Christian Ministries Today - The Way We Are

Living the Christian life can be like trying to break a rock. We keep doing our best even though nothing much happens. Sometimes we get discouraged bearing the same burden, resisting the same temptation, as we go through life, but when we see the work we do for God and mankind as a ministry, we can every resistance by continuing.
The word ministry which today has been secularized and bastardized actually originated from Christendom. In Christianity, ministry stands for a gift - an individual manifestation of grace from God which us to serve Him and thus play a vital role in His plan for the redemption of the world. It is a spiritual commitment of one's gift and opportunities for the salvation and edification of souls.
For anyone to recognize and function effectively in his/her ministry, he/she must first understand that God equips His children for the sole purpose of using them to work for Him. As a result, we all must see the importance of every single soul as God sees it. We must also know who we are in the plan of God to save the whole world, recognize how we have been using our personalities and our individual gifts in the past for the edification of God's kingdom.
Hence we live in a world where hatred and misuse of one's priority abound, it is advantageous to pay more attention to the Spirit of God and advance the world positively by using the gifts that are deposited in us. God wills that we yield our hearts to Him in love, and then with courage, become effective witnesses for Him. It is when this is achieved, that the spirit of hatred and bitterness can be overcome. So many people think that things can never be different, but if we really believe the omnipotence of God's love we may not distrust His power. When God's children learn to accept His love, not only for themselves individually, but for the life of other and put into use the gifts that have been given to them, things will definitely be different.
Surely, better things will gradually prevail if believers in Christ will yield themselves unreservedly for God to work through them. Our faith in love as the greatest power in the world should prepare us for a life in communion with God through the use of our spiritual gifts (ministry gifts) as can be evidenced in prayer, a life of unselfish service among our fellow-men, etc.
However, having known what Christian ministry is all about, and how important it is to use our gifts to honour God, I want to further bring out various ministries that we are called into so as to help us master them, as well as using them for the benefit of all. This article will however run in series as important points are discussed.

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