Love God And Love Others: Summing Up God's Best For Us All

It's important to realize how important love really is to God, as evidenced by Jesus' words in the four gospel accounts in the New Testament and by writings throughout that collection of writings. Jesus said there were two "great" commandments which ought to shape and guide our lives.

Jesus was asked once by a lawyer which was the "greatest" commandment in the Law of Moses, and gave a very significant reply:

"He [Jesus] said to him [the lawyer], 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the greatest and the first commandment. And a second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets" (Matthew 22:37-40).

The problem is, we have too much ego, I think. It's very human to feel passionate about those beliefs and practices which speak strongly to us. And that's all right--until our egos take over and we decide our specific "pet" beliefs and practices are right and others are wrong.

Simply put: God has called us to love, not to argue about religious doctrine, not to evaluate others' beliefs and behavior and report them to God and to others. God has NOT made us his "Boy Scouts," placed here on earth to make sure others tow the line and measure up to our standards. God has, let me say it with emphasis, CALLED US TO LOVE--to love him and to love others.

Martin Luther, know to many as the Great Reformer of the Church, wrote about the simplicity of what God fundamentally calls all Christians to do: He referred to it as "the commandment of love," which he pointed out, is a short one--not even one of the noted Ten Commandments, yet encompassing all of those Ten Commandments.

My wife and I are members of a so-called "mainline" church and happily worship and work with wonderful people who love God in that church. One of the important things that drew us to that church and that keeps us committed as members there is the pastor's frequent explanation about the essence of this church: "We're a 'Two Commandment' church: We seek to love God and to love others."

No matter what church, i.e., local congregation or whatever you call the gathering of believers you're a part of, the place you belong to, that's sound, biblical advice. Let's show everyone today that we're "Two Commandment" people living and loving with the love of Christ in our hearts in the midst of this broken world.

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The Christians and Hospitality

Christians cannot afford to take the issue of hospitality with levity. Abraham knew this much and was always literally seeking whom to welcome and receive in all circumstances.

In Hebrews 13:2 the Bible tells us not to be forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unaware. As said earlier Abraham was always looking for opportunities to be blessed. He knew the secrets, he obeyed God, allowed others first before him and above all he saw God in every situation.
That was what happened in Genesis 18. During the heat of one of those days, Abraham sat at the tent door. All of a sudden he saw three men. Without losing a moment he swung into action by making them to feel at home.

He ran to meet them. He bowed himself to the ground and said, "Let a little water be fetched and wash your feet and rest yourself under the tree. And I will fetch a morsel of bread and comfort ye your hearts after that ye shall pass on."

Active Christians should know that the story didn't end there: "Abraham then hastened into the tent unto Sarah and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it and make cakes upon the hearth. And Abraham ran unto the herd and fetched a calf tender and good and gave it unto a young man he hastened to dress it. And he took butter, and milk and calf which he had dressed and set it before them and he stood by them under the tree and they did heat." (Genesis 18: 4-8).

It was shortly afterward that God promised to bless Abraham with a son. Their had time come. The long awaited promise was soon to be fulfilled. It was at that moment that God revealed to Abraham what he was set to do with Sodom and Gomorrah. This was what made Lot and her daughters to be saved.

All about life is giving and sharing. The two greatest commandments summarize it: Love God and love others. Jesus our great teacher said it was better to do good to those that will not repay you. Here is where the greater blessing is found in the Christian world.

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Leading With Truth and Love

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to encounter Jesus face to face as he mixed with the people in the towns, on the roads, or in the marketplace? What were the attractive qualities that caused men to leave their jobs and families to follow him? Consider the casual contact such as his meeting of the Samarian woman at the well. When he looked into her eyes did she feel love penetrate her soul? What about this man that would cause someone to believe that if they could only touch his coat that they would be healed? What was it about Jesus that drew thousands of people to hear him? When Christ walked into a room of strangers, what presence did he bring? What are the attractive qualities that would draw people close to Him and how can we model these in our families, workplace and in our communities?

When I was in college I worked at Kanakuk Kamps in Branson, Missouri. I had the privilege of growing up under and later working for and watching the Director, Joe White lead, teach, discipline, and personally love hundreds of kids, young college men and women. I recall clearly the image of Joe with his hands on a young man's shoulders with squinted eyes, chewing on his lower lip, and looking him square in the eye balls. Joe intently listened and instructed with authority and a deep love. Joe has an unbelievable ministry that impacts millions of people around the world. It has never been about lifting up Joe White, but about Joe earnestly seeking to model and reflect the love of Jesus to others.

There are many characteristics of Jesus, Joe White, and the many people that you know that we can model. As I consider the many qualities of Jesus that attracted men, women and children, two qualities stick out that permeated everything about him. He spoke absolute Truth. In the words of Truth the spirit of genuine love poured forth to all that heard. In Matthew 5:13-14 we are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. How can we, as individuals, model those characteristics of Jesus so that others recognize a genuine and attractive difference in our lives and realize it is the Truth and Love of Jesus that is attractive.

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The Old Testament - Do We Need it Today? Lessons From a Just and Loving God

I used to think reading the New Testament was enough. After all, Jesus is the whole point; the Gospel is the Good News. The New Testament fulfills the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah.

The Jewish Christians of Jesus' time knew the Scriptures inside and out. They recognized Jesus as the Messiah because He fulfilled the prophecies in the Scripture they knew so well and cherished. But I'm not a Jewish Christian of Jesus' time. I was raised in modern times, after Jesus' ultimate sacrifice of dying on the cross for us. His sacrifice is the point; it's how we are saved (by trusting in Him). As "Christ"ians, why do we need to read the Old Testament when everything about Jesus is in the New Testament?

Or is it?

True, Old Testament prophecies foretell of the Messiah. Still, that reasoning for reading the Old Testament is a bit circular (read the OT to read the prophecies about Jesus in the NT). Is there a good reason to read the Old Testament for itself? Can we learn anything to help us live our lives that cannot be found in the New Testament? And how does reading the OT (the Torah) affect our relationship with God?

Initially, one of my biggest deterrents to spiritual growth was the huge dichotomy between the "Old Testament" God and the "New Testament" God. The divide seemed so wide that I wondered how I would cross it. I wanted to reconcile these two contradictory images in my mind: a God who would destroy the world with a flood (an eye for an eye type of God) versus a God who loved us so much that He died for us (a turn the other cheek type of God). Yet, it was the same God -- I knew that; I just couldn't comprehend how it could be -- it made no logical sense in my human mind.

Instead of ignoring the Old Testament, however, I was led to explore it -- from creation to Moses to Isaiah and all the kings in between and prophets beyond. Now, the more I read of the Old Testament, the more I realize that it helps you better understand God! He is a just God and a loving God, whose people have continually turned away from Him -- not just once or twice, but so many times that it seems to never have any end in Old Testament times.

How could they keep turning away from their Lord? The answer is simple -- because they could not do it on their own, and neither can we. None of us can or ever could. An eye for an eye simply does not work. God knows that -- He always did, but He had to show us by example to get us to believe it as well.

Rather than demonstrating anger and wrath, the lessons learned by the people in the Old Testament are God's loving way of showing us that we cannot do it on our own, by works alone. "Live by faith, not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Trying to live perfectly means failure. Rather than seeking perfection, we need to seek a deeper relationship with God and move toward becoming more like Jesus (and any good works are a by-product of that loving relationship). But perfection is a goal we will never achieve until we are with Jesus again.

Failing to reach perfection should not come as a great surprise because we are imperfect people. We are sinners, and, without Jesus, we would all still be lost. Without the failings of God's people in the Old Testament, the righteous of that day and today (seeing by example through reading God's Word) could never truly recognize our desperate need for Jesus' salvation. We might still be thinking we could somehow manage to do it all on our own, following God's laws perfectly.

God showed us we can't do it. He showed us through years and years of His people doing evil and worshipping idols. He showed us by His teachings in the Old Testament, teachings that Jesus interpreted and extended during His short time ministering in human form. We learn more about the NT by reading the OT and vice versa; the two are inextricably intertwined. When reading the New Testament, just try skipping quotes from the Old Testament; they are too numerous to avoid! Where do you think Jesus' teachings came from? The same God has been teaching us the same lessons since the beginning of time, lessons many of His people ignored or simply failed to recognize. Reading both the OT and NT helps us avoid that trap of missing God's lessons, showing us the full picture of a just and loving God who sacrificed everything for His people -- for us.

God loves us so much that, through the Old Testament, He showed us our need for Jesus -- making our relationship with Him so much more special. I grow closer to Jesus through reading the Old Testament, which helps me see how much God loves us all and makes me love Him all the more. I want to PRAISE THE LORD all day long and shout it from the rooftops, sit quietly at night or early in the morning and talk with Him, show others the joy He gives me...

That's the kind of love God wants us to find. Not a love based on right and wrong, out of a sense of obligation. Rather, a love that makes you want to do right simply because you love God and you love those around you, a love that doesn't suddenly make you perfect but that leads you to strive to be more like Jesus, a love that changes you from the inside out and brings tears to your eyes -- a love that only God can provide.

Without the Old Testament, we could not truly and fully comprehend that love.

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Can You Be a Christian and Believe in Other Religions?

There is only one God in this world (1 Corinthians 8:6; Ephesians 4:6). God is in the form of trinity which includes the Father God, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. There are many people who profess themselves as Christians but they also believe in other gods. If you profess yourself as a Christian and worship other gods as well, you will not inherit the eternal life. In Exodus 20:4 - 6, God forbids the people from making, worshiping and bowing down to idols that resemble anything in heaven or on earth. The idols are man-made. They cannot speak, see, hear, feel and walk (Psalms 115:4 - 8).

After accepting Jesus, you must get rid of the idols you used to worship in your house such as statues, charms, and paintings of pagan gods. Christians cannot visit pagan temples. It is a sin to bow down to the idol even if you don't believe in it. If you have visited temples and took photos of them, you should get rid of them. Any object that you used in worshiping pagan gods must be removed. If you want to inherit eternal life, you must dedicate yourself to God only. You must obey his words and do his commandments. You should avoid following the tradition that you used to follow in your old religion. This includes festival, rituals and other types of practices.

You must not devote yourself to anything other than God. For example, if you love money more than God, you are committing the sin of idolatry because you put money as your priority. Christians must put God as priority in their lives. You should avoid wearing beads, crystals and etc that have connection with other religions. You must not practice witchcraft. All witches and sorcerers will end up in Hell.

Many Christians read the horoscopes to find out what they should do. Christians must not look at horoscope to predict their future. Your future is in God's hand. Christians should submit every aspect of their life to God and let him take in charge of the future. You cannot use decor items that are derived from the culture of pagan religion in your homes. You must not eat food that are offered to the pagan gods. 1 Corinthians 10:18 - 22 states that we should not be participant of the demons by eating food offered to demons because it will arouse the jealousy of God.

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Christianity and Christian Beliefs - Bible Study and Correct Interpretation of Scripture

A Christian is loving and forgiving who practices turning the other cheek, for this is the way of Christ. Jesus came to set an example for us to follow that would enable us, if we followed his example, to find a peace that surpasses all understanding.

A Christian uses prayer to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit on situations that may not be covered in the Bible, or to seek greater clarification on Bible Scriptures. A Christian uses Bible Study to examines his own interpretation of Bible Scripture. A Christian is not perfect, but is using the correct interpretation of Christianity and its true purpose to become perfected. Most Christians will have witnessed other Christians falling short of the mark and this is because Christians are in the process of becoming perfected, are in the process of learning how to remove the beam from their own eye, of mis-perceiving their fellow brother and sisters worth, instead of seeing the beam, the fault in their fellow brethren and judging them harshly through the eyes of the ego, the separated self.

The Christian Bible Scriptures reflect Christian beliefs, yet there are many scriptures in the Bible that some Christians struggle with their meaning, and even particular phrases or words. Phrases such as 'the key of knowledge', 'let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus', 'ye are all Gods', 'let the dead bury their dead'. Clearly if these phrases were taken in a literal sense, then we would say there is a key that has knowledge, and what is this key? We would say we must take Jesus' own mind and put it in our head, but how? We would say I am a God and so is everyone else. And we would say a man who has died can pick up a shovel, dig a hole in the ground, and bury another corpse that has died. These four phrases are only a small sample of a much larger number of Bible scriptures that, if taken in a literal sense, would cause confusion.

In the Bible it says "God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth". If we take the four phrases above, we would say: "Are these meant to be interpreted in a literal sense, or are we meant to be searching for the Spirit of Truth in the scripture?" If a Christian chooses to interpret the Bible purely in a literal sense then he or she will hit a brick wall when searching for the Spirit of Truth - namely they will not be able to explain in a logical way how a dead man can bury another dead man, for example. If a Christian searches for the Spirit of Truth by connecting to the Holy Spirit within to seek clarification of the Scripture, then this will pose a new set of potential problems.

The first problem is that the person's own mind may be filled with impurities and fears and any message they receive from the Holy Spirit may be filtered through their own fears, causing them to receive the message from the Holy Spirit in a fearful light, causing them to place a fearful meaning or interpretation on the Bible Scripture. The second problem is that every Christian has a very uniquely different mind and set of biases, and when connecting to the Holy Spirit and applying their own set of biases to the message received, will offer a very different interpretation of the Scripture.

Many Christians are afraid to have an interpretation of a Bible Scripture that differs from their other church members. If an individual Church is dominated by this fear or lack of tolerance of individual interpretation of the Scripture through connecting to the Holy Spirit, then this will cause the Church to say that the Bible Scripture should either a) be taken literally at all times, which encourages its members to not look for the Spirit of Truth via the Holy Spirit or b) to only ever seek interpretation of the Bible Scriptures from the elders of the Church, which encourages its members to not seek the Kingdom of God, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Truth, from within.

Some Christian Churches actively encourage their members to connect to the Holy Spirit for individual interpretation of the Bible Scriptures to look for the Spirit of Truth. Other Christian Churches fear this process, because they fear opposing interpretation of the Scriptures, they fear losing control of what their church members think and believe. They fear losing control of their church members.

Jesus message was simple. He wished to set us free from fear and bondage. His promise was we can do what he can do and more, however we cannot do this if we do not follow His example. Jesus was not a follower of other men, he was not a respecter of persons, he was not a respecter of man-made churches (the Jewish church at the time) that put fear of God in the hearts of men, that sought to control its church members through fear and control. Jesus did not belong to any man-made church in order to connect to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the Kingdom of God within.

A Christian Church can be used for fellowship, for spiritual guidance, for help with interpretation of Bible Scripture, for Bible study, however it should never serve as a replacement for a Christian becoming its own spiritual master, as Jesus did, and finding its own Truth, its own Kingdom of God within.

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Christians and Sex - 5 Mistakes Christian Couples Make While Intimate

Christian couples make a lot of mistakes while having sex. Intimacy can be so much greater if you avoid the following 5 mistakes regarding Christians and sex.
  1. "Sex should be very brief". This is a very common mistake regarding Christian sex. It's the idea that intimacy should never last beyond 30 minutes or an hour. And once it's done, then that's it. It stems from the notion that sex is only a "desert" and you shouldn't over indulge. This makes Christian sex feel very cheap and insignificant. Intimacy among Christians should be viewed more as a main course with numerous second helpings to follow. It is a beautiful and very significant gift from God and it should be celebrated to it's fullest, not limited to side dishes with stringent time frames to consume.
  2. "We shouldn't do this position". There is a notion out there that certain positions are sinful and shouldn't be practiced. The only issue with sexual postions are whether or not they are safe and comfortable for each couple. If both are in agreement and no unhealthy or unsafe issues are present, then certain positions shouldn't be excluded from practicing intimacy.
  3. "Premature ejaculation is OK". Many Christian women will simply accept that their husband's premature ejaculation problem is normal and should not be addressed. And the men are sometimes too embarrassed to admit it is going on. Meanwhile the wife is not receiving any sexual satisfaction. You can see the problem here. It is up to the male to learn ways to last as long as he can in order to sexually satisfy his wife. If he is prone to ejaculating too early, as many men are, he should take steps to prevent this problem from occurring.
  4. "Oral sex should be avoided". This is another sinful act in the minds of some Christians. Again, we should acknowledge that as long as the act does not cause harm and is agreeable with both, then this is a strong step towards it being acceptable. Bible verse doesn't specifically ward off oral acts between two loving and married Christian couples. Some will interperet certain verses as they will and in the end it's up to the couple to do their own due diligence on the matter. But if oral sex provides a sexually satisfying bond between couples, is agreeable and safe, then it should be considered an option for intimacy.
  5. "We do the same sexual routine every time we have sex and this works for us." Here is one of the biggest mistakes Christians who do have sex on a regular basis can make. This is a recipe for boring, and even though it may seem satisfactory in the present, eventually the lack of experimentation and intimate variety will catch up and sex will seem dull. It's always good to learn new things, switch it up, include Christian safe sex toys into your intimacy, and vary positions in order to ensure that you are having an exciting sex life for years to come.

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Where Can Christians Find Love?

Christians have a far more difficult time in finding another Christian to spend their life with. Why do Christians face more obstacles on the dating scene? This is simple to answer; Christians have a duty to find a future mate who is pleasing to God. Christians have a duty to marry someone who is approved by God while remaining faithful to God's word and teachings.

Christians have a duty to find someone who contains the high standard of following God's will. Non-believers have a difficult time in finding someone special but Christians have an even harder time due to the religious standards, which they hold dear to their hearts. God does not frown on Christians dating a variety of people therefore; there is no reason why Christians should stand on the sidelines merely waiting for the perfect mate to fall down from the sky. Some Christians make the mistake of thinking God will deliver the perfect mate to them. God will guide Christians in finding the perfect mate but God will not perform the work necessary for this task.

This is where online Christian dating websites come into play. Christians must realize that they are not the only lonely Christians on this earth. There are other lonely Christians with the same goals and expectations in finding a Christian mate. Online Christian dating websites proves wonderful arenas in meeting other lonely Christians who are serious about settling down and getting married. One thing that Christians must ensure is that they do not rush into dating relationships based solely on their loneliness. Loneliness can cause Christians and other people to perform things they normally would not perform. Just because someone is lonely, this does not mean that someone is desperate. Make sure that one remains meticulous and selective when choosing potential dates no matter one's level of loneliness.

Christians must understand that being single is not a curse from God. Being single can sometimes prove fun and exciting with meeting new friends and performing fun activities. Online Christian dating websites can help with meeting new people but it is up to Christians to make the most of their time while experiencing the single life.

The dating life for Christians can prove tedious and sometimes outright frustrating. Do not make the mistake of feeling sorry for one's self, being single is the time when one should learn everything they can about themselves and God's word. Instead of wallowing in one's lonely state, accept the fact that it is not God's will currently for one to be in a committed relationship. Utilize that time for improving different aspects of one's life, no matter where these improvements need to occur.

Being a single Christian is not a bad thing. The mentality of Christians during their single phase should entail that God has a plan for everyone and when the right time occurs, the perfect mate will come into one's life with abundant blessings from God.

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Are You A Sunday Christian?

You go to church every Sunday, you may even pray in between, but the rest of the time you live in the world. It's a hard way to live, trying to please God and the world at the same time. At some point you have to make a choice. God wants us to devote all of our life to Him, not just part, not just on certain days. Matthew 16:24-26 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?

Music has an effect on the way you feel. Do you listen to positive upbeat music or music that has a sad and/or angry tone. Do you listen to music that praises God or the world? I felt more positive and happier when I started listening to Christian music and only occasionally listen to other music. What about the people you hang out with, are they mostly fellow Christians or non-believers? People do not always realize how much music and other people have an influence on them. See I Peter 1:14-16

The closer to God someone is the more they feel his presence. Getting to know him better helps when going through difficult times. The more time spent with him, the more his peacefulness is felt. Ways to get closer and stay closer to Him are: listening to sermon's, reading the Bible, praying, listening to Christian music, spending time with fellow Christians, and attending group bible studies where you can discuss what you are learning. At the very least, I will read some verses in the bible or read one or two pages of a devotional book and pray before I go to bed every night. See Ephesians 4: 13-15, James 1:22, 2 Peter 1:2

It is also important not to judge others. This can be easier said than done sometimes. We do not know what is in another person's heart or what is going on in their life. Forgiving others is also very important and can be difficult as well. We have to remember we are forgiven and so we must forgive others, and that includes forgiving ourselves. Luke 6:37 Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.

Most importantly have you taken the first step and accepted Jesus into your heart? Romans 10:9 -10 If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.

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Can You Be a Christian and Believe in Other Religions?

There is only one God in this world (1 Corinthians 8:6; Ephesians 4:6). God is in the form of trinity which includes the Father God, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. There are many people who profess themselves as Christians but they also believe in other gods. If you profess yourself as a Christian and worship other gods as well, you will not inherit the eternal life. In Exodus 20:4 - 6, God forbids the people from making, worshiping and bowing down to idols that resemble anything in heaven or on earth. The idols are man-made. They cannot speak, see, hear, feel and walk (Psalms 115:4 - 8).

After accepting Jesus, you must get rid of the idols you used to worship in your house such as statues, charms, and paintings of pagan gods. Christians cannot visit pagan temples. It is a sin to bow down to the idol even if you don't believe in it. If you have visited temples and took photos of them, you should get rid of them. Any object that you used in worshiping pagan gods must be removed. If you want to inherit eternal life, you must dedicate yourself to God only. You must obey his words and do his commandments. You should avoid following the tradition that you used to follow in your old religion. This includes festival, rituals and other types of practices.

You must not devote yourself to anything other than God. For example, if you love money more than God, you are committing the sin of idolatry because you put money as your priority. Christians must put God as priority in their lives. You should avoid wearing beads, crystals and etc that have connection with other religions. You must not practice witchcraft. All witches and sorcerers will end up in Hell.

Many Christians read the horoscopes to find out what they should do. Christians must not look at horoscope to predict their future. Your future is in God's hand. Christians should submit every aspect of their life to God and let him take in charge of the future. You cannot use decor items that are derived from the culture of pagan religion in your homes. You must not eat food that are offered to the pagan gods. 1 Corinthians 10:18 - 22 states that we should not be participant of the demons by eating food offered to demons because it will arouse the jealousy of God.

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4 P's for Effective Prayer

The trouble with our praying is, we just do it as a means of last resort. ~ Will Rogers

What happens when you're up against a situation that seems insurmountable? How do you cope when life suddenly turns upside down? Or when it feels like you're never going to get where you want to be? Maybe you're struggling to get debt-free, recover your health, or overcome the ravages of a bad relationship or loss of a loved one.

Do you rant and rave at the unfairness of it all? Do you throw up your hands, sigh and 'accept the inevitable'? Maybe you sit down and sob, expending your valuable energy on a pity party for yourself.

I'd like to offer you a different option. Effective prayer.

The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16). The Amplified Bible says it this way: The (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].

A dynamo is a generator, creating great power. It also means forceful and energetic. Wouldn't you like to have dynamic power working for you in those situations? Well, you can.

I'd like to share four action steps that you can use to move those negative circumstances out of your way.

Preparation: Everything in life requires preparation. You can't fix a meal without first assembling the right ingredients and utensils. You can't drive a car if it's not fuelled up and ready. Faith is the same way. You can't use it effectively unless you are prepared to use it properly. Yet, preparation - developing your faith - is usually the most neglected part of a Christian's life because it takes t-i-m-e.
The Bible says 'faith comes by hearing' (Rom. 10:17). Hearing The Word, studying and meditating on it, building your unwavering trust in it is the 'fuel' that makes the engine of faith work. If there's nothing in your faith tank, your prayer will be weak. If you can't believe that what you are asking for is possible (remember, 'with God, nothing is impossible'! - Luke 1:37), you won't ignite the spiritual power you need to override your present circumstances.

Prayer: If preparation is the fuel, prayer is your ignition switch. Prayer says 'GO'. Your words, spoken in faith, give your High Priest, Jesus, something to administer. He is the author and finisher of your faith. Prayer alerts the angels to go to work on your behalf (see Hebrews 1:14). It starts the process of transferring blessing, healing, abundance - whatever you need - from spiritual promise to physical manifestation.
Effective prayer mimics God's promises, repeating back to Him what He has already promised you. It sets you in agreement with His Word. If you stay in agreement with Him without waivering or doubting, He can confirm your words, causing them to be effective. Remember, a double-minded man (see-sawing between faith and doubt or fear) cannot expect to receive anything (James 1:7-8).

Patience: Transferring blessings from the spiritual realm into the natural usually takes time. Make up your mind to go the distance. Patience is your cruise control. Let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (James 1:4) Set your faith and don't waver. It may seem to take 'forever', but as long as you are believing, God is moving you and your circumstances toward your final destination. If you stay on the road, you'll eventually get where you want to go!

Avoid the pot holes and detours of doubt, fear, frustration, unforgiveness, regret and envy. Keep your words positive and focused, supported by actions that demonstrate and support your faith goals. Patience is not resignation - "Oh well, maybe someday it will happen." It is a powerful partner to faith, determined to 'go the distance' until you actually have what you believed.

Persistence: Persistence becomes your itinerary, your plan or goal. It goes hand in hand with patience. When we were travelling cross-country, we didn't waiver or wonder if we should change our plans or give up and stay home. We knew what we want to see and do - and what it would take in time and money. We were committed.

We actually started planning months in advance (preparation). We stayed focused on the plan. We didn't get sidetracked by spending our trip money on other goodies. We didn't book hotels on the east coast when we were headed for the Rockies. We thought, spoke and acted according to our plan. We persisted to the end of the trip. Persistence keeps you standing in faith, making positive confessions and working toward the results you want.

Now, here's the fuel additive - gratitude. Thank God in advance for the thing you believe. Believe that you have what you say, and you shall have what you said you believe. (See Mark 11:24) If you truly BELIEVE when you pray, you can praise God for it before you see the result. Gratitude and praise keep your faith running smoothly toward your goal.

These four steps are the action formula for answered prayer. If you combine your fuel, ignition, direction and action in the proper mixture (preparation, prayer, patience and persistence), and pour on plenty of gratitude and praise, you will get where you want to be. You will never be 'under the circumstances' again. Instead, you'll be on the road to victory and blessing.

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