The Power and Joy of Eternal Life

Eternal life is the power of immortality operating in a born again believer. It is not something that occurs after death. Immortality is the resurrections power of God in effect in the here and now. It is the Presence of God enthroned in the heart and soul of every true believer.

The power of eternal life provides assurance of deliverance from all forms of death and hell, including sickness, disease, poverty, hopelessness, despair, intimidation and oppression. When Christians operate with the knowledge of eternal life operating within them, the joy of life has no limitations. There is a constant stream of inner peace and harmony. But above all, the understanding of eternal life alleviates the fear of death, resulting in a freedom that cannot be explained in human words.

The revelation of eternal life gives you, as a genuine believer, a sacred attitude toward mankind. When you look at others, you will wish they could experience the same divine ecstasy that you are experiencing. So the passion and concern for the happiness of people becomes your number one priority, as it should. God did not give believers the gift of eternal life for the sake of their own progress and enjoyment. Instead, he has commanded us to go out and share this good news with the people of this world so that they can see His glory at work in the earth.

Opportunities to Share

The opportunities to share are numerous. For instance, when we simply open the door for a person, we shine as lights in the world and increase our chances for sharing the gospel of peace. When we take a bag of groceries across the street to our struggling neighbors, we increase the opportunity for presenting the good news of God's word. When we forgive those who have stolen away some significant aspect of our lives, we open up the possibility for sharing the joy of the Lord within us.

The important thing is that people will desire what you got. Your joy and gladness will be contagious wherever you go. When you are illuminated regarding eternal life, the divine aura upon you becomes so powerful that it cannot be denied. It will transform the entire atmosphere, eliminating conflict and tension and establishing peace and tranquility.

Eternal Life: Experiencing the Full Effect

In order to experience the full effect of eternal life within us, we must be determined to release all distractions that may hinder us from giving our best to God. When we let conflicts with family and friends interrupt our peace and joy, we quench the immotality within us. This suppression robs us of the peace and abundance that is characteristic of God's kingdom. As a result, we fall beneath the sacred standards that God ordained for us. God is also displeased when we allow our joy to be suppressed by the kingdom of darkness.

To protect the divine potency of immortality operating within us, we must pursue a life of release through prayer and fasting. Since the activity of release can be very difficult, we need the power of the Holy Ghost to succeed in this. The Spirit eliminates our natural emotional attachments and gives us freedom to release those people and things that are dear to us, including spouses, parents, children, friends, careers, as well as our own pride, fears and jealousies.

The Risk of Emotional Attachments

When we are attached to people and things, we can become easily distracted from the matters that pertain to eternal life, such as joy, peace and righteousness. What we must understand is that the kingdom of darkness uses our emotional attachments to stop us from sharing God's glory. Satan brings conflicts, disappointments and delays in our path when we are dependent upon people and things for our joy and happiness. However, when we release those dependencies and submit our trust in God alone, he increases our freedom and joy so that we can go beyond ourselves and spread the glory and honor of His heavenly kingdom.

If we allow the greatness of immotality become dormant within us, our inner lives will suffer pain, heartache and misery. This is the reason prayer and occasional fasting is necessary to restrain the desires of our selfish nature. Prayer and fasting allows the Spirit of God to take absolute charge over our human nature so that the divine nature of eternal life can be freely expressed within our lives and affairs.

God is waiting for those who would be delighted to walk in the presence and power of eternal life. The establishment of His kingdom on earth must not be delayed. Christian believers must rise up and allow the glory of eternal life to shine brightly in a world that is becoming darker by the day. May God's will be done through us.

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How to Have the Best Christian Home Business

Many Christians have no clue on how to have the best Christian home business. They spend thousands of dollars in advertising, countless hours in front of their computer, and huge amounts of time away from their family. There are several reasons Christians get involved in a Christian homebased business but most end up quitting because they do not see the fruits of their labor manifesting.

All the training and money in the world is not producing the results they want to see. I've been there before. I've hooked up with a Christian internet business in the past that was a great company but I just didn't get anything out. You may be wondering like I was what was wrong. If you spend countless hours on your knees praying, your prayers will be answered now.

I am about to share with you the simple solution to your prayers so that you can run an effective and productive Christian homebased business. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." Allow me to break this down so you can stop spinning your wheels in your business.

God told us if we make His kingdom our only priority everything else will be added unto us. See we mess up and think that if we put God first, seeking other things as a secondary is cool. It is not. The Hebrew meaning for first in the verse gives a connotation as first and only. So seeking the kingdom should be our only objective.

You may be wondering well how does that fit in with me having the best Christian home business. Again its very simple. Our life long mission is to seek out God's way of doing things, his will his way and always being in right standing with his government. He said if we do that then everything else will be added unto us.

If God commissioned you to run a Christian home based internet business you have to trust that he will provide what you need to survive. In my case it is qualified leads, sales, and great team members. Your case may be different. Now this doesn't excuse you from doing hard work, learning marketing strategies, building relationships, and etc. But this does excuse you from worrying. If your only focus is on seeking God's kingdom, then you don't have time to worry about leads not coming in, not making sales, no money, etc.

The perfect trade off is that everything else will be added unto us. The world says to focus on money and your business and let your thoughts become overpowered with you obsessing at reaching your goals. God says don't do it that way. Pursue me with your everything and I will add what you need. His way of doing things are so much better because the blessings of the Lord addeth no sorrow.

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Three Reasons to Consider Christian Family Counseling

Christian family counseling may be an ideal option if your family is struggling. While all family counseling has advantages, services based strongly on faith may produce better results for those with strong religious convictions. Let's consider three reasons why Christian counseling may be the right option for you and your family.

It's a Matter of Trust

Anyone with any experience in counseling will tell you that it is absolutely essential for the participants and their counselor or therapist to develop a rapport. Much of that is based on the ability of those involved to trust one another to be honest and to have everyone's best interests in mind. Christian family counseling facilitates the development of that trust. Those who share a faith are more likely to open up and to place their trust in one another.

Sharing Common Ground

In addition to the issue of trust, Christian family counseling also facilitates positive communication by insuring that the participants and their counselor share significant common ground in terms of their experiences and their broader outlook on the world. That makes the family more comfortable and allows them to enter the process with a sense that everyone is "speaking the same language" and that the therapist's goals are similar to those tightly held by the family members. This can be extremely powerful as people work through difficult issues.

The Power of Faith

Many Christians will take the position that working from a position of faith in an environment supportive and understanding their convictions will increase the opportunity for successful change. While non-believers may write that sentiment off as some kind of placebo effect, there's very little doubt that it's true to those who do have a strong faith life. Regardless of one's sentiments, that can't be ignored. From the perspective of many Christians, there is room for miracles and these diving breakthroughs may be more likely when people of a like perspective work together, asking for God's help and guidance as they deal with problems.

Those are three reasons why those who do have a strong Christian belief structure may want to consider Christian family counseling services when dealing with their family issues. There's nothing wrong with secular approaches, which have been proven to offer potential for people with strong convictions, but there is a great deal to be said in support of the utilization of service providers who share a similar life and religious outlook with their clients.

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How Christian Ministries Work in the Developing World

Millions of children in poor countries are suffering for the want of basic food and medicines. This certainly gives the impression that we are living in a world of injustice and unnecessary cruelty. Yet Christian ministries are busy at work helping children not just with physical aid but also through educational centers and church-based learning programs. Missionaries also work to give children nourishment of the spiritual kind. While Christians know that God's love can manifest through prayer and Scripture reading, it is also good to know that by taking action according to the Holy Scriptures, missionaries can also work to fight poverty and stop the suffering of children in the developing world.

What is perhaps less well known about the aid and assistance available is the exact nature of the work of Christian ministries. Christian ministries can perform the Lord's work in a sensitive manner, which takes into account local culture and ways of life. For children in the developing world, a Christ-focused path to physical and spiritual well-being is age-focused through the teaching methods of Christian ministries.

Christian ministries have an organized approach to church-based assistance for children - in nations where war and famine have left families in suffering. The work of Christian ministries with local churches to provide for the destitute enables them to help stop poverty and to spread God's Word in a way that is relevant to each particular area of the developing world. For Christians who recognize the power of prayer and the power of Christian action in the developing world, the ministries are a source of inspiration and a meaningful way to get involved. That support can come either through financial assistance or hands-on practical support.

Christian ministries follow the gospel by performing the Christian duty to help the poor and needy. This work is not always easy when coping with the red tape and bureaucracy, which many have to deal with. Christian ministries can advantageously utilize strong links already forged with indigenous churches. Through this Christian network missionaries can channel the help directly to the children that need it in the developing world. They can then follow up with a range of study programs and spiritual development courses. This child-focused approach to religious education through aid and relief can help to bring about a new generation of independent young adult Christians.

The values and principles of Christianity made known through the work of Christian ministries can foster a better understanding of the world. These can also lessen the chance of future conflicts or problems in the developing world. This creates a better community founded on the love of God rather than the spiritual emptiness that so often fosters the circumstances where children go hungry and families are torn apart.

The Christian act of giving is perhaps one of the most effective ways to work to fight poverty in the developing world. The Christian approach is to prevent future poverty in the developing world by fulfilling spiritual needs for people who desperately want something that only God can bring.

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A Christian Wife of Noble Character

Some people have a mistaken vision that the ideal Christian wife is weak and feeble, a domestic servant so to speak. But the Bible clearly describes a different picture of a Christian wife. It may surprise you to see that physical appearance is not mentioned at all. But her attractiveness comes from her character as her beauty shines through from the inside.

The following describes a picture of Christian womanhood for there is no way anybody could do all of things mentioned in the following verses. Most of all it is a guide, because some of the things you will be good at and some you won't. For example you may not have any interest in planting a vineyard or buying property but you may be a wonderful mother and have a special gift in this area. The main idea is to focus on what you are good at, and then be the best you can be in your area of strength in order to honor God's glory.

Proverbs 31:10-17 NIV
(10) A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. (11) Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. (12) She brings him good, not harm all the days of her life. (13) She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. (14) She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. (15) She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family portions for her servant girls. (16) She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. (17) She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. (18) She sees that her trading is profitable and her lamp does not go out at night. (19)In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. (20) She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. (21) When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. (22) She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. (23) Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.

The Willingness to be Submissive

There is such misunderstanding around the "S" word that many are afraid to even bring up this valuable teaching. But when we look at the book of Ephesians and Paul says "Wives submit to your husbands" he is talking about a Christian husband.

Ephesians 5:22-26 (NIV
) (22) Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. (23) For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. (24) Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. (25) Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (26) to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.

According to God's word a Christian husband is the spiritual leader of the family. If the husband is doing all he can to be like Christ and loving his wife like Christ loved the church, then the "S" word is no big deal. Actually Paul devotes twice as many words in Ephesians to husbands loving their wives then he does to wives submitting to their husbands.

How should a husband love his wife?

He should be willing to sacrifice everything for her
2. He should make her well being his primary focus
3. He should love her just as he loves his own body
No woman should fear submitting to a husband that treats her in this way.

Recommended Daily Devotion

Try praying this prayer every morning and see what miracles God has in store for you

Dear Heavenly Father,

I humbly come before you and ask for your guidance today. I ask that through the holy-spirit you would show me how to become a better Christian wife. Help to understand what it means to be submissive in a Christian marriage according to your word. Show me father my strengths as Christian woman and how I can use those strengths to your glory.

Father I also pray for my husband today and ask that you would help us and our marriage grow stronger by your word. Help us to communicate effectively and grant us the ability to listen to each other with an open heart and mind.

In the name of Jesus I pray.


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Christian Education - 7 Essentials For an Effective Teaching Ministry

All too often, planning for Christian Education involves desperately flipping through the church directory and asking, "Who might be willing to take a class?"
Is it any wonder, then, that classes fall flat, attendance is poor, and results are non-existent?

Instead, we need to approach Christian Education with foresight and strategy, being certain to include these seven essentials:

1. Develop a balance of classes. The teaching body should be organized so as to teach a balance of classes at all times, and over the course of time, that complement and build on each other. For instance, balancing a doctrine-focused class with a practice-focused class, balancing topical studies with biblical book studies, balancing lecture-style with discussion-style classes, balancing basic studies with in-depth studies.

2. Mentor new teachers. New teachers should be intentionally and carefully mentored in their spiritual gift. All spiritual gifts require growth, education, and coaching - teaching is no exception. Mentoring should take place with an experienced teacher, in a safe environment, within a purposefully established relationship that allows for constructive critique and optimum growth.

3. Perform regular evaluations. It is imperative that each teacher evaluate him or herself on a regular basis with regard to personal holiness and effective ministry. Additionally, however, it is necessary that the teaching body as a whole evaluate itself with regard to their combined ministry to the church body, and whether or not as a whole they are upholding their calling and achieving their goals.

4. Choose topics with care. Subject matter should be chosen very carefully, taking three main points into consideration: first, what is a teacher's area of expertise and passion; second, what are the expressed needs and desires of the church body; and third, what is the Spirit's leading.

5. Provide diversity and opportunity. Encourage rotation among the teaching body so as to give all teachers opportunities to teach, and opportunities to rest. Such rotation also prevents "cliques" or "followings" from developing within the church body, and exposes the church to a variety of teaching styles, perspectives, insights, and subject matter.

6. Encourage discipleship. While not everyone feels comfortable or called to teach in front of people, we are all called to discipleship. Training should take place in this area, but in essence it is simple: encourage people to find someone they can learn from and someone they can help, and walk in those relationships. We all need to be learning from others, and passing on that which we learn. Such relationships will help make Christian Education a way of life for the church.

7. Be accountable. There should be clear leadership and accountability in the church among the teaching body. Such leadership will help balance classes, organize a teaching schedule, and oversee the corporate goals of the church.

With proper care, planning, and preparation in the area of Christian Education, we will see the Word of God go forth with power in our churches, and in each person's life!

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Is Christian Marriage Counseling Right For You?

Christians get married for multiple reasons and have differing views on marriage. Some get married simply on the basis of love, others incorporate more practicality in their decision to tie the knot. Both participants in a marriage have the desire to have a long fulfilling marriage. Christian marriage counseling is one of those resources that can keep a Christian couple on the correct path.

There isn't a magic bullet available for making all Christian marriages work. The initial challenges couples face in a marriage can often overcome them and lead them on the path to divorce. When the luster fades in ones marriage it is easy to throw in the towel and give up at the first sign of trouble. Christian marriage counseling can't fix every issue, but it can offer the tools to improve your marriage and lead you to a happy marital life.

Opening the door for better communication is the counselor's utmost goal. Only through communication can spouses recognize the needs and desires of their partner, and ultimately compromise. A Christian counselor uses biblical teachings to put both spouses on the same spiritual plane. A solution with Christianity at its center is ideal for Christian couples looking for outside guidance.

Many Christian couples are hesitant to seek counseling because they believe it means they have failed in their relationship. Or they are stubborn and don't believe a third party can assist them. Christian marriage counseling has assisted countless couples who were experiencing hangups in their marriage. The first step is realizing that there is help available should the problems of your marriage overwhelm you. Christian counselors understand human beings are not perfect, and they are there to bring you, and your marriage, back in tune with your beliefs. Attending Christian counseling with your partner in a safe, comfortable setting brings warmth and comfort, rather than embarrassment or guilt.

The purpose of Christian marriage counseling is to help save the marriage before it ends. Christian counselors are professionally trained and friendly individuals who have helped many couples before you. Effective counseling means diving in and getting at the root of issues affecting your marriage. Getting these issues out in the open with a third party can be incredibly cathartic. It also just might save your marriage and strengthen your Christian faith. The tools you learn in Christian counseling can be used for years to come in your marriage to settle difficulties. If you decide Christian marriage counseling is right for your relationship, you will discover the value of good counseling is immeasurable.

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3 Tips on Christian Money Management

Are you interesting in finding out how God wants you to handle your money? Sadly not many people know how to properly manage their money. For example, do you ever plan to have so much money by a set date but when the time comes you're still struggling with your finances? The main reason is that people do not know how to properly manage their money. In order for your money management to be effective you must first have some basic skills in managing your money. For those of us who are Believers, it's important to implement sounds Biblical practices and teaching in order to be successful stewards of our money.

This is where Christian money management comes in. Proper educational resources will teach you to how to correctly manage your money so that when you budget and plan to save money, you will actually have it. Having proper money management will help prevent debt which will in turn create a much easier and less stressful life. Just remember money can not buy happiness, however when you suffer from financial difficulties it can bring stress, tension and misery. God designed us to live abundantly!! He wants to you share in His riches! Simply giving your finances to God and educating yourself properly will make a world of difference in your life. Money is the smallest part of your finances!

Christian money management skills are extremely important. Educating yourself how to properly budget for your needs, will help you to know when you can realistically buy your wants. You can also learn the proper steps to invest the money you save with money management. Although you may think you have great money management skills, there is always be room for improvement. Here are some tips that will help you to get on track and keep a balanced mind. Many times our fear is what keeps us from financial stability. Fear is a huge part of what keeps us from making sound financial decisions.

1. TRACK YOUR EXPENSES!!! - It's impossible to know how to budget if you don't even know where your paycheck is going. Everything from candy for the kids to new tires should be documented. Be strict for a short period of time and you will have a much better idea of where to start your budget. Never wonder where your money goes again! Breaking bad spending habits begins with figuring out what triggers them.

2. Have support - Working with a friend or coach who is educated on financial matters, will hold you accountable and cares about your success is paramount to your ability to master your money. No great athlete reaches the goal with out coaches and friends cheering them to the finish. Having someone to help you along the way will give you long term personalized perspective for Christian money management.

3. Trust God! - This sounds simple, but one cannot live in fear and in love at the same time. Fears that are given free rein in our hearts and mind begin to determine our reality. Knowing what God has in store for us and trusting in him are huge pieces to solving our financial puzzle. Don't be afraid to make money and spend it as God intends for your life.

Christian money management is much more simplistic than some may think. Learning the proper steps to investing your money along with using your management skills to increase your financing skills will be on of the best investments you ever make in your future. There is a difference in money management and being over cautious. For instance using your money properly will help keep you debt free. But being over cautious can lead to loss opportunities. Great wealth comes from great calculated risk.

Are you serious about money management? If you don't feel as confident as you once were seek the help of Christian money management coaches or counselors. They will take a look at your current financial status while looking at your management skills. If there is room for improvement they will show you how to fix it. There are only positive things that can come out of improving your skills. Learning proper money management can prevent debt, hardship and undue stress for you and your family.

Once you improve your money management skills, you will soon find that when you plan to have money by a certain date whether it be for a bill or a trip, the money will be there! This is due to the proper budgeting that you learn through increasing your money management skill set. Some individuals find that they have a hard time when it comes to managing money, this is due to putting your wants over your needs. By flipping this process, and finding out what triggers it, you will find that you will not only save money, but you can invest, give to others and be a Godly steward of what you have been given.

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How Nonprofits Become a Model of Christian Charity

Christian charity means giving without thought of return - at least in this world! Throughout the Bible, we are reminded of the importance of offering Christian charity by helping the needy. Jesus said: "Sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven" (Matthew 19:21, NIV).

It is just as important that Christian nonprofits themselves exist only for the charitable benefit of those in real need. It would be against the Christian ethos to see donations for a nonprofit charity sidetracked to profit shareholders or to pay excessive administration costs. Nonprofits are the aim and model of Christian giving for the purpose of charity.

Major Christian nonprofits use every cent possible for the good of those they have pledged to help through charity. The nonprofits do this by keeping costs to a minimum. One particularly respected, model charity, which has sponsorship programs in many of the world's poorest countries, spends only 18.3 percent of its income on fundraising and administration. The rest goes to the purposes of the charity - the care, welfare and development of the children in its programs.

This nonprofit's sponsorship programs are a model example of Christian charity in action. The nonprofit's programs transform a child's life in the most simple but effective way. A kind sponsor agrees to pay a few dollars a month for the care of an individual child in the countries in Africa, Asia, Central and South America or the Caribbean. This money ensures that the selected child receives:
• food assistance
• clean safe water to drink
• medical care
• education leading to future job training
• the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ and the Gospels
The sponsor and child are also encouraged by the nonprofit to build a loving friendship through letters, photographs, small gifts, and even perhaps a visit to the child's community. The sponsor has the satisfaction of knowing that the nonprofit is a true model of Christian charity because almost all of the monthly contribution sent for the child is spent on the child rather than on administrative costs.

The nonprofits ethos is vital to the spirit of Christian charity, but there are other key factors. Is the nonprofit a true model? Is the charity effective? Are its aims truly Christian? Will the nonprofit's benefits be to the lasting good of those it seeks to help? The best Christian charities are committed to the highest professional nonprofit principles, serving others with true charity, honesty and integrity.

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Christian Counseling - Finding Answers to Life's Problems

Christian counseling is a faith based practice that is proudly grounded in the Holy Scriptures and the teachings of Jesus Christ. If you are a strongly spiritual person who is dealing with stress and conflicts this counseling can be of great help. Biblical counseling is the only type of professional help that many deeply religious people feel comfortable in accepting. Sometimes it has been hard for individuals to find the kind of assistance they need, especially if secular counselors were the only ones available. This article will introduce you and your family to the teachings that you can expect in the course of Christian counseling.

There are people who believe strongly in dealing with life problems in ways and manners that are approved and taught in the Bible. To do this properly they need to connect with Family Christian counseling centers that employ staff members who understand their needs. Christian counselors are those who embrace the philosophy and truths that are contained in the Holy Scriptures. Counselors are able to use these truths to effectively show clients how faith and prayer can address the issues at hand.

Biblical counseling can offer many spiritually rewarding benefits when used appropriately by well trained and compassionate professionals. Choosing Christian counseling lets the client deal with their problems or conflicts in a manner that is not at odds with the instruction that they find in the Holy Scriptures. It also helps each client strengthen their faith through prayer and increased scriptural understanding.

Many of the secular based counseling centers can not grasp the importance that deeply religious people affix to their spiritual beliefs and ideals. While these individuals want to gain emotional strength and understanding they also need to remain true to church doctrines. This is where Christian counseling services excel. Being religious and grounded in a particular spiritual belief does not mean that stress, problems and failures will not happen. To those with strong religious convictions these are the times that test their faith. Christian counseling done properly gives them the strength to face adversity and troubling situations.

These counselors use faith and prayer as the foundations for their sessions with clients. Their philosophy is based on the principles that spiritual power will overcome secular problems. It is necessary for those who work with Christian counseling services to uphold and believe in these teachings. Faith based counseling services are important for those who want to live by Christian principles. It is important for them to be allowed to maintain their faith in the power of God and his Holy Son. Christian counseling centers have workers on staff that can address many critical questions about human failings in ways that are not contrary to the client's religious upbringing.

Many of the secular counselors will emphasize avoidance of painful emotions in ways that are at odds with scriptural teachings. However in faith based counseling the emphasis is to look inward, embrace these inner demons and learn from each situation. It is believed that challenges are part of developing a stronger faith and a deeper relationship with God. If you have questions and dilemmas in your life, Christian counseling can show you how to call upon your faith and religious beliefs for the strength and answers that you need.