Is Living the Christian Life Hard?

Some people wonder: is being a Christian hard today? The true answer lies not with being Christian - but with the person themselves. Being Christian can help someone have a great anchor in their life. The Christian life gives one's life greater meaning than leading a nonspiritual life. When you believe in Heaven and that morality has a deeper meaning - you are more conscious of your actions. People that truly understand we live to be reborn into Eternal Life lead different lives than those simply living to gather up as many goodies as they can while here on Earth. If you realized that this Christian life was simply a "dress rehearsal" - wouldn't your life be different from those without spiritual meaning? One of the most important things in Christian life is prayer. Many Christians pray daily and some pray several times each day. Some Christians like to think they spend their entire Christian Life praying without ceasing - as if in constant connection with God. When you pray you don't have to use fancy or elegant words. You can simply talk to God as if you would talk to a trusted friend or favorite teacher. Because that is what God is, a trusted friend and favorite teacher. God is always there when you welcome Christian life and Christians know they can talk to God about personal matters or anything else that concerns them -- at literally any time of day. There is no specific time to pray. You can be in an elevator, grocery shopping or waiting for a business meeting to start. These are all ideal times for you to pray with God - even though some would not identify them as the ideal times to pray with God. Any quiet moment you want to talk to God is the ideal moment for you. Matthew 7:7 says, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." This is a favorite scripture of many Christians about prayer. This scripture does not talk about prayer being magical - but more that we can trust that God will listen to our prayers and will respond to them. God always responds to our prayers -- we can trust that God will respond to our prayers when we accept and welcome Christian life into our hearts. Prayer is one of the facets of Christian life. Many Christians also find great peace and solace in belonging to a church in their community. Church is not just a time to connect with God but also with other fellow Christians that share your beliefs. The fellowship of church can be calming and heartwarming. Many churches have activities for both adults and children to enjoy. Many friendships and romances are started at church, as this is an ideal place to meet people who share your values. 1 Corinthians 13:4 says, "Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant." This scripture is another favorite of Christians because it talks about love and how Christians see and express love in its purest form. This scripture is very popular to use at weddings or other romantic celebrations like anniversary parties or the renewal of vows. When you read this scripture, you realize that love in its very purest form is the expression of God's love for us. That love has no expectation of us to be anything other than exactly who we are. That when you love someone - you are not changing them or manipulating them. This sadly, is often not the love we see in the media of today. Mature Christian love is very different from the way love is often depicted in movies, television shows and even books. A Christian life is always full of love because when you let God into your heart -- you are filled with love and you attract the relationships you are meant to have. You'll find love when you welcome God's love for you into your life. Article Source:

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