The Currency of the Kingdom of God

Who made the gold and the silver and the precious stones and the material of which we make money? God made everything through the Word and nothing that is made was made without the Word. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The Word of God is Jesus Christ. The Word of God is the currency of the Kingdom of God. How does the whole process work? Do you mean that I can obtain everything I desire as a Christian with the Word of God? Yes, that is what I am saying. Psalm 45:1 - "My tongue is the pen of a ready writer." Step one is to start confessing the Word of God and give thanks because you believe that you have received what is promised. You do this on a regular basis such as twice a day in the AM and PM or more if you are pressed because you need something sooner. Faith will come automatically because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. If there is something you desire that is not specifically mentioned in the promises from the Word of God then you ask God for it in the name of Jesus Christ and believe you receive it right then and there even though the manifestation has not happened yet. God will take care of the manifestation for you. Your job is to believe you receive when you pray. Step two is to keep confessing the Word of God and giving thanks and believing that you have received what is promised and/or your desire that you have requested. Why? Because every time you do you are adding more and more to the picture that you have started to draw on your heart. Remember, your tongue is the pen of a ready writer, so what you are doing is painting a picture with the Word of God on your heart. Step three is to finish the picture in your heart. This is where you will find most of the battle of the "good fight of faith" taking place. You will have circumstances that will try and cause you to change your words and make the masterpiece you are painting with the Word of God into something awful and not even near what the Word of God says it should be. Next you will have words that produce thoughts of doubt, and words that produce thoughts from bad biblical teaching, and words that produce unscriptural thoughts from "well meaning people," and even words from suggestions from demons, which try to mingle with what you are confessing or add to what you are saying. Anything along these lines will cause a severe distortion in the picture you are painting. Lastly, you will find things and temptations that will get in the way in order to cause you to pause or to stop the "drawing" of your picture with the Word of God. If you are kept distracted long enough, then "being double minded" comes into play and you start to change your mind constantly instead of being steady in your faith. And it will seem like instead of making headway you are changing things every two weeks. So the reality is you end up with nothing and complain that this "faith" stuff doesn't work. Step four is that you start to see the beginnings of a beautiful picture in your heart that you have been painting with the Word of God. It is here that you really get excited and really get emotionally involved. It is also here that fear can try to sneak in and cause you to get scared. Why? Because what you believe you have received is close to being manifested. And your fear is that you won't get your desire and your dream will be shattered. So you decide you don't want to get your hopes up and you start looking for "alternatives" just in case things don't work out. That way you won't fail or look bad or feel stupid or be let down emotionally. It is just another way Satan uses to steal your faith from you. If he can kill off your dream and your hope, then he can step right in and begin the destruction process. And it does not matter whether it involves your finances, and provision, your relationships, your spiritual life, your mind or your emotions, your physical well being, or anything to do with your life. Here is where you have to make a stand. And when you have done all to stand you have to keep on standing. You need to have resolve that you will not quit. And the only way to have that is to keep feeding on the Word of God. You need to stay watching and praying because the Devil is always looking for an opportunity to steal your faith. But Jesus will help you stay the course if you stick with him. And by sticking with him I mean sticking with his Word. The Word of God strengthens the resolve of your will and helps you be just like Jesus in your faith. As your words continue in their confession of faith and as your picture takes shape and form, step five begins. Keep in mind that the number five is the number for "grace" in the bible. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8, 9) Step five is this: "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." (Ephesians 3:20) God manifests his promise and/or your desire: 1) EXCEEDING 2) ABUNDANTLY 3) ABOVE 4) ALL That you ask (remember those words that you spoke that were laced as one with the Word of God) That you think (remember that portrait that was painted on your heart with those words that were combined as one with the Word of God) And it is according to the power that works within you. That power is the power of faith that works by love. God loves you and he gave you his Word so that you can have life and have it more abundantly. You love God by trusting him that what he has said in his Word will be brought to pass and manifested in your life. Friends, this is how all your need is supplied by God according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19) I am a faith teaching, gospel preaching, holiness living, ordained Christian Pentecostal Evangelist that travels the highways and byways proclaiming the good news of healing and salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ with all Signs, Wonders, and Miracles following. For more information on how to receive miracles by faith check out my YouTube Channel: Article Source:

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