in Jesus. What a glory and honor it is go be used of the Holy Spirit to lead others into a saving knowledge of the Son of God.
The Crown of Righteousness - 2 Timothy 4:7,8. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing". This crown will be the recompense of all the services Christians have offered, which God is not unrighteous to forget. This crown will be given "at that day", at the time when the Christian's holiness and righteousness will be perfected. It is the day Christ returns. It will be given by the righteous Judge and not only to apostles and prominent ministers, but to all those that love His appearing. It should be the character of all Christians to look forward to the appearing of Jesus Christ with love and to long for it. This Crown is laid up for all believers. It is given to those who have finished their course by fighting a good fight. In a good fight one may lose a few rounds, but is is how hard one fights that makes a good fight. It is given to those who have kept the faith. It is given to Christians who never allowed their faith to falter, but have always looked to their faith for their final victory.
Christ will come again to judge the works of believers and to give these rewards that they are entitled. The Christian will be judged as to the use of his talents and opportunities that have been given to him. The Christian will be judged on how he has used these talents while running the Christian race.
Paul says that while Christians are saved by grace, they are saved unto good works, Ephesians 2:8-10. In other words, the Lord has given His people an opportunity to lay up treasures in heaven now. This should help Christians overcome discouragements.
Submitted by Stephen Stillman owner of
The Quran states the Following:
"Waqawlihim inna qatlna al Massih Issa ibn Maryam rasul Allah, wama qataluhu wama salabuhu walaken shubbiha lahum", Quran 4: 158. Translated: "and their saying, we did kill the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah; whereas they slew him not nor crucified him, but he was made to appear to them like the one crucified (M. Sher Ali's translation).
On this verse, Muslim commentator Abdullah Yusuf Ali renders the following explanation:
"The end of the life of Jesus on earth is as much involved in mystery as his birth, and indeed the greater part of his private life, except the three main years of his ministry. It is not profitable to discuss the many doubts and conjectures among the early Christian sects and among Muslim theologians. The Orthodox Christian Churches make it a cardinal point of their doctrine that his life was taken on the Cross, that he died and was buried, that on the third day he rose in the body with his wounds intact, and walked about a conversed, and ate with his disciples, and was afterwards taken up bodily to heaven. This is necessary for the theological doctrine of blood sacrifice and vicarious atonement for sins, which is rejected by Islam. But some of the early Christian sects did not believe that Christ was killed on the Cross. The Basilidans believed that someone else was substituted for him. The Docetae held that Christ never had a real physical or natural body, but only an apparent or phantom body, and that his Crucifixion was only apparent, not real. Tha Marcionite Gospel (about A.D. 138) denied that Jesus was born, and merely said that he appeared in human form. The Gospel of St. Barnabas supported the theory of substitution on the Cross. The Qur'anic teaching is that Christ was not curified nor killed by the Jews. Notwithstanding certain apparent circumstances which produced that illusion in the minds of some of his enemies; that disputations, doubts, and conjectures on such matters are vain; and that he was taken up to God.' (Abdullah Yusuf Ali's commentary # 663, Text, Translation and Commentary by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, the Meaning of the Glorious Qur'an, 2 vols. Published by Dar Al-Kitab Al-Masri (Egypt) and Dar Al-Kita Allubnani (Lebanon), 1934).
Crucifixion was attested first among the Persians. The Greeks and the Carthaginians, from whom the Romans adapted the practice, later employed it. In the Old Testament, the corpses of blasphemers or idolaters punished by stoning might be hanged as further humiliation (Deut. 21: 23).
Crucifixion was introduced in Palestine during the Greek time. Josephus, the Jewish historian (A.D. 37-100), tells us that the Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes crucified those Jews who refused Hellenization. The Emperor Constantine, abolished the practice in deference to Christian belief concerning Jesus' death.
Jesus crucifixion is recounted in Matt. 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 19, and many times referred to elsewhere in the New Testament. The influence of early Christian literature on this subject and others is spread all over the Qur'an. Ali's commentary regarding Christian and Gnostic literature is just one example of that influence.
Crucifixion was a form of capital punishment. It involved public shame to the person being crucified. The condemned had to be stripped of all his clothing; he was physically tortured, and was made to carry his cross along the public roads to the execution ground; then he was affixed to the cross, and was the object of taunts and indignities from passers-by. Death by crucifixion brought the condemned into a public disrepute.
Crucifixion provided an obstacle in the subsequent effort to convert the Jews to Christianity. The Jews were not prepared to accept the thought that the Messiah, whose coming is prescribed in the Old Testament, should be crucified. To many of them, such a thought was considered a blasphemy. That was probably the thought of the Muslim communities, who introduced the Hadith tradition.
But contrary to the Hadith interpretation of the Qur'anic verse, and contrary to the translation mentioned above, and to the erroneous interpretation rendered by Abdullah Yussuf Ali, the Qur'an does not deny the death and Crucifixion of Jesus, the Messiah. In fact the Aramaic language of the Qur'an is identical to the story of Crucifixion mentioned in the New Testament.
The Qur'anic conjugation "w" in the word "[w]ama" is similar to Aramaic "w" meaning "so, then, and'; Akkadian "u". The Qur'anic word "wama" has been interpreted erroneously as "did not'. Syriac "wmo, or "wma" is an interrogative pronoun means "what'. Syriac "wmo li wlokh" or "wma li wlokh" means "and what have I to do with you'. The Qur'anic verse, "wama qataluhu" is identical to Aramaic "wm qtlhu", Syriac "wmo qatluuy, or wma qatluuy" means "what they slew'. The Qur'anic verse "wama salabuuhu" is identical to Syriac "wmo salbuuy or wma salbuuy" meaning "what they crucified'. In other words, the Qur'an is saying: "what they slew and what they crucified', a confirmation of the death and crucifixion of Jesus, the Messiah.
The Qur'anic word "walaaken" has been interpreted erroneously as "but'. Aramaic "lkn". The initial "l" is a prepostion, it means "to, for, in regard to'. When the suffixes are added, it is pronounced "li (mine), lokh, or lakh (yours, sing.), leh (his), loh (hers), lan (ours), lkhuun (yours, plural), lkhen (yours, fem. Plu.). When the vowel sign /a/ is added to the Syriac "lkhen", it turns into "lakhen", Arabic "laken". It is important to keep in mind that the early Qur'anic manuscripts did not use the vowel signs. Thus the original word used in the Qur'an was "lkn" as in Syriac "lken, or lkhen" meaning (yours, fem. Plu), which is found in Syriac Peshito (Ezekiel 13: 18) and Biblia Hebraica "lknh" (Eze. 13: 18). The reference to feminine plural in the Qur'anic verse is compatible with the Biblical event, which is mentioned in Matthew 27: 55. It reads the following: "There were many women there, looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee and helped him. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the wife of Zebede".
The Qur'anic word "shubbiha" has been interpreted erroneously as "he was made to appear to them like the one crucified'. Syriac "shabah" means "glory'. The Qur'anic preposition "lahum" is equivalent to Aramaic "lhmh" meaning "in regard to them, in reference to them' (Jer. 14: 16).
The correct interpretation is: "and they say, we did kill the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah, what they slew, and what they crucified, and to you (the women who followed Jesus at the Crucifixion) he is blessed and to them (his followers) as well.
This and other interpretations of the Qur'an according to Aramaic is the subject of a new book titled, the Qur'an: Misinterpreted, Mistranslated and Misread. The Aramaic Language of the Qur'an. Available for sale on and on our website at
"Waqawlihim inna qatlna al Massih Issa ibn Maryam rasul Allah, wama qataluhu wama salabuhu walaken shubbiha lahum", Quran 4: 158. Translated: "and their saying, we did kill the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah; whereas they slew him not nor crucified him, but he was made to appear to them like the one crucified (M. Sher Ali's translation).
On this verse, Muslim commentator Abdullah Yusuf Ali renders the following explanation:
"The end of the life of Jesus on earth is as much involved in mystery as his birth, and indeed the greater part of his private life, except the three main years of his ministry. It is not profitable to discuss the many doubts and conjectures among the early Christian sects and among Muslim theologians. The Orthodox Christian Churches make it a cardinal point of their doctrine that his life was taken on the Cross, that he died and was buried, that on the third day he rose in the body with his wounds intact, and walked about a conversed, and ate with his disciples, and was afterwards taken up bodily to heaven. This is necessary for the theological doctrine of blood sacrifice and vicarious atonement for sins, which is rejected by Islam. But some of the early Christian sects did not believe that Christ was killed on the Cross. The Basilidans believed that someone else was substituted for him. The Docetae held that Christ never had a real physical or natural body, but only an apparent or phantom body, and that his Crucifixion was only apparent, not real. Tha Marcionite Gospel (about A.D. 138) denied that Jesus was born, and merely said that he appeared in human form. The Gospel of St. Barnabas supported the theory of substitution on the Cross. The Qur'anic teaching is that Christ was not curified nor killed by the Jews. Notwithstanding certain apparent circumstances which produced that illusion in the minds of some of his enemies; that disputations, doubts, and conjectures on such matters are vain; and that he was taken up to God.' (Abdullah Yusuf Ali's commentary # 663, Text, Translation and Commentary by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, the Meaning of the Glorious Qur'an, 2 vols. Published by Dar Al-Kitab Al-Masri (Egypt) and Dar Al-Kita Allubnani (Lebanon), 1934).
Crucifixion was attested first among the Persians. The Greeks and the Carthaginians, from whom the Romans adapted the practice, later employed it. In the Old Testament, the corpses of blasphemers or idolaters punished by stoning might be hanged as further humiliation (Deut. 21: 23).
Crucifixion was introduced in Palestine during the Greek time. Josephus, the Jewish historian (A.D. 37-100), tells us that the Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes crucified those Jews who refused Hellenization. The Emperor Constantine, abolished the practice in deference to Christian belief concerning Jesus' death.
Jesus crucifixion is recounted in Matt. 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 19, and many times referred to elsewhere in the New Testament. The influence of early Christian literature on this subject and others is spread all over the Qur'an. Ali's commentary regarding Christian and Gnostic literature is just one example of that influence.
Crucifixion was a form of capital punishment. It involved public shame to the person being crucified. The condemned had to be stripped of all his clothing; he was physically tortured, and was made to carry his cross along the public roads to the execution ground; then he was affixed to the cross, and was the object of taunts and indignities from passers-by. Death by crucifixion brought the condemned into a public disrepute.
Crucifixion provided an obstacle in the subsequent effort to convert the Jews to Christianity. The Jews were not prepared to accept the thought that the Messiah, whose coming is prescribed in the Old Testament, should be crucified. To many of them, such a thought was considered a blasphemy. That was probably the thought of the Muslim communities, who introduced the Hadith tradition.
But contrary to the Hadith interpretation of the Qur'anic verse, and contrary to the translation mentioned above, and to the erroneous interpretation rendered by Abdullah Yussuf Ali, the Qur'an does not deny the death and Crucifixion of Jesus, the Messiah. In fact the Aramaic language of the Qur'an is identical to the story of Crucifixion mentioned in the New Testament.
The Qur'anic conjugation "w" in the word "[w]ama" is similar to Aramaic "w" meaning "so, then, and'; Akkadian "u". The Qur'anic word "wama" has been interpreted erroneously as "did not'. Syriac "wmo, or "wma" is an interrogative pronoun means "what'. Syriac "wmo li wlokh" or "wma li wlokh" means "and what have I to do with you'. The Qur'anic verse, "wama qataluhu" is identical to Aramaic "wm qtlhu", Syriac "wmo qatluuy, or wma qatluuy" means "what they slew'. The Qur'anic verse "wama salabuuhu" is identical to Syriac "wmo salbuuy or wma salbuuy" meaning "what they crucified'. In other words, the Qur'an is saying: "what they slew and what they crucified', a confirmation of the death and crucifixion of Jesus, the Messiah.
The Qur'anic word "walaaken" has been interpreted erroneously as "but'. Aramaic "lkn". The initial "l" is a prepostion, it means "to, for, in regard to'. When the suffixes are added, it is pronounced "li (mine), lokh, or lakh (yours, sing.), leh (his), loh (hers), lan (ours), lkhuun (yours, plural), lkhen (yours, fem. Plu.). When the vowel sign /a/ is added to the Syriac "lkhen", it turns into "lakhen", Arabic "laken". It is important to keep in mind that the early Qur'anic manuscripts did not use the vowel signs. Thus the original word used in the Qur'an was "lkn" as in Syriac "lken, or lkhen" meaning (yours, fem. Plu), which is found in Syriac Peshito (Ezekiel 13: 18) and Biblia Hebraica "lknh" (Eze. 13: 18). The reference to feminine plural in the Qur'anic verse is compatible with the Biblical event, which is mentioned in Matthew 27: 55. It reads the following: "There were many women there, looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee and helped him. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the wife of Zebede".
The Qur'anic word "shubbiha" has been interpreted erroneously as "he was made to appear to them like the one crucified'. Syriac "shabah" means "glory'. The Qur'anic preposition "lahum" is equivalent to Aramaic "lhmh" meaning "in regard to them, in reference to them' (Jer. 14: 16).
The correct interpretation is: "and they say, we did kill the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah, what they slew, and what they crucified, and to you (the women who followed Jesus at the Crucifixion) he is blessed and to them (his followers) as well.
This and other interpretations of the Qur'an according to Aramaic is the subject of a new book titled, the Qur'an: Misinterpreted, Mistranslated and Misread. The Aramaic Language of the Qur'an. Available for sale on and on our website at
Over the centuries Christianity has grown immensely in popularity. I feel that why this has come to pass is because it is the only religious doctrine that is based solely on us praying in the name of Jesus to God to ask forgiveness for our sins, and forgiveness being granted by God. In John 14:5-6 (NKJV) Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." These two passages clearly instruct each of us to ask forgiveness of our sins in Jesus name. Our Father in Heaven knew that no matter how hard mankind tried, because of our imperfections, we would always be sinners; and sinners are not permitted to enter His kingdom in heaven. In the Old Testament we can read how mankind, in general, kept falling short of Gods commandments, and how even when led by Moses, the people had weak days and could not sustain these commandments of the Living God on a continual basis. My conception of the Old Testament and other major religions portray to me that they are works based. God bridged this gap from the works based type in one sole act. He sent forth to earth His Son for all of mankind. This is best summarized by Jesus disciple John in the New Testament; John 3:16 (KJV) which says, "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." This is also reinforced by The New Testament in 1 John 2:1, 2:2 (NCV) which says, "But if anyone does sin, we have a helper in the presence of the Father-Jesus Christ, the One who is right. He is the way our sins are taken away, and not only our sins but the sins of all people." In my mindset only the New Testament of Christianity offers mankind the only feasible alternative. The unique posture that Jesus Christ offers mankind in the New Testament of Bible is His covenant that He made with God, and is expressed by Jesus at the Last Supper, in the New Testament in Luke 22:19, 20 (NCV). Then Jesus took some bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to the apostles, saying, "This is my body, which I am giving for you. Do this to remember me." In the same way, after supper, Jesus took the cup and said, "This cup is the new agreement that God makes with His people. This new agreement begins with my blood which is poured out for you." From this point forward Christianity was born, and mankind truly had the way to enter heaven. Jesus, during His crucifixion, said in Luke 23:34 (KJV), "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do". Alone, this selfless statement by Jesus, thinking only about us, in His ultimate anguish and pain of taking on all on the mankinds sins past, present and future during the crucifixion portrays the truest love that He had for all of mankind, and set the example for His Fathers second greatest commandment, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." About the author: Family-eStore will try to provide you with articles of interest to a Christian and patriotic way of life. The articles are written by Steven E Coffman (Owner) of Family-eStore.
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The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of the Christian faith. In Pauls first letter to the Corinthians, he declares: "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." Two verses later he repeats himself: "And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile," Paul says again. The resurrection of Jesus is challenged today on evidentiary grounds. Therefore, to be fair, the evidence should be judged like any other historical event. Based on standard rules of evidence, consistent eyewitness testimony from multiple credible witnesses would be considered the strongest form of evidence available. Therefore, if we find such testimony present in credible accounts of the historical record of Christs resurrection, we have satisfied a major evidentiary challenge under traditional rules. In fact, we do have multiple eyewitness testimonies regarding the resurrection of Jesus. Again, quoting from Paul: "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also." Did you catch that? Hundreds of people saw the risen Christ. Now, of course, skeptics have tried to avoid the testimony of these numerous post-resurrection appearances of Christ by pointing out various contradictions in some of them or else by charging the writers with fabricating the stories themselves. But the mere fact that there do appear on the surface to be some superficial discrepancies and omissions in the account is actually clear proof that the writers were not engaged in some kind of collusion. If they were making up the tales, each one evidently was doing so independently of all others. This in itself would be quite a remarkable state of affairs; especially since these discrepancies all vanish when they are compared under close examination. Ive covered enough trials in my career as a reporter to attest to the well known rule of evidence that the testimonies of several different witnesses, each reporting from his own particular vantage point, provide the strongest possible evidence on matters of fact when the testimonies contain superficial contradictions which resolve themselves upon close and careful examination. This is exactly the situation with the various witnesses to the resurrection. The risen Christ was seen over a period of 40 days by a large number of different individuals, in different groups, at different times, both indoors and outdoors, on a hilltop, along a roadway, by a lakeshore and other places. Furthermore, they were not looking for Jesus at all. Several times they didn't recognize Him at first, and at least once actually believed it was a ghost until He convinced them otherwise. He invited them to touch Him and they recognized the wounds in His hands. They watched Him eat with them. And most of the more than five hundred different people who saw Him were still living at the time when that evidence was being circulated by the apostles. As a reporter, those eyewitness accounts have been the most compelling to me. Those eyewitnesses so shook up their own world that the religious and political system of the day did everything humanly possible to attack their credibility. And when their credibility was undiminished, they attacked their bodies. About the author: The author is publisher of the Online Christian Shopper (, which specializes in lifestyle evangelism tools like Christian T-Shirts and Christian jewelry. He also publishes The Faithful Christian (
What is our journey of faith and how do we get the true understanding of how faith works in our lives? How do we structure and build upon faith as we take our journey through life to where we become strong to the point of maturity?
Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. It coveys the idea of something that underlies visible conditions and guarantees a future possession. Faith is, therefore, the basis for hope and the evidence for conviction concerning unseen realities. The entire body of truths delivered by Jesus Christ and his inspired disciples constitutes the true Christian "faith."
As we go through our journey of faith to get true understanding, let us examine the farmer's faith. The farmer prepares his soil and sows his seed, excepting, as in previous years, that the seed will sprout and that the plants will grow as they receive the needed moisture and sunshine. Likewise, the scientist has faith in the principles of his branch of science. He bases new experiments on past discoveries and looks for new discoveries on the basis of those things already established as true. Therefore, faith in the stability of the natural laws governing the universe actually constitutes a foundation for man's plans and activities.
In many ways, "faith follows the thing heard." Rom 10:17 says, ( So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.) John 4:39,41, says ( And many of the Samaritans had come to Him because of the word of the woman who testified, "He told me all that I ever did." 41, And many more believed because of His word.)
Let us examine Abraham's faith. When told to offer up Isaac, Abraham had strong faith that God would resurrect his son. He based such faith on God's promise that it was by means of Isaac that "what will be called "your seed' will be." Gen. 21:12; says (But God said to Abraham, "Do not let it be displeasing in your sight because of the lad or because of your bondwoman. Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called.)
Jesus, on occasions, said to those who were healed, "Your faith has made you well." Had those persons not exercised faith in Jesus, they would not have received healing for themselves. Likewise, the great faith of the army officer who entreated Jesus in behalf of his manservant rested on evidence, on the basis of which he concluded that Jesus' merely "saying the word' would result in the healing of his manservant.
Therefore, evidence for genuine conviction was also involved in the case of those who came to or who were brought to Jesus to be healed. Even if not eyewitnesses personally, they at least had heard about Jesus' powerful works. Then, on the basis of what they saw or heard, they concluded that Jesus could heal them also. Moreover, they were acquainted with God's Word and thus were familiar with the miracles performed by the prophets in times past.
However, we note that Jesus healed all who came to him, not requiring faith greater or less according to their disease, nor failing to heal any of these with the excuse that he could not do it because their faith was not strong enough, as so-called "faith healers" have done. Jesus performed these healings as a witness to establish faith. In his home territory, where much unfaithfulness was expressed, he chose not to perform many powerful works, not because of inability, but because the people refused to listen and were unworthy. Matt. 13:58 says, (Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.)
Christian Faith: As we continue in our journey of faith we discover that faith is not the possession of all people, as it is a fruitage of God's spirit. 2 Thess 3:2 says,( and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith.) Gal 5:22 says ( But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.) Those lacking faith are rejected by God. Heb 11:6 says, (But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.)
For faith to be acceptable to God, it is necessary to accept Jesus Christ, and this makes possible a righteous standing with God. Gal 2:16 says, ( Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.)
A Christian's faith is not static, but grows strong. 2 Thess 1:3 says, ( We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other.) Hence, the request of Jesus' disciples, in Luke 17:5 "Give us more faith." was very appropriate, and he did provide them the foundation for increased faith. He supplied them with greater evidence and understanding on which to base their faith.
The entire life course of a Christian is actually governed by faith, enabling them to overcome mountain like obstacles in their journey of faith that would hinder their services to God. 2 Cor 5:7 says, (For "we walk by faith, not by sight. Matt 21:21-22 says, So Jesus answered and said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, "Be removed and be cast into the sea, "It will be done. "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." )
We now, have the true understanding of faith through God's Words, and how it works, and how it will work in our lives. In ever thing we do, let us exercise our faith as to grow and become strong. James 2:26 says, ( For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.) As we walk through our journey of faith, let us apply the works needed to mature, and let us conquer all life's obstacles through prayer so that we may acquire God's guidance.
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Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. It coveys the idea of something that underlies visible conditions and guarantees a future possession. Faith is, therefore, the basis for hope and the evidence for conviction concerning unseen realities. The entire body of truths delivered by Jesus Christ and his inspired disciples constitutes the true Christian "faith."
As we go through our journey of faith to get true understanding, let us examine the farmer's faith. The farmer prepares his soil and sows his seed, excepting, as in previous years, that the seed will sprout and that the plants will grow as they receive the needed moisture and sunshine. Likewise, the scientist has faith in the principles of his branch of science. He bases new experiments on past discoveries and looks for new discoveries on the basis of those things already established as true. Therefore, faith in the stability of the natural laws governing the universe actually constitutes a foundation for man's plans and activities.
In many ways, "faith follows the thing heard." Rom 10:17 says, ( So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.) John 4:39,41, says ( And many of the Samaritans had come to Him because of the word of the woman who testified, "He told me all that I ever did." 41, And many more believed because of His word.)
Let us examine Abraham's faith. When told to offer up Isaac, Abraham had strong faith that God would resurrect his son. He based such faith on God's promise that it was by means of Isaac that "what will be called "your seed' will be." Gen. 21:12; says (But God said to Abraham, "Do not let it be displeasing in your sight because of the lad or because of your bondwoman. Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called.)
Jesus, on occasions, said to those who were healed, "Your faith has made you well." Had those persons not exercised faith in Jesus, they would not have received healing for themselves. Likewise, the great faith of the army officer who entreated Jesus in behalf of his manservant rested on evidence, on the basis of which he concluded that Jesus' merely "saying the word' would result in the healing of his manservant.
Therefore, evidence for genuine conviction was also involved in the case of those who came to or who were brought to Jesus to be healed. Even if not eyewitnesses personally, they at least had heard about Jesus' powerful works. Then, on the basis of what they saw or heard, they concluded that Jesus could heal them also. Moreover, they were acquainted with God's Word and thus were familiar with the miracles performed by the prophets in times past.
However, we note that Jesus healed all who came to him, not requiring faith greater or less according to their disease, nor failing to heal any of these with the excuse that he could not do it because their faith was not strong enough, as so-called "faith healers" have done. Jesus performed these healings as a witness to establish faith. In his home territory, where much unfaithfulness was expressed, he chose not to perform many powerful works, not because of inability, but because the people refused to listen and were unworthy. Matt. 13:58 says, (Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.)
Christian Faith: As we continue in our journey of faith we discover that faith is not the possession of all people, as it is a fruitage of God's spirit. 2 Thess 3:2 says,( and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith.) Gal 5:22 says ( But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.) Those lacking faith are rejected by God. Heb 11:6 says, (But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.)
For faith to be acceptable to God, it is necessary to accept Jesus Christ, and this makes possible a righteous standing with God. Gal 2:16 says, ( Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.)
A Christian's faith is not static, but grows strong. 2 Thess 1:3 says, ( We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is fitting, because your faith grows exceedingly, and the love of every one of you all abounds toward each other.) Hence, the request of Jesus' disciples, in Luke 17:5 "Give us more faith." was very appropriate, and he did provide them the foundation for increased faith. He supplied them with greater evidence and understanding on which to base their faith.
The entire life course of a Christian is actually governed by faith, enabling them to overcome mountain like obstacles in their journey of faith that would hinder their services to God. 2 Cor 5:7 says, (For "we walk by faith, not by sight. Matt 21:21-22 says, So Jesus answered and said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, "Be removed and be cast into the sea, "It will be done. "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." )
We now, have the true understanding of faith through God's Words, and how it works, and how it will work in our lives. In ever thing we do, let us exercise our faith as to grow and become strong. James 2:26 says, ( For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.) As we walk through our journey of faith, let us apply the works needed to mature, and let us conquer all life's obstacles through prayer so that we may acquire God's guidance.
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Some in the church in Galatia were peddling a doctrine of salvation by works. Paul asks and answers three bombshell questions of those Galatians who were trying to peddle this doctrine. These three questions and their answers stopped their salvation by works message in its tracks. You remember, of course, that Paul believed that Jesus' blood took care of the sin problem for the human race. Now here are his three dynamite questions and their obvious answers. Question #1: "Did the Galatians receive the Spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith?" Galatians 3:2. In other words, can you work to receive the Spirit or is that a product of believing on Jesus and receiving Him (by faith) as your personal savior? Of course, receiving the Spirit comes by faith upon receiving Jesus as savior. Works have nothing to do with it. Paul's logic, then, forces the conclusion that works of the law have nothing to do with the removal of our guilt and feelings of unworthiness for our sins. This is solely through Jesus' blood which is God's supreme act of grace. The blood of Jesus is appropriated by faith and not by works at all Question #2: "Since they started out by the Spirit, what makes them think they can switch from the Spirit to the flesh to continue their Christian experience? What makes them think they can switch from the Spirit to the fleshly works of the Law to finish out their Christian experience?" Galatians 3:3. They cant. Therefore, Jesus blood, applied to us by the Spirit through faith, will take care of our guilt and unworthiness problem. Consequently, Christians who rest and trust in Jesus' blood refuse to be brought under bondage for unworthiness caused by the guilt of their sins. Consequently, they will not let these feelings of guilt and unworthiness interfere with Gods blessings of healing, prosperity, family well being and salvation contained in the Abrahamic covenant for them. Question #3: "Did the one who ministers the Spirit to them and works miracles among them do these things by the hearing of faith or by the works of the law?" Galatians 3:5. Of course, he did these things by faith and not by the works of the law. Paul's logic, here, forces the conclusion that (1) since these Galatians received the Spirit by faith and not by works of the Law, (2) since they cannot switch from the Spirit to works of the Law to maintain their Christian life and (3) since the ones ministering the Spirit and works miracles among them continue to do them by faith and not by works of the Law, then neither can the Galatians arbitrarily switch from salvation by faith in Jesus to salvation by works of the Law. Neither can they attempt to follow any mixture of faith and works. From the preceding, obviously Paul believed that Jesus blood took care of everything. His blood was the grace of God in action. His blood took care of the guilt and feelings of unworthiness for all our sins. To add one thing to this heavenly formula in the form of any religious work that we must do to get our guilt and unworthiness removed would void Gods grace and render Jesus death useless and meaningless. Never let the devil or his gang tell you that you cant have your Abrahamic blessings of healing, prosperity, family well being and salvation because of feelings of guilt and unworthiness. About the author: Dr. Jay Snell authored eleven books proving the healing, prosperity, family well being, eternal security, pretribulation rapture and salvation provided for Christians in the Abrahamic covenant. These books presented many times on TBN.
The feeling of joy and happiness can be illusive and even if one achieves it, can a hard thing to hold on to in this world, especially, if we look for happiness in the usual places like material things.
I remember when I first came to the US from Austria. More than anything, I wanted to succeed. I heard about how in America anything is possible, how anyone can live the American dream. That’s when I first got into advertising. I loved what I was doing and I worked very hard to become successful. I became one of the top ad sales people in our company and I achieved what most people would consider great success.
That’s when I first started to realize that having success in the usual sense wasn’t what it was cracked up to be. As I made more and more money, I was able to buy many things, I came to the same conclusion that many people before me who have money, houses, cars, etc. have come to and that is that happiness has little or nothing to do with how much money we have or how big of house we live in.
So what are the keys to happiness? In the next 15 weeks we’ll take a look at 15 keys to happiness starting with what I believe is the most important key and the foundation of happiness.
#1 Key to happiness - A relationship with God
I believe that having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the most important key to finding happiness.
“In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore”. Psalms 16:11 (NKJV)
Knowing the one who made you, who planned your every feature and personality trait, who saw every day of your life before the foundation of the world – knowing this one is truly the cornerstone and the foundation of happiness.
There are several reasons why we experience happiness through a relationship with God. Through this relationship, we find our origin, purpose, and destiny, which is a pre-requisite to happiness (Read Gen. 1; Eccl. 12:13 and Matt. 25: 46).
It’s part of our DNA and how we were made.
A bicycle is meant to have wheel s, without which it won’t work
As humans, we’re meant to have deep emotional connections with others, without which there will be a void in our lives that can’t be replaced by anything else.
A baby is meant to have a mom and a dad who loves and cares for them, without which the baby will grow into a person with psychological issues through much of their lives.
When we ignore our need for God, life does not seem to work correctly. In the same way as the above examples, God made us to have relationship with Him. In a sense, God completes us. When we choose to ignore that relationship, we fight against nature and our purpose and therefore elude happiness.
The Bible also says…“and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. Phil 4:6-7 (NKJV)
“Happy are the people whose God is the LORD”! Psalms 144:15 (NKJV)
"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full”. John 15:11 (NKJV)
Some people mistakenly believe that when we become Christians, we will not have any more problems. The Bible clearly tells us that we will have trouble in this life. The good news is that when we have a relationship with him, God becomes our great comforter in times of trouble. Also check out my article on “Why do bad things happen to good people!” on our website.
”these things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
John 16:33 (NKJV)
“Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever”. Psalms 73:25-26 (NKJV)
“Remember the word to Your servant, Upon which You have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life”. Psalms 119:49-50 (NKJV)
“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me”. Psalms 23:1-4 (NKJV)
For additional verses check out our article on “Comfort”.
The biggest reason to start a relationship with God thru Jesus His Son, the one and only Savior Messiah, is not for happiness…that is just a by-product. The biggest reason to accept Jesus as our savior is because He was the only One capable of paying our ransom. There will be a judgment day. On that day, we will all be judged for our sins. He does not use a sliding scale but judges by his perfect standard. There is only one way to have a perfect record…it’s not by being a good person (check out “Are you a good person” – A test), but to accept His Son, Jesus as your savior. He has paid the price for our sins, however, we need to accept that gift in order to receive it. Once we accept Jesus as our Savior, there is a peace and happiness that comes from knowing that regardless of what disappointments or losses we face here on earth, or eternity is secure. This is a peace like no other…in good and in bad times.
Key #1 to happiness – Daily Exercises:
Put the following exercises into your routine daily…even multiple times per day for the next two weeks.
• Pray to God to reveal himself to you (God answers prayer)
• Ask Jesus to come into your heart (read the articles on “Salvation” below and let us know if you made a decision for Christ)
• Get a Bible and start reading it daily
• Find a bible teaching church (see link below)
• Feel free to e-mail us with questions
For more on what it takes to be saved check out:
Salvation – Questions and answers
Salvation – What it takes to be saved
Who is Jesus
Repentance – Key 1 to salvation
How to find a church
Are you a good person – A test
See bio area for link to website
May God answer your prayers – Amen!
See All articles From Author and provides wisdom for lasting success and overcoming failure in business and in life. HAPPINESS
I remember when I first came to the US from Austria. More than anything, I wanted to succeed. I heard about how in America anything is possible, how anyone can live the American dream. That’s when I first got into advertising. I loved what I was doing and I worked very hard to become successful. I became one of the top ad sales people in our company and I achieved what most people would consider great success.
That’s when I first started to realize that having success in the usual sense wasn’t what it was cracked up to be. As I made more and more money, I was able to buy many things, I came to the same conclusion that many people before me who have money, houses, cars, etc. have come to and that is that happiness has little or nothing to do with how much money we have or how big of house we live in.
So what are the keys to happiness? In the next 15 weeks we’ll take a look at 15 keys to happiness starting with what I believe is the most important key and the foundation of happiness.
#1 Key to happiness - A relationship with God
I believe that having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the most important key to finding happiness.
“In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore”. Psalms 16:11 (NKJV)
Knowing the one who made you, who planned your every feature and personality trait, who saw every day of your life before the foundation of the world – knowing this one is truly the cornerstone and the foundation of happiness.
There are several reasons why we experience happiness through a relationship with God. Through this relationship, we find our origin, purpose, and destiny, which is a pre-requisite to happiness (Read Gen. 1; Eccl. 12:13 and Matt. 25: 46).
It’s part of our DNA and how we were made.
A bicycle is meant to have wheel s, without which it won’t work
As humans, we’re meant to have deep emotional connections with others, without which there will be a void in our lives that can’t be replaced by anything else.
A baby is meant to have a mom and a dad who loves and cares for them, without which the baby will grow into a person with psychological issues through much of their lives.
When we ignore our need for God, life does not seem to work correctly. In the same way as the above examples, God made us to have relationship with Him. In a sense, God completes us. When we choose to ignore that relationship, we fight against nature and our purpose and therefore elude happiness.
The Bible also says…“and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. Phil 4:6-7 (NKJV)
“Happy are the people whose God is the LORD”! Psalms 144:15 (NKJV)
"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full”. John 15:11 (NKJV)
Some people mistakenly believe that when we become Christians, we will not have any more problems. The Bible clearly tells us that we will have trouble in this life. The good news is that when we have a relationship with him, God becomes our great comforter in times of trouble. Also check out my article on “Why do bad things happen to good people!” on our website.
”these things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
John 16:33 (NKJV)
“Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever”. Psalms 73:25-26 (NKJV)
“Remember the word to Your servant, Upon which You have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life”. Psalms 119:49-50 (NKJV)
“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me”. Psalms 23:1-4 (NKJV)
For additional verses check out our article on “Comfort”.
The biggest reason to start a relationship with God thru Jesus His Son, the one and only Savior Messiah, is not for happiness…that is just a by-product. The biggest reason to accept Jesus as our savior is because He was the only One capable of paying our ransom. There will be a judgment day. On that day, we will all be judged for our sins. He does not use a sliding scale but judges by his perfect standard. There is only one way to have a perfect record…it’s not by being a good person (check out “Are you a good person” – A test), but to accept His Son, Jesus as your savior. He has paid the price for our sins, however, we need to accept that gift in order to receive it. Once we accept Jesus as our Savior, there is a peace and happiness that comes from knowing that regardless of what disappointments or losses we face here on earth, or eternity is secure. This is a peace like no other…in good and in bad times.
Key #1 to happiness – Daily Exercises:
Put the following exercises into your routine daily…even multiple times per day for the next two weeks.
• Pray to God to reveal himself to you (God answers prayer)
• Ask Jesus to come into your heart (read the articles on “Salvation” below and let us know if you made a decision for Christ)
• Get a Bible and start reading it daily
• Find a bible teaching church (see link below)
• Feel free to e-mail us with questions
For more on what it takes to be saved check out:
Salvation – Questions and answers
Salvation – What it takes to be saved
Who is Jesus
Repentance – Key 1 to salvation
How to find a church
Are you a good person – A test
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May God answer your prayers – Amen!
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On the first day of a new year, we make all kinds of resolutions about things that we are going to change and do differently. While all of our intention and effort is certainly good and noble, maybe it's a little backwards in it's approach. Maybe we are getting the cart before the horse. Rather than behaving our way into change, maybe we need to re-think our way into personal success! Why do I say this? Many years ago, James Allen wrote the very popular book, "As A Man Thinketh." In this book he states, "All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts." That's a very powerful statement! We are as far in life as we are because of our thoughts. In fact, a person can never act outside of their beliefs. If you want to change your behavior, you must first analyze it backwards. You have to go back to what you believe, because what you believe determines what you think about; and ultimately what you think about affects your emotions. Once your emotions get involved behavior soon follows. If you believe a lot of things that are not true, your emotions and behavior will ultimately reflect that! I believe James Allen was probably influenced by the Apostle Paul. Paul wrote in the 12th chapter of Romans (NIV Bible), "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing your mind." Basically Paul says you if you want to be transformed then renew your mind. What does it mean to have your mind renewed? Actually the word renewal or renewing here means "being made over". It's like having a mental make-over, if you will. Do you want to achieve a desired behavior? Then you must first change how you think. If you change your perspective, the way you think about things, you will change your life. Renew your thinking, renew your life! You and I could sure use an extreme makeover of our thoughts daily! You may be saying to yourself, "I still don't see what all of this have to do with New Year's resolutions?" It's very important because, on any given day, all kinds of negative thoughts and destructive self-talk assaults your mind. Did you know that most people entertain about 600 negative thoughts a day? That's a lot of negative influence! That's a lot of pressure thats fighting good intentions. In fact most of us, by the age of six, have learned enough trash to mentally do us in for life. We have learned all sorts of lies that our society, friends and families have told us or modeled for us. These lies have become recordings that play non-stop in our sub-conscious minds. We adopt them as true and they become the life message and creed that we live by, almost unconsciously. For example, what happens to your resolve to loose weight, when you get into a fight with your spouse? In a split second, after the yelling, you are pulling food out of the refrigerator and binging. Where did that come from? You just reacted without giving it a thought. Then you rationalize, "Well, I'm not good at dieting anyway so why bother" and you throw in the towel. What happened to your resolve? I believe if we want renewal, or being made over in our life, we are going to have to do some introspection. What do I really believe? If food is the issue, what is my perspective about food and why do I turn to it? How do I view myself in the first place? Most importantly, what is the truth that I should believe? What does God think about me? Not long ago, one of my clients did want to get a handle on her eating. She had undergone gastric bypass surgery and had lost a tremendous amount of weight but her eating habits had not changed. I thought it was an unusual coaching request, but why not? If I really believed that people acted out of their beliefs, then why wouldn't it work here? So we began to examine why she was eating in the first place. She had devalued her self-worth because of some abandonment issues from her past. Her eating was a form of self-love and comfort. So, she made a conscious decision to reject the lies that she had believed about her value. She began to believe the truth that God could not only change her, but loved her unconditionally on a personal level. She was determined to challenge her negative thinking patterns, especially the way she thought about herself. She began to talk to herself (faith comes by hearing) and tell herself the truth. She would write love notes to herself from God and daily affirmations on her mirrors. She would tell herself the truth over and over. She would consciously become aware of her negative thought patterns in various situations and work on changing her self-talk. She began to visualize herself as loved, valued and healthy. My client was renewing her mind, just as the Apostle Paul had said. Her change did not happen overnight, but I did see her change. She began to be transformed before my eyes because she began to believe the truth! She experienced tremendous changes in her eating habits and desires. When it comes down to it, resolve and commitment are great, but if we dont take the time to discover why we do the things we do, we might as well just keep repeating history. We dont need to reform the old as much as we need to walk out our new identity as believers! If you will take the time to change your thinking, you will change your life. Renew, or makeover your thinking with the truth, and you will ultimately renew your emotions and most importantly your quality of life. It is really true that our life will go in the direction our thoughts take us. About the author: Janet Daughtry, MDIV, CBC, is a certified Christian life coach helping women find their purpose and potential in life. Her website is at
Above all, the most difficult thing for Christian singles is to find someone with similar beliefs and who respects your choices under the Lord. There is a lot of dating advice out there for nonbelievers, but not much Christian advice for dating. You must keep in mind that you are not dating for entertainment, you are looking for someone to commit yourself to who also follows the beliefs of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The topic that comes up the most in Christian advice for dating or questions about dating from Christians is the topic of premarital sex, which is one of the most dire sins you can commit. Avoiding such a sin is not easy, but if you safeguard yourself and avoid being alone for extended periods of time you should be safe. If things get tough in that area, politely remind your date that you are firm in your beliefs and will not budge. Someone who is not a believer and tries to pressure you into sexual relations is not worth your time -- A little bit of "entertainment" is not a good enough reason to commit such a sin, nothing is worth committing premarital relations if you consider the ramifications.
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, onto more light topics.
When going on a date with someone for the first time, try to find a scope of their faith. Don't ask them excessive amounts of questions about it and don't chastise them for not being a Christian if they're not one, a date is not the setting to convert people to our Lord and Savior. Set boundaries for the person and if they accept them with open arms, Christian or not, the date will go very well. Several sources for Christian dating advice advise not dating someone who is not a Christian, but you may be able to convert them later on so they are a believer in Jesus Christ. Do not discriminate against someone if they are not of your own faith, everyone is equal in God's eyes. But do not allow sinful behavior either.
Be polite with your dates, even if they are not as polite. Being courteous is always welcome when dating and will make your date feel comfortable with you. Remember, you are looking for a spouse, not a "fling". In order to find the person that is right for you, you must behave in a civil manner and woo them as much as possible, within means.
Dating as a Christian is hard, especially for teenagers. Going into any date, hold your beliefs to your heart and your head high. That is the key to Christian dating and Christian advice for dating. Your faith comes first, and the future comes second.
See All articles From Author
If you would like additional information on Christian advice for dating then visit the #1 relationship & dating advice resource on the net:
Article Source :
Devotions For Dating Couples: Building A Foundation For Spiritual Intimacy
Starting Out Together: A Devotional for Dating or Engaged Couples
Forget Me Not: A Youth Devotional on Love and Dating (Red Hill Devos)
The topic that comes up the most in Christian advice for dating or questions about dating from Christians is the topic of premarital sex, which is one of the most dire sins you can commit. Avoiding such a sin is not easy, but if you safeguard yourself and avoid being alone for extended periods of time you should be safe. If things get tough in that area, politely remind your date that you are firm in your beliefs and will not budge. Someone who is not a believer and tries to pressure you into sexual relations is not worth your time -- A little bit of "entertainment" is not a good enough reason to commit such a sin, nothing is worth committing premarital relations if you consider the ramifications.
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, onto more light topics.
When going on a date with someone for the first time, try to find a scope of their faith. Don't ask them excessive amounts of questions about it and don't chastise them for not being a Christian if they're not one, a date is not the setting to convert people to our Lord and Savior. Set boundaries for the person and if they accept them with open arms, Christian or not, the date will go very well. Several sources for Christian dating advice advise not dating someone who is not a Christian, but you may be able to convert them later on so they are a believer in Jesus Christ. Do not discriminate against someone if they are not of your own faith, everyone is equal in God's eyes. But do not allow sinful behavior either.
Be polite with your dates, even if they are not as polite. Being courteous is always welcome when dating and will make your date feel comfortable with you. Remember, you are looking for a spouse, not a "fling". In order to find the person that is right for you, you must behave in a civil manner and woo them as much as possible, within means.
Dating as a Christian is hard, especially for teenagers. Going into any date, hold your beliefs to your heart and your head high. That is the key to Christian dating and Christian advice for dating. Your faith comes first, and the future comes second.
See All articles From Author
If you would like additional information on Christian advice for dating then visit the #1 relationship & dating advice resource on the net:
Article Source :
Devotions For Dating Couples: Building A Foundation For Spiritual Intimacy
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