Would you be successful in your life and in your love life? Christians have many advantages in life. One of the most important benefits is the practical teaching of the Bible on the development of our emotional intelligence. Our study this week, if taken seriously, we will increase our "QI" emotional, useful in our relationships with our colleagues, our spouse, our children and our friends. Let's dive in without delay!
I. Mutual submission
1. Read Ephesians 5:21. What does "submit" to other Christians? (The Wuest's Word Studies says that it has military significance: as in the alignment of the troops for battle. Troops submit to the organization.)
a. How mutual submission logically? In the military there are soldiers of different ranks. Those of a higher rank should they submit to those of a lower rank? General How could they submit to civilians? Officers with new recruits? (Mutual submission is unlike anything I've heard in connection with the army. Paul has given us a new concept.)
b. What is the relationship between the "fear of Christ" and mutual submission? (As I find it difficult to focus my mind on the idea of??"mutual submission", it must mean that our common Lord creates in us a special deference for each other.)
c. If Jesus is the basis of a submission to each other, it suggests he on the nature of the submission? (First, it means that we are only talking about the submission part of the code of conduct for Christians. Secondly, it appears that the absolute mutual submission never take into account any type of organization. Thus, it must mean bid in order authorities established by God. Paul continues to explain the order of authority of God. continue so.)
II. Between spouses
1. Read Ephesians 5:22-24. What does it mean for a woman to be "submissive" to her husband? (There are at least the same restrictions as those we found in Ephesians 5:21, namely the code of conduct for Christians.)
a. Think back to Ephesians 5:21. A husband should he submit to his wife? His wife is she the only person to whom he should not submit?
b. Therefore Ephesians 5:21 tells us to submit to each other, the instruction given to women to submit to their husbands is not it redundant? (We concluded that the following verses Ephesians 5:21 was a difficult explanation of the idea of??mutual submission absolute. Example, Ephesians 5:22 gives us more information.)
c. Paul tells us that the submission of a wife to her husband is similar to the submission of the church to Jesus. In what way the church submits it to Jesus? (She submits to his leadership full of love and his example of life.)
d. This statement of submission on the part of women is it limited to the culture of Paul's time? (Paul says nothing about the culture.'s All benchmarks focus on Jesus and his relationship with the church. This is a timeless reference.)
2. Read Ephesians 5:25-27. In what sense is it Jesus "gave himself" for the church? (The whole life of Jesus on earth was an example of self-sacrifice. He had virtually no good. He even gave his life for others.)
a. Should a husband to love his wife the same way selfless? (Yes.)
b. What is the purpose of the obligation of the husband to abandon himself to his wife? (The consecrate the holy.)
i. How are things going on? (Read Romans 12:20-21. This is a theme of Christianity. By abandoning ourselves to others, we win Jesus. A husband who renounces himself to his wife, God wins.)
3. Read Ephesians 5:28. This is one of my favorite texts in the entire Bible. If you want a good marriage, pay attention to this statement: "He who loves his wife loves himself." Although Paul's writings are complex, but this statement is not.
4. Read Ephesians 5:29-30. Husbands, love your wife you as much as you love yourself? Do you take care of it as much as yourself?
5. After reading these instructions to husbands and wives, can you imagine a husband require his wife to submit to him? (The instruction for women to submit is there, but husbands are exhorted to abandon themselves to their wives, to love their wives as they love themselves. Such an attitude on the part of the husband is precisely what will cause a woman to voluntarily submit. verbally assaulting his wife telling him to submit is hardly effective. Submission to husband's sacrifice like no submission that the world understands.)
6. Read Ephesians 5:31-33. It means for a man is to leave his father and mother?
a. A married man should live with his parents after convol© the knot?
b. A married man should spend more time talking to his parents as his wife?
c. A married man should share his marital dispute with his parents? A married woman should she share her marital disputes with his parents? Is it compatible with the directive to be "one flesh"? (When a spouse goes with his parents to rally to his cause against the other spouse, it follows that a resolution of the problem almost impossible. Spouse with the support of parents has no reason to compromise. L other spouse will then be angry and frustrated. The best thing for those who are "one flesh" in marriage is to solve the problems between them or with the help of a professional fair.'s family members Biased make things more difficult.)
d. Have you ever heard women talking to each other and setting uncomplimentary things about their husbands? Is it compatible with the instruction to meet her husband?
e. Have you ever heard husbands say uncomplimentary things about their wives? Is it compatible with the instruction to love his wife?
III. Between parents and children
1. Read Ephesians 6:1-3. What logical relationship there between a long and pleasant life and honoring his parents? (If you leave the trail, you would listen to the instructions of someone who has already done this hike before. It is simply common sense. Parents have already walked the path of life. Maybe not have they not follow the best route, but they probably know the best route to follow. consecrated to God Parents have the added benefit of having the overview of the Creator of Life. follow the instructions of parents dedicated to improving the quality of God and the duration of life.)
2. Read Ephesians 6:4. Paul contrasts the irritation of children with their elevation through education and admonition of the Lord. How do they oppose? (Parents sometimes get lost between their own rules and those of God. Deuteronomy 4:2 tells us not to add or subtract to the word and commandments of God. Establish your own rules boring (as did the Jewish leaders the time of Jesus) or fail to enforce the rules of God (as did the Jewish leaders before the Babylonian captivity) is wrong in both cases. Err on one side or the other will irritate your children.)
IV. Between employer and employee
1. Read Ephesians 6:5-7. This board is it applicable to employees? (Yes.)
a. The nature of our employer should it change the way we work? (No. We work as if we were working for God.)
b. When God observes it your job? (At any time).
i. How long should we be diligent?
c. What is the role of trade unions in this relationship? (Would you strike against God? Balfour The up and would you enforce your rights?)
2. Read Ephesians 6:8. That, ultimately, we pay for our work? (God will give us the ultimate reward for our work.)
3. Read Ephesians 6:9. What obligations do employers have to their employees? What does Paul mean by saying "do the same things with regard to your slaves?" (I think it refers to the previous verse, employees' work as if working for God. Employers should make decisions worthy of God in their relationship with their employees. They should not abuse employees.)
a. This obligation extends it to other leaders in the hierarchy? God calls he also them that they do not threaten those who are u
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