Anything That Takes You Away From God Is Idolatry

The people of Corinth came from a society of idol-worshippers. Sacrifices had to be made to the gods all the time. If you didn't do it, they believed, the gods would get upset and you'll be struck with bad luck. Therefore the new believers continued with these customs, even though they had started to believe in Jesus. Paul puts it to them clearly: 21And you can't have it both ways, banqueting with the Master one day and slumming with demons the next.
We may think it doesn't apply to us, because we don't believe in idols anymore. We worship God and that's it. Let's get on. But we shouldn't become too comfortable, because an idol is not necessarily that golden statuette I bought in the east or a wooden mask from deepest Africa. An idol is not necessarily that big car standing in the garage under a sheet to be taken out only on special occasions.
Maybe we should define an idol as follows: An idol is anything that comes between you and God. An idol is something that takes up God's time in your life, or put differently, something stealing the time that you should be spending with God. Let me give you an example from my own life. There was a time in my life that I watched TV till late at night. As soon as I started watching a movie I simply couldn't hit the off button. It could be the most stupid movie ever made, but I was simply too curious to see what would happen in the end to switch it off. When the movie eventually ended, I would be so upset with myself. The worst was that the next morning I couldn't get up for my time with God. Then TV had turned into an idol. It stole my morning and time of refreshment with God.
Many things slip softly into our lives and make us pull away from God. If I walk into my office and leave God outside, my work is an idol. If I can't take God to my friends, my friends become an idol. If I'm forced not to talk about God with my family, they've become my idols. Idol-worship has taken on another face today.
We can't say on the one hand that we worship God, but at other times and places we allow something else to steal our time with God. God is jealous and does not permit this at all. Therefore, it is extremely important to discover our time thieves. Things that we've become so used to that we don't even realise it has become and idol in our lives. No, we don't have to classify every little thing as an idol. We don't have to give away all our money and give the computers and TVs and tablets and cars to the poor. No, just make sure that it doesn't come between you and God. Rather use it to strengthen your relationship with God and to make the time that you spend with God even more enjoyable and informative.
May God's Spirit quietly show us what He doesn't like and what it is that steals our time with Him. And may He help us to change it so that we can spend enough time with God again!
What is it that steals your time with God?
Has it become an idol?
What can you do to give this time back to God?
Bible Reading
1 Corinthians 10:14-22
Father, I now realise that many things can steal our time with You. I must say in all honesty that I'm not aware of all the things that have become idols in my life. Please help me to recognise them and get rid of them. Amen
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Christians Must Go to Church!

In the first part of this discussion (Christian? - go to Church) we contended that ignorance pervades in the society and people love to exploit that ignorance of the word of God to manipulate the generality of the public to follow their personal agenda by introducing half-truths and false statements that are supposed to derive validity from the scriptures.
Yet, Christians gullibly accept that position. We also pointed out that many who call themselves Christians do not actually got to Church and therefore, they have difficulty in discovering that either these statements are incomplete or twisted. This is a grand agenda that Satan has successfully used over the years to distract people from the true worship of God, and populates his own kingdom.
It will be beautiful to recollect the following scripture for its relevance because if we do not go to church, how are going to hear the true word of God? And how are going to interpret that word without being manipulated by others who have ulterior motives?
not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching (Heb. 10:25).
For our non-church going Christians, the issue then becomes how they will appreciate God's provisions if they are not exposed to the claims. Sure, it is in the Bible, and every Christian has a Bible at home, so goes a defense. Really! Yet, this may be true, after all we all have online access to free Bibles these days. However, if someone lacks the concern to even go to church, how do you trust him to have the time to study the Bible to such depths in his home? In other words, nominal Christians lose both ways.
For instance, verses 9-10 of Psalm 91 are a beautiful eye-opener. Clearly, they show that there is nothing within the purview of mankind that God has not made provision for:
Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place, No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling (Psalm 91:9-10).
Yet, these provisions carry conditionalities. Disobedience is a satanic trick that encourages us to evade the guidance of God by refusing to learn of His true intentions from church ministers. And it is suggestive that we do not dwell in Him. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that any Christian who does not go to church is cheating himself.
If for any reason one cannot make it to church on Sunday, there are always mid-week activities in most churches. Regularly attending one or two of them helps build one's faith structures; but more importantly, gives one the grounds to demand of His promises as of right from one who has a son-ship status with Him. Every Christian truly needs to fortify himself with the true word of God, irrespective of age or other circumstances. Our ticket to heaven needs reassurance, while we reinforce our rights to the best that this world has to offer.

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Christians Are Born to Win

Our attitudes as Christians matter a great deal, especially as they concern the affairs of born again Christians. Quite assuredly, we would rest content if we know that our attitudes and actions can steer us far away from fear. We want to get frequently reminded that we should not be easily frightened by any state of affairs such that we lose our bearing. We should be focused and stable. The Holy Bible is replete with convincing promises that God's intention for us in life is to be on top, not below - above, not under.
What pressure does, most of the time, is to render us fickle-minded so that we are perpetually kept darting between opposing alternatives. Under such circumstances, one can easily home in on wrong choice. Therefore, no matter the degree or kind of pressure we are exposed to we should be strong in our resolve and remain 'as constant as the Northern Star'. Irrespective of one's status in life, race or color, disturbing pressures apply to people all over the world. Above all, one should be aware that God wants everyone to be a winner.
But it is hearty to note that pressure has its other side, which is largely beneficial in nature. Pressure directs you to recognize both good and evil. Ill or good, you are at liberty to make a choice. And our encouragement is the courage to choose to do that which is right. Doing what is good is a process that fast-forwards the blessings of truly religious Christians.
The early Church, for instance, grew in leaps and bounds and achieved encouraging results in times of intense turbulence and persecution than in times of benign peace. Persecution then is a form of pressure which can hasten spiritual and material advancement. It can also fire up your faith and drive you into quicker actions than you previously planned.
In some parts of the world, there are instances where landlords become intolerably unbearable to their tenants and make life a living hell for them. What more option would be open to the embattled tenants than to become alive to the reality that they too can do something to own houses?
In a learning situation, continuous assessment by way of assignments, tests and examinations are necessary and sufficient conditions for promotion and graduation.
Pressure - tests, persecutions and others may be experienced in marriage, workplace, and church and in all facets of societal life. As they rear their ugly heads, your target concern is not to give up. God will bless and reward you with an expected end.
Another beauty of the trial of faith is that it helps to pile up your blessings for a season and thereafter have them released to you. The testimonial for this is: 'And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you' Joel 2:25
In closing, have the assurance that whatever God allows in your life today is meant to bring you blessings in multiples, tomorrow. You can't but be a winner.

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Christianity Saved My Life - Rethinking Your Christian Life

I would like you to think about something for a minute, have you ever met somebody who has been saved in a Christian church. There's a good chance you know quite a few people if you live in the United States of America. Over the years I've heard people tell me, "I've Been Saved," it can be a new beginning for some or lead to a life of frustration and pain for others.
If you don't know what being saved is, or have never heard of it, let me give you a brief description of a saved Christian. This would be someone who accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior, it's not that difficult and you really don't have to go to church, this ritual can be performed anywhere.
If you're reading this article and would like to be saved, here's how you do it. Get up out of your chair, run outside the building you're in and start running up and down the streets yelling, I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, 1111 times. Be careful because if you missed this by one number, in either direction, you have to start all over again.
Okay I'm just kidding about the running out of the house, and yelling at the top of your lungs, oh yeah and the 1111 times. Anyway the truth about being saved according to the Christian church, is quite simply saying the words to your self or out loud, "I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior."
That's it, it's really quite simple and your saved.
The problem becomes a little bit later in your life and this could be within a few days or even a few hours, if most people don't see a drastic change in their life, they quit their newly founded Christian religion and go back to their old ways.
I hope you have a pretty good understanding about being saved in the Christian religion and you can do it anytime of the day, at any period of your life. If you're going to die and you been a liar, committed adultery, murdered or raped another person, lived a life of crime, ruined the lives of others or even been part of another religion you're whole life, simply state the words "I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior," and you're instantly a Christian. That's a pretty good deal for anyone.
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, this simple statement gives you a one way ticket to heaven and spend eternity in one of the grandest most beautiful places you could ever possibly imagine, even though you might not have been, what most people would consider a decent person. Now this is looking pretty good isn't it.
Being saved can provide you with a lot of benefits if you're a believer but I forgot to tell you one very important thing about this whole process. There is no hard evidence and most Christians will tell you that they base their whole life on faith and a book written by a man but inspired by, one unbelievable, supernatural and incredible entity.
I've seen a lot of people live their lives tormented from the decisions they've made throughout their lives. If you choose to believe in Christianity, I would suggest you spend some of your time reading the Bible but most of your time gathering information about other religions also. Don't take someone else's word, that this is the way to eternal salvation. I beg you to at least, find out where the Bible really came from, always question your religion [].
Education has freed me, to pursue other ideas and release me from the bondage and fear of organized religion.

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Christian Community - Reasons to Join a Christian Community

Dating is hard in any world because there are so many hurdles you have to go through to find the person you are meant to be with. For Christians, dating can be even harder because it can be difficult to find people who share the same religious beliefs as you do. People nowadays just do not see why their religious beliefs should play a part in their dating world. For those of you who still value religious beliefs, using a Christian community to find your dates could be a huge benefit. There are a variety of reasons to join, but above all, you will know up front they share your religion.
When you join a Christian community to find someone with whom you can share your life you automatically know they likely will share your views on religion and faith and its place in dating. You will not have to worry about getting attached with someone only to find out later that they have completely different religious or spiritual values or morals. If you are new at online dating, you have to tell yourself that there is no reason to be nervous or embarrassed. There was a reason this other person was online as well, so there is no reason to be embarrassed about meeting there. Christian dating online is a valuable tools or resource for those seeking a Christian partner.
In addition to finding potential dates at an online Christian community, you also can join simply for social and fellowship reasons. Many people are there just to be surrounded by other like-minded individuals. Christian believers enjoy the company of other Christians and an online Christian community may be just what you are looking for.
In today's fast paced world, it can be difficult to find people who like to talk about your values and beliefs. Online communities devoted to Christians are a great place to go for this type of relationship. Whether you like to discuss a scripture or just a current event, you will find you will have more educated and more moral conversations with people just like yourself.
Joining a Christian community is a great way to help discover yourself. There is such opportunity to learn here that many people join just for this. They do not care about potential dates they might meet, but rather, they are more interested in getting to know who they are when it comes to Christianity. Once you discover this, you are able to move on and let others in your life. People cannot get to know the real you until you do.
When evaluating a Christian community researching the people behind the site is advisable. A Christian website should be run by Christians who live as Christians and believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.
To see all you can do on online community sites, please visit our Web site at For more information about Christian Dating visit us soon.

The Personalities of Christians in Church Today

Have you ever wondered why Christians who are born-again and believe in the same God do not get the same results/blessings? We can actually use the analogy of horses to describe the five categories of Christians we find in the body of Christ today. The word of God in Matthew 7: 2 says, "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."
The five characteristics of the natural horses can be compared to five types of personalities we find in the body of Christ today. Let us begin with the pleasure horses. The pleasure horses are not trained for work or war. These are privately kept horses maintained for pleasure or casual riding rather than competition or work, and if they should be given any work at all, they should be allowed to rest. Pleasure horses are gentle and are suited for young children and new nervous riders. Pleasure horses can be described as lazy. They are not taken to war fronts as they are not trained for war. At the same time, they do not expect to be given much work. What they do is to each grass, hang around the courtyards, stand under the shades of trees and sleep. Their owners pamper them a lot. They are washed in the morning and in the evening, while the veterinary doctor is always at hand to monitor their health.
When we observe Christians in their churches, we find that pleasure horse Christians play passive roles. They do things only when it is convenient to them. They may stop attending church for as long as three months without good reasons. These kinds of Christians do not take things seriously nor do they like to engage in any tasks that are strenuous. For example should their pastors call for say, three days of prayer and fasting, pleasure horse Christians will find every reason to dodge. They love to be spectators while watching others working, and when mistakes occur, as they sometimes do, pleasure horses are quick to criticize. Show me perpetrators of gossips and malice in churches, and I will show you the pleasure horses. As a matter of fact, when it comes to appointing leaders in churches, the pleasure horses do not expect their pastors to leave them out. They love big titles but you will hardly find them being committed to anything that is engaging. This explains the reason why we have Christians squabbling for titles in churches.
Let us take another step to look at the characteristics of show horses. Like the pleasure horses, the show horses are not trained for war or work. These are the kind of horses used during parades and national celebrations. For this reason, they are always decorated. Besides, the show horses are trained to be proud. You will love the way they take their strides. They love to be noticed, and when this does not happen, they will make the noise pruuuuuuh... and knock their legs on the ground, until someone notices them.
So, who are show horse Christians? Now when we examine the show horses in the Christian context, you will find that show horse Christians, like to serve in areas or groups that will make them get noticed. The kind of service that show horse Christians offer, is what is termed as "Eye Service." The motive behind their kingdom service is one - to be seen. They are more after their own publicity than anything else. Even if you attend a fellowship for the first time, you will always notice them because of their flamboyance and "don't you know I am around" kind of mentality. Just like the natural show horses, show horse Christians crave for attention, and if no one is paying attention to them, they would throw their weight around, without minding the feelings of others.
The work horse is another type of breed which we are going to explore. Work horses as their name implies, are used by their owners for work. They are nicknamed "gentle giants" because they do not make trouble for their owners. It has never occurred that a work horse has thrown his master into the ditch out of anger. These kind of breeds are dependable and their masters can rely on them. The work horses are ready for duty any time, even in the middle of the night.
How does this translate to the believers in the body of Christ today? Today, we have believers who say, "Use me Lord, anywhere, anytime. Ride on me Lord; I want to work for You. I want to be on the toughest angle of the kingdom service. Put any load on me Lord, I am ready for it." Such believers are full of humility and the reason they are serving God is for the glory of God only! They are not out to impress anybody neither are they hungry for titles. They just want to do the work for God. They get restless when things are not going right in their churches. For example if a church project does not take off on time, they go on their knees to pray and/or look for solutions, unlike the pleasure horses who would take advantage of such situations to castigate their pastors.
The forth type of horses are known as race horses. These are the ones you see at the race tracks. At the sound of a gun shot, they burst out of their cages and run. They don't stop until they finish the race. They may have the gift of speed, but first and foremost, they must be trained for a period of not less than six months. When the race horses are being trained, the only lesson they are taught is to run forward and fast. They are trained not to focus on other horses in other tracks. A horse which is under three years is not supposed to race, even if he may look big in stature. Some race horse owners get lured by money, because of the betting people place on the horses. Thus, they end up putting their race horses on race when they are under age. So when such race horses go for racing, they break their bones and end up dying.
In the body of Christ and as children of the most High, we are all called to be race horses, since God has given all of us the grace. Though we may be called as spiritual race horses, there is a need for training. Jesus had twelve race horses - the disciples, who before He sent them out, they underwent rigid training for three and a half years. Many today, have become spiritual casualties because they lacked training in their areas of calling. Thus we have found men who have started ministries only to close after a while, because they never took time to train and/or learn from the experience of those who have been ministry before them.
The fifth and the last kind of breed are known as war horses. War horses are the finest and strongest, raised and trained specifically for war. War horses are 2% of the population of all the horses on earth - hence they are a rare species. They are nicknamed "hot blood" horses because they are tough, ready to go and they never say "die." These are the kind of horses used in the olden days by Roman gladiators. In the present days, some of them are used by Cow boys in films. Also they are used for playing polo. The properly trained war horses can run between five miles and a hundred miles a day without stopping. Emotionally, they are very strong even under stressful conditions. For example Medieval war horses were trained to become battle horses, able to inflict injury on the enemy. Again, no matter how much the battle is hot, the war horses would never cower, but stay on.
When this is translated to the kingdom of God, it means God wants to ride on people who are trained, able to endure and stand the test of time. Jesus Christ was the greatest War Horse! He moved into the city of Jerusalem and it was shaken. God wants to raise men and women who will reach places and make an impact on the lives of believers. Pleasure horses or show horses cannot do so! In fact we can conclude that the reason why some men of God are not adding spiritual value to their congregations is because, some of those who have started ministry are only interested in showmanship and making money.
This is an outstanding book that speaks volumes about spiritual maturity which you cannot afford to ignore. Life is a gift from God and our understanding about it is what gives it a meaning, and much more our input into the Kingdom of God. The Mystery of Horses is a life application text. It provides a practical and deep insight about life in general. This book helps us to understand the other side of life. This is classic, unique and irresistible. Its a book for the hour!

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Christian Sermon Evaluation - Purpose and Suffering

I was listening to a sermon today that someone sent me through e-mail. It showed a man preaching in what looked to be a mega-church. When do these preachers stop preaching the gospel and start becoming entertainers for profit?
For many years, religious leaders have been using propaganda, music, advanced dramatic effects, misquoting biblical scripture, adapting any religious text to serve their personal needs or beliefs and any other usable tool that can gather the moss to the rolling stone of Christianity.
Here's what the religious leader of this mega-church said.
The purpose of God in creating the universe is to display the greatness of the glory of his grace supremely in the suffering of the son, that's yesterday, today the summons, will you join the son in displaying the supreme satisfaction of the glory of grace in joining him on the Calvary Road of suffering.
So let me get this right, this sermon is in plain English and easy to interpret but like most religious text can be interpreted to benefit anyone who chooses to do so, in any way, shape or form. These over dramatic, theatrical like sermons often absorb the followers into some sort of trance. As the camera scrolls around in the audience, adding drama of course, the faces of these believers are definitely caught up in the moment and to add to the theatrical drama of the sermon.
I'm going to interpret this in simple English. The purpose of God in creating the entire universe is to show some form of glory or grace and even greatness in the suffering of his son. How could you possibly get this statement out of the Bible. Does it actually say this in the Bible? Anyone who has proof or any thing like it can send me the information, I will post it underneath this article. Only send me information that makes sense in plain English.
After that he's asking you to join his son in displaying this supreme satisfaction and makes it sounds like something wonderful by using the word glory of grace in joining him on the Calvary Road of suffering. This is purely financial dramatics to have people feel sorry, send money and live in a world of guilt because Jesus died for their sins.
Let me break this to you gently, open your ears because I'm old and going to say this once. Jesus's message is about love, Christianity is about love and suffering. Remember the old Pepsi challenge, where Pepsi would set up booths and ask people if they could tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi. It was very easy for me to tell the difference, but thousands of people quit drinking Coke and started drinking Pepsi. Most people are easily swayed and controlled.
Seeking the truth can often be confusing when religious leaders put their personal goals first and God's second.
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Christian Sermon - What Makes It A "Christian" Sermon?

What is the difference between the messages we get from a talk show host and the messages we get from spiritual leaders? The sad thing about this question is that when you answer the correct Biblical answer, many leaders would contradict the right answer by doing the wrong thing. You see, when it comes to Biblical preaching, the Bible is really vocal when it comes to the examples of sermons that are effective and life-changing. However, people may contend that preachers and leaders must keep up with how the world is changing mainly due to globalization and the presence of the media.
Given that the media has such a strong impact in the world today as well as a nation's culture, does the message also flow with the change? Or should the message continue to be "old-fashioned" and therefore because of that, stay Biblical? Is there such a thing as an in-between? Or is there only a thing called compromise? Let us understand the changes first and after that is being dealt, let us draw out what the Bible has to say.
The Never Changing Message
Throughout the Bible, there is one theme: to anticipate (Old Testament) and to witness (New Testament) God's answer to man's sinfulness and that is found in Jesus Christ. That message and everything that surrounds the deity of Jesus, including the promises made concerning him and the promises to be fulfilled which concerns him are untouchable. That is the single foundation that cannot be moved and with that, a Christian sermon is formed.
What Changes Over Time?
Many people are mistaken that a sermon should be delivered in only one particular fashion and one particular sequence. It is true that a particular style done in a particular order will have its particular results. This means that a way of preaching may have a great effect in a particular audience but will have almost non-existent results if preached in a different audience.
It should be noted that the only standard that we can compare our sermons to in order to check whether we are toning down God's word or we are coasting too near the Eisegesis line is if it continues to proclaim God's truth by being affirmed and confirmed by the Bible. This means that if you teach the same message by the Bible, you are going in the right direction when it comes to biblical preaching.
Innovation Is Not Unbiblical
Therefore, you should not be afraid to innovate. Jesus used stories in order for people to fully grasp the message he was speaking. Jesus did not adhere to man's need for self-serving messages which ultimately act as motivation for the common man. Neither did he use theological terms that were only known by the top scholars. Instead, he focuses on man's need to know about God and did whatever it takes for man to understand the message in its full essence.
Therefore, it does not matter to God whether you would want sound effects in the message, the sermon being rapped, or the sermon being incorporated with stories of real people; what matters is that Jesus is glorified biblically by the word being spoken truthfully and in reverence to God.
To sum up a biblical Christian message, there are three simple questions that every preacher must adhere to:
1. Is the purpose of the message to ultimately glorify God and God alone?
2. Is the message being confirmed to be true and biblical by the Bible?
3. Is the projected result/s of the message to teach, rebuke, correct and/or train in righteousness the hearers?
If you have said yes to all the questions above, preach on, preacher.
Joseph Su is a preacher, a professional teacher, a businessman, an online marketer, a husband and a follower of Jesus Christ.
Visit his blog by clicking this: Christian blog [].
You can also take a look at his current Christian ministries by clicking this: Christian ministries [].

Avoiding These Common Mistakes Could Save Your Marriage

I've had the privilege of helping hundreds of individuals during their divorces over the past two decades, as a mediator, business valuator and divorce transitional support advisor. Over the years, I've heard and seen it all (or at least it seems that way).
Interestingly, I hear similar stories and have drawn some conclusions about certain issues that seem to adversely impact the strength of one's marriage. By no means am I a psychologist or expert in that realm, but hearing the same refrains time and again from a wide variety of clients has given me insight into common mistakes that undermine many marriages.

It was a mistake in the first place

We all have an inner voice that tries to give us a heads' up before we make bad decisions. Call it gut instinct or something else, but the inherent sense that something isn't quite right from the get go is a very real phenomenon. Surprisingly, many people have that sense of foreboding before ever tying the knot, yet the go ahead anyway. Perhaps to please other family members, or to spite them or to avoid an uncomfortable social situation. Still, listening to your inner voice when it's trying to tell you something is always a very good idea. Failing to listen virtually guarantees that the little bumps along the road of married life (which we all have) will turn into insurmountable mountains that will eventually turn into divorce.

Ignoring the warning signs

No marriage is perfect. But sometimes little things are signs of deeper issues. And ignoring those little things allows a situation to grow until divorce seems like the only answer. A marriage is like any living thing. It requires care and attention to thrive. If you start seeing signs or unusual behaviors in your spouse, getting to the bottom of things early on might save your marriage. Burying your head in the sand virtually guarantees divorce.

Failure to communicate

I've saved this one for last, because it is the most important. Every married couple has disagreements now and again (some more than others). Anyone who claims otherwise is being dishonest. Not every disagreement has to be a knock-down, drag out fight, but conflict is natural in every relationship. And marriage is no exception. However, successfully married couples understand how to resolve conflict before it festers into an uncontrollable situation. The key is discussing things right away and avoiding the buildup of resentments. The old adage "never go to bed angry" exists for a reason. That logic works.
To learn more about how a Divorce Transitional Support Advisor can help you or your client regain financial stability after a divorce, please visit our website at

Should Christians Get Divorced?

Can a Christian get divorced? What does the Bible say about divorce? These are the questions that will be dealt with briefly in this article.
Before we look at the specifics about if divorce is permissible for Christians it is important to start with the fact that God created the institution of marriage and he hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). Christians may have different views on whether or not divorce is ok, but each has to affirm that divorce is not what God intended and he hates it when it happens.

There seems to be 2 grounds for divorce in the Bible.
The first is adultery as found in several places but especially Matthew 19. In this passage Jesus seems to make allowance for divorce if there has been unfaithfulness in the marriage. While he does make an allowance in this instance again it is important to read this whole passage where he says that if there is a divorce it is because there are hard hearts (which he dislikes). It is also very important to note that while it might be permissible for a Christian to get a divorce in this situation Jesus is not commanding that they do so and in fact hopes that they will stay together just as God has joined them.
The second provision that seems to be made for divorce is if a Christian is abandoned by a non Christian (1 Corinthians 7). If a non Christian spouse were to move away scripture seems to allow for a divorce in this situation. Again while there is a provision here in this case it is not a command for a Christians to get a divorce if they are left by a "non believer."
Are you tired of the pain of a struggling or failing relationship? You can in fact save your marriage. Click to start saving your marriage right now.

Christians and Divorce - What Does the Bible Say?

What exactly does the Bible say about being Christian and Divorce? There are many texts throughout scripture on the subject of divorce and the over riding message to Christians is that it is wrong and therefore unacceptable.
According to (Malachi 2:16) "God hates divorce". So as a Christian, divorce should never be an option although the Christian world today does face as many divorces as non Christians. According to (Luke 11:4) reconciliation restoration and forgiveness are supposed to be the identifiers of a true Christian. Taken literally this would indicate that these measures are what God would like to see happening.
There are only two specific reasons spoken about in the Bible as to how being Christian and Divorce could be acceptable. (Matthew 19:9) discusses "unrepentant adultery" as a reason for a Christian to want a divorce and (1 Corinthians 7:15) speaks about the abandonment of a Christian by a non Christian Spouse. This however should still not be regarded as a "get out clause" and once again a true Christian should seek reconciliation by any means and a move towards forgiveness.
In (Luke 14:26) the message is clear when Jesus says that you should love Him more than your own life. Thus the way to ensure that your marriage is a happy one is to ensure that you put Him first in all that you do.
If divorce is currently at the forefront of your life right now you must endeavor to do all that is possible to prevent it through counseling, therapy and help from friends or religious leaders. Clearly "Christian and Divorce" are two words which are just not compatible. The only separation you should be seeking is the separation of these two words.
There are many activities you can carry out yourself such as formatting a plan of action so that you know in your heart that you have tried and explored every way possible to avoid the catastrophic outcome of divorce.
The reality is that you owe it to yourself, your partner, your children and your faith, to try everything possible to save your marriage. Before you invest in marriage counseling or therapy, I strongly suggest you read this book. There is a great video here as well that you really must watch... Save your Marriage Today The Author of this book has already helped 6100 couples save their relationships.