Salvation Has Come

In my previous article I established that man needed salvation because man made an exchange of nature. Man abandoned his holy nature which is compatible with God (because it is from God) to accept the nature of sin which was impacted by the devil through sin. As a result, the entire human race became dead of God's nature.
It was this sin nature in man that made God to drive man from pursuing divine purpose, divine position and accessing God's provisions. The sin nature brought death, sickness, hatred, diseases, satanic captivity, etc upon mankind, chaos and disorder on the entire universe.
However, in the midst of this dilemma, God gave a promise of salvation for man (Gen 3:15). God in His love planned to save man from the captivity of sin and destroy the nature of sin so that man could put on His holy nature as before. This plan will require the giving of the holy life of God through the human life. The process to accomplish this plan is what we do refer to as redemption. Redemption is therefore the process which God took to bring salvation to mankind.
One important thing that we must know is that if man is to be saved, it is going to be by the grace of God. Grace here is the undeserved, unmerited favour and love which God demonstrated unto man in bringing him unto Himself. This means, man was not going to be saved by his efforts or act of righteousness. The foundation for the saving of man is going to be from outside man entirely - without the efforts and actions of man. This is because man could not save himself from the position of sin that he was. So, he needed help from outside him. And that help was the demonstration of God's grace. Scripture says clearly that we are saved by grace which is of God (Ephesians 2:8-9).
You see, we (man) do not merit salvation, we do not earn it, and it is not a reward of the work we rendered. It is not a product of our efforts. Salvation is solely the act of God's love demonstrated to undeserved men. So, from this understanding, salvation is not a product of man's work and so, man cannot make any form of boast. Salvation is of God's work.
Now if grace is the key to man's salvation, this grace must come before man could be saved. The coming of Jesus was the coming of that grace (John 1:14, 16).
Jesus is grace personified. He being righteous came to die for sinners. He came to give His life a ransom for man (Matthew 20:28, 1 Tim. 2:6). As a matter of fact, He came and demonstrated God's love unto people that hated Him, and wanted Him dead. This is what grace really means.
Through His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus released grace upon everyone who calls on Him to be saved. It is in Jesus Christ we can receive grace for salvation. Grace for salvation only came through Jesus Christ the Son of God and only in Him can one be saved.
Now the price for this grace to bring redemption to mankind was the offering of the blood of Jesus - that is, the giving of the life of Jesus - who has the holy nature of God. Scripture says, Christ as a Lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8). "Slain from the foundation of the world" reveals the intention of God in sending His Son to die for the salvation of mankind in due time.
Jesus came to earth not as a prophet but as the salvation of mankind (Matthew 1:21, John 3:16). He is the One ordained and sent by God to bring us from sin. And because Jesus brought grace unto man that results in salvation, it is only in His name can we be saved. Peter testified that "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).
Since Jesus had come, died, was buried and resurrected, and right now seating at the right hand of God, the grace for salvation has appeared to everyone (Titus 2:11). This means everyone who wants to be saved can now simply receive their salvation through this grace in the person of Jesus Christ.
Salvation is now available to everyone because grace that makes us to be saved has already come. Salvation is now for all men not just a few persons, and this includes you. Jesus was that grace, and He has paid the price for this grace to save us from sin. Salvation is therefore come unto the sons of men to escape the corruption that is in this world.
Because Jesus has come, grace has come and thus salvation is come unto man. If you are not saved, will you accept this grace today so you could be saved? Your answer should be yes because salvation has things that accompany it.

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