God Has Established A Testimony In Jacob - To Establish Believers Today

"... telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and his strength and his wonderful works that he has done. For he established a testimony in Jacob... " Psalm 78:4-5 "... he established a testimony in Jacob... " Jacob is Israel. "And God said to him, 'Your name is Jacob; your name shall not be called Jacob anymore, but Israel shall be your name.' So he called his name Israel. " Genesis 35:10 If ever I had doubts in my faith, the Israel story would be enough to make me believe, because it is miraculous from beginning to end and continues as such to this day. God has set the Israel story as a testimony, indisputable evidence demonstrating the credibility of God. When peoples are conquered by another nation, those peoples will be assimilated into the conquering nation and usually no more will be heard about them. When was the last time you heard about the Amorites or the Perizzites, or the Jebusites? These have all disappeared from history because they were conquered and then assimilated into the conquering countries. America is called "the melting pot," because she is composed of descendants of many nations. I am of French descent, but there is nothing of France left in me. I don't speak French and I have no desire to go to France. The French among us, as well as the descendants of most other countries, by the third or fourth generation have all been assimilated into America. By the fourth generation, usually there's no more resemblance or affiliation with the country of their forefather's origins. They lose the language, and they lose the culture as they become assimilated. But that's not so with Israel. In 70 AD, Jerusalem was destroyed by Rome and the survivors were taken captive and dispersed throughout the world. There is no country on earth where there aren't Jews, so great was the dispersion. There are French Jews, Spanish Jews, African Jews, Indian Jews, South American Jews, even Chinese and Japanese Jews. They were disbursed everywhere, and there they remained for more than 2,000 years. For more than two THOUSAND years! The fact that they remained a people in spite of their dispersion can only be accredited to the God of Israel. During the time of their dispersion, the land of Israel laid desolate. It dried up. An interesting well-documented phenomenon is that it didn't rain during that time. Several empires took over the Middle East; in Jesus' time it was under the Roman Empire; in the 20th century it was under the Ottoman Turkish Empire. Regardless which empire ruled the Middle East, none was able to make the land of Israel flourish, due to the lack of rain. Samuel Clemons, known also as Mark Twain, visited the area in the 1860's. He described a desolate country - devoid of both vegetation and human population: "... a silent mournful expanse... a desolation... We never saw a human being on the whole route... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country." -from "Innocents Abroad," by Mark Twain The God of Israel spoke through the prophets of old that his people Israel would be scattered for a very long time, but that he would bring them back to the land of their fathers "in the last days." Think of it: how could the Perizzites or the Amorites be regathered today? They were the contemporaries of Israel from its beginning. To think of the Girgashites being brought back, -well that would be impossible because they don't exist as a people anymore. But Israel -- though scattered throughout the world, the God of Israel has brought them back to the very place they left, that tiny sliver of land, a dot on the map of the Middle East, surrounded by Arab countries who hate her. They are back speaking the same language which was all but lost during the diaspora, and the number of them is now close to seven million Jews in the land of their fathers. The north was swampland, infested with malaria. The south was desert. But today the rains have returned and Israel has blossomed, producing the best of fruits and vegetables in all the world - even exporting tulips to Holland! Folks, the Bible teachers a hundred years ago didn't know what to do with the many prophecies concerning the return of the Jews to the land of their fathers. They were scattered far and wide and that desolate land was surrounded by Muslim countries, so the old Bible teachers concluded that those passages must be allegorical because a literal fulfillment would be impossible. But the Lord has fulfilled his Word literally. Then rebirth of the nation of Israel took place on May 14, 1948, "a nation born in a day," as foretold. Today they are back, 7 million strong and that number is growing daily as Jews from all over the world stream back to the land of their fathers. Pharaoh tried to destroy the Jews by having all the baby boys slaughtered. Herod tried destroying the Jews by having all the baby boys slaughtered. Haman tried to destroy the Jews, the Inquisitions tried to destroy the Jews, Hitler tried to destroy the Jews, and today Islam is trying to destroy the Jews. The story of Israel has always been a David vs Goliath story. But none of these "giants" were able - because the God of Israel has restored them and their existence is absolutely guaranteed - no matter what Satan tries to assault them with. Folks, the ancient prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel all give the timing: the prophecies said it will happen "in the last days" -- and that's where we are today. The re-establishment of Israel is God's signal that we are in the last days. The blood moons and solar eclipses are signaling a great turning point just ahead. Terrible times are coming as Satan, "knowing his time is short," will bring upon this generation his greatest effort ever to destroy not only Israel but all believers in the God of Israel, both Jew and Christian. This explains all of the above, and this explains Islam - Satan's great "last days" program of destruction of both Jew and Christian. Great devastation and terrible times are coming upon both Jew and Christian as we march forward into the fulfillment of all that has been prophesied about these days. God has "established a testimony in Jacob" -in order to make himself known to all who will believe. The Israel story which began in Genesis, the very first book of the Bible, will end in the Book of Revelation, and that my friends is almost upon us. Surrender yourself and your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, Israel's coming Messiah, or you will be swallowed up in the terrible things soon to come. Jesus Christ said that those who are his are "not appointed to wrath." He will remove the church before the Apocalypse, the Great Tribulation, plays out upon the earth. Turn to him for safety, turn to him for salvation. Don't be left behind. More: Israel's Covenant http://pmaillet-israels-covenant.blogspot.com/

Is Adultery "Just" Another Sin?

The Bible says we are not to commit adultery, yet, sadly, we know approximately 70% of all marriages include at least one affair. The commandment regarding adultery couldn't be more clear -- there is no possibility for misunderstanding unless one is trying to rationalize their bad behavior. We're all sinners they say, so adultery is no better or worse than the other commandments -- as if that somehow will lessen their judgment -- and allow them into a heavenly eternity with the One they openly rebel against. But light and darkness cannot exist in the same space, and there is no greater Light than the Lord, and no greater earthly darkness than adultery. That's why adulterers go to such great lengths to hide what they're doing -- they know from both a secular and spiritual perspective that what they are doing is so very wrong. But most don't turn from their weakness. Instead, they offend the Lord, and then try and diminish the offense by saying and/or, by their actions, suggesting that adultery is "just" another sin -- and the sins of Christians, even if continued, will be forgiven. That position is biblically unsustainable, and treats the blood of Christ as a common thing, something God will not abide. First, let's state the obvious. At the least, not committing adultery is one of ten things the Lord found most important to those who claim His name. The Ten Commandments are special by design, so we ignore them at our own risk. Next, God goes out of His way to make clear that adultery is a special crime against His holiness, as it is one of the few sins that by and of itself disqualify us from heaven. This is a sobering fact revealed in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NKJV). "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God." Equally important, 1 Corinthians 6:18 says, "Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body." The use of the word "every" is important, because it defines what we're talking about. Contextually, fornication and adultery are the "only" sins that take place inside our very being. Then the Word goes on to say that when we engage in such acts we are not only sinning against God, but against ourselves. As bad as that is, the next verse in Corinthians ups the ante. "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit [who is] in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?" Adultery is also a sin against the Holy Spirit, and that's a sin that will not be forgiven. "Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy [against] the Spirit will not be forgiven men." (Matthew 12:31) Blasphemy being dictionary defined as "irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable." A clear definition of adultery. Still have doubts? Proverbs 6:32 says, "Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; He [who] does so destroys his own soul." Let's review the bidding. When we commit adultery we are disqualifying ourselves from eternal life with our Savior -- are sinning against our own bodies -- are fouling the home of the Holy Spirit, and in doing so committing a sin that will not be forgiven -- and in the process killing our very soul. No serious person who makes an effort to understand the intent of the Word can ever again refer to adultery as "just" another sin. We can't, because God doesn't. Society has turned adultery into a ho-hum, everyday acceptable reality. That's what happens when a culture decides to live outside rules made by our loving God for the sole purpose of protecting His creation from self-inflicted harm. Yet instead of living by His standard, we've lowered the standard to make acceptable what He says is not acceptable. Rhetorically, what kind of father would God be if He didn't warn us of the consequences of our actions? We all have choices to make. Almost all are tempted. But God has the answer. "Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest [your] hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, [as] in your ignorance; but as He who called you [is] holy, you also be holy in all [your] conduct, because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:13-16) Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6686930

Breaking Sinful Strongholds

Text: Galatians 5:19-21. Galatians 5:19-21 refers to the works of the flesh or the acts of the sinful nature (NIV): this is a list of sinful actions. The list is not intended to be comprehensive as indicated by, "and the like" (21). Paul issues the sobering warning "that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God" (21). He prescribes the antidote to overcome the acts of the sinful nature: living or walking by the Spirit, which also includes the practice of the fruit of the Spirit (16, 22-23). If Christians fail to guard their hearts, they can find themselves doing the works of the flesh. Mental and spiritual strongholds can develop to the extent that sinful behavior becomes compulsive. Adultery Paul begins by mentioning the sin of adultery. This can be defined as voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse. According to Jesus, adultery goes beyond the physical act of sexual intercourse and includes looking at a woman lustfully (Matthew 5:28). Adultery also includes emotional attachments, turning to another person for the emotional satisfaction that should only come from your spouse. Some of these emotional attachments will eventually lead to sexual affairs. There can be various reasons why people commit adultery. Some men are dominated by lust; their wandering eyes lead them to take incremental steps toward adultery. Some persons are bored in their marriage and feel that they have to do something to "spice" up their life, to break free of the monotony. Some are disappointed and dissatisfied in their marriage; perhaps the husband does not spend quality time with his family; perhaps the woman is career driven and at night is too tired to meet her husband's sexual needs. Some persons feel that their marriage is over, so even before there is a separation or divorce, they feel that it is alright to begin dating someone else. Additionally, some persons justify adultery by saying that they are no longer in love with their spouse; rather, they have found someone else. It doesn't help that secular society at times excuses and encourages adultery by its overemphasis on sex, hedonistic living (doing what feels good, rather than what is right) and humanism (you are the center of the world type of thinking). Regardless of the reasons, adultery is always wrong; it is always sinful; it is always demonic. Some people may think of adultery as just "stepping out," a casual mistake that can be easily remedied or should just be simply accepted as the reality of life. The harsh truth is that there are serious consequences of adultery. The most important consequence is that our relationship with God is affected and can even be broken. Any person who continues to sin presumes on the grace of God. God will not be mocked; what a man sows, he will reap. If he sows to the sinful nature, the Bible says that he will reap destruction (Galatians 5:8). The victim of adultery is often emotionally devastated: he or she feels betrayed; there is anger, depression, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness. The wounded spouse may retaliate by having an affair as well. Children are also negatively impacted; they may be asked to take sides. The wounded spouse may tell them all the sordid details. This leaves them divided, conflicted, angry and confused. There are many other consequences that affect the home, the work place, career, church. With the church, it is particularly devastating when the adulterer is a pastor. While there are intense temptations out there in our world, we can never justify giving into those temptations. The best way to deal with adultery is to prevent it from happening in the first place. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." Galatians admonishes us to live by the Spirit and we will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature (5:16). The first key to preventing adultery is to have a strong personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. If we are truly full of the Holy Spirit, then it will be extremely difficult to give into temptation and to moments of emotional weakness. If we are going in the wrong direction, the Holy Spirit will be faithful to convict us; our consciences will be open to His conviction. Another way of preventing adultery is to have a strong marriage that is mutually satisfying. This involves having devotions (the couple that prays together stays together) communicating with your spouse (both talking and listening), times of romance, frequent expressions of love, sexual intimacy, honesty and other such actions that strengthen the marriage. Part of preventing adultery is fixing yourself, that is, dealing with the issues that make you vulnerable to an affair. This means dealing with insecurity and emotional weakness. The Bible tells us to guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23). We must also know ourselves by knowing whether we are attracted to someone other than our spouse. We must take immediate steps to kill those thoughts and feelings. It is necessary to avoid risky situations that could potentially lead to an affair. For example, we should avoid flirting: no, it is not a playful or innocent activity. We should avoid being alone with the opposite sex, especially in intimate types of situations such as taking the person to lunch and going to the person's house when no one else is there. We should also avoid excessive interaction with any one person through phone calls, texts and social media. These actions can stimulate strong feelings of attraction. Finally, I would recommend that you be accountable to other persons. Adultery strives in secrecy; by being open and honest with others, you will have people who will pray with you and who can help you if illicit feelings develop. Fornication Another work of the flesh is fornication, which is immoral sexual activity and intercourse; it includes taking pleasure in pornography and other lustful practices. In times past, one of the main sources of pornography was "dirty magazines." Now pornography is easily accessible through the internet. Any person can do a quick search and have access to thousands of sites with every type of sexual deviance imaginable. Many persons are addicted to pornography; they find themselves unable to stop searching for and finding pleasure in the images. The addiction is not only insatiable but also degenerative: persons look for more vulgar and risqué pictures that may include orgies, sadomasochism (S&M), homosexuality, pedophilia and bestiality. Some persons really want to be free, but find themselves trapped, which leads to frustration and feelings of worthlessness. They may even determine that there is no cure, so they could as well give into the cravings. Fornication includes a number of activities such as fondling, oral sex and masturbation. Some persons may have a problem with masturbation but may not have a problem with pornography; however, it still is the spirit of lust that is controlling. For dating and courting couples there is that perennial challenge of how far is too far. Influenced by the world, persons increasingly go deeper and deeper into sexual activity. It is important to remember that God is holy and calls His people to holiness. The best thing is to stay away from physical contact until marriage; it may be old fashioned but it works. There are various reasons for fornication, of course none of which are justifiable. As alluded to, there is the pressure of our culture. The world has no qualms about the acceptability of virtually every form of fornication. Our teenagers are exposed to various media that tell them to indulge with the only caution of covering up (condom use). Many persons, particularly our youth, want to fit in. There are some women who feel that their "biological clock" is reaching its death throes, so they find whatever man is willing so they can have a child. There are emotional issues - feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, wanting to be loved - that lead people into sexual activity. There may be a lack of boundaries, for example, boys and girls freely mingling, getting overly familiar with each other. Then there are those men that feel they must prove their manhood by bedding every woman they can find. There are several dangers of being involved in premarital sexual activity. The most critical of which is breaking our fellowship with God. Fornication is a sin and sin inevitably separates us from God when it is not confessed and repented of. Fornication defrauds another person; it takes away their potential for intimacy with another person. It leads to the establishing of soul ties that result in demonic influences operating in our lives. Fornication can lead to unwanted pregnancies, which could lead to the rejection and abuse of children. It could lead to abortion as persons decide that they don't want to be saddled with the responsibility of raising a child or they are ashamed to face their family, work place or the church. Fornication can result in shame and guilt that can negatively impact future relationships or marriage. It is imperative that we understand that we can keep ourselves pure in spite of strong sexual desires. Uncleanness Uncleanness covers a number of sins including sexual sins, evil actions and sinful thoughts and desires of the heart. The word is used in Jesus' criticism of the religious leaders of His day who outwardly appeared to be holy but internally were sinful and wicked (Matthew 23:27). People who have uncleanness in their heart are hypocritical and deceitful. Paul admonishes believers not to yield to uncleanness, which leads to iniquity, but to yield to righteousness, which leads to holiness (Romans 6:19). Impurity in thoughts leads to impurity in speech and in actions. Further, uncleanness is something to be repented of (2 Corinthians 12:21). Believers must also have pure motives for all that they do in contrast to unclean motives. For example, some people do ministry as a performance, to impress others and to be seen of men. Jesus warned His disciples not to pray in order to be seen by men (Matthew 6:5). Believers need to remember that we live in a sinful and unclean world. This means that most things in our world are suspect, that is, containing principles and values that contradict the truth of Scripture and the purity that God requires. This includes the world's conversation, media and educational system. To truly understand and live out purity, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit, spend quality time hearing the voice of God through the Scriptures and must obey what God commands in His Word. Lasciviousness Lasciviousness can be defined as sensuality; it involves following one's passions and desires to the point of having no shame or public decency. It is referred to as lewdness, wrong use of the senses and lustful pleasures. Sensuality can be expressed in the way persons dress - the wearing of tight, short, revealing clothing. Christians need to remember that current fashions can be part of the sinful world system. Just because it's in vogue does not mean that Christians should wear it. The Bible still admonishes us to dress modestly. If the clothes being made are too sensual, then we may simply need to have them made. It is better to live to please God than to compromise with worldly values. Sensuality also includes seductive body language such as excessive touching, lustful looks and invasion of persons' personal space (being too close physically to a person). It also includes flirting with a person other than your wife (if you are married). Flirting is always wrong and can send the wrong signals to another person. Some persons flirt with the intention that it doesn't actually get into emotional and physical ties; however, this is like playing with dynamite and hoping that it doesn't explode. Flirting can lead to attraction, which can potentially lead to having an affair. Sensuality also includes sexualized conversations and lewd jokes (it's amazing some of the vulgar jokes that Christians tell, listen to or send by social media). Some passions and desires are ungodly, and then there are some that are legitimate but when influenced by the flesh and the devil can get out of control. For example, the desire for sex is a legitimate desire if it is properly satisfied in the context of marriage. However, the excessive desire for sex leads to fornication and adultery. The desire for food is necessary to satisfy a basic need, but an over preoccupation with food leads to gluttony. The desire for success and prosperity can degenerate into greed, controlling and manipulating others, contention, striving for position and materialism. There is the myth of "freedom" that somehow under the covenant of grace believers are at liberty to do whatever they want. Unfortunately, we can be products of our culture and the world system more than we are products of the righteousness and kingdom of God. This is why the apostle Paul urges us, "to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:1, 2). The enemy's subtle deception is to make us like the world so that there is nothing really distinguishing us as Christians; this renders our testimony ineffective. Reputation matters: Christian leaders are to have a good testimony as should all Christians. Idolatry Idolatry can be defined as the worship of spirits, persons or graven images. It includes trusting in any person, institution or thing as having equal or greater authority than God and in His Word. Idolatry is seen in where we invest our time, talent and treasure. Unless we have come from an animistic or occult background, idolatry in the Western church tends to revolve around things and people. Perhaps one of the main manifestations of idolatry in the West is greed - the perennial lust of materialism. Another form of idolatry is self - the dethroning of God and the enthroning of the self life, a life influenced by the worldly philosophy of humanism. Humanism places man at the center of everything, leaving no real room for God except as a compartment of man's life. There are two aspects of idolatry in the West that I would like to address. One of the two is church idolatry. God intended the local church to be an important means of equipping the saints, and we should be faithful and loyal to our church. Church idolatry includes seeing our church as the only church. There is an overemphasis on the local church and a de-emphasis of the universal church - the church of God worldwide. Because we only see our church, we tend not to see that God has only one church of which we are a part. There is a spirit of pride and superiority in these churches: we are better than other churches because we have more business people, more doctors and lawyers, more ministries, more money and the list can go on. Church idolatry is also characterized by the rejection and alienation of those who have left the church: the feeling is that once you have left, you are an outsider, even though some of those persons would have made significant contributions to the growth and development of the church. An idolatrous church may operate with cultic tendencies. For example, church ministry is considered more important than family and marriage. I have seen people actively involved in church ministry, doing whatever the church leadership mandated at the expense of the breakup of their marriage. Though God should come first, family second then the church and its ministry, the order typically becomes church, God then family. With these misplaced priorities, it is no wonder that there is much confusion in some churches. The church may control various aspects of people's personal lives; there are no boundaries; people may look to the church to give them detailed guidance for their lives rather than depend on the leading of the Holy Spirit, common sense and wisdom. Idolatrous churches often use guilt to drive people to action. In some instances, the church does not have an idolatrous culture and the leaders of the church may simply be serving God, but persons may simply act as if the church is their source of salvation. The second of the two forms of idolatry that I want to address is pastor/minister idolatry. The fivefold ministry has been given for the equipping of the saints, to empower them to do the work of the ministry and most importantly to help Christians be like Christ. Ministers are expected to operate in humility and serve the people while setting an example in righteous living. However, some people idolize their pastors. Some of this is encouraged by ministers who are either insecure or influenced by a spirit of worldliness: they have succumbed to the spirit of pride, the same spirit that caused Lucifer to be evicted from heaven. The idolatry of pastors is seen in accepting without discernment everything that the pastor teaches or advocates. It is true that ministers have the responsibility to teach us the Word of God, but they are fallible and can make mistakes, especially if they have not taken the time to properly prepare themselves in prayer and study. Even then, ministers can still misunderstand the counsel of God. Believers are encouraged to test everything; we are to be like the Bereans who diligently studied the Word to ensure that they were receiving the truth (Acts 17:11). Paul warned the elders of the church of Ephesus that false teachers would arise from among them (Acts 20:30). Some followers ascribe deity like status to the pastor, putting the pastor on a pedestal, the high place where only God should sit. They treat the pastor as if he is the only "man of God," as if there are no other ministers. The feeling is that the pastor cannot sin, and there may be an ignoring of the sins that the pastor has committed: members may rationalize his shortcomings. We should respect, honor, reward and submit to our pastors, but we must not worship them. Witchcraft Witchcraft includes such things as sorcery, spiritism, black magic, worship of demons and the use of drugs to produce "spiritual experiences." Sorcery can be defined as the "use of supernatural power over others through the assistance of spirits" (thefreedictionary.com). One of the aims of sorcery is to control and manipulate others so that you can get what you want from them. Another aim is to bring loss or destruction to someone else. This may include causing persons to get sick or to die; for example, a woman may want another woman's husband and may resort to sorcery to get her out of the picture. Such a person may claim to be a Christian operating under the mistaken notion that the man is "God's will" for her. They may pray to "God" for Him to intervene in their favor. Such carnal prayers can be answered by demons, who the Bible says can masquerade as angels of light. Spiritism is the belief that the dead communicate with the living. This can happen innocently enough as the product of grief when a person has recently lost a loved one. However, there are persons who practice communicating with the dead not realizing that they are communicating with demonic spirits. Spiritism occurs all over the world, but particularly occurs among those cultures who believe in ancestral spirits. Some spiritists believe in reincarnation - that the dead come back to life in the form of a different person or animal. Black magic is considered to be magic used for evil purposes. This presupposes that magic can be used for good purposes - so called white magic. However, both forms of magic are demonic because they involve the use of spiritual powers outside of God. Satan wanted Jesus to worship him (Matthew 4:9). Jesus' response was, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only" (Matthew 4:10). There are people who choose to worship the devil and his demons rather than choose to worship God. Paul indicates that the worship of idols or gods other than the true and living God is simply demon worship (1 Corinthians 10:20). The use of drugs to produce spiritual experiences was evident in the psychedelia of the 1960s where drugs and rock music were used simultaneously to give people a religious high. It is evident in Rastafarianism, where rastas believe that marijuana is necessary to create the spiritual consciousness needed to connect with Jah. Any such activity is demonic and will lead to being influenced and controlled by demons. Witchcraft also includes involvement in Masonic lodges, so called "secret societies." Unfortunately, the secret is out, as lodges actively recruit persons to join and persons indicate their involvement by the symbols on their ring or vehicle. The lodge appears to be another civic organization, no different from Kiwanis or the Lion's Club. However, the truth is far more sinister. Simply put, Masonic lodges are really occult in practice and ideology. A search on "Masonic lodge Christian perspective" will bring up various articles that give insight as to why Christians should avoid this deception of the devil. Witchcraft is being heavily promoted through various media such as television, movies and music. For example, the Harry Potter series, both the books and the movies, heavily promote witchcraft and espouse the concept of good and bad witchcraft. For years, some rock and heavy metal music promoted the demonic. Even some of the album covers and names showed the emphasis on the occult. Some of the current music videos by various artistes in different genres promote the demonic. Our children aren't simply being entertained, they are being demonized by media that is anti-God and pro-satan. Christians also need to be aware of the various symbols that are used in witchcraft and the occult such as the five pointed star, the peace symbol (the upside down, broken cross) and the unicorn horn. Symbols and objects can be means of demonic oppression. In the Old Testament, Balaam was a pagan prophet who used divination to contact various deities. At the same time, he was also able to contact Jehovah, the one true God. Rather than abandon divination to worship God only, he became syncretistic combining both divination and prayer to connect with God. Some persons practice syncretism merging faith in God with the use of witchcraft. Voodoo, for example, is syncretistic. Another example is the Spiritual Baptists who incorporate African ancestral and Christian worship. Syncretism is often found in people who have come from an animist background. Christians in the Western world are not exempt. Some of them look to horoscopes for guidance or practice various forms of New Age such as Reiki and yoga. Witchcraft involves the use of satanic power to achieve a particular result. This may explain why some persons identify control and manipulation as tools of witchcraft. The devil is not omnipotent, but he does have power, power that is used for malevolent purposes. It is important to remember that the devil is a deceiver. He can make the use of his power seem like something benevolent, at least for the first (white magic versus black magic). However, anything that originates from the devil, regardless of how innocent it seems, is evil and destructive. The devil also does counterfeit miracles through false prophets. Should we be skeptical of the miraculous in churches? No, but we should be discerning to recognize what originates with God and what comes from the devil. Jesus told us to watch out for false prophets and that we will recognize them by their fruit (Matthew 7:15 - 20). Their prophecies are false and misleading; they teach false doctrines and they live ungodly lives (either secretly or openly). Conclusion These are some of the works of the flesh that can become strongholds in the lives of believers. We have to understand what's at stake. There is a real enemy who wants to destroy our lives by various means, but there is a loving God who gives us the power to overcome the devil's devices and to live free. The real key to breaking free and staying free is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Jesus has already won the victory. Everything that we need for life and godliness has already been provided. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8208560

Is Masturbation in the Bible?

I have never found the word masturbation in my King James Bible. BUT that does not mean that the subject is not touched upon in several scriptures. Let's look at some scriptures to find out what God thinks about such things. Psalm 90:8 - "Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance." The point here is that God sees and knows everything that you do. Many people masturbate in private and many masturbate to porn in private. These secret sins that maybe no one else on earth might know about, even your spouse if you are married are wide open to god and he sees all of it. Here lies a problem for those who are caught in the snare of the Devil in regard to sexual sin which includes masturbation. I am not going to debate what the world says about the subject because that is a waste of time. God has his Word and we are to keep his commandments and be holy as he is holy. If it were not possible then God would not have laid it out in his Word to be done. 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17 - "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." Here we are specifically discussing the Christian who is sinning and not obeying the Word of God. If you need deliverance because you have opened the door to demons through porn and masturbation and sexual sin or if they have traveled down to you through family lines then there is hope for you to be delivered. You may try self-deliverance and it will work but they will be back due to the fact that you have become weak in this area. That is why we confess our faults to each other according to scripture with other Christians who are trusted and who do not gossip and who will stand with us and help strengthen and encourage us. But if you still abide in your sins and do not repent then you have trouble for yourself physically among other things. If you destroy God's temple then God will destroy you and sexual sin of any kind including masturbation affects you physically, mentally, and emotionally whether you want to accept it or not. Many of you suffer physical problems and infirmities and sicknesses as well as mental and emotional problems due to regular sexual sins which include masturbation. This is the destruction taking place according to scripture because by Jesus' stripes you have been healed. And if you have been healed and yet are suffering then there is something going on that is causing the trouble. And that something going on is sexual sins including masturbation. Now let's look at something Jesus said because I have read and heard others saying, "Well Jesus never said anything about it so it must be OK." "But I (Jesus) say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into Hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into Hell." Matthew 5:28-30 Now take a look at this scripture. You look on a woman to lust after her and when you do you have already committed adultery with her in your heart. If you are not married you have committed fornication. And masturbation works the same in judgment whether you are doing it as a man or a woman. When you look and lust after porn you commit sin in your heart. Next Jesus made a comparison of which is easier, to cut out your eye and throw it away and cut off your right hand and throw it away or be thrown into Hell. Here we have all the ingredients of what is used when masturbating including masturbating to porn. The heart and the eyes and the hands are mentioned. We also learn that it is easier to stop masturbating than to cut out one's own eye or to cut off one's own hand. But we also learn that doing these sexual sins lands someone into Hell. In Proverbs it warns against the wayward woman and going unto her because she is a direct path into Hell. That means that you can get to a place where you can reject your salvation just because you want that grand feeling of orgasm which also means that you have other and more very deep seated problems that need to be addressed. You most likely have demons manipulating you because they set you up, then they brought you down hard, and now they keep you in bondage and as a result are in the process of helping you to destroy yourself. And the fault will all be yours because you are choosing to do these secret sins which include masturbation. God has provided a way out for you and he has provided deliverance. Yes, it may be embarrassing to admit to others, but it is far better to be delivered and have all of your issues brought out and for you to be healed than it is to reject Christ and suffer in Hell. As for those without Christ, you are going to Hell anyway unless you repent and receive Christ as your Lord and Savior. Here is a very valid point: "Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather FEAR HIM which is able to DESTROY both soul and body in Hell." Matthew 10:28 And here is another valid point: "And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that OBEY NOT the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established: "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters (which includes masturbation to porn because porn has become an idol to you), nor effimate, nor ABUSERS OF THEMSELVES with mankind (masturbation is abuse of your body and ungodly manipulation of your genitals), nor thieves, nor covetous (you can covet or lust after porn and sexual sin), nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 If you seriously look at all these sins that keep you from the kingdom of God, every one of them in one form or another can be connected with and take place as a result of sexual sin which includes masturbation because masturbation is generally the beginning of greater lust for more and grander sexual sins. Now I want to speak to those who are Christians. Let's start with scripture: "Flee fornication (PORNEIA which is where we get our word porn). Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What: know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 Do you know that we are to resist the Devil? We are to resist the Devil but here it says to flee fornication like Joseph did when he ran away from Potiphar's wife and left part of his clothes there. Run away. Now why would God say run away from this sin? It is because you can end up severed from Christ by an act of your own will. You choose to sin sexually. You do not have to stay in bondage to the Devil. If you are in this bondage and you earnestly want to be free then you will have to be delivered by a Holy Spirit and faith filled Christian who has experience in deliverance. You will need to address the inner issues that are open doors for the demonic and close them shut. You will have to seriously repent and walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus. You will have to be part of a trusted group of believers who you can confess your faults to and who can help and encourage you. (Think AA type environment meeting of believers and leaders) You must attend a good bible believing church and witness what good things the Lord has done for you by delivering you. There is no condemnation for you. Only the Devil wants to condemn you. Tell others all the time how you were delivered by the Lord. You overcome the Devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of you testimony and you love not your life unto death. Jesus is Lord permanently including over your sexual desires. If you cannot contain as Paul said then get married to a good Christian spouse (Both of you need to go through deliverance before getting married because deliverance is the children's bread according to scripture) If you are already married and the Devil has messed with your marriage to ruin it due to your sexual sin then believe God to deliver you and your marriage and fix the marriage. (I am talking about two Christians being married to each other) If you have committed sexual sin in your marriage then there is a chance that the Devil has and is keeping your spouse from having sex with you in order to keep you sinning. If this is the case then believe God according to 1 Corinthians 7:4, 5. Be patient and be like those who through faith and patience inherit the promises of God. If your body has become a wreck due to sexual sin then repent and believe God to fix you and your spouse up spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. This fixing up of a married couple to desire each other by God can be done and we have scriptural precedent on the subject. God healed and made whole Abraham and Sarah in their old age and they had Isaac as a result. Sarah was so good looking that a heathen king wanted her for his harem and she was well past 65 years old. All things are possible with God! Stay in the Word of God for at least an hour a day for reading it. Pray in the Spirit or in other tongues at least an hour a day although I recommend at least three hours a day. I did this even when I was working full time at secular work before becoming a full time minister. Fast regularly with consent and for a time with your spouse or on your own if you are single. The prayer keeps you good spiritually. The Word of God strengthens your will to be resolved and strong in living for Jesus. And the fasting of food regularly does wonders for keeping the flesh under control. If you slip up then immediately repent and ask God to forgive you according to 1 John 1:9. Do not watch or listen to or do anything that will even remotely cause you to slip back into sin. Its like alcoholics have to permanently stay away from alcohol. Do not tempt yourself. And if you have had problems with sexual sin do not think that you go down by yourself or with others to preach at the strip bar where strippers hang out. That is just dumb. Let others go. You preach at other places. Build your faith up and live each day for Jesus at one day at a time. Definitely preach the gospel and minister to others as much as you can. I am a faith teaching, gospel preaching, holiness living, ordained Christian Pentecostal Evangelist that travels the highways and byways proclaiming the good news of healing and salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ with all Signs, Wonders, and Miracles following. For more information on how to receive miracles by faith check out my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVxmTVR0GiFIcmuJACqOWqg Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9015749

The Christian Youth and Self Esteem

There is a great misconception about a Christian having self esteem. Some Christians tend to see the Christian race as overbearing and very conservative, thereby thinking the Christian should be as lowly as john the Baptist, refusing all other good aspect of Life. In most cases, this results to a low self esteem in relation to the real world and the environment surrounding them. Others on the other hand, tend to focus so much on God's promises thereby over hyping their status as Christians. This may lead them to manifesting pride even without knowing. To comprehensively understand what self esteem is all about, we need to know its relationship and contrast with the following states; confidence, pride, and inferiority. Self esteem It is a feeling of confidence, being happy with your own character and abilities. It is also known as self- worth. Self esteem is an indwelling virtue. It is a personal attribute that builds a person's personality. It is more of a static character of a person. Confidence It is the feeling that you can trust, believe in and be sure about the abilities or good qualities of somebody or something. Unlike self esteem, confidence is dynamic. It is the manifestation of the already accumulated in- dwelling self esteem in you. It is like the kinetic energy of the already potential energy (self esteem). For better understanding, when as a senior high school student, your colleagues are seriously studying for an English exams, but you simply relax having the self confidence or belief that no matter your preparation, you cannot earn lesser than an "A" grade. Such an in- dwelling feeling is now dynamically manifested by the confidence you exhibit when writing the English examination. Pride It is a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that you get when you or people who are connected with you have done something well or when you own something that other people admire. Example; Brazil takes pride in football; the pride of the university is its very intelligent international students. For the sake of clarity, pride could be in dwelling and as well dynamic. The following examples above are in dwelling pride. If you say, the pride of a person is his kids then you say; what makes that person happy, complete, confident with himself as well a makes him have worth is his Kids. But dynamic pride is exhibited in relation to another person or subject. By the time this same person sees his kids as better than other kids in his neighborhood, then dynamic pride comes into play. Therefore, we can match the indwelling pride to be synonymous to self esteem where as the dynamic pride should be left alone as just pride. Inferiority This is the state of not being as good as somebody or something. A simple but practical example is when a boy becomes 18 years of age, he may feel he has now reached a certain level of responsibility and ought to give a more matured impression about himself. Hence he decides within himself to be strictly corporate in his outfits. Such a decision shows the worth he has weighed himself to. This is self esteem! But by the time he does not listen to his Mum anymore just because he is now an Adult makes him proud. And maybe peradventure his younger brother feels intimidated or 'not up to the level' anytime he and his friends, all in majestic charisma, are gathered together, then this is inferiority on his brother's part. FACTORS OF SELF ESTEEM The following factors can stimulate a sense of, or feeling of confidence in us. They are: • Beauty • Background/fundamental upbringing • Physical differences such as Age, physical strength and so on. • Fluency in important languages • Self righteousness • Knowledge and understanding/ good skills • Wealth • Self righteousness/ morality and many more others With these factors in mind, there are still some questions we need to clear in order to fully understand the significance of self esteem in a Christian's Life. • Are these factors absolute sources of self esteem? • If they are, which one gives the most self esteem? • Do I need to possess all of these factors to be fully confident in myself? • If I need not possess all, which ones in particular are most needed to have self esteem? • If there is a need to possess all or some of them, how do I get or acquire or even earn them? Is it worth it? To be able to answer all of these questions appropriately, we have to know the Ultimate or absolute source of self esteem. ABSOLUTE SOURCE OF SELF ESTEEM When we say absolute, we mean complete, in totality or never ending. If God reveals to you that you will live for 80 years and you should partition this period into a period of hardship and that of total enjoyment, though with a choice; you would not be willing to partition this time, since you have a choice. Simply because you will love to have a full 80 years of enjoyment and not even a micro second of this period should be for hardship. We all want good things or experiences to be absolute in our Lives. So the absolute in every good thing in every way is what we all seek. This is also applicable to self esteem. Can we get an absolute source of self esteem? If yes, then why not discover that source? The aforementioned factors would be discussed distinctively and evaluated to see if none or all or some of them are the ultimate source(s) of self esteem. Beauty "Charm can be deceiving and beauty fades away, but a woman who honors the Lord deserves to be praised"- Proverbs 31:30. If beauty is a factor of self esteem, as it fades away, your self esteem fades as well. Isaiah3:16- 4:1. This passage talks about the pride of beauty, the women of Jerusalem exhibited and this angered the Lord, thereby raining curses on them. The magnitude of God's wrath was shown in Chapter 4:1 "when this happens, seven women will grab the same man, and each of them will say, I'll buy my own food and clothes! Just marry me and take away my disgrace". Whew! Is it really worth it to chase after external beauty? Billboards, television, and radio shout about the latest trend or the newest style we need to buy. There is nothing wrong with wearing the latest fashion, but an obsession with beauty or outward appearance can indicate a lack of respect for God. If our focus turns from the Living God to luxury we worship an Idol. The things of this world will eventually pass away, but God is eternal and unchanging. Instead let's be beautiful in our hearts by being gentle and quiet. This kind of beauty will last, and God considers it very special". Read 1st peter 3:3-4. But also, for the ladies; do not let any brother use Isaiah 4:1 to intimidate you or cause you to feel inferior. Guys may want to use that as a weapon to make some ladies feel much unsecured about chances of getting married. This curse was just to the daughters of Jerusalem when they turned their backs against God to beauty. In verses 2-6 talks, a re-awakening or re-establishment of God's relationship with the children of Israel was emphasized. So, this is not prophesy for the future to come and hence should not be used as a weapon of Inferiority or fear against the Ladies. Is beauty really an absolute source of self esteem? Ponder on this question and give the answer yourself. Family background 1st Chronicles 4:9-10. Jabez was born with a curse placed on him by his own Mother due to the pains she experienced in her delivery. He grew up with this curse actively functioning in his Life not until he turned to the Lord and the Lord changed his Life. The whole book of Ruth talks about the familiar story of a widow with whom her background can be classified into two, for the sake of later analysis. Her immediate background Ruth was not only married to the son of a widow, but as well became a widow, alongside the wife of her brother- in- law. In some African thoughts or Old tradition, they may consider this a curse or the effect of an evil spell in the family. This accompanied with hunger is a great burden to carry and to really understand what Naomi and possibly Ruth were passing through, we can read Naomi's proclamation in chapter 1: 13b; "........ No, my daughter, Life is harder for me than it is for you, because the Lord has turned against me". Also verses 20 and 21. Historical background Ruth was from the tribe of Moab. In Genesis 19:29-38, Moab was the product of the union between Lot (Abraham's cousin) and his elder daughter. Even with the situation surrounding Ruth, she held firm to the faith and was a virtuous woman. Ruth answered "please don't tell me to leave you and return home! I will go where you go, I will live where you live; your people will be my people, your God will be my God" (1:16). Remember that, self esteem comes from within, the true virtue and personality of yourself. And also from our previous factors, "a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised". Boaz answered, "I heard how you helped your mother-in-law ever since your husband died. You even left your own father and mother to come and live in a foreign Land among people you don't know. I pray that the Lord God of Israel will reward you for what you have done. And now, that you have come to Him for protection, I pray that he will bless you". We can see more confirmation of her worth from Ruth 3:11 "And now, my daughter, do not fear, I will do for you all that you request, for all the people of my town know that you are a virtuous woman" All these are evidence of her in dwelling qualities. What was her reward? God's specificity was very clear and obvious on his plans for Abraham and his descendants. Which is Isaac, then Israel (in particular, formerly called Jacob) and then to Judah. Despite the fact Abraham had other sons from Haggai and from Keturah his second wife after Sarah's death); God still maintained the specificity of His plans. Ruth 4:21-22 showed the descendants of Ruth. She married Boaz who begot Obed, who begot Jesse and who begot David. David the King was in the lineage of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Ruth coming from the line of Moab who is not a descendant of Abraham in any way and in fact whose tribe sometimes are recorded to be enemies of the Children of Israel (2nd Chronicles 20:1,3-4), was incorporated into God's plans in the royal lineage of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Not only that, an entire book from the scriptures was written about her. Not just some chapters, or a chapter or a verse, but an entire book. Her background was not a factor in making her what she was. The key here was her indwelling virtues as a virtuous woman and her obedient nature. Matthew 15:22-28 talks about a Canaanite woman who needed an undeserved miracle from Jesus Christ, for her daughter. In verse 26, Jesus told her "it isn't right to take food away from children and feed it to dogs". Jesus does not lie and this statement made it clear on where the woman is coming from. Her background as a Canaanite has automatically disqualified her from receiving the blessing she needed from Jesus, considering the simile of being compared to dogs; she really is far from deserving what she is requesting. In verse 27, "Lord, that's true, the woman said, but even dogs get the crumbs that fall from their owner's table". We can see that she even accepted that fact. But do we take facts of Life or facts created by humans and virtual boundaries to weigh us down or stop us from getting what we need or deserve? In verse 28, Jesus was impressed and she got her healing. Even her abject background could not stop her. Some of us have different negative backgrounds which will make us feel so inferior amongst our peers. A boy never talks about his mum, even when his peers come together to discuss home issues. It was later discovered that his Mum is a prostitute and this weighs him down a lot. You may be from a minority group, hence making you to feel inferior when you sit or talk with those from the so-called "majority"? You cannot influence your history or background but you sure can influence the present and of course your future. Look up to God just as Jabez and the Canaanite woman did and be obedient and virtuous in character just like Ruth; then your self esteem is not only sure but your future will be beyond expectation. On the other hand for the fact your parents are both successful do not warrant an automatic success to you. They may be tools to propel success but they cannot make you instantly successful. For the fact your parents are professors, does not make you a professor as well. You have to pass through what they passed through to reach that height. Everything is about self and irrespective of our background; self esteem can be earned in full. Wealth Proverbs 30:8-9. "Make me absolutely honest and don't let me be too poor or too rich. Give me just what I need. If I have too much to eat, I might forget about you; if I don't have enough, I might steal and disgrace your name". The psalmist has made these verses very explicit in relation to the context of the subject matter. If he becomes rich, he becomes proud and forgets God. If he becomes poor, he may become too inferior to think that if he doesn't steal, he will not survive. Just what he needs is what he wants from God so that he will always remember and serve him and as well maintain his self- esteem by avoiding stealing. Proverbs 23:5, "Your money flies away before you know it, just like an eagle suddenly taking off". Wow! If money or wealth is the source of self- esteem, then a lasting one is beyond achievement. Practically speaking, those who put their self esteem in wealth immediately vanish as soon as their wealth vanishes. Remember the parable of the rich Man, who had a bountiful harvest and planned on storing them up in large bans, then he said "eat, drink and make merry". What was God's response? You fool! This night, your soul shall be required of you". (Luke 12:16-21). If you think wealth is the absolute source of self esteem, I urge you to reconsider. Of course it is a factor, but a source? Hmm...... Physical differences Physical differences such as Age, height, skin color and sometimes body built or shape, stimulate either inferiority in us or sometimes body built or shape stimulate either inferiority in us or self esteem. Paul encouraged Timothy not to allow anyone despite him in his youthful age but rather through his actions, he can set an example for others to follow (1st Tim 4:12). On the other hand Ecclesiastics 11:9-10; 12:1-8 warns us of youthful exuberance. No matter what we do as youths (great strength, fresh heads and zeal to do exploits) remember thy creator. The chances to fall into sin is high and exhibition of such extreme enthusiasm will lead us no where, neither would it add self esteem to us. Those who compose themselves would surely be praised. Jesus at 12, was already teaching the Temple Elders (Luke 2:42; 46-47). Though we may say, it is because He is "Jesus" but he said we would do even greater things than He did. This is a great challenge to parents to put their children in the way of the Lord from the earliest stage in Life (proverbs 22:6). Sometimes you feel so proud been the first child of the home. You feel you are the first blessing of the home or the likelihood to continue the family responsibilities and maybe heritage is sure for you. But 1st Samuel 16:6-7; 10-12 explains why age or your position of birth in the home is not necessary for your self esteem. As we defined it earlier, it is an in- built phenomenon, something which is void of such a factor. Verse 7 of chapter 16 quotes "But the lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his physical stature, because I have refused him. The Lord does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart". The heart is the focal point of what makes you highly esteemed and not your outward appearance. Another good example of this truth is in 1st Samuel 17, which is the story of David's victory over Goliath. By appearance and human facts, Goliath would have crushed David with his bones, refined into powder. But fact and Truth are two different phenomena. Truth had to go beyond all natural proofs and Human understanding to manifest itself. In summary, the heart is the focal point of self esteem. But can physical difference be a source? Fluency in Important Language Moses was a stammerer and when God called him to go and save His people in the land of Egypt, Moses complained of His situation (Exodus 4:10-16). God persisted but Moses insisted as well. He felt he could not do it and he could not look unto God who can do it for him (which is inferiority). Sometimes we feel so inferior because of the bad way we speak important Languages. It may not necessarily be stammering but maybe grammatical errors. You spend 5 minutes to quietly rehearse what you want to say for 5 seconds. Or it could also be that you are in a foreign land, trying to learn the Language of the Natives but they cannot just avoid laughing at you, anytime you speak. These situations should not be taken as factors to bring your morale down, but rather are challenges you should face with confidence and with the belief that you will soon overcome. This approach can boost a reviving spirit in you and hence give you that energetic self-esteem you need. The same Aaron God gave to Moses as a communication aid made a Golden Image for the Israelites and worst of all proclaimed saying "This is your god, O Israel, which brought you out of the land of Egypt" Can you imagine what a high priest would say? A Levite, who suppose to give such a proclamation in honor of God Himself? Well, it did not just end there. In Numbers 12:1-15, Aaron and Miriam rebelled against Moses stressing out that He is not the only prophet and he is not the only one God speaks to. Remember that their role was just to help or aid Moses, but they got jealous and rebelled. If Moses had listened to God and subdued his inferiority, these events would not have happened. In some cases, we feel so inferior that we do not even see how great the power of the most high is. Not able to be fluent in a language should not be a yardstick of inferiority, nor should it be a thing of pride. Who said you cannot work in the media, because of your fluency? You could as well write articles, good poems, and hormone stimulating stories or even draw comic books if you are good in it. Even in the media, you could be in charge of documentation. With your trust in the Lord as your source of self esteem, you can come out to be even greater than some professional Journalists or writers themselves. You can as well trust God fully for something special. He can do it for you as He intended doing for Moses. Stick to His plan and listen to His voice, He will surely direct your path. Self Righteousness Do you think you live a blameless Life and then comfortably sit back with your arms above your shoulders? Do you do your best possible to be principled and high in moral standards and hence see yourself as reputable in your environment? People around you may respect you, Love you, and regard you with high esteem, but is it an absolute source of self esteem? Mark 10:17-22 speaks of a rich Man who came to Jesus and claims he has kept every Law required of him and wanted to know what else to do. Verse 21 quotes "Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, "One thing you lack; Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in Heaven; and come, take up the cross and follow me". Wow! Morality by human standards must always have a 'one thing lacking'. You may be highly respected by people, but definitely not all. Humans are relative and some may see or even experience the bad side of you. If such people are able to influence others, your reputation then becomes relative to some certain Individuals. And by the time you get a hiss from an individual you so much expected a respectful compliment from, it will hurt and if care is not taken, that could begin a sequence of events which would lead to the destruction of the esteem you once had. After Jesus Christ mentioned what the man would do, what was his reaction? He was sad and turned his back and left. So bad! This was someone who came in confidence and with a certain level of pride because of his good works but went back in sadness and head- dropped down. Self- righteousness by human standards is hypocrisy because you will only get to see the good attributes of the person involved; while the bad attributes stay hidden. But by the time the bad attribute would be blown up, everything spoils. (Matthew7:6-7; Matthew 23:1-28). Verse 28 makes it very clear. "Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. Isaiah 64:6 is very explicit in this issue, "But we are all like an unclean thing and all our righteousness are like filthy rags; we all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities like the wind, have taken us away". Our righteousness is like filthy rags so why the brag? Zech3:1-4 makes it obvious on where our righteousness should come from. And no matter what we do and how we try, righteousness can never be by our might or power. Even as Christians, we could be tempted to show some self righteousness as well. Gal 5:22-25 talks about the fruits of the spirits we ought to exhibit even as we live a Christ- like Life. But verse 26 of the same chapter warns us to be careful not to conceit too much on these attributes in other not to create envy or jealousy within ourselves. There are much more factors in which if we go on and on, the whole internet will not be sufficient to carefully analyze them. The already explained factors may for a time make you highly esteemed, but are never true sources of self- esteem. Sometimes as a student, you do not perform well in school and you feel inferior to your colleagues? Or you are a bookworm and make use of almost all your time for reading and your personal activities, but your colleagues who are the 'outdoor types' mock you on regular basis. It could also be that you are a dedicated Christian in a non Christian or 'not seriously Christian' environment and the peer pressure seem to weigh you down. There are million and one instances in which we cannot mention all. But the bottom line is, cheer up, take the challenging situations as stepping stones of making your Life better in Christ. Ultimately, the true and only source of self- esteem is God, through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ and our Hearts been the medium or determinant factor or focal point in earning absolute self esteem. On the final note, God is the ultimate source of absolute self- esteem. Self esteem outside God yields no results and cannot be permanent; which means it can either go down to pride which leads to destruction or depreciates to inferiority. After all, every factor of self esteem is considered vanity (Ecclesiastics 1:2) from King Solomon who was blessed by God with virtually everything you could think of. Outside God, we have nothing to boast about because there is nothing new on this Earth which has not been or been done (Ecclesiastics 1:9-10). That is to say, whatever you have, own, possess or merit; someone already had it before and someone elsewhere has it at the same time as you do and someone will definitely have even more (Ecclesiastics 1:4). In view of this, it is totally destructive to cast our minds on earthly factors for self- worth. But having the self-Esteem defined by God yields earthly blessings and above all, Eternal Life (Joshua 1:8, Matthew 6:33). May God almighty open our eyes to know our worth and serve him in its capacity and magnitude in Jesus name. AMEN! Article directory networking is an excellent, but hidden strategy of making lots of money through the internet. 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Do You Love God?

Jesus told us this was the most important commandment. We must also love Jesus in the same manner because He is our savior and died for us; all of us. Every Christian loves God and Jesus to some degree; some with our heads and some with our hearts. But some people love them with every fiber of their being, down in their souls, which is what God wants from every one of His children. The good news is if you're not there yet, you can be. It's just a matter of going through the process of maturing in your relationship with Him. If you've ever been deeply in love with another person, it's the same kind of process. You spend time with them, get to know all about them and let them get to know you. Over time the two of you become so close and develop such a deep relationship that you realize you've fallen madly in love with each other. It's the same way in our relationship with God, except He already loves us. We need to spend time with Him (pray) and get to know Him (study your Bible). We'll come to a point where we love Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. We'll want to spend time with Him, listen to Him and do what He knows is best for us. We also have to put God first, above everyone and everything else. Our God is a jealous god; He wants to be first in our hearts and lives. He should be! After all, He gave His son Jesus as a sacrifice for each and every person so we don't have to suffer eternity in hell. Jesus willingly suffered and died for our sins so we don't have to. He gave everything for us. Don't they deserve to be number one in our lives? Every day we face decisions, temptations and choices. They're part of life and sometimes it's not very easy. But if we look at them in light of putting God first and ask ourselves how God's eternal kingdom will be impacted, our decisions, temptations and choices become easier to deal with. When we ask God what He wants us to do, what would be best for Him and what would be best for His kingdom, we honor Him and He is pleased, and I truly believe He will bless us in our decisions and choices. As Christians we should want our words and actions to please God, not the world. While it may hurt when people make fun of us because of our beliefs, we should be joyful because we've been faithful and have shown others that God and what He wants are first in our lives. We must always take into account who we're trying to please; other people, ourselves, or God. To learn more about living the life God wants you to live, please visit http://www.YourLifeGodsWay.com.

Being Baptized in the Holy Ghost and Speaking in Tongues Bible Study

Speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 12:28). New believers who cannot pray in the tongue should pray to God to give them this gift. You can also ask your pastor to pray for God to give you the gift of speaking in tongues. Jesus said that God will give his Holy Spirit to anyone who ask (Luke 11:13). To receive the Holy Ghost, you must believe in Jesus and repent of your sins. After that, you must get baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Interpretation of tongues is a different gift of the Holy Ghost. Someone who has the gift of the interpretation of tongues can interpret the meaning of the tongue language that the person is speaking. Christians should constantly speak the tongue language and pray in the Spirit. Speaking in tongues build yourself up (1 Corinthians 14:4). Interpreting the tongue language enables others to be edified (1 Corinthians 14:5). In 1 Corinthians 14:23 - 24, when you speak in tongues, other non believers won't understand what you are speaking unless someone interprets it. If someone interprets the tongue language, the non believer can understand and become convicted so that he will worship God as well. When you speak in tongues, no one can understand what you are saying including the devil except God. The Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf by telling God all our problems through the tongues when we cannot pray in words according to the will of God (Romans 8:26 - 27). The gift of speaking in tongues was first given to the disciples of Jesus who were gathering at a house. While Jesus' followers were gathered in the house, the Holy Spirit came and rest on each of them like tongues of fire (Acts 2:1 - 4). Then, they started to speak in other tongues. In Mark 16:17, Jesus said that those who believe in him will cast out demons in his name and speak in tongues. Praying in tongues is not necessary for salvation. A Christian can be filled and baptized with the Holy Spirit without having the gift. When you pray in your mind, others can say Amen and give thanks. This will build others up. When you speak in tongues, you are building yourself up but others are not built up. Therefore, Christians should pray both in their mind and speak tongue language. Biblestudyoutlines.org provides free bible study outlines on the Old Testament and New Testament books for Christians who want to find free bible study materials. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7080874

Water and Holy Spirit Baptism: Their Important Roles in A Christian's Salvation

Is water baptism important? I would answer yes. Is it required? Yes, again. But is it required for salvation? I would say "no" at this time, though I cannot tell you firmly. Let's study a few Scriptures together... In Ephesians, Paul wrote: "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you also were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in us all." (Ephesians 4:4-6, WEB) Here, Paul lists seven "one" things that are most important and fundamental to Christians. One body refers to the church, the body of Christ (all believers as a unit); one Spirit refers to the Holy Spirit; one hope refers to our eternal hope for our future resurrection and everlasting life with Yahweh and Jesus in God's Kingdom; one Lord is our Lord Jesus Christ; one faith is our faith in Jesus for salvation; and one God is obviously Yahweh God Almighty. Now, what is our one baptism? Whenever we come to the word "baptism" and its related forms in the Bible, we need to realize that it doesn't refer to water baptism every single time. In actuality, the New Testament describes three main baptisms: 1) John the Baptizer performed water baptism for people. 2) Before John baptized Jesus in water, God told John that Jesus is one who "baptizes in the Holy Spirit." (John 1:33) Before his ascension back to heaven, Jesus promised his disciples, "For John indeed baptized in water, but you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit not many days from now." (Acts 1:5) This is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 3) Before his execution, Jesus said, "But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am until it is accomplished!" (Luke 12:50) This is the baptism of suffering for the world in which only Jesus was baptized. To which baptism was Paul referring when he said "one baptism"? All the seven "one" things he listed are vital to us as Christians, so the one baptism must be required for any Christian. Paul spoke about this baptism in his other letters. Let's read a few verses: "For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether bond or free; and were all given to drink into one Spirit." (1 Corinthians 12:13) Here, Paul tells us that the baptism of the Holy Spirit puts all Christians into one body of Christ. All true Christians have "drunk" the Holy Spirit like water. This was what Jesus was referring to when he said, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink! He who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, from within him will flow rivers of living water." (John 7:37-38) This is referring to "the Spirit, which those believing in him were to receive." (John 7:40). God saves Christians "through the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly, through Jesus Christ our Savior." (Titus 3:5, 6) "... you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is a pledge of our inheritance, to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of his glory." (Ephesians 1:13, 14) "Don't grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." (Ephesians 4:30) "Now he who establishes us with you in Christ, and anointed us, is God; who also sealed us, and gave us the down payment of the Spirit in our hearts." (2 Corinthians 1:21-22) Baptism in the Holy Spirit is not only important, but as you can see, it is essential for salvation. Note that the Holy Spirit is given to each Christian as a "pledge." This means that God gives each Christian the Holy Spirit as a down payment or deposit that he or she will be glorified, which is the final stage of salvation. Only the baptism in the Holy Spirit seals Christians with a pledge. Since this spiritual baptism is essential to salvation, Paul, I believe, must be referring to this baptism when he wrote "one baptism" in Ephesians. Hence, when Christians are born of "water and Spirit," they are born again and baptized in the Spirit, which God "pours out" on them like water. Spiritual baptism in the Spirit was what Paul focused on in his letters; he didn't indicate that water baptism was as important or even required for salvation. Remember, he only wrote "one baptism," not two baptisms. Now, the question is: do people need to be water baptized first in order to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? If you read Acts 10:44-48, you will see that the answer is no. If water baptism is required for salvation, wouldn't Paul and other writers have pointed it out? Read Acts 16:29-31. Notice that Paul didn't say, "Believe in Jesus and be baptized, and you will be saved"; instead, he said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household." (Acts 16:31) If water baptism is not required for salvation, why do we need to be water baptized? Well, because Jesus our Savior commanded it in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19). This is why I said that water baptism is both important and required, yet not required for salvation. Why is water baptism required? When a person is water baptized in Christ, it outwardly shows that the person is now associated with the Christ and the Christian faith. To be baptized into something means to have an association with that thing (1 Corinthians 10:1-2). Hence, when Peter told the Jews to be baptized, he wanted them to publicly demonstrate their identification with Jesus who they had initially rejected (Acts 2:38). In addition, water baptism symbolizes our death, burial, and resurrection with Jesus Christ (Romans 6:3-11). When Christians go under the water, it symbolizes they are dead and buried. When they come out of the water, they are spiritually resurrected into a new life. Their old sinful nature was impaled with Christ, and once they are resurrected into their new life, they acquire a new nature: that of Christ, who lives in them through the Spirit (Galatians 2:20). In their new lives, they ought to live without sin as much as possible, and when they do sin, they must confess it to God who will in turn faithfully forgive them (1 John 1:9). Those who believe that water baptism is required for salvation uses Mark 16:16to support their belief. There are two problems with using this verse. First, many of the oldest manuscripts do not have Mark 16:9-20. So these verses might have been added by people. Because we are not certain whether these verses are inspired by God, I don't feel comfortable using any verse in that passage to support a Biblical doctrine. Second, notice that in the second half of Mark 16:16, Jesus said, "He who disbelieves will be condemned," not "He who disbelieves or is not baptized will be condemned." To me, if water baptism is required for salvation, Jesus would have said so. Another verse that is often cited by those who believe in the necessity of water baptism for salvation is Acts 2:38: "Repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Now, this is what I gathered from my research: To understand this verse fully, we need to know the original Greek construction. "Repent" is in plural, whereas "be baptized" is in singular. So here, Peter was saying, "All of you repent for the forgiveness of your sins and you'll receive the Spirit, and each of you be baptized." Thus, repentance, not baptism, is associated with forgiveness. However, I cannot confirm that this interpretation is absolutely correct. Other than these two verses (Mark 16:16 and Acts 2:38), it doesn't seem as though there's any verse that supports the idea that water baptism is required for salvation. Even these two verses may not support this. However, my study in this subject has not ended. But for now, I don't believe that water baptism is required for salvation, and I've explained my reason here. But just to be safe, do be water baptized! It was commanded by Jesus, after all. So whether or not water baptism is required for salvation, we should be baptized. Learn the Entire Bible in Depth from Genesis to Revelation via E-mail with Dr. Shirley Cheng: Would you like to know your Creator, understand your origin, and fulfill your purpose? Do you desire to obtain true, enduring wealth, happiness, and wisdom? Then embark on your path to wisdom by learning about your Creator and His will from His Word, the Bible, and apply His principles to your life, as the fear of Yahweh God is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). Obtain an in-depth knowledge of the Holy Scriptures (both the Tanakh and the Greek Scriptures) to help you deepen your understanding of Yahweh (Jehovah) God Almighty and His plans and develop a sacred relationship with your Heavenly Father. In the In-Depth Ultra-Ability Bible Virtual Class via E-mail from Ultra-Ability Ministry, you'll be able to learn the Bible in depth from Genesis to Revelation. Sign up for the free virtual class by filling out the short form at http://www.ultra-ability.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9006260

Understanding the Holy Spirit

he Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity of God. God the Father and Jesus Christ are the two other persons of the trinity of God. He possesses unique attributes that identify exactly who He is as a living person. Using His intellect, emotions and will He speaks (Revelation 2:7; Acts 13:2), He intercedes (Romans 8:26), He testifies (John 16:13), He leads (Acts 8:29; Romans 8:14), He guides (John 16:13) and He appoints (Acts 20:28). He can be lied to (Acts 5:3, 4), He can be insulted (Hebrews 10:29) and He can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30). In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit was present in the lives of selected individuals and remained only for a short time. Samson was able to overcome the power of his enemies through the power of the Spirit of God (Judges 14:6, 19; 15:14). In the Gospels, He is present with the disciples as they follow, watch and learn from Jesus. During this time, He is the Spirit of truth and His character emerges when He connects people with the truth of God. In the second chapter of Acts, each person in the assembled crowd heard Peter's sermon in the language that each of the assembled individuals spoke. Each person accepted Jesus as the promised Messiah for the first time (Acts 2). When an individual invites Jesus to come into a personal relationship with him, that individual is also receiving spiritual guidance. Jesus tells his disciples that when the Holy Spirit will come upon them the Spirit of truth will guide all believers and followers of Jesus as the promised Messiah into all of God's truth (John 16:13). New Testament scripture verses explain how the Holy Spirit helps any individual who has accepted Jesus Christ as his or her personal savior. He enters the body of a believer who is ready to receive Him through preparation and submission to the authority of scripture. Christians discern good from evil, right from wrong and spiritual truths. Christians filled with the Spirit's power are more in tune with His inner voice that directs Christians to live holy lives. Beginning with the first Pentecost described in Acts until today the Holy Spirit is described as being in the people of God. (1 Corinthians 6:19). Christians submissive to the Holy Spirit's instructions regarding human thought and emotions are open to receiving His fruits. These are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22). Christians receive guidance and direction from Him every day. Obedience to God through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit working inside a person means that He performs His work through that individual. The fruit of the third person of the trinity of God is the life of Jesus Christ lived out in the daily lives of every Christian. Sheila D. Koester is a freelance writer specializing in writing affordable quality custom content for small businesses according to client needs and expectations. Please visit her portfolio located at http://sdkoester.wordpress.com/ for freelance writing samples and the freelance writing services available. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sheila_D._Koester Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8017703

Can You Make a Living From Preaching?

Can the average Christian make a living from preaching the gospel? Don't we need several years of college and seminary? Don't we need to be of a certain age? Don't we need to have a certain background? Don't we need to have a certain type of personality? Don't we need finances to get started? Do I have to be like a TV preacher? The average Christian can make a living from preaching the gospel of Christ. You can receive benefits from the Lord from making a living whether part time or full time. It pays to preach. And as far as those other questions listed above, no you do not need any of those in order to make a living preaching the gospel of Christ. My work as an evangelist includes the following from Ephesians 4:11, 12. "And he gave some... evangelists... for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." So I am to teach you how to preach and demonstrate the gospel of Christ, but also train you in every aspect of the ministry of an evangelist. Does that mean everyone will be an evangelist? No it doesn't, but every Christian is responsible for carrying out to completion the ministry of reconciliation or rather the great commission. And part of that includes the knowledge of the benefits which are included in such. Now why would people, certain Christians, some church leaders, and maybe even well known ministers not want you to have this information? The answer is that you would use the information regularly. The Devil sure doesn't want you to know this information because his kingdom would be destroyed in a hurry since most Christians would be out there preaching the gospel because they know they can get paid by the Lord for doing so. Some Christians would adamantly object to it because they are stuck in religious tradition started by Satan because he does not want Christians preaching the gospel. And some religious leaders and name brand ministers would not want it because they are afraid that the income to their ministries might dry up which is from Satan because he does not want Christians preaching the gospel. So either way, it is because Satan does not want you to know about this particular point in regard to preaching the gospel. I am going to tell you anyway. You need to know this and then it will be up to you to use it for the glory of God. Let's start with a few scriptures in regard to just any Christian preaching the gospel of Christ. And since there are several let's use at least two or three witnesses so that every word may be established. We will start with the apostle Paul as our first witness. 1 Corinthians 9:7 - "Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges?" 1 Corinthians 9:11 - "If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things? 1 Corinthians 9:14 - "Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel." That word "live" in the Greek means make a living as in occupation. The second witness is our Lord Jesus Christ. In Luke chapter 9 he sent out the 12 apostles without anything and told them to preach and to heal the sick and not to take anything with them. And we know from Luke chapter 10 that he sent out another seventy they same way without anything and to preach and to minister. We also have an account in Matthew chapter 10. By reading the gospels we know that "they lacked nothing" when they obeyed the Lord and went out without anything (no money, no extra clothes, no staff, etc.) and each time the provision was there to take care of them. The third witness is that of Philip who became known as Philip the evangelist. In the book of Acts he started by waiting tables. But when persecution started and everyone was scattered he went out preaching Christ and went from city to city. We find out later that Paul stayed at his house and that Philip had four daughters which prophesied. Now how did he support himself going from city to city and end up buying or building a house and also having enough money to raise a family? God provides when you preach the gospel. But you have to know this from the Word of God in order for it to work for you. Why, because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. There are many more scriptures I could give, but I will include two more before proceeding. 1 Corinthians 9:9, 10 - "For it is written in the law of Moses, thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope." Paul wrote this to Christians. Yes, those in the full time ministry like Paul certainly make a living (or should be) by preaching the gospel, but here he speaking to regular Christians. Next is Matthew 6:31-33: "Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? Or, what shall we drink? Or, wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." I submit to you that when you seek first the kingdom of God you are ministering to those that need ministering such as healing the sick and raising the dead and cleansing the lepers and casting out demons. And then coupled together with that is seeking first his righteousness. How does a person become the righteousness of God in Christ? It is by receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior. And how does one receive Jesus as Lord and Savior? It is through the preaching of the gospel of Christ. In 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19 God gave the "ministry" of reconciliation in verse 18 and then in verse 19 we get the "word" reconciliation from God. When we are preaching to individuals as opposed to a large church or other type of meeting, we can get people's attention to hear what we have to say regarding the gospel of Christ by healing them first in the name of Jesus Christ through the power of the of the Holy Ghost. And one point I would like to make here is that the gospel of Christ should always be demonstrated with power so that the faith of the people does not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." 1 Corinthians 2:4, 5 OK, so where does the money come from and how do I get it for doing the job of preaching the gospel? The money and provision come from those who hear the gospel. They were once in the world but are not anymore because of that very same preaching. And you receive the money and provision by faith. You are preaching and demonstrating the gospel by faith believing that God provides for you. But just like your job where you have to put the work in first in order to get paid, so likewise when preaching you have to put the work in first in order to get paid. And by the way, in 1 Corinthians 9:14 the Word indicates that we get paid for preaching and not the results like a salesman who needs to make sales. We are like farmers who sow seed when preaching the Word of God. The more we sow (preach) and cultivate (minister through the power of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ) the more we get paid. (See Luke 6:38 for this principle) So here are some scriptures to build your faith as to where the money and provision come from which God provides for you. "To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God." Ecclesiastes 2:26 (NIV) "The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just." Proverbs 13:22 "and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others who were contributing to their support out of their private means." Luke 8:2, 3 "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Hebrews 11:6 "Listen my dear brothers and sisters: has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?" James 2:5 (NIV) Now how much should I preach in order to see any results of provision? The parable in Mark 4 gives us a good rule of thumb. We know that when the seed of the Word of God is sown that 1 out of 4 will produce a crop with some thirty and some sixty and some a hundred fold. So to get any results from our preaching we need to preach to at least four times as many people in order to get those through which God will provide. Let's break down the math. If you preach to 12 people then 1 out of 4 will give you a thirty fold return and 1 out of 4 will give you a sixty fold return and 1 out of 4 will give you a hundred fold return. That is 3 out of every 12. Keep in mind that these are people who are not Christians initially and to whom you are preaching AND ministering. So if you work a full time job you should preach and minister to at least 12 people every month. If you are not working then you should preach and minister to at least 12 people every week. Now let's say that you preach to someone and they are healed too. You get them to tell all their friends, neighbors, and relatives about what good things the Lord has done for them. Then you tell them to get all these people to come to their house where you will minister in the power of God through the name of Jesus Christ along with preaching the gospel. If they get 12 people (this is a random number so that you can see where this is going) at their house and you preach and minister and the people get healed and delivered, then word spreads and you get more meetings in houses with groups of people. All the while you are still ministering and preaching to individuals. And once you get a few houses of several people going you organize it into a neighborhood church. And once you organize it into a neighborhood church you go to the next neighborhood because these people are obviously coming to your house meetings from other neighborhoods to get healed and delivered. And then before you know it you have several churches in several neighborhoods throughout the city. Then you do the same from city to city. Then you find yourself basically starting in Jerusalem and then in Judea and then in Samaria and then to all the uttermost parts of the earth. And you did it without media or TV or radio or print material or anything else. It was by word of mouth about the miracles taking place that keeps you in front of people preaching the gospel. When you preach the gospel God will provide for you. Yes, the people will want to support you because the "Lord has ordained" it (1 Corinthians 9:14). That means the Devil can't do a thing about it if you preach and minister by faith. But like all things that are done by faith, initially it will take a season to produce a crop especially when you first start out. But the more you preach and minister and stay with it continuously and persistently you will see the Lord provide for you greatly. (At some point you will be able to take up an offering. Follow your inward witness given by the Holy Spirit. Just pass the plate. Don't hammer about money and don't ever insinuate that people can get a miracle by just giving money or by naming their seed). The Lord will provide for you in a great way because you are putting his kingdom and his righteousness as your first priority. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9015170