The gospel is among the most widely celebrated themes in all
Christianity. Ironically, differing gospel messages are printed in
literature, broadcast on television, preached from the pulpit, and
solicited door to door. In our modern age, competing denominations have
advanced a gospel of grace, a gospel of salvation, a gospel of peace, a
health and wealth gospel, a social gospel, and even gospel music.
while enormous attention has been focused on what various religious
leaders have proclaimed, few have truly understood Christ's gospel of
the Kingdom of God. In fact, religious leaders have deceived millions of
sincere men and women regarding Christ's message to mankind. Certainly,
they talk about Jesus, His life and His death, but they ignore the
profound message that He preached.
Ministers lure members into
their congregations by teaching that by professing belief in the life,
death, and resurrection of Jesus, one gains an almost effortless and
automatic ticket to salvation. By this, they lead followers to believe
in Jesus, but they don't teach them to believe the message that Jesus
The Gospel Jesus Preached
During His ministry,
Jesus Christ powerfully and passionately preached a message about the
Kingdom of God. This gospel was to be the motivating hope of true
Christians. It was to be their reason for being. But tragically, few
have understood it. What was this gospel that Jesus preached?
years of silent preparation, Christ launched His ministry in Galilee.
There, speaking with urgency and authority, Jesus taught that the
Kingdom of God was coming: As Mark writes:
The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel (Mark 1:15).
profound message affected people in different ways. A few were inspired
by His words, some were bewildered, and others actually felt
threatened. Nevertheless, His declaration of the Kingdom was
relentlessly consistent. As Matthew records Jesus to say:
for the kingdom of God is at hand... and Jesus went about all Galilee
teaching in their synagogues the gospel of the Kingdom (Matthew
When the crucifixion of Jesus drew near, He entrusted
the gospel of the Kingdom to His disciples. They were to continue to
preach His vital message of hope. In fact, He explained, that this
gospel of the Kingdom was to continue to be preached right up to the
very end of the age. As Matthew writes:
This gospel of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and
then shall the end come (Matthew 24:14).
After Christ's
resurrection, the apostles traveled to local cities and faraway nations,
preaching Christ's message. They taught that we must have faith that
Jesus is the promised Messiah. We must believe that His Kingdom will
reign on earth, and that to be a part of that Kingdom, we must repent of
breaking God's commandments, be baptized, and strive to overcome our
human nature and live a Godly life.
The Original Corruption of the Gospel
disciples faithfully preached Christ's gospel, but it was not long
until Satan began his work of corrupting this message. A mere twenty
years after Christ's crucifixion, the apostle Paul found himself forced
to battle false teachers who had infected new Gentile converts with the
idea that, to become a Christian they must first become Jews by being
circumcised. Combating this, Paul wrote to the brethren in Corinth,
warning them:
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom
we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not
received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well
bear with him (II Corinthians 11:4).
A Modern Counterfeit
confronted a growing perversion of the gospel in his day. It was one
which required Gentiles to be circumcised and keep Jewish ceremonial
laws. While few would ever be fooled by such a message, many must now
combat another perversion of the gospel.
In the heresy widely
preached today, thousands of false ministers propagate a gospel in which
the focus is only about the life of Jesus. This teaching purports that
Jesus lived a perfect life for us, and died to pay the penalty for our
sins. While this may be true, they then add a heretical twist by
teaching that all one must do is believe on Him and they will live
forever in heaven.
In their theology, there is no longer a need to
keep any of God's laws. They promote the idea that belief in the life
and death of Jesus as our Savior alone grants people eternal life. The
Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary is an example of this common
belief. The Editors write:
One may conclude that the facts of
Jesus' life constituted the Gospel, which was interpreted and applied to
suit the occasion on which it was preached (P. 319, Article Gospel).
the facts of Jesus' life are part of the Gospel. Christ's life has deep
and profound importance. The behavior He displayed and the events
surrounding His life are essential to understanding the example we are
to follow. Further, His death and resurrection make eternal life
possible for believers, but the facts of His life are not the complete
gospel. They certainly were not the focus of Christ's ministry. They
were only a part-only the beginning of the gospel of the Kingdom of God
that Jesus and His disciples preached!
Believing in the facts of
Christ's life, death and resurrection is a prerequisite to the Kingdom.
However, those who preach that this is all that is required are giving
individuals a false sense of comfort. They teach followers that by
accepting these facts, they will go to heaven when they die, but such a
message is actually damnable! The consequence of such belief is that
many mainstream Christians are left with only a sentimental concept of
Jesus as a God that exists primarily for their comfort. Vast numbers
trust that if they give their heart to the Lord, He accepts them just as
they are. They think that since Christ's death paid for their sins, all
they have to do is profess belief and this makes them "born again."
They imagine that the kingdom is set up in their hearts and that eternal
life in heaven is guaranteed, but this is far from the truth.
Is Belief in Jesus all that is required?
the belief that Christians only need faith in Christ's sacrifice does
an enormous disservice to believers. It creates a false sense of
security that can never be realized. Belief in Christ's atonement is
absolutely essential, but it is only the foundation of what is required.
that the devil recognizes the power and the majesty of God. He
understands and believes in the life and sacrifice of Jesus, but he has
chosen the side of darkness, and purposely violates God's law. In that
context, the apostle James reminds us of this vital truth, stating:
believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also
believe, and tremble, but wilt thou know O vain man that faith without
works is dead (James 2:19-20).
Belief in Christ is essential, but
truly believing must be reflected in a conviction to change our way of
life! It will result in subjecting our will to God so that we can
harmoniously live forever in His Kingdom. Genuine faith will function as
a catalyst, promoting change in our character and producing the lasting
fruit of obedience to God's law. No matter what your local minister,
pastor, or priest might say, the Almighty is the one we should listen to
and He is perfectly clear on this point. Certain "works" are a
prerequisite to attaining God's Kingdom. Absolutely nothing in His Holy
Word ever contradicts this truth!
Without this kind of
life-altering faith, our religion is in vain. It is empty of substance
and useless! Jesus warned that some would profess just such a belief in
Him, but their faith was unacceptable. He warns:
These people draw
near to me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. In vain
they worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men (Matthew
The gospel of the Kingdom demands much more of us than mere
lip service! It requires repentance-a change in the way we live. It
requires that we overcome sin and our own human nature. This gospel of
Christ insists that we quit behaving in ways that continue to break
God's law. We must begin to actually keep the Ten Commandments (Mat.
5:17-19, 19:16-19). The gospel Jesus preached demands that believers
prepare for the Kingdom of God by actively practicing the way of life
that will be taught and lived in His Kingdom in the world to come.
The Gospel of the Kingdom Changes Lives
gospel of Jesus Christ captivated and motivated His followers to such
an extent that they became dramatically changed people. They grew to
become individuals totally committed to obeying God. They were willing
to give up everything if necessary for Christ and many of them did. They
felt honored to suffer persecution, torture, and even the loss of their
lives to preach this message of God's Kingdom to others! Why would they
be so willing to endure such things?
The answer is that after
Jesus was resurrected, He visited His disciples and taught them about
the Kingdom of God. Then, after the day of Pentecost, they received the
Holy Spirit. Finally they had a clear picture of His message. They now
grasped what the Kingdom was all about. The disciples became radically
changed by what they saw and what Jesus taught them after He was raised
from the dead. It is this that made such a tremendous difference in
their lives. Luke records that Jesus:
Shewed himself alive after
his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days,
and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3).
disciples saw Christ in His resurrected state. They then realized the
reality of the resurrection. They witnessed His glory, the majesty that
they would one day inherit. Very likely, Christ taught them intimate
details of the Kingdom, and it finally began to make perfect sense.
now understood what Christ meant when He said, "seek ye first the
Kingdom of God" (Mat. 6:33). They were filled with a profound hope that
deeply motivated them. They became totally convinced that the entire
world would one day come under God's rule, and that man would experience
all the joy and happiness that God intended for us to have from the
beginning. Armed with their faith in a far better and glorious world to
come, the disciples went forth into a hostile world and they preached
the gospel of the Kingdom with enormous hope and joy.
We Need the Kingdom of God
the history of mankind we have seen very few years of peace. Since
3,600 B.C. the earth has seen 14,000 large and small wars that have
resulted in the death over more than 3.5 billion people.
this last
decade we have witnessed attempts at ethnic cleansing, genocide,
hideous terrorist acts, and massive killing in racial wars. Everyday man
is faced with the terrifying threat of a suicidal nuclear war. As
Jonathan Schell writes in his book, The Fate of the Earth, should
nuclear war break out, there would
The world today also suffers
from rampant diseases. Pollution is out of control in most
industrialized countries. In addition to this destruction that man
inflicts upon himself, our planet is constantly experiencing convulsions
in the form of natural disasters. There is only one real and lasting
solution-a superhuman solution. It is the coming Kingdom of God!
There is Good News
the proverb states, "As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news
from a far country" (Pro. 25:25). The gospel of the Kingdom of God is
truly "good news" from afar.
This fantastic message of hope began
long ago and is documented by literally hundreds of prophecies
throughout the Old Covenant. Throughout these writings, intimate details
are shared about the coming Messiah and the Kingdom that He will
eventually establish on earth.
Just before the Savior would be
born, the angel Gabriel came to the priest Zacharias with exciting news.
This righteous spirit being informed him that he would have a son whose
name would be John, and that he would be a precursor to the prophesied
And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that
stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to
shew thee these glad tidings (Luke 1:19).
Later, this same angel came to Mary, who was espoused to Joseph, and revealed additional details of the coming Messiah:
the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary; for thou hast found favour
with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a
son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be
called the Son of the Highest: the Lord God shall give unto him the
throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob
for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end (Luke 1:30-34).
amazing good news is that Jesus Christ was born for this magnificent
purpose: to be a King over a literal Kingdom. One day very soon, He will
return with power, glory, and magnificent majesty to rule the world in
righteousness. As the Almighty God, He will set His hand to correct
every problem man has created on this globe.
Christ's Good News is the Kingdom of God
prophet Isaiah foretold that a Son would be given, and that God's
government would be conferred upon His shoulders (Isa. 9:6). This is the
good news that the angel proclaimed to Mary. She would bear the
Messiah, and her child would one day sit on the throne of David to rule
over a Kingdom which would never end. He will bring peace, harmony,
happiness and prosperity to all. It will be a virtual utopia for all of
Most of those holding to the Jewish faith realize that
the Messiah was to rule over Israel, but the full truth is that His
heavenly government will expand to include the earth and eventually the
entire universe. One of the most wonderful aspects of this good news is
that Christ's divine rule will bring heavenly counsel that will be able
to solve all of mankind's overwhelming problems and difficulties.
message of hope originated with God the Father (John 8:28). It was the
prime subject that Christ preached throughout His ministry. It is
directly referred to over one hundred times throughout the New Testament
and is indirectly referred to in nearly every sentence uttered by
Jesus. Regarding all of the necessities we as mortal beings need in
life, Jesus says:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).
message did not emphasize His life, and death. His gospel primarily
consisted of God's communication to mankind of an incredible divine
government that would be established on earth-THE KINGDOM OF GOD!
spoke of a future government. But this new establishment will be
composed of leaders that are resurrected saints. They will be spirit
beings who will possess the very character and integrity of God. Such
leaders will be capable of discerning the hearts of men, and posses the
ability to judge righteously. They will always act in love and they will
serve in the best interests of all concerned.
This is the good
news! It is the gospel of the glorious Kingdom to come. It is the core
of God's message to man, and one of the primary reasons Christ was sent.
As Jesus said:
... I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent (Luke 4:43).
Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their
synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom... (Matthew 9:35)
prophesied Kingdom of God is the common thread woven throughout all
that Jesus taught. For example, when He gave the Sermon on the Mount, He
openly spoke of it. Christ reminded His followers that the poor in
spirit were blessed "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." He taught
that the meek "shall inherit the earth." He explained that those who are
persecuted for righteousness sake will ultimately receive the Kingdom
(Mat. 5:3-10).
Then again, when the disciples asked Jesus to teach
them to pray, the Savior taught them that the Kingdom was to be an
integral part of their daily thoughts and communion with God. Jesus
trained them to pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done." He also told
them that they should pray, "...For thine is the Kingdom, and the
power, and the glory, for ever. Amen" (Mat. 6:10-13).
The Kingdom
consumed Christ's thoughts. It was His magnificent obsession. He lived
and died in order to bring the children of God into that coming Kingdom.
His divine rule is the most glorious hope that mankind will ever
envision. It was this good news that inspired His followers to continue
preaching that same gospel message throughout every age.
The Apostles Preached the Gospel of the Kingdom
had commanded His apostles to preach the same gospel that He powerfully
proclaimed. That proclamation was the Kingdom of God to come. Luke
records Christ's words, saying:
Then he called his twelve
disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils,
and to cure diseases. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and
to heal the sick (Luke 9:1-2).
At a later point, Christ sent out
another group, this time seventy strong. They were sent forth in pairs
to serve a specific purpose and to perform miraculous acts. Luke
After these things the Lord appointed other seventy
also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and
place, whither he himself would come (Luke 10:1).
Christ told
these seventy to go out and spread the good news of His coming Kingdom.
They were to do so, not only by words, but by divine healing which was
to be a reflection of what that Kingdom will bring. Jesus instructed
them to:
Heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you (Luke 10:9).
reign will usher in a new era of restoration. He will reclaim the earth
and fashion it to conform to the way God originally intended. In so
doing, He will demonstrate His awesome power to restore, comfort, and
heal mankind. The blind shall see, the lame walk, the dumb speak. Water
will flow in arid lands and the desert will blossom like a rose (Isa.
Later in His ministry, Christ commanded His disciples to
go into the world preaching the gospel to every creature (Mat. 24:14).
His disciples obeyed these orders and went forth bringing His message of
enormous hope to various nations.
From Christ's day down to ours,
this message has been preached, and it will be proclaimed right to the
end. In fact, Jesus said that before He would return and establish the
Kingdom on earth, this gospel message must be announced to the entire
world. Matthew records Jesus to say:
And this gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all
nations; and then shall the end come (Matthew 24:14).
As the early
Church faithfully fulfilled their commission to preach the gospel, they
encountered enormous opposition. Persecution first broke out in
Jerusalem, and in order to escape, many fled the area. Philip, one of
the newly ordained deacons, fled into Samaria. There he preached the
gospel of the Kingdom and many were converted:
But when they
believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and
the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women (Acts
The apostle Paul said that he was one born out of due
season. By this, he meant that he was converted after Christ was
resurrected, and likely personally taught by Jesus in the desert of
Arabia (Gal. 1:11-12). Even so, Paul continued to preach the same gospel
of the Kingdom. This is demonstrated by one occasion when he was forced
to leave the brethren he had faithfully served. He wrote:
now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the
kingdom of God, shall see my face no more (Acts 20:25).
the apostle ended up chained to a Roman guard, imprisoned, and waiting
to face the Roman emperor. Even while enduring such hardship, Paul could
not, and would not, stop preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. As Luke
Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and
received all that came in unto him, preaching the kingdom of God, and
teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all
confidence, no man forbidding him (Acts 28:30-31).
Thus we see
that Christ preached the gospel of the Kingdom of God. His disciples
continued to preach about the Kingdom of God. The twelve apostles
preached about the Kingdom and Paul preached this same message of hope.
But what exactly is the Kingdom? What will it be like? When will it
come? How will it come? And-how vast will it be?
We need to know
the answers to these questions. However, In order to answer them, we
must first understand what the Kingdom is not!
Is the Kingdom in the Hearts of Men?
believe that the Kingdom Jesus spoke of is not a literal Kingdom, but
it is more a feeling that God places in peoples hearts. Is such a
teaching true? Is God's kingdom no more than an emotional feeling? Those
who teach this support their belief by a statement Christ made to the
Pharisees. These religious leaders demanded that Jesus tell them when
the Kingdom of God would come. He answered them saying:
kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo
here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you (Luke
What does this verse really mean? Did these Pharisees
somehow have the kingdom within them? Consider that Jesus could not
possibly be saying that the Kingdom of God was in the hearts of these
men! Christ said that these religious leaders were hypocrites. He called
them the blind leading the blind. In fact, this group of men literally
wanted to kill Jesus (Mat. 23:15-19; John 8:37). They were enemies of
God's Kingdom! Would Christ tell these heretical religious leaders that
the Kingdom of God was in their hearts? The obvious answer is no.
addition to that fact, the Bible refers to man's heart over nine
hundred times, and upon careful examination of each scripture, there is
virtually not a shred of evidence supporting the view that God's Kingdom
dwells in man's heart. As the prophet Jeremiah explained:
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)
Himself spoke about the heart of man and he most certainly did not
teach that the Kingdom was in the heart of sinners. Instead, Christ
clearly said:
For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders,
adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies (Matthew
Since these Pharisees did not have the Kingdom within
them, what exactly did Jesus mean? The answer is that the word "within"
is a term used to convey various aspects inclusion. A person may dwell
"within" the walls of a building. One sits "within" a car while driving
to work. While standing in formation, each person is "within" a group of
people. With this in mind, it is easy to understand what Jesus meant by
His statement. Christ is the King of the coming Kingdom, and He was
"among" or in the "midst" of these men that He spoke with. Vines
Complete Expository Dictionary of the New Testament explains the meaning
as follows:
The RV margin (has) "in the midst of," (and this) is to be preferred; the kingdom of God was not in the hearts of the Pharisees.
Vines illustrates, Christ was stating that the Kingdom was "in the
midst of" this crowd of Pharisees. Since Jesus is the vital part of that
Kingdom, His statement was true. Most Bibles with marginal notes also
indicate that the word should be "among," and therefore the point Christ
made was that He was the earthly representative of the Kingdom of God.
He is the King of that Kingdom. He was right there in their midst, and
yet they did not recognize Him. Of course, they could not see this
truth. Christ's true identity could only be spiritually discerned, and
Jesus had said that these supposed spiritual leaders were blind!
Kingdom is not within the hearts of individuals. Christ's very next
words were directed to His disciples, and He explained to them that the
Kingdom would come externally-visibly:
And he said unto the
disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the
days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it. And they shall say to
you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them. For as
the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven,
shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man
be in his day (Luke 17:22-24).
The apostle John also wrote:
he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which
pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.
Even so, Amen (Revelation 1:7).
Christ revealed that His return to
establish the Kingdom would be visible, like the rising of the sun
which cannot be hidden. Christ will come with myriad angels and ten
thousands of His saints. Every eye on earth will see Him (Jude 14, Rev.
19:12). He will literally descend to the Mount of Olives, and begin His
rule from Jerusalem (Acts 1:9-11, Zec. 14:4-16).
Rather than
telling the Pharisees that the Kingdom of God was in their hearts, Jesus
warned these men, who were His antagonists, that their hearts and minds
were so spiritually darkened that they could not comprehend what was
right before their very eyes. The Messiah that they claimed to seek, the
one they wanted to deliver them, the King of God's Kingdom, was
standing right there. He was "among" them. He was in their midst-and
they knew Him not.
The Kingdom will be on Earth
Heaven is now the place of God's realm, but Christ is going to bring that Kingdom to this earth. As Jesus said:
are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven... Blessed
are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:3-5).
some cases, believers read the term "Kingdom of heaven" and believe
that the Kingdom will be IN heaven. This is not the case. Christ says
the Kingdom OF Heaven. By this Jesus meant that heaven is the source of
the Kingdom, and He will bring it to the earth. Yes, the Kingdom is
presently in heaven. Jesus Christ rules with the Father from Heaven
right now. However, Jesus will bring His power, majesty, laws, statutes
and judgments and He will rule right here on this earth. For this
reason, the Scripture clearly states that Christians are going to
inherit the earth. The saints will rule with Christ for a thousand years
(Rev. 20:1-4). The Bible nowhere states that they will rule with Jesus
in heaven!
In other Scriptures, Jesus plainly said that no man has
ascended up to heaven (John 3:13). Further, before He ascended to the
Father, Jesus told His disciples they could not come where He was going
(John 13:33). The Scriptures also states that David will be made king
and rule over all Israel when Christ returns. However, Luke writes that
"David is not ascended into the heavens" (Acts 2:34).
There is
absolutely no Scripture in all the Holy Bible that promises heaven as
the reward of the saved. Yet, most people have blinded their minds to
these plain statements from God Almighty. Instead of focusing on the
truth, they have carelessly accepted the unsubstantiated claims of
preachers that teach them that they will go to heaven.
repeatedly said that He would leave this earth and that at the end of
the age He would return to set up His Kingdom and rule over the entire
world. The Scriptures also state that the faithful saints will rule with
Him for one thousand years. But where exactly will they rule? Notice
the prophecy in which the saints who have inherited the Kingdom sing to
Christ, saying:
Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the
seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy
blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast
made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth
(Revelation 5:10).
The resurrected saints will rule on this
earth. Christ will bring them with Him when He takes over the kingdoms
of the world. He will rule in righteousness, restore His law, and bring
peace to this world. This is the good news. This is the message of
enormous hope that Jesus preached during His ministry. It is the message
that His apostles preached after His resurrection, and is the message
His church still preaches today. It is no less than the gospel of the
Kingdom of God!
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