Having An Intimate Relationship With God

Do you realize that that God desires to have an intimate relationship with you? You may be asking yourself, "What does that mean?" It means that the Lord desires that you would know Him in the deepest ways possible. That you would come to know Him personally and to trust, lean with on HIm with your whole heart. The Lord desires that in trusting Him, you would bring every heartache, burden, trouble and need to Him. The incredible thing is that the Lord has created us with the emotional and spiritual capacity to have that kind of relationship with Him.

David had a deep and intimate relationship with the Lord. It was so intimate in fact that the Lord referred to David as "a man after My own heart" (Acts 13:22) The great thing is thatDavid, was a man like us. The interesting thing is that the Bible reveal us that David was human and flawed, just like us and yet his heart longed for the Lord and knew that only He would satisfy His deepest longings. Through David, we are able to see that we too can have a that same relationship with God and because Jesus Christ has paid the price to bring us into that intimacy, we can.

So, how can we begin on that journey of deep intimacy with the Lord. There are some steps that are required.

1. Desire
In order to have true intimacy, we need to desire or want to have that type of relationship with the Lord. The Lord never forces Himself on us. He wants us to freely want Him and all He has to offer us.

2. Trust
True intimacy does not exist without trust. Trusting means surrendering, laying down everything before the Lord. As we do this, we show our hearts to God and we reveal to Him that we are leaning on Him to provide everything we need - spiritually, emotionally and physically.

3. Communication
Communication is an important part of intimacy. As we come before the Lord and share our heart with Him, we need to put time aside to listen and hear what the Lord desires to say to us. Communication is critical because if we are not hearing from the Lord then our relationship quickly becomes stale and monotonous, rote. We can be sure that this is not what the Lord desires for us.

4. Quality Time
Just like human relationships, our relationship with the Lord will not grow in intimacy if we do not spend quality time with Him. Quality time means that we need to make the time to get to know God, His heart and His ways. Then our intimacy will grow deeper and more intimate with Him.

5. Transparent
Intimacy also requires transparency with Lord. To allow the Lord to speak directly to our hearts, we need to be fully open with Him. Openness means sharing the deepest things: fears, doubts, our desires and sin. Confession our sin and honest with the Lord is vital for intimacy.

There is so much that the Lord offers to us. He wants to have a deep, intimate relationship and draws us into it. There are so many blessings that come intimacy with the Lord, if we are willing.

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