One of the greatest needs in the church today is to demand for a recommission.The church urgently requires the ministry of converted.Consecrated and committed disciples of christ for the task of evangelization .The call to preach the gospel is a higher duty and some times human affections or earthly duties must be disregarded.Christ though he was hungry,yet fulfilled his responsibility to the samaritan woman.In like manner, the early church in spite of the persecution they suffered went everywhere preaching the gospel (Acts 8:4).We must be able to sacrifice our privileges (time,pleasure,strength and life) for salvation of others.

Faith consecration and commitment to effective and result-oriented total evangeliztion of sinners around us should characterise the life of every believer.Our talents,time and treasures need to be committed to the expansion of the kingdom through the preaching of the gospel message.Our lord Jesus christ and other believers set the example of consecration and commitment in kingdom expansion for us to follow (Luke 5:42,43;1corinthian 9:16-22).The work cannot be done halfheartedly.It takes willingness, submissiveness and diligence to be committed and consecrated to spreading the good news.Consecration and commitment is the key to achieving the desired expansion of the kingdom.The success of paul's ministry was as a result of his uncommon consecration and absolute commitment to the commission.The task is great;therefore we must put all our strength into it.It is serious,hence requires all our attention,our mind and affection.Make it a priority. Be ready to spend and be spent.Above all,the love of God should compel and constrain us into all commitment to the work of souls- winning.No other role is entrusted to God's spokes man than primary duty of bringing men to God.God searches for able men who would fulfill his will.Moses,Joshua,and David rose up to face the challenges of their days.Daniel,peter and paul did not fail God in their generation.Martin luther stood out and held onto God .John wesley weathered through odd and stamped the docrine and practice of holiness upon the hearts of men in his days.May God find a man in you?Breakfast with Jesus50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Spiritual Giants of the FaithDon't Check Your Brains at the Door: A Book of Christian Evidences (Know What You Believe and Why)A Max Lucado Children's Treasury: A Child's First CollectionWhen the Heart Cries (Sisters of the Quilt, Book 1)

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