Memory verse:"for as many as are led by the spirit of God,they are sons of God"(Roman 8:14)
TEXT: Roman 8:1-18
The benefits of the new life in Jesus christ cannot all be mentioned in study.There is profit both now,in later life and in eternity .The Bible says "And you being in your sins and uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened (made alive) together with him,having forgiven you all trespasses (colossians 2:13)
Christ has made peace through the blood of his cross.He has reconciled us unto himself.That means we are no longer strangers to God and his blessing.We are now sons and daughters of heavenly king.This high position,bought for us through the blood of christ  makes it possible to ask for anything from God with a definite assurance of receiving .
We have peace within and we are at rest from oppressions of the enemy.The life of faith which we cannot live by personal struggling becomes a normal way of living.There is joy,peace,longsuffering ,gentleness,goodness,meekness,faith,temperate and living hope in us.
We radiate God's love to others,we become approachable,more caring,less burdensome to others.With God being our sufficiency,we lack nothing.When we pray to God through christ,heaven stands at attention listening for they recognise  that a beloved of God is praying.
Only a few of these benefits can be mentioned in this discussion it cannot be exhausted,for we draw from the inexhaustible store house of the Almighty God.Our possibilities in christ are manifold with our souls saved from sin and lives being ordered and directed by God.But do you know these benefits are better experienced than being told. A New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey,Life's Too Short

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