The Work of Ministry

 Living the Christian life can be like trying to break a rock. We keep doing our best even though nothing much happens. Sometimes we get discouraged bearing the same burden, resisting the same temptation, as we go through life, but when we see the work we do for God and mankind as a ministry, we can every resistance by continuing.
Ephesians 4: 11-12 "and He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelist, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry... "
Isn't it wonderful to know that God's word has an answer to every questions that may arise. God's word brings to an end every dispute that may arise as a result of inaccurate understanding of Scriptures. God's word has the final say.

There are believers who only chose what to believe and what not to believe. If God's Word makes sense to them they believe the word, if the Word doesn't make sense to them they won't believe.
But for how long will you continue to follow God that way? That's not how we ought to relate to the Word. Any passage of the scripture you seems not to understand, you ask the Holy Spirit to shed more light on it. You don't interpret scriptures by the way you feel, you don't interpret scriptures from your sense or head knowledge. It can only be interpreted through the help of the Holy Spirit.

There are believers out there who still think that working in the house of God is meant for a particular set of persons. They are waiting for God to appear to them in an audible voice saying "my son, my son, you are to work in my house", anything short of that, they are not ready to make a move. Well, if you are waiting for that, you might never see that happen. Do you know why? God has Himself given to His Church ministry gifts (apostles, pastors, teachers, prophets, and evangelists) to equip you to work in His house.

As a believer you are meant to be doing something for God in your place of worship. God didn't call you into that family for you to remain idle. It's funny to know that there are Christians who are a part of a Church assembly for several years but they are never a part of any department or unit. As a believer you are meant to be doing something for God in your place of worship.
For anyone to recognize and function effectively in his/her ministry, he/she must first understand that God equips His children for the sole purpose of using them to work for Him. As a result, we all must see the importance of every single soul as God sees it. We must also know who we are in the plan of God to save the whole world, recognize how we have been using our personalities and our individual gifts in the past for the edification of God's kingdom.

Surely, better things will gradually prevail if believers in Christ will yield themselves unreservedly for God to work through them. Our faith in love as the greatest power in the world should prepare us for a life in communion with God through the use of our spiritual gifts (ministry gifts) as can be evidenced in prayer, a life of unselfish service among our fellow-men, etc.

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