Mary Magdalene-A Faithful Disciple of Jesus Christ
New Life: Finding Your True Purpose
Mathew 10:39
[Jesus speaking to his new disciples] "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."
We spend so much time as humans trying to find ourselves, seek out our purpose, and discover who we are about. Personal identity is so important to us. One of the first questions asked by people we meet is about who we are. We are taught that our knowledge, skills, wealth, and the people we know define us.
What if all that is a lie? What if our worth to mankind, to an employer, to ourselves was not based on who we are but on what we stand for, or better yet, who we stand for? Despite the importance that we put on our self-identity, very few people can honestly or sincerely answer the question: "Who are you?" We all struggle to impress others with our own understanding of ourselves, but what difference does it really make? If we cannot ever truly understand ourselves, then why do we waste so much time trying to figure us out?
Would we not be more productive spending our time and energy seeking God, rather than ourselves? Would we not be more productive focusing on uplifting others rather than trying to stroke our inner egos? The world tells us that we cannot be successful unless we first know ourselves. What does that actually mean? People with big egos, people that "know" themselves may appear to be charismatic, celebrities, powerful politicians, or prosperous captains of industry; yet most of these people live behind failed marriages, bodyguards, and overbearing schedules. As Jesus warned, they may have found their life, but at what cost? They have lost their ability to truly live and most pass away from this world having done little good, being known as dictators, greedy thugs, and altogether selfish people. Putting so much effort on ourselves never produces good for others and in the end we become trapped in our own creation. We have defined ourselves into something that we were never meant to be and we are held hostage by the image we created.
The good news is that there is another way. When Jesus said that if we lose our life for His sake we will find it, He was not just talking about being willing to die for what we believe in. He was talking about what we would be willing to live for; a life lived in pursuit of God, a life that puts others before us. The call is not that we must die physically, but that we must put away our own desires, that we must live for a greater pursuit than our own selfish wants.
In Matthew 6:24, Jesus tells us that "we cannot serve two masters." We cannot pursue our own desires while also pursuing the higher calling to help and love others. When we decide to lose ourselves, our eyes can then be opened to a whole new life. Those who are unwilling to accept this may call the new life a life of sacrifice, but what are we truly sacrificing? Nothing, compared to what will be gained. A life lost to ourselves and opened to others is a life without fear of losing all we have worked for. It is a life measured by what we can bring to the world as opposed to measuring success by what we can take from the world.
There are only two paths before us and we must each choose which one we want to follow. The world's path is a path filled with self-loathing as we stumble around trying to figure out who we are and why we are here. Jesus showed us a different path. If we follow Him, our life can be spent living rather than worrying. Christ has given us the authority to be set free from the chains of this world. He simply asks us to change the question; instead of asking "Who are we?" we should ask, "Now that we are here, how can we help?" Either way, we are only on this earth for a short while and nothing will change that. What we do have control over is how we spend our days. Will we be known for who we are or for what we have done? The choice is ours, but don't spend too much time pondering this question. Now is not the time for self-reflection, guilt, or reliving past mistakes. These things are all just examples of seeking the wrong things, of still living as if who we are actually matters. The past is gone, but now we can live free in pursuit of a different path, a more worthy path than ourselves could ever imagine or define.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7598374
Unexpected Truth of God's Blessings
Living within the blessing of our Heavenly Father has proven to be exciting! As God unveiled the hidden truths of his blessing in my life, my entire understanding of blessing began to unravel.
I used to looked at Solomon and his riches and thought about how much he must have pleased God to be so richly blessed. He was the wealthiest man on earth! Surely when he asked for wisdom, Solomon must have applied it well. He amassed great wealth and power. A kingdom like no other was his to command. There is no question that the favor of the Lord was upon his life and the work of his hands.
Then I would see Joseph. A man who honored the Lord with his whole heart. He began as a shepherd and rose from slavery to commanding all the possessions of Pharoh, the ruler of one of the most powerful nations on earth. Surely, God was pleased with him.
I began to experience the blessings of God in my life to the extent that my wife and I could no longer afford to operate the vehicles that God had provided us to minister in. I foolishly prayed, "God, would you please stop blessing us. We can't afford it!"
With a gentle but firm response, God spoke to me,"If I only blessed you to the point of your comfort it would no longer be a blessing - it would become a curse. The true blessing is what draws you near to me."
At that moment I cried out,"Lord Bless me! Bless me, however you will in whatever way you desire! Draw me near to you, Father!"
When we look at what is a blessing in our lives we must not look at the blessing as the result of something but the beginning of something greater. When the Lord God blesses us, it is to bring us into a closer relationship with him. No, I am not saying that hardships in your life are the measure of God's blessing. I am saying that what we may see as hardship is nothing more than a step into the greater blessing of the Lord.
We were given two vans, and yet, we could only handle the finances to operate one. The blessing posed a problem, but it was the beginning of a greater blessing for us. God instructed us to give one van away to someone specific after they understood what faith was. As we did this, God used that day as a life-altering moment in their lives. Our greater blessing was watching as the seed of faith grew not only in an individual, not just in a couple, but to hear about how that seed began to affect a whole people group and region. God allowed us to be a part of something great that he was doing.
We will never experience the fullness of God's blessing in our lives if we see his blessings as a result. Greater blessings are experienced when each blessing is seen as the seed of greater blessing.
Published author and speaker, Chad Nedland continues to minister and serve in communities and churches as God leads he and his family throughout the United States of America. Stepping out in faith, they gave away all they had to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach about the fullness of a life with God.
His greatest passion is encouraging and challenging other believers to walk in the fullness of their calling and identity in Christ.
Challenge and inspire your next event, gathering or church by going to http://www.liveyourfaithnow.com/apps/contactme/sites/show and asking Chad to come speak today!
Can a Man Resist God Almighty?
How To Know Your True Spiritual Self
I remember the title of the book "How To Know God" by Deepak Chopra very well. I bought it. But I have always been tickled by the word God purely because it is a man made word that spells dog backwards and ever since I first realized that little fact the word has never sat squarely with me.
But as you know everything in life happens for a reason and looking back I recognize that I was led to that book to learn information that was just a part of a whole, a glimpse of a much wider horizon that is my life journey.
The title How To Know God is slightly misleading for the traditional concept of God is of some old bearded being that lives in a place far above us giving judgement on our thoughts, and actions. It is a concept that is the difference between religion and spirituality. In that we are taught in religion to worship a God that is outside of us, but true spirituality means to know that God is within us and expresses divinity through us if we only know how.
So in my opinion to put it another way "How To Know God" should really mean "How To Know Your True Spiritual Self."
I arrived at that opinion through a spiritual awakening that happened to me in 1999.
This awakening occurred through a simple act of honesty and in the ensuing moments of that act I was re-connected with my true spiritual self. I was also introduced within a few weeks to the power of the law of Karma (The Law Of Attraction in another name) when experienced a Karmic reaction to my original positive action.
It was because of that awakening that I realized we are all travellers in this life and each and every traveller that comes into our life has a message to impart or a lesson to teach us for we are a vehicle for the expression of that divine spirit many otherwise known as God.
I have followed this criteria to the letter and have been shown through many doors that would otherwise have remained closed to me had it not been for that single act of honesty and spiritual awakening. Many of those doors opened to books I otherwise would never have dreamed of reading and in doing so pieced together a broken and fragmented picture of how we are born into a system that disconnects us from our spiritual true self.
I have much to write on this subject on another day but one of those books actually defined the effect of that disconnection by the mask we are all forced to wear in public it is the mask of the false self ego and is the reason why so many people suffer such deep seated unhappiness and disquiet throughout their lives.
For the system we are born into sets up a conflict between the spiritual true self and the false self ego that is not who any of us really want to be.I realized this when coming across this passage from what was for me a very boring book called The Torture Garden by Octave Mirbeau. But if you are led to a book then there is a message in that book for you and you must search for it. Here is what I found:
"You lie to yourself and to others-you lie about everything that, in the depths of your soul you recognize as the truth?
You are forced to pretend outward respect for people and institutions which you find ridiculous....You remain cowardly attached to moral or social conventions you despise, condemn and which you know lack all foundation....Its the permanent contradiction between your ideas and desires on the one hand and all the dead forms and vain phantoms of your civilisation on the other that makes you sad, troubled and unbalanced.
In that intolerable conflict you lose all joy of life and all feeling of personality because every moment the free play of your strength is restrained, impeded and checked.
That's the poisonous and mortal wound of the civilised world."
I am Stephen Rickwood owner of the website [http://www.newagenewsfirst.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2822682
The Ten Success Secrets Of Jesus Christ On Earth
Have you ever considered how Jesus succeeded on earth to the point that His words and acts are still being celebrated, and His followers are increasing tremendously by the hour? Jesus came on a mission and He finished within a short but good record time. What could have been His success secrets? This article gives the secrets of Jesus' success on earth.
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him - Acts 10:38 (NKJV)
And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, - Philippians 2:8-9 (NKJV)
Jesus' ministry on earth was only for three and half years but was so impactful and successful; within this period He laid an unshakeable foundation that His disciples are still building on and will continue to build on till He returns. His success secrets (which if you act upon) are able to reproduce the same success story in your life. Let's look at them:
The Success Secrets of Christ.
Jesus was very obedient to the instructions of His father. He came first and foremost in obedience to God. God needed someone to redeem man and He sent Christ to do so - Galatians 4:4-5. And throughout His stay on earth, He lived a life of obedience unto God. This enabled Him to carry God's presence all through His time on earth (John 8:29).
And according to John 3:2, no man can do the miracles that Jesus did except God is with him. In other words, Christ's obedience to God led to the miracles that occurred through Him. Furthermore, obedience led to His name being exalted above every other name - Philippians 2:9
Jesus was the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24) but He needed to be filled with wisdom to be able to succeed in His assignment - Luke 2:40. In many occasions He applied wisdom to overcome the Pharisees' plots. And His teachings were done with great applications of wisdom.
In John 8:3-11, when they brought the woman caught in adultery, Jesus through wisdom gave the Pharisees no room to accuse Him, and at the same time rescued the woman from being stoned.
His teachings and manner of teaching them were profoundly out of wisdom, to the point that the people wondered how he got such wisdom being only a 'carpenter's son' - Matthew 13:54-55. His illustrations and ability to relate His teachings to everyday life made it easy for the people to understand and believe in Him.
This is another success secret of Jesus. The anointing of God in His life enabled Him to go about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil - Acts 10:38. It was when Jesus returned in the power of the Holy Spirit, after His temptation by the devil, that the news of Him went out through the entire surrounding region - Luke 4:14
This was one of the reasons why Christ asked His disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they were endued with the power of the Holy Spirit - Acts 1:4, 8. The anointing was to enable them fulfill their assignment on earth successfully. The power of the anointing manifested in the life of Peter immediately after the baptism of the Holy Spirit; the man who could not face a young girl before the death of Jesus (John 18:17)was now bold to speak to multitudes, at the end of which three thousand men were added to the kingdom of Christ - Acts 2:14-42
Christ's humility enabled Him to finish His assignment in spite of the words and actions of the Pharisees against Him. He endured the disrespect and insults of the men He created (Colossians 1:16) that He may finish successfully His mission on earth.Though He was God, being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross - Philippians 2:8.
Humility is a quality that attracts God to you. God detests the proud (Proverbs 16:5) but the humble will He guide in justice and teach His ways - Psalm 25:9. Jesus Christ enjoyed God's guidance because He was humble and the very words He taught the people were the words He got from God - John 12:49-50.
Self awareness
Christ knew who He was and believed in Himself and His mission on earth. He didn't need any man's opinion of Himself but God's approval. Self awareness enabled Him to remain focused on His assignment in spite of distractions from here and there, and it helped him to respond positively to people even when they were against Him. On the cross He asked God to forgive His crucifiers because they didn't know what they were doing - Luke 23:34.
He was so aware of Himself that the soldiers sent to arrest Him returned to the Pharisees without Him - John 7:45-46. In John 4:1-42, we see the power of self awareness. The Samaritan woman who challenged Him over a well got saved along with some others from her city. And when His disciples urged Him to eat physical food, He had this to say, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work" - John 4:34 (NKJV)
Jesus was a man of vision. Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Christ for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God. This joy was His vision. The joy of being exalted at the right of God amongst the redeemed kept Him going even in the midst of heavy persecution.
Jesus envisioned God's kingdom being filled with the redeemed of the Lord and God sitting with the multitudes reconciled back to Him. This vision was so strong in Him that He told His disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them - John 14:2-3.
Christ's desire was to please His father and one major way to do that was to restore man to his original state before the fall. He knowing how much God loved man and wanted him delivered from destruction, came and endured the cross to achieve the heart desire of His father. He had the vision to see the world saved from their sins and restored back to their original fellowship with God.
Word of God
The word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path - Psalm 119:105. Anyone who wants to succeed in life needs to have the word of God as his guide. And Christ being the Word Himself (John 1:1-3, 14) was very conversant with the scriptures and used them as the need arose.
When the devil tempted Him in the wilderness, He used the word of God to defeat him - Luke 4:1-13. And when He was given the book of Isaiah to read, He knew the very place that talked about Him and His assignment on earth; these verses He read in the synagogue, introducing Himself and His mission to people - Luke 4:18-21
And when the Jews accused Jesus of blasphemy, He used the word of God to prove that He didn't blaspheme but only agreed with the word of God - John 10:33-36. Christ was born of the word and lived by the word.
Prayer is the power house of any believer, and Jesus never played with it. Before He commenced His ministry full time, He engaged in forty days fasting and prayer, after which He returned in the power of the Holy Spirit - Luke 4:1-2, 14-15. And when He wanted to choose His twelve disciples, He prayed all night - Luke 6:12-13.
Furthermore, when it was time for Him to be crucified, He prayed so earnestly that His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground - Luke 22:44. And the bible recorded that an angel came and strengthened Him - Luke 22:43
Prayer was a channel of reinforcing Himself spiritually and a channel through which He received wisdom, instructions, guidance and directions from God. So, if Christ who is God needed to pray without ceasing, then we surely need to pray more.
For you to succeed in your field or assignment, you need to learn to delegate some aspects of your work. Team work achieves more than what one man can do. Delegation helps you to achieve more within a shorter period and it gives excellent results.
Moses tried a one man's squad style and he and the people got tired easily. Jethro, his father in-law suggested delegation to him, which he heeded to and it worked out for him and the people - Exodus 18.
Jesus Christ also employed the delegation method in His ministry and this is why up till today the gospel is still being preached though Christ has returned to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God - Mark 16:19.
In Mark 6:7-13, Christ sent out the twelve two by two to go and preach the gospel. They went and people were saved, delivered and healed. Also, in Luke 10:1,
They were to go and prepare the cities for His coming so that the result would be more profound by the time He entered the cities. And they went and returned rejoicing that even demons were subject to them in His name - Luke 10:17.
Trust in no man
Jesus loved everyone but He did not put His trust in any man. The scripture says in John 2:24 -25, that Jesus didn't commit Himself to any man, because He knew all men and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.
There is no help in man; when his spirit departs, he returns to his earth and in that very day his plans perish - Psalm 146:3-4. Man is not reliable, he is like grass that is today and by tomorrow is no more. Man is naturally selfish, unstable and limited; putting your trust in him is to jeopardize your success.
Cursed is the man that puts his trust in man and makes flesh his strength; he will not see any good coming his way and he will dwell in parched places of the wilderness -Jeremiah 17:5-6. This connotes failure and Jesus wanted success. To put trust in man is to sign for failure.
Christ put all His trust in God, who is forever stable, unlimited and has all the power to keep His promises to Him. God is answerable to no man and depends on nobody for His operations. Blessed is the man that puts his trust in the Lord; he will be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; its leaf will be green and will not be anxious in the year of drought and it will not cease from yielding fruit - Jeremiah 17:7-8. That certainly is success!
Therefore trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths - Proverbs 3:5-6
In conclusion, Jesus Christ truly succeeded in His assignment on earth. He engaged in the above success secrets and His success knew no bounds; His success is still on and multiplying even though He is no more physically here on earth. You too can engage in these and enjoy success in life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8784086
Mary Magdalene-A Faithful Disciple of Jesus Christ
Primary Witness of the Resurrection
Mary Magdalene as one of the leading women who followed Jesus Christ. She witnessed some of the most important events in all of recorded history--the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. She was such an important witness of these historical events that each of the four gospels mentions her. She was a wealthy woman who had served Jesus Christ during his ministry and given him financial support.
The four gospels were written from four different perspectives over a period of 30 to 40 years. The fact that each gospel names her shows that she was well known as the primary witness to the resurrection.
The other disciples, except John, had forsaken Jesus Christ and fled from his crucifixion and burial. However, Mary Magdalene remained close to him, and she was the first person to see Jesus Christ freed from the chains of death.
Seven Demons
Why was Mary Magdalene such a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ? Well one reason is that she was very thankful because Jesus Christ had cast seven demons out of her as recorded in Luke 8:1-2.
"1And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him, 2And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils," (KJV)
Mary was not the only woman who followed Jesus Christ or whom he had healed of diseases of mind and body. Yet, Luke specifically mentions her because Christ had cast seven demons out of her. Jesus Christ had set her free from the bondage of the demonic world.
Prostitute Allegation
Mary Magdalene has often been misunderstood and has been accused of being a prostitute. However, the Bible nowhere identifies her as a prostitute. Why then do many people think that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute? Luke records an incident in which a woman who was a public sinner washed the feet of Jesus Christ with her tears. Some people think that Mary Magdalene was this woman. This incident is recorded in Luke 7:36-39:
"36And one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him. And he went into the Pharisee's house, and sat down to meat. 37And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster box of ointment, 38And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment. 39Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it, he spake within himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him: for she is a sinner." (KJV)
However, scholars think Mary Magdalene is likely not the same woman called a sinner in Like 7:39 because Luke does not provide the name of the woman in Luke 7, but he specifically names Mary Magdalene in Luke 8:1-3.
Allegation that She Was Married to Jesus Christ
Some books such as Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the The Da Vinci Code allege that Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalene. One of the arguments for Mary Magdalene being married to Jesus Christ is that one of the Gnostic texts states that Jesus Christ kissed Mary. However, greeting one another with a holy kiss was common in that time even as the apostle Paul commanded in Romans 16:16 and in three other places in his epistles.
Gnostic writings were never accepted as a part of the canon of scripture. Even the Gnostic texts nowhere state that Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalene or any other woman.
Some people argue that Jesus Christ had to have been married because the disciples sometimes called him "rabbi" (Mark 11:21), and a rabbi was usually married. They called him rabbi or master as a title of respect. The word for rabbi or master in Mark 11:21 can mean "my great one or my honorable sir." However, Jesus Christ was technically not a Jewish rabbi and he nowhere stated that he was a rabbi. The disciples sometimes called him a rabbi because he was their teacher, but Jesus Christ did not hold the official Jewish title of rabbi.
According to Smith's Bible Dictionary, there were various forms of the title rabbi with different levels of honor. The lowest level was rab, which meant master. The next level was rabbi, which meant my master; next came rabban, which meant our master; and the highest level was Rabboni, which meant my great master.
In Mark 11:28, the Jews asked him by what authority he did certain things because they knew that he did not hold any kind of formal Jewish position of authority.
There is simply no hard evidence that Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalene or any other woman. The vast majority of scholars, whether they are liberal or conservative, agree that Jesus Christ was not married.
At the Crucifixion and Burial
Mary Magdalene was present at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as recorded in Matthew 27:55-56.
"55And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him: 56Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedees children." (KJV)
While other disciples had forsaken Jesus Christ at his crucifixion, Mary Magdalene and many women showed great courage in being at the crucifixion. Women value relationships very highly. Mary Magdalene valued her relationship as a disciple of Jesus Christ. She was determined to stand by him until the very end. She remembered the healing that he had given her when he cast the seven demons out of her. He had given her a new life, and she would stand by him even in his death.
Mary Magdalene was also present at the burial of Jesus Christ as recorded in Matthew 27:59-61.
"59And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, 60And laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed. 61And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre." (KJV)
Yes, Mary Magdalene was also present at the burial of Christ. As the First Day of Unleavened Bread drew near, Mary Magdalene was there to witness the burial of her master and lord. She would later return to the tomb to anoint his body with spices, but she would not find Jesus Christ there.
Witness to the Resurrection
The Apostle John records how Mary Magdalene was a witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ in John 20:1-2.
"1The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. 2Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the LORD out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him." (KJV)
Mary was disturbed. If Jesus Christ were not alive, she wanted to still touch his body and anoint it with spices. She did not want to let go of her master to whom she was so devoted.
She persuaded Peter and John to go to the tomb. They ran to it and looked inside. Then the disciples went home, but Mary Magdalene did not go home. Just as she had remained close to Jesus Christ at his crucifixion and burial, she would remain close to his empty tomb until she saw two angels inside it.
The Apostle John goes on to describe the conversation that Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ had after his resurrection in John 20:13-17:
"13And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my LORD, and I know not where they have laid him. 14And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus. 15Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away. 16Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master. 17Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God." (KJV)
The Greek work for touch in verse 17 is Haptomai. It means "to cling to." Jesus Christ told Mary Magdalene not to cling to him because his mission was not over until he had ascended to the Father. Jesus Christ gave Mary Magdalene the mission of informing the disciples that he had risen from the dead and would ascend to his Father.
An apostle is one who is sent (Acts 1:21-22). Jesus Christ sent Mary Magdalene to tell his disciples, who would become apostles, that he was alive. For this reason, some early writings refer to Mary Magdalene as the apostle to the apostles. However, she had no authority as an apostle in any official capacity. She was not one of the 12. However, she was honored for her example and devotion.
The fact that Jesus Christ first appeared to a woman and made her a witness of his resurrection is one of the strongest proofs of the truth or historicity of the resurrection account. Jewish law did not recognize a woman's testimony. According to Mark 16:10-11, when Mary Magdalene told the disciples that she had seen Jesus Christ alive, they did not believe her.
However, women were important to Jesus Christ. He appreciated their devotion, especially the devotion of Mary Magdalene. He valued the opinions and the testimony of a woman. If the account of Jesus Christ's resurrection were a mere fable, Mary Magdalene would never have been listed as its first witness.
Mary Magdalene was a wealthy woman; she was a financial success. However, she did not achieve spiritual success until later. Seven demons had possessed her, but Jesus Christ cast them out and healed her. She made changes in her life and became a success story. She sought Jesus Christ with persistence; she sought him with courage; and she sought him with humility. As a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene serves as an inspiring role model for each of us.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/184017
Christian Affirmations and Self Esteem
As human beings, we are at one point bound to feel less of who we are supposed to be. We let the negative remarks from those around us to determine how we view ourselves as individuals. The end result is emotionally poisonous. Deep within, it kills us without us knowing it. This is nothing else but low self-esteem. For you who feels less than perfect; you who is afraid to celebrate your self-worth and concentrate on your strengths rather than your weaknesses; Get uplifted with the following Christian affirmations for self esteem. God loves you as His child and there are countless Bible scriptures to prove this undeniable fact. Feel free to read them out loud.
Deuteronomy 7:6 - I am special. Why? I am chosen by the creator of heaven and earth above all the people upon the face of the earth. This therefore gives my life a sense of meaning and purpose.
Genesis 1:27-My physical appearance is similar to God's. I am glad because I know that God crafted my very image and made me perfect, just as He is.
Ephesians 1:4-I am confident because I know that I was chosen even before the world ever existed. I am chosen. I appreciate my existence on this earth.
1 Peter 2:9-I am a chosen generation. I no longer dwell in darkness as God has called me out of darkness and into His marvelous light. This therefore makes me a light to shine bright into all the earth.
Exodus 19:5-I am valuable in God's eyes. I am treasured by Him who owns the earth and everything in it.
Ephesians 2:10-I am The Creator's workmanship. Greatness is naturally present within my DNA structure. With Christ I know I am a winner and destined for victory!
Psalms 119:73- I have personally been crafted and designed by God's own hands! I am unique for no other person is created exactly as I am.
Psalms 139:14-I am not only made, but I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I rejoice because God knows me both inwardly and outwardly. He knows my name.
Jeremiah 31:3-God's love for me is everlasting. There is not one time in my life that God ceases to love me.
You are destined to achieve a lot with high self esteem. Lead a positive life. Love yourself, because God loves you. Get rid of anger, anxiety and depression by internalizing these Christian affirmations for self esteem that will enable you to concentrate on what God, and not man, thinks about you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9253921
Go to All and Make Disciples of All Nations
Do you want to share Christ with others, but are somewhat afraid? Often, the thought of sharing our faith in Jesus Christ with others will cause feelings of guilt and fear in the heart.
We are Commanded
God has commanded us to share His good news with others. It is written in Matthew 28:19-20, Christ commanded His disciples to go and teach about Him to all mankind and that He would always be with us. God did not intend for this command to give you any feelings of fear or inadequacy. This command rather shows that God's desire is to include all in His wonderful plan for redemption, which as a result, entails true Christians to go to all and make disciples of all nations by sharing God's true message.
How to Share the Message
A good way to share Christ's message with others is through what you wear, especially for those who could feel uncomfortable in their individual skill to witness to others verbally. If so, wearing clothing such as a T-shirt with a Christian message might be a more appropriate way for opening up those occasions to have talks with others about Christ. Christian clothing allows the believer to wear something that proclaims Christ message in a way that is fashionable. There is clothing in today's fashion that can be adapted to anyone's wardrobe style.
This line of apparel can consists of an assortment of clothing, such as shirts and pants, as well as can also include accessory items, such as jewelry, headwear, and even bumper stickers.
Trip to Witness
When beginning a trip to witness to others, having t-shirts and caps with God's word written upon them is a great gift to give for the other person to remember the word of God. Proverbs 3:6 instructs all those who are believers to acknowledge Christ in all ways and He shall direct your paths. One of the ways to acknowledge Christ is through clothing. Clothing and other accessories are an effective and popular way to promote one's faith and open up potential avenues for witnessing to others.
Another extremely successful help to witnessing is headwear. Beanies or skull caps are great ways to display Christianity-related logos that contain verses from the Bible. Baseball caps also can do the same thing - display messages that might capture another person's attention opening a line or way to communicate.
Opening Dialogues
Many Christians today will find it very fulfilling to dress in Christian clothing that has some form of a symbol or a Bible verse printed on it. T-shirts with printed biblical verses or logos identifying Christian characters can express a message about our belief bearing in mind the effort that often occurs in starting dialogues, which articulate what we believe.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7583335
What Is A Disciple?
Sometimes we refer to Christians as believers or disciples. Some Christians may even use the terms interchangeably. In this post, I want to address the question, what is a disciple? In doing so, it should become abundantly clear that these two terms-believer and disciple-are not the same.
In simplest terms, a disciple denotes one who follows a teacher. For instance, Jesus was, among other things, a great teacher. He had twelve men who followed Him wherever He went. This they did to the intent that they might learn of Him and that they might experience the kind of fellowship He enjoyed with the heavenly Father. Based on the aforementioned definition of a disciple, these twelve men were Jesus' disciples, and they were thusly referred to throughout the records of the gospel.
Because this was the relationship these twelve men had with Christ, He was proactive in teaching them. In the book of Matthew, chapter 17, for instance, a man brought his son who was possessed with a demon and asked Jesus' disciples to help his son. Because earlier Jesus had given His disciples power to cast out demons, He was displeased that they failed to deliver the man's son. "O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you?" Jesus said to His disciples (Matthew 17:17, KJV).
Note the words above, "how long shall I be with you." The point is that Jesus knew He would not be with His disciples forever. He was on earth for just a season and afterward He would return to heaven to His Father. At times, He was not pleased with the progress of these twelve men whom He referred to as His disciples.
One day, Jesus was speaking to some Jews, and as He spoke some of those Jews believed on Him. "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed" (John 8:31, KJV). So from this passage, we conclude that a disciple of Christ is a person who after becoming a believer, continues in the teachings of the Lord.
You might say that to become a believer is the means but to become a disciple is the end. It is good when a person repents of his sins and places His trust in what Christ did on the cross. All of heaven rejoices when that occurs. But God's ultimate will is for each man and each woman to become a disciple of the teachings of His Son Jesus Christ. Hence, in the Great Commission, we are commanded, "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19, NIV).
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6849433
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