A lot of people believe that miracles really happen. Of course, these things don't just happen to everybody. Sometimes, it's just the story of a friend of a friend. Other times, it's a story from a total stranger.
Personally, I believe in the existence of miracles. There are a great many stories out there that tell of such impossible feats and experiences. Sometimes, these miracles appear in the form of one's faith in God. Sometimes, these miracles appear in the form of one's strong will.
But do miracles really happen?
Miraculous True Story Of A Mother and Her Children
Stories of miracles performed by God are not uncommon. However, one never gets tired of reading or hearing about His miracles.
This particular story is that of a mother and her twins. One is a boy and the other is a girl. When the mother gave birth to these two special children, everything seemed to be okay. However, as months passed, she noticed that while her male child was growing like a normal baby should, her female child wasn't. The latter was unresponsive and couldn't even eat properly or manage a crawl.
The mother took her kid to the hospital where the baby girl was diagnosed as being hypotonic. According to the doctor, her development was three months behind her twin brother. The possibility of normalcy seemed low. Would she be able to crawl, much less walk? It seemed too much to comprehend.
Do Miracles Really Happen When You Have Faith in God?
One's faith in God has been known to make miracles happen. Such events have been recorded in the bible. Even now, God's healing powers seem to know no bounds.
The mother prayed hard to God for her baby to get well. Her faith was strong. Lo and behold, the next morning, her baby girl seemed different. She was much more responsive than she had ever been in the last few months. The mother took her baby back to the hospital where they couldn't find anything wrong with her. The doctor couldn't pinpoint what exactly made her better either.
Of Miracles and Such
So does this answer the question, "Do miracles really happen?" The answer to that depends on how much faith you have in the greater power. Miracles can happen through a divine intervention or law of attraction. Sometimes, man is used as an instrument of change.
Some doctors, despite their scientific background, also believe in miracles. In their profession, it's hard to miss when something biologically impossible happens. When a person on a deathbed suddenly gets better... When a child diagnosed with very weak muscles suddenly becomes normal in 24 hours...
If after this article, you still remain a skeptic, why don't you try reading more stories of healing and miracles? If you still don't believe that miracles really happen, perhaps now is not yet your time. Perhaps one day, when you yourself witness a miracle or have one happen to you, that is the time when you'll learn to believe.
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Article Source : http://www.article-content-king.com
What is Christianity? How it came to the world? Only one book gives you the basic and best answer of this and other question related to the Christianity that is the Bible. Bible is a Whole book for Christian. If you want to know the basic pillar of Christianity you have to study a Bible and other Christian books. The Books give information of Christian Science. Christian Science magazine and other books help you to Communicating with God through the healing prayers and give magical feeling of Spiritual growth, Spiritual healing and improve mental health also give information about important place of Christianity and Christian Science Churches.
But one problem is their you have to keep Bible with you all day in office and other place it is not possible for all of us. So during that time we lost the communication with the God
What is Christianity? How it came to the world? Many times we not find a satisfied answer of this kind of questions even we have study Bible and other Christian books. Why? One answer by my side is that we are not ready to find all the answer by our self we need a help of some one who give a complete knowledge with easy way.
Thanks to Jesus we have online sites that give as a broad knowledge about Christianity. They offer so many Christian books with easy language. We can take knowledge of Christian Science, Christian Science churches from the Christian Science magazine of those sites. Also they provide forum facilities where we can ask the questions to the different people and get a satisfied answer there. They provide CDs and books to teach us the right way of healing prayers through that we can communicating with God and give us magical feeling of spiritual growth.
I know you want to ask me the one question? That I know that kind of online site who gives us all this information I say yes I know. After so many time I spend on web to search the right place where I can find all this. Finally Jesus helps me and I found http://www.prayerthatheals.org/
They teach the right way of healing prayers like Physical, Financial or Relation ship problem. Also free samples of weekly and monthly Christian Science magazines with healing and also bibles and bible reference books, CDs.Not stop here they also give the Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy's book.
They also have forum facility where we can meet those people who have an answer of our question and we can also learn new topic or increase a knowledge so much their. They also arrange lecture, online chat and other thing as an event. They also have a list of Choose Your Local Christian Science Church.
Bible Study, Christian Books, Christian Science, Christian Science Churches, Christian Science Magazine, Communicating with God, Healing Prayers, Mental Health, Prayer, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Healing
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Prayerthatheals.org website is encompassing the churches and ministries of the christian science churches of ventura county. If you want more Information visit at http://www.prayerthatheals.org/
Article Source : http://www.article-content-king.com
But one problem is their you have to keep Bible with you all day in office and other place it is not possible for all of us. So during that time we lost the communication with the God
What is Christianity? How it came to the world? Many times we not find a satisfied answer of this kind of questions even we have study Bible and other Christian books. Why? One answer by my side is that we are not ready to find all the answer by our self we need a help of some one who give a complete knowledge with easy way.
Thanks to Jesus we have online sites that give as a broad knowledge about Christianity. They offer so many Christian books with easy language. We can take knowledge of Christian Science, Christian Science churches from the Christian Science magazine of those sites. Also they provide forum facilities where we can ask the questions to the different people and get a satisfied answer there. They provide CDs and books to teach us the right way of healing prayers through that we can communicating with God and give us magical feeling of spiritual growth.
I know you want to ask me the one question? That I know that kind of online site who gives us all this information I say yes I know. After so many time I spend on web to search the right place where I can find all this. Finally Jesus helps me and I found http://www.prayerthatheals.org/
They teach the right way of healing prayers like Physical, Financial or Relation ship problem. Also free samples of weekly and monthly Christian Science magazines with healing and also bibles and bible reference books, CDs.Not stop here they also give the Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy's book.
They also have forum facility where we can meet those people who have an answer of our question and we can also learn new topic or increase a knowledge so much their. They also arrange lecture, online chat and other thing as an event. They also have a list of Choose Your Local Christian Science Church.
Bible Study, Christian Books, Christian Science, Christian Science Churches, Christian Science Magazine, Communicating with God, Healing Prayers, Mental Health, Prayer, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Healing
See All articles From Author
Prayerthatheals.org website is encompassing the churches and ministries of the christian science churches of ventura county. If you want more Information visit at http://www.prayerthatheals.org/
Article Source : http://www.article-content-king.com
Memory verse:"for as many as are led by the spirit of God,they are sons of God"(Roman 8:14)
TEXT: Roman 8:1-18
The benefits of the new life in Jesus christ cannot all be mentioned in study.There is profit both now,in later life and in eternity .The Bible says "And you being in your sins and uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened (made alive) together with him,having forgiven you all trespasses (colossians 2:13)
Christ has made peace through the blood of his cross.He has reconciled us unto himself.That means we are no longer strangers to God and his blessing.We are now sons and daughters of heavenly king.This high position,bought for us through the blood of christ makes it possible to ask for anything from God with a definite assurance of receiving .
We have peace within and we are at rest from oppressions of the enemy.The life of faith which we cannot live by personal struggling becomes a normal way of living.There is joy,peace,longsuffering ,gentleness,goodness,meekness,faith,temperate and living hope in us.
We radiate God's love to others,we become approachable,more caring,less burdensome to others.With God being our sufficiency,we lack nothing.When we pray to God through christ,heaven stands at attention listening for they recognise that a beloved of God is praying.
Only a few of these benefits can be mentioned in this discussion it cannot be exhausted,for we draw from the inexhaustible store house of the Almighty God.Our possibilities in christ are manifold with our souls saved from sin and lives being ordered and directed by God.But do you know these benefits are better experienced than being told. A New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey,Life's Too Short,
TEXT: Roman 8:1-18
The benefits of the new life in Jesus christ cannot all be mentioned in study.There is profit both now,in later life and in eternity .The Bible says "And you being in your sins and uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened (made alive) together with him,having forgiven you all trespasses (colossians 2:13)
Christ has made peace through the blood of his cross.He has reconciled us unto himself.That means we are no longer strangers to God and his blessing.We are now sons and daughters of heavenly king.This high position,bought for us through the blood of christ makes it possible to ask for anything from God with a definite assurance of receiving .
We have peace within and we are at rest from oppressions of the enemy.The life of faith which we cannot live by personal struggling becomes a normal way of living.There is joy,peace,longsuffering ,gentleness,goodness,meekness,faith,temperate and living hope in us.
We radiate God's love to others,we become approachable,more caring,less burdensome to others.With God being our sufficiency,we lack nothing.When we pray to God through christ,heaven stands at attention listening for they recognise that a beloved of God is praying.
Only a few of these benefits can be mentioned in this discussion it cannot be exhausted,for we draw from the inexhaustible store house of the Almighty God.Our possibilities in christ are manifold with our souls saved from sin and lives being ordered and directed by God.But do you know these benefits are better experienced than being told. A New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey,Life's Too Short,
Memory verse: these things have i written upon you that believe on the name of God :that ye have eternal life (1 john 5:13)
TEXT;Ephesians 2:1-8,1 John 3:1-10,Roman 8:10-17
The moment you genuinely repent of your sins and accept Jesus christ as your saviour ,you begin a new life.Three things happen to you when you make this important decision.Firstly,you are quickened or made alive;secondly,you are raise up together with christ ;thirdly,you are made to sit with in the heavenly places.All these happen by faith.
One of the tricks of the devil is to make believers especially young converts,doubt their salvation .If any doubt arises in your heart as to whether you are saved,you will have to decide to choose between standing on the promises of God or yielding to doubt.There is nowhere in the Bible where we told that we are not saved unless our emotions feel so.Salvation is by faith and not by feeling .How do we know that we have eternal life? we can know that we have eternal life on the basis of the word of God.The christian life is a life faith. It cannot be lived according to our feelings.Feelings come and go but God 's word stands for ever.Do not depend on you feelings or emotions for assurance of salvation.Get assurance from your spirit and by standing on the unfailing word of God. Indestructible Book - How The Bible Began (Vol 1),
TEXT;Ephesians 2:1-8,1 John 3:1-10,Roman 8:10-17
The moment you genuinely repent of your sins and accept Jesus christ as your saviour ,you begin a new life.Three things happen to you when you make this important decision.Firstly,you are quickened or made alive;secondly,you are raise up together with christ ;thirdly,you are made to sit with in the heavenly places.All these happen by faith.
One of the tricks of the devil is to make believers especially young converts,doubt their salvation .If any doubt arises in your heart as to whether you are saved,you will have to decide to choose between standing on the promises of God or yielding to doubt.There is nowhere in the Bible where we told that we are not saved unless our emotions feel so.Salvation is by faith and not by feeling .How do we know that we have eternal life? we can know that we have eternal life on the basis of the word of God.The christian life is a life faith. It cannot be lived according to our feelings.Feelings come and go but God 's word stands for ever.Do not depend on you feelings or emotions for assurance of salvation.Get assurance from your spirit and by standing on the unfailing word of God. Indestructible Book - How The Bible Began (Vol 1),
One of the greatest needs in the church today is to demand for a recommission.The church urgently requires the ministry of converted.Consecrated and committed disciples of christ for the task of evangelization .The call to preach the gospel is a higher duty and some times human affections or earthly duties must be disregarded.Christ though he was hungry,yet fulfilled his responsibility to the samaritan woman.In like manner, the early church in spite of the persecution they suffered went everywhere preaching the gospel (Acts 8:4).We must be able to sacrifice our privileges (time,pleasure,strength and life) for salvation of others.
Faith consecration and commitment to effective and result-oriented total evangeliztion of sinners around us should characterise the life of every believer.Our talents,time and treasures need to be committed to the expansion of the kingdom through the preaching of the gospel message.Our lord Jesus christ and other believers set the example of consecration and commitment in kingdom expansion for us to follow (Luke 5:42,43;1corinthian 9:16-22).The work cannot be done halfheartedly.It takes willingness, submissiveness and diligence to be committed and consecrated to spreading the good news.Consecration and commitment is the key to achieving the desired expansion of the kingdom.The success of paul's ministry was as a result of his uncommon consecration and absolute commitment to the commission.The task is great;therefore we must put all our strength into it.It is serious,hence requires all our attention,our mind and affection.Make it a priority. Be ready to spend and be spent.Above all,the love of God should compel and constrain us into all commitment to the work of souls- winning.No other role is entrusted to God's spokes man than primary duty of bringing men to God.God searches for able men who would fulfill his will.Moses,Joshua,and David rose up to face the challenges of their days.Daniel,peter and paul did not fail God in their generation.Martin luther stood out and held onto God .John wesley weathered through odd and stamped the docrine and practice of holiness upon the hearts of men in his days.May God find a man in you?Breakfast with Jesus, 50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith, Don't Check Your Brains at the Door: A Book of Christian Evidences (Know What You Believe and Why), A Max Lucado Children's Treasury: A Child's First Collection,
Faith consecration and commitment to effective and result-oriented total evangeliztion of sinners around us should characterise the life of every believer.Our talents,time and treasures need to be committed to the expansion of the kingdom through the preaching of the gospel message.Our lord Jesus christ and other believers set the example of consecration and commitment in kingdom expansion for us to follow (Luke 5:42,43;1corinthian 9:16-22).The work cannot be done halfheartedly.It takes willingness, submissiveness and diligence to be committed and consecrated to spreading the good news.Consecration and commitment is the key to achieving the desired expansion of the kingdom.The success of paul's ministry was as a result of his uncommon consecration and absolute commitment to the commission.The task is great;therefore we must put all our strength into it.It is serious,hence requires all our attention,our mind and affection.Make it a priority. Be ready to spend and be spent.Above all,the love of God should compel and constrain us into all commitment to the work of souls- winning.No other role is entrusted to God's spokes man than primary duty of bringing men to God.God searches for able men who would fulfill his will.Moses,Joshua,and David rose up to face the challenges of their days.Daniel,peter and paul did not fail God in their generation.Martin luther stood out and held onto God .John wesley weathered through odd and stamped the docrine and practice of holiness upon the hearts of men in his days.May God find a man in you?Breakfast with Jesus, 50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith, Don't Check Your Brains at the Door: A Book of Christian Evidences (Know What You Believe and Why), A Max Lucado Children's Treasury: A Child's First Collection,
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