Who Should Christians Avoid?

As Christians, what is our relationship to the other people in the world? How are we supposed to behave? Who should we and our children be around? As individual Christians, we have very clear Biblical instructions and examples for who we should seek out and who we should avoid. Based on their behavior, the Biblical instructions in this article may come as a big surprise to a majority of Christians, today.

How Christians Treat Others: Ever heard someone say we Christians should be separate from those outside of Christ? Many teach that Christians should avoid the World and anyone who does not profess Christianity. There is no question a lot in the Bible tells us not to be part of the worldly way of living. But, does that translate into separating ourselves as much as possible from the other people in the world? Based on the behavior of most Christians, today, you'd have to say, "Yes!" I remember leading an evangelistic ministry in my first post. My success met with the disdain and outright opposition of the church members in this "evangelical" church. They didn't want those "sinners" around their children. I saw one church member actually tell a visitor to move...that he was sitting in her seat. It's clear that many in the Church don't want anyone in until they've already accepted Christ and eradicated sin from their lives...it wouldn't hurt if they dressed up, too.

We go so far as to set up "Christian" stores, businesses and activities so we don't have to come in contact with "sinners" any more than necessary. Many churches and individual Christians purposely contract with "Christian" lending institutions, construction companies, insurance companies and other businesses, even at a higher cost. We go to Christian gyms, apparently because we don't want any sinner's sweat to get on us. There's Christian radio, TV, schools, theme parks, clubs, dating services, banks, parenting programs, aerobics, diets...the list goes on and on. There's even a Christian 12-step. I guess Christian addicts are a cut above all the rest. When we find it difficult to have something just for Christians, we go to court or sponsor a new law to try and force everyone else to act like us. Just serving God, you say? The Bible would differ with you on how Christians are supposed to behave toward the other people of the world.

How We Should Treat Others: Jesus said for us to be a light to the world, that our good works would cause all people to see God and praise Him. He said we are to love our neighbors...even our enemies...that our love would be a testimony of His love and show us to be His people. His final instructions to us...mission statement, if you will...was for us to go into the whole world and be witnesses of Him. John emphasized this even more by saying in this world we are like Him...that our love is proof we are Christians. We are called Christians, by the way, because it means "little Christs." Jesus set the example by spending His time reaching out with love to the sinners...not the saved. Paul wrote that our ministry as Christians is to be ambassadors to the world, to reconcile the world to God. The Bible never says for us to avoid non-Christians. If that's a surprise, wait until you see what it says about Christians.

How Christians Treat Christians: Christians always seem to give other Christians the benefit of the doubt. We give them preferential treatment in business and, sadly, accept below standard work and higher prices just because they are members of "the club." We tolerate so high a degree of sin in Christians that there is now almost no moral difference between Christians and non-Christians as a group. A pastor I knew was caught in affairs with several married women in his church. What was surprising was the number of Christians who proposed that he be forgiven and allowed to keep his job as the spiritual leader although he never admitted what he did was wrong. It's clear that many Christians believe we should lovingly embrace anyone professing Christianity despite overwhelming evidence of blatant disregard for the life a Christian is called to lead. That, also, is just the opposite of what the Bible says.

How We Should Treat Christians: Yes, our love for each other is a testimony of Christ in us, but that love is reflected in many ways. We are to speak the truth to each other. We are to help each other to avoid sin. We are to correct those who are in error. We are to forgive each other when we confess sin. We are to avoid Christians who are divisive. Paul said we are not to associate with anyone who calls himself Christian and is sexually immoral, greedy, dishonest, slanderer, etc. If we will not use the power of Christ to help keep each other from sin and our own witness for Christ pure, how dare we think ourselves different in any way from those who don't know Jesus.

In Israel during Jesus' time, the religious leaders were people who thought themselves holy...a chosen people...above the "heathen." They would not eat with the "heathen," do commerce with them, welcome them in their place of worship or their homes. When speaking of those religious leaders back then, many Christians would call them bigots, and rightly so. Jesus called them hypocrites and whitewashed graves. Instead of being what God called them to, a beacon to call the world to a loving God, they became a stop light to keep the world away from God. If we Christians aren't careful, we'll find ourselves, like them, working against the will of God, pushing others away instead of drawing them to Him in love.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/441105

The Outstanding Christian

All people have at least some desire to 'stand out' from among the crowd. They want to be seen as smarter, prettier, more handsome, wealthier, more intelligent, more gifted, more talented, and generally just better than average.

I have news for Christians. ALL Christians are outstanding. Some just stand out in different ways than others. I want to mention 3 types of 'Outstanding Christians.'

Number one are the Christian who stand out because of their obnoxious, overbearing, bossy, demanding, 'holier than thou' attitude. They are quick to call other Christians names like lazy, ignorant, backslidden, and even claim to know others are headed for hell because they attend the wrong Christian church, or haven't been 'baptized correctly', or they are engaging in sinful activities such attending movies or wearing makeup. These Christians are worse than legalists. They follow to the letter the things that can be seen on the outside. They add their own brand of morality to the rules God has set. I have personally known women who will not wear makeup or cut their hair, yet they make gossip and dissension their daily business. I have known men who demand utter submission from their wives and children, yet they themselves have not submitted anything of their own life to the God who created them. There are Christians who live in the pride of what they have accomplished and do not give God the glory. They are quick to condemn other Christians in need, or who are facing illness or trouble as 'out of the will of God'. They are without humility. They see the small sin in their brother's life, but ignore giant sins in their own lives. They are proud, without thankfulness, without forgiveness for others, without humility, and without repentance because they cannot see their own sins. They would not help a brother or sister in need if their lives depended upon it, because they see God as punishing those in trouble. In fact, they condemn those in need as though they themselves were without sin or need. They are hypocrites.

My son Jay defines a hypocrite like this; 'A hypocrite is someone who - seeing an illness or trial in YOUR life says, 'well - there is sin in you life and God is punishing you.' BUT, when they face the SAME illness or trial themselves they say, 'The devil is persecuting me. That proves I am doing the will of God.'

Believe me, these Christians are really outstanding. They stand out in any crowd. They make God sick. They make fellow Christians sick, and they make the whole non-Christian population despise God's gift of salvation.

Number two are the worldly Christians. They are so much like the unsaved that they blend in completely until someone finds out they are Christians. Then the people of the world say, 'What is the point of Christianity? It requires nothing. It is no different than anything else.' In a world constantly seeking satisfaction through something 'new' and 'different' worldly Christianity has no appeal. The worldly Christian is a beacon leading nowhere. They are lukewarm at very best. They make God vomit.

Number three are the Christians who show their heart felt commitment to God in how they live their personal lives. They apply Bible teachings to personal actions. God can use such people to turn the tide of battles, both great and small.

I just watched 'The Patriot' again. Toward the end, the armies of the Colonies are beginning to retreat. The hero, seeing defeat as unacceptable, raises up the flag of the United States, and runs against the tide of the retreating army shouting 'HOLD THE LINE'. The soldiers stop to watch him run in what appears to be the wrong way. Then some turn and began to follow him. Then the entire army turns around, charges up the hill, and wins a decisive victory.

My Christian brothers and sisters, today is such a day for Christianity. Christians are running in retreat instead of charging to victory. The armies of darkness are crushing the freedom to worship our God and our King throughout the world. 'Outstanding Christian' types one and two are aiding and abetting the enemy! America, the beautiful, bastion of freedom, is gasping for breath. Yet there is hope. Out God is a God of victory, not of defeat. He is willing to help those who are willing to change their lives to suit God. Will you be such a Christian? Will you be a light that leads the lost to God? Just by claiming the name of 'Christian' you have become an 'Outstanding Christian'. The question is , 'Which type of Christian will you be?'
Will you be:

a Christian that stands out as obnoxious? (type one)

a Christian that stands out as nothing special? (type two)

a Christian who charges up the hill to victory? (type three)

Whether you make a choice or not, you will fall into one of those categories.

To be a 'Type 3 Outstanding Christian' begins when a Christian becomes willing to change what is bothering God in his or her own life. Just do a quick self check and see if you find pride, lack of thankfulness to God and forgiveness to others, gossip in the place of help, lies in the place of truth, lack of honor where honor is due, wicked thoughts in place of Godly thoughts, or lack of reverence and awe for the God who created you.

The Type 3 Outstanding Christian wants to please God more than they want anything else. Hebrews 13:16 says, 'but to do good and communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
In the movie 'The Patriot', the hero charging up the hill wasn't really looking to see who followed him. He was looking forward to victory. That is what every Type Three Christian needs to do. Christians need to fix their eyes on Victory in Christ Jesus our Lord. They look beyond the day and even the years. Type Three Christians understand they are not playing a 'numbers' game.

Let Christians be like the Psalmist in Psalm 57:6-7 who says, 'They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah (7) My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise.
Type Three Christians must remember that those who seek our destruction will dig a well for their own destruction. You just need to fix your heart on God. Sing and praise God louder than the doubt that troubles your mind.

Isaiah 50:7 says, 'For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.

Isaiah 49:23b says, 'for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.'

Actually, in the movie the hero who charged up the hill was not really going at a fast pace. He was exhausted. He had short legs and probably couldn't run fast even when he wasn't 'plum tuckered out'. ('plum tuckered out' is mountain folk talk meaning really really tired.) The point is, he went forward against the tide in spite of physical exhaustion and without visible hope of victory or making a difference. The hero gave his all to getting up the hill to victory. That is the job of Christians today. Ignore what you see; fix your gaze on Calvary's Lamb; go forward to victory.
Remember - It takes a Type Three Christian to follow Jesus. If you are following Jesus - you are always going in the right direction!

Rewards of the Christian Life

The Christian life is portrayed as a race by the writer of Hebrews. "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1,2. Many Bible Scholars feel that the Apostle Paul was probably the writer of Hebrews because verses like these are closely related to many of his other writings. In other cases, Paul compares himself with the racers and competitors in the Isthmian games which were celebrated in the city of Corinth. This comparison made an allusion which was well known to the people of Paul's day and therefore was a great teaching metaphor.

The competitors who ran in these games were duly qualified both by character and ability. The distance and width of the course were clearly marked out. The prize that was to be won was set forth. Judges were chosen and sworn to judge impartially. The starting signal was given and the race was run. The winner was carried to the judge, the prize was given and a crown placed on the winner's head. The name of the winner was proclaimed to the great assembly of people.

The Christian race is so compared. The Christian must be qualified both by character and ability. The Christian must pursue the course with patience and perseverance. After completing the race the successful Christian is brought before the Judge where he/she is rewarded and crowned with glory.
The Christian race is not any race, but a particular race. It is, "The race set before us". The course of the race is the road of life. The length of it is a lifetime. The width of it is the size of the world. This course has many challenges and many temptations to turn the runner aside. The riches and cares, the company and amusements, the pleasures and influence of the world are all dead weights which must be "laid aside" so they don't hinder the Christian runner.

The progress of the Christian in this race depends on several things. The Christian must keep to the course and not turn out of the way. Some run the race well for a while and then turn aside. The Christian must stay on course. The middle of the course is the safest place to run. Constant progress must be made and the runner must continue patiently under all difficulties. The prize must be kept in view.

The nature of the prize in the Christian race is different from worldly races. Scripture represents this prize as rewards under the figure of a trophy or crown. There are various crowns that may be rewarded to Christians when they complete this race of life.

The Incorruptible Crown - I Corinthians 9:24-25. "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishible crown. " In the Christian's duty, all run that they might obtain this crown. All that finish get the prize, not just the winner. The Christian runner is described as being "temperate in all things". Much self-denial was practiced by the Olympic runners Paul mentioned. They kept to a strict diet and discipline. Should not the Christian much more curtail themselves of their liberty for the glorious prize set before them? Christians must deny self and keep the body under "bringing it into subjection", (I Corinthians 9:27). The Christian runner faces hardship and is always in close combat just as any competitor. Paul mentions one enemy of the Christian runner (the body) which must be brought under subjection. Paul is referring to those fleshly appetites and inclinations.

The Crown of Life - James 1:12, "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the "crown of life" which the Lord has promised to those who love Him". This reward is given to the Christian who endures and who with patience and constancy goes through all trials and difficulties in the way of his duty. It seems that in the duties of Christians they sometimes run across difficulties and disappointments so much that they begin to lose interest and hope of their duty. They may even wonder if it is worth it all to continue the race. The enduring of temptations and trials must be from a principle of love to God and Jesus Christ, otherwise there is no interest in the Crown. This reward should enforce the idea that Christians will eventually be approved by God for all their trails. It will be the Christian's blessedness to finally receive the Crown of Life.

The Crown of Glory - I Peter 5:1-4, "The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed:

Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the Crown of Glory that does not fade away". This reward is specifically given to pastors, elders, presbyters, spiritual leaders of the Church. It is promised to those who "feed the flock" by preaching and teaching God's Word. It is for Christians who "take oversight thereof"; who take time to minister personal care over the flock committed to their charge. It is for Christians who are "examples to the flock"; those who practice holiness, self-denial, and all other Christian duties. It is for those who share in Christ's sufferings. Jesus Christ is the Chief Shepherd of the flock. He bought them, rules them, defends them, and saves them. Jesus is also Chief Shepherd over all other shepherds who obtain their authority from Him, act in His name, and are accountable to Him. Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, shall appear to judge all ministers and under-shepherds, to call them to account, whether they have faithfully discharged their duty both publicly and privately according to His directions. To those that are found to have done their duty shall receive what is infinitely better than temporal gain. They shall receive from the Chief Shepherd a high degree of everlasting glory - A Crown of Glory that will never fade away.

The Crown of Rejoicing - I Thessalonians 2:19,20. "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For you are our glory and joy". This Crown of Rejoicing is won through soul-winning. Christians must take time in their race to listen to the Holy Spirit and share with others what they have in Jesus. What a glory and honor it is go be used of the Holy Spirit to lead others into a saving knowledge of the Son of God.
The Crown of Righteousness - 2 Timothy 4:7,8. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing". This crown will be the recompense of all the services Christians have offered, which God is not unrighteous to forget. This crown will be given "at that day", at the time when the Christian's holiness and righteousness will be perfected. It is the day Christ returns. It will be given by the righteous Judge and not only to apostles and prominent ministers, but to all those that love His appearing. It should be the character of all Christians to look forward to the appearing of Jesus Christ with love and to long for it. This Crown is laid up for all believers. It is given to those who have finished their course by fighting a good fight. In a good fight one may lose a few rounds, but is is how hard one fights that makes a good fight. It is given to those who have kept the faith. It is given to Christians who never allowed their faith to falter, but have always looked to their faith for their final victory.

Christ will come again to judge the works of believers and to give these rewards that they are entitled. The Christian will be judged as to the use of his talents and opportunities that have been given to him. The Christian will be judged on how he has used these talents while running the Christian race.

Three Main Signs of a True Christian

If the 2 billion plus people who are classified as Christians were true Christians we would have a totally different world. We would have lesser number of very poor people, much lesser number of crimes, and an increasing number of people who make other people happy.
Unfortunately and very sadly too, most of the 2 billion or more who say they are Christians are false Christians. They are not true as they do not show the signs of a real Christian.
We have fake money bills, fake documents, fake transcripts of records, fake certificates, fake signatures. But the worst and most dangerous counterfeit is not money or document but a fake Christian. The reason is because a fake Christian can create havoc not just in the banks or in employment but in all the sectors of society.

It was fake Christians who have been waging wars all through these centuries, including the two world wars, putting to death millions of human beings.

To recognize who these fake Christians are we need to know the signs of a true Christian. There are three main signs.

First, the true Christian is one who is no longer seeking for something in this world to save himself or make himself happy. If you have been to an Easter Party with an Easter egg, you would know what I mean.

In an Easter Party where the people search for the Easter egg you see children and adults walking around, searching for the coveted Easter egg, a colored egg hidden in furniture, in grass, in other places around the venue of the party. They keep on looking for this Easter egg until it is found. Most of the time there are many of such egg and people look for more and more of them, until the moderator of the game tells the partying people that the total number of Easter eggs have been found.
That is what most people do. They are looking for something that can make them happy. Some people think that this is found in money and more money, and so they acquire more of this. Others think that this is found in having three good meals a day, a sturdy roof over their head, and a set of comfortable clothes. So they work for these from day to day. Still others think that they can find happiness in honor. So they search for ways and means to become celebrities, whether at school, in the movie industry or in politics or in other areas.

The true Christian has found genuine happiness and knows where she has found this, in an encounter with God in Christ. This encounter happens when she has heard personally the word of God spoken to her and she has responded accordingly. Without this personal experience of God addressing oneself there is no real Christian.

In the case of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, he had this personal encounter when he heard God personally speaking to him through a preacher, "Look unto me..." from Isaiah 45:22.
In the case of Therese Martin, she heard the personal word of God when she read Proverbs 9:4, "Whoever is a little one, let him come to me."

This personal experience with the word of God is not something reserved to the saints or great Christians. This is the necessary experience of every true Christian. This makes the person discover where true happiness lies, in Christ and in him alone.

Because of this experience, the true Christian stops looking for something to truly satisfy her thirst for happiness. She has found it and it shows in her life. She does not come and go here and there searching for something to make her happy. She has found happiness and it shows in her demeanor.
The second main sign of a true Christian is that she is learning about the Christ. And this shows in her thoughts and in her words.

A simple but very correct definition of a Christian is that she is a learner of the Christ, because the basic meaning of "disciple" in Greek is "learner". If a Christian is a disciple of Christ, then she is a learner. She learns something of the Christ every day.

To do this she has a book or a string of beads to meditate on the life and works of the Christ. And she does this not because she has been told to do so by a teacher in religion or Bible study group. She does this because she loves Christ and she wants to know more about him. This is done on a daily basis, not once in a while.

This second sign of a true Christian disqualifies almost all those who even go to church daily or once a week to be called real Christians. This is because they are content with going to church daily or once a week and never advance in their personal knowledge of the Christ.

The third sign of a true Christian is something that Jesus himself said was the true sign of his followers. And this sign is something that cannot be faked. It is so simple and yet it cannot be produced by mere human effort. It is produced by God in us and through us. Unless this sign is clear in our lives we cannot say that we are real Christians.
This third sign is love.

But is it not just a wishy-washy kind of love. It is love that endures through death and even beyond death. It is not a fine feeling for the person next to you whom you happen to like.
Beyond love of God and love of neighbor, this is love of other true Christians. The true Christian senses a deep affinity with other true Christians, an affinity stronger than family ties. And she loves the other true Christians not with her human love but with the love of Christ himself.

Now, how is this love of Christ himself for the other true Christians shown so that other people can see it? It is shown by caring unto the uttermost, just as Jesus cared for that person to the uttermost.
These are the three main signs of a true Christian: 1) The true Christian no longer is looking for something to make her happy; she has found what makes her totally happy through a personal encounter with the word of God. 2) The true Christian learns about the Christ daily. She discovers something new about the Christ everyday. And she keeps on learning about the Christ. 3) The true Christian has a genuine love for the other true Christians, a love that comes from Jesus himself, shown by caring for the other Christians to the uttermost.

It is not baptism nor any other sacrament, nor doing good deeds to our fellow men, nor going to church and performing religious or church activities that tell others we are true Christians. It is sense of total happiness radiating around us, a continuous desire to learn more of the Christ, and genuine Christ's love for the other true Christian that tell others we are true Christians.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5541674

The Christian Core Values

OK, so I'm a Christian man. But I married a Muslim young lady!
How does that work? You may ask.

And yes, I know, I know, I know... Most fundamental evangelical Christians would say that is a "no-no".

But within a few years my Muslim wife had a powerful experience with the One True God, and now she is a sold-out, Bible-believing, born-again, Spirit-filled Christian!
No, I wouldn't recommend that a Christian guy marry a Muslim gal. "Missionary" marriages are not a good idea. In other words, if you think that you are the only one that can "save" them, you are drastically mistaken. But in my case I felt that the Lord was leading me to do it. But I believe God had a special plan behind it. My wife found her true love in Jesus.

One of the things I learned from my wife is the perception of Christians in Muslim countries. Seeing that she came from a Muslim country, I count her as a credible source.
Many Muslims and Islamic Countries view Christians as people who are pathetic in their worship, pathetic in their morals, and pathetic in their dedication to God. They believe that Christians are the ones given to drunkenness, drugs, and all kinds of immorality.

Sad, but true, they are right! There are a lot of people who call themselves "Christian" who fall into this category. They don't actively seek God. They don't live a true life of worship. They cover up and/or attempt to justify their immoral lifestyle. They live like there is no fear of God in their lives. They can talk the talk, but do they walk the walk.

Notice I said earlier that they call themselves 'Christian'. There are a lot of people who consider themselves Christian. To them, being Christian means being born in a "Christian family". Some people even believe that being Christian and being Caucasian are synonymous! Others believe that being Christian means that you believe that there is a God and that Jesus existed.

But there are a lot more to being Christian than believing that God and Jesus exists. Being a Christian involves incorporating core Christian values into your heart and life. This brings me to the gist of this article: What are the key core Christian values? What value system does a true Christian hold?
Is there such a things as Christian values? And if so, what are they?

I grew up in a home stuck in a kind of a spiritual limbo. I only remember stepping into a church a few times in my childhood. The only time we went to church was for marriages, funerals, a baptism and one other special occasion.

Seeing that we weren't very dedicated to church, there was a little bit of a spiritual background. There was a couple of family members, long deceased, that had strong, solid spiritual values. And some of those values were passed on. But the true fervency of Christianity was not.

I grew up in a home, and a culture where being a Christian meant being holy. If good 'ole Johnny became a Christian it was understood that he gave up his sinful lifestyle. If Johnny became a Christian it was well understood that he quit smoking, quit drinking, quit sleeping around, quit cursing and swearing, and quit doing drugs... and rightly so. This type of value system was taught throughout the ages. This is the type of value system taught by Jesus. And if we claim to be Christian (followers of
Christ), then we ought to reflect His values, and obey His teachings.

The message of holiness is a message of turning away from sin; cussing, drinking, smoking, doing drugs, gossiping, violence, hatred, bitterness, secular music, false religions, the occult, etc.. etc...
From Enoch, to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses, to the prophets of old, to Jesus, to the revivalists, and to the saints this message of holiness was taught over and over again. But too often the Christian label is corrupted by unholy lifestyles. The Christian name is defiled by those who call themselves Christian but do not live holy as Jesus taught.

 Christian core values are that of seeking God, prayer, and holy living. Jesus said that we must be perfect, as our Father in heaven is perfect. The voice of God sounds loud and clear in the scriptures, "Be holy, as I AM holy!"

How is God holy? He has nothing to do with the sinful, and degraded lifestyles of unregenerate mortals. The word "holy" means set apart. It means being completely separate from the world system. It means being different than everyone else. It means living righteous, fueled by the fear of the Lord. In fact, the scriptures declare "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom". Most people do not know the true fear of the Lord. Most people do not understand it.

"Cast me not away from Your presence, O Lord. And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me!" King David exclaimed

Can you can hear the cry of Davids heart? He is afraid of losing the presence of God. Many have. And he knows it. Many have lost the presence of God. Through selfish, natural human pride, they hold fast to their sin. God removes His presence because He simply can't stand it. Light and darkness cannot dwell together. Sin and holiness cannot dwell together.

But you hear stories of pastors and priests falling into sin. Recently we have heard many stories of a few priests who molested little boys. This, my friends is a great sin, and a horrible representation of the God they claim to serve. This, my dear friends, grieves the Lord, and angers Him.
We hear stories of pastors who fall into sexual sin. We even hear stories of pastors who do drugs. This should not be! Whether it is sexual sin, gluttony, gossip, or illicit drug use, we must never forget that this is sin. This is what can damn a soul to eternal torment. This kind of sin is what Jesus came to obliterate!

Christian leaders ought to be true examples, shining in the true Christian values, values which echo that of the Holy saints of old. These values have no room for sexual immorality, love for money, love for power, provocative dress, smoking, drinking, cussing, or drug use.
True Christians have taken up their cross to follow Jesus. They sacrifice all for Him. This may even include their very reputation, their lives, their all. Let every one of us who claim to be Christian either a) drop the Christian label, or b) live holy as Jesus taught.
God Bless you as you seek Him, follow Him, and give yourself wholly and entirely to Him. Then we will reflect true Christian values in our lives.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6800772

Faith - What Every Christian Needs

The early church operated in powerful faith as seen in the following. The believers were passionately committed to God, to His kingdom and to His church. They were hungry for the Word and the presence of God. They operated in a spiritual environment that saw healing, miracles and gifts of the Spirit. As a result of their faith, they gave liberally to God: some of them even sold properties to help those in need. Led and empowered by the Spirit, they evangelized the lost and planted churches. Their faith was radical and life changing. Smith Wigglesworth said, "When faith lays hold, impossibilities must yield. When we touch the divine and believe God, sin will drop off; disease will go; circumstances will change."

The Definition of Faith

Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
The Bible says that we are to walk by faith not by sight. This means that we do not live our lives based on how things look. We must develop the ability to look at things through God's eyes. God sees infinite possibilities; He sees miracles, breakthroughs and deliverances; He sees the way where there seems to be no way; He sees His kingdom and His purpose being worked out. By faith, He wants us to see what He sees so that our thoughts and prayers can be in agreement. God wants us to see into the realm of the Spirit so that we can see beyond the natural, into the spiritual reality that determines natural reality.
Faith calls us to have confidence in God. It recognizes the attributes of God. Through faith we see God as omnipotent: He is able to do anything; He is the almighty who by His great power created the vast universe and beyond that created every spiritual entity. Further, He is good and loving and will do those things that are in our best interests. Faith expects something from God and is confident. We pray in faith because we anticipate that God is going to do something. It makes no sense praying if there is no expectation. The expectation may be salvation of a loved one, missionaries to be sent around the world, financial provision, grace and wisdom to deal with a problem; whatever it is, there must be an expectation that God will do it. Faith is also confident: we are to come boldly before the throne of grace. In this light, faith causes us to recognize who we are: we are sons and daughters of God who have been given the right to come into His presence and present our requests to Him.

We must believe God for the right things: those things that bring God glory. For example, we can pray for the salvation and the blessing of others. There are many things that we can believe God for, which include some of the following. We can pray for revival in the nation: that God will move in a mighty way to save and to deliver and to transform society and government so that His kingdom is established. We could pray for the blessings of God on the church: God wants to bless the church so that it experiences His fullness and realizes its purpose. We can pray for deliverance for others: that God will set free those who are in some kind of bondage to demonic forces. Additionally, we can pray for family and self: for healthy marriages, financial provision, godly children, personal success, deepened faith. There are many other things we can pray for such as healing, anointing, wisdom, provision of a job or a promotion, protection, influence, favor and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The key principle is that God must be glorified in our prayers.

The enemies of faith are doubt, unbelief, uncertainty, ambivalence (doublemindedness) and worry. Doubt is the failure to believe God and to trust in His promises. It is the inability to see things through God's eyes.

Circumstances are magnified while God is minimized. In one town, Jesus was unable to do many miracles because of the people's lack of faith: God will hardly move in an environment that is saturated with doubt. People who doubt think naturally rather than supernaturally; they think in the flesh rather than in the spirit. Unbelief is a lack of belief, a lack of confidence in God, His Word and the moving of the Holy Spirit. God's fullness does not come to the person who doubts.

People who are uncertain are not sure that God wants to intervene miraculously; they don't know if what they are praying for is God's will or they are not sure that God is interested in doing a particular thing for them. They may have a feeling that there are certain barriers preventing God from doing something miraculous. However, the prayer of faith can eliminate any barrier and break through to access the power of God. People who are ambivalent waver between faith and doubt. Such ambivalence paralyzes them from moving forward in faith. The Bible says that a doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways. Faith causes us to be sure, to be unwavering, knowing the mind and the will of God. Persons who are worried are anxious about the situations of life. They put all the responsibility on themselves rather than placing the majority of that responsibility on God. The enemies of faith must be overcome if believers are to experience the supernatural fullness of God.
Faith Is Needed to Please God
Hebrews 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Faith is needed to please God. You could be pleasant, mannerly, respectful, knowledgeable, attend church, preach, fast, give and do a lot of other good things, but none of that really matters unless you have faith. There are two things we need to look at. We must believe that God exists: He is the I am that I am, the eternal, self-existent God - the God without beginning and end who does not depend on anyone for His existence; while we need God, God does not need us. He is Savior and Redeemer: the One who delivered us from the control of Satan and sin and graciously gave us eternal life. He is the Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah: He is the God of greatness and glory who created the world ex nihilo (out of nothing); He is the omnipotent God, the God who faithfully keeps His covenant.

We need to have a right concept of God. A song writer says, "I have made you too small in my eyes... Be magnified O Lord, for You are highly exalted and there is nothing that you can't do, O Lord my eyes are on you." God must quicken my understanding of who He is. That's why worship is so powerful: in worship, we rehearse who God is. Our faith is stirred up the more we recognize who God is.

The second thing that we need to note from Hebrews 11:6 is that God rewards those who diligently seek him. There must be fervent passion when we approach God. We are to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness: this is no 5 or 10 minute experience. Too many Christians spend hours doing things that have no eternal value: shopping, watching television, attending sports events and other activities, but devote very little time to prayer, to seeking God's face and encountering His presence. The Bible tells us that if we seek God we will find Him and He will show us great and mighty things that we did not know. The seeking here is a passionate, heartfelt seeking that tenaciously pursues God. There is nothing casual and complacent about this seeking.

The problem is that we don't want God bad enough. We are not hungry enough for the presence of God, not thirsty enough. At times we sing songs without grasping the full intent like "You are the air I breathe, you are my daily bread; I'm desperate for you, I'm lost without you." We should be able to sing with all conviction, "When I look into your holiness, when I gaze into your loveliness, when all things that surround me become shadows in the light of you. When I've found the joy of reaching your heart, when my will becomes enthralled in your love... I worship you, the reason I live is to worship you." People want house, car, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, money, popularity, position and whatever else before God. Passive Christianity is dead Christianity: God doesn't want us to be lifeless, weak and anemic. When we seek God, He will reward us according to His perfect will. Scripture says delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart and that the blessings of God make rich.


Do you have faith? Do you really have faith? Faith produces results. Faith results in obedience and worship. Faith will move mountains. Faith releases the glory of God. Faith causes you to be a blessing. Faith brings victory and joy. Faith brings power to overcome problems. Faith releases God's resources. Faith results in miracles. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. Faith comes by getting a revelation of God: Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up; the apostle John had a revelation of Jesus Christ and fell at His feet as though dead. God wants to increase your faith, so that His supernatural presence is with you wherever you go.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7929275

Five Easy Steps to Strengthen Your Christian Faith

Christians for years have been trying to figure out ways to strengthen their faith and I've compiled a small list of things that you can do. Each one of these five of these steps will help you, while you're climbing your ladder to heaven.

1. Research your Christian origins. Try to find out, where your beliefs came from. A good place to start would be, asking your parents, if they raised you inside of a Christian family and community.

2. You're going to need to read at least some of the Bible. It would be nice if you could actually read most of the Bible, but let's start somewhere and that somewhere will start with reading sections of the Bible.

3. You're going to need to understand, what you're actually reading in the Bible. This will require learning more about the Bible and acquiring different points of views, until you can make good decisions on your own.

4. You're going to have to accept the fact that there are contradictions in the Bible and the more that you study the Bible, the easier it will be for you to accept these problems.

5. Last but not least, you're going to need to start asking the tough questions about Christianity. Some of these questions are going to be hard for most Christians of answer, but it's going to have to be done,

I hope this helps. We've all got to start somewhere and some times, actually spending some time in learning about your religion, is a good place to start.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2740562

Better Understanding The Christian Faith

You will find that there are no shortages of religions in the world right now. Some of these have been around for thousands of years and have made an impact on billions of people, whether they chose to believe in these particular religions teachings or not. One of the primary examples of one of these old religions that is still very much alive today would be the Christian faith.

You will find that when it comes to something as massive as this is, you will have to just get the short version of what is actually believed. This way, you can better understand the specifics and if interested, pursue the knowledge that will allow you to equip yourself to reach a world with the Word that Christians believe.

One of the very first things that a believer will tell you is that they are considered to be servants of a "Risen Savior". Before we get into the risen part, you need to meet the savior. This is referring to Jesus Christ, a man who lived only 33 years but made quite a massive impact on the world in that span of time.

During this meager time in the world, he was able to perform miracles and instruct people on the structure of their faith, who God is, and how people are to treat one another. He was born of a virgin, so that he would not be corrupted by the sins of the world passed through generations derived from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden when sin first entered the world. He remained sinless his entire life.

He proceeded, as the Bible would describe, to live a life that was also sinless. This would make the sacrifice that he would make for the world a pure offering to atone for the sins of the world he was living in. He was arrested and crucified on a cross, which was also what God had planned. His son Christ would die on that cross to allow believers to be allowed into a relationship with God.
For three days, Christ was dead. He then rose from the grave to conquer death and fulfill the end of his purpose on earth and show that there is no death for believers. That while their time on earth was temporary, they could have eternal life in Heaven if they were to believe in him, in God, and in the sacrifice on the cross that was sufficient to atone for sin.

Now this might not be something that you believe, but you can at the very least appreciate that a majority of religions existent in the world are derived from the Christian faith in some way.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6474066

Jesus' Resurrection - The Evidence Of The Missing Body

All four gospel writers unanimously agree that Joseph of Arimathea claimed the body of Jesus after His death. Here is the account of Luke 23:50-56 (see also Matthew 27:57-61, Mark 15:42-47 and John 19:38-42):

"Now there was a man named Joseph, a member of the Council, a good and upright man, who had not consented to their decision and action. He came from the Judean town of Arimathea and he was waiting for the kingdom of God. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus' body. Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen cloth and placed it in a tomb cut in the rock, one in which no one had yet been laid. It was Preparation Day [the day before the Sabbath], and the Sabbath [Saturday] was about to begin. The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph and saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it. Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment."

Also, Paul mentions the burial of Jesus in 1 Corinthians 15:4: "that he [Jesus] was buried." Historically, the common practice was to leave the bodies of crucified victims on the cross as a warning for others as they viewed the decaying and mutilated corpses. Ultimately the victim's bodies became prey for birds and beasts or were thrown in a common grave. However there are also records of relatives or even friends allowed to claim the body of a victim. Because of the independent, consistent testimony of all gospels and Paul, there is no reason to reject the burial account as fictitious.

It is important to notice that all gospels also mention the presence of women (Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus, Salome, and others) at the burial on "Preparation Day" (still Friday, the same day as the crucifixion). As all gospels record, they (Mary Magdalene) are also the ones who discovered the empty grave. Some have claimed that the women found the grave empty on Sunday morning because "they just went to the wrong tomb." That is extremely unlikely if one realizes that all women were present only two days earlier during the burial. Matthew also mentions the posting of guards at the tomb.

The case for the empty tomb and Jesus' missing body is strongly supported by the evidences:

1) The discovery was made by women. In the first century women were not considered reliable witnesses. So the fact that women are in all gospels named as the first witnesses to the empty tomb is very significant, since their word would have been widely rejected. If the account would have been invented, surely a man (why not Joseph of Arimathea himself?) would have been chosen to make that discovery.

2) Paul confirms the empty grave. Paul testifies in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4: "that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures." Paul does not explicitly mention an empty grave but implies that after burial Jesus rose, hence His body must have been gone.

3) The Jerusalem factor. Jesus was publicly executed in Jerusalem and it was here the apostles at Pentecost, only 50 days later, began to proclaim the resurrection. It would, for obvious reasons, have been completely impossible for the new faith to get off the ground in Jerusalem if the body had still been in the tomb.
4) The Jews never denied the empty tomb. There are no recorded accounts of the Jews denying that the tomb was empty. In fact the opposite is true. They confirm the grave was empty, and in order to explain it, they claim that the disciples stole Jesus' body. Matthew 28:12-13: "When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, 'You are to say, "His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep."'"
Finding an empty grave by itself does not yet prove a resurrection. However the fact that the grave was empty is essential to the resurrection's truthfulness. If anybody would have been able to produce Jesus' body, any resurrection claims would be voided.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/746901