Christianity and Religious Practices - Living Life For a Higher Power

Christianity is one of today's largest religions, yet many people who were not raised in a Christian atmosphere do not understand what Christianity is about. But the religious practices in Christianity are not as complex or strange as they may first appear to an outsider. Take a look at some of the most important practices in use today.
Baptism is very common in most branches of Christian religion. Jesus Christ, known as the savior of lost souls, is worshiped as the Son of God by Christians and is said to have died on the cross so that God will forgive us for any and all we commit in this life. When someone asks Christ for forgiveness, they are then baptized to show that they have become a Christian and have been excepted into the church. This is very important, because salvation is believed to be the only way to go to Heaven. Many religions believe that a person must also be baptized to enter Heaven's gates.
Easter is another celebrated day in the Christian tradition. This is the day that Jesus rose from the dead, as he prophesied he would do. If he had not risen then salvation would not be possible. Christian churches celebrate this with Easter egg hunts for the younger children, as well as singing hymn songs of praise to the Lord, and often having a church dinner.
Christmas is celebrated by many, not just Christians, but it has a very special meaning to it for those of the Christian faith. Religious practices in Christianity include celebrating Christmas as the day of Jesus's birth. This is not the actual date, the actual date is unknown, but it is a symbol of the hope he gave the world. We show the love of God to others by giving gifts and gathering with family on Christmas Day.
Lastly, though many people are already aware of this common practice whether they realize it or not, Sunday is considered a day of rest. In the Bible it says that God created the world and mankind in six days, and on the seventh He rested. Christians try to honor Sunday and keep it holy; if it is possible they will not work, though current economic times usually make this hope fairly unrealistic. Church services are held on Sunday mornings to worship the Lord, and sometimes again on Sunday night. Many churches hold other services throughout the week as well, and host a vacation bible school during the summer. Church, as we all know, plays an important role in the lives' of Christian followers.
As you can see, religious practices in Christianity are all involved in some way or another with spreading the good word of the salvation of Jesus Christ and the love of God. The idea is that by spreading peace and love, not only will harmony come to the world, but all will be saved from Hell's fire and can rejoice together forever one day in Heaven with God Almighty.

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Christian Wedding Love Songs: The Music and People

Weddings have become one of the most important day for families to celebrate with other than birthdays and other special holidays. It is as remarkable as the day you are born. It is the transition of an individual from single hood to married life. The blessedness of marriage cannot be questioned as it is a matrimonial vow that shall be abide for lifetime by both couples. It is a sacrament that shall be respected by both parties all through out their married life.
The beauty of marriage other than the celebration and going through the process of preparing all the details to come up with a perfect celebration is the song that goes with it. The songs that go with the celebration are as important as the whole celebration of the marriage. These songs must be classified and well selected in order to fit the venue and the mood of the people attending the wedding celebration. Most selected songs are Christian wedding love songs. These types of songs may be played in its classic lyrics and melody if the wedding is of classic theme or depending on the couple's choice.
Most often than not, with a wide selection of Christian wedding love songs to choose from, couples choose what has already been revived in order to fit the modern kind of way of celebrating marriages. Depending on the theme or motif of the wedding, some may even go beyond what is classic and modern and rather choose a unique way of playing their types of songs like that of jazz, salsa or even rumba.
These songs are a part of every couple celebrating their unity and these are also the songs that will make the moment very memorable. Sometimes, these songs that are chosen by couples are also made by them to be their wedding giveaways in a form of compact discs (CD) where these songs are saved. In this way, they have given their visitors and those who take part of the celebration a reminder of their union by playing their chosen songs on CD. This is also a unique way of giving something to their visitors in gratitude of them being there to celebrate their most important day as a married couple.
Most common Christian wedding love songs include the songs of Steve Holy like his "Good Morning Beautiful", and the Rascal Flatts' "God Bless the Broken Road." There are also modern songs that may be considered as a type of Christian song like that of Lady Antebellum's "When We Got A Good Thing" and "If I Knew Then." Classic songs include that of Karl Marxx's "Now and Forever" and such songs such as "Looking Through the Eyes of Love." These are the common songs that are wisely chosen by couples during their wedding because it do not just give the venue a romantic air but it will also make their visitors feel the same love that they have felt. These songs will remain in their hearts forever and will constantly remind every couple that it is love itself that is the main reason why they decided to get married.
Make your wedding an experience to remember. Visit [] for more christian wedding songs [] that you can use on the most memorable event of your life.

The Cross and Christian Suffering

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." Mark 8:34."

When we contemplate the state of Christian affairs in this twenty-first century, we cannot help but conclude that it is far removed from God. Christianity today has digressed to being little more than a passive compromise with sin. Yet, we know that "he who saves his life shall lose it and he who loses his life for my sake shall save it."

This is why Jesus warned us saying in essence; before you commit yourself to the Christian cause, before you become My follower and soldier of the cross, COUNT THE COST, I want you to know exactly what you are getting into; what following Me means. You will have to carry a cross and carrying that cross means that you are going to be scarred, you are going to be bruised, and you are going to suffer.

When Paul was converted and submitted to the Master's will and great command, he became the filth of the world, the scum of the earth. It does not sound much like the converted today. We are more like James and John who desired choice seats in the Kingdom. But Jesus bluntly tells them He was not offering seats but suffering. Christianity has allowed itself to become too snug and comfortable in worldly garments. We do not desire carrying the cross of blood and sweat, tears and toil. We want to be Christians but exempt from suffering. The harvest is truly great but laborers are few.

To be a servant of Christ, at any angle we choose to look at it, one must realize that the servant is not better than his Master. And our Lord was despised and rejected of men; and the better Christian and missionary we are, the more the world will treat us as it treated Him. If we are not being abused and misused by the world, we may need to re-examine ourselves to see if we are indeed, in the faith.

In His footsteps followed the heroes of faith who were tortured, imprisoned, beaten, and persecuted. They wandered around in sheepskin and goatskin being destitute, afflicted and tormented; they wandered in desserts and mountains, dens and caves of the earth. We need to remember that the next time we stand and sing so comfortably:
Faith of our fathers, living still in spite of dungeon, fire,and sword! O how our hearts beat high with joy whene'er we hear that glorious word! Faith of our fathers! Holy faith! We will be true to thee till death!
We all go around claiming we expect to hear God say one day, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Well, where are our scars of suffering? The kind of service that does not cost anything is not worth anything for His Kingdom. We ought to have some scars, some physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual marks inflicted by a hostile and resistant world.
Joseph's brothers hated him and sold him into slavery. Daniel's fellow governors hated him and attempted to kill him. The priests of Baal hated Elijah and Jezebel swore to kill him. David's own son plotted to kill him. Herodias hated John the Baptist and precipitated his beheading. The Pharisees and the Judaizers hated Paul with a burning passion and forty men took an oath they would fast until they saw Paul dead.
Jesus was public enemy number one in His day. But He refused to compromise, appease, conciliate, popularize. He was the great Divider and has caused more division than any other force in history. I hope we remember that the next time we so smugly sing:
To that old rugged cross I will ever be true, Its shame and reproach gladly bear;

We must realize that to be a true follower of Christ, it is never Christ is always Christ or. It is Christ or Baal, Christ or Caesar, Christ or position, Christ or the world, Christ or comfort. Jesus made this clear when He said, "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters" Matthew 12:30.

Yes, salvation is free but discipleship cost everything we have. Jesus preached His crowd away in the sixth chapter of John. And when the multitude went after Him, He told them that unless they were willing to pay the price of becoming His servants, they could not be His. I hope we remember that the next time we sing:
Sure I must fight if I would reign; Increase my courage, Lord. I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy Word.
Let us also understand that I am not referring here to the normal everyday challenges we contend with. Some people think life challenges are their cross. General problems that come into our lives are Not Crosses of Calvary. Our cross is when we are persecuted for CHRIST'S SAKE and persecution always leaves its marks.

Christians are not corpses dead in sin. We are alive in God through Christ Jesus, our Lord. Thomas wanted to see the marks of the cross not to be convinced that Jesus was dead, but that He was alive. The unbelieving world is looking for the marks of the cross in us, who claim to be dead to sin and living the resurrection life. Too often, they see US and not Christ. And, if the world cannot see Christ in us then we have not died to sin. The cross of Christ means death to self. Paul said, "It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me." We can only die to sin by being crucified.

Now understand, we cannot crucify ourselves, not even physically. In the spiritual realm, it is the work of the Holy Spirit. God reckons us dead with Christ to sin, but we also live with Him as we walk by faith in the Spirit.

The greatest and most effective witnesses to this dying and doubting world today are those crucified men and women, dead to sin and alive unto God, bearing in their bodies the marks of the Lord Jesus. We thank God that He still has some saints who do not mind the marks, do not mind the bruises, do not mind being scarred for His sake. We understand that we have a charge to keep and a God to glorify; a never dying soul to save and fit it for the sky. We understand that this is not a time for reaping, but sowing, not a time for reigning, but working, not a time for crowns, but crosses.

"Anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." Matthew 10:38.

Keys To Effective Christian Living - Be Filled With The Holy Spirit

Drawing closer to God and experiencing His very Presence and power is the result of the application of certain spiritual principles over and over again, being consistent and persistent in our pursuit of God and His plan and purpose for our lives.

We draw closer to God through spending time with Him in His Word, the Holy Bible, and in prayer.

One of the most awesome ways to pray is in the Holy Spirit. By this, I am referring to praying in the language of the Spirit, which is known in the Bible as praying in tongues.

I know that this is a subject of much controversy. Many people do not understand the value of praying to God in this manner. And because of a lack of understanding of the subject of being filled with the blessed Holy Spirit, which is accompanied by the ability to speak to God in a supernatural language, people have been robbed of their inheritance in Christ, and a marvelous manner in which to speak to God, spirit to Spirit.

I believe that the subject of the infilling of the Holy Spirit needs to be explain simply and clearly, so that its relevance and necessity can be appreciated and valued.

The mighty baptism with the Holy Spirit, which is the same thing as being filled with the Holy Spirit, is not the same experience as salvation. It is rather a gift from the Father, after we are saved or born again.

Someone may ask, Do I need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to go to Heaven? The answer is no.

All a person needs to go to Heaven is salvation through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. When you give your heart to Christ, as Lord and Savior, you are washed from sin in the precious blood of Christ. You are born again, born from above, made a new creature in Christ Jesus, and you, as a child of the Living God, should the Lord Jesus come, stand ready to go with Him, provided you remain in Him.

You do not need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking with other tongues, to get to Heaven. The mighty baptism with the Holy Spirit is to empower you to be an effective witness of the Lord Jesus Christ on the earth.

Well, someone may ask, are you implying that every Christian who is not filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues, does not have the Holy Ghost?

No, that would be wrong as well. Every person who has received the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, has the Holy Spirit living within. He is the personal representative of Jesus Christ within the believer. The Holy Bible teaches that He is within us as our pledge and guarantee of our new bodies when the Lord Jesus Christ comes for His people.

He is Christ in us, the hope of glory. Every Christian has the Holy Spirit within. But not every Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered supernaturally to work for the Lord.

A car may have gas in it. But that does not mean it is filled with gas, does it? Likewise, every person who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord has the Holy Spirit living within. But that does not mean that he or she is filled with the Spirit, and empowered for service.

Think about what great exploits some have done for the Lord without being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. Now imagine what they may have accomplished if they had that added dimension of power, the ability to operate in the supernatural, endued with power from on High. WOW.

According to the sacred Scriptures, when we are baptized with the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues, we enter into another level in God. And through praying daily in this supernatural language of the Spirit, we can tap into more and more of God's Presence and His power.

Praying in tongues is a treasure, because the Bible teaches that when we pray in the Spirit, we are speaking directly to God, and speaking mysteries. This means that the devil cannot understand what we are saying to our wonderful Heavenly Father, Jehovah God.

We are talking to Him in such intimate and marvelous terms that it is spirit to Spirit, by the Holy Spirit.

Here are four things that praying in tongues will do for your spiritual life and walk with Almighty God"
1. Praying in tongues will enable you to have private conversations with Almighty God, which neither man nor devil can hinder or understand.
2. Praying in tongues, as the Spirit gives you the words will enable you to draw closer to God the Father than ever before and pray concerning His plan and purpose for your life.
3. Praying in other tongues will enable you to pray about situations, circumstances and other people, who needs your prayers, but about which you may have no natural knowledge.
4. Praying in other tongues will build up your born again human spirit and make you spiritually strong. You will develop spiritual muscles and if you persist in praying in the Holy Ghost and never give up, you will become a mighty force for God in the earth. You will experience and operate in His power.

To receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of praying in other tongues just pray this simple prayer and mean it with all of your heart: Lord Jesus Christ. I believe You are the Son of God. You are my Savior and my Lord. You are the One Who baptizes with the Holy Ghost and with Fire. Fill me with Your Spirit. Fill me to over-flowing. And, according to your Word, let the Holy Spirit give me the supernatural language of tongues so that I can communicate with the Father, spirit to Spirit. I receive the baptism with the Holy Ghost right now, in Jesus Name, thank You that I am now filled, and fully expect to speak with other tongues as they did in the Holy Bible, all throughout the Book of Acts. In Jesus Name I pray, and believe that I receive. Amen.

Now thank and praise Him. The language will come. Speak it out. And once it begins, pray in the supernatural language daily. You will be glad you did.

The Christian Life: A Great Sacrifice - Or Is It?

Does following God mean we put our happiness on the back burner? Does being a Christian mean we live a compromised life? Does it mean we have to set aside all of our hopes and dreams?

Those questions depend greatly on the source of our desires.
There are different ways to look at happiness. But there are only two sources. God gives us desires and talents, and Satan tempts us in an effort to make us fall. We all have our vices, those things that promise happiness and instant gratification but tempt us into doing something that goes against the life God intended for us to have.

Everyone is on their own pursuit of happiness. And many people go after whatever will make them happy in the short-term. Instead of thinking about the long-term effects, they go for instant gratification. Maybe they choose a well-paying job over one that they are passionate about. Or maybe they're in a rocky marriage and instead of sticking it out, they turn to others. Or maybe they seek happiness in a bottle.

If happiness is finding comfort in a bottle, or turning to another outside of marriage, or throwing colleagues under the bus in order to get ahead in a career, then following God will be very uncomfortable.

Being a Christian doesn't always mean comfort, at least not how man views comfort. But if we're following God and trusting in Him, we are able to feel a sense of peace and contentment. And to me, that is happiness. When we're done fighting, when we've laid all of our mistakes and failures at His feet, and when we invite Him into our lives, that's when we see breakthrough.

One of the really important things I've learned over the years is that I need to be content with where I am and keep working toward the things that I'm passionate about without getting caught up in the amount of progress I'm making. If I'm doing what I'm called to do, what I feel compelled to do, and when I give up the control and trust that God will provide, then things start to fall into place.

The hardest thing for me about being a Christian is letting God have the control. As a control freak, I like to have everything figured out and under control. But when I look back on my life, I realize that none of my own solutions worked. It certainly wasn't me who brought us back to Virginia. It wasn't me who gave me all of the freelance work I've had over the years. It wasn't me who got us into oil and gas so we could pay off our $150k of student loans so Harold could get back into flying. Neither of us had this grand scheme to pay off the debt and move back. We were just living day-by-day, trying to do what God was calling us to do. Thankfully, God had a plan and it was better than anything we could have come up with on our own.

Is it hard to let God lead? Heck yeah. Is it hard to trust and believe when naysayers come in all directions? Oh yeah. But I'm telling you, if you seek God first above all things, you will find the joy, peace, and comfort that you seek.

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Keys To Effective Christian Living - Pray

Spiritual communication with Almighty God is very important.

It is vital for the individual who desires a real, rich and abiding relationship with God. As the written word of God, The Holy Bible, is God speaking to man, even so, prayer is man speaking to God.

Many people do not make time to pray. They are too busy with their personal goals and agendas. They are surrounded by their own dreams and ambitions. Prayer is only used when they face a challenge which they cannot handle on their own. Prayer then becomes a way of escape, rather than fellowship and communion with the Most Holy God.

As the children of God, we should find a delight in making time to communicate with our Heavenly Father. We can be as close to God as we desire to be. His Word declares that if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. How close do you want to be to God? How much do you really desire to know Him? Then draw near, child of God. The choice is really yours.

For the believer in Christ Jesus, prayer is much more than just asking God for things. Yes, we seek Him concerning our needs, for He has promised that as our Jehovah Jireh, He will provide all of our needs, according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus. But prayer is much more than just petitioning Him for needs.
Prayer is actually fellowshipping with Him. It is seeking His Face, desiring to know His Heart, plan and purpose. Prayer is worship.

Prayer is vital to spiritual development. It brings us into intimate contact with our wonderful Heavenly Father, into His very Presence. WOW. Think about that for a moment. When we pray, we are actually embracing the Divine, reaching into the Heavenlies and speaking with Omnipotence Himself, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

The more we pray, the more we are in His Presence. And believe me when I say that abiding in His Presence consistently, will change your life. You cannot stay in fellowship with Almighty God, embracing and enjoying His glorious Presence, without some of His Presence and glory rubbing off on you.

Some have wondered how people who walk in a strong degree of God's power, anointing and presence were able to attain such a level and dimension with God. There is no mystery to it. There is no secret about it. They spent time with God. They prayed and sought the Face of God continually. They persisted in the very presence of God until He rubbed off on them.

Any of us can do this. Any of us who desire rich, real and awesome power with God can have it. How, you may ask? The answer is, by drawing near to Him, through prayer.

Here are a few precious tips for drawing near to God:

1. Make time to pray.

It is wisdom to have a set time to be alone with God. Time with God is never wasted time. And you will only be the better because of it.

2. Pray daily.

Consistency is the key to breakthrough. Whatever you are consistent and persistent at, you will become better at. Consistency produces habit. Consistency produces victory. Consistency produces success. Consistency in the Presence of God will produce power with God, favor with God, anointing from God and spiritual breakthroughs on a consistent basis. Make prayer and seeking God a daily thing. His Word promises that if we seek Him with our whole hearts, we will find Him.

3. Pray correctly.

Ensure that your prayers have their basis in the word of God. Read the Word. Study the Word. And pray the Word. Praying according to the sacred Scriptures guarantee answers to those prayers. When you pray according to the Holy Bible, you will find God coming through for you again and again, because He cannot deny Himself. He will keep His Word.

I admonish you to practice the art of prayer and to do so beginning now. Your life will be better because of it. And things will go better because of it. Most of all, you will develop a strong Christian life and a sweet communion and fellowship with your Heavenly Father, which has no limits, knows no boundaries and will prove to be the greatest and most wonderful experience in the world.

Remember, draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.

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Do You Live This Sort of Christian Life?

Going to church should be a celebration and a time to share testimonies of everything that has happened to you during the week: the revelations; the encounters; the conversations you had with God, saints, and angels; and the stories of how you witnessed that week.

Church should not just be where you are taught but should be the main thing. If you are really flowing with God, the pastor should preach a sermon that confirms two revelations that you already had that week.

You should not just go to church to worship God and to feel his presence, but your whole life should be one of worship, and his presence should always be with you. People should say that they feel peaceful whenever you are around them.

You should never witness to people with an agenda to talk to them and lead them to Christ. Your whole life should be a witness, and whenever you spend time with strangers, they should be blessed and sharing with you how happy they were to meet you.

You should not limit prophecy to just a prophetic group. Prophecy should bubble up within you when you are shopping or being served by someone and the Lord leads you to bless them.

You should not have to read a book about heaven, God, Jesus, angels and saints. Your life should be filled with trips to heaven, including meeting saints and angels and encounters with God and Jesus.

You should not have to read books about open heavens to get a rush from another person's experience. You should walk under an open heaven so that your house is a habitation of heaven with many angels in it. God, Jesus, angels and saints should be visiting you all the time.

You should not have to go to church to learn from God. You should just open your Bible and let God meet with you and let the Holy Spirit teach you. You should have two-way conversations with the Godhead and know the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit very intimately.

When people tell you that they don't believe in God, you should not argue with them using a bunch of Bible verses. Instead, say, "It doesn't bother me that you don't believe in God. That has no effect on my faith. I have met God many times, and believe me, God really does exist."

The supernatural life should not be for the elite in the Christian faith. In the world, the Elite in the deep state own most of the money. But the supernatural should be open to you and to any child of God, and you should be experiencing everything that I personally walk in.

The Christian life should not be dull and boring; it should be alive, active and exciting to you. Your prayers should not remain unanswered; you should learn to pray as you are led by the Holy Spirit. Only ask for what God wants to give you and what is in his will.

I hope you are encouraged. You can do it!

One Way To Encourage Christians

Christians get discouraged for many reasons, a few of which I will mention. I also want to take a look at understanding discouragement, as I have the idea that some people are discouraged because they set their attainment goals too high. Others may be discouraged by genuine failure and are unsure if there is a way of recovery. So, in order to share a little encouragement I aim to give examples of a simple strategy that one well-known New Testament writer uses again and again. He definitely believed it was a strategy that would encourage. See if it does that for you.
Discouragement is a loss if optimism causing you to feel despondent and often lethargic. Discouragement is an experience that may cause you to question or abandon some of your goals. The experience may vary from short-lived discouragement to something deeper that might lead to feelings of depression.

Well, why are you discouraged? Something has turned out worse than you were expecting. That longed for promotion didn't happen, a relationship soured, the examination results were not brilliant after all. Or perhaps you tend to be self-critical, down on yourself. You think you compare unfavourably with others, or you had an argument with someone and now feel sorry for the misunderstanding, you simply wanted to be more successful but never made the grade and now life is slipping away and you are not young anymore.

Some of these issues are undoubtedly one of temperament. Some people with perfectionistic traits are never happy, because whatever happens in life, church, the pastor, husband, wife, children, house, the car, the weather - everything in life is imperfect and less than it ought to be.
If you are seriously discouraged try to get a handle on it. Aim to recover a little bit of realism and self-understanding. Sometimes a confidential talk with a responsible and mature friend, your pastor or church leader or suitably qualified counsellor may help. So, this article is not a substitute for relevant and professional help.

Remember too that the historic Genesis fall of our first parents, the fall into sinful rebellion has affected our thinking, our minds and bodies. At times we may even loathe or hate ourselves in an unhealthy way.

Now let's see how Peter set out to encourage some early Christians. The strategy straight from God's word is simple and direct. If you are a discouraged child of God, a person who has trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, this is for you.

Look at what Peter says; he says by God's 'great mercy' you have been 'born again to a living hope', you have received a rich inheritance that will never fade 'kept in heaven for you' (1 Peter 1:4). So, remember what you already know and refocus on the great and glorious things God has done for you. One way to attack discouragement is to recover hope - the strong, secure promises of God.

Peter reminds them that the salvation they have received did not just come out of the blue, totally unexpectedly, but was carefully revealed by various prophets in past centuries, when the 'Spirit of Christ' then even 'predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories' (1 Peter 1:11).
  • PLAN
Peter says that the ministry of the Old Testament prophets was such that; 'It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look' (1 Peter 1:12). They were serving 'you'!

There are many other things Peter says, but this little sample shows his strategy. How does it work? Here are exalted words that reveal the extent of the sheer glory and extraordinary lengths to which God has gone to save people for his own eternal glory and praise. So, Peter says, look at the marvel of what God has done for you.

He repeats how all these events and ministries and even Jesus Christ's death and resurrection and the preaching of the great good news in the power of the Holy Spirit, all these amazing things, so beyond human thought that they even baffle the amazed angelic powers in heaven itself, were accomplished with a special goal in view - they were all done for 'you'! Does that stir your sense of wonder?
  • FOR YOU!
Now we can see Peter's strategy. It simply reminds Christians how great, how wonderful and marvellous, nearly beyond words, are all the things that God has done for us, as individuals - even for YOU. When someone does something for you that surprises you and makes you feel valued, you deeply appreciate that. Now, Peter applies that in an all-surpassing way to what God has done for each one of his children. With this renewed sense of wonder, they find they are given strong courage to persevere and to give thanks to God, as we remember we walk by faith and not by sight.

Of course, this is not the only way to encourage Christians. This goal focuses on one of the ways the Apostle Peter encourages Christians in his first letter by the teaching that he shares on the exalted themes of all that God has done in Christ - Oh, what a wonder, how glorious! If such things have been done for you, why wouldn't you have your courage renewed?

To God be the glory, great things he has done!

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Christian success Tool box
Any person who is in business, in order to succeed must have the right tools for their particular occupation. They must also have the ability and knowledge to know how to use those tools to do the job they have set out to do.

Although a person may know how to do many things, it is best to specialize in one major expertise. In the beginning, at least

To be effectual Christians, there are daily tools we need, to have spiritual victory for ourself and to influence others.

Tip One Study Bible

As a christian, it is important to learn how to keep our sword sharp. Gods Holy Bible is represented as being our weapon to win battles, against the enemy. Ephesians 6 verse 17 says, And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.

It is interesting to note, that in past years, a soldier would name his sword. If, in prowess, he became a great fighting warrior, his named sword received nearly as much fame as he did. Likewise, if he was lazy, that would also be accredited to his weapon.

Another fact was that the sword could be used as a backup. Carried on the back or hip in a sheath. It could be gotten to quickly, when needed.
Learn scripture, because in order to have over coming victory, 2Timothy 2, verse 15 tells us, study to shew thyself approved unto God.

Sometimes, because we are flesh, we let our human side get in the way.

It is not always easy to carry the physical Bible every where we go. If, however, we have it hid in our heart, like a backup, we can quickly pull out our sword, the Bible, for strength in time of need.

An effective christian is one that studies the Bible.

Tip Two Pray

Prayer, is a tool, that when used correctly, will move mountains.
James tells us in chapter five, verse sixteen, that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man, availeth much.

Back in England, Queen Mary, called bloody Mary, was said to fear the prayers of John Knox, more than all the armies of Europe. He was a great prayer warrior who could get a prayer through to heaven. Mary hated him.

The most effective Christians I have ever been around would spend much time crying out to God. Both for others and also, for themselves, to be better soldiers of Jesus Christ.

Tip Three Let your Light shine

Matthew 5, verse 16 says it all. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


Two women lived in a certain town. Both went to the same church. A epidemic broke out in the section of the neighborhood where mostly poor folks lived. One lady refused to go help, but the other went, staying day and night, until the danger was over. Her life was at risk, but she had Godly love for the people, not thinking of her self.

Who, do you think, let their light shine with good works?

If you want to be a more effective christian, go and do like wise. That will please our Lord, and others will see your Christ like spirit.

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Why Women Are More Spiritual Than Men?

It is obvious that women seek Divine connections more so than men. When they attend Church they will often drag a husband, partner, or child with them, even though that person may not believe or even want to be there. Their different roles in life may have something to do with it as men are the more physical and the hunters during past lives. Women, on the other hand, nurture and teach the young.

The male of the species is tough, a fighter, and protector in general. They are the ones women look to for help and protection from things that may harm them. On the other hand, men are brutal. Look at what men are capable of when they go to war, fight each other in any setting, and murder and mayhem is usually on the agenda.

Men have caused the planet to go into steep decline in so many areas. That relates to a destructive attitude that women are far less likely to have. They follow orders in armies, social services, and other things where they are often called upon to deliver massive suffering and pain to the enemy.

Gouging out eyes, cutting hamstrings, chopping off limbs, dropping phosphorous bombs on innocent people, and blowing up homes, cities, communities, and so on. Nothing is spared when the male rises to deliver his punishment to others.

Can such a creature have a link to the Spirit of the Universe with all of that in mind? The answer is no, and it is not only men who do these things at this time.

Cruelty has become the norm in so many ways. Animals are targeted for no good reason but for sporting shooters. Gradually the effect of what men do and have done for several millennium while women were denied any part of it, is now taking effect. In this way God has preserved women as the most spiritual.

God created good and bad in the world and now is bringing it to a cataclysmic end. Men have been used to invent, create, destroy, and bring corruption and evil to it. Religions are man's inventions and so too are the great list of heavenly saints, angels, and other things he promotes as being in heaven.

He dreamed of hell to reflect his own evil acts. What he didn't know was that a time was coming when all will be revealed and the mysteries and gods he created will be dissolved. My reincarnation proved how wrong his dreams are and my commission to undo the lies is being fulfilled. All answers shown to me are available for free on the Internet, the tool God promised to appear at the end (Micah 4:1) so all will know the facts.

Christian Mentoring Mentors for Success in Christian Life

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Isaac Newton. "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." I Corinthians 11:1. Whatever you may be doing or passing through, somebody has done or gone through it successfully. Christian mentoring mentors are essential for you to succeed in your Christian life and fulfil your destiny.

What is your calling in life? Somebody finished the same successfully. What challenge are you facing? Somebody overcame the same successfully. You learn from the failures and successes of those who had gone ahead of you. This is one of the ways to do more exploit in shorter periods.

A mentor is a wise and trusted counsellor or teacher. You need Christian mentors to teach and guide you in life. You should not allow the enemy to defeat you. Seek out proven counsellors and teachers who will help in mentoring you.

In this article I have listed just a few Christian mentoring mentors that have affected my life and many other lives.

Kenneth E Hagin - A man of faith. He was well balanced in scriptures. His ministry raised many living ministries. A worthy mentor in every area of Christian life.

Smith Wigglesworth - He was very rugged in practicing faith. He strongly believed that there was no impossibility with God and recorded tremendous miracles during his life time. He still speaks though dead.

Kathryn Kuhlman - A woman of the Spirit. Her relationship with the Holy Spirit produced mind-blowing testimonies. A woman to study if you want to see manifestations of the Holy Spirit in your life

Dr David Oyedepo - A great mentor and deep follower of mentoring mentors like Kenneth E Hagin and Smith Wigglesworth. He believes in man's ability to make "world impact" no matter the race and country you may have come from. He is one of the people spear heading Christianity, change and effective leadership in Africa

Pastor Faith Oyedepo - Wife of Dr David Oyedepo. She is a great teacher of the word of God and an epitome of a submissive wife. She has affected the lives of many couples and has helped in restoring many broken homes.

Pastor Enoch Adeboye - A man of humility, wisdom and holiness. Following him and his teachings will lead you to a greater walk with God. His relationship with the Father (God) is awesome and worthy to be emulated

Dr Creflo Dollar - A great teacher of the word of God. His teachings are very easy to understand and to be applied for a successful Christian living. He is a respecter of no man when it comes to God's word.

Jesse Duplantis - A man of great faith and humour. He teaches practical Christianity and his fellowship with God is enviable.

Joyce Meyer - A great mentor of practical Christianity. People identify with her in her teachings. Truly, when you follow her teachings, you will enjoy your everyday life.

Do you desire to please Jesus and to be used of God? Then you need Christian mentoring mentors. These men and women have had series of encounters with Jesus and are ever ready to impart other lives. I encourage you to look for their books, DVDs, etc and feed yourself along side with your bible. You will surely enjoy success in your Christian life and other areas of your life.
What other Christian mentors can you mention and what effect do they have in your life?

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The Building Blocks of an Effective Christian Life

I don't know about you but for me salvation is the greatest promise I could ever receive. That Jesus Christ would step down from his heavenly throne to pay the penalty for my sins and misdeeds is a promise beyond compare. The second greatest promise is that I can live an effective life that never stumbles or falls and receive a rich welcome into God's eternal kingdom.

In his second letter recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, Simon Peter, a follower of Jesus Christ, describes a nine-step process that will render us both effective and productive in the true knowledge of Jesus Christ. In other words he promises that if I incorporate certain qualities into my life I can live a victorious life void of bumbling, fumbling and stumbling.

The foundation of this effective life is Jesus Christ; the inspiration is the Holy Spirit. Apart from Jesus and the Holy Spirit the best life cannot be attained.
The building blocks of the effective Christian life are:
Moral Goodness
True Knowledge
Brotherly Kindness

These nine essential qualities are intertwined and work together to produce your best life in Jesus Christ.

Diligence describes the measure of effort necessary to attain the effective life. In order to attain the victorious life we must put forth an earnest effort to make it happen.

Faith is the assurance that what you cannot see actually exists. Faith is only worthwhile when placed in an object that is real and has the ability to assist you in your pursuit for the effective life. This type of faith includes putting your trust in yourself, others and of course God.

Moral excellence is an attitude precipitated by faith in God. When you place your full trust in God then regardless of whether you have the know how you will want to live a life pleasing to God; you will want to live a holy and righteous life that brings honor to God.

True knowledge is a second attitude precipitated by faith in God. Jesus Christ said, "And this is eternal life to know God and His Son who he has sent." When you decide to accept God and His Son as Lord of your life you will want to know him so as to know how to please him. We learn about God and His ways by reading the Bible and attending classes at a Bible teaching church or school.

Self-control is winning over the temptations that are innate within you. It is difficult to live a life pleasing to God by practicing self-control if you do not know God's requirements. Gaining true knowledge of God and his ways through sound biblical teaching will give you more tools to practice personal discipline and live the effective Christian life. Consistently practicing self-control by subduing your natural appetites will give you the spiritual muscle to overcome other obstacles thrown at you by the world and the evil one.

Perseverance is the ability to consistently overcome the temptations hurled at you by the world and the evil one. Practicing self-control and perseverance afford you the opportunity to live a life fully dedicated to God and his kingdom. Constant defeat will bring guilt and shame and an inability to focus your energies on achieving the best life God wants for you.

Godliness is a sincere devoutness to God and His causes. When you give your all through self-control and perseverance then you will develop an unyielding devotion and commitment to God and His Kingdom. You will possess a spiritual and personal confidence bolstered by the Holy Spirit that will draw others to want to know and honor God and His Son, Jesus Christ as well.

Brotherly kindness is: loving others because you truly value them. When we give our whole lives to God in faithful devotion to Him then we will be completely concerned about what God is concerned about. A Christian who does not love others is an oxymoron (as is a Christian who does not smile). God is most concerned about people. When you put your faith in God to live the abundant life he intended for you to live then you will be concerned for all people from every place on the planet. In Jesus Christ there is no caste system. There is no favoritism. Every human being who ever lived is welcome to join God's house, to be adopted into God's family. Your best life experienced is done so when lived in conjunction with others. You cannot live the effective Christian life alone by yourself.

Unconditional love is the culmination of a life lived in loving fellowship with God, yourself and others. When asked about the greatest commandment Jesus replied, "To love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. The second is to love your neighbor as you love yourself." Living the previous eight qualities will lead you to possess the most important quality: love.

These are nine building blocks of the effective Christian life. If you live by them you will be victorious every single day of your life.

Unfortunately, we are not perfect and even the best Christians on the planet stumble over temptation once in a while. Thanks be to God that he has given us a remedy for when we do fall. The Bible tells us that when we fall that we only need to confess or agree with God that we have sinned and the Lord will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This cleansing is based not on our personal merit but on the blood Jesus shed on the cross. So if you fall don't moan and groan about it. Pop right back up, agree with God that it was a bonehead move and walk on in God's loving hand.

God wants you to win! Put these nine qualities to work for you and you will live an effective Christian life and gain a rich welcome into God's eternal kingdom.

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Christians and Online Dating

Being a Christian single, and wanting a relationship with another Christian can make your life a bit of a challenge. To make your life easier you could consider a Christian online dating service. These are used by thousands of Christian singles every day. What has caused this huge rise in Christian singles using dating services to find love?
Most Christian singles usually hope to find a partner within their local Christian community, but soon realize that their 'options' of eligible partners are usually quite limited. Trying to meet singles who share similar goals and values outside of a Christian community can be very difficult and frustrating. This is why online Christian dating services have become so popular with single Christian women and men around the world.
By using a Christian dating site you are exposing yourself to a whole network of Christian singles all looking to meet like minded individuals such as yourself. For some Christian singles, Christian online dating is a fantastic way to meet singles for dating and love especially if they are looking for someone who shares similar Christian beliefs as almost all singles using these sites are Christian. In addition to this, unlike other dating sites Christian dating sites remove that option of casual dating or hookups which means a large number of the Christians suing this site are looking for a long term relationships, marriage or a long term friendship.
All good Christian singles sites include detailed Christian personals and photo profiles of all their members. These Christian personals sections provide you with a selection criteria and allows you to choose the Christian single you are actually interested in. Remember that for most members using a Christian dating site, they are looking to find a serious lasting relationship based on Christian values and beliefs.
Other features include Christian chat rooms where you can easily make new Christian friends or find Christian pen pals. They are also great places for finding Bible study partners, mentors or simply a great place to share your won Christian values and beliefs. Christian chat room can be a place of learning as well as an interactive meeting place for Christian singles seeking love. As all Christian chat rooms are efficiently monitored they are a safe place to meet and chat.
Many Christian singles also find using Christian dating services convenient and affordable! You can access the Christian dating sites from anywhere, meet people living around the world and meet Christian singles at any time of the day or night all at a very low cost.
Above all this, the Christian environment created by online Christian dating sites makes Christian singles site safe, fun and most of all a great place to meet other Christian men and women.

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Christians and Divorce - The Grief Process Applied to Divorce

Christians divorce as much as non-Christians. Divorce is one of the most painful experiences people go through. It is like having gangrene and being told by the doctor that you have to cut off your arm. You don't want to, but you know you have no choice. You do what you have to do and yet the adjustment to living life without your arm will be lengthy and your life will never quite be the same, although you will eventually heal and adjust and accept life without your arm.
The healing process requires you to go through the same grief process that people go through with other losses. Here is how it works with divorce:
1. Denial happens first to protect you from the overwhelming shock of the divorce. This is healthy as long as it doesn't last so long that you don't do what you need to do to take care of yourself.
2. Anger and blame follow. You may get mad at God for allowing it to happen, your spouse for his/her part, yourself for not doing things differently, and maybe even others who contributed to the problems such as in-laws, friends, or the person your spouse was unfaithful with (if that was a factor).
3. Bargaining gives you the illusion that you can do something to change your situation. You pray and promise God you will do certain things, if He fixes it. You tell yourself you can make changes that will bring your spouse back. Or, you bargain with your spouse and try to convince him/her to try it again.
4. Finally, the sadness hits. You feel the LOSS. You feel depressed, hopeless, unable to concentrate, unable to get out of bed, unable to go to work, and unable to complete regular routines. It feels overwhelming, unbearable, and unending. You feel like you will never recover enough to be happy and enjoy your life.
5. Eventually, acceptance comes. You stop fighting the inevitable, accept that there is nothing you can do except move on. The emotional pain ebbs. You stop trying to figure out whose fault it was and how it could have been avoided. You recognize you both had a part in the marriage failing, even if one of you was more responsible. You acknowledge God gives each of us free choice and you realize that God did not cause the divorce. You begin to feel hope. You are able to function normally. And, with acceptance comes the ability to begin rebuilding a new life for yourself--at first one moment at a time, then one day at a time, and eventually you live your life normally.
God has a plan for Christians that go through divorce and He understands the grief process you need to go through. He is there to walk beside you. Psalm 23 promises that your Shepherd will lead you and guide you and that "goodness and love will follow you all the days of your life" -but the grief process requires you first to walk through the valley of the shadow of death to grieve your divorce.
If you need more practical tips and Biblical truths to help you change your relationships, get my FREE "15-Day Relationship Challenge" designed to give you back the power over your life.
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Christians and Divorce - What Does the Bible Say?

What exactly does the Bible say about being Christian and Divorce? There are many texts throughout scripture on the subject of divorce and the over riding message to Christians is that it is wrong and therefore unacceptable.
According to (Malachi 2:16) "God hates divorce". So as a Christian, divorce should never be an option although the Christian world today does face as many divorces as non Christians. According to (Luke 11:4) reconciliation restoration and forgiveness are supposed to be the identifiers of a true Christian. Taken literally this would indicate that these measures are what God would like to see happening.
There are only two specific reasons spoken about in the Bible as to how being Christian and Divorce could be acceptable. (Matthew 19:9) discusses "unrepentant adultery" as a reason for a Christian to want a divorce and (1 Corinthians 7:15) speaks about the abandonment of a Christian by a non Christian Spouse. This however should still not be regarded as a "get out clause" and once again a true Christian should seek reconciliation by any means and a move towards forgiveness.
In (Luke 14:26) the message is clear when Jesus says that you should love Him more than your own life. Thus the way to ensure that your marriage is a happy one is to ensure that you put Him first in all that you do.
If divorce is currently at the forefront of your life right now you must endeavor to do all that is possible to prevent it through counseling, therapy and help from friends or religious leaders. Clearly "Christian and Divorce" are two words which are just not compatible. The only separation you should be seeking is the separation of these two words.
There are many activities you can carry out yourself such as formatting a plan of action so that you know in your heart that you have tried and explored every way possible to avoid the catastrophic outcome of divorce.
The reality is that you owe it to yourself, your partner, your children and your faith, to try everything possible to save your marriage. Before you invest in marriage counseling or therapy, I strongly suggest you read this book. There is a great video here as well that you really must watch... Save your Marriage Today [] The Author of this book has already helped 6100 couples save their relationships.
Thank You for reading.

Christians and Anxiety

The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6 vs. 25-34 (New International Version)
Jesus speaking,
25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
28 "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you-you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Jesus did not mince words when it comes to worrying about the things of this life. In fact, he told his listeners in verse 30, "you of little faith!"
I am a Christian and was saved early in my life. I battle anxiety! When prayerfully asking the Lord for a topic to write, he impressed upon my heart that I should talk about an area that has been an ongoing spiritual battle.
There was a time in my life when I worked a full-time job, a part-time business, enrolled in graduate school doing course work, and taking care of my infant son and daughter in the evenings while my wife worked.
My days would often run from 6 am - 1 am as my young daughter would make herself stay up until mommy got home.
I began having panic attacks due to the stress and anxiety of dealing with all these tasks. My panic attacks became so severe I could barely eat in a restaurant or around people. For a number of years I couldn't comfortably eat out or even at the dinner table. I would hyperventilate and experience tightening in the chest and shortness of breath. I would often feel as if fluid was continually running down my throat causing me to swallow before I was ready. On more than one occasion I was taken by ambulance to the E.R.
It was during this time that I began taking prescription drugs like Zoloft to help me cope. I started out taking 50 milligrams and later increased it to 100 milligrams. During those years I was also not content. I desired to (what I thought at the time was a noble cause) make enough money so my wife could be a stay at home mommy, buy more things and have more time freedom. I wanted to increase my net worth so that I could have some of the finer things this world offered.
Through the early part of adulthood I tried multiple business ventures. Some of them made a little income but not enough to support our lifestyle. My poor decision making caused us to get into deep debt for which we are still digging ourselves out of today. My credit was trashed and bill collectors became my best friend (ha,ha) and would call me every day adding to my anxiety.
All of this created real anxiety that manifested itself in physical ways.
I cannot say enough about my godly wife and her forgiveness and faithfulness. She could have given up on me years ago, but her love for me has remained constant. As Jesus forgave her faults, she forgave mine. I love her and cherish her so much. To date, we have been married (by God's grace) for more than 21 years.
Now, before I bring up more past wounds, let me add that God has since helped me overcome the severe panic attacks I used to have. I no longer have panic attacks. I am also off Zoloft and take no prescription drugs.
I testify to the fact that anxiety is real and it is rampant in the Church. But, through God it can be overcome. I am proof of this.
Looking back, while I was discontented and faithless, Jesus still remained faithful to me. This is because I belong to him and was purchased at a high price. (2 Timothy 2 vs. 13; 1 Corinthians 6 vs. 20)
I would read Matthew 6 over and over. I did not believe (even though Jesus said it) that I could have that type of faith. Even today, I have my down days. I am simply too human!!
I am often reminded of the following verse: Philippians 1 vs. 6, "He who began a good work in you will finish it." Jesus is not finished with me. Amen!
How does a Christian live without anxiety? Let me say that I do not believe taking a prescription drug is bad. God inspired people to make these drugs. If you need them, take them. Just do not abuse them.
A Christian battling anxiety should continually pray for healing and trust God as the source of strength for each day. It is in our weaknesses that we experience the full power of God.
Jesus said in John 15 vs. 5, "I am the vine you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
Anxiety can be hereditary. Anxiety can be a spiritual attack from the enemy. Anxiety can also come through sin in our lives or poor decision making. My first step toward overcoming anxiety was to finally accept my poor choices and decision making as the cause for much of it. I accepted responsibility for my actions and confessed this sin. Upon doing this God removed my guilt and gave me his peace.
It is so important for Christians to understand that God does not make us worry. God is not responsible for our anxiety. In fact, not only did Jesus say to not worry, but God inspired the writer of Philippians to say in chapter 4 vs. 6-7, "6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
God gives us his peace when we diligently seek him and rest in him! As we are given his peace, there is no room for anxiety.
The answer to dealing with anxiety in our lives is to ask God for his help, rest in his promises and remove all triggers in our lives that may be causing us anxiety.
For example, I do not sleep well. Often I find that a tired mind does not perform well throughout the day. When I am exhausted I tend to lash out at my children or others. I may say things I regret, causing me great guilt and the need for repentance later. I may spend money I don't have, eat unhealthy, quit exercising, quit praying, or quit reading God's word. Do you think that sleep is a trigger?? It is!
To combat this, I may need to turn off the TV earlier, watch the caffeine intake, and turn off all distractions so I get a better sleep.
When I am rested, I find that I am more patient with people and the quality of my work and time I spend with God is better. I also find I sin less.
As John 15 clearly says, Jesus is the answer for Christian anxiety. We must continually abide in him through prayer and God's word.
Knowing who we are in Jesus is also critical to overcoming anxiety. The enemy comes to steal and destroy. Satan and his demons will do everything to destroy a Christians witness and joy. The following are just a few scriptural facts about the Christian. Rest in these promises from God's word:
1 Peter 2 vs. 9: "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. "
Romans 6 vs. 6: "For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,"
1 Corinthians 12 vs. 27: "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."
1 John 3 vs. 1-2: "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."
Romans 8 vs. 28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
1 Peter 5 vs. 7: "Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you."
Dear reader, we are loved greatly by God. He cares for us! (1 Peter 5 vs. 7). Focus on his promises, and trust him with your whole life. Even your mistakes and failures must be turned over to God who offers mercy and grace. He died for you and desires you above all else. Come to him just as you are.
My prayer is that you will overcome anxiety through the power of God. The first start is confessing your need for a savior (Jesus Christ) and placing your faith in him. If you hear the voice of God speaking to your heart today and calling you, do not harden your heart. Confess your sinfulness to him and ask him to save you. He will!
My story is not so uncommon for many Christians. Anxiety is a real problem but can be overcome through Jesus.
God bless you!

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Becoming a Spiritual Christian

Aren't all Christians spiritual? That seems like an odd question. Most would equate spirituality with Christianity, yet it's possible to possess one and not the other. So what are the differences and what characteristics follow the spiritual Christian?
To be a spiritual Christian means to be lead and to live by the spirit of God. It means allowing God's spirit, that is living inside you, to guide your decisions instead of relying mostly upon your logic and intellect. Galatians 5:16 says that if we are lead by the spirit we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
It takes quieting our minds and stilling our hearts to a spiritual Christian. Too often we can't hear God's spirit leading us because our own thoughts and compulsive thinking gets in the way. We are constantly thinking about our past, our future, our worries and cares, and everything else in-between. Because of this, our thoughts often choke out or conflict with the Word of God.
Being a spiritual Christian requires spending time with God in solitude and silence. It was Jesus's custom to go to a solitary place and pray or abide with God. The relationship built on abiding created a spiritual connection between God and Christ. Jesus said I and my Father are one. In fact, Jesus said, I only do and say and what the Father tells me. Their spiritual union created unity of thought and purpose.
Unfortunately, many Christians have never learned to nurture God's spirit within them. They don't trust what the spirit is saying, especially if it goes against natural or logical thinking. They don't think God talks to them. They have more faith in the pastoral staff than in the Holy Spirit.
In many churches, Christians are not taught how to be spiritual. Instead we are given rules and formulas to live by. It is like going to a Christian seminar. We receive a one size fits all message. However, this does not compensate for our differences- differences in purpose, in personality, and in-style. It also does not account for our uniqueness.
Jesus told us that when it comes to God and being spiritual, that the spirit of God is already within us. He told us not to go on a mission to find God, because when we open our heart to Him, we already possess Him. Just as in the day of Pentecost, when we wait on God, He sends us the tools and the power we need to carry out His mission. In fact, 2 Peter 1:3 tells us, "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness."
Therefore, being a spiritual Christian has more to do with building a genuine and personal relationship with God that is germinated in the soil of "being" and "abiding in Christ," and as a result of this intimate fellowship, the direction, guidance, power, and instructions we need to fulfill God's ongoing purpose in our lives will emerge

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Evidences of a Spirit Filled Christian

What are the evidences of a Christian who is Spirit filled? Is it super natural powers? Is it a magnetic personality? No, not really. Being a Spirit filled Christian is not spooky or even supernatural. A person does not have to break down and start foaming at the mouth, start spouting in some unknown tongue or language, or even suddenly have the ability to heal the ailing. It is actually much more practical than that.
Walking in the Spirit, to be Spirit filled, is a mental exercise that puts your thinking, hopes, and desires in God's hands. Notice the following passage of Scripture:
Romans 8:5-8 - For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Notice how many times the word 'mind' appears. Walking in the Spirit-and thus to be Spirit filled-is about where your mind is. So here are some of the evidences of a Spirit filled Christian:
  1. Is in constant prayerful contact with God throughout the day (1 Thess 5:17).
  2. Is loving to those around him (Gal 5:22).
  3. Is at peace with life (Gal 5:22, Rom 8:6).
  4. Has songs of God and Jesus on his lips throughout the day (Eph 5:18-19).
  5. Is joyful (Gal 5:22).
  6. Does not feel at odds with God (Rom 8:6-7).
  7. Is constantly thankful for what he has and what he is (Eph 5:18-20).
  8. Is humble to those around him (Eph 5:18-21).
These are the basic evidences of a spirit filled Christian. So many times, as Christians, we are looking for the supernatural, when the quality of our life is not determined by the power we wield, but by how much the Spirit of God has filled every aspect of our life.
It begins by absorbing your Bible. You need to be in constant contact with God throughout the day. Do not just say your prayers, read a verse or two, and then dismiss God until the next day. If that is all you ever do, then God only occupies a very tiny fraction of your life. There is no way you are filled with the Spirit.
Remember, the most important aspect of the Christian life is your relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Being Spirit filled is not determined by your position in Church, how well you keep the rules, to what degree people recognize your spirituality, or how much influence you wield over others.
It is how much you fill your daily life with God!

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"Christians" Who Don't Study: It Leads to Deception

People claim that they love you, what does this really mean? When people claim they love God, what does this really mean? When people claim they are Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, what does this really mean? Since I have more experience with Christianity, I will use this as a subject for why it is important to study. "Christian", by definition in every dictionary I have come across means 1) One who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ. 2) One who is Christ-like. The base of the meaning of the word, Christian is Christ. The definition of Christ is, the Messiah, an ideal type of humanity; Jesus. John Chapter one describes John the Baptist's experience in baptizing Jesus and the revealing of Jesus as the Messiah. Verse 41 is the specific verse in John Chapter 1 which reveals Jesus as the Messiah, "the Christ". Fortunately, the teachings of Jesus have been documented, authenticated and justified in history as well as in the manuscripts that compose the King James Bible. There are other versions of the King James Bible which makes it easier for the reader to understand what the Bible verses are saying. There are even cassette tapes, video tapes, and audio CDs that are now available for people to use as study aids. Yet, many people don't study to know about the teachings of Jesus as documented by many writings, including the King James Bible. WHY don't people study for themselves? People need to study to have a relationship with God for themselves, otherwise they revert back to the mis-teachings of the Pharisees and scribes from the days of Jesus, the Christ.
"Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." (Matthew 15:14) Matthew 23:15 speaks of what the danger is of not studying the teachings of Jesus for yourself. Jesus stated, "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves."
This scripture is especially important because: 1.) Jesus is the teacher. 2.) Jesus is making a statement to the religious rulers and leaders of that time, the scribes and Pharisees. 3.) Jesus is telling the scribes and the Pharisees that they are hypocrites! 4.) Jesus is telling them why they are hypocrites. 5.) Jesus is making a stark distinction between what the religious leaders have been teaching and the TRUTH.
Jesus came to uncover the TRUTH that had been hidden from the people by the religious leaders and rulers. The religious rulers and leaders had hidden the truth from the masses because they lusted after power and money. Jesus wanted every person to know the TRUTH so that it would set them free. The book of John Chapter 8:31-32 says,
"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
It is necessary for individuals to study the art or discipline they wish to perfect so as not to be a novice at it. Anyone can claim to be anything; however, the claim does not mean they are what they claim to be! This is why you cannot claim you are a doctor or lawyer or mayor or city council person without actually being given that title legally. If this is true with municipal principalities and with professions that govern a persons life and well being, then it should also be true with our spiritual well-being.
Knowing the truth is the greatest equalizer there is when it comes to spirituality. We know the enemy attacks the mind and the goal is to get you to think that what God says is not the truth. The perfect example of this for me is when Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost, went into the wilderness and fasted 40 days and was tempted of the devil 40 days. The devil tried to get Jesus to accept a lie, but Jesus was able to quote the Word of God to the devil each time he was tempted and the Holy Ghost remained his guide. How was Jesus able to quote the scriptures inspired by God at the time of being tempted? Jesus was able to quote the scriptures because he studied the scriptures and was full of the Holy Ghost, which led and guided him into all righteousness. This is the same Holy Ghost that God has sent for us; all we have to do is receive it.
All in all, in the King James Bible, the word "Christian" is mentioned only three (3) times: Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, and 1st Peter 4:16.
The title of "Christian" was given by those outside the group of followers of Jesus to describe what they knew about the story of "The Christ" from Jewish writings regarding the Messiah and the Christ. Jesus never used the term, the Apostles did not refer to themselves as "Christians" and Peter even elucidated on the point that if you are persecuted as a "Christian" don't be ashamed, but glorify God in it (1st Peter 4:16). During this time in history, the people who actually followed the teachings of Jesus were being persecuted by both the Roman church and the Jewish Synagogue leaders. Both the Roman church and the Jewish Synagogues possessed economic and political power over the people through religious beliefs and they did not want to lose that power. This is why they persecuted those that practiced the teachings of Jesus... it caused a power shift. The dominant religious political groups were losing power over the people who began to know the truth by truly studying the Old Testament writings held by the Jews and the New Testament writings about what Jesus taught.
Jesus never taught any denomination. Jesus never alienated anyone or any group. Jesus simply said "REPENT." Romans 9:16 says, "So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy." When will it be understood that only God will determine who makes it to salvation and who does not? Your name tag does not mean a thing, when it comes down to it. What matters is the TRUTH and the Holy Spirit of God being able to dwell in you. What kind of life are you living? Do you have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you? Can you accept the truth to renew your mind and spirit? Or have you reached the point of no return believing that you know all the TRUTH and there is no need to learn anything else?
The power struggle continues today with those religious organizations globally who call themselves Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, etc. This is why it is crucial for each person to have a personal relationship with God through knowing and understanding the truth that Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day to full fill prophecy so that many would believe in the TRUTH. Then a comforter was sent to those who believe in Jesus to lead and guide them into all righteousness.
Let's face it. Even the devil believes in God and knows his commandments. Believing in God and knowing his commandments is not the only thing that needs to be done though. We have to also keep God's commandments and worship God in spirit and in truth. The truth is we will never be able to be perfect while we are living in our flesh. The truth is because of our human imperfection God sent his only begotten son, Jesus, to die on the cross and rise up after three (3) days to blow our minds so that we had no choice but to accept that there is a God, and we need to have a relationship with Him instead of having a relationship with ourselves. Read John chapter 15:24-25. The truth is "the enemy is the inner me" and only the Holy Ghost (Spirit) can overcome this inner me that is sinful. The truth is God wants all to know the truth and to be saved from sin.
In the book of Revelation, chapters two (2) through four (4) the writer wrote about seven (7) types of churches.
The Loveless Church
The Persecuted Church
The Lenient Church
The Compromising Church
The Lifeless Church
The Obedient Church
The Lukewarm Church
God was only pleased with two (2) of these churches: The Persecuted Church and the Obedient Church. However, He gave the other five (5) churches instruction on how to repent and get things right so they could over come the faults they possessed. This is important for us, the believers in Jesus and his teachings to understand. We must take the appropriate steps to study God's Word and be doers of it as well. Don't be blind and accept a lie, know the truth and act accordingly. Read John chapter 15:5-6.

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How To Live A Blessed Life

I do not know of anyone who does not want to be blessed, but just wanting to be blessed is not going to get us there. I believe that there are three major things that we must do in order to live a blessed life. We must believe that God is real; we need to know who we are in Christ Jesus and we must be led by the Holy Spirit.
Everyone knows that there is a God but some will not admit to it. They would rather attempt to reason His non- existence but within themselves, they know. Every creature knows that there is a God and man is no exception. However, knowing that there is a God and He being personal to us is two different things.
Our road to living a blessed life will never be accomplished just by knowing that there is a God. He has to be a personal God to us. Hebrews 11:6 reads for without faith it is impossible to please Him for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. In order to have faith in something, there must be a tangible or spiritual contact with it. So once we believe that God exist; then we would need to get a personal relationship with Him. How do we get a personal relationship with Him? By making Jesus Lord of our live and by studying His word and taking it for what it said, not adding to it nor taking away from it.
There are some people who have a personal relationship with Him but they do not have a clue as to who they are in Him; they continue in the milk of the word of God. They can get nurture by it but very little growth. The ones who are nurtured by milk are easily condemned because they have not grasp that they are the righteousness of God by Christ Jesus. They would continually ask for forgiven of their sins because they have not understood that Christ took upon Himself all of our sins therefore, there are no sins accounted unto us. They do not know that they have authority in the name of Jesus to cast out demons or to speak things that does not exist and they will manifest. They do not understand that they are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus so they still believe that they are servants of God instead of sons and for this reason they would come to Him with a mind of a servant, begging Him. They are still mindful of the Law and have very little knowledge of grace so they would spend more time concentrating on works rather than the love of God and His grace for us but a skilled believer knows these things and he would talk in it. He knows who he is in Christ Jesus; a son of God and an heir of God. He is aware that as He (Jesus) is so are we in the world. A skillful Christian knows that no weapon formed against Him will prosper because the Angels of the Lord are encamped round about him to protect and to deliver him. A skillful Christian is one who has found himself in the word of God.
The third way to live a blessed life is to be led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus did not pray to the Father to send the Holy Spirit to us for Him to lie dormant. He has a job to do and it is to assist us but if we do not allow Him, He cannot do it. The leading of the Holy Spirit is right for us and it would behoove us to listen to Him if we want good success also Romans 8:14 identifies believers because it reads, for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. If we are led by the Holy Spirit, success will always be there for us because there is no failure in Him.
God has not told us to do anything that is too difficult to do and these three things are not difficult therefore, if we would do it, our life can be drastically changed for the best.

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