Our God is Love. Everything He does is motivated by His love for mankind. When He chastises, it is out of love for the person. Every Father that loves his child disciplines him; our God loves more than any father. He even gave His only son for mankind all because of His love. What god will sacrifice his ONLY son for any reason?
When you accept Jesus, the son of God, you accept Gods love for you. The beauty of salvation is that Gods love is poured into your heart when you welcome Jesus into your heart. You are able to love people even as God loves you. Actually, if you do not love then you do not know God!
The God we serve loves unconditionally. No matter how much evil you may have committed, when you come to Him, He accepts you. He gave Jesus when we were deep in our sins so that we will not suffer eternal death if we receive Jesus as our Lord.
As God expects of His children, operating in God's love will reduce the evil around us, in our society and the world. People will not do evil against others. We will respect one another and help each other. You will do it just because you love them. You will not keep record of wrongs done to you and you will not pay back evil with evil but with good
There is no fear when you walk in God's love. Fear torments but when you walk in love fear is removed from you. Fear opens you up to all manner of attacks including sickness and diseases. Love clears fear away and everything that goes with it
The love of God gives peace, joy to your heart. In the midst of storms you will be calm because of the assurance of God's love which is able to deliver you from whatsoever may come against you. What god can protect like our God?
We can face tomorrow because Jesus lives and His love is new every morning. His Love is a pillar to all that will hold unto it or lean on it. It never fails!
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