Baptism Invitations and the Christian Life

A baptism is at the special moment in a Christian's life when he or she makes the personal statement of faith in front of a crowd of fellow believers, friends, and churchgoers. It can be done in a river, lake, bath tub, or with even just a little water sprinkled on the forehead. Different Christians have different ideas about baptism, but most adhere to an immersion technique philosophy.
The person is immersed in the water by his or her preacher, and the words are uttered, "I baptize you in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit." Alternatively, the preacher will say something like, "I baptize you in the name of Jesus" or "I baptize you in the name of Jesus for the remission of your sins". Typically, the friends are there for spiritual support but also because the Bible stipulates that it should be public. Therefore, it's good to send out invitations. The bible offers basic instructions before leaving earth, and that's an acronym for the word, Bible. Baptism invitations make sure that none of your non-believing friends miss out on the event. It's important for non-believers to see the stand of courage, compassion, and hard work you're making in the steps toward the Christian life and the Christian religion.
Baptism invitations can feature a cross, dove, ray of light, host of angels, sword of the spirit, water from heaven descending like a dove, group of Christians standing around a pool of water, or any of the other famous scenes of the Bible in which Christians were persecuted for their beliefs, martyred, or overjoyed when they ascended to heaven to partake of the heavenly fruits of their labor.
Baptism invitations should be sent out at least 2 weeks ahead of time, and the most important people to send them out to are people that don't go to your church because they're the ones that most need to see that someone like you can make a dedicated, fun, cool transition into the Christian life. They need to understand that the Christian life is about freedom, fun, and forgiveness, and that it doesn't mean you have to be baptized to be saved from Hell. You can even be baptized in a bath tub in a small church. God doesn't tell us directly how to get baptized, only that we should get baptized.

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Living the Life of the Cross

Jesus told his disciples and those that were listening to Him that if they wanted to follow after Him, they would have to first deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. Many people hear those words, and if you are like me, are in the dark as to what they mean. During recent years I have come to know what those words mean in a simple way, and that is what I am going to share with you in this article.
First, Deny Yourself
In the world of capitalism, the modern way we live, and the "look after number one" ideas that prevail in our society, the idea of denying yourself seems to be the opposite of how most people live. We all know certain monks in monasteries live a simple, holy life of self-denial, but how can we in the midst of the society we live in deny ourselves?
There are physical things that we can deny, like time in front of the TV. We can deny ourselves sleep, and we can go without an expensive lifestyle of keeping up with the rest of society with all the modern gadgets.
Then there is the spiritual side, where we spend time reading the Word of God, we spend time in prayer, and we spend time doing things that are building the kingdom of God.
If things are done correctly, then the spiritual side of self-denial will impact your physical side of life. For instance, instead of watching TV on a Tuesday and Thursday night you might be at your local, or not so local, soup kitchen serving meals to the homeless and the disadvantaged in our society. Rather than sleeping in on a Sunday, you could deny yourself and go into church early to help set up for the morning service. Rather than eating biscuits and cake after the service and talking with your friends, you could be speaking to the new couple who has come to your church that day.
All around you are opportunities to deny yourself. Not all of them involve your money, as many people who write on this subject might suggest. Of course, self-denial, when it comes to spending money on things, certainly opens up your resources to bless other people that are not so fortunate, and this is a good thing, but Jesus would prefer your time rather than your money in many instances.
Second, Take up Your Cross
In the days of Jesus, if a person was told to take up a cross, it would mean that he was going to be crucified on it. The people that were sentenced to death on a cross would have to carry it in public humiliation to the place where they were to be hung on it and killed.
When Jesus told the listeners that in order to follow Him they would have to take up their cross, it meant more than just words spoken. It meant that the disciples would carry a real weight on their shoulders as they lived the Christian life and that the people of the world would know that they are sentenced to death, spiritually speaking.
We take up our cross in a practical sense when we obey the commands Jesus Christ gave when he was on earth. When we forgive and love our enemies, we are taking up the cross of Christ. When we are ridiculed and mocked for our faith, yet continue strong in it, we are taking up our cross. When we serve food and interact with the down and out at the soup kitchen, we have taken up our cross. When we spend an hour reading our Bible instead of watching TV, we have both denied ourselves and taken up our cross.
Third, Follow Me
There are many people that call Jesus saviour, but not as many people would call themselves a slave to Christ. Jesus calls us to follow Him in every way. He tells us that through self-denial and taking up our cross in obedience to what He taught, we can reach a place on earth where we are a little Christ. In fact, the word Christian means little Christ.
We may not all be killed for our faith in Jesus like the disciples, but we all need to die to our selfish life and live a life of power in the Holy Spirit.
I pray that this has helped you.

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Walking Your Way To Your Prophetic Destiny "Living A Prophetic Life"

Prophecy has played major part in revealing God's purpose for our lives. In this article I want to share with Christians on how to handle prophecy and respond to prophecy. A clear definition of prophecy or a prophetic word will help every Christian to know and sense the leading and guidance of God in their lives. To have accurate understanding, we must admit that God has used a prophetic ministry through the History of the Bible and Christianity. It's imperative to know that a prophetic word has potential to bless, edify, encourage and give direction in life, but if not accounted for or executed responsibly can hurt, delay, cripple, deceive, destroy or even misled God's people, especially if it is given by false or lying prophets, immature or irresponsible people. Giving and receiving prophecy must be done responsibly because prophecy requires that it be taken seriously.
How you respond to prophecy will decide how you benefit from prophecy. Prophecy places demand upon us to be taken seriously. Responding to prophecy by judging the prophecy, seeking out mature Godly counsel and checking with your spirit, intuition and biblical justifications will put you on the safe side.
God declares his thoughts and his plans through his servants the Prophets. At times God will use our very three faculties of the human spirit which are the Conscious, Conscience, communion and intuition to teach us his ways and purposes.
Surely the lord God will do nothing, but he reveals his secrets unto his servants the prophets.Amos 3vs7
Without Prophecy, it is not easy to walk through to your destiny, without it you have no tangible reasons to fight. A prophetic word carries the blue print of God's purpose for your life. It is to be treasured. Without it you cannot win. Without it you are beating the air and running aimlessly and will never arrive in life.
Purpose will help you to persevere, fight, establish and settle in life.
Without a word from God to live on, you have no destination and you cannot have a clear vision for your life. A prophetic word will bring clear direction in your life and guide every purpose of your life. Prophecy will help you alter and amend your life in line with the demands and requirement of the prophecy.
Prophecy is equipment and instrument for spiritual warfare. It is the reason why you have to fight and endure the sufferings of this present world.
This charge I commit unto thee my son Timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou by them might war a good warfare.1Timothy 1vs18
Remember you word unto your servant upon which thou hast caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction for your word has given me life.Psalms119vs49-50
Prophecy brings accuracy and clarity to divine purposes and to our Christian lives.
A prophetic word is God's deposit into our now and our future, giving us power for living and is a yardstick to purpose. If you have a word from God, you are assured of an expected end and safety.
Lack of it will germinate seeds of doubt, uncertainty and searching of hearts.
Further, we need at this stage to accept that it is not all voices, dreams, prophecies and visions we receive which are entirely from God. Some are purely demonic with purpose to deceive and misled God's children.
Our discerning hearts and judging of spirits will keep us safe from error, heresies and deception. Our ability to be articulate and know the voice of God will save us the stress of expecting a false prophecy to come to pass.
Beloved, believe not every spirits, but test the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.1John4vs1
God is not responsible or committed to bringing a false prophecy or a lie to fruition because it is not his responsibility no matter how sweet or promising it may sound. Prophets who lie raise false hopes and expectations deceiving God's children, such people must be stopped and Christians warned not to listen to them or even consult with such people.
We must be sure of the source of the prophecy and the credibility of the people who speak over our lives and minister in a prophetic way. Your prophetic destiny and life depends upon such. Though we are counseled by scripture to only judge the prophecy and not the prophet, we need to check their credibility. The prophetic ministry and the
Prophets have responsibilities towards the body of Christ and individual Christians who are supposed to receive and benefit from their gifts.
Prophecy must be executed and administered properly and responsibly. For example, an army official responsible for a regiment must account for any order he gives, in the premises that it backfires, or a medical doctor who prescribes a medical procedure, she or he must be sure and account for every decision made or medicine he administers because the lives of people are at stake.
In as much as wrong medication can affect the entire life and health of an individual, prophecy can affect the health and future of the body of Christ and individual Christians.
I advocate and call for accountability and responsibility in this area of Christian ministry and duty.
Prophecy must be given in the interest of God, the body of Christ and individual Christians. Prophets who speak in the name of the lord must in the same way account for every word or prophecy given.
Young prophets in the Old Testament went to the school of prophets to be trained, taught and guided by senior prophets. Such accorded these young prophets an opportunity to covering, company, safety, subjection and preparation in this ministry in order for them to administer or execute prophecy responsibly and accountably. I wish we can have such kind of preparation in our times where prophecy is administered carelessly and irresponsibly.
Lack of counsel and submission of what we receive from the realm of the spirit by vision, prophecy or dreams to credible and experienced men and women of God has stifled and crippled many prophetic destinies. The young boy Samuel submitted what he heard from God to Eli why?, because Eli was more experienced and exposed to the voice of God better no wonder he gave counsel and helped the boy on how to respond and handle the whole situation because he knew it was the voice of God speaking to the boy.
Now Samuel did not yet know the lord, neither was the word of the lord revealed unto him.1Samuel 3vs1 -10
Prophecy must be clear and not confusing and that God has no words to waste.
For if the trumpet does not give distinguished sound who will prepare for war?1Corithians14vs8
Divine purpose is established by wise and godly counsel.
There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel, that shall stand.Proverbs19vs21
Every purpose is established by wise counsel: and with good advice make war.Proverbs20vs18.
For by wise counsel thou shall make thy war and in multitude of counselors there is safety.Proverbs24vs6
Without counsel, purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they are established.Proverbs15vs22
When God is about to change your life, He sends a prophet to speak over your life. A prophetic word has to precede you and go ahead of you.
This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear reports of thee and shall tremble and be in anguish because of you.Deutronomy2vs25
And the fame of David went out through out into all lands and the lord brought the fear of him upon all nations.1Chronicles14vs17
Every prophetic words and prophetic destinies which come upon our lives or rather go ahead of our lives are a serious and potential threat to both Satanic forces and people who have made themselves our enemies and to the kingdom of darkness.
By grace, God appoints supernatural attendants to aid us and carry us through to our prophetic destinies.
Many people receive prophecy upon their lives and die without seeing not even a single word coming to pass, this does not mean the prophet lied or was not inspired, yes, scripture confirms that whoever speaks in the name of the lord, it must come to pass if not, declare them heretics. In this case, may I bring revelation knowledge on this matter and shed some light.
The forces of Satan are threatened by every prophetic destiny declared and decreed upon your life by God's prophets. The devil will from the day you receive prophecy fight you until you die a worthless life.
We need to know how to respond to prophecy if we are to live a prophetic life. God declares the end to the beginning. Paul gives advice to Timothy to pay attention and guard properly the words of prophecy given to him. Prophecy is to be treasured, respected and taken seriously as a Christian.
Your life and destiny are connected to your prophecy. Every person who carries a prophecy is dangerous and will be an enemy to the kingdom of darkness perpetually. We need to receive spiritual guidance from God and the Holy Ghost on how to handle prophecy so that it is not ignored or neglected.
The same word neglect means to reject, abuse, despise or treat with contempt the gift or prophecy which you received from God. Prophecy demands to be taken seriously and given attention, in other words prophecy wants your attention and commitment, without which, you cannot benefit from it.
These are some of the steps which may assist Christians trigger and benefit from Prophecy. But I must be quick to note that besides agencies of God which are assigned to carry a prophetic word to its fulfillment, there are forces of darkness which are provoked and triggered to hinder every possibility of fulfillment to a prophetic word: So, when we receive prophecy, it is not automatic that things will be smooth; Anything is possible, even physical threats to eliminate and destroy ones life by satanic forces especially if the prophecy you carry poses a threat on the kingdom of darkness. In other words, you will and may face serious opposition from Satan and people. But be assured that if the prophecy is from God, it will come to pass, God will definitely see you through no matter how long it may take.
He will provide necessary physical and supernatural equipment to your advantage, this may include money and relevant people to usher you to fruition.
Divine guidance at this stage must be sought thoroughly through prayer as did the Prophet in Habakuk2vs1-3
I will stand upon my watch and set me up the tower and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. And the lord answered me and said, write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Habakkuk 2vs 1-3
Write down every impression and dreams in line with the prophecy as you receive them from God either by spontaneous thoughts or by intuition.
Practical steps are necessary to trigger the agencies, forces and angelic agents responsible for seeing to it that the words of prophecy are fulfilled to the last jot. This book will help you strategically to cultivate and walk your way to your prophetic destiny.
Take a step to immediately make follow up prayers in line with what the prophetic word declares. Make regular validation of the prophecy with decrees, channel your life in line with your prophecy, this may even mean to change your behavior,character, attitude, company of friends etc, because some of the things or certain people you may and do not need them in your next step of life and prophetic destiny.
Alter your life and conduct in order to be positioned for its potential and fulfillment. Record the prophecy by writing and read it regularly to claim its promises and actual meaning. Make sure to put your ear to the ground and get the conditions attached to the prophecy and abide by the instructions given by God through dreams, visions or by the prophet.
Make covenant with your prophecy and schedule prayer discussions and deliberate around the prophecy. Share it with the people you trust and who are Spirit filled not just anyone. When prophecy is near to its fulfillment, believe me God will send another prophet to reiterate, activate, and actuate the spiritual forces assigned to its fulfillment, performance and sustenance.
Time and again check possible delay caused by either physical or spiritual forces. Check also potential threats both spiritual and physical which may be dangerous to your prophecy.
Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on the hands of the presbytery. Meditate upon these things; give thy self wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all. Take heed unto thy self, and unto the doctrine; continue in them; for in doing this thou shall both save thy self and them that hear thee.1Timothy 4vs14-15
Apostle Paul gives advice to Timothy to take care of the gift and words of prophecy spoken over his life by Prophets. He says to him. Do not neglect the gift in you.
To neglect is to pay no attention or regard to spiritual deposits, spiritual impartation and prophetic declarations.The same word neglect can be referred to as to reject, despise, treat with contempt or abuse as mentioned earlier in this chapter.
Despise not prophecy but judge all prophecy.1Thesslonians5vs20-21
A prophetic word can save your life, save you from stress, save your money and help you make correct decisions.
The Apostle Paul urges his son Timothy to devote himself to the gift which came by prophecy and exercise the gift he received and put it to good use and protect it from any threats. To devote is to entirely commit oneself to something. The word devote can be described as to dedicate your life towards a noble cause or task.
Christians who carry prophetic destinies need to be well equipped, lack of such equipping is very dangerous. Ignorance in matters relating to receiving and handling of prophecy will hamper the progress and effectiveness of the prophecy.
Living a prophetic life does not necessarily mean you must or need to become a prophet.
Living a prophetic life is simply walking your way to a prophetic destiny. There are things will may stand t hinder your prophetic life, such things can be people or carnality. You need to lay aside every sin which may easily entangle you or any presumptuous sin which may keep you defiled and offending or grieving the Holy Spirit, hence choking and affecting your prophetic destiny negatively.
Paying attention to details is a key factor to living a prophetic life. Adhere to both instructions and conditions within your calling and prophetic words upon your life.
A prophetic word is instrumental to carry you through to an expected end even through hard times and trying moments of your life.
By it, we are able to engage in any manner of spiritual warfare and claim our victory. The lack of it makes life very difficult for a Christian.
Fulfillment of prophecy requires much diligence and patience. The double minded and unstable Christians are not capable of such kind of discipline. To them when opportunity comes even from Satan they will take it. Learn from King David in the Bible, he had to wait for the right timing of God before he ascended the throne. Being in a hasty will land you into a place of complacency, rebellion and compromise.
See a man diligent in his business he will not stand before mean people.
Whereby are given unto us exceeding, great and precious promises that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the word through lust. And besides, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and virtue to knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity. For these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our LORD Jesus Christ. But he that lacks these things is blind, can not see afar off, has forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. Wherefore the rather, brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure; for if ye do these things ye shall never fall. For so, an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our lord and savior Jesus Christ; Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them and be established in the present truth.2Peter 1vs4-12
We can see that diligence and effort is required from our side if we are to reap every benefit from prophecy.
See a man who is diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings and not before mean men.Proverbs 22vs29
The gift or prophecy you carry is responsible for your promotion and to bring you before greatness and royalty as we see in the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis.
A mans gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.Proverbs18vs16
A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: Wither-so-ever it turns, it prospers.Proverbs17vs8
These are things you need to do in order to actuate and appropriate the gift or prophecy.
1. Constant soaking and basking with the prophecy.
2. Devote to the prophecy.
3. Covenant with the prophecy.
4. Place value on the prophecy.
5. Make follow up through fasting and prayer.
6. Align your conduct or life with the prophecy.
7. Seek knowledge concerning the prophecy or the gift.
8. Inquire and consult with God to get clear instructions as did Manoah and the mother to Gideon in the book of Judges 13vs5-15.
Then Manoah intreated the LORD, and said, O my Lord, let the man of God which thou didst send come again unto us and teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born. Judges 13vs5-15
9. Find someone to mentor you in the area you sense the lord wants to grace and use you.Find people with grace or people whom you know that they operate in the similar kind of calling or anointing to cover and release impartation or be internalized by them. They have grace to activate what is in you and can open the heavens for you.
10. Check things which may be dangerous to your prophetic destiny and eliminate them.
11. Get away from anything or people who may hinder you or delay you from reaching your prophetic destiny, it can be friends, relationships or places.
You must be aware that living your life within what God has called you for will save your life and your hearers or followers. Prophecy and spiritual gifts cannot fully function if neglected. Our negligence will make us forfeit our prophetic destiny.
Gods' gifts are without repentance, which means God will not take it back from you, but as you neglect it and pay no attention, it will gradually die within you without bearing any desired fruit. Prophetic destinies require efforts and diligence, the kingdom of God suffers violence; the violent shall take it by force. Matthew11vs12
Satanic forces will always war and fight any prophetic destiny. God is a prophetic God, and he works in a Prophetic way. Believe in the LORD GOD, so shall you be established, believe in his prophets so shall you prosper.2Chronicles20vs20.
Glory to God

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How to Overcome the Power of Sin in Your Life

People might say it is impossible to live a life free from sin and
fulfill the law like Jesus did. Although it is true that before the
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the people were spiritually
dead and incapable of fulfilling the law, but a Christian is no longer
spiritually dead, but alive unto God and very capable of fulfilling
the law. Let's see what God's word has to say about this
controversial subject.

Through our born-again spirit, we have the authority in Christ to
command our bodies and souls to stop sinning and get in line
with God's word. Jesus is our prototype: The works that I do
shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do;
because I go unto the Father (John 14:12). And of course,
one of the "works" was to have victory over all sin.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheth me (Philippians 4:13).
For he that is dead is freed from sin (Romans 6:7). I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I (born-again spirit) live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:
and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son
of God, who loved me, and gave his life for me. (Galatians 2:20).
Without a revelation of our death to sin, then we will continue to be a
slave to sin.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from
the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). According to God's word, our
sins are not imputed to us because of Christ's finished work, putting
us right back into Genesis 1 and 2. In Genesis 1 and 2 before Adam
sinned, there was no sin. It was like Heaven on earth. Jesus restored
us to a life free from sin, just like it was in the Garden of Eden. Praise

What did Jesus encourage us to pray in Matthew 6:10b?
"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."
There is no sin in Heaven and there was no sin in the Garden of
Eden until the transgression. Therefore we can experience freedom
from sin on earth. How? Meditate on those scriptures that declare
our old sinful man was put to death on the cross until that truth
becomes a rhema in our hearts, pray in tongues, walk in love and
take authority over our souls and bodies in Jesus' name.

2 Peter 1:4 tells us we can partake of God's holy divine nature
through His promises. That is why it so important to spend time
each day meditating on those promises that tell us who we are in
Christ and what our inheritance is in Christ. And of course, if we
do sin during the renewing and restoration process, there is
always 1 John 1:7,9.
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our
Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57). If we are still slaves
to sin, we certainly are not victorious. But God cannot lie,
He said we are victorious through Christ and sin will not have
dominion over us according to Romans 6:14. Hallelujah!

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not
what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh
intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered
(Romans 8:26). Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8). "Behold,
I give unto you power (authority) to tread on serpents and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy" (Luke 10:19a).
And we can use this authority to keep are bodies and souls in line
with God's word, free from sinning.

So, is it impossible to live a life free from the bondage and torment of
sin and fulfill God's law? All things are possible to him that
believeth (Mark 9:23b). For with God all things are possible (Mark 10:27b).
To live a holy life free from sin you will need to know how to release
your faith. Click on "Live by Faith" below to begin living a life free
from the power of sin.
Live by Faith

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How Can a Christian Be Justified by Faith?

God is absolutely righteous. Whatever God says and does is right. God does a thing because it is right. To be justified by faith is to put your faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, salvation is a gift of God. If Jesus Christ did not die for us, we will all go to hell.
Justification by faith is a free gift purely of God's grace. It is not based on our works because we don't have to work for it. It is not a reward given to those who have done good works to please God. Abraham believed in God and it was credited to him as righteousness. It is not something that you receive when you cooperate with God on a thing. In the Old Testament times, the Jews tried to establish their own righteousness by carrying out the commandment in the Law of Moses including ritual and festival laws.
Justification by faith is accomplished by Jesus Christ through his death on the cross for our sins once and for all. He was blameless yet he bore our sins on the cross. He endure all kinds of insults, beatings, lashes and injuries for our sins. He was whipped 39 times by a cat of nine tails whip. The whip could rip off the skin and flesh together. Jesus only need to die once for our sins to offer redemption for our sins. The Jewish priest had to make sin offerings for himself and the people once every year during the Day of Atonement. It is done over and over again to show that sins cannot be forgiven completely without the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Through justification by faith, the righteousness of Jesus Christ has been imparted to a believer. God overlook our sins when we confess and sincerely repent from them. Since God has forgiven your sins, you are no longer guilty as he has wiped off the wrongdoings. Therefore, Satan no longer has the right to accuse you before God.
Justification by faith is not subjected to degrees. A person can either be completely justified by faith or completely unjustified by faith.
There is only one name, Jesus Christ by which all can be saved. No one can inherit eternal life and enter into heaven without believing in him.
Believers must continue to follow Jesus after conversion. They are to live a holy life and always keep their conscious clean before God. Faith have works. A true believer will show obedience towards God outwardly as this is an act of faith. If a believer does not abide in God's commandment, it means that he is not a true believer. Christians should live their lives by following the example of Jesus Christ while he was on earth. We are to live by the Spirit and choose to abide in God's commandments rather than satisfying the desires of our flesh.

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Encouraging Words for Christians

As Christians, we go through a lot that requires both resilience and perseverance. The myriad challenges dealt to us by the modern world, coupled with the devil's natural instincts to harm us are just but some of the tribulations that characterize our daily living. Be that as it may, there are many encouraging words for Christians that the Bible provides in order to help us get through. Let us now discuss some of these encouraging words and see where we can get comfort from the challenges that have been, and will continue to be part of our lives.
As we have already seen, the Christian's life is a suffering lot. We are bombarded with challenge after challenge. It is important to understand that the days we live in were prophesied as the last days characterized by perils and tribulations. Because God envisaged this, He teaches us through the Holy Scripture in the book of Revelation 12:11 that we will overcome only by the blood of the lamb, by the word of our testimony, and that we should not love our lives... not even unto the point of death.
Most of the times, the society may rise up against us. Indeed it is not surprising to notice that a decision taken in good faith at workplace may pit us against all our colleagues and even lead to the loss of our jobs. When these situations come on us, we should remember what The Almighty says through His word to Apostle Paul in the book of Romans 8:31, 'we are more than conquerors for if God is for us, who else can be against us?' This scripture will encourage us to chart the way forward even in the wake of a rejection and ridicule.
As Christians, living in want is one of our major challenges. This is because it exposes us to the non-believers and gives them some leeway to question the commitment of our God in granting us wealth. Well, we should not be afraid to refer to the many Biblical references on the subject of wealth and its place in the kingdom of Heaven. Jesus himself taught us in the book of Mathew 19:24 that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. This scripture gives us some revelation that the riches of this world can be our greatest hindrance to seeing the kingdom of God. However, we also learn in the book of Haggai 2:8 that God himself is a God of riches as He says all silver and gold belongs to him. This teaches us that if we approach him properly, then we can also be as rich as we desire to be.
All in all, there are very many encouraging words for Christians undergoing different kinds of situations. Regardless of the situation, the Bible remains our key armor against the world and the devil.

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Good Life - How to Enter the Land of More Than Enough

There are three "lands" mentioned in the Old Testament. They are "types" or "shadows" of what Christians can experience today. The Israelites were slaves four hundred years in the land of Egypt. This was the land of "Not Enough." If you are broke or in debt, you are in the land of "Not Enough."
Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt into the wilderness where they gathered just enough manna to eat each day. God tested the Israelites in the wilderness to see if they would trust and obey Him? This was the land of "Just Enough." If you are living from paycheck to paycheck, barely getting by or not seeing your dreams fulfilled, you are in the land of "Just Enough."
Except for Joshua and Caleb, all the Israelites twenty and above failed to enter the Promised Land because of disobedience and unbelief. The second generation of Israelites passed their test of submission to God's will and entered the Promised Land. This was a land of "More than Enough," where God's blessings flowed.
God wants to bring you into your wealthy place, a land of "More than Enough," where you experience the abundant life, the good life. It is a land of peace, joy, love, wisdom and glorious success. Where your feet are bathed in the butter of God's anointing, causing things that were difficult to become easy. It is where you have nothing missing, nothing broken. A land of no sickness or disease and where the curse of lack is far, far away. It is a land where your youth is renewed like the eagle's and your days on earth are as days in heaven, where your dreams can come true.
Let's look at God's requirements for entering this glorious land of "More than Enough" so you can begin your journey:
1. Salvation - You must be saved by receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. God is to be number one in your life. Your life must revolve around Him and not you. As you do this, the glorious destiny He has for your life will begin to unfold, ushering you into your wealthy place. "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" (Romans 10:9). And, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).
2. Love - You must love God more than anyone or anything. You are to love and respect yourself as a son or daughter of God. You are to love others as your own self. This will happen as you spend time in His Word and diligently seek to know Him intimately. "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might" (Deuteronomy 6:5).
3. Obedience - You must consistently read and obey His Word. That means you must obey His Word in all things including the giving of your tithes (10% of your income) and offerings. You have been bought with a price. Everything you have belongs to God. You are to be a faithful steward of what He has allowed you to manage. He only asks for a portion of what He has given you to watch over. Malachi 3:8 says you are robbing God if you fail to give Him what is rightfully His, tithes and offerings.
But you might say that the Law did away with tithes and offerings. No, as written in Genesis 14:20, Abraham gave tithes before the Law was introduced. Giving is a major key to fulfilling your ordained destiny and experiencing the God kind of wealth. Instead of working for a living, you give for a living. The world's financial system is failing, God's financial system is booming. His Word is His will for your life. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).
4. Sower - You must be a consistent sower. That means you expect a harvest on your financial seed you sow consistently. Your tithe (10% of your income) takes care of the operating expenses of the local church you attend and you reap a harvest of the basic necessities being met for your home. Your offering, which is above the tithe, is what you name and plant for additional things you desire in your life.
Example: Let's say you desire a financial breakthrough. You plant a financial seed (offering) in a ministry that is doing the will of God; souls are being saved, people are being healed, churches are being planted etc. It could be your own church. You name your financial seed "Financial Breakthrough." Then like any good farmer, you patiently expect your harvest to come in. Simple, profound and it works. Why? There is power in a financial seed sown in faith.
This sowing and reaping system will work for losing weight, healing, peace, joy, wisdom or anything else you might desire that is in line with God's Word. "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom" (Luke 6:38).
5. Holiness - You must live a holy life. 1 Peter 1:16 says, "Be ye holy; for I am holy." That means no more living in sin. No more living in unforgiveness, grumbling and complaining, hate, lust, adultery, fornication, idolatry, greed, lying, stealing or any other unholy thing. Apostle Paul warns in Galatians 5:21 that the unrepentant Christian will not inherit the kingdom of God, he will lose his salvation and spend eternity in the lake of fire.
If the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:17) took place today and you were living in unrepentant sin, you would be left behind to experience the horrible seven year tribulation. Worse yet, if you died today living in your unrepentant sin, you would go to hell. Repent, turn away from any sin and seek God. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (John 5:48).
6. Faith - You must live by faith and not by sight. Faith is the key that unlocks heaven's vault of blessings. "Now the just shall live by faith" (Hebrews 10:38a).
Closing Words - Fulfilling the five steps listed above should help you pass God's ordained "wilderness" test to usher you into the land of "More than Enough."
May God bless you as you begin your journey into the land of "More than Enough."

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Living Holy - 5 Reasons Why YOU Can't Do It

While much is written and preached about Holiness in our churches, Church members are quick and proud to testify to the life of Holiness they live.  I think holiness is a lot like humility, the moment you realize how humble you are, that's when you cease to be humble.
Church goers are quick to point out the following:
•  Holiness is a way of life (And it is).
•  Its holiness or hell (This is true).
•  Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord (Another true statement).
While all of these are true, what is overlooked is how does one live or attain holiness? Again, church goers will quickly tell you and many claim they can teach you how to live holy. The problem is, they will teach you methods, things to do, things to say and  what to wear and what not to say. This is perhaps close, but the emphasis is on your efforts. Yes, some effort is required on your part and that's the willingness to be obedient to the spirit of God. If you could be holy by doing things, what if my things were better and more impressive than yours? Would I not be more Holy than you, because of the many things I do? Already do you see the problem? Someone can always find a way to do it better, longer, faster or spend more time at it. In corporate worship settings, someone is always tempted to have the spotlight on them, someone will always want someone else to look at them to see how "I" am living Holy.  Some church members seem to have a knack to draw attention to there efforts.  I can clearly remember being in a holiness church when a member actually shared with me,  things to do in order to live holy.  She mentioned, go to church, attend prayer services and pray. There was more on her list, but I had to stop her, because what she said was not supported by scripture.  If these were true, then anyone could mimic her list and be considered as Holy.  By Gods standard that would be called self righteousness. This is the reason for the title of this article. So, here are five reasons why YOU can not live Holy.
1. Following tradition.
Many churches will get caught up in the way it was done over the years and this way has no scriptural standing.  Many church traditions will teach you a list of dos and don't s.  It's up to you, the individual believer to know and find this out.
2. Following a list.
Religious folk ( different from  believers) are able to tell "things" you should do and things you should cease from doing. Supposedly these constitute a holy life. The emphasis is on YOU doing these "things" or rituals and little to nothing is mentioned about following Jesus Christ or being lead by the Spirit of God.
3. Ignoring God
Holiness or the life that exemplifies  holiness is not a believer who walks in disobedience. Walking contrary to how the spirit of God leads you is a life contrary to God.  You can have your private or secret sin if you desire ( I don't recommend this ), ignoring God or His Word will never make you holy in His sight.
4. The emphasis is on you, not the finished work of Christ.
When all of the effort of holy living is based on YOU and what You do and what You don't do, your focus is not on Christ. This is another problem with many holiness churches, the emphasis is on what you do (the list) instead of teaching people to listen to and follow the voice of God, we tell people to do THINGS or to dress a certain way ( to exemplify ) holiness. Since man is fallible and prone to distractions and other failures, why then would you try to accomplish something that Israel could not do when they had the law and Moses.
5. No dependency on Jesus Christ.
If Christians truly depended on Jesus Christ, would there be so many divorces in the church? If believers totally depended on Jesus Christ, would there be different denominations ( divisions ) among believers? If we depended on Jesus Christ to complete the work that He started, would there be any need for this article?
When the emphasis is on your efforts, your ability and your church tradition, the focus is all about you and how you look in the eyes of others. The focus is not on your obedience to Gods Word.
24 To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy- Jude 1:24
Do it Gods way.

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Living a Life of Holiness

The word "holiness" invokes such legalistic pictures of long dresses, no jewelleries, no makeup, and a set of rules regarding what one can do and what one cannot do. Such rules may include watching certain TV programmes, dancing and playing games. In other words, holiness is moral purity and separation from sin.
Those looking forward to entering heaven must work hard to stay away from anything that doesn't resemble holiness. "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; for without holiness no one will see the Lord." Hebrew 12:14
Holiness is a vital component of Christianity, which without it, you will never see eternity. In other words, you'll not enter the Kingdom of God. Many people wonder if they could enter heaven even if they aren't perfect enough. The Bible is very plain that sinners will have their part in the lake of fire. It also gives us a stern warning about failing to enter through the narrow door because of living a reckless life.
"The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and corruption; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambitions, dissensions, gangs and envy; drunkenness, orgies and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the Kingdom of God." Galatians 5:19-21
I didn't say this, Paul the apostle did. So if this Bible verse doesn't sit well with you, tell him about it. I am only passing on the message that anyone should not perish. If this warning from Paul is not enough to scare the living daylights out of you, how about this one:
"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, idol worshippers and all liars - their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8
This is a warning to everyone; God is against all sin. Anyone who understands what the torment in hell is like - would choose to pursue holiness. Honestly, if I had any doubt whatsoever that I will miss the rapture because of lies, sexual immorality, witchcraft, jealousy and other abhorrent acts, I'd do everything in my power to run away from them.
I'm afraid many so-called Christians aren't going to heaven because they refuse to live a holy life. If you call yourself a Christian and still in sexual immorality, lies, greed, and lust, I am sorry, but according to the Bible, you're not delivered from sin - you too will one day be condemned into the lake of fire for eternity.
I understand that no one can achieve 100% holiness; in fact, Jesus himself said no one is perfect. Everyone can fall into temptation and make some minor mistakes. God would not rush to condemn us especially if the sin weren't committed willfully. True believers will repent and follow the way of godliness and be saved.

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Steps to Holiness

I have noticed that in the times that we live in today there is not much said about Holiness. Well, what is holiness? Holiness simply means being sanctified, set apart or separate from sin and evil. Growing up I thought holiness was simply women in church who had dresses down to their ankles or people who were in church who dressed in all white. Boy was I wrong! We as Christians are commanded by God to be Holy, please see (1 Peter 1:13-16). It is not just sexual immorality Christ is talking about even though that is a part of it (1 Peter 1:14-16). Our daily lives should reflect Christ's holiness. The question of the day is, how do I live holy in an unholy world? Well, I am glad you asked! Take a look at how we can live holy day by day.
  1. Obedience (Romans 6:6) -
  2. The Word of God (John 17:17)
  3. Fellowship with other Christians (Hebrews 10:24-25)
  4. The Holy Spirit (Galatian 5:16)
You do not have to try to be perfect because Christ's death perfects the sanctified. We no longer have to make the sacrifices of sin offerings to the Lord. Jesus paid for it all on Calvary's cross. We have the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in our daily lives, but we must remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Your question may be how do we become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit? The answer is spend time with Christ. Christ truly desires for us to have a relationship with Him. When we have a relationship with Christ we can hear His voice clearly, so clearly He will lead and guide us in the direction we should take. You may say that I just don't have time, but let me encourage to talk to Christ at any given moment you can. It may be in the car on the way to work, on your lunch break, or right before you pick the kids up from school. If you ask and believe in faith, God will make a way for you to have time.
I just want you to know that there is no perfect person walking the earth that is truly perfect. We all make mistakes, but we should desire to sin less in our day to day lives. When you walk in holiness life will be dramatically changed for the better. You will see so much improvement and you will begin to enjoy life more.

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