To Whom Do You Belong - God Or the Devil?

Do you remember when you were a kid, and your family would say to you while you were picking over your lima beans or other least favorite food, that old saying, "Waste not, want not"? And do you, even to this day, want to roll your eyes toward the skies and sigh with resignation, knowing you were in a losing battle?
We live from day to day, with little thought or consideration given to what the real meaning of our lives is. We sometimes simply go through the same routine; get up, get dressed, go to work, go to bed. Get up, get dressed, go to work, go to bed. We are perfect examples of unthinking drone bees, those workers who exist only for the duty of the queen.
So we get up on Sunday, like any other day of the week, and go about our daily tasks, with the exception that the task of Sunday is to GO to church, not BE the church.
For far too long, we have been like the crowds who followed Jesus after he fed the 5000, and then the 4000. We of little faith think that we need to worry about bread when Jesus has multiplied loaves before our eyes. But because we don't think with our hearts AS WELL AS our heads, we miss the implication of our surroundings.
If you did your assignment, as Lynn and I did, you were very likely surprised at your findings. I would imagine that very, very few of us are where we thought we would be, much less where we need to be in being spiritually attuned with our financial expenditures.
But at the same time, we must all look at not just where the money goes, but why does it go there? It is better said that whatever your passion is, that is what you spend the most money on.
We all know of wasted lives. People who, when they enter old age, regret that they misspent opportunity or failed to live up to their dreams or did not try to do the thing they most wanted to do, but rather settled for a plain, benign life without excitement or stress.
But worse than that is the live that is lived in church as a "member", steady attendance, regular board member, often participant in special events, but one who has no real knowledge of the reality of the salvation that Jesus Christ purchased through his death on Calvary.
The opening of the passage in Malachi today speaks of the Lord sending His messenger to prepare the way before Him, the Messenger of the Covenant says Yahweh Sabaoth, The Lord of Host who comes to bring judgment upon those who do not fear Him and mercy for those who love His appearing.
But then the prophet says "Who can endure the day of His coming, and who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiners fire and like fullers' soap. He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver that they might offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness."
So today's question is "To whom do you belong"? It is time to take further inventory of your life and determine the actual state of your soul.
For you see, the passage does NOT say that they might offer to the Lord and offering OF righteousness, but in righteousness. The Messenger of the covenant comes to purify the people of God and impute the righteousness of God to the people. Because no person is righteous of their own merit, by their own effort, for as it is written, "Your righteousness is as filthy rags".
So who are we concerned about today? There are three classes of people we are looking at today. The first are
Those Who Are Satan's.
Now, not all those who belong to Satan are Satanists. In fact, most of those who belong to Satan would deny his very existence. These are the people who work hard to get ahead by their own effort. They are self-satisfied, self-reliant and self-sufficient. They are of the opinion that all can be well with your life if you are willing to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
They are comfortable in their own skin, so to speak. They may even be mildly religious. But they never suspect that they have need of a Savior.
Of course, there are those radical, rabid anti-Christian persons who take much delight in ridiculing people of faith. Those like Bill Mahr, Christopher Hitchens and Columbus's own Frank Zindler.
These people take actual delight in opposing the laws of God, the concept of absolute truth and the fact that there is anyone greater than humanity. They discount the reality of evil by proposing that the intellect can overcome the propensity for destruction.
Now these are not the most dangerous of Satan's crew. The most dangerous are those who Jesus described in Matt. 13:47 in the parable of the dragnet. "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, which when it was full they drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away. So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just, and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth."
Notice what is said. The metaphor is that the kingdom of heaven is like a net cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind of creature and when it was full, they drew it to shore. Now, when they describe the gathering of the good and the discarding of the bad, notice that they don't describe what KIND of creature that was tossed away. For example, Jesus didn't say that they kept the fish and discarded the lobster, which they would have done being good orthodox Jews. No, the text says that they "gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away.
So what are we to make of this? Look to the left of you. Look to the right of you. Now, understand that God knows whose are His. And in reality, most of us have at least an idea of whose we are.
But there are some who think they are "fish" when in reality they are foul. That's F-O-U-L, not fowl. And these creatures, what do they spend things on. Well, look at most Hollywood stars and you can figure it out. The vast majority of them spend millions on themselves and very little on others. They worry about their looks, and their figures and their homes and their concerns about the treatment of animals rather than the treatment of humans.
And as we learned last week, the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil. And, as the dead rap star the Notorious B.I.G. said, "Mo money, mo' problems". The expectation that having more will solve all your problems becomes replaced by the worry that you are not satisfied regardless of how much or what you have.
And what do we think about this lack of satisfaction? It dates from the expulsion of Adam & Eve from the Garden of Eden and is best expressed by the French Philosopher and Mathematician Blaise Pascal, who said "What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words by God himself. "[Pascal, Pensees #425]
Those Who Are The World's
VV 8-9 "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed me! But you say, 'In what way have we robbed you?' In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed me, even this whole nation."
Now, we come to those who are called in some circles, "mainline christians". They say all the right things, and perform all the right actions and think of themselves as religious. They belong to the small 'c' church because it seems like the thing to do to keep peace in the family or be seen in the right light or in the case of larger churches, to "network".
They all have their own reasons for being there, but at the core, they are there not to worship, but to be seen. God may cross their minds on occasion, they may even be able to voice a prayer now and then, but when it comes to being able to speak with conviction, they would rather talk about the Buckeyes than about the Trinity.
The church is seen as a social club, a place to have fun and do good. And Jesus, well He's a great teacher, a role model, an example for our lives. Why, even Oprah thinks so. But like a lot of folks, Oprah believes that there are many ways to God, that we all have a piece of divinity within us and that the worst thing in the world is to think that there is only one way, that Christianity is the sole true religion.
The only problem with that approach is that it denies not only 2000 years of Church history and tradition, it denies the very words of Christ. Remember, it was He that said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one come to the Father except through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him."
Jonathan Edwards in his book, "Religious Affections" says the following; "When false believers congratulate only themselves, they keep their eyes only on themselves. Having received what they call spiritual discoveries, or experiences, their minds are taken up with self and the admiration of their experiences. What they are chiefly excited about is not the glory of God or the beauty of Christ but the thrill of their own experiences. They keep thinking, 'What a wonderful experience this is! What a great discovery that is!' And so they put their experiences in the place of Christ and His beauty and all-sufficiency...As their emotions intensify, these hypocrites will sometimes be completely swallowed up in narcissism, self-conceit and a fierce zeal with what is happening. But it is all built like a castle in the air that has no foundation other than imagination, self-love and pride."
Those words were originally written in 1746, but they are just as true today. The self has become the final arbiter of truth. Nothing except that which is "felt" to be true is considered Truth.
So, if something is worthwhile, then the person of religious expectation will give to it. If not, then it is not worth the time to donate.
Many people that are philanthropic, that give to health and human services organizations, the arts, animal rescue programs and environmental causes feel that they are doing a great thing. Someone will approach you with a great story about what impact your giving will have on your cause. And because you have seen the impact of what you give, you are willing to donate.
Which brings us to
Those Who Are God's
And so it is with the Church. But too often, because we cannot often see the actual benefit of our giving, we will often let ourselves off the hook of giving, because we want to see with our own eyes what our dollars do.
We don't like the idea of giving to foreign missions, or taking an offering for the benefit of Ohio Ministries, or to help with the physical plant of the church. Maybe the reason some of us don't give as we should is that we feel as if we don't see the impact of our dollars. Well, let me talk about impact.
As a church body, we elect board members to lead us in certain directions. Maybe I, as a parishioner, don't agree with what is spent on this or that ministry. I need to voice that to leadership because our leaders need to be accountable for our money.
At the same time, board members need to take their positions seriously, just as we need to take their charge as leaders seriously. So for that person who says that, "Yeah, that's why I don't give, I don't agree with how the money is being spent", let me say this. You are responsible to GIVE. The leadership is responsible for how it is spent. Paul said in 1Cor. 9:12, 14 "If we have sown spiritual things for you, is it a great thing if we reap your material things. If others are partakers of this right over you, are we not even more? Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel."
Therefore, don't belabor the fact of should I tithe on the gross or on the net? Should I give a flat 10 percent or do I need to give over and above. Let me tell you what the Word says. In 2 Cor. 9:5-7 Paul tells them, "Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren to go to you ahead of time, and prepare your bountiful gift beforehand, which you had previously promised, that it may be ready as a matter of generosity and not as a grudging obligation. But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver."
That penultimate word, cheerful, is better translated hilarious. So don't give until it hurts; you can give until it feels good.
And don't limit your giving to the monetary. God wants your time, talent, materials, body, soul and spirit. We come to Christ as sinners, imperfect vessels. We have a lot of scales that need to fall from our eyes, just as they did from Paul's eyes. Those scales could be alcohol, greed, sexual promiscuity, gossiping, cheating, anything. But as we grow in the Kingdom we learn that Christianity is not the journey from vice to virtue, but from works to grace.
Those who try to reach God's favor by their own effort are doomed to fail. No matter how good you are, you can never be perfect. No matter how hard you try, you cannot keep from sinning in thought, word or deed.
But if you belong to Christ, and rest on His finished work, then it is as the Bible says in Ephesians. "By grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God."
Maybe in your review of the three months you found that you spent more on eating out. Maybe you spent more of your income on electronics or games or clothes. Maybe you spent it on porn, or smoke or drink. Whatever you spent the most on, that is your god.
Isn't it time that we as individuals and we as a church body really became a HAVEN? Isn't it time that we take the charge seriously to see that our church really isn't OUR church; it's GOD'S CHURCH! And maybe we aren't growing because we aren't giving.
If we were flush with money, if we had more money than we knew what to do with, would we spend it on the building? Would we spend it on staff? Or would we spend it to meet the needs of the people in the neighborhood? To "equip the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God."
Now is the time to really put your money where your mouth is. Brother Don, lock the doors. You're gonna have to pay to get out of here.
In reality, I am asking you to look within your hearts and take not monetary inventory, but spiritual inventory. Ask yourself, "To whom do I belong". Each one of us has to ask themselves that question and answer it honestly.
Realize, that "it is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgment" If Jesus gave his life for me, could I not give him mine, I'm consecrated Lord to Thee I shall be wholly thine. My life oh Lord I give to thee, my talent time and all; I'll serve thee Lord and faithful be, I'll hear thine anxious call.

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Who Is Jesus: God, Son of God, or a Man?

We call Jesus the Son of God and Jesus called himself the Son of Man, but what's the difference and does it matter?" In other words, "who is Jesus?
That is a pretty straight-forward question and deserves a straight-forward answer. So there are a few of preliminary questions we have to answer in order to give you that straight-forward answer to your question. First, what did Jesus in the gospels mean by claiming the title Son of Man? Second, what did the early church mean by conveying onto Jesus the title Son of God? Third, what was the difference between these titles? Does it matter how we distinguish the two?
If you answer those questions, will that answer the main question?
I think we have to know what those titles meant to the early church, especially to the people who wrote the Gospels. Then, we'll use that understanding to address your question. Okay?
And there is a follow-up question we will also need to address-the question that lies behind all these questions: "what do we ourselves do with the humanity and divinity of ourselves?"
What about those preliminary questions?
Jesus called himself the "Son of Man" according to the gospels. That title simply meant a person, a human being. In the Old Testament book of Ezekiel, when the word of the Lord comes to Ezekiel, God addresses him, "Son of Man." It's a little like saying, "hey you, fella!"
The most important use of this title before Jesus, and one that undoubtedly influenced Jesus, is from the Old Testament book Daniel (chapter 7). In Daniel's vision, there is a heavenly trial of the four most recent empires - Babylon, the Medes, the Persians, and the Greeks of Alexander the Great. Each of the empires was represented as a beast. The empires were each judged and found wanting. The fifth and final empire was eternal. Its power, glory, and authority were given to "one like the Son of man." This means that the domination systems have had their day and the eternal kingdom, God's kingdom, belongs to human beings.
Jesus found inspiration and identity from this image. The title meant that in Jesus' very human life, the true existence of God's kingdom was revealed. Jesus was very much a human being as we are. The humanity of Jesus is an example for us to follow and a challenge for us to meet. Jesus' life tells us that the eternity, the divine reality we call God, is the home of all human beings.
The New Testament also calls Jesus the "Son of God." It's not a title he ever seemed to embrace for himself. In Mark's gospel, the earliest biblical gospel, it is highly questionable that any such claim was made by Jesus. Generally, when the gospels and Paul identified Jesus as "Son of God," it signified Jesus embracing his identity and his calling to awaken people to the Kingdom of God. Only in John's Gospel did the beginnings of Jesus as God appear that would come to be dominant in later Christianity. This idea grew and developed for reasons that were as much political as theological. Unfortunately, in some ways Jesus' divinity came to prominence at the expense of Jesus' humanity.
Are you saying that Jesus is not God?
Not at all! I am saying that casting Jesus as divine was a powerful and effective tool for raising the status of Christianity in its early days. It served to inspire abused and persecuted Christians that God would ultimately triumph over evil. It served as Jesus' ultimate vindication from his crucifixion. Within the first couple of centuries, Christian theology settled on a paradox of Jesus' human and divine nature without confusion. They cited the continuing revelation of the Holy Spirit for their unfolding understanding of Jesus' nature as a result of Easter's resurrection.
Jesus as "God the Son" was largely a creation of fourth-century Christian bishops with the encouragement of Emperor Constantine. The doctrine represented an effort to affirm the uniqueness of Jesus and, therefore, the superiority of Roman Christianity. This view of Jesus and Christianity was not really present in the earliest Christian writings, but definitely became dominant in much of the Christian thought and practice of the Middle Ages and into the modern era.
Jesus as God from heaven, seen as only as in the form of a human being, seemed to be just a divine masquerade. The prevalence of this view of Jesus led to a loss of the dynamic balance of the paradox of humanity and divinity in Jesus. Ironically, the reaction of modern rationalism in its approach to Christian faith, was to move to the other extreme and eliminate the divine Jesus - to focus only on the teacher, prophet, and social reformer of history.
Is the problem is getting the divine and human nature for Jesus out of balance?
Efforts to separate the divine Jesus from the human Jesus are about as successful as trying to separate heads from tails on a dime. In terms of perception, the difference is absolute: heads you win and tails you lose. But the reality is that they are two sides of the same coin. You simply can't have the Jesus of faith without humanity and divinity. You just can't separate them.
Jesus' nature is unity: one with God, one in God with zero degrees of separation. It doesn't matter which side you look on -- not in terms of our relationship with God or God's love for us. Jesus as Son of Man and Jesus as Son of God is one reality. We may see them from different perspectives, but they are the same coin. But there is a deeper question and a deeper issue that does matter a great deal.
Author Scott Peck wrote about this idea in his book, A Different Drum. He said:
A majority of American Christians know about the paradoxical Christian doctrine that Jesus is both human and divine, but then they put 99.5% of their money on [Jesus'] divinity and 0.5% on his humanity, a most comfortable disproportion that leaves us way down here on earth scratching out a very ordinary existence according to worldly rules -- 99.5% human. And because that gulf is so great, [we are] not seriously encouraged in an attempt to bridge it. When Jesus said that we are to take up our cross and follow him, be like him, and might even do greater things than he did, he couldn't possibly have been serious, could he? After all, he was divine and we're just human! So it is, through the large-scale ignoring of Jesus real humanity that we are allowed to worship him in name without the obligation of following in his footsteps.
Scott Peck was right! When we separate Jesus' humanity from his divinity, we will likely fail to see and follow his example as a human being striving and succeeding in living awake to the Spirit of God, alive in him. We often, then, excuse ourselves from making the same journey of embracing our own oneness with the Spirit, our essential oneness with God. The result is that we fail to be fully human -- in concert with the struggles and joys of our fellow human beings. And we fail to embrace our own divine nature. The presence of God is in us as well.
We are in God and God is in us. We are one, inseparable. The dual natures of humanity and divinity that were present in Jesus are present in us as well. Let us remember that we all are divine spiritual beings and we all are human, physical beings. We all are one in God. There is no distance between God and each of us, though at times the distance can seem infinitely large because of our perspective. In reality, we are two sides of the same coin.
We are called to awaken to the true and divine nature of ourselves and of each human being. As we do, we begin to see each other as reflections of God's very nature. As you recognize and treasure that divine nature in each human being, including yourself, you will find that you are working to transform the world into the shalom of God. You will begin to hear that voice within you saying, "this is my beloved child in whom I am well pleased." You will discover, even without even intending to, that you are giving birth to God's new creation. And that matters a lot. In Jesus' name, it's what we're all about!
What did you learn from this article? There is so much more to the question of Jesus' humanity and divinity than appears on the surface. When you look at the facts, you can see that the idea of Jesus as God developed within the Christian Church. It was present, but not fully developed, in the New Testament. But as with most things spiritual, there is a deeper meaning that is available and vital for us to discover.
What can you do now to take the next step? Re-read the final two paragraphs of this article, then think about this question: "What difference will it make to your life if you have the same divine/human nature in you that Jesus had?" Go and live that difference.

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God is the God of Salvation - Good News

The almighty God being a God of salvation is a good or glad tiding that should cause great joy, assurance and hope to the worst or condemned or guilty sinner in the world who is yet alive or breathing. With the above, the worst and hopeless sinner can be saved and restored to great relationship and communion with God and hope and confidence in self regained. Those who have given up on some people or themselves about salvation can have great hope and enthusiasm rekindled in them for possibility of salvation of such people or themselves; etc. And to the sinning folk, this is equally a piece of good news that should not be wished away.
However, this article is based on the testimony or declaration of David, the Psalmist. That testimony or declaration is that "He that is our God is the God of salvation", who wants all men to be saved. The question then is, what does The God of Salvation Mean? It simply means the God that saves. To save means to deliver a person or thing from danger, harm, evil, trouble or unpleasant condition (Palm 68:19-20). It is also to prevent/protect a person or thing from being or getting lost or falling into a dangerous, unpleasant or regretful experience or situation. The God who is our God is The God of Salvation - the God who delivers, protects or preserves people or things from evil, danger, trouble, unpleasant or regretful situation or experience, in time and in eternity.
Apart from the above records there were many people or persons who had been into serious troubles, problems or unpleasant experiences, but as they cried or prayed unto this God who is our God, or as they took some actions of faith towards Him or His servants, He saved or delivered them from same. Some others He protected, shielded or preserved them that evil could not reach or touch them. All these were to prove or demonstrate that He who is our God is the God of salvation - the God that saves or delivers. Some were saved from the oppression, torment or possession by the devils; some from sicknesses and diseases, hunger, lacks, embarrassment, childlessness; sin; etc. The greatest salvation to experience from the God of salvation however is salvation from the power and eternal consequences of sin, which is experienced through genuine repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, and a total surrender and commitment to His ways.

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10 Signs Which Tell When Your Miracle is About to Happen

We all know the importance of signs. If not for the sign boards that rule our roads, we would be lost. This rings true in our spiritual lives too... if the Lord were to not lead us through signs, we would be floundering and lost.
The Holy Spirit helps us to interpret the signs that GOD gives us from time to time to make us aware of the progress we are making.
While I have listed 10 signs that GOD gave Joshua and the Israelites on their journey to the promised land, you can encounter most of them or some of them depending on the way GOD is leading you, but I hope I have covered all the possible signs because this is the largest portion of scripture where we see soo many signs from GOD! Amen.
In the Book of Joshua, we see the people of GOD making this long journey to the promised land. Moses is dead and Joshua has to take his place and lead the Israelites into the land flowing with milk and honey. Baffling as it looks to Joshua, GOD assures him that He would be with him just as He was with Moses. Joshua thus encouraged is all set to take on the humongous task.
This journey is very symbolic of our spiritual journey because it is characterized by fear, uncertainty, opposition -- but well complemented by strength, favor and divine help. Amen.
So this brings us to the first sign.
  • Sign no 1: GOD speaks to us and prepares our heart for success. He gives us hope that He will be with us on our journey and He will help us all along the way. Amen.
So we read in verse 7,
Joshua {1:7} Only be thou strong and very courageous
And further in verse 8:
Joshua {1:8}:
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success.
In verse 11, we hear Joshua speak to the people prophetically that they would pass over the Jordan in 3 days.
Joshua {1:11}:
'Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you are to cross this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the LORD your God is giving you, to possess it.'
How did he know that they would set out in 3 days -- it came from the Lord and so He knew it! Amen.
Child of GOD, the Lord will use His prophets to speak an inspired Word through the Spirit of GOD into your situation. This could be a divine encounter with an angel of GOD or a message from a gifted prophet. Many such instances are evidenced throughout the Bible for example when the angel Gabriel comes to Mary and announces the good news! Even today GOD sends His angels to reveal His plan and timing to the devoted ones. GOD always reaffirms Himself through His chosen instruments!
We thus come to:
  • Sign no 2: He reveals His will through an inspired word.
Joshua then sends out 2 spies to check out the land. The two spies return after 3 days and they set out to cross the Jordan the next day.
Joshua {2:22}:
And they went, and came unto the mountain, and abode there three days, until the pursuers were returned and the pursuers sought them throughout all the way, but found them not.
Joshua {3:1}:
And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over.
Why is this little detail that they set out in 3 days important or significant? Because it sends a message to us that GOD was actually working behind the scenes -- arranging their circumstances to bring His Word to pass i.e, to enable them to cross the Jordan in 3 days! This is a very significant event because it shows GOD's faithfulness -- that He is in control. Amen.
Thus we have
  • Sign no 3: He will bring His inspired word to pass.
This is exactly what I mean by a sign. And they are soo easy to miss if one does not search with a thoughtful heart. We need to be very aware within our heart that GOD has certainly done what might have looked impossible to start with. We have to be sensitive to the Lord's doing because it is in all these little miracles that GOD can reveal His power and glory unto us and we know that we serve an ALL powerful GOD.
  • Sign no 4: He sends the right people into your life to help you out
Joshua {1:16} And they answered Joshua, saying, All that thou commandest us we will do, and whithersoever thou sendest us, we will go.
GOD raises up people to help us in our moments of need. He causes all things to work together for our good.
  • Sign no 5: He puts the fear of the Lord in the enemy's heart and the enemy will know that they will fall. In some cases, GOD even made the enemy to confess that He will do what He promised. For example Saul spoke to David confessing that GOD had indeed given him victory (1 Samuel 26:25).
So when the spies meet Rahab, what does she have to tell them? That the whole enemy nation was melting with fear because the Lord GOD had given them the land.
Joshua {2:9}:
And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you.
  • Sign no 6: He will magnify and exalt you in the sight of all. He will make His countenance to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The people you lead will bear witness to your virtue on account of Christ and they will follow you decidedly.
Joshua {3:7}:
And the LORD said unto Joshua, This day will I begin to magnify thee in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee.
  • Sign no 7: He will do something impossible and leave a memorial to remind you of His greatness.
In the case of the Israelites, the Lord caused the flood waters of Jordan to be stopped and stand as a heap.
Joshua {3:13}:
And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of Jordan, that the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from above; and they shall stand upon an heap.
You will have a long lasting memorial before you ALWAYS of His mighty power in action and you will know without doubt that this could NOT have happened apart from the Lord. It is a good idea to write these events down when you know without doubt that the Lord had moved in your life. Amen!
Joshua {4: 22 - 24}:
And he spoke unto the children of Israel, saying, When your children shall ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean these stones? {4:22} Then ye shall let your children know, saying, Israel came over this Jordan on dry land. {4:23} For the LORD your God dried up the waters of Jordan from before you, until ye were passed over, as the LORD your God did to the Red sea, which he dried up from before us, until we were gone over: {4:24} That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the LORD, that it is mighty: that ye might fear the LORD your God for ever.
  • Sign no 8: He will cleanse you and sanctify you to prepare you to enter into the blessing. Amen. This reveals the holy nature of GOD.
The Israelites had to circumcise themselves to prepare to enter the Holy land.
Joshua {5:2}:
At that time the LORD said unto Joshua, Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time.
  • Sign no 9: He will reassure you of His Presence and unfailing love to boost your faith and confidence in the midst of warfare.
As the Israelites were preparing for battle, GOD sent an angel to guide them further and take them on the path to victory!
This shows the loving heart of GOD and His perfect understanding of our frailties. When we are weak, then He is strong! Amen.
GOD had already caused a great fear to fall upon their enemies so much so that no one was allowed to enter or come out of the city of Jericho. The Israelites knew it but GOD still knew their fears were real to them. So He sent His angel to speak to them about the technique He had planned for them to gain victory. And what a wonderful technique indeed! -- one which would bring Him the maximum glory! They would just have to go several rounds around the city walls for seven days and when the long blast of the trumpet would sound, the wall would come down by itself! Hallelujah!
So there would not be a single doubt left in their mind that GOD was going before them. Amen.
GOD loves us sooo much, doesn't He?
  • Sign no 10: He causes His people to lift up a shout of victory unto Him and bring glory to Him!
Joshua {6:5}:
And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram's horn, and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him.
It is the heart of GOD to lead us and guide us and ultimately give us the victory.
The Christian walk becomes easier when we learn to interpret the signs that GOD shows us. These little signs are built into the journey all along the way so that one would not become weary and lose heart.
The signs become more and more evident to us as we become aware in our hearts and are sensitized to His ways. When the Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign, He asked them to be aware in their hearts.
See Matthew {16:1-3}:
The Demand for a Sign
The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven.
He replied, "When evening comes, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,' and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.
Why does Jesus chide them for not being able to interpret the signs? Because ALL creation KNOWS its Creator and there is no excuse.
Romans {1: 20}:
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."
Signs help us to maintain the momentum we build up with our obedience because when we see intermediate results, a shift takes place from believing to KNOWING! You know that your efforts are paying off and that your patience and perseverance are bearing fruit. It is like cold water to a weary soul! Being encouraged this way, you build up anticipation and expectation which releases more and more power into your situation until a perceivable shift takes place and the miracle manifests itself! Amen. Glory to Jesus!
GOD always works through us. So we must be surrendered to Him and co-operate with Him as we learn to interpret His signs so that we can enter the promised land. Amen.
May you be blessed in your walk with GOD.

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The God of Power and Almighty

Through the Scriptures the God of power and dynamic energy as the Maker of heaven and earth are repeatedly highlighted. We see evidence of His Almighty power in all physical creation, in the immense and countless stellar bodies as well as all earthly things. The Bible record pulsates with His express of power and His mighty acts toward mankind. Though at times He has kept quiet exercising self-control, whenever His due time came to act He has taken vigorous action with His full might. In every case, His varied expressions of power have been in harmony with righteousness. (Ps. 98:1-2, Isaiah. 5-16)
Our God of power is slow to anger and always under control and in harmony with His attributes of love, wisdom and justice. He is abundant in loving-kindness. If one fears God and works righteousness, he will receive mercy from Him, for the Almighty recognizes man's inherited imperfection and shows mercy to him on this account and on the basis of Jesus' sacrifice. (Ps 103:13-14)
God gave His only-begotten Son full of God's power and wisdom. From Jesus' miraculous birth forward, God's power was displayed toward and through Him as never before. Like the psalmist, He became "just like a miracle to many people." (Ps 71:7) Jesus and His disciples, like Isaiah and his children, were "as signs and as miracles in Israel from God," portending the future and revealing God's purpose. (Isaiah 8:18) In Jesus' God's powerful workings during thousands of years now found fulfillment, came to fruition. Rightly the apostle could speak of Jesus as "the power of God and wisdom of God," (1Cor 1:24)
Jesus Christ is called "The first - born from the dead." (Col 1:18) He was the first and only to be resurrected to everlasting life through God's power, and His resurrection was "in the sprit," to live in heaven. (1 pet 3:18) He was granted immortality and incorruption, and was made higher than the heavens," second only to God in the universe.(Heb 7:16) His resurrection was performed by God Himself. (Acts 3:15)
Jesus' anointing by God's spirit was accompanied by divine power.(Acts 10:38) As 'the prophet greater than Moses,' who was "mighty in His works and deeds," Jesus' credentials were proportionately greater. (Deut 34:10-12) Jesus took no credit for Himself, constantly giving acknowledgement to God as the Source of His powerful works. (John 5:19, 26) Honest persons recognized "the majestic power of God" manifested through Him. (Luke 9:43)
Jesus gave proof of God's interest in mankind, evidence of what God would do for all loving righteousness. Jesus' powerful works were largely related to mankind's problems, first and most basic among which is that of sin, with all its damaging effects. Sickness and death are concomitants of sin, and Jesus' ability to heal sickness of all kinds and even to resurrect the dead. (Matt 9:23-29)
Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the God of power manifested His power over the sunlight on the day Jesus was hung on the cross from the sixth hour (11am. To 12 noon) until the ninth hour (2 to 3 p.m.) a darkness fell over all the land.(Matt 27:45) Luke's account adds that the darkness fell "because the sunlight failed." (Luke 23:44-45) This could not have been due to an eclipse of the sun by the moon, as some think, for the darkness occurred at Passover time, which was always the time of the full moon. It is about two weeks later that the moon is new, that is, in the same direction as the sun from the earth (the time when solar eclipses occur).
Long before this occasion, God had demonstrated His power to shut out the sunlight. This was when the Israelites were down in Egypt. During the ninth plague thick darkness enveloped the Egyptians with darkness that could "be felt." It lasted for three days, longer than any eclipse of the sun by the moon. Also, in the nearby land of Goshen, the Israelites at the same time enjoyed light. (Ex 10: 21-23)
The purpose of the resurrection shows forth not only God's unlimited power and wisdom but also His love and mercy and vindicates Him as the Preserver of those who serve Him. (1 Sam 2:6) Having resurrection power, He can go to the extent of showing that His servants will be faithful to the very death. The fact that God's servants are willing to give up life itself in His service proves their service is, not for selfish considerations, but for love. Job was an example. (Job 27:5) It also proves that they acknowledge Him as the Almighty, able to resurrect them, Universal Sovereign and the God of power and love. The resurrection also is a means by which God sees that His purpose toward the earth, as stated to Adam, is carried out. (Gen 1:28)
The expressions of God's power reached a high point in the establishment of the kingdom by Christ Jesus and the judgment acts that result from His event on earth. As for Jesus' disciples they prayed, addressing God: "Sovereign Lord, you are the One who made heaven and the earth." (Acts 4:24) And the most important thing to note, even though He is the Almighty power, the God of power is not an angry God but a happy God, pleasant, peaceful and calm toward those who properly approach His presence. (Ps 16:11) "God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. (Matt 22:31-32) God because of His power, "makes the dead alive and calls the things that are not as though they were." Paul includes this fact when speaking of Abraham's faith. Rom 4:17)
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How Did Jesus Perform Miracles?

If you read the New Testament, you will find one miracle after another Jesus performed and they seemed effortless to Him. What did He know that we need to know to see more miracles in our lives?
It took Him 30 years of preparation before He was led into full time ministry. The good news is, we don't have to wait that long. God has left us countless clues in the Bible of what He has called each and everyone of us to do for Him. The same power and authority God gave His Son, is the same power that all Christians have access to and can use every day.
Jesus chose to accept what God said was true. He didn't questioned it. He didn't debate about it. He didn't doubt it. He just knew what His Father said was the truth and acted on it. When Jesus was told He could do something for someone else, He stepped out and did it for them.
Many people don't believe miracles are for today. Some of them don't even hear or read about them. While others are praying for the sick and seeing them healed. There are many Christians who are even seeing the dead raised up and brought back to life. If we are to experience these incredible miracles, the first thing we need to do is believe they are possible.
Why would God give you the same power to heal the sick and not allow you to use it? Its not us who is waiting on God, but He is the One waiting on us to exercise the power and authority He has given His disciples. We are given these commandments to follow, "And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give". (Matthew 10:7-8 NKJV)
When we begin to step out in faith and believe God is going to back us with His power, then we are going to see the blessings and miracles He promised us. When He makes a promise to us, He is able to perform it. In 2 Corinthians 1;20 it says, "For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us". (NKJV) Isn't it time for us to simply believe what God told us in His Word and do what we have the power to do for Him?
Jesus knew the secrets of blessings and miracles. He chose to believe and trust His Father was more than able and willing to do what He said He would do. Once we believe and expect God to do through us, what He did through His Son, then we too will also see God power manifest in our lives.

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Signs and Wonders

It's a strange world when the pagans believe in signs and wonders but the Christians are not "allowed" to by their religious leaders. I can even show you in the Bible where pagans had this bent, and for a good reason: they had actually seen them. And they weren't "demonic" signs and wonders. They came from the God of Heaven!
Check it out. These guys are both in the book of Daniel.
Nebuchadnezzar is in Daniel's chapter 4, among other places. He's the king of the mighty Babylonian Empire. Babylon was surely full of miraculous things. Man-made stuff. A whole litany of false gods no doubt showed themselves from time to time. This Emperor understood the unusual. One night he had a frightening dream. The interpretation given by resident prophet Daniel was that he, the Emperor, was to lose everything for awhile, including his sanity. He'd grow claws, be sent outside to the fields, eat grass. Be humbled.
It all happened, and when it was finished, the now-wise man sent a letter to the world. You can do that when you're emperor. In it he bragged about the signs and wonders that God worked in him. "How great are His signs, and how mighty His wonders!"
Fortunately, Nebuchadnezzar's theology did not allow for the cessation of the miraculous.
Then there was Darius. Poor guy. He liked his faithful servant Daniel, who had managed to survive the Babylonian demise and was now one of the Persian chiefs! But Daniel's religion almost got in the way of his continued favor, and some of his peers got him in trouble with the new King. Darius stayed up all night worrying about the man that he had had to sentence to death by devouring. Lion-style. You know the story. He couldn't sleep. Daniel did. He spent the night fasting. By God's grace, so did the lions. In the morning, Darius too wrote a letter to the world. (It's a king thing.) He talks about a living God who delivers and rescues, and works signs and wonders!
Two pagans, two letters to the world. The fact is established. God is a God of signs and wonders.
In another letter written to the world, we call it the book of Acts, the same phrase is used quite a few times. Author Luke must agree with Nebucadnezzar and Darius that our God has not changed. Randomly I pick Acts 14:3, where God is "bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done" at the hands of the apostles.
700 years of this. From Babylon to Persia to the Roman days. I heard it's happening today too. Unless your group doesn't think so. Then it's not happening in your church, probably. But where people believe in this living God, signs and wonders still live. And why not? Jesus said, Nothing shall be impossible to you, right?

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Christian Living - Why is it So Hard Sometimes?

What is Christian living? Is it going to church each weekend and worshiping God and then leaving and doing the week without much thought of God? Is it having a nice home, a wonderful family, a well paying job and all the material things we possess?
I think the Christian life pertains to what we do in between Sundays. God says that we are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. Mt 5:13
"We are also the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let our light shine before men, that they may see our good deeds and praise our Father in heaven. Mt 5:13-16
God also tells us not to conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)
These are tough commands to abide by especially when we live in a world full of distractions and temptations. We need constant contact with the Lord or the devil will have his way with us like a roaring lion waiting to devour us.
Living in this world is difficult and mind boggling. We are so busy with schedules, kids, work, and each other that we often times forget about God but God doesn't forget about us. He is always a presence in our life and he wants us to come to Him in all things.
I ask myself, Rene when is the last time I picked up my bible for daily guidance. Time gets away from me from the pressures of life that I forget I have help at my fingertips. It's God who is all things and when we seek his kingdom first, everything else will fall into place. The jobs, our marriage, our kids and even our relationship with God. Only having this personal and intimate relationship with him can put us on the right path of Christian living.
The Christian life is thinking of other's needs before our own. That's a tall order but as Christians, we must love our brothers and sisters and to be aware of their needs. I only want to do these things in love and not have them be a burden in my life.
I often think of the apostle Paul when he said he is content in all things whether in chains or free, whether full or hungry. Paul endured hardships that no other man has endured. He was flogged, beaten, shipwrecked and in pain yet he still put God first. What a man! He, in human flesh endured so much that it's a wonder he lived as long as he did. The reason for his success in spreading the gospel was that he was aligned with God and God alone. He was God's servant and only wanted to please him.
When I think of Paul's words in being content in all things I cringe at the fact that no, I am not content in all things. My days are days filled with non-contentment whether it's a bad hair day or my boss gives me a bad review. Any little thing that happens in my life makes me angry or bitter at the thought of not being able to control my life.
I say to God... "God, I am not Paul. I am not content in all things". I complain about everything and I ask God to forgive me. When I think about Paul I know that he was so God centered that he committed all his time to ministry. But we are not all ministers. We need to put food on our tables, we need to attend to our kids, wives and husbands. There is so little time for God that we usually put Him on the back burner.
How can we change the things we don't do and do the things we want to do? Like being closer to God, being in the word more and having a prayer filled life? How can we be salt and light in this world when our time is spent elsewhere.
We can't all be like Paul committed to God in every area of our lives. But we can change a few things we do in our day like pray more, have time for the word, help others, be committed to have a personal and intimate relationship with our creator. All these things can change the way we live and think and it doesn't take that much time. Throughout our day we can do these things and we'd be surprised of how our life changes. Things won't be so hard anymore. We can have more time to laugh and be with each other and to pray with one another.
The Christian life is what we make of it between Sundays. We can be the salt and light of the world by the way we act and many people especially non-believers watch the way we act to see if we'll trip up. We need to be examples to those who are watching us so they can see our good deeds and give glory to Him who is coming.
We can conform to God's ways and his commands to live better and more Godly lives. The Christian life is not burdensome but it is filled with grace and peace when we put our faith in God and live up to His standards. Isn't that what we all strive for? To please God? I do and I like Paul am looking a head and running the race to win my prize. We will all be blessed here on earth as it will be in heaven. We only need to be more like Paul and to follow in his footsteps and in this, we will make a difference in this world and a difference to others who need us and God so much.
To everyone striving in this manner, I only want to commend you and tell you that I too am striving to live a better life as a Christian.
Take care, and God bless...

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Questions of Character

Three events in the last several weeks have caused me to reflect on the term; "Character", and what it really means.
According to just about any dictionary, Character is defined as the whole of a person; a persons' core traits, features, moral and ethical qualities. Words like honesty, courage and integrity are often associated with Character.
Some of the most popular movies ever made and some of the best-selling books ever written highlight some part of Character, which is often demonstrated by people under extraordinary circumstances, like soldiers who sacrifice their lives for others or law enforcement officers who sacrificed their lives. Often, we associate great Character with great warriors and it is true that great warriors must possess great Character. But there are also regular people, living out their lives, who are given unexpected opportunities to demonstrate great Character, like the family who was able to forgive someone who had killed a loved one. This is all evidence supporting our deep appreciation and affection for Character. We seem to embrace it at every opportunity. Why, then, is it so difficult for ordinary people to live by - and demonstrate great Character in the mundane and routine things of life?
General Principles
Luke 6:43-45"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."
The way you spend your time, choose your words and behave - is the measure of your worth.
James 5:19 "My brothers, if any one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover a multitude of sins."
This verse would indicate that you need to know what the truth is, then be able to discern when someone wanders from it, then take appropriate action to correct. You, Christian, do not get a pass to do nothing when you see inappropriate behavior that contradicts "truth". This does not mean that you have to forcefully confront the offender. At a minimum you need to be able to recognize what it looks like and then pray about what, if anything, you should be doing about it.
First Demonstration of Character
I received the following email from a pastor. It was his response to an email book announcement he received regarding my book; Last Call: Picking Up the Sword of the Spirit. It read as follows:
"You make a number of unsubstantiated claims which are false. From the initial summary of your book I think you have to spend more time in careful exegesis of Scripture before you publish such a work. Your statement that "most christians agree we are in the End Times" is impossible to prove. Not only this, but even if most did believe it doesn't make it true. In addition, your statement that many respected experts cannot agree on the timing of the Rapture is not true, many have come to solid exegetical conclusions. I hope you will take more time to reflect on the pertinent passages of Scripture and come to sound conclusions that give believers hope and confidence for our sovereign God and His plans for the End Times."
Here was my response to him:
"Seriously? I appreciate your candid response but the tone of your email sounds angry, which is a bit disappointing. I know email is sometimes a lousy way to communicate, but this email kind of reminds me of some of the Pharisees Jesus encountered in a book I am reading now (Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge). It is clear from your response you have not read my book, and are coming to conclusions based on the summary (and perhaps the introduction). This makes about as much sense as me trying to explain to you what a movie is about just from watching the trailer and advertising on television. At a minimum, this is short-sighted. Additionally, I indicated "most" of the Christians I have talked to or had contact with, and that is true. It may not be in your circles, but it is in mine. It seems clear that you have also taken a clear pre-trib view on the Rapture. This is good and fine, and it sounds like you have read plenty of material that reinforces your view. Well, sir, with all due respect, a broad view of material that is out there in the world, that people are exposed to, shows that respected experts do NOT agree on the timing of the rapture. This view varies from denomination to denomination, from seminary to seminary, from church to church and from author to author. I do not make any predictions about this in the book. I simply let the Bible speak for itself. Your statement strikes me as ironic; 'I hope you will take more time to reflect on the pertinent passages of Scripture and come to sound conclusions that give believers hope and confidence for our sovereign God and His plans for the End Times.' That was the whole point of the book. But you would not know that, because you have not read it. My primary intent was to move people toward God, to glorify His name, to add to the Kingdom and to encourage people to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The book was written with the call of Jude in mind. Finally, with all sincerity... God bless you and your congregation."
Several days later I received this email from him:
"First, thanks for responding to my email. I would like to apologize for the tone in which I wrote especially if it sounded "angry" to you. Also, I admit my letter should have been more gracious. Please accept my apology. Second, I believe I mentioned my assessment was based on the summary you provided. Having thought it through I really should have waited to read your book before writing an analysis of your argument. I realize that it is better to follow your whole arguments rather than a simple summary. So, I will read your book and then consider an evaluation which will be more gracious. Third, I do appreciate your stated motivation for this project and likewise ask God's blessing on your work for His kingdom."
A. W. Tozer, an influential American pastor and prolific author who died in 1963 said: "Because this is a moral universe, character, which is the excellence of moral beings, is naturally paramount. As the excellence of steel is strength and the excellence of art is beauty, so the excellence of mankind is moral character."
There was questionable Character being presented in the first email from this pastor. I considered it, prayed about it and decided to confront him directly. He demonstrated great Character in his response to me.
Second Demonstration of Character
I had been working with a small Group of professionals for several years in an effort to construct a training curriculum that would meet an unfulfilled niche in the Executive Protection profession. I had been recruited to be the Lead Instructor, responsible for actually constructing and overseeing the curriculum. I did not seek this out, rather - these people approached me. I accepted the role, since the Group of professionals involved had impressive backgrounds and appeared to be genuine in their goals. Several years of sporadic meetings led to about 6 months of more intensive work, primarily conducted by myself and a co-instructor. He and I would work independently on parts of the curriculum and then meet for several hours to hammer out the details before moving on to the next section of the curriculum where we would repeat this process.
A few weeks ago he and I were to have our final meeting on a Friday afternoon with expectations of finalizing this curriculum. That morning, I received an email; not from him, but the person who was to act as the administrator for this course. He was informing me that the Group was now collectively working with several other professionals to develop curriculums. I was completely blind-sided by this email, and took note of the fact I was receiving it hours before I was scheduled to meet with my co-instructor to finalize the specific curriculum we had both worked so hard on. It was clear from the email I received the Group had been working with these other professionals for some time.
Watchman Nee, who died in 1972, was a Chinese Christian author and church leader during the early 20th century. He spent the last 20 years of his life in prison and was severely persecuted by the Communists in China. In his influential book; The Character of God's Workman, he writes; "A person who does the Lord's work must stand for the absoluteness of the truth. This naturally demands total deliverance from his own self. Many brothers and sisters are not completely loyal to the truth because they are affected by human relationships and their own emotions. Hence a basic requirement in the service of God is that truth must not be sacrificed. I can sacrifice myself and my emotions but not the truth. The difficulty with a number of workers lies in their concern about friends, acquaintances, relatives or families, and which in consequence may adversely affect their loyalty to the truth. God cannot use such people. For if truth be truth, nothing-not even one's own brother or relative or friend-can touch it."
Character embraces truth.
Granted, this Group I was working with was free to do whatever they want and were under no obligation to use the curriculum I had developed at their request, or to inform me that they were now working with other professionals. Yet, I could not help but smell the stink of betrayal in there somewhere, knowing that in similar circumstances - as a matter of simple courtesy (a piece of Character) I would have notified the involved parties.
1 Corinthians 2:10-16 "The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person's thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, 'Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?' But we have the mind of Christ."
This verse tells me that because I have the Spirit of God - I see things, process things, believe things, understand things and act on things through the filter of the Spirit of God. That gives me insights and abilities that those without the Holy Spirit simply do not have. Therefore, I should not expect that those without the Spirit of God are going to demonstrate Character the same way someone with the Spirit of God would - or should.
These verses should remove some of the sting associated with being on the receiving end of a poor Character experience. The Bible tells us in more than one place that this is what we can expect from people who do not possess the Spirit of God. Hello. They killed Christ. Interacting with the world as a Christian is going to be challenging.
In this instance, after consideration and prayer, I did nothing. I just walked away from it. I had no compulsion or urge to confront anyone about it. I tried to focus on the benefits associated with the work I had performed. I had completely reorganized all the video I use in training and written a book that was to be used in conjunction with this course. This book is now available as a paperback and an eBook.
The Bible leaves room for "shaking the dust off your sandals and moving on to the next town" - seeking more fertile ground than that which you are standing on. It also justifies "marking" certain people and not associating with them; even giving us a list of Character traits in people we should avoid.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people."
Third Demonstration of Character
I travel frequently to Colorado, where God has blessed us with land and the cabin we built upon it. The fellow we bought this land from has vast amounts of acreage and sells it through an arrangement he made with the original owners of it. He has done a fine job of establishing sub-developments and installing basic infrastructure. It is becoming a unique community on its own. A decade ago, when we decided to buy land instead of watching our savings dwindle in a failing stock market, we also took a hands-on approach in the building of our cabin. We were fortunate to meet and retain a contractor who is a person of good Character. He is a hard-working and honest perfectionist who did an excellent job. We traveled from Minneapolis to Colorado about every 6 weeks - hauling cabinets, doors, appliances and hardware from Home Depot to the building site. We researched everything from ICF home construction to carpet to wind turbines. When it was finally completed I decided to publish a Guide to Building with the intent of making it easier for others who wanted to build there - since there are some specific hurdles and nuances that people have to deal with during the building process in this area. This Guide shared our experiences, research, resources and contacts. As a result of this Guide being distributed and my posting it's availability on several forums, I began to receive inquiries regarding the area and the legitimacy of the man selling these properties. I vigorously promoted the properties and the fellow selling the lots - as a good, honest and decent man. Meanwhile, my wife and I had developed a close relationship with this fellow's daughter - who, in turn, brought us into a closer relationship with him. We had dinner with him several times and he noted that he was aware of the Guide and thought it was a great idea.
I initially sold about 25 of these Guides. In 2007 I updated this Guide and began to distribute it for free. After giving several of them away I quit distributing it altogether. The fellow who sells these lots also offered building site excavation and septic installation services to people who were considering building. He was a listed resource in the Guide. I had heard from several people his work was OK but the timeliness in which it was completed was very frustrating. In fact, I had experienced this myself after repeatedly attempting to recruit his people to excavate our cabin site. Several months of what seemed to be unjustified delays led me to hire someone else to complete this work. In that 2007 Guide update, I had inserted 3 sentences indicating the problems some people had with this fellow's services, yet defending his overall intentions.
A few weeks ago someone who received one of these updated Guides decided to begin the building process on their property. They would be traveling from the east coast to Colorado and begin planning. Before they left, they contacted me, and we discovered that I was going to be in Colorado the same time they were. We arranged to meet at our cabin and I gave them a tour of our cabin with a running commentary about construction, off-grid energy production and other construction nuances. Shortly thereafter, they connected with the fellow who I referred to in those 3 sentences of the updated Guide. Apparently, he asked this couple if they wanted to hire him to complete some preliminary work on their property. They informed him of my comments about his work. They handed him the updated Guide and he read those 3 sentences. He was very upset. They reminded him that the good things I had to say about him far outweighed those 3 sentences.
Several days later this fellow drove into my driveway to talk to me about those 3 sentences. He handed me the page from the updated Guide with those 3 sentences on it. I acknowledged it and told him that what I had written was true. What followed was a rather bizarre conversation that I found difficult to understand. For example - since he did not actually do the work, (a supervisor who worked for him did) - he was not responsible for those delays and problems associated with the work. This went on for about 10 minutes. I simply reminded him that for almost a decade I had steadfastly defended him and promoted his efforts as a good and decent real estate businessman. I asked him to keep things in perspective; he was allowing 3 sentences of truth to shade his entire viewpoint. He refused to acknowledge any of it. I was determined to take the high road with this fellow. I informed him that my intent was to simplify the building process for people who wanted to build on property that had purchased from him and that I had no intention of offending him. I then asked for his forgiveness - face to face, eye to eye, man to man - if I had offended him.
His response; "I'll think about it. I wonder how much business I have lost because of this" - despite the fact that I had informed him that there were only several of these updated Guides distributed. As he climbed back into his truck to drive away, I thought about how his shallow response had just spoken volumes. He did not have the ability to have an honest conversation about the things he was upset about. He could not take any personal responsibility. He did not have the capacity to forgive, even after being given a very direct apology. It seemed to be all about the money. Sad.
A man of great Character would have responded differently than this fellow did. In fact, when he rebuffed my direct request for forgiveness, I shuddered, because I know he will watch this exchange again at the doors of eternity as his life is reviewed.
In this instance, for the next several days I prayed for this man's heart to be softened in such a manner that God would somehow be able to use this incident to draw this fellow closer to Jesus.
The Bible is a Character Blueprint
The Bible has so much to say about Character that it could be called a Character blueprint for life. Here are just a few verses that talk about the importance of Character.
Matthew 15:18-19"But the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts-murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
Proverbs 21:2"A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart.
Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things."
Proverbs 10:9"Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out."
A Killer Observation
I have had far too many discussions over the years with non-Christians who have held up the behavior of people claiming to be Christians as the primary reason they have little interest in considering Jesus. They have either observed or experienced behavior that is far from the stellar behavior the Bible promotes. Often, they see secular people behaving better than many Christians.
In this context I recently had a discussion with a gentleman who knows I spent almost a decade working with churches in regards to security and executive protection. He works in the asset protection business and his company had been retained several times to provide protection for events which included a former client of mine; a high-profile Pastor. This gentleman also knew several of the Pastor's executive protection agents. These protection agents were people I had trained. They were also people he had contact with while he was preparing for these events.
He asked me if a relationship with Jesus meant that he had to wear expensive suits, wear a designer watch and be surrounded by bodyguards rather than making himself available to the public. He was referring to this Pastor. Next, he asked me if a relationship with Jesus would require him to be arrogant, aloof and deceitful; which he found one of the protection agents to be through some personal experiences he had with a particular agent.
His comments cut through me like a knife. To him, this Pastor and his protection agents represented Jesus. I did my best to explain that people are sinful and make mistakes but God is not like that. I encouraged him to spend some time alone with God and to ask God to reveal Himself. Days later his comments still grieved my spirit. Really, what he was wondering about is who Jesus is. He was looking at people who claim to represent Jesus and wondering about the Character of Jesus.
Testing Character
Job 2:3 "And the Lord said to Satan, 'Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil? He still holds fast his integrity, although you incited me against him to destroy him without reason.'"
If you know the story of Job - he demonstrated Character under extreme circumstances created by Satan himself.
Satan is going to throw stuff at you, and very often it comes through the behavior of other people. The Bible says we should expect it. The Bible says those without the Spirit of God don't get it. At one point even God expressed his amazement at the inability of His own chosen people to grasp the obvious. The first time I read Isaiah 44 I was laughing out loud - knowing God understood my own frustrations with the lack of Character displayed by so many people in our lives. God is talking to Jacob about people who construct and worship idols. God is logically observing the wood used to make these idols is the same wood that was used to cook their food; therefore there is no inherent value in the wood itself.
Isaiah 44: 16-19 "Half of the wood he burns in the fire; over it he prepares his meal, he roasts his meat and eats his fill. He also warms himself and says, 'Ah! I am warm; I see the fire.' From the rest he makes a god, his idol; he bows down to it and worships. He prays to it and says, 'Save me! You are my god!' They know nothing, they understand nothing; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand. No one stops to think, no one has the knowledge or understanding to say, 'Half of it I used for fuel; I even baked bread over its coals, I roasted meat and I ate. Shall I make a detestable thing from what is left? Shall I bow down to a block of wood?'"
Luke 16:10 "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much."
Great Character demands true expression in the "little" and routine things of life.
If you are on the receiving end of a poor expression of Character, ask yourself one question. What would Jesus do? I can guarantee that whatever Jesus would do, he would go it with great Character.

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A False Climax - What God Hates in a Man

To get to the climax is to be at the peak. The whole world is rushing to the climax of almost everything it can think of. Another word for climax in our context is SUCCESS. Most people are attracted to success, yet they avoid the many areas to success. In measuring success today, many ugly yardsticks are employed and people do all manner of maneuvers to be numbered among the successful. False climax, which is getting to the top by cutting corners, remains one of the greatest evils a man can do to himself. Such high points may be points of personal popularity; some great achievements; or a great applause from the crowd. Once it is not God's mark for your life, it can be nothing but false climax, designed by your adversary to rob you of your crown of glory.
False climax confronts everyone that is set apart for something crucial by God. Many fell headlong for it, not suspecting that the real climax of their life engagements was not yet at such points. Many wrote books, celebrated anniversaries, sat down to count past exploits, made monument of such climaxes, knowing not that the real victory, the real crown, the real glory lay elsewhere. Jesus - my LORD and Master had to push His way through this upsurge of several false glories, in order to fulfill God's mandate on His life.
As Christians, we follow the teachings and footsteps of Jesus Christ and would not do anything that is contrary to His ways. Getting to the real climax is to do as Jesus says. Those who felt they have arrived had to shed some things in order to be recognized by God. A rich man came to Jesus and asked Him a question regarding followership and true climax, but Jesus told him plainly that true climax is nothing but living righteously. When Jesus saw how difficult it is for people to willingly obey and follow God's ways, He cautioned His disciples against false climax.
When Peter and the other disciples brought it to His knowledge that they have left everything mundane and followed Him, Jesus was happy and assured them of a greater reward in heaven. To forsake all involves denying self and laying every aspect of self-seeking on the alter of consecration. It is obvious that what leads into every kind of sin/evil, and keeps people from following Christ is selfishness: self-seeking, self-love, self-pity, self-promotion, self-protection, self-pride, etc. When a believer has been able to conquer self, he will be able to readily overcome whatever else that wants to come between him and the love of Christ. In other words, it is the overcomer of self that is the real conqueror of whatever situations or circumstances organized by men or spirits or both, to hinder him from following the Master. It is such a person who will not find it difficult to give up whatever idol: worldly conformity, worldly fashion, love of money, material aggrandizement, position, popularity, pride of life, etc., that wants to come between him and following Jesus. He is the person who is really at the climax.
Evidently, we don't serve God for naught, nor has He commanded the seed of Jacob to seek Him in vain (Isaiah 45:19). There is reward for every labour. Great blessings and fruits accrue both in time and in eternity to those who deny self, forsake all and follow Christ. For one, the Master promises that they will receive back in hundred folds all those things which they apparently lost. This is real, and in keeping with God's eternal principle that when we first seek the kingdom and the righteousness, all other things follow. For another, the bliss of eternity with God is theirs. Great mansions and various kinds of rewards await them in heaven. They as the bride will be with the Bridegroom in the glorious marriage supper of the Lamb. They will rule with Him in the next life. For this reason, we are enjoined to continue to the end, so that no man takes our crown, seeing that the first might be the last and the last first.
However, since God did not call us into a life of abject poverty and struggle, He expects that we don't rush things, but taking them a step after another. Remember that Jesus went international with His ministry. The Greeks and other people came around looking for Him so as to benefit from His ministry, giving out the impression that Jesus had arrived. That looked very much like the climax of His ministry, yet it was a false climax, and Jesus was very careful about that. He escaped being crowned a king severally by people who saw below the point of climax. Any climax that does not allow a man to hit the mark of God's calling on His life is a camouflage. It is a temptation.
One's climax may never be the point of loud shouts and public glare. Do not forget that six days before Jesus was taken to Gethsemane, where He yielded completely to God and drank the cup of bitterness and shame on our behalf, there was a false climax set for Him - the crowd which heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took palm fronds and went forth to meet Him, crying, "Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the LORD!" It took grace from my Master to keep on track. He shunned the songs and the accolades of men, and went straight for the commission - death on the cross! It was biblical, the fulfillment of a prophecy. Yet it was not God's mark for Him. The Hosanna crowd of six days past, were the same crowd that later condemned Him with "Away with him! Crucify him!" What a trial of commitment! What a quiet luring away from the eternal purpose of God! What a temptation to climb on the applause of the crowd and be led away into premature but vain glory rather than climb on the cross for our deliverance!

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