What's Love Got To Do With It?

Youth Pastors and leaders sometimes have a tough time fitting in with their teens. This is a common problem that many will never admit. Whether it's age, cultural, race or gender many leaders have a hard time getting on the same level as their teens. What's the solution to this problem, how can you solve this?

The simple answer is love. Many teens come from well off homes with plenty to eat on the table and good parents, others come from broken homes with little to no shelter or hope. The deciding factor in reaching youth from any background or situation is the power of showing off the God given love inside of you as a caring leader. Humans in general look at care as one of the biggest qualities in someone from choosing them as a mate to the realtor who's selling their house.

Teens especially look for the love inside someone the second they meet them. It's not how much you can relate to your youth in the music they listen to, or the fashion styles you share with them, it's the love. The reason why we can look to Christ as a hero and savior in our lives is because of the love He's shown us even when we didn't deserve it. "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). This is a powerful verse to us as Christians because love is a huge thing in our lives. We keep the people close to us that love us, but turn the people away that do not share in the same love our close friends and family has for us, this is a fact of life.

We hear in sports all the time a certain player or athlete has a "love for the game." We as youth leaders have to show passion and love for every teen that comes through our doors. We have to show them that Christ's love trumps any other counterfeit or perverted love from a guy or a girl, or any love that the world tries to offer them. This is your job as the youth leader in your ministry to convey with passion this exciting message.

When one of your teens is in trouble or running into a tough situation, be the one that they call on when no one else cares or is around to help them. Build their trust by meeting with them regularly and showing them that their most challenging private struggles are safe with you. Show them that Christ loves them and so do you. This is the deciding factor that all great leaders have to find within themselves, the love and care to show to all of their flock. Are you the youth leader that's going to spark the passion and excitement for Christ in young people's lives? Show the love right now! Don't wait until next year or next month do it now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7885390

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